HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4City of Lakeville Community & Economic Development Memorandum To: Economic Development Commission From: David Olson, Community and Economic Development Director Copy: Justin Miller, City Administrator Kati Bachmayer, Economic Development Specialist Date: January 28, 2020 Subject: Strategic Plan Summary 2020-2023 Attached is the one-page summary of the 2020-2023 Strategic Plan for Economic Development as prepared by Rapp and Associates. The following four Strategic Priorities for the Draft 2020-2023 Plan were discussed and agreed to by EDC Members at the November 26 Work Session and the City Council at their December 9 Work Session: • Business Retention, Expansion and Diversification • Maximize and Market Our Competitive Edge • Housing to Support Economic Goals • Workforce Availability and Utilization Since the November EDC and December City Council Work Sessions, City staff and Rapp and Associates staff have worked together to develop draft Desired Outcomes, Key Outcome Indicators, Targets, and Strategic Initiatives for each of the proposed Strategic Priorities listed above. This one- page summary will become the framework for the new Strategic Plan. Staff is requesting that the EDC members discuss and indicate whether they concur with the Draft Summary. Once a majority of EDC Members indicate they concur with the draft summary, the plan is to bring the full 2020-2023 Strategic Plan for Economic Development back to the EDC at the February 25 meeting. Upon receiving a formal recommendation from the EDC, the Plan would be forwarded to the City Council for approval in March. Action Requested: Provide comments and recommendations on the Draft 2020-2023 Strategic Plan Summary. Lakeville Economic Development Commission Strategic Plan Summary 2020-2023 STRATEGIC PRIORITY DESIRED OUTCOME KEY OUTCOME INDICATOR (KOI) TARGET STRATEGIC INITIATIVES Business Retention, Expansion and Diversification Limit loss of existing business - Lakeville business inventory - Building permits No net loss in businesses January 2020-December 2023 a) Create business retention program w/ Chamber/CVB b) Establish a Lakeville business expansion program c) Develop a business cluster strategy Lakeville is the first choice for expansion - Expansion and relocation lists 90% of current businesses expand in Lakeville rather than relocate in 2020-2023 Diverse industry base - Expansion and relocation reports by industry cluster Increase of at least one business in each industry cluster annually Maximize and Market Our Competitive Edge Be the community of choice - Competitive data on development decisions (win %) =/> ___ % wins each year of qualified leads on 3 high priority nodes/clusters a) Develop & enhance data analytics capacity and capabilities b) Refresh business marketing & branding strategy c) Establish a benchmark comparison system Enhanced recognition of brand - Contacts/ inquiries that result in action -Click /conversion rate =/>__% can articulate brand elements/qualities Infrastructure that leverages economic development - Infrastructure projects programmed in CIP EDC priority infrastructure projects are programmed in 2020-23 Housing to Support Economic Goals Adequate housing to support job base -__% jobs/resident - workforce housing units Reduce workforce housing gap identified in Dakota County CDA Housing Needs Assessment by 2023 by _% a) Coordinate economic development efforts related to CMU process b) Articulate objectives for workforce housing c) Facilitate housing barrier removal Housing that stimulates commercial development -Housing units in target areas -Commercial district comparisons _#_ units developed in targeted commercial areas by 2023 Policy guidance in place to achieve housing goals -policy/development alignment Corridor Mixed Use designation adopted by fall 2020 Workforce Availability and Utilization Existing jobs match skills available -Import/export -Migration __% of jobs performed by Lakeville residents by ___ a) Collaborate with Lakeville Works initiatives b) Review City programs and policies for consistency with workforce housing requirements c) Align efforts with higher ed providers Job availability matches demand -Job openings -Time to fill =/< ___% job vacancy rate in city, reported annually