HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurvey-5637 Upper 179th St WHOUSE ELEVATION DATA HOUSE TYPE = SPLIT LEVEL LOT TYPE = WALKOUT BASEMENT WALL HEIGHT = 3.5 PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR EL.= 928.2 PROPOSED TOP OF BLOCK EL.= 928.5 PROPOSED LOWEST FLOOR EL.= 925.3 HOUSE ELEVATION DATA HOUSE TYPE = SPLIT LEVEL LOT TYPE = WALKOUT BASEMENT WALL HEIGHT = 3.5 PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR EL.= 928.2 PROPOSED TOP OF BLOCK EL.= 928.5 PROPOSED LOWEST FLOOR EL.= 925.3 Zoning = RS-4FY - 20' House, 25' GarageSY - 7' Interior, 20' Corner RY - 30'SY Buffer - 30'RY Buffer - 50' The curb box, drain tile cleanout and catch basin(if applicable) must be inspected and acceptedbefore As-built escrow monies will be released. All structures must be flush with the sod. Thiswill be scheduled with the landscape inspection. EROSION CONTROLMUST BE INSTALLEDBEFORE EXCAVATION *Draintile connection required. *Maintain 6" between siding & sod *No structures in easements ENGINEERING REVIEWED Date:__________________03/02/2020 lritchie