HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-02-20CITY OF LAKEVILLE
March 2, 2020
Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City
Hall. After a moment of silence, the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was given.
Members Present: Mayor Anderson, Council Members Volk, Wheeler, Hellier and Lee
Staff Present: Justin Miller, City Administrator; Andrea McDowell Poehler, City Attorney,
Jeff Long, Police Chief; Paul Oehme, Public Works Director; Jerilyn Erickson, Finance
Director; John Hennen, Parks & Recreation Director; Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Allyn
Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator; Charlene Friedges, City Clerk
3. Citizen Comments: None
4. Additional Agenda Information: Mr. Miller provided revised ordinances for agenda items
6d and 7.
5. Presentations/Introductions
Chief Long presented the Police Department 2019 Annual Report.
6. Consent Agenda
Motion was made by Hellier, seconded by Wheeler, to approve the following:
a. Check register review
b. Minutes of the February 18, 2020 City Council meeting
c. Minutes of the February 24, 2020 special City Council meeting
d. (Removed from the consent agenda)
e. Resolution No. 20-20 amending the 2020 General Fund Budget
f. Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 22nd Addition final plat extension
g. Findings of Fact and variance to allow more than 25% impervious surface coverage at
Kingsley Shores Senior Living, 16890 Klamath Trail
h. Agreement with Prior Lake Blacktop for Quigley-Sime/Aronson/Dodd Trail parking lot
improvements, Improvement Project 20-17
i. Institution Community Work Crew contract with the State of Minnesota
City Council Meeting Minutes, March 2, 2020 Page 2
j. Contract with Jackson & Associates for the reroof of Well 6
k. Resolution No. 20-21 appointing members to advisory boards, committee and
Release of Contract for Private Redevelopment on property located at 21360 Hanover
m. Temporary on -sale liquor license to Angry Inch Brewing for an outdoor event on March
14, 2020
n. Labor Agreement with Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc., Local No. 177
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - unanimous
Item 6d
Mr. Miller presented an ordinance amending the Lakeville City Code concerning the sale of
tobacco products. The ordinance is being updated to reflect a federal law restricting the
sale of tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. He stated the City Attorney is
recommending an additional revision to the ordinance eliminating the section related to
criminal penalties for any underage person (under 21) to use, purchase, attempt to
purchase or possess tobacco products.
Motion was made by Hellier, seconded by Wheeler, to adopt Ordinance No. 1025
amending Title 3, Chapter 6, of the Lakeville City Code concerning the sale of tobacco
products and summary ordinance for publication, with the deletion of Section 7 related to
criminal penalties as recommended.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Volk, Anderson, Wheeler, Hellier, Lee
7. Pinnacle Reserve 2nd Addition
Reid Schulz, representing DR Horton, requested Council approval of the Pinnacle Reserve
at Avonlea 2nd Addition preliminary and final plat and an ordinance amending the Avonlea
Planned Unit Development.
Planning Director Daryl Morey presented the staff report. The preliminary and final plat
consists of one lot and Planned Unit Development (PUD) stage plans for a community
building and amenity park. The amendment to the Avonlea PUD would allow the front
elevations of the detached townhomes to have less than 25% brick or stone materials.
A brief discussion was held regarding the percentage of brick or stone materials on the
front elevations and whether that number should be more specific in the PUD amendment
in order to maintain the quality architecture intended with the Avonlea PUD.
City Council Meeting Minutes, March 2, 2020
Page 3
Mr. Morey explained that one of the conditions of the ordinance provides that building
materials and construction shall comply with the February 11, 2020 planning report, which
is included with this agenda packet and incorporated by reference.
Motion was made by Wheeler, seconded by Hellier, to approve Resolution No. 20-22
approving the Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea 2nd Addition preliminary and final plat and
Ordinance No. 1026 amending the Planned Unit Development District for Avonlea.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Anderson, Wheeler, Hellier, Lee, Volk
S. Unfinished business: None
9. New business: None
10. Announcements: Next regular Council meeting, March 16, 2020
Motion was made by Volk, seconded by Lee, to adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, City CI
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