HomeMy WebLinkAboutLA178353 8070 183rd St W Permit PackRESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF LAKEVILLE BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT 20195 HOLYOKE AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 952-985-4440 Office Use Only __________________ Permit Number ___________________ Received By ___________________ Date Received ___________________ Fee Total SITE ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: JOB DESCRIPTION:__________________________________ MASTER PLAN: (Number or Address)____________________ LIST OTHER STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY:_______________________________________________________________ ESTIMATED VALUATION: PROPOSED START DATE: END DATE: (New Residential Only): LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT: _____ BLOCK: _____ SUBDIVISION: APPLICANT IS: RESIDENT OWNER CONTRACTOR EMAIL NEW MODEL HOME: YES NO (IF YES – ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT REQUIRED) PLEASE FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING COMPLETELY (All Contractor information must be as listed on State License) RESIDENT OWNER NAME:_______________________________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE #:_____________________________ CELL PHONE:___________________________ GENERAL CONTRACTOR Homeowner Contractor CONTRACTOR:_______________________________________________________________________ LICENSE #:BC______________ LEAD CERTIFICATE#_______________ (PRE 1978 STRUCTURE) OFFICE PHONE #:_____________________________ CELL PHONE:___________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________ CITY:________________ ST:______ ZIP:____________ PLUMBING WORK Homeowner Contractor CONTRACTOR:__________________________________________LICENSE #: PM______________ OFFICE PHONE #:_____________________________ CELL PHONE:___________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________ CITY:________________ ST:______ ZIP:____________ MECHANICAL WORK Homeowner Contractor CONTRACTOR:________________________________________ _______________________________ OFFICE PHONE #:_____________________________ CELL PHONE:___________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________ CITY:________________ ST:______ ZIP:____________ BOND #:_______________________________________ EXPIRATION DATE____________________ SEWER/WATER CONTRACTOR New Construction Only NAME:________________________________________________ ______________________________ HOME PHONE _____________________________ CELL PHONE:______________________________ BOND #:_______________________________________ EXPIRATION DATE____________________ INTEREST EARNINGS ON THE ESCROW ACCOUNTS, IF ANY, ARE RETAINED BY THE CITY TO OFFSET THE ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH PROCESSING THE ESCROW APPLICATION AND REFUND. I HEREBY APPLY FOR A BUILDING PERMIT AND I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE INFORMATION ABOVE IS COMPLETE AND ACCURATE; THAT THE WORK WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE ORDINANCES AND CODES OF THE CITY AND WITH THE STATE BUILDING CODE, THAT I UNDERSTAND THIS IS NOT A PERMIT AND WORK IS NOT TO START WITHOUT A PERMIT AND THAT THE WORK WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED PLAN. NAME OF APPLICANT (Please Print)DATE APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE: www.lakevillemn.gov RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PAGE 2 OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING BUILDING DUPLEX AS BUILT TOWNHOUSE UNITS BUILDING FINAL DETACHED TOWN HOUSE UNIT DECK FOOTING CONDO FIREPLACE ACESSORY BUILDING FOOTING REROOF FOUNDATION RESIDE FRAMING PORCH FRAMING GARAGES INSULATION RES ADDN/REPAIR/RMDL DECK PORCH GARAGES LATH LOWER LEVEL FINISH LOWER LEVEL FINAL ADDITION OTHER FOUNDATION ONLY PORCH FOOTING MISCELLANEOUS POURED WALL DEMO SEPTIC TANK REMOVAL MOVED SITE MECHANICAL CITY BUILDING VALUATION: $AIR TEST FINAL BUILDING PERMIT FEES ROUGH-IN $PERMIT FEE PLUMBING $PLAN CHECK FINAL $SURCHARGE ROUGH-IN $METRO SAC METER SIZE $CITY WATER HOOKUP UNIT PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE $CITY SEWER HOOKUP UNIT SEWER/WATER $LANDSCAPE ESCROW SEWER/WATER $TREE ESCROW FINAL $MISC ESCROW STREET DRAINTILE $PLUMBING BUILDING INFORMATION $MECHANICAL TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION $SEWER WATER ZONING $OTHER CODE EDITION $TOTAL FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM OCCUPANCY GROUP APPROVED BY: BUILDING INSPECTOR: Date: PLUMBING/MECHANICAL INSPECTOR: Date: COMMENTS: 20195 Holyoke Avenue, Lakeville, MN 55044 952-985-4400  952-985-4499 fax www.lakevillemn.gov Sewer & Water Tie Card Address:________________________________________ Contractor:______________________________________ Permit Number:__________________________________ Final Date:________________ Street Drain-Tile:______ Size of Water Service: 1” Comments: AIRTEST SANITARY OVER 20’/2 FITTINGS THIS CARD MUST BE COMPLETED AND ON-SITE AT TIME OF SEWER & WATER INSPECTION AT SHUTTERS ONLY1/2"=1'-0"TYPICAL WDW & DOOR TRIM6" TRIM5" TRIMAT FRONT ONLY1/2"=1'-0"TYPICAL WDW & DOOR TRIMHARDBOARD TRIMHARD BOARD SIDINGHARD BOARD SIDING2-SIDED OUTSIDE CORNER2-3/4" .96"3-1/2"SHEATHINGHDBD TRIM 1-SIDED OUTSIDE CORNER3-1/2"HARD BOARD SIDINGSIDINGHARDBOARD TRIM4" TRIM 4" TRIM 6" TRIM6" TRIM1-1/2"1"ROOF PLAN1/8"=1'-0"LEFT ELEVATION1/8"=1'-0"RIGHT ELEVATION1/8"=1'-0"REAR ELEVATION1/8"=1'-0"8:12 PITCHMAINTAIN 6" MIN SEPARATION WOOD to EARTHF8:12 PITCHMAINTAIN 6" MIN SEPARATION WOOD to EARTHF6:12 PITCH612612MAINTAIN 6" MIN SEPARATION WOOD to EARTH812ASPHALT SHINGLESFLASH OVER ALL EXT OPGSF8126:12 PITCH1'-0" HEEL 9'-1 1/8" 8'-0" 1'-0"HEEL9'-1 1/8"8" REALWOOD COLUMN w/2x6 CAP & BASE8" REALWOOD COLUMN w/2x6 CAP & BASE1.0X20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 (952)985-7272DRAWN: 4-6-2017-MGCUST:SPEC HOMEF402-B-4.0CLIFTONA D.R. HORTON COMPANY40% TO 50% NEAR RIDGEVENT 1/300th OF ROOF AREAREMAINDER IN SOFFITPER IRC SECTION R806.2AAAABBBBCCCC8:128:1262' RIDGE VENT 1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"3'-3"1'-0" 1'-4" 1'-4"6:126:128' RIDGE VENT1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"PERMIT/CONSTRUCT:12-23-19-LLLIGHT FIXTURES1/2"=1'-0"BLOCKING AT7-1/4"12" 4"4" DIA. HOLE14" TO TOP OFSTONE VENEER REFANOT USEDPRODUCTCBD5/4X6 CEMENT BD. TRIMREFMATERIAL LEGENDECEMENT BD. SIDINGPRODUCTGFHCEMENT BD. SHAKES5/4X8 CEMENT BD TRIMNOT USEDNOT USEDC.B. BOARD-N-BATTENALL 4 SIDESCEMENT BOARD ONPERMIT /CONSTRUCTIONLOT 5, BLK 11 PINNACLE8070 183rd STREET WESTRESERVE AT AVONLEANORTHERN CRAFTSMANXXXXXADDRESS NUMBER8121'-0"FFSTEEL PANEL OVERHEAD DOORICE & WATERALUMINUM FLASHINGBEHIND STOOP8128128:12 8:12 1'-0" HEEL 7'-6"T.O. 2W 2040 SH (FIXED / BLACKENED) R.O. 48"x48"SHAKESTEEL PANEL OVERHEAD DOORPLANS36 SF OF STONE FOR 8.5% COVERAGEHHARD BOARDConcept Approval ONLYSubject to Field InspectionInspectorDate2015MN BldgCode03/30/2020dmathews XCLIFTON F402-B-4.0REVISED ELEC: 3-26-2019-LLPC#637: 9-3-2019-CFPERMIT/CONSTRUCT: 12-23-19-LL2FOUNDATION PLAN1/4"=1'-0"NOTE:3'-6" HIGH POURED CONC. FOUNDATION WALL TYPICAL1866 FOUND. SQ. FT.UNEXCAVATEDA/CFILL14"x8" CONC. FTG.POURED CONC. WALL6" THICKMIN. 3'-6" BELOW GRADE6" CURB, 2" LEDGEPOURED CONC. WALL16"x8" CONC. FTG.8" THICKMIN. 3'-6" BELOW GRADE39'-0"65'-0"56'-0"9'-0" 65'-0" 43'-0"18'-4"20'-8"49'-0"13'-6"20'-10"4'-8"20'-4"2'-8"6'-4"13'-6" 9'-0"UNEXCAVATED6" CURB, 2" LEDGE EA. SIDE 20x8 CONC FTG10" THICK, 3'-6" HIGH CONC WALLMIN. 3'-6" BELOW GRADE16'-3" M.O.2 ANCHOR STRAPS WITHMIN. UPLIFT CAPACITY OF 4,200 LBS.2 ANCHOR STRAPS WITHMIN. UPLIFT CAPACITY OF 4,200 LBS.2'-3 1/2"2'-3 1/2"16'-3"6"6" CURB, 2" LEDGEPOURED CONC. WALL16"x8" CONC. FTG.8" THICKMIN. 3'-6" BELOW GRADERADONVENT PIPESLAB ON GRADE10'-0"20'-0"2'-0"10'-0"7 1/2"1'-1 1/2"8'-3"8'-3" M.O.2 ANCHOR STRAPS WITHMIN. UPLIFT CAPACITY OF 4,200 LBS.6" CURB (OMIT CURB AT GARAGE DOOR OPENINGS)8" THICK POURED CONC. WALL16"x8" FTG.MIN. 3'-6" BELOW GRADE(OMIT CURB AT GARAGE DOOR OPENINGS)6" THICK POURED CONC. WALL16"x8" FTG.MIN. 3'-6" BELOW GRADEPOURED CONC. WALL16"x8" CONC. FTG.8" THICK, 4'-4" TALL6" CURB, 2" LEDGE EA. SIDE 20x8 CONC FTG10" THICK, 3'-6" HIGH CONC WALLMIN. 3'-6" BELOW GRADEPERMIT / CONST.PLANS8070 183rd STREET W22'-0" 42'-6"6"UFER Ground-Provide 20' Rebar in footing and stubup near electrical service panel. XCLIFTON F402-B-4.0REVISED ELEC: 3-26-2019-LLPC#637: 9-3-2019-CFPERMIT/CONSTRUCT: 12-23-19-LL31ST FLOOR PLAN1/4"=1'-0"1866 SQ. FT.NOTE:9'-1 1/8" PLATE HEIGHT TYPICALWDW SIZES GIVEN IN FEET AND INCHES (WIDTH x HEIGHT)TYP. FIRST FLOOR WINDOW HEAD HEIGHT AT 8'-0" U.N.O.BEAM & HEADER SIZES TO BE VERIFIED BY SUPPLIER/MFRSLAB ON GRADEWINDOW & DOOR SCHEDULECALL-OUTU-FACTORROUGH OPENINGLOCATIONSHGC#3-0 DOOR0.31FOYER0.231BEDROOM #2138 1/4" X 95 1/4"16068 SGD w/ TRAN.3060 SHDINING ROOM0.3172 1/8" X 94"0.320.310.31FLEX ROOM2W 3050 SH10.310.3172 1/8" X 60 1/4"FAMILY ROOM2W 3050 SH10.310.3172 1/8" X 60 1/4"DINING ROOM2W 3050 SH10.310.3172 1/8" X 60 1/4"OWNERS BEDRM2W 3050 SH10.310.3172 1/8" X 60 1/4"1860 SH2BEDROOM #20.310.316'-4"GAS FPRO 42"x40 1/8"FOYER2W 3050 SH 16x7 OVERHEAD DOORON ALL WALLS & CEILINGGYP. BOARDNOTE: CARPET30 SQ. FT.8" WIDE DROPPED SOFFIT(SEE SECTION)DROPPED BEAMOWNERSBEDRMCPT.LAUNDRYW D 2x6 WALL22x30 ATTIC ACCESS 5'-0"INSIDE FRAMINGCOVEREDCONC.RANGEMICRO HOODCIRCUITREF.KIT.9'-8" INSIDE FRAMING 7'-0" CABTS. 7'-3" TOP O. BATHTPH42"8'-2"INSIDE FRAMINGBEDRM #2CPT.FLEXCPT.2-82-830"TPH24" TOWEL BAR5-0 FBGLTUB/SHWRBATH #26-0 x 8-0 S.R.O.2-82-82-82-02-842"12"2-43-0TRANSOM OVER PORCH2-82-82W 3050 SHSINKDW 2W 3050 SH56'-0"12'-2"6'-0"11'-4"26'-6" 65'-0" 42'-6"20'-8"49'-0"13'-6"20'-10"4'-8"20'-4"2'-8"6'-4"13'-6" 9'-0"6'-9"6'-9"2'-4"2'-4"5'-3 1/2"6'-3"17'-11"7'-0"13'-8"W/ 14" TRANSOM6068 SGD6'-10"6'-10"4'-2"6'-8"16'-8"1'-6"5'-6 1/4"3'-9 3/4"9'-4"3'-6"9'-4"2'-8"5'-8" 2'-4 1/2"2'-4 1/2"1'-8"3'-10"5'-10"1'-2 1/4"2'-3 3/4"4'-8"4'-0"3'-2"4'-8"5'-8"5'-8"10'-5"10'-5"4'-3"SILLCOCK8'-0"2-82x6 WALL2W 3050 SH 2-8W.I.C.CPT.4'-11" 2'-8"2'-8"5'-0" 8'-2" 2x6 WALL 3'-2"3'-10"2'-2"5'-8"9'-10" 2'-5" 26'-6"1'-6"4'-10"FAMILYROOMCPT.HD FLR.HD FLR.DININGROOMLAUNDRY CABINETS 5'-6"SHOWER36x60 FBGLS 12" OVERHANG 2X6 WALL FRAMED3'-7" TOPHD FLR.HD FLR.HD FLR.HD FLR.HD FLR.HD FLR.RADONVENT PIPEMFD TRUSSES AT 24" O.C.4-0 BI-FOLD 10'-0"HD FLR.3'-0"3'-0"11'-11" 2020 FX2020 FX 5'-3" x 6'-10 1/2" S.R.O.TRANSITION BREAKNOTE:ACHVW.I.C.CPT.NOTE:MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT LAYOUT WILL VARYPER PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL,STRUCTURAL AND/OR SITE CONDITIONSWHF.D.4'-5 1/2"6'-0 1/2"8'-1"10'-0 1/2"HD FLR.CONC.WATERMETER2-85-0 BI-FOLD 9'-8" 3'-0"1'-9"MECH.12" DROPPED SOFFIT39'-0"65'-0"9'-0"18'-4"8'-2"6'-2"COVEREDCONC. PATIO4'-0"DROPPED BEAM 12"12"8" REALWOOD COLUMNMFD TRUSSES MFD TRUSSES7'-4"2'-4" 3'-4 1/2"12"1860 SH3"3"3060 SH1860 SHGARAGESLOPE TO DOORS4" CONC FLOOR674 SQ. FT.TYPICAL 2x6 GARAGE WALLS10'-0"20'-0"10'-0"4'-9"5'-3"2'-0" MFD TRUSSES AT 24" O.C. GIRDER TRUSS 8x7 OVERHEAD DOOR85"(L) X 34 1/2" A.F.F.(H)8'-3 3/4"OWNERS BEDRM22020FX24" X 24"0.310.32165 SQ. FT.NOTE:FRAMER TO ROCK &POLY MECH. RM LID10'-11 3/4"2x6 WALL 20" X 72"36 1/4" X 60 1/4"22x30 ATTIC ACCESS PERMIT / CONST.PLANS8070 183rd STREET WPLAN OPTIONSLAUNDRY CABINETSSTANDARD KITCHENFAMILY ROOM LIGHT PACKAGEKITCHEN PENDANT LIGHTINGDINING RM LIGHT PACKAGEGAS FIREPLACE3-CAR GARAGE43'-0" 6"10'-0"GASVENT HOOD TO OUTSIDE TILED KITCHENBACKSPLASH 49'-0"2-2x10 DRP BM(2)9-1/2 Versa-Lam (2)9-1/2 Versa-Lam(2)11-7/8 Versa-Lam(2)7-1/4 Versa-Lam (2)7-1/4 Versa-Lam55 3.5683.55555510633PFHPFH-Min. 15" clearance to anyobstruction from center ofW.C., 24" in front(typ). 4XCLIFTON F402-B-4.0REVISED ELEC: 3-26-2019-LLPC#637: 9-3-2019-CFPERMIT/CONSTRUCT: 12-23-19-LLFANLSDSGFISSSSS WP SSFANSD/CMDSPRINKLERSYSTEMRECEPTACLE1ST FLOOR PLAN1/4"=1'-0"ACHVFOYEROWNERSBEDRMLAUNDRYW.I.C.GARAGECOVEREDCONC. KIT.O. BATHBEDRM #2FLEXBATH #2WHF.D. PORCHCOVEREDCONC. PATIOSLAB ON GRADEW.I.C.WATERMETERRADONVENT PIPEDISP.SLLLLSS PHUSBCEILING FANROUGH-INSDSSCPHSD/CMDSSSGFIGFISSSS S WP S LSS FANPEND.PEND.PEND.LSLLLLFAMILYROOMDINING RMLLRRRLOW VOLTAGE OUTLET SEPERATE 15 AMPCIRCUIT W/ SINGLERECEPTACLE15 AMP CIRCUITFOR POWER VENTW/ SINGLE RECEPTACLEGFIA/CWPTCHIMEC DWSLLLSMART HOMESYSTEM RECEPTACLESHCP S GFISS LIGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULEDOME LIGHTLED DISC LIGHTRECESSED LIGHTLRPEND.PENDANT LIGHTSWALL FIXTURESCEILING LIGHTDDDDLLLLLLS VENT HOOD TO OUTSIDETECHTUBE PERMIT / CONST.PLANS8070 183rd STREET WPLAN OPTIONSLAUNDRY CABINETSSTANDARD KITCHENFAMILY ROOM LIGHT PACKAGEKITCHEN PENDANT LIGHTINGDINING RM LIGHT PACKAGEGAS FIREPLACE3-CAR GARAGECD X1/4"=1'-0"56'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"FAMILYROOMBEDRM #2BATH 2COVEREDCONC. PATIOFLEXCROSS SECTION B-B1/4"=1'-0"42'-6"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"CROSS SECTION A-AOWNERSBEDRMW.I.C.O. BATHGARAGE22'-6"1/4"=1'-0"39'-0"CROSS SECTION C-C1'-0"8121'-0"1'-0"8121'-0"FAMILYROOMKIT.O. BATHMFD TRUSSMFD TRUSSSLOPE TO DOORS4" CONC. FLOOR3'-6"3'-6" 3'-6" 9'-1 1/8" 9'-1 1/8" 9'-1 1/8"3-1/2" CONC. FLOOR3-1/2" CONC. FLOOR3-1/2" CONC. FLOORCLIFTON F402-B-4.0REVISED ELEC: 3-26-2019-LLPC#637: 9-3-2019-CFPERMIT/CONSTRUCT: 12-23-19-LL59'-1 1/8" 9'-1 1/8"VARIESSEE PLANVARIES122x6 STUDS AT 16" O.C.BLOCK AT MIDPOINT2x6 BEARING WALL14x8 CONC. FTG.1/2" ANCHOR BOLTSR-49 INSUL.MFD TRUSSESAIR CH U T ES APPLIED ON WARM-IN-WINTER SIDE OFTHERMAL INSULATION AT ABOVE GRADEFRAMED WALLS, RIM JOISTS, FLRS AND CLGSNOTEDUNLESSOTHERWISENOTEDUNLESSOTHERWISEOVER 1/2" SHEATHINGSHINGLES OVER FELT PAPERRIGID WIND WASH INSTALLED EXTENDINGBARRIER MUST BETO WITHIN 1-1/2" to 2"FROM BOTTOM OFROOF SHEATHING4 MIL. POLY VAPOR / AIR BARRIERALUMINUMCORNICEVENTS50% TO 80% NEAR RIDGEVENT 1/300th OF ROOF AREAREMAINDER IN SOFFITPER IRC SECTION R806TREATEDSILL PLATE4" INCH CLEAN AGGREGATEPREPARED SUBGRADECONCRETE SLAB ANDOR APPROVEDPASSIVE SUB-SLAB DEPRESSURIZATIONSYSTEM REQUIRED PER MINNESOTARESIDENTIAL ENERGY CODE 1322.2100OPENINGS, JOINTS AND SUMPSFOUNDATION WALL & SLABSEAL JOINT BETWEEN3-1/2" CONC. FLOOR SEALED AT8'-1 1/8"1/2" EXT. SHEATHING5-1/2" BATT INSULATION2x6 STUDS AT 16" O.C. W/HOUSE WRAPSIDING PER ELEV.FLOOR TRUSSES PER PLAN3/4" SUBFLOORSEE PLANVERTICAL CLEARANCE OF NOT LESS THANTHE EXTERIOR WALL TOP PLATETO THE ROOF SHEATHINGSIX INCHES FROM THE OUTSIDE EDGE OF6" MIN. HEEL 6'-0" OF ICE & WATER SHIELDINSTALL PER MFR'S SPECSTERMINATE 12" ABOVE ROOF2x6 SUBFASCIAPROVIDE RECEPTACLE FOR FUTURE RADON FANVENT PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A MINIMUM24" HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE AND 36" VERTICALCLEARANCE TO ALLOW FOR FUTURE INSTALLATIONOF RADON FAN (ACTIVE SYSTEM)GYP. BD. W/ VAPOR BARR.1/2" SAG-RESISTANTAPPLIED ON WARM-IN-WINTER SIDE OFTHERMAL INSULATION AT ABOVE GRADEFRAMED WALLS, RIM JOISTS, FLRS4 MIL. POLY VAPOR / AIR BARRIERW/ APPROVED SEALANTGYP. BD. W/ VAPOR BARR.1/2" SAG-RESISTANT1/2" GYP. BD.SEAL BEHIND POLY.SEAL BEHIND POLY.1/2" GYP. BD.SEAL BEHIND POLY.PASSIVE RADON VENTLABEL ON EACH FLR"RADON REDUCTION SYSTEM"PASSIVE RADON VENTLABEL ON EACH FLR"RADON REDUCTION SYSTEM"SIDE OF "T" FITTING INPIPE CONNECTED TO EACH1/2" OSB or 1/2" TREATED PLYWDAT GROUND LEVEL APPLICANTIONSTO MAINTAIN PERMANENT CONTACTWITH THE UNDERSIDE OFTHE SUBFLOOR DECKINGJOIST CANTILEVER DETAIL(R-30.5) (STC - 41)5" MIN. POLYURETHANE FOAM2x6 EXTERIOR WALLR-0.62R-21R-N/AR-N/AINSIDE AIR FILMR-0.681/2" GYP BD.R-0.45OUTSIDE AIR FILMR-0.171/2" EXT. SHEATHING5-1/2" BATT INSULATION2x6 STUDS AT 16" O.C. W/HOUSE WRAPSIDING PER ELEV.R-0.62R-21R-N/AR-N/AINSIDE AIR FILMR-0.681/2" GYP BD.R-0.45OUTSIDE AIR FILMR-0.172x6 EXTERIOR WALL3.5" MIN. POLYURETHANE FOAMAT PERIMETER R=20RUNNING THRU UNCONDITIONEDSPACES TO HAVER-4 INSUL. (MIN)VENT PIPER-10 RIGID INSULATIONINTENDED FOR EXTERIOR USEASTM C578, C612 or C1029INSTALLED PER MFR'S SPECSALL NON-BEARING PARTITION WALLSTO BE FRAMED AT 16" ON CENTER16x8 CONC. FTG.5000 PSI TESTED -OR-APPROVED ADMIXTUREAND CEILINGSAGGREGATE10' SECTION OF PERFORATEDGAS-PERMEABLE LAYERSEAMS 12" BETWEEN16x8 CONC. FTG.5000 PSI TESTED -OR-APPROVED ADMIXTURE6 MIL POLY V.B. W/ LAPPEDTYPICAL WALL SECTION1/2"=1'-0" SSCOPE OF WORK:INDEX:S1 - Scope, Index, and CertificationS2 - General NotesS3 - Step Footing DetailS4 - Frost Wall DetailS5 - Lookout Wall DetailS6 - Full Height Wall DetailMATERIALS:Reinforcing Steel:: Grade 40 (40 ksi) for #4 and smaller bars Grade 60 (60 ksi) for #5 bars and largerRebar Substitution Notes:1.Two #4's bundled may be used to substitute (1)#6 and vice versa provided they are of the same grade steel.2.For vertical bars on S6, #5's may be used in lieu of #6's at two-thirds of the noted spacing.Concrete: Mix design is to be prepared by the concrete supplier to meet the project's requirementsMinimum 28 day compressive strength of 3000 psi for wallsMinimum 28 day compressive strength of 5000 psi for footingsBackfill Soil:Sand - 30 psf/ft effective lateral pressureSandy Clay (SC) - 45 psf/ft effective lateral pressureClay - 60 psf/ft effective lateral pressureSITE ADDRESS:Street:City:State: MN Zip:Craig Oswell, PE (MN #42341)Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C.Project Name: 2019 Standardized Concrete Foundation DrawingsDescription: Scope of Work, Index, and CertificationProject # 18.100Client Name: Ostertag Cement, Inc.Client Address: 14198 Commerce Ave NE #300, Prior Lake, MN 55372342019 Standardized Concrete Foundation Drawings1/1/2019The drawings are to only be used by the contractor noted below or his authorized sub-contractors/clients. These drawings are to be provided to the building inspection department as part of the permit package.These drawings apply to the construction of cast-in-place concrete foundation walls for typical residential cases. These drawings are not to scale and all conditions are to be verified by the contractor. Means and methods of construction for shoring, water-proofing, insulation, flashing, control and construction joints, and all other non-structural requirements are to be by others in accordance with the Code and standard industry practice. These drawings are valid until the end of 2019.1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201Footings may be 3000 psi if an approved admixture is used to achieve a water and vapor resistance equivalent to 5000 psiI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed professional engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota.Page S1 of S6Minneapolis, MN 55413Phone: 612-720-4639Fax: 612-886-2966www.oswellec.comGGENERAL NOTES:1. Wall thicknesses noted are nominal unless specifically stated otherwise. 2. Maximum wall to footing centerline offset is 2". A minimum of 2" of footing is to extend on each side of the wall.3. Bar laps when required are to be at least 40 bar diameters for grade 40 and 60 bar diameters for grade 60.4. Bend horizontal bars or provide matching hooks around all wall corners and intersections.5. Horizontal bars may be placed anywhere within the wall thickness provided 2" minimum cover is provided.6. Allowable bar placement tolerance is 1/2". Tying is not required if tolerances are met and maintained.7.8.9. Anchor bolts 1/2" or larger in diameter do not require corrosion protection per IRC section R317.3.1 exception 1.10.Anchor bolts may be substituted with 1/2" diameter threaded rod epoxy grouted at same spacing with 7" embed.11. The presence of form oil on the reinforcing is acceptable for the conditions contained in these drawings.12. Slope grade 6" minimum downward away from foundations within first 10 feet or provide Code adequate swale.13.14.CCOLD WEATHER GUIDELINES:1.2.Concrete is to be delivered to the site in a timely manner. 3.Placement of concrete earlier in the day to take advantage of latent heat of sunlight is advised.4. Do not add additional water. Using water-reducing admixtures is recommended when required.5. Forms are to be free of snow and ice. Do not place concrete in contact with frozen ground, snow, or ice.6. Preheating of rebar is not required, however it is to be free of frost, snow, and ice.7.OOswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C.Project Name: 2019 Standardized Concrete Foundation DrawingsDescription: General NotesProject # 18.100Client Name: Ostertag Cement, Inc.Client Address: 14198 Commerce Ave NE #300, Prior Lake, MN 5537234Dowels may be drilled and installed after footing pour unless otherwise noted. Vertical bars may be embedded into footing in place of dowels at the same embedment. Vertical bars and dowels do not need to align. Dowels may be bent down for safety and covering then bent back before wall placement.The following information is general guidelines for the placement of concrete in cold weather conditions. It is the contractor's responsibility to ensure proper means and methods are followed and that the final in place product is adequate.11901 E Hennepin Ave, #201MMinneapolis, MN 55413Use of form blankets or other approved protection is highly recommended for the top of the wall at temperatures below 10 degrees F and for the whole wall when below zero degrees F.The contractor is to work with the concrete supplier to obtain a mix design which accounts for the conditions expected. Use of extra cement, early-strength concrete, and accelerators are recommended at temperatures below 20 degrees F.Sill plate sections require at least two anchors with one within 4" to 12" of each end and at all corners and intersections. Walls less than 24" in length require only one anchor. Sill plates may overhang the face of the wall provided the overhang is not loaded vertically and all anchor bolt/connection tolerances are met.Do not backfill until the concrete has reached at least 70 percent of the 28 day concrete strength. Use of adequate shoring is required when the final floor and slab systems are not in place and fully anchored.Maximum inside window well dimension is 72". Well walls are to be at least 8" thick placed monolithically with house walls with horizontal bars extended into them and around corners. Provide two additional vertical bars and one additional anchor bolt each side of opening. Opening header by others.1/1/2019FFax: 612-886-2966wwww.oswellec.comPage S2 of S6PPhone: 612-720-4639HHIGH FOOTINGLOW FOOTINGFOOTING STEP DETAILOswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C.Project Name: 2019 Standardized Concrete Foundation DrawingsDescription:Step Footing Detail (NOT TO SCALE)Project # 18.100Client Name: Ostertag Cement, Inc.Client Address: 14198 Commerce Ave NE #300, Prior Lake, MN 5537234Adjacent steps are to be placed no closer to either side of the beam section than twice the height of the largest step6'-0" maximum stepOptional control joint each end of beam section by others24" min(2) bundled #4 horizontal bars top & bottom w/ 3" min clearance extended at least 24" minimum beyond each end of beam section (bar length = step height + 4')High footing should be placed at 1-to-1 (45 degree) line, if high footing is closer to step than this line, place beam section rebar as if it was at this line as shown1/1/2019(beam section)www.oswellec.comPage S3 of S6Phone: 612-720-4639Fax: 612-886-29661901 E Hennepin Ave, #201Minneapolis, MN 55413Maximum applied actual load = 4000 plf uniform or 12,000 pound concentrated6" minimum thick cast-in-place concrete foundation wallWall framing by othersWWALKOUT/ SLAB-ON-GRADE FROST WALL DETAILNote: Maximum unbalanced fill height is 36" for 8" thick wall & 48" for 10" wallOOswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C.Project Name: 2019 Standardized Concrete Foundation DrawingsDescription:Frost Wall Detail (NOT TO SCALE)Project # 18.100Client Name: Ostertag Cement, Inc.Client Address: 14198 Commerce Ave NE #300, Prior Lake, MN 5537234Grade to be at least 6" below top of wallSill plate by others w/ 1/2" diameter anchor bolts w/ 7" minimum embed & standard washers @ 72" o.c. max or equivalent metal strap anchors (Anchor bolt clearance between edge of both wall and sill plate is to be 2")6" minimum thick cast-in-place concrete wallPage S4 of S6(1)#4 continuous horizontal bar w/in 18" of top of wall1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201Minneapolis, MN 55413Phone: 612-720-4639Fax: 612-886-2966www.oswellec.com#4 x 2'-0" long dowels @ 72" o.c. max w/ 5" minimum embedUnreinforced concrete strip footing per Code by others, provide frost protection per Code as required1/1/2019Optional slab ledge, maximum stem height is 12" w/ width to match sill plateWall framing by others66" wall spacing:8"+ wall spacing:LOOKOUT WALL DETAILOswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C.Project Name: 2019 Standardized Concrete Foundation DrawingsDescription:Lookout Wall Detail (NOT TO SCALE)Project # 18.100Client Name: Ostertag Cement, Inc.Client Address: 14198 Commerce Ave NE #300, Prior Lake, MN 5537234Grade to be at least 6" below top of wallSill plate by others w/ 1/2" diameter anchor bolts w/ 7" minimum embed & standard washers @ 72" o.c. max or equivalent metal strap anchors (Anchor bolt clearance between edge of both wall and sill plate is to be 2")Page S5 of S6(1)#4 continuous horizontal bar w/in 18" of top of wall1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201Minneapolis, MN 55413Phone: 612-720-4639Fax: 612-886-2966www.oswellec.comFooting elevation may vary below slab, provide frost protection per Code8" thick x 18" wide minimum unreinforced concrete strip footing (16" wide minimum for maximum unbalanced grade of 2'-6" or less), larger footing width may be required for specific soil bearing conditions to be determined per Code by others6" minimum thick cast-in-place concrete wall#4 x 2'-0" long centered dowels w/ 5" minimum embed wet set or epoxy grouted in place32" o.c. max for sand & 24" o.c. max for SC & clay 48" o.c. max for sand, 42" o.c. max for SC, & 36" o.c. max for clay 1/1/20193'-2" maxWood floor & wall framing by othersGrade to be at least 6" below top of wallBBASEMENT WALL DETAILTTable Notes:(1) = (2) = Allowed alternate anchors are:Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C.Project Name: 2019 Standardized Concrete Foundation DrawingsDescription: Full Height Wall Detail (NOT TO SCALE)Project # 18.100Client Name: Ostertag Cement, Inc.Client Address: 14198 Commerce Ave NE #300, Prior Lake, MN 5537234Page S6 of S6Continuous #4 horizontal bars, provide at least (2) @ 8'-0" clear, (3) @ 9'-0" clear, & (4) @ 10'-0" clear, At contractor's option: The lowest wall horizontal bar may be omitted if (2)#4 continuous horizontal bars are placed in the footing11901 E Hennepin Ave, #201MMinneapolis, MN 55413PPhone: 612-720-4639FFax: 612-886-2966wwww.oswellec.comUnreinforced if concrete is 5000 psi or if clear height is 4" lessUnreinforced if concrete is 4000 psi or if clear height is 4" lessCast-in-place concrete foundation wall w/ #6 or equivalent vertical bars placed 1.5" from inside face, see table below for spacing2x6 minimum sill plate w/ 1/2" diameter anchor bolts w/ 7" minimum embed & 2" wide x 1/8" thick square or round countersunk washers or alternative anchor (Anchor bolt clearance between edge of both wall and sill plate is to be 2.5") (see table below for spacing) Exterior top of wall may have a brick ledge provided the stem wall formed is at least 6" thick & no more than 16" high Connection of floor members to sill plate to be per Code by others1/1/2019Clear Height88' or LessBBoltsAAlternateNANA36"(1)NANACClay99'WWall Thickness88"110"112"#4 x 2'-0" long dowels @ 72" o.c. max w/ 5" minimum embedSSandSSCCClaySSandSSCUnreinforced concrete strip footing per Code by others, elevation below slab may vary as requiredMAB/ST, MASA/FA3, FWAZ, or 1/2" diameter expansion bolts w/ 6" min embed (install in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations)110'CClear Height and Soil TypeSSandSSCCClayVVertical Rebar SpacingNANANANA36"36"(1)NA24"36"NA36"36"(1)NA36"(2)NANANANANA72"48"72"24"48"18"36"(1)NANA72"36"60"24"36"12"48"18"SSill Anchor Spacing36"12"24"8" ProductsPlotID Net Qty ProductLength PliesB1 4 1-3/4" x 7-1/4" VERSA-LAM® 2.0 3100 SP 8' 0" 2B2 2 1-3/4" x 9-1/2" VERSA-LAM® 2.0 3100 SP 10' 0" 2B3 2 1-3/4" x 11-7/8" VERSA-LAM® 2.0 3100 SP 22' 0" 2B4 4 Beam by others 8' 0" 1B5 1 Beam by others 6' 0" 1B6 4 Beam by others 4' 0" 1Pt1 1 Post by others 10' 0" 1ROOF TRUSSESBY OTHERSROOF TRUSSESBY OTHERSSINGLETRIMMERSOPTIONAL WINDOW:(2) 1-3/4"x7-1/4"x8'VERSA LAMSINGLETRIMMERSSINGLETRIMMERSSINGLETRIMMERSSINGLETRIMMERSOPTIONAL WINDOW:BEAM BY OTHERSSTAIRWAY LOCATIONWITH FULL BASEMENTSINGLETRIMMERSOPTIONAL STORM ROOM:(2) 1-3/4"X11-7/8"X8' LVLPt1B5B3B4B2B6B4B4B6B1B1B4B6B64' 8"18' 4"9' 0" 13' 6"56' 0" 65' 0" 20' 10"42' 6"22' 6"39' 0"20' 8"ProductsPlotID Net Qty ProductLength PliesB1 2 1-3/4" x 9-1/2" VERSA-LAM® 2.0 3100 SP 10' 0" 2B2 1 Girder Truss by others 20' 0" 1ROOF TRUSSESBY OTHERSROOF TRUSSESBY OTHERSOPTIONAL WINDOW:BEAM BY OTHERSB2B120' 0" 10' 0"10' 0"2' 0" 20' 10"42' 6"6"Sheet: 2 of 4DWG: BaseFile: Clifton F402/F422By: Anthony EstevezDate: 6-23-17Scale: 1/4" = 1' - 0"BC FRAMERD.R. HORTONBoise Building Material DistributionLakeville, MN (952) 469-5900SALES PRESENTATION DRAWINGNo structural or dimensional check has been made of this designdrawings of the building, therefore purchaser is to check andapprove all dimsensions, quantities, loads, and details carefully.This drawing has not been check by Boise Engineering.NOTE:ALL MEASUREMENTSTO BE VERIFIEDIN THE FIELD.10-9-19AE12-14-17AERevisions:BY:"BEAM BY OTHERS" TO BE ADOUBLE 2X10 SPF #2SUPPLIED BY OTHERS,UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.NOTE:ALL HEADERS REQUIRE NOLESS THAN 3" OF BEARINGAT EACH END. UNLESSNOTED OTHERWISE.CLIFTON F402-B-GRD.R. HORTONMAIN FLOOR HEADERSDESIGN = L/360BASE MODELMAIN FLOOR W/ SLABOR FULL BASEMENT3RD STALL OPTION %12;4+)*6*#0510)4172..%‹&GUETKRVKQP#RTKN2TQLGEV0WODGT&CVG55JGGVUQH&4*QTVQP-GPDTKFIG%QWTV.CMGXKNNG/0%NKHVQPÄ$Ä)4/QFGN/KPPGUQVC%QPUVTWEVKQP-KNOGT.CPG05WKVG2N[OQWVJ/06GNÄÄYYYJCPUQPITQWROPEQOZ$.1%-+0)$'69''064755'50#+.'&616122.#6'5Y  F0#+.5'#%*0#+.'#%*,1+56616122.#6'Y  F61'0#+.50#+.$1661/2.#6'61$.1%-+0)Y  F0#+.5'8'4;+06'4+14$'#4+0)9#..+06'4+14010Ä$'#4+0)9#..2418+&'(7..&'26*$.1%-+0)$'69''0,1+5650#+.'&616122.#6'5Y  F0#+.5'#%*0#+.$1661/2.#6'61$.1%-+0)Y  F0#+.5'8'4;2418+&'64755&+4'%6.;+0.+0'Y$4#%'&9#..2#0'.(#56'0'&612.#6'5YF61'0#+.5"1%2418+&',1+56&+4'%6.;+0.+0'Y$4#%'&9#..2#0'.(#56'0'&612.#6'5YF61'0#+.5"1%6*+55*''654'24'5'065#%1/2.'6'&'5+)01(6*'³/#+09+0&(14%'4'5+56+0)5;56'/´(146*''06+4'4'5+&'06+#.5647%674'6*'.1%#6+10#0&.'0)6*1('#%*$4#%'&9#..2#0'.#0&'0)+0''4'&9+0&4'5+56+0)'.'/'066*#6+54'37+4'&(146*'*#0510)4172ž5&'5+)0+55*190106*'5647%674#.&4#9+0)59#..501652'%+(+%#..;.#$'.'&106*'2.#05/#;$'56#0&#4&(4#/+0)5'%6+1055*190&'2+%6%100'%6+1051($4#%'&9#..2#0'.561411(64755'5#$18'61,1+56564755'5$.1%-+0)#$18'#0&61,1+56564755'5$.1%-+0)$'.196*'5'2#0'.5#4'0160'%'55#4+.;4'37+4'&61#.+)0$76/#;&'2'0&+0)102.#0.#;1760#+.'#%*64755616122.#6'Y  F61'0#+.50#+.$1661/2.#6'61$.1%-+0)Y  F0#+.5'8'4;2418+&'(7..&'26*$.1%-+0)$'69''064755'50#+.'&616122.#6'5Y  F0#+.5'#%*0#+.$1661/2.#6'61$.1%-+0)Y  F0#+.5'8'4;2418+&'64755&+4'%6.;+0.+0'Y$4#%'&9#..2#0'.(#56'0'&612.#6'5YF61'0#+.5"1%411(64755'5$4#%'&9#..2#0'.(.#6Z"1% /+0  2'4$4#%'&9#..2#0'. 5+/2510#(4#/+0)#0).''#%*'0&  ŒZ0#+.52418+&'9+&6*9'$56+(('0'4(14#66#%*/'061((4#/+0)#0).'$4#%'&9#..2#0'.  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Ä(6 Ä(6 Passive (No Fan) Active (With fan and monitoring device ) Location (or future location) of Fan: Other Please Describe Here Not applicable, all ducts located in conditioned space Not required per mech. code Passive Powered Interlocked with exhaust device. Describe: Input in BTUS: Capacity in Gallons: Other, describe: AFUE or HSPF% Cfm's " round duct OR " metal duct Not required per mech. code Passive Low: Other, describe: Low: Location of fan(s), describe: Cfm's " round duct OR " metal duct Per R401.3 Certificate. A building certificate shall be posted on or in the electrical distribution panel. New Construction Energy Code Compliance Certificate Name of Residential Contractor MN License Number City Mailing Address of the Dwelling or Dwelling Unit Rigid, Extruded PolystyreneHeat Recover Ventilator (HRV) Capacity in cfms: Energy Recover Ventilator (ERV) Capacity in cfms: Combustion Air Select a Type Location of duct or system: Rim Joist (2nd Floor+) Building envelope air tightness: Below Entire Slab Fuel Type Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC): Windows & Doors Ceiling, vaulted Bay Windows or cantilevered areas Floors over unconditioned area THERMAL ENVELOPE Foam Open Cell Wall Rigid, Isocynurate Perimeter of Slab on Grade RADON CONTROL SYSTEM Total R-Value of all Types of InsulationType: Check All That Apply Mineral FiberboardInsulation Location Foam, Closed Cell Describe other insulated areas Ceiling, flat Non or Not ApplicableFiberglass, BlownFiberglass, Batts Foundation Wall Output in Tons: Appliances Cooling System Location of duct or system: Heating or Cooling Ducts Outside Conditioned Spaces Make-up Air Select a Type Domestic Water Heater Model Heating System Rim Joist (1st Floor) Average U-Factor (excludes skylights and one door ) U: Duct system air tightness: Rating or Size Efficiency Heating Gain Cooling Load Select Type Describe any additional or combined heating or cooling systems if installed: (e.g. two furnaces or air source heat pump with gas back-up furnace): Residential Load Calculation SEER /EER Capacity continuous ventilation rate in cfms: Heating Loss Manufacturer Total ventilation (intermittent + continuous) rate in cfms: Balanced Ventilation capacity in cfms: High: High: MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM Date Cert. Posted R-value MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Builders Associaton of Minnesota version 101014 Clifton F402 - Slab On Grade HVAC Load Calculations for D.R. Horton 20860 Kenbridge Ct. Ste 100 Lakeville, MN 55044 Prepared By: Jake Ryan Silver Tree Plumbing & Heating 1335 Mendota Heights Rd Mendota Heights, MN 55120 651-900-7053 Monday, December 2, 2019 Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J, D and S computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Silver Tree Plumbing & Heating Clifton F402 - Slab On Grade Eagan, MN 55121 Page 2 Project Report General Project Information Project Title:Clifton F402 - Slab On Grade Designed By:Jake Ryan Project Date:12/2/2019 Project Comment: Client Name:D.R. Horton Client Address:20860 Kenbridge Ct. Ste 100 Client City:Lakeville, MN 55044 Client Phone:(952) 985-7272 Company Name:Silver Tree Plumbing & Heating Company Representative:Jake Ryan Company Address:1335 Mendota Heights Rd Company City:Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Company Phone:651-900-7053 Company E-Mail Address:jaker@silvertreepandh.com Design Data Reference City:Minneapolis, Minnesota Building Orientation:Front door faces North Daily Temperature Range:Medium Latitude:44 Degrees Elevation:834 ft. Altitude Factor:0.970 Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Rel.Hum Dry Bulb Difference Winter:-15 -15.33 n/a 30%72 33.90 Summer:88 73 50%50%75 35 Check Figures Total Building Supply CFM:795 CFM Per Square ft.:0.426 Square ft. of Room Area:1,866 Square ft. Per Ton:931 Volume (ft³):16,790 Building Loads Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air:44,612 Btuh 44.612 MBH Total Sensible Gain:19,296 Btuh 80 % Total Latent Gain:4,754 Btuh 20 % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air:24,050 Btuh 2.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Notes Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J, D and S computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. F:\ ...\F402 Slab Heat Calc.rh9 Monday, December 2, 2019, 9:49 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Silver Tree Plumbing & Heating Clifton F402 - Slab On Grade Eagan, MN 55121 Page 3 Load Preview Report Scope Has AED Net Ton ft.² /Ton Area Sen Gain Lat Gain Net Gain Sen Loss Min Htg CFM Min Clg CFM Sys Htg CFM Sys Clg CFM Sys Act CFM Duct Size Building 2.00 931 1,866 19,296 4,754 24,050 44,612 517 795 517 795 795 System 1 Main Floor Yes 2.00 931 1,866 19,296 4,754 24,050 44,612 517 795 517 795 795 10x15 Ventilation 389 1,972 2,361 2,920 Supply Duct Latent 170 170 Return Duct 1,942 516 2,458 3,043 Humidification 3,818 Zone 1 1,866 16,965 2,096 19,061 34,831 517 795 517 795 795 10x15 1-Main Floor 1,866 16,965 2,096 19,061 34,831 517 795 517 795 795 7--6 F:\ ...\F402 Slab Heat Calc.rh9 Monday, December 2, 2019, 9:49 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Silver Tree Plumbing & Heating Clifton F402 - Slab On Grade Eagan, MN 55121 Page 4 Duct Size Preview Room or Duct Name Source Minimum Velocity Maximum Velocity Rough. Factor Design L/100 SP Loss Duct Velocity Duct Length Htg Flow Clg Flow Act. Flow Duct Size System 1 Supply Runouts Zone 1 1-Main Floor Built-In 450 750 0.01 0.1 578.3 517 795 795 7--6 Other Ducts in System 1 Supply Main Trunk Built-In 650 900 0.003 0.1 763 517 795 795 10x15 SummarySummarySummarySummarySummarySummarySummarySummary System 1 Heating Flow:517 Cooling Flow:795 F:\ ...\F402 Slab Heat Calc.rh9 Monday, December 2, 2019, 9:49 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Silver Tree Plumbing & Heating Clifton F402 - Slab On Grade Eagan, MN 55121 Page 5 Total Building Summary Loads Component Description Area Quan Sen Loss Lat Gain Sen Gain Total Gain LOWEE BUILDER GRADE: Glazing-LOWEE BUILDER GRADE, ground reflectance = 0.23, indoor insect screen with 100% coverage, U-value 0.32, SHGC 0.32 225 6,266 0 4,974 4,974 11J: Door-Metal - Fiberglass Core, U-value 0.6 37.8 1,972 0 544 544 12F-0sw: Wall-Frame, R-21 insulation in 2 x 6 stud cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs, U-value 0.065 1609.2 9,100 0 1,391 1,391 R49 Attic: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), Custom, R49 Attic, U-value 0.02 1865.5 3,246 0 2,537 2,537 22B-10ph: Floor-Slab on grade, Vertical board insulation covers slab edge and extends straight down to 3' below grade, any floor cover, R-10 insulation, passive, heavy moist soil, U-value 0.481 208 8,704 0 0 0 Subtotals for structure:29,288 0 9,446 9,446 People:6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipment:896 3,142 4,038 Lighting:350 1,194 1,194 Ductwork:7,532 685 3,745 4,431 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 11, Summer CFM: 0 1,054 0 0 0 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 85, Summer CFM: 85 2,920 1,972 389 2,361 Humidification (Winter) 10.41 gal/day :3,818 0 0 0 Total Building Load Totals:44,612 4,754 19,296 24,050 Check Figures Total Building Supply CFM:795 CFM Per Square ft.:0.426 Square ft. of Room Area:1,866 Square ft. Per Ton:931 Volume (ft³):16,790 Building Loads Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air:44,612 Btuh 44.612 MBH Total Sensible Gain:19,296 Btuh 80 % Total Latent Gain:4,754 Btuh 20 % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air:24,050 Btuh 2.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Notes Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J, D and S computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. F:\ ...\F402 Slab Heat Calc.rh9 Monday, December 2, 2019, 9:49 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Silver Tree Plumbing & Heating Clifton F402 - Slab On Grade Eagan, MN 55121 Page 6 Building Rotation Report All rotation degree values in this report are clockwise with respect to the project's original orientation. Building orientation as entered (zero degrees rotation): Front door faces North Individual Rooms Rm. No. Room Name 0° Rot. CFM 45° Rot. CFM 90° Rot. CFM 135° Rot. CFM 180° Rot. CFM 225° Rot. CFM 270° Rot. CFM 315° Rot. CFM High Duct Size System 1: Zone 1: 1 Main Floor 795 856 868 *878 786 819 822 838 8--6 * Indicates highest CFM of all rotations. Whole Building Rotation Degrees Front door Faces Supply CFM Sensible Gain Latent Gain Net Tons 0°North 795 19,296 4,754 2.00 45°Northeast 856 20,616 4,755 2.11 90°East 868 20,866 4,756 2.14 135°Southeast *878 *21,085 4,755 *2.15 180°South 786 19,125 4,757 1.99 225°Southwest 819 19,823 4,753 2.05 270°West 822 19,892 *4,757 2.05 315°Northwest 838 20,230 4,755 2.08 * Indicates highest value of all rotations. 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 North Northeast East Southeast South Southwest West NorthwestCooling TonsDirection Front door Faces Building Rotation Tonnage Building Net Tonnage F:\ ...\F402 Slab Heat Calc.rh9 Monday, December 2, 2019, 9:49 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Silver Tree Plumbing & Heating Clifton F402 - Slab On Grade Eagan, MN 55121 Page 7 Building Rotation Report (cont'd) 21,000 22,000 23,000 24,000 25,000 26,000 27,000 28,000 8 am 9 am 10 am 11 am 12 pm 1 pm 2 pm 3 pm 4 pm 5 pm 6 pm 7 pmBuilding Net Gain, BtuhTime of Day Building Rotation Hourly Net Gain Front door faces North Front door faces Northeast Front door faces East Front door faces Southeast Front door faces South Front door faces Southwest Front door faces West Front door faces Northwest F:\ ...\F402 Slab Heat Calc.rh9 Monday, December 2, 2019, 9:49 AM 03/09/2020 X KP