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LA167737 Plans
Utility: Dakota Electric 24/7 unescorted keyless access for meters and fused AC discconnect provided Equipment List: #PV-SP-101 (SitePlan) Customer: Project Information: Nathan Schwartz 16275 Havelock Way, Lakeville, MN 55044 Phone: (952) 388-9522 nschwartz@tigerisk.com 7.98kW Roof Mounted Solar PV System N W E S Modules: (21) Jinko Solar 380W DC Optimizers: (21) SE-P400 Inverter: (1) SE7600H-US Attachment: FlashFoot2 Racking: Iron Ridge Roof: Asphalt Shingle Mount: Flush Mount Installer: U.S. Wiremen 357 East 97th 1/2 St, Bloomington, MN 55420 (612) 986-1855 u.s.wiremen@gmail.com Job sold by: MN Solar and More (320) 354-5015 MNSolarandMore.com There are no over- head, or any other, clearance issues. System is weather- proof, durable and premanently mounted. <--- 3’ --->Existing Meter New Produciton Meter Fused Utility AC Disconnect Havelock Way <----- ----->58’Griffon Trail< - - - - - -- - - - > 590’ Concept Approval ONLYSubject to Field Inspection Inspector Date 2015 MN Bldg Code 04/05/2019gabbott Separate approval and permits required for: - Electrical Provide copy of city approved plans on the job site for the inspector © 2016 IronRidge, Inc. FlashFoot2 Certification Letter - 1 1495 Zephyr Avenue Hayward, CA 94544 1-800-227-9523 IronRidge.com Attn: David F. Taggart, VP Products, IronRidge Inc. Date: September 30th, 2016 Re: Structural Certification for the IronRidge FlashFoot2 This letter addresses the structural capacity of the IronRidge FlashFoot2 (FF2) component for use as a roof attachment for PV solar systems. FF2 is composed of an aluminum Cap, a 9” x 12” aluminum flashing, and an aluminum stabilizing base. The flashing component is attached to an underlying roof rafter using a 5/16” lag bolt. The assembly details are shown in Exhibit EX-0013. The referenced uplift and lateral resistance of FF2 is based on structural tests conforming to ASTM D1761-12 “Standard Test Methods for Mechanical Fasteners in Wood.” Testing was performed by installing a FF2 component on a sample roof deck composed of composition shingles covering ½” OSB Board over a 2x4 Douglas Fir rafter as shown in Figure 1. The moisture content and specific gravity of the rafter was measured and recorded per ASTM D2395-14 “Standard Test Methods for Density and Specific Gravity (Relative Gravity) of Wood and Wood-Based Materials.” The moisture content for uplift test samples was between 8% and 15% with an average specific gravity of 0.54. The moisture content for lateral test samples was 13% with an average specific gravity of 0.54. The critical failure mode observed for both the uplift and lateral tests was pullout of the 5/16” lag screw from the rafter. The average peak loads recorded at the critical failure point for the uplift and lateral tests were 3203 lbs. and 1237 lbs., respectively. A safety factor of 3.0 was applied to certify the allowable uplift capacity to 1067 lbs. and the allowable lateral capacity to 412 lbs. for a substrate with a specific gravity of 0.54. For rafter wood species with specific gravity other than 0.54, the allowable uplift capacity shall be adjusted by a factor of �𝐺𝐺0.54�32 per AP&PA National Design Specification Eq. (12.2-1), and the allowable lateral capacities shall be adjusted per the equation 1 −(0.5 −𝐺𝐺) from APA Engineering Wood Construction Guide APA 2011 (G is wood specific gravity). For the common wood species, the allowable capacities are provided in Table 1. Table 1. IronRidge FlashFoot2 Allowable Capacities (1) Wood Species NDS Assigned Specific Gravity(2) Allowable Uplift Capacity (lbs)(3) Allowable Lateral Capacity (lbs)(3) Douglas Fir, Larch 0.50 951 396 Douglas Fir, South 0.46 839 380 Hem, Fir 0.43 758 368 Hem, Fir (North) 0.46 839 380 Southern Pine 0.55 1097 416 Spruce, Pine, Fir 0.42 732 364 (1) The minimum size rafter is 2x4. (2) The listed specific gravities are per 2015 NDS Table 12.3.3A. (3) Values are based on securing lag bolt within center 1/3 of rafter width with a minimum 2.5” end distance, and loading directions as shown in Figure 1. #A IRON RIDGE Sincerely, Gang Xuan, PE, LEED AP Senior Structural Engineer © 2016 lronRidge, Inc. of /30/2 V./ b 1495 Zephyr Avenue Hayward, CA 94544 1-800-227-9523lronRidge.com FlashFoot2 Certification Letter - 2 4.5in 3.0in 9.0in 12.0in 3.6in 3.7in STABILIZING BASE 2 1 3 4 FlashFoot2 Cap can be installed in either orientation shown EXHIBIT: EX-0013 ITEM NO.DESCRIPTION 1 ASSY, FLASHING, MILL OR BLACK 2 ASSY, CAP, MILL OR BLACK 3 BOLT LAG 5/16 X 4.75" 4 WASHER, EPDM BACKED ASSY, FLASHFOOT2 DWG. NO. EX-0013 Tech Brief The Strongest Attachment in Solar IronRidge FlashFoot2 raises the bar in solar roof protection. The unique water seal design is both elevated and encapsulated, delivering redundant layers of protection against water intrusion. In addition, the twist-on Cap perfectly aligns the rail attachment with the lag bolt to maximize mechanical strength. FlashFoot2 Twist-On Cap FlashFoot2’s unique Cap design encapsulates the lag bolt and locks into place with a simple twist. The Cap helps FlashFoot2 deliver superior structural strength, by aligning the rail and lag bolt in a concentric load path. Single Socket Size A custom-design lag bolt allows you to install FlashFoot2 with the same 7/16” socket size used on other Flush Mount System components. Three-Tier Water Seal FlashFoot2’s seal architecture utilizes three layers of protection. An elevated platform diverts water away, while a stack of rugged components raises the seal an entire inch. The seal is then fully-encapuslated by the Cap. FlashFoot2 is the first solar attachment to pass the TAS-100 Wind-Driven Rain Test. Water-Shedding Design An elevated platform diverts water away from the water seal. © 2016 IronRidge, Inc. All rights reserved. Visit www.ironridge.com or call 1-800-227-9523 for more information. Version 1.0 Tech Brief Installation Features Testing & Certification Structural Certification Designed and Certified for Compliance with the International Building Code & ASCE/SEI-7. Water Seal Ratings Water Sealing Tested to UL 441 Section 27 “Rain Test” and TAS 100-95 “Wind Driven Rain Test” by Intertek.Ratings applicable for composition shingle roofs having slopes between 2:12 and 12:12. UL 2703 Conforms to UL 2703 Mechanical and Bonding Requirements. See Flush Mount Install Manual for full ratings. Alignment Markers Quickly align the flashing with chalk lines to find pilot holes. Rounded Corners Makes it easier to handle and insert under the roof shingles. Reinforcement Ribs Help to stiffen the flashing and prevent any bending or crinkling during installation. A B C E B C Benefits of Concentric Loading Traditional solar attachments have a horizontal offset between the rail and lag bolt, which introduces leverage on the lag bolt and decreases uplift capacity. FlashFoot2 is the only product to align the rail and lag bolt. This concentric loading design results in a stronger attachment for the system. A