HomeMy WebLinkAboutLA179433 PERMIT City of Lakeville Permit Type: Electrical 20195 Holyoke Ave Permit Number: LA179433 Lakeville,MN 55044 (952)985-4440 * L R 1 7 9 4 3 3 * www.ci.lakeville.mn.us Date Issued• 05/07/2020 Site Address: 17400 Glacier Way Lot: Block: Addition: PID: � Use: Springs of Lakeville * * Description: Sub Type: CommerciaUIndustrial Work Type: Alter/Remodel Description: Garage#3 Comments: Fee Summary' Descri ta ion Amount Revenue Code EL-Commercial Addn/Rmdl $75.00 1000-4167 Valuation: 5,000.00 Surcharge-Based on Valuation $2.50 1000-2127 Total: $77.50 Contractor: - Appli�ant - Owner: Burnsville Electric 14340 County Road 5 Burnsville MN 55306 (612)363-0407 I HEREBY AGREE THAT THIS WORK WILL BE PERFORMED ACCORDING TO: (1)THE APPROVED PLANS& 5PECIFICATIONS;(2)THE APPLICABLE CITY ORDINANCES&CODES;AND(3)THE MN STATE BUILDING CODE. ',� ':: t 4 -� ApplicantlPermitee: Signature Issued By: ignature � .. ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION � U e t�n�y„ 1� �� �� _� ��, Permit Number C[TY OF LAKEVILLE �,�)� -_ ��=7C:`c��' -�- BUiLDING INSPECTIONS DF,PARTMENT s • 20195 HOLYOKE AVENUE Received By � LAKEVILLE,MN 55044 �'? — � ' t' 952-985-4440 Date Received www.lakeviilemn.�ov 0.00� ��` Fee Total BATE 5/7/2020 YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS tj@bumsvilleelectric.com SI7'E ADDRESS 17400 Glacier WaV TENANT Continental Properties SUITE NO. TIIE APPLIAN'T IS: []RESIDENT OWNER [,[�CONTRACTOR NAtv� Continenta1484 Fund LLC RESIDENT OWNER ADVR�,ss W134 N8675 Executive Parkwav CtT'v Menomonee Falls STATE WI zIP 53051 DAYTIME PHONE#WHERE YOU CAN BE REACHED COMPANY NAME Bumsviile Electric LICENSE#EA 000342 CONTRACTOR ADDRF,SS 14340 County Rd 5 Company name must be as CITY Bumsville STATE MN Zip 55360 appears on State License pFFICE PHONE# FAX# CONTACT NAME Tj Jakubic PHONE 952 435 9062 ❑SINGLE FAMILY m MULTI-FAMILY ❑SWIMMING POOL ❑TWO FAMILY ❑COMMERCIAL/INDUS'IRIAL ❑UNDEFINED PERMiT TYPE �MANUFACT(JRED HOME ❑FIRF,ALARM POWER ❑'I'OWNHOUSE ❑Meter Bank (Contractor Only) �SIGN ❑Single Meter ❑INSTITUTIONAI. mOTHER(see description) Residential Addition/Remodel Permits Available on-line TYPE OF WORK mNEW �ADDITION �ALTER/REMODEL ❑MAINTENANCE/RBPAIR ❑TEN�NTFINISH �DEMOLITION Onty Licensed Electrical Contractors can do work in a Townhouse that has meter bank instead of single meters attached to the units. Only Lieensed Electricat Contractors can do work in Manufactnred Rome Parks. (�FTAIi FI�I��'SC;RIPTInN l')F�n�nRK•NaiN Gara�p tt 3 fnr anartman�,p��p„� RES[DENTIAL FEES: New Construction: $135.00+$1.00 State Surcharge (up ta three trips) Repairs: $40.04+$1.00 SYate Surcharge (one trip) Additions,Remodel,Lower Level: $70.00+$1.00 State Surcharge (two trips) CC11�'IM�'�2C1[�1,F�'F:S: Minimum of$40.00+$1.00 State Surcharge(one trip}--Remodel Minimum$'70.00+$1.00 State Surcharge(two trips) JOB COST: $ 5,000.0� Example:$12,000 Job Cost 1-1/2%of contract cost up to$10,000 $75.00 $10,000.00 x 1.5%= $150.00 1%of cost above$10,000 plus surcharge + $ 2,000.00 x 1% = + 20.00 (Surcharge=Contract Cost x.0005) + $2.50 $12,000 x.0005 = + 6.00 TOTAt. = $77.50 = $]76.00 I hereby apply for an electrical permit and I acknowledge that the information above is camplete and accurate; that the work wiil be in conformance with the ordinances and eodes of the City of Lakeville and with the Minnesota Electrical Act;that I undersYand this is not a permit but only an application for a permit and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in aceordance with the approved plan in the case of all work which requires review and approval of plans. NAME OP APPLICANT(Please Print) TJ Jakubic SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT; PLEASE NOTE; SEPARATE PERMI'I'S ARE REQUIRED FOR ANY BLTILDING,MECHAIVICAL&PLUMBING WORK