May 6, 2020
Committee Chair Swan called the virtual meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Lindsay Haneman, Nick Thompson, Holly Weberg, Jim Storms, Patty Zuzek, Bob
Swan, Steve Henneberry
Members Absent: Monica Joubert
Staff Present: Parks and Recreation Director John Hennen, Environmental Resources Manager Mac
Cafferty, Recording Secretary Stella Eskelson
1. Election of Officers:
Motion was made by Thompson, seconded by Swan to nominate committee member Zuzek
to the office of chair effective May 6, 2020.
Ayes: unanimous
Motion was made by Thompson, seconded by Haneman to nominate committee member
Weberg to the office vice-chair effective May 6, 2020.
Ayes: unanimous
Motion was made by Storms, seconded by Zuzek to nominate committee member Thompson
to the office of Secretary effective May 6, 2020.
Ayes: unanimous
2. Approval of April 15, 2020 minutes
Motion was made by Haneman, seconded by Hennenberry to approve the April 15, 2020
minutes as written.
Ayes: unanimous
3. Citizen comments
No citizen comments.
4. Staff Report
Staff shared an update from the May 4 City Council meeting during which some of the
restrictions on the closure of various amenities were lifted. Staff was directed to open
playgrounds, tennis courts, some of the pickleball courts, mini golf and disc golf courses. The
restrooms will remain closed at this time and additional portables will be placed throughout
the parks system. The contractor is instituting new sanitation protocol for cleaning these units.
Organized play is still prohibited per the Governors’s order , staff has been in discussions with
the youth athletic associations regarding future organized play. .
A number of expense reductions were presented to the Administration and Finance
Departments as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. Upcoming playground replacements, Tree
Trust projects and court resurfacing projects were among those recommended for removal
Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, May 6, 2020 Page 2
from the 2020 budget . There are also reductions to the number of seasonal staff that will be
hired for Park Maintenance this summer.
Committee member questions:
What other cities have opened their facilities? Staff has been in contact with surrounding
communities, an estimated 2-3 cities also made the decision to open playgrounds and more
are trending this way. Signage will be posted at each playground stating that the play
equipment is not sanitized, and educational signage will be posted at other facilities that are
due to reopen.
Could there be a way to sanitize the play equipment? There is not a viable option to ensure
sanitation of the play equipment.
What are the youth athletic associations currently doing? They are on hold per the Governor’s
stay at home order and will reassess their options after May 18. Some of the associations have
already started discussions around what practices and games could look like while adhering
to the social distancing guidelines.
5. Fed-Ex 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat
This plat consists of an 88,255 square foot expansion of the existing building on-site and will
include additions to the maintenance and warehouse buildings. The property is located at the
southeast quadrant of 215th Street and Dodd Boulevard. There are no impacts to wetlands or
significant trees on-site. A cash contribution of $58,661.46 will be made to satisfy the Park
Dedication Fee.
Motion made by Swan, seconded by Storms to recommend to City Council approval of
the Fedex 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat as presented in the May 1 Planning and
Engineering reports.
Ayes: unanimous
6. Launch Park Second Addition Preliminary Plat
This plat includes one lot and two outlots consisting of 54.63 acres located east of Cedar
Avenue and north of 222nd Street. There are no impacts to wetlands or significant trees on-site.
A cash contribution of $72,198.72 will be made to satisfy the Park Dedication Fee at the
approval of the final plat.
Motion made by Weberg, seconded by Thompson to recommend to City Council
approval of the Launch Park Second Addition Preliminary Plat as presented in the May 1
Planning and Engineering reports.
Ayes: Unanimous
7. Knob Hill North Preliminary Plat
The proposed Knob Hill North development will include 36 single family lots and 42 detached
townhome lots on 30 acres. The development is located west of Pilot Knob Road and north of
179th Street. Construction of 10-foot wide bituminous trails along both sides of 179th Street
were approved with the final plat. There is no impact to wetlands or significant trees on-site.
Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, May 6, 2020 Page 3
The Park Dedication fee will be satisfied through cash contribution and land dedication. As
part of the Autumn Meadows Third Addition plat, 2.87 acres north of 179th Street were
dedicated for park usage and an additional 4.52 acres will be deeded to the city.
Motion made by Swan, seconded by Henneberry to recommend to City Council
approval of the Knob Hill North Preliminary Plat as presented in the April 30 Planning and
Engineering reports.
8. Other Business
No other business
9. Announcements
The next committee meeting is scheduled for May 20.
10. Adjourn:
Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stella Eskelson, Recording Secretary