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The Preserve
City of Lakeville Planning Department Memorandum To: Planning Commission From: Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner Date: May 15, 2020 Subject: Packet Material for the May 21, 2020 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Item: The Preserve preliminary plat Action Deadline: July 31, 2020 BACKGROUND Representatives of Progressive, LLC have submitted applications for a preliminary plat, rezoning, and variance to allow the development of 89 single-family residential lots be known as The Preserve. The area of the preliminary plat includes four metes and bounds described parent parcels consisting of 89 single-family home lots and five outlots totaling 81.92 acres. The Preserve preliminary plat is generally located northeast of Kenwood Trail (CSAH 50), west of 188th Street, east of 190th Street, Javelin Avenue and Javelin Way and north of Iteri Avenue and Inndale Drive. The request includes a rezoning of the property from RS-2, Single Family Residential District to RS-3, Single Family Residential District. A variance for buffer yard lot width for three lots is also proposed. The Preserve preliminary plat plans have been distributed to Engineering Division and Parks and Recreation Department staff, and the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee and the Dakota County Plat Commission. EXHIBITS A. Aerial Photo Map B. Existing and Proposed Zoning Map C. Development Overview Narrative D. Existing Conditions & Tree Preservation Survey E. Preliminary Plat 2 F. Grading Plan (5 Pages) G. Stormwater (SWPPPP) and Erosion Control Plan H. Utility Plan I. Wetland Preservation Plan (4 Pages) J. Tree Preservation Plan and Inventory Tabulation (13 Pages) K. Landscape Plan L. Trail Easement Sketch M. Development Phasing Plan N. June 19, 2019 Neighborhood Meeting Notes O. Dakota County Plat Commission Letter, dated June 25, 2019 P. Wenck Technical Memo 11-12-19 Q. Wenck Investigation Work Plan 2-2020 R. Wenck Technical Memo 3-6-20 S. Wenck Site Remediation & Redevelopment Plan to MPCA 3-11-20 T. Wenck Executive Summary Narrative 5-6-20 PLANNING ANAL YSIS REZONING The developer requests approval of a rezoning of the subject property from RS-2, Single Family Residential District to RS-3, Single Family Residential District consistent with the zoning of the single-family neighborhoods to the east, west and south of the proposed The Preserve plat. The RS-2 and RS-3 Districts are differentiated by requirements of minimum lot size and lot width. The RS-2 District requires 100-foot wide, 15,000 square foot lots. The RS-3 District requires 85-foot wide, 11,000 square foot lots. Exhibit A identifies the area of the property that includes The Preserve that would be rezoned from RS-2 to RS-3. The proposed RS-3 District zoning remains consistent with the low-density residential land classification in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Findings of Fact in consideration of the rezoning request is attached. VARIANCE Three side yard buffer lots abutting 190th Street are proposed to be less than the required 110 feet in width, ranging between 99.8 and 100.2 feet in width. Additional buffer yard width is required for all lots that abut major collector or higher classification roads. The proposed lot widths are generally consistent with the minimum lot width for a standard corner lot not abutting a major collector road. Staff and the developer’s engineer explored options in order to maintain the minimum 110-foot wide side yard buffer lot width, but in doing so it would require shifting 190th 3 Street further north directly impacting the minimum lot depth requirement of the 12 buffer yard lots on the north side of 190th Street. Shifting the lots north would also result in the removal of additional trees that are now proposed to be saved in the area north of 190th Street. The landscape plan proposes additional landscaping for these lots to increase and maximize the effectiveness of the screening buffer. The three lots subject to the requested lot width variance will still be subject to the required buffer yard setback of 30 feet from the side yard abutting 190th Street. Findings of Fact in consideration of the variance request is attached. PRELIMINARY PLAT Existing Conditions. The development site consists of four parcels that included a single family home and accessory buildings that were removed in 2019. The land had historically been used for agricultural purposes until approximately the early 1990’s. The properties include large stands of mature trees and wetlands. Topography includes moderately sloping terrain from north to south. Many of the existing trees near the northeast portion of the preliminary plat appear as mature trees on aerial photographs since 1937. Many are proposed to be preserved as part of the proposed preliminary plat. Historic aerial photos also indicate that portions of the 80-acre property have been farmed until sometime around the early 1990’s. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed preliminary plat is located in Planning District 4 of the proposed 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Planning District 4 guides the subject property as low-density residential development where city sewer is available as well as restricted development consistent with the wetlands located on the property. Zoning and Adjacent Land Uses. The Preserve preliminary plat area is currently zoned RS-2. The developer proposes to rezone the property to RS-3 consistent with other single-family zoned properties in the area , while remaining within the low-density residential land use guided in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Adjacent single-family home developments to the west, south and east were developed between 2002 and 2013. Adjacent land uses and zoning are as follows: North – Single-Family Homes on large parcels and 185th Street (CSAH 60) (RS-2 District) East – Single-Family Homes (RS-3 District) South – Single-Family Homes (RS-3 District) West – Single-Family Homes and Kenwood Trail (CSAH 50) (RS-3 District) Consistency with the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). City streets, sanitary sewer and water improvements for the area of The Preserve will be financed and constructed by the developer. The development costs associated with The Preserve development are not programmed in the 2020– 2024 CIP. 4 Premature Subdivision Criteria. A preliminary plat may be deemed premature if any of the criteria listed in Chapter 10-2-4-1 of the Subdivision Ordinance exist. Eligible criteria pertain to a lack of adequate: drainage, water, streets, sanitary sewer, and public service capacity (police and fire protection). The other pertinent criteria pertain to inconsistencies with the City Comprehensive Land Use and Capital Improvement Plans (discussed above). Staff review of The Preserve preliminary plat against these criteria finds that it not a premature subdivision. Density/Average Lot Size. The Preserve preliminary plat consists of 89 single-family lots on 81.92 acres. This results in a gross density of 1.08 units per acre. Excluding the 6.16 acre 190th Street major collector street right-of-way, wetlands and wetland buffers/public open space and stormwater management ponds, the net buildable area is 38.22 acres with a net density of 2.33 units per acre. Single-family lot sizes within The Preserve preliminary plat range from 11,009 square feet to 26,379 square feet in area. SINGLE-FAMILY LOT REQUIREMENTS Lots/Blocks. The following minimum single-family lot size requirements of the RS-3, Single- Family Residential District pertain to The Preserve preliminary plat, except for the identified lots abutting 190th Street for which a variance is proposed for buffer yard lot width: Lot Area (Interior) Lot Area (Corner) Lot Width (Interior) Lot Width (Corner) Lot Depth (Abutting 190th Street) RS-3 11,000 s.f. 12,500 s.f. 85 feet 110 feet 150 feet Setbacks. The following minimum requirements for single-family building setbacks in the RS-3 District pertain to The Preserve preliminary plat: Front Yard Side Yard (Interior) Side Yard (Corner) Rear Yard Rear/Side Yard (Buffers) RS-3 30 feet 10 feet 20 feet 30 feet 50 feet (rear) 30 feet (side) The proposed house pads shown on The Preserve grading, drainage and erosion control plan indicate that side and rear yard setback requirements can be met except for Lot 1, Block 4; Lot 1, Block 5; and Lot 9, Block 6. These are the buffer yard lots for which the variance is proposed. The building pad setbacks for the three variance lots shall be amended prior to City Council consideration of the preliminary plat. All 89 single-family lots have adequate building pad areas that meet setback requirements for principal structures. Outlots. There are five outlots totaling 37.07 acres in The Preserve preliminary plat. The use of the proposed outlots will be as follows: 5 Outlot A – 0.39 acres consisting of wetland and wetland buffer area to be deeded to the City with the final plat. Outlot B – 1.98 acres consisting of wetland, wetland buffer area, and a water quality corridor to be deeded to the City with the final plat. Outlot C – 17.16 acre outlot consisting of wetland, wetland buffer area, and stormwater basins to be deeded to the City with the final plat. Outlot D – 11.6 acre outlot consisting of stormwater basins, wetland and wetland buffer area, and a greenway corridor trail to be deeded to the City with the final plat. Outlot E – 5.94 acre outlot consisting of wetland and wetland buffer, greenway corridor trail, and tree preservation areas as preserved public park and open space to be deeded to the City with the final plat. Streets. The following is a summary of streets proposed with The Preserve preliminary plat. Additional detailed information is outlined in the Engineering Division memorandum dated May 13, 2020. 188th Court – 188th Court will be a cul-de-sac street extending east from Ixonia Avenue. The street will be constructed within a 60-foot wide right-of-way with a 32-foot wide street. There will be no sidewalk constructed within 188th Court. The cul-de-sac complies with the minimum required length of 150 feet and the maximum required length of 600 feet. 188th Street – 188th Street currently terminates at the west end of the Spring Hill Third Addition plat near the northeast corner of the proposed The Preserve preliminary plat. 188th Street will extend west with two lots fronting the north side of the street before turning south as Ivorra Avenue. The existing temporary cul-de-sac will be removed and 188th Street will continue the 60-foot wide right-of-way and 32-foot wide street with a five-foot wide concrete sidewalk along the north side of the street and west side connection of Ivorra Avenue. 189th Street – 189th Street will connect Ivorra Avenue and Ixonia Avenue. 189th Street will be constructed within a 60-foot wide right-of-way with a 32-foot wide street with a five-foot wide sidewalk on the north side of the street. 190th Street – 190th Street is a major collector within the south half of the property. 190th Street to the east of The Preserve is a 40-foot wide street within a 100-foot wide right of way. The preliminary plat plans for The Preserve shows the same right-of-way and street width continuing west until it intersects with Kenwood Trail opposite Jordan Trail, consistent with the Comprehensive Transportation Plan. Five-foot wide concrete sidewalks or bituminous trails will be constructed on both sides of 190th Street. Inndale Drive –Inndale Drive is a residential street that will be extended north from The Greenway neighborhood south of The Preserve to connect to 190th Street. The existing temporary cul-de-sac at the north end of Inndale Drive will be removed. Three lots will be 6 developed on either side of the Inndale Drive extension. Inndale Drive will be constructed within a 60-foot wide right-of-way and a 32-foot wide street consistent with the existing portion of Inndale Drive in The Greenway. Sidewalk was not constructed within The Greenway development so sidewalk will not be constructed along Inndale Drive within The Preserve north to 190th Street. Iteri Avenue – Iteri Avenue is a residential street that will be extended slightly north from The Greenway neighborhood and will end in a permanent cul-de-sac within The Preserve plat with no connection to 190th Street due to the discovery of soils contamination within that area of The Preserve plat. Sidewalk was not constructed within The Greenway development so sidewalk will not be continued into the permanent cul-de-sac. The temporary cul-de-sac constructed with The Greenway 4th Addition in 2011 and now located partly on the lots addressed as 19062 and 19063 Iteri Avenue shall be removed and the impacted areas of the two lots in The Greenway shall be restored by the developer of The Preserve. A financial security will be submitted by the developer for removal of the temporary cul-de-sac and restoration of the lots. Ivorra Avenue – Ivorra Avenue will connect 188th Street to 189th Street. The street will transition to 189th Street which will then connect to Ixonia Avenue. Ivorra Avenue will be a residential street constructed within a 60-foot wide right-of-way and a 32-foot wide street with a 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along the west side of the street. Ivorra Court – Ivorra Court will be a short 150-foot deep cul-de-sac with four lots and will extend off the south side of 190th Street. Ivorra Court will include a 60-foot wide right-of-way with a 32- foot wide street without sidewalks. Ixonia Avenue – Ixonia Avenue is a minor collector street that will eventually connect 190th Street and 185th Street (CSAH 60) consistent with the Comprehensive Transportation Plan when the properties north of The Preserve develop in the future. Ixonia Avenue will eventually be a full access movement intersection at 185th Street. Ixonia Avenue is a 40-foot wide street within an 80-foot wide right of way with five-foot wide concrete sidewalks on both sides of the street. The preliminary plat shows the required amount of right-of-way to be dedicated with the final plat. Five-foot wide concrete sidewalks will be constructed on both sides of Ixonia Avenue. The developer shall install a sign at the north terminus of Ixonia Avenue that states “Future Road Extension.” Javelin Avenue – Javelin Avenue will be a residential street located within Stone Ridge 1st Addition. Javelin Avenue will be constructed within a 60-foot wide right-of-way and a 32-foot wide street with a five-foot wide concrete sidewalk along the south side of the street. The current temporary cul-de-sac at the end of Javelin Avenue will be removed with the second phase of the development. Javelin Avenue will transition into Javelin Path allowing connection to Javelin Way and 190th Street. Javelin Path – Javelin Path will be a residential street transitioning from Javelin Avenue and will be constructed within a 60-foot wide right-of-way and a 32-foot wide street with a five-foot wide 7 concrete sidewalk along the west side of the street. Javelin Path will connect Javelin Avenue from the north to Javelin Way to the south. Javelin Way – Javelin Way will extend east from the temporary turnaround in Stone Ridge 1st Addition and will connect to 190th Street to the south. The temporary turnaround on the property at 18826 Javelin Way at the east terminus of Javelin Way in Stone Ridge 1st Addition will be removed by the developer. The property where the temporary cul-de-sac is now located shall be restored when Javelin Way is extended to the east. A financial security will be submitted by the developer for removal of the temporary turnaround and restoration of the lot on which it is now located. Javelin Way is a residential street constructed within a 60-foot wide right-of-way and a 32-foot wide street with a five-foot wide concrete sidewalk along the south and west sides of the street. Kenwood Trail (CSAH 50) – Kenwood Trail (CSAH 50) abuts approximately 480 feet of The Preserve plat near the southwest corner of the site. Kenwood Trail is classified as a minor arterial roadway in the Comprehensive Transportation Plan. Kenwood Trail requires 75 feet of half right-of-way adjacent to the plat. The plat will dedicate the 75 feet of right-of-way required by Dakota County. A pedestrian trail was installed along the north side of Kenwood Trail with the Kenwood Trail improvement project in 2018. All streets meet the minimum width and design requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. Grading, Drainage, Erosion Control, and Utilities. Proposed grading, drainage, erosion control, and utilities for The Preserve preliminary plat is shown on the grading, drainage and erosion control, and utility plans. The plans are outlined and discusse d in the May 13, 2020 engineering report prepared by Alex Jordan, Assistant City Engineer and Mac Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager. The Engineering Division recommends approval of the preliminary plat. Tree Preservation. A tree preservation plan was submitted by the developer. The tree preservation plan identified 3,756 significant trees located within The Preserve preliminary plat boundaries. The tree preservation plan proposes to save 1,543 (41%) of the significant trees on site . Mac Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager has reviewed the tree preservation plan. His comments are included in the May 30, 2019 engineering report. Wetlands. A wetland delineation was completed and approved on October 16, 2019. The wetland delineation identified 12 wetlands on site totaling 16.09 acres. The information and data have been incorporated into the preliminary plat plans. Mac Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager, has reviewed the wetland delineation report. His comments regarding wetland preservation and impacts are included in the May 13, 2020 engineering report. Park Dedication. The City’s 2015 Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan does not call for a neighborhood park within this development. Outlot E will include 4.95 acres that can be used for play pod areas that will abut up to The Preserve Greenway corridor trail. These play pod areas 8 will not be developed with field facilities, but a small playground may be possible on the site. Specifics related to future play pod areas will be determined at a later date following neighborhood input and suggestions. A combination of land dedication and cash payment will be used to satisfy the park dedication requirements at the time of final plat approval for the future phases of the project. The Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee will review the preliminary plat at their May 20, 2020 meeting. Their comments will be forwarded to the Planning Commission at the public hearing. Sidewalks/Trails. The developer will construct 5-foot wide concrete sidewalks as required along one side of all streets in the development except cul-de-sacs, as noted in the planning report. The City’s 2015 Parks, Trail and Open Space Plan identifies bituminous trails connecting the Ipava Greenway Corridor north toward 185th Street. One segment of the greenway trail is proposed to extend west from near 188th Street into The Preserve neighborhood, then extend westerly through the wooded area to connect to Ixonia Avenue and eventually to 190th Street and the pedestrian trail on Kenwood Trail. The developer is negotiating with the owner of the property adjacent to the northeast corner of the plat to acquire the necessary trail easement to make the trail connection from 188th Street into The Preserve development. A sketch for the possible trail is attached. Another trail will connect to the Ipava Greenway trail in The Greenway neighborhood to the south. A trail crossing will be located at the intersection of Ixonia Avenue and 190th Street. Subdivision Monument Sign. A monument sign has not been identified with The Preserve preliminary plat. Any future monument sign shall meet Zoning Ordinance requirements. MUSA. The Preserve preliminary plat area is located within the current Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) and is able to connect to adjacent City sewer and water utilities. Ghost Plat. A conceptual lot and street layout (ghost plan) sketch was submitted for City staff review for the two 10 acre properties north of The Preserve and aligned with the proposed extension of Ixonia Avenue. The sketch includes the extension of Ixonia Avenue north to 185th Street. The future development of the properties north of The Preserve must include the extension of Ixonia Avenue north to 185th Street. Development Phasing Plan. The phasing plan proposes two phases of development commencing on the east side of the plat west to include Ixonia Avenue. The second phase proposes development of 190th Street and the west half of the plat adjacent to Stone Ridge 1st Addition. Development phasing is anticipated to begin Phase II during the 2021 – 2022 construction season. Development phasing is conceptual and may be subject to change by the developer upon submittal of future final plat phases. The development phasing plan is attached. 9 Overhead Utilities. Overhead electric lines and poles are located within the site on the parent parcels. The Developer is required to remove the overhead lines and poles with the final plat. All utility lines will be placed underground consistent with City Code requirements. Independent School District No. 194. ISD 194 received notice of the public hearing and the plans for the proposed preliminary plat. No comments were received. Plat Commission. The Dakota County Plat Commission reviewed and approved the preliminary plat at their June 17, 2019 meeting. The Plat Commission letter is attached. Identified Landfill and Soils Contamination/Mitigation Summary. As required by the Subdivision Ordinance, Progressive Land hired the services of a company to determine the conditions of soils on the property to identify variable soils and their suitability for the proposed development layout and street construction. A Phase I environmental report followed by a soil testing report was completed for the site. Two areas of concern of approximately 6.8 acres within the preliminary plat was identified that warranted further study. The Phase I environmental review identified an area near the center of the property as a likely dump area that included an old vehicle, household appliances, and various metal scraps. The testing identified an uncontrolled landfill of construction and other waste materials on-site likely dating from the 1980’s, which apparently pre-dates the most recent previous owner(s) of the property. In October 2019, Progressive Land hired the services of Wenck and Associates, Inc. (Wenck) to further investigate the scope and nature of the soils testing and landfill and determine contaminants at concentrations of potential concern within the proposed construction site. The testing identified evidence of elevated contamination in the soil and groundwater within the 6.8- acre landfill area. The additional testing that identified the older landfill area in the center of the property brought the total suspected landfill area to 11.4 acres. Wenck prepared a technical memo in November 2019, describing the nature of the landfill materials discovered. Wenck followed with a report dated February 20, 2020 which was submitted to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). This was followed by a March 11, 2020 addendum to the February 20, 2020 environmental investigation work plan submitted to the MPCA. Based on the results of the study, a Response Action Plan (RAP) will be prepared and submitted to the MPCA for review and approval. The development improvements must be completed in accordance with the recommendations identified in the approved RAP. Progressive Land has filed a request to the MPCA for a Retroactive No Association Determination Letter for recognition that the landfill on the property was not a result of actions of Progressive Land. Neighborhood Meeting. The developer hosted an open house neighborhood meeting on Wednesday, June 19, 2019 at the Water Treatment Facility. Approximately 30 residents attended. Summary notes of the neighborhood meeting are attached. The reason for the delay between 10 June 19, 2019 and the public hearing for the preliminary plat was due primarily to the discovery of landfill materials on the property. RECOMMENDATION Planning Department staff recommends approval of The Preserve preliminary plat, rezoning, and variance subject to the following stipulations: 1. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the May 13, 2020 engineering report. 2. Park dedication shall be satisfied with a combination of land dedication and cash contribution paid with the final plat for each development phase. 3. The developer shall construct five-foot wide concrete sidewalks along one side of all streets, except cul-de-sacs, and bituminous trails as identified on the preliminary plat plans. 4. Outlots A-E shall be deeded to the City with the final plat. 5. Side yard building setback s for Lot 1, Block 4; Lot 1, Block 5; and Lot 9, Block 6 shall comply with 30-foot side yard buffer setback requirements in the RS-3 District. The building pads on the preliminary plat and grading plan shall be amended to comply with RS-3 District side yard buffer setbacks prior to City Council consideration of the preliminary plat. 6. Buffer yard landscaping shall be installed according to the approved landscape plan. A security for the buffer yard landscaping shall be submitted with the final plat. 7. Driveway access is not permitted onto 190th Street. 8. All new local utilities and any existing overhead service utilities located on the property shall be placed underground. 9. Any existing structures, fences, wells, and septic systems shall be removed with the development of this property. 10. The developer shall adhere to all environmental laws and regulations regarding soils contamination and site remediation. The development improvements must be completed in accordance with the recommendations identified in the approved Response Action Plan (RAP). The Preserve Property Information June 6, 2019 0 875 1,750437.5 ft 0 270 540135 m 1:9,600 Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a legal document and should not be substituted for a title search,appraisal, survey, or for zoning verification. EXHIBIT A Lake Marion RS-3 RS-3 RS-2 RS-2 P/OS RS-3 P/OS P/OS RM-1RS-2 RS-2 RM-1 PUD RS-2 RS-3 P/OS O-R RS-3 RS-3 456750 456760 456760 456750 KENWOOD TRLJORDAN T RLJAVATR L INNDAL EDR 1 8 8 THS TWITERI AVEISMAY P AT H185TH ST W IRONRIVERTRJ ASMINEWAYIRELAN DWAY183RD ST W JOPLINAVEIR O N S T O N EWAYKE NWOODTRLIPAVAAVEJAVATRLIRVINE WAYJADELN ITTABENAWAYJEWELP A TH 185TH ST WIXONIA AVEITALY AVEÜ THE PRESERVE PRELIMINARY PLATREZONING & VARIANCE EXHIBIT B 22260 Dodd Blvd ● Lakeville, MN 55044 ● 952-469-4066 countryjoehomes.com May 6, 2020 The Preserve Development Overview The Preserve is a proposed single family residential development developed by Progressive, LLC with home construction by Country Joe Homes. The Preserve is proposed to have 89 lots constructed in 3 phases. The 1st Phase is proposed to have 49 lots and be completed in the Fall of 2020. Exhibit A, below, defines the anticipated phasing plan. The Preserve will complete 190th Street West from the current location to County Road 50 along with 4 neighborhood roadway connections. The Preserve will complete the City’s trail system from the Shady Oak Grove Greenway to the Ipava Greenway including a portion that travels through a heavily wooded natural area. Progressive, LLC discovered an uncontrolled fill area on a small isolated portion of the property after having purchased the property. More information regarding the items in this overview letter can be found at: https://countryjoehomes.com/our-neighborhoods/the-preserve/ Best Regards, Progressive, LLC EXHIBIT C EXHIBIT E EXHIBIT F Basin Storage Volume* Pipe Size** Top Riser IE Outlet** Basin Location Discharge Location AA 14,400 cf 15"1071.0 1056.0 Street Subcut Wetland D BB 28,800 cf 18"1068.0 1064.0 Street Subcut Lot 12, Blk 10 CC 43,200 cf 24"1042.0 1038.0 Proposed Pond C Wetland N DD 7,200 cf 12"1038.0 1036.0 Rear Yard Create Basin Wetland L EE 32,400 cf 18"1035.0 1031.0 Proposed Pond B Wetland D FF 7,200 cf 12"1021.0 1010.0 Street Subcut CR 50 Wetland TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION BASINS * Maximum ponding depth of 3.0 feet. ** See detail for outlet riser and pipe on Sheet 9. EXHIBIT G EXHBIIT H Wetland ID Sq. Ft.Acre Sq. Ft.Acre Sq. Ft.Acre Sq. Ft.Acre Sq. Ft.Acre Sq. Ft.Acre A 615 0.01 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 B 10,023 0.23 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 C 6,766 0.16 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 D 552,630 12.69 0 0.00 0 0.00 5,074 0.12 0 0.00 5,074 0.12 F 2,892 0.07 615 0.01 0 0.00 2,277 0.05 0 0.00 2,892 0.07 I 25,459 0.58 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 630 0.01 630 0.01 J 41,514 0.95 20,758 0.48 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 20,758 0.48 K 13,759 0.32 460 0.01 0 0.00 622 0.01 1,493 0.03 2,575 0.06 L 16,168 0.37 0 0.00 0 0.00 6,810 0.16 0 0.00 6,810 0.16 M 13,530 0.31 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 N 14,903 0.34 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 O 2,667 0.06 2,667 0.06 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 2,667 0.06 Offsite CR 50 na na 9,926 0.23 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 9,926 0.23 Totals 700,926 16.09 34,426 0.79 0 0.00 14,783 0.34 2,123 0.04 51,332 1.19 Wetland Preservation Summary 190th Permanent 190th TemporaryTotal Area Development Permanent Development Temporary Total Wetland Impact EXHIBIT I Wetland ID Sq. Ft.Acre Sq. Ft.Acre Sq. Ft.Acre Sq. Ft.Acre Sq. Ft.Acre Sq. Ft.Acre A 615 0.01 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 B 10,023 0.23 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 C 6,766 0.16 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 D 552,630 12.69 0 0.00 0 0.00 5,074 0.12 0 0.00 5,074 0.12 F 2,892 0.07 615 0.01 0 0.00 2,277 0.05 0 0.00 2,892 0.07 I 25,459 0.58 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 630 0.01 630 0.01 J 41,514 0.95 20,758 0.48 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 20,758 0.48 K 13,759 0.32 460 0.01 0 0.00 622 0.01 1,493 0.03 2,575 0.06 L 16,168 0.37 0 0.00 0 0.00 6,810 0.16 0 0.00 6,810 0.16 M 13,530 0.31 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 N 14,903 0.34 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 O 2,667 0.06 2,667 0.06 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 2,667 0.06 Offsite CR 50 na na 9,926 0.23 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 9,926 0.23 Totals 700,926 16.09 34,426 0.79 0 0.00 14,783 0.34 2,123 0.04 51,332 1.19 Wetland Preservation Summary 190th Permanent 190th TemporaryTotal Area Development Permanent Development Temporary Total Wetland Impact Wetland ID Sq. Ft.Acre Sq. Ft.Acre Sq. Ft.Acre Sq. Ft.Acre Sq. Ft.Acre Sq. Ft.Acre A 615 0.01 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 B 10,023 0.23 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 C 6,766 0.16 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 D 552,630 12.69 0 0.00 0 0.00 5,074 0.12 0 0.00 5,074 0.12 F 2,892 0.07 615 0.01 0 0.00 2,277 0.05 0 0.00 2,892 0.07 I 25,459 0.58 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 630 0.01 630 0.01 J 41,514 0.95 20,758 0.48 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 20,758 0.48 K 13,759 0.32 460 0.01 0 0.00 622 0.01 1,493 0.03 2,575 0.06 L 16,168 0.37 0 0.00 0 0.00 6,810 0.16 0 0.00 6,810 0.16 M 13,530 0.31 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 N 14,903 0.34 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 O 2,667 0.06 2,667 0.06 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 2,667 0.06 Offsite CR 50 na na 9,926 0.23 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 9,926 0.23 Totals 700,926 16.09 34,426 0.79 0 0.00 14,783 0.34 2,123 0.04 51,332 1.19 Wetland Preservation Summary 190th Permanent 190th TemporaryTotal Area Development Permanent Development Temporary Total Wetland Impact Wetland ID Sq. Ft.Acre Sq. Ft.Acre Sq. Ft.Acre Sq. Ft.Acre Sq. Ft.Acre Sq. Ft.Acre A 615 0.01 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 B 10,023 0.23 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 C 6,766 0.16 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 D 552,630 12.69 0 0.00 0 0.00 5,074 0.12 0 0.00 5,074 0.12 F 2,892 0.07 615 0.01 0 0.00 2,277 0.05 0 0.00 2,892 0.07 I 25,459 0.58 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 630 0.01 630 0.01 J 41,514 0.95 20,758 0.48 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 20,758 0.48 K 13,759 0.32 460 0.01 0 0.00 622 0.01 1,493 0.03 2,575 0.06 L 16,168 0.37 0 0.00 0 0.00 6,810 0.16 0 0.00 6,810 0.16 M 13,530 0.31 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 N 14,903 0.34 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 O 2,667 0.06 2,667 0.06 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 2,667 0.06 Offsite CR 50 na na 9,926 0.23 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 9,926 0.23 Totals 700,926 16.09 34,426 0.79 0 0.00 14,783 0.34 2,123 0.04 51,332 1.19 Wetland Preservation Summary 190th Permanent 190th TemporaryTotal Area Development Permanent Development Temporary Total Wetland Impact EXHIBIT J 201 Oak, bur Fair 6 202 Aspen, trembling Fair 12 203 Aspen, trembling Fair 16 204 Elm, american Fair 8 205 Boxelder Fair 7 206 Boxelder Fair 8 207 Oak, white Good 12 208 Aspen, trembling Fair 12 209 Boxelder Good 8 210 Aspen, trembling Fair 9 211 Cherry, black Good 16 212 Boxelder Fair 7 213 Boxelder Fair 9 214 Hackberry Fair 8 215 Oak, bur Fair 6 216 Boxelder Fair 8 217 Boxelder Fair 7 218 Oak, bur Good 12 219 Boxelder Fair 7 220 Willow, black Fair 11 221 Willow, black Fair 19 222 Willow, black Fair 96 3x 32 32 32 223 Elm, american Fair 12 224 Elm, american Fair 6 225 Boxelder Fair 8 226 Boxelder Fair 15 227 Ash, green Fair 18 2x 10 8 101 Pine, red Fair 14 102 Pine, red Fair 10 103 Pine, red Fair 14 104 Pine, red Fair 10 105 Cedar, red Fair 30 5x 6 6 6 6 6 106 Pine, red Fair 13 107 Pine, red Fair 10 108 Pine, red Fair 13 109 Pine, red Fair 11 110 Pine, red Fair 14 111 Oak, red Fair 8 112 Pine, red Fair 12 113 Boxelder Fair 8 114 Pine, red Fair 14 115 Pine, red Fair 12 116 Pine, red Fair 14 117 Pine, red Fair 12 118 Pine, red Fair 10 119 Pine, red Fair 13 120 Pine, red Fair 13 121 Pine, red Fair 13 122 Pine, red Fair 8 123 Pine, red Fair 14 124 Pine, red Fair 13 125 Cedar, red Fair 8 126 Aspen, trembling Fair 7 127 Aspen, trembling Fair 14 128 Aspen, trembling Fair 12 129 Pine, red Fair 11 130 Pine, red Fair 12 131 Pine, red Fair 10 132 Cedar, red Fair 12 2x 6 6 133 Aspen, trembling Fair 12 2x 6 6 134 Pine, red Fair 10 135 Pine, red Fair 17 136 Pine, red Fair 14 137 Pine, red Fair 8 138 Pine, red Fair 14 139 Pine, red Fair 14 140 Pine, red Fair 12 141 Pine, red Fair 9 142 Pine, red Fair 11 143 Pine, red Fair 10 144 Cherry, black Fair 12 145 Pine, red Fair 10 146 Pine, red Fair 10 147 Pine, red Fair 9 148 Aspen, trembling Fair 8 149 Pine, red Fair 12 150 Pine, red Fair 13 151 Pine, red Fair 8 152 Pine, red Fair 12 153 Pine, red Fair 13 154 Oak, red Good 7 155 Oak, red Good 10 156 Pine, red Fair 11 157 Pine, red Fair 14 158 Oak, red Fair 14 159 Pine, red Fair 11 160 Pine, red Fair 13 161 Pine, red Fair 11 162 Pine, red Fair 12 163 Pine, red Fair 8 164 Oak, red Fair 7 165 Pine, red 'Fair 14 166 Pine, red 'Fair 10 167 Pine, red Fair 9 168 Pine, red Fair 9 169 Pine, red Fair 12 170 Oak, red Fair 13 171 Oak, red Fair 11 172 Pine, red Fair 10 173 Pine, red Fair 12 174 Pine, red Fair 10 175 Oak, red Fair 15 176 Pine, red Fair 7 177 Pine, red Fair 10 178 Pine, red Fair 11 179 Pine, red Fair 12 180 Pine, red Fair 14 181 Oak, red Fair 12 182 Pine, red Fair 10 183 Pine, red Fair 12 184 Pine, red Fair 7 185 Pine, red Fair 13 186 Pine, red Fair 9 187 Pine, red Fair 13 188 Pine, red Fair 10 189 Pine, red Fair 12 190 Oak, red Very Good 32 191 Oak, red Fair 52 2x 30 22 192 Oak, bur Good 9 193 Boxelder Fair 8 194 Hackberry Good 12 195 Aspen, trembling Good 12 196 Oak, red Good 18 197 Cherry, black Fair 8 198 Oak, red Fair 13 199 Aspen, trembling Fair 12 200 Oak, bur Fair 6 1 Pine, red Fair 12 2 Pine, red Fair 13 3 Pine, red Fair 12 4 Oak, red Fair 6 5 Pine, red Fair 13 6 Aspen, trembling Fair 8 7 Pine, red Fair 14 8 Pine, red Fair 12 9 Pine, red Fair 14 10 Pine, red Fair 10 11 Aspen, trembling Fair 7 12 Aspen, trembling Fair 9 13 Oak, red Fair 16 14 Cherry, black Fair 9 15 Oak, bur Good 16 16 Aspen, trembling Good 10 17 Oak, bur Good 20 18 Oak, bur Good 20 19 Oak, bur Fair 36 2x 21 15 20 Cherry, black Fair 9 21 Oak, bur Fair 12 22 Spruce, white Fair 8 23 Spruce, white Fair 9 24 Spruce, white Good 9 25 Spruce, white Fair 9 close to property line 26 Spruce, white Good 10 close to property line 27 Spruce, white Good 9 28 Spruce, white Good 8 29 Spruce, white Fair 8 30 Spruce, white Fair 9 31 Spruce, white Fair 8 32 Spruce, white Fair 8 33 Oak, red Fair 14 34 Oak, bur Good 12 35 Oak, red Good 28 36 Oak, red Fair 13 37 Oak, bur Fair 27 38 Oak, bur Fair 28 2x 16 12 39 Oak, bur Fair 7 40 Elm, american Fair 16 2x 9 7 41 Boxelder Fair 16 42 Oak, bur Fair 16 43 Boxelder Fair 25 44 Elm, american Fair 8 45 Cherry, black Fair 11 46 Oak, bur Very Good 22 47 Oak, bur Fair 28 2x 14 14 48 Aspen, trembling Fair 9 49 Cherry, black Fair 9 50 Oak, red Good 16 51 Cherry, black Fair 7 52 Aspen, trembling Good 10 53 Oak, red Good 11 54 Cherry, black Good 13 55 Oak, red Fair 21 56 Cherry, black Fair 7 57 Oak, red Good 14 58 Oak, red Good 12 59 Aspen, trembling Fair 17 60 Oak, red Fair 6 61 Oak, bur Good 48 may be private tree 62 Oak, bur Good 19 may be private tree 63 Oak, red Good 22 64 Oak, red Good 12 may be on private prop 65 Aspen, trembling Fair 19 66 Cottonwood, eastern Fair 41 2x 23 18 67 Elm, american Fair 7 68 Oak, red Fair 6 69 Pine, red Fair 10 70 Spruce, white Fair 7 71 Cedar, red Fair 7 72 Pine, red Fair 8 73 Pine, red Fair 11 74 Pine, red Fair 13 75 Cedar, red Fair 10 76 Elm, american Fair 10 77 Pine, red Fair 7 78 Pine, red Fair 14 79 Oak, red Fair 10 80 Pine, red Fair 12 81 Oak, red Fair 7 82 Pine, red Fair 10 83 Pine, red Fair 14 84 Cedar, red Fair 13 2x 7 6 85 Cedar, red Fair 11 86 Cedar, red Fair 8 87 Pine, red Fair 12 88 Pine, red Fair 9 89 Pine, red Fair 11 90 Pine, red Fair 12 91 Pine, red Fair 11 92 Cedar, red Fair 30 5x 6 6 6 6 6 93 Spruce, white Fair 6 94 Pine, red Fair 11 95 Pine, red Fair 10 96 Pine, red Fair 13 97 Cedar, red Fair 30 5x 6 6 6 6 6 98 Pine, red Fair 12 99 Pine, red Fair 12 100 Pine, red Fair 11 EXHIBIT K ;,r"' I 1/ ,#< 1/ 1 . / I / ,,, 1/ I _./ --- I ( / if I I � ,/ �:; 2638 ,,..,...,'--,jil:':--i� ;,i"""''i/'--r,-.,------.<"O,-,l-''"""-C...:.:.::'----____..;\'-r,;�-----1 2718 -. R 2 2 MH18 2 • 'Z.6 69� ~ :�� 26JJ .. � I ----lf"R2632 TR25:J cc,l:� 26 107�· � ,, R 2631 � J'. '�l"I. :; :�65 r 4/; � '" 1r 2; 7 .c 5 r4 no . w1 ·""i"---H / 306 < -�- ( 1 T: X(:�3 6 f· 24:JJ � ti�,,�: i 238 � . c-«J < • -;�1 '� �4 2s O ,,'-''F''=✓ GF� 1r' i... �,J/!! ---- ,'ll,,;---1076--,-.=---;-,,----, 3 J }�2402 ~· j 1 LF 1081:1..L/ / I 598 ---7 I •· 'f'I 0, 355 I ' --, F 10 ---------------- -----. FIELD LOCATED TRAIL ALIGNMENT 4/28/20 /J4 I I i j \ 1R EXHIBIT L EXHBIIT M City of Lakeville Planning Department Memorandum TO: Planning Commission FROM: Frank Dempsey, AICP, Associate Planner DATE: June 20, 2019 SUBJECT: The Preserve Neighborhood Meeting Notes On June 19, 2019, Progressive, LLC representatives hosted a neighborhood meeting for the proposed development of The Preserve, an 80 acre, 90 single family lot development located north of Kenwood Trail and west of 188th and 190th Streets. Approximately 30 residents were in attendance. Planning Department and Engineering Division staff were in attendance. The open house meeting was held between 5:30 PM and 7:00 PM at the Water Treatment Facility. The meeting was attended by the following individuals: •Joey Miller, representing Progressive, LLC •Steve Sauber, representing Progressive, LLC •Bob Wiegert, Progress Land Co. •John Bertelson, Progress Land Co. •Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner •MacCafferty, Environmental Resources Manager o Access and controls for construction traffic. Miller stated they will use the existing driveway access from Kenwood Trail as much as is feasible and no other alternative is available due to soil/weather conditions. EXHIBIT N o Owners of the property west of 18861 Javelin Way questioned the lack of significant trees on the tree survey within the proposed lot east of their property. o Removal of temporary cul-de-sacs o Possibility of Park locations (pods in greenway) o Differences between the sketch plan and the preliminary plat o Wetland impacts o Questions about wetland delineation west of 18905 IRVONA AVE The meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM Dakota County Surveyor’s Office Western Service Center 14955 Galaxie Avenue Apple Valley, MN 55124 952.891-7087 Fax 952.891-7127 www.co.dakota.mn.us June 25, 2019 City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Ave. Lakeville, MN 55044 Re: THE PRESERVE The Dakota County Plat Commission met on June 24, 2019, to consider the preliminary plat of the above referenced plat. The plat is adjacent to CSAH 50 (Kenwood Ave.), and is therefore subject to the Dakota County Contiguous Plat Ordinance. Lakeville staff, Frank Dempsey, provided an overview of the preliminary plat. The preliminary plat showed a connection of 190th Street to CSAH 50. The plat also showed numerous local street connections, including a connection through the extension of Ixonia Street to the north, and eventually connecting to CSAH 60. A small parcel of land located at the connection of 190th Street and CSAH 50 is already County ROW and may not need to be dedicated. The Plat Commission has approved the preliminary plat. The Ordinance requires submittal of a final plat for review by the Plat Commission before a recommendation is made to the County Board of Commissioners. Traffic volumes on CSAH 50 are 18,600 ADT and are anticipated to be 27,000 ADT by the year 2030. These traffic volumes indicate that current Minnesota noise standards for residential units could be exceeded for the proposed plat. Residential developments along County highways commonly result in noise complaints. In order for noise levels from the highway to meet acceptable levels for adjacent residential units, substantial building setbacks, buffer areas, and other noise mitigation elements should be incorporated into this development. No work shall commence in the County right of way until a permit is obtained from the County Transportation Department and no permit will be issued until the plat has been filed with the County Recorder’s Office. The Plat Commission does not review or approve the actual engineering design of proposed accesses or other improvements to be made in the right of way. Nothing herein is intended to restrict or limit Dakota County’s rights with regards to Dakota County rights of way or property. The Plat Commission highly recommends early contact with the Transportation Department to discuss the permitting process which reviews the design and may require construction of highway improvements, including, but not limited to, turn lanes, drainage features, limitations on intersecting street widths, medians, etc. Please contact Butch McConnell regarding permitting questions at (952) 891-7115 or Todd Tollefson regarding Plat Commission or Plat Ordinance questions at (952) 891-7070. Sincerely, Todd B. Tollefson Secretary, Plat Commission c: EXHIBIT O Technical Memo Wenck | Colorado | Georgia | Minnesota | North Dakota | Wyoming Toll Free 800-472-2232 Web wenck.com To: Mr. Steve Sauber, Progressive, LLC From: Ms. Michelle Hosfield, Wenck Associates, Inc. Date: November 12, 2019 Subject: Environmental Sampling Results – The Preserve, 19030 Kenwood Trail, Lakeville, MN On October 15, 2019, Wenck Associates, Inc. (Wenck) in conjunction with Progressive, LLC and Country Joe Homes completed environmental sampling and observation activities at the proposed residential development known as The Preserve. The Preserve is located at 19030 Kenwood Trail in Lakeville, Minnesota (the Site). Based on information provided from a geotechnical exploration at the Site, dump materials were noted by Haugo GeoTechnical Services, LLC (Haugo) at test pit TP-14 located southeast of an existing house and driveway. The scope of work proposed by Wenck was to obtain a snapshot of the horizontal and vertical limits of the dump, to observe and document the type of debris buried and to collect soil and groundwater samples for characterization. Single-family homes and roadways are proposed in this area. The investigation activities included oversight of 17 test pits around TP-14, collection of 4 soil samples and 1 groundwater sample for laboratory analysis, field screening of soils and preparation of this report. Investigation Activities During investigation activities, soils were logged by a Field Scientist (FS) during test pit excavation. Each test pit was flagged in the field and surveyed by others. The test pit locations are depicted on Figure 1. The soils were classified, logged and screened with a photoionization detector (PID) equipped with a 10.6 eV lamp. The PID measures volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the parts per million (ppm) range. Prior to using the PID, the unit was calibrated using an isobutylene gas. Soil samples were collected for laboratory analysis at the interval with the highest PID reading or within the debris layer. Soil sample locations were selected across the Site to achieve good spatial coverage. In addition, one groundwater sample was collected from test pit TP-10 to collect data for potential dewatering purposes. The soil and groundwater samples were placed in laboratory-provided containers, labeled and placed in a cooler on ice under proper chain-of-custody procedures. The samples were submitted to TestAmerica Laboratory for analysis of diesel range organics (DRO), gasoline range organics (GRO), VOCs, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and the 8 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) metals. Soil Results Elevated PID readings above 10 ppm were not recorded on the test pit logs. All of the PID readings were below 1.0 ppm. Soils along the south side of the dump area in test pits TP-1, TP-2, TP-5, TP-6, TP-7 and TP-8 had 1 to 11 feet of fill soils consisting of silty sand, sandy clay and clayey sand with large pieces of concrete and asphalt. Organic peat or organic EXHIBIT P Mr. Steve Sauber Progressive, LLC November 12, 2019 2 N:\Technical\7956 Schaefco\01\Tech Memo_The Preserve 111219.docx clayey soils were encountered at the bottom of the test pits. Test pit TP-5 also had metal mixed in with the debris. Test pits along the existing driveway on the west side of the presumed dump area, TP-3, TP-4, TP-15 and TP-17, showed silty sand fill soils with concrete, metal, plastic, brick and wood. Test pit TP-4 had buried car parts and clay pipe and test pit TP-17 had evidence of roofing materials and foam. In the central portion of the dump area, test pits TP-10, TP-11 and TP-16 showed clayey sand and silty sand fill soils with concrete, metal, bituminous, wood, rubber pieces and tires. In test pit TP-16, roofing materials and foam were noted in the debris layer. On the east side of the presumed dump area, test pits TP-8 and TP-9 showed clayey sand and sandy clay with bituminous pieces. Wood paneling was noted in test pit TP-9. Surficial evidence of dumping was observed near test pit TP-15 on the far east side of the dump. In TP-15, fill soils consisted of silty sand with concrete, metal, plastic and wood to a depth of 6 feet below grade. A layer of ash was also noted in test pits TP-16 and TP-17 between 2 and 3 feet below grade. Test pit logs are included as Attachment 1. Wenck test pit TP-13 and Haugo test pits TP-15 through TP-17 did not show evidence of debris on the north side of the dump. Test pit TP-12 had trace concrete pieces within the fill soils. Soil samples for laboratory analysis were collected from test pits TP-3 (0-2’), TP-15 (0-4’), TP-16 (6-8’) and TP-17 (2-3’). Soil investigation data compared detected concentrations of RCRA metals, VOCs and PAHs to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s Tier 1 Residential and Tier 2 Industrial Soil Reference Values (SRVs). Additionally, MPCA Tier 1 Soil Leaching Values (SLVs) were referenced to evaluate the potential risk to groundwater at the Site from the soil-to-groundwater leaching pathway. There are no established MPCA SRVs or SLVs for DRO and GRO. However, the criteria used for off-site reuse of soils as unregulated fill is 100 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). Table 1 shows a summary of the soil analytical results. The laboratory analytical report is included as Attachment 2. RCRA Metals The analytical results showed elevated concentrations of selenium in test pits TP-3 and TP- 15 above the MPCA Tier I SLV of 2.6 mg/kg. Selenium ranged from 22.1 to 30.7 mg/kg. DRO/GRO In test pits TP-3 and TP-16, DRO was detected at 143 and 2,820 mg/kg, respectively. GRO was not detected in the collected soil samples. PAHs In test pit TP-16 (6-8’), benzo(a)pyrene was detected above the MPCA Tier I Residential Soil Reference Value (SRV) of 2 mg/kg at a concentration of 48.7 mg/kg. Naphthalene was detected at 6.46 mg/kg, which is above the MPCA SLV of 4.5 mg/kg. Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) equivalent concentrations were calculated to estimate the aggregated carcinogenic potential of PAHs relative to benzo(a)pyrene. The benzo(a)pyrene equivalent is calculated using the sum of the products of the respective relative potency slope factors multiplied by the compound’s soil concentration. In the soil sample from test pit TP-16, the BaP was calculated at 70.2682 mg/kg, which is above the MPCA Residential SRV of 2 mg/kg. Mr. Steve Sauber Progressive, LLC November 12, 2019 3 N:\Technical\7956 Schaefco\01\Tech Memo_The Preserve 111219.docx VOCs Naphthalene was the only VOC constituent detected in the collected soil samples. Naphthalene was detected in TP-16 (6-8’) below the MPCA Residential SRV. Groundwater Results Groundwater investigation data analysis compared detected concentrations of VOCs and PAHs to the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Health Risk Limits (HRLs) and Health Based Values (HBVs) to assess potential human health risks from exposures to chemicals in groundwater. There are no established HRLs or HBVs for GRO and DRO; however, 1,000 micrograms per liter (ug/L) is used as an indication of additional assessment and/or remediation in MPCA Petroleum Remediation Program (PRP) Guidance Document 4-01, Soil and Groundwater Assessments Performed During Site Investigations. Table 2 summarizes the groundwater analytical results. A groundwater sample was collected from test pit TP-10 using a disposable bailer. Results showed a detection of barium at 283 ug/L. The established HRL for barium is 2,000 ug/L. Naphthalene was detected at 5.43 ug/L, which is below the HRL of 70 ug/L. DRO was detected at 475 ug/L and GRO was not detected above laboratory detection limits. In addition, benzo(a)pyrene was detected in the groundwater sample above the HRL of 0.1 ug/L at a concentration of 0.591 ug/L. Conclusions Based on the information provided to date, the fill soils on the Site appear to contain debris to depths of 10 to 11 feet below grade. Some bigger pieces of asphalt and concrete could be separated from the soils and potentially hauled to a demolition landfill or crushed on-site to be used as road base, depending on the recommendations of a geotechnical engineer. If the fill soils are excavated, they would need to be properly disposed in a landfill based on the concentrations of DRO, selenium and PAHs found above regulatory limits. Depending upon the amount of fill soils, additional soil sampling would be required to fully characterize the soil for landfill disposal. Groundwater at one location is impacted with DRO and benzo(a)pyrene above the MDH HRL. Additional characterization would be required if dewatering was necessary at the project site. Typically, impacted groundwater can be pumped to a sanitary sewer system for disposal during dewatering activities. Permits with the City and Met Council would need to be obtained for any dewatering activities to the sanitary sewer system. Soil vapor samples were not collected as part of this scope of work. Vapor intrusion has become a “hot button” issue with the MPCA, especially at development sites. In this case, VOCs, methane and hydrogen sulfide would be the chemicals of concern when working with a dump site. Soil vapor results have defined the horizontal clean-up buffers that need to be in place during redevelopment and may reach up to a radius of 200 feet. Soil vapor sampling may be warranted if the dump site will be redeveloped or if residential lots will be located near this area. Mr. Steve Sauber Progressive, LLC November 12, 2019 4 N:\Technical\7956 Schaefco\01\Tech Memo_The Preserve 111219.docx Recommendations Based on the field observations and laboratory analysis of the collected soil and groundwater samples from the Site, Wenck submits the following recommendations: 1. The petroleum and non-petroleum detections at the Site shall be reported to the Minnesota State Duty Officer. 2. Enroll the Site into the MPCA Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup (VIC) and Petroleum Brownfields Programs. Apply for a Retroactive No Association Determination Letter from the VIC Program related to the non-petroleum releases in the soil and groundwater at the Site. Apply for a General Liability Letter for the identified petroleum release at the Subject Property. 3. If site development is still an option, additional soil, groundwater and soil vapor testing is warranted. The testing would further characterize the media. The results can then be used to prepare a Response Action Plan for the management of contaminated media and the proposed development. If you have any questions in regard to this technical memo, please contact me at 651-395- 5224 or at mhosfield@wenck.com. Sincerely, Wenck Associates, Inc. Michelle L. Hosfield Senior Environmental Scientist/Associate Enc: Figure 1 – Test Pit Locations Map (base map provided by Bohlen Surveying & Associates) Table 1 – Soil Sample Analytical Summary Table 2 – Groundwater Sample Analytical Summary Attachment 1 - Test Pit Logs Attachment 2 - TestAmerica Laboratory Report Table 2 Groundwater Sample Analytical Summary The Preserve 19030 Kenwood Trail Lakeville, MN October 2019 TP-10 Trip Blank Water 10/15/2019 10/15/2019 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Metals reported in µg/L Arsenic 7440-38-2 NE <2.00 NA Barium 7440-39-3 2,000 283 NA Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.5 <0.100 NA Chromium 7440-47-3 100 <5.00 NA Lead 7439-92-1 NE <0.500 NA Selenium 7782-49-2 30 <5.00 NA Silver 7440-22-4 30 <1.00 NA Mercury 7439-97-6 NE <0.200 NA Detected Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) reported in µg/L Naphthalene 91-20-3 70 / NE 5.43 <5.00 Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) reported in µg/L 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 8 <0.513 NA Acenaphthene 83-32-9 100 3.06 NA Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 NE <0.513 NA Anthracene 120-12-7 2000 0.866 NA Benzo[a]anthracene 56-55-3 NE 1.53 NA Benzo[a]pyrene 50-32-8 0.1 0.591 NA Benzo[b]fluoranthene 205-99-2 NE 1.09 NA Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 191-24-2 NE <0.513 NA Benzo[k]fluoranthene 207-08-9 NE <0.513 NA Chrysene 218-01-9 NE 0.942 NA Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 NE <0.513 NA Fluoranthene 206-44-0 70 9.41 NA Fluorene 86-73-7 300 2.15 NA Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 193-39-5 NE <0.513 NA Naphthalene 91-20-3 70 6.50 NA Phenanthrene 85-01-8 NE 7.36 NA Pyrene 129-00-0 50 6.37 NA Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) reported in µg/L GRO NE*<100 <100 Diesel Range Organics (DRO) reported in µg/L DRO NE*475 NA Notes: ND = Not detected above method detection limits NE = Not Established µg/L = micrograms per liter NA = Not Analyzed MDH = Minnesota Department of Health < = Less than the reporting limit HRL = Health Risk Limit Bold = detected concentration HBV = Health Based Value * = The MPCA uses an "Additional Investigation Threshold" of 1,000 µg/L MDH HRL/HBV Exceedance Compound/Parameter Sample ID and Date Collected MDH HRL (µg/L) / MDH HBV (µg/L)CAS No Table 1 Soil Sample Analytical Summary The Preserve 19030 Kenwood Trail Lakeville, MN October 2019 10/15/2019 10/15/2019 10/15/2019 10/15/2019 10/15/2019 Arsenic 7440-38-2 9 20 5.8 <3.57 <3.62 <3.60 <7.41 NA Barium 7440-39-3 1100 18000 1700 60.5 62.2 70.4 76.5 NA Cadmium 7440-43-9 25 200 8.8 <0.893 <0.904 <0.899 <1.85 NA Chromium 7440-47-3 NE NE NE 13.6 18.9 16.8 11.6 NA Lead 7439-92-1 300 700 2700 24.7 5.93 49.5 <9.27 NA Mercury 7439-97-6 0.5 1.5 3.3 0.0325 <0.0201 0.0431 <0.0218 NA Selenium 7782-49-2 160 1300 2.6 22.1 30.7 <4.50 <9.27 NA Silver 7440-22-4 160 1300 7.9 <0.893 <0.904 <0.899 <1.85 NA Volatiles Organic Compounds (VOCs) reported in mg/kg Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 28 4.5 <0.271 <0.287 1.12 <0.316 <0.250 All other analyzed VOCs Various Various Various Various ND ND ND ND ND Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) reported in mg/kg 2-Methylnaphthalene 100 369 NE <0.551 <0.0525 2.47 <0.117 NA Acenaphthene 1200 5260 81 <0.551 <0.0525 11.6 <0.117 NA Acenaphthylene NE NE NE <0.551 <0.0525 <0.559 <0.117 NA Anthracene 7880 45400 1300 <0.551 <0.0525 24.9 <0.117 NA Benzo[a]anthracene NE NE NE 0.786 0.102 60.2 <0.117 NA Benzo[a]pyrene 2 3 1.4 0.757 0.111 48.7 <0.117 NA Benzo[b]fluoranthene NE NE NE 1.08 0.158 63.4 <0.117 NA Benzo[g,h,i]perylene NE NE NE <0.551 0.0877 23.6 <0.117 NA Benzo[k]fluoranthene NE NE NE <0.551 0.0544 22.2 <0.117 NA Chrysene NE NE NE 0.758 0.101 59.7 <0.117 NA Dibenz(a,h)anthracene NE NE NE <0.551 <0.0525 7.02 <0.117 NA Fluoranthene 1080 6800 670 1.62 0.213 142 <0.117 NA Fluorene 850 4120 110 <0.551 <0.0525 12.1 <0.117 NA Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene NE NE NE <0.551 0.0779 24.6 <0.117 NA Naphthalene 10 28 4.5 <0.551 <0.0525 6.46 <0.117 NA Phenanthrene NE NE NE 0.605 0.0705 102 <0.117 NA Pyrene 890 5800 440 1.37 0.189 110 <0.117 NA BaP Equivalent c 2 3 1.4 0.95118 0.15124 70.2682 0 NA Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) reported in mg/kg Wisconsin GRO STL01887 NE*NE*NE*<9.72 <10.6 <12.0 <10.8 <10.0 Diesel Range Organics (DRO) reported in mg/kg Diesel Range Organics (DRO) STL00143 NE*NE*NE*143 <5.43 2820 <5.64 NA Notes: NE = Not Established mg/kg = milligram per kilogram NA = Not Analyzed MPCA = Minnesota Pollution Control Agency ND = Not Detected SRV = Soil Reference Value < = Less than the reporting limit SLV = Soil Leaching Value * = 100 mg/kg is the soil reuse guidance for DRO/GRO Bold = detected concentration Residential SRV exceedance Industrial SRV exceedance SLV exceedance Exceeds Soil Reuse Guidance of 100 mg/kg Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Metals reported in mg/kg Sample ID and Date Collected Compound/Parameter MPCA Tier 1 Residential SRVs 2009 MPCA Tier 2 Industrial SRVs 2009 MPCA SLVs 2013 CAS No.Trip Blank SoilTP-17 (2-3')TP-16 (6-8')TP-15 (0-4')TP-3 (0-2') 11-12-2019 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\01 Test Pit Observation\TP-1.borProject # B8410-0001 Lakeville, MN 19030 Kenwood Trail The Preserve Residential Development Groundwater not observed LOG OF Test Pit TP-1 (Page 1 of 1) Date Started : 10/15/19 Date Completed : 10/15/19 Contractor : Country Joe Homes Sampling Method : Backhoe Water Level : NE Logged By : JSB Checked By : MLH Depth in Feet0 5 10 15 Surf. Elev.USCSFILL SC GRAPHICDESCRIPTION Water Levels Water Level Test Pit Depth: 6' Estimated Depth of Fill: 4' Water Level: NE SIILTY SAND, trace gravel, common large concrete debris and trace bituminous, black, moist SANDY CLAY, some silt and gravel, brown, moist End of Test Pit @ 6'Soil Sample IntervalPID Result (PPM)0.1 0.2 Water Level 11-12-2019 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\01 Test Pit Observation\TP-2.borProject # B8410-0001 Lakeville, MN 19030 Kenwood Trail The Preserve Residential Development Groundwater not observed LOG OF Test Pit TP-2 (Page 1 of 1) Date Started : 10/15/19 Date Completed : 10/15/19 Contractor : Country Joe Homes Sampling Method : Backhoe Water Level : NE Logged By : JSB Checked By : MLH Depth in Feet0 5 10 15 Surf. Elev.USCSFILL SC GRAPHICDESCRIPTION Water Levels Water Level Test Pit Depth: 2' Estimated Depth of Fill: 1' Water Level: NE SIILTY SAND (Topsoil), trace large concrete, black, moist SANDY CLAY, trace silt and gravel, brown, moist End of Test Pit @ 2'Soil Sample IntervalPID Result (PPM)0.2 Water Level 11-12-2019 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\01 Test Pit Observation\TP-3.borProject # B8410-0001 Lakeville, MN 19030 Kenwood Trail The Preserve Residential Development Groundwater observed at approximately 6' bgs LOG OF Test Pit TP-3 (Page 1 of 1) Date Started : 10/15/19 Date Completed : 10/15/19 Contractor : Country Joe Homes Sampling Method : Backhoe Water Level : 6' Logged By : JSB Checked By : MLH Depth in Feet0 5 10 15 Surf. Elev.USCSFILL GRAPHICDESCRIPTION Water Levels Water Level Test Pit Depth: 11' Estimated Depth of Fill: 11' Water Level: 6' SIILTY SAND, with concrete, metal, brick, wood, and bituminous, black, moist ORGANIC PEAT @ 11' End of Test Pit @ 11'Soil Sample Interval(0-2')PID Result (PPM)0.2 0.4 Water Level 11-12-2019 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\01 Test Pit Observation\TP-4.borProject # B8410-0001 Lakeville, MN 19030 Kenwood Trail The Preserve Residential Development Groundwater not observed LOG OF Test Pit TP-4 (Page 1 of 1) Date Started : 10/15/19 Date Completed : 10/15/19 Contractor : Country Joe Homes Sampling Method : Backhoe Water Level : NE Logged By : JSB Checked By : MLH Depth in Feet0 5 10 15 Surf. Elev.USCSFILL SC GRAPHICDESCRIPTION Water Levels Water Level Test Pit Depth: 12' Estimated Depth of Fill: 10' Water Level: NE SIILTY SAND, with concrete, clay pipe, metal (car parts), and wood, black, moist SANDY CLAY, with organics, brown, moist End of Test Pit @ 12'Soil Sample IntervalPID Result (PPM)0.2 0.3 Water Level 11-12-2019 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\01 Test Pit Observation\TP-5.borProject # B8410-0001 Lakeville, MN 19030 Kenwood Trail The Preserve Residential Development Groundwater observed at approximately 6' LOG OF Test Pit TP-5 (Page 1 of 1) Date Started : 10/15/19 Date Completed : 10/15/19 Contractor : Country Joe Homes Sampling Method : Backhoe Water Level : 6' Logged By : JSB Checked By : MLH Depth in Feet0 5 10 15 Surf. Elev.USCSFILL GRAPHICDESCRIPTION Water Levels Water Level Test Pit Depth: 11' Estimated Depth of Fill: 11' Water Level: 6' SANDY ORGANIC CLAY, with concrete, metal, and bituminous, black, moist ORGANIC PEAT @ 11' End of Test Pit @ 11'Soil Sample IntervalPID Result (PPM)0.1 0.6 Water Level 11-12-2019 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\01 Test Pit Observation\TP-6.borProject # B8410-0001 Lakeville, MN 19030 Kenwood Trail The Preserve Residential Development Groundwater not observed LOG OF Test Pit TP-6 (Page 1 of 1) Date Started : 10/15/19 Date Completed : 10/15/19 Contractor : Country Joe Homes Sampling Method : Backhoe Water Level : NE Logged By : JSB Checked By : MLH Depth in Feet0 5 10 15 Surf. Elev.USCSFILL OL GRAPHICDESCRIPTION Water Levels Water Level Test Pit Depth: 8' Estimated Depth of Fill: 5' Water Level: NE SANDY CLAY, trace boulders and bituminous, brown, moist ORGANIC CLAY, soft, blue to black, moist End of Test Pit @ 8'Soil Sample IntervalPID Result (PPM)0.2 Water Level 11-12-2019 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\01 Test Pit Observation\TP-7.borProject # B8410-0001 Lakeville, MN 19030 Kenwood Trail The Preserve Residential Development Groundwater not observed LOG OF Test Pit TP-7 (Page 1 of 1) Date Started : 10/15/19 Date Completed : 10/15/19 Contractor : Country Joe Homes Sampling Method : Backhoe Water Level : NE Logged By : JSB Checked By : MLH Depth in Feet0 5 10 15 Surf. Elev.USCSFILL OL GRAPHICDESCRIPTION Water Levels Water Level Test Pit Depth: 8' Estimated Depth of Fill: 5' Water Level: NE SANDY CLAY, with concrete and boulders, trace bituminous, brown, moist ORGANIC CLAY, soft, gray to black, moist End of Test Pit @ 8'Soil Sample IntervalPID Result (PPM)0.4 Water Level 11-12-2019 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\01 Test Pit Observation\TP-8.borProject # B8410-0001 Lakeville, MN 19030 Kenwood Trail The Preserve Residential Development Groundwater not observed LOG OF Test Pit TP-8 (Page 1 of 1) Date Started : 10/15/19 Date Completed : 10/15/19 Contractor : Country Joe Homes Sampling Method : Backhoe Water Level : NE Logged By : JSB Checked By : MLH Depth in Feet0 5 10 15 Surf. Elev.USCSFILL FILL OL GRAPHICDESCRIPTION Water Levels Water Level Test Pit Depth: 10' Estimated Depth of Fill: 6' Water Level: NE SANDY CLAY, with gravel and bituminous, brown, moist ORGANIC CLAY, with bituminous, black, moist ORGANIC CLAY, black, moist End of Test Pit @ 10'Soil Sample IntervalPID Result (PPM)0.3 0.5 Water Level 11-12-2019 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\01 Test Pit Observation\TP-9.borProject # B8410-0001 Lakeville, MN 19030 Kenwood Trail The Preserve Residential Development Groundwater not observed LOG OF Test Pit TP-9 (Page 1 of 1) Date Started : 10/15/19 Date Completed : 10/15/19 Contractor : Country Joe Homes Sampling Method : Backhoe West Level : NE Logged By : JSB Checked By : MLH Depth in Feet0 5 10 15 Surf. Elev.USCSFILL FILL FILL GRAPHICDESCRIPTION Water Levels Water Level Test Pit Depth: 9' Estimated Depth of Fill: 9' Water Level: NE CLAYEY SAND, with gravel, bituminous, and wood paneling, brown, moist ORGANIC CLAY, with wood paneling, black, moist CLAYEY SAND, with gravel, brown, moist ORGANIC PEAT @ 9' End of Test Pit @ 9'Soil Sample IntervalPID Result (PPM)0.4 0.6 Water Level 11-12-2019 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\01 Test Pit Observation\TP-10.borProject # B8410-0001 Lakeville, MN 19030 Kenwood Trail The Preserve Residential Development Groundwater observed at approximately 6' LOG OF Test Pit TP-10 (Page 1 of 1) Date Started : 10/15/19 Date Completed : 10/15/19 Contractor : Country Joe Homes Sampling Method : Backhoe Water Level : 6' Logged By : JSB Checked By : MLH Depth in Feet0 5 10 15 Surf. Elev.USCSFILL OL GRAPHICDESCRIPTION Water Levels Water Level Test Pit Depth: 12' Estimated Depth of Fill: 10' Water Level: 6' CLAYEY SAND, with gravel, concrete, bituminous, rubber tires (2), some organics, gray/black, moist ORGANIC CLAY, black, moist End of Test Pit @ 12'Soil Sample IntervalPID Result (PPM)0.6 0.8 Water Level 11-12-2019 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\01 Test Pit Observation\TP-11.borProject # B8410-0001 Lakeville, MN 19030 Kenwood Trail The Preserve Residential Development Groundwater not observed LOG OF Test Pit TP-11 (Page 1 of 1) Date Started : 10/15/19 Date Completed : 10/15/19 Contractor : Country Joe Homes Sasmpling Method : Backhoe Water Level : NE Logged By : JSB Checked By : MLH Depth in Feet0 5 10 15 Surf. Elev.USCSFILL SM GRAPHICDESCRIPTION Water Levels Water Level Test Pit Depth: 12' Estimated Depth of Fill: 10' Water Level: NE SILTY SAND, some organics, concrete, metal, wood, stumps, rubber, dark brown, moist (0-2') Ash layer SILTY SAND, coarse-grained with gravel, brown, moist End of Test Pit @ 12'Soil Sample IntervalPID Result (PPM)0.5 0.6 Water Level 11-12-2019 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\01 Test Pit Observation\TP-12.borProject # B8410-0001 Lakeville, MN 19030 Kenwood Trail The Preserve Residential Development Groundwater not observed LOG OF Test Pit TP-12 (Page 1 of 1) Date Started : 10/15/19 Date Completed : 10/15/19 Contractor : Country Joe Homes Sampling Method : Backhoe Water Level : NE Logged By : JSB Checked By : MLH Depth in Feet0 5 10 15 Surf. Elev.USCSFILL OL GRAPHICDESCRIPTION Water Levels Water Level Test Pit Depth: 8' Estimated Depth of Fill: 4' Water Level: NE SANDY CLAY, with organics, trace concrete, brown, moist ORGANIC CLAY, black, moist End of Test Pit @ 8'Soil Sample IntervalPID Result (PPM)0.6 0.8 Water Level 11-12-2019 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\01 Test Pit Observation\TP-13.borProject # B8410-0001 Lakeville, MN 19030 Kenwood Trail The Preserve Residential Development Groundwater not observed LOG OF Test Pit TP-13 (Page 1 of 1) Date Started : 10/15/19 Date Completed : 10/15/19 Contractor : Country Joe Homes Sampling Method : Backhoe Water Level : NE Logged By : JSB Checked By : MLH Depth in Feet0 5 10 15 Surf. Elev.USCSSC GRAPHICDESCRIPTION Water Levels Water Level Test Pit Depth: 6' Estimated Depth of Fill: N/A Water Level: N/A CLAYEY SAND, with gravel, brown, moist End of Test Pit @ 6'Soil Sample IntervalPID Result (PPM)0.6 Water Level 11-12-2019 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\01 Test Pit Observation\TP-14.borProject # B8410-0001 Lakeville, MN 19030 Kenwood Trail The Preserve Residential Development Groundwater not observed LOG OF Test Pit TP-14 (Page 1 of 1) Date Started : 10/15/19 Date Completed : 10/15/19 Contractor : Country Joe Homes Sampling Method : Backhoe Water Level : NE Logged By : JSB Checked By : MLH Depth in Feet0 5 10 15 Surf. Elev.USCSFILL FILL SP GRAPHICDESCRIPTION Water Levels Water Level Test Pit Depth: 10' Estimated Depth of Fill: 8' Water Level: NE SILTY SAND, some concrete and metal, dark brown, moist SILTY SAND, dark brown, moist SAND, coarse-grained, with silt and gravel, brown, moist End of Test Pit @ 10'Soil Sample IntervalPID Result (PPM)0.5 0.6 Water Level 11-12-2019 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\01 Test Pit Observation\TP-15.borProject # B8410-0001 Lakeville, MN 19030 Kenwood Trail The Preserve Residential Development Groundwater not observed LOG OF Test Pit TP-15 (Page 1 of 1) Date Started : 10/15/19 Date Completed : 10/15/19 Contractor : Country Joe Homes Sampling Method : Backhoe Water Level : NE Logged By : JSB Checked By : MLH Depth in Feet0 5 10 15 Surf. Elev.USCSFILL FILL SC GRAPHICDESCRIPTION Water Levels Water Level Test Pit Depth: 8' Estimated Depth of Fill: 6' Water Level: NE SILTY SAND (topsoil), with concrete, metal, plastic, and wood, brown, moist SILTY SAND, trace concrete, metal, plastic, and wood, brown, moist SANDY CLAY, some coarse sand, brown, moist End of Test Pit @ 8'Soil Sample Interval(0-4')PID Result (PPM)0.2 Water Level 11-12-2019 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\01 Test Pit Observation\TP-16.borProject # B8410-0001 Lakeville, MN 19030 Kenwood Trail The Preserve Residential Development Groundwater not observed LOG OF Test Pit TP-16 (Page 1 of 1) Date Started : 10/15/19 Date Completed : 10/15/19 Contractor : Country Joe Homes Sampling Method : Backhoe Water Level : NE Logged By : JSB Checked By : MLH Depth in Feet0 5 10 15 Surf. Elev.USCSFILL OL GRAPHICDESCRIPTION Water Levels Water Level Test Pit Depth: 10' Estimated Depth of Fill: 8' Water Level: NE SILTY SAND, with building materials (roofing, wood, foam), metal, and concrete, brown, moist (2-3') ash layer ORGANIC CLAY, black, moist End of Test Pit @ 10'Soil Sample Interval(6-8')PID Result (PPM)0.3 Water Level 11-12-2019 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\01 Test Pit Observation\TP-17.borProject # B8410-0001 Lakeville, MN 19030 Kenwood Trail The Preserve Residential Development Groundwater not observed LOG OF Test Pit TP-17 (Page 1 of 1) Date Started : 10/15/19 Date Completed : 10/15/19 Contractor : Country Joe Homes Sampling Method : Backhoe Water Level : NE Logged By : JSB Checked By : MLH Depth in Feet0 5 10 15 Surf. Elev.USCSFILL OL GRAPHICDESCRIPTION Water Levels Water Level Test Pit Depth: 10' Estimated Depth of Fill: 9' Water Level: NE SILTY SAND, with building materials (roofing, wood, foam), metal, and concrete, brown, moist (2-3') Ash layer ORGANIC CLAY, black, moist End of Test Pit @ 10'Soil Sample Interval(2-3')PID Result (PPM)0.9 Water Level ANALYTICAL REPORT Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls 3019 Venture Way Cedar Falls, IA 50613 Tel: (319)277-2401 Laboratory Job ID: 310-167565-1 Client Project/Site: The Preserve For: Wenck Associates, Inc 1802 Wooddale Drive Suite 100 Woodbury, Minnesota 55125 Attn: Michelle Hosfield Authorized for release by: 10/23/2019 12:34:37 PM Zach Bindert, Project Manager I (319)277-2401 zach.bindert@testamericainc.com This report has been electronically signed and authorized by the signatory. Electronic signature is intended to be the legally binding equivalent of a traditionally handwritten signature. Results relate only to the items tested and the sample(s) as received by the laboratory. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Table of Contents Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Laboratory Job ID: 310-167565-1 Page 2 of 64 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls 10/23/2019 Cover Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Case Narrative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Sample Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Detection Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Client Sample Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Surrogate Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 QC Sample Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 QC Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Chronicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 Certification Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 Method Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 Chain of Custody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61 Receipt Checklists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Case Narrative Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Job ID: 310-167565-1 Project/Site: The Preserve Job ID: 310-167565-1 Laboratory: Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Narrative Job Narrative 310-167565-1 Comments No additional comments. Receipt The samples were received on 10/16/2019 10:10 AM; the samples arrived in good condition, properly preserved and, where required, on ice. The temperatures of the 2 coolers at receipt time were 0.8º C and 1.1º C. GC/MS VOA Method 8260B: The continuing calibration verification (CCV) associated with batch 310-257170 recovered above the upper control limit for Chloroethane(59.9%D). The samples associated with this CCV were non-detects for the affected analytes; therefore, the data have been reported. The following sample is impacted: (CCV 310-257170/4). Method 8260B: The laboratory control sample (LCS) and / or laboratory control sample duplicate (LCSD) for preparation batch 310-257160 and analytical batch 310-257170 recovered outside control limits for the following analytes: Acetone. These analytes were biased high in the LCS and were not detected in the associated samples; therefore, the data have been reported. Method 8260B: The laboratory control sample (LCS) and / or laboratory control sample duplicate (LCSD) for preparation batch 310-257160 and analytical batch 310-257170 recovered outside control limits for the following analytes: Bromoform. These analytes were biased high in the LCS and were not detected in the associated samples; therefore, the data have been reported. Method 8260B: Surrogate recovery was outside acceptance limits for the following matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) sample: (310-167552-D-10 MS). The parent sample's surrogate recovery was within limits. The MS/MSD sample has been qualified and reported. Method 8260B: The surrogate recovery for the CCV and LCS associated with analytical batch 310-257528 was outside the upper control limits. Method 8260B: The laboratory control sample (LCS) for analytical batch 310-257708 recovered outside control limits for the following analytes: 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene and sec-Butylbenzene. These analytes were biased high in the LCS and were not detected in the associated samples; therefore, the data have been reported. No additional analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/Glossary page. GC/MS Semi VOA Method 8270D SIM: The following samples were diluted due to the nature of the sample matrix: TP-3 (0-2') (310-167565-1), TP-15 (0-4') (310-167565-2), TP-16 (6-8') (310-167565-3), TP-17 (2-3') (310-167565-4), TP-10 (310-167565-5) and (310-167654-A-8-C). Elevated reporting limits (RLs) are provided. Method 8270D SIM: The following samples were diluted due to the nature of the sample matrix: (310-167654-A-6-C), (310-167654-A-6-A MS), (310-167654-A-6-B MSD), (310-167654-A-8-A MS) and (310-167654-A-8-B MSD). Elevated reporting limits (RLs) are provided. No additional analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/Glossary page. GC VOA Method WI-GRO: The method blank for batch 257652 contained Wisconsin GRO above the reporting limit (RL). None of the samples associated with this method blank contained the target compound; therefore, re-extraction and/or re-analysis of samples were not performed. No additional analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/Glossary page. GC Semi VOA Method WI-DRO: The laboratory control sample (LCS) for preparation batch 310-257080 and analytical batch 310-257490 recovered outside acceptance limits for DRO. There was insufficient sample to perform a re-extraction or re-analysis; therefore, the data have been Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 3 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Case Narrative Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Job ID: 310-167565-1 Project/Site: The Preserve Job ID: 310-167565-1 (Continued) Laboratory: Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls (Continued) reported. Method WI-DRO: Significant peaks, readily distinguished from background, were detected in the following samples within five minutes after the end of the analytical window defined by the last component eluting in the Diesel Range Organics (DRO) mix (i.e., n-Octacosane): TP-3 (0-2') (310-167565-1) and TP-16 (6-8') (310-167565-3). No additional analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/Glossary page. Metals Methods 6010D: The following sample was diluted due to the presence of an interferent. TP-17 (2-3') (310-167565-4). Elevated reporting limits (RLs) are provided. No additional analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/Glossary page. General Chemistry No analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described in the Definitions/Glossary page. Organic Prep No analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described in the Definitions/Glossary page. VOA Prep No analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described in the Definitions/Glossary page. Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 4 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Sample Summary Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID ReceivedCollectedMatrix Asset ID 310-167565-1 TP-3 (0-2')Soil 10/15/19 14:00 10/16/19 10:10 310-167565-2 TP-15 (0-4')Soil 10/15/19 14:30 10/16/19 10:10 310-167565-3 TP-16 (6-8')Soil 10/15/19 15:00 10/16/19 10:10 310-167565-4 TP-17 (2-3')Soil 10/15/19 15:30 10/16/19 10:10 310-167565-5 TP-10 Water 10/15/19 11:00 10/16/19 10:10 310-167565-6 Trip Blank Soil Soil 10/15/19 00:00 10/16/19 10:10 310-167565-7 Trip Blank Water Water 10/15/19 00:00 10/16/19 10:10 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 5 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Detection Summary Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Client Sample ID: TP-3 (0-2')Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-1 ☼Benzo[a]anthracene RL 0.551 mg/Kg MDLAnalyteResultQualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA500.786 8270D SIM ☼Benzo[a]pyrene 0.551 mg/Kg Total/NA500.757 8270D SIM ☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene 0.551 mg/Kg Total/NA501.08 8270D SIM ☼Chrysene 0.551 mg/Kg Total/NA500.758 8270D SIM ☼Fluoranthene 0.551 mg/Kg Total/NA501.62 8270D SIM ☼Phenanthrene 0.551 mg/Kg Total/NA500.605 8270D SIM ☼Pyrene 0.551 mg/Kg Total/NA501.37 8270D SIM ☼Diesel Range Organics (DRO)4.91 mg/Kg Silica Gel Cleanup 1143 WI-DRO ☼Barium 0.893 mg/Kg Total/NA160.5 6010D ☼Chromium 0.893 mg/Kg Total/NA113.6 6010D ☼Lead 4.47 mg/Kg Total/NA124.7 6010D ☼Selenium 4.47 mg/Kg Total/NA122.1 6010D ☼Mercury 0.0210 mg/Kg Total/NA10.0325 7471B Client Sample ID: TP-15 (0-4')Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-2 ☼Benzo[a]anthracene RL 0.0525 mg/Kg MDLAnalyteResultQualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA50.102 8270D SIM ☼Benzo[a]pyrene 0.0525 mg/Kg Total/NA50.111 8270D SIM ☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene 0.0525 mg/Kg Total/NA50.158 8270D SIM ☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 0.0525 mg/Kg Total/NA50.0877 8270D SIM ☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene 0.0525 mg/Kg Total/NA50.0544 8270D SIM ☼Chrysene 0.0525 mg/Kg Total/NA50.101 8270D SIM ☼Fluoranthene 0.0525 mg/Kg Total/NA50.213 8270D SIM ☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 0.0525 mg/Kg Total/NA50.0779 8270D SIM ☼Phenanthrene 0.0525 mg/Kg Total/NA50.0705 8270D SIM ☼Pyrene 0.0525 mg/Kg Total/NA50.189 8270D SIM ☼Barium 0.904 mg/Kg Total/NA162.2 6010D ☼Chromium 0.904 mg/Kg Total/NA118.9 6010D ☼Lead 4.52 mg/Kg Total/NA15.93 6010D ☼Selenium 4.52 mg/Kg Total/NA130.7 6010D Client Sample ID: TP-16 (6-8')Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-3 ☼Naphthalene RL 0.342 mg/Kg MDLAnalyteResultQualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA11.12 8260B ☼Acenaphthene 0.559 mg/Kg Total/NA5011.6 8270D SIM ☼Anthracene 0.559 mg/Kg Total/NA5024.9 8270D SIM ☼Benzo[a]anthracene 5.59 mg/Kg Total/NA50060.2 8270D SIM ☼Benzo[a]pyrene 5.59 mg/Kg Total/NA50048.7 8270D SIM ☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene 5.59 mg/Kg Total/NA50063.4 8270D SIM ☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 0.559 mg/Kg Total/NA5023.6 8270D SIM ☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene 0.559 mg/Kg Total/NA5022.2 8270D SIM ☼Chrysene 5.59 mg/Kg Total/NA50059.7 8270D SIM ☼Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.559 mg/Kg Total/NA507.02 8270D SIM ☼Fluoranthene 5.59 mg/Kg Total/NA5001428270D SIM ☼Fluorene 0.559 mg/Kg Total/NA5012.1 8270D SIM ☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 0.559 mg/Kg Total/NA5024.6 8270D SIM ☼2-Methylnaphthalene 0.559 mg/Kg Total/NA502.47 8270D SIM ☼Naphthalene 0.559 mg/Kg Total/NA506.46 8270D SIM ☼Phenanthrene 5.59 mg/Kg Total/NA5001028270D SIM Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Page 6 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Detection Summary Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Client Sample ID: TP-16 (6-8') (Continued)Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-3 ☼Pyrene RL 5.59 mg/Kg MDLAnalyteResultQualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA5001108270D SIM ☼Diesel Range Organics (DRO)89.8 mg/Kg Silica Gel Cleanup 202820 WI-DRO ☼Barium 0.899 mg/Kg Total/NA170.4 6010D ☼Chromium 0.899 mg/Kg Total/NA116.8 6010D ☼Lead 4.50 mg/Kg Total/NA149.5 6010D ☼Mercury 0.0199 mg/Kg Total/NA10.0431 7471B Client Sample ID: TP-17 (2-3')Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-4 ☼Barium RL 1.85 mg/Kg MDLAnalyteResultQualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA276.5 6010D ☼Chromium 1.85 mg/Kg Total/NA211.6 6010D Client Sample ID: TP-10 Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-5 Naphthalene RL 5.00 ug/L MDLAnalyteResultQualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA15.43 8260B Acenaphthene 0.513 ug/L Total/NA53.06 8270D SIM Anthracene 0.513 ug/L Total/NA50.866 8270D SIM Benzo[a]anthracene 0.513 ug/L Total/NA51.53 8270D SIM Benzo[a]pyrene 0.513 ug/L Total/NA50.591 8270D SIM Benzo[b]fluoranthene 0.513 ug/L Total/NA51.09 8270D SIM Chrysene 0.513 ug/L Total/NA50.942 8270D SIM Fluoranthene 0.513 ug/L Total/NA59.41 8270D SIM Fluorene 0.513 ug/L Total/NA52.15 8270D SIM Naphthalene 2.56 ug/L Total/NA56.50 8270D SIM Phenanthrene 0.513 ug/L Total/NA57.36 8270D SIM Pyrene 0.513 ug/L Total/NA56.37 8270D SIM Diesel Range Organics (DRO)0.102 mg/L Silica Gel Cleanup 10.475 *WI-DRO Barium 0.00200 mg/L Dissolved10.283 6020B Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Soil Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-6 No Detections. Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Water Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-7 No Detections. Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Page 7 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-1Client Sample ID: TP-3 (0-2') Matrix: SoilDate Collected: 10/15/19 14:00 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acetone <0.542 *0.542 mg/Kg ☼10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Allyl chloride <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Benzene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Bromobenzene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Bromochloromethane <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Bromodichloromethane <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Bromoform <0.108 * 0.542 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Bromomethane <0.542 0.271 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼2-Butanone (MEK)<0.271 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Carbon tetrachloride <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Chlorobenzene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Chlorodibromomethane <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Chloroethane <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Chloroform <0.108 0.271 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Chloromethane <0.271 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼2-Chlorotoluene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼4-Chlorotoluene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)<0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Dibromomethane <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Dichlorodifluoromethane <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼1,1-Dichloroethane <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼1,2-Dichloroethane <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼1,1-Dichloroethene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Dichlorofluoromethane <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼1,2-Dichloropropane <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼1,3-Dichloropropane <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼2,2-Dichloropropane <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼1,1-Dichloropropene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Diethyl ether <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Ethylbenzene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Hexachlorobutadiene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Isopropylbenzene <0.108 0.271 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Methylene Chloride <0.271 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)<0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Methyl tert-butyl ether <0.108 0.271 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Naphthalene <0.271 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼n-Butylbenzene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼N-Propylbenzene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼p-Isopropyltoluene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼sec-Butylbenzene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Styrene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼tert-Butylbenzene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.108 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 8 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-1Client Sample ID: TP-3 (0-2') Matrix: SoilDate Collected: 10/15/19 14:00 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg ☼10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Tetrachloroethene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Tetrahydrofuran <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Toluene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Trichloroethene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Trichlorofluoromethane <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <0.108 0.108 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Vinyl chloride <0.108 0.163 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1☼Xylenes, Total <0.163 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)96 80 -120 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Dibromofluoromethane (Surr)97 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 180-120 Toluene-d8 (Surr)95 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:09 180-120 Method: 8270D SIM - Semivolatile Organic Compound (GC/MS SIM LL) RL MDL Acenaphthene <0.551 0.551 mg/Kg ☼10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:32 50 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.551 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:32 50☼Acenaphthylene <0.551 0.551 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:32 50☼Anthracene <0.551 0.551 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:32 50☼Benzo[a]anthracene 0.786 0.551 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:32 50☼Benzo[a]pyrene 0.757 0.551 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:32 50☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene 1.08 0.551 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:32 50☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene <0.551 0.551 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:32 50☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene <0.551 0.551 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:32 50☼Chrysene 0.758 0.551 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:32 50☼Dibenz(a,h)anthracene <0.551 0.551 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:32 50☼Fluoranthene 1.62 0.551 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:32 50☼Fluorene <0.551 0.551 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:32 50☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene <0.551 0.551 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:32 50☼2-Methylnaphthalene <0.551 0.551 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:32 50☼Naphthalene <0.551 0.551 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:32 50☼Phenanthrene 0.605 0.551 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:32 50☼Pyrene 1.37 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)49 28 -110 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:32 50 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)39 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:32 5022-110 Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)43 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:32 5026-110 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 9 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-1Client Sample ID: TP-3 (0-2') Matrix: SoilDate Collected: 10/15/19 14:00 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Method: WI-GRO - Wisconsin - Gasoline Range Organics (GC) RL MDL Wisconsin GRO <9.72 9.72 mg/Kg ☼10/22/19 13:09 10/23/19 00:32 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)91 80 -120 10/22/19 13:09 10/23/19 00:32 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Method: WI-DRO - Wisconsin - Diesel Range Organics (GC) - Silica Gel Cleanup RL MDL Diesel Range Organics (DRO)143 4.91 mg/Kg ☼10/17/19 11:24 10/21/19 10:41 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) RL MDL Arsenic <3.57 3.57 mg/Kg ☼10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 20:19 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.893 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 20:19 1☼Barium 60.5 0.893 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 20:19 1☼Cadmium <0.893 0.893 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 20:19 1☼Chromium 13.6 4.47 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 20:19 1☼Lead 24.7 4.47 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 20:19 1☼Selenium 22.1 0.893 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 20:19 1☼Silver <0.893 Method: 7471B - Mercury (CVAA) RL MDL Mercury 0.0325 0.0210 mg/Kg ☼10/18/19 15:09 10/21/19 12:21 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier General Chemistry RL RL Percent Moisture 10.0 0.1 %10/17/19 09:09 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.1 %10/17/19 09:09 1Percent Solids 90.0 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 10 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-2Client Sample ID: TP-15 (0-4') Matrix: SoilDate Collected: 10/15/19 14:30 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acetone <0.574 *0.574 mg/Kg ☼10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Allyl chloride <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Benzene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Bromobenzene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Bromochloromethane <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Bromodichloromethane <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Bromoform <0.115 * 0.574 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Bromomethane <0.574 0.287 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼2-Butanone (MEK)<0.287 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Carbon tetrachloride <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Chlorobenzene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Chlorodibromomethane <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Chloroethane <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Chloroform <0.115 0.287 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Chloromethane <0.287 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼2-Chlorotoluene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼4-Chlorotoluene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)<0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Dibromomethane <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Dichlorodifluoromethane <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼1,1-Dichloroethane <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼1,2-Dichloroethane <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼1,1-Dichloroethene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Dichlorofluoromethane <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼1,2-Dichloropropane <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼1,3-Dichloropropane <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼2,2-Dichloropropane <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼1,1-Dichloropropene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Diethyl ether <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Ethylbenzene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Hexachlorobutadiene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Isopropylbenzene <0.115 0.287 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Methylene Chloride <0.287 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)<0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Methyl tert-butyl ether <0.115 0.287 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Naphthalene <0.287 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼n-Butylbenzene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼N-Propylbenzene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼p-Isopropyltoluene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼sec-Butylbenzene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Styrene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼tert-Butylbenzene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.115 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 11 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-2Client Sample ID: TP-15 (0-4') Matrix: SoilDate Collected: 10/15/19 14:30 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg ☼10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Tetrachloroethene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Tetrahydrofuran <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Toluene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Trichloroethene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Trichlorofluoromethane <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <0.115 0.115 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Vinyl chloride <0.115 0.172 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1☼Xylenes, Total <0.172 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)97 80 -120 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Dibromofluoromethane (Surr)94 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 180-120 Toluene-d8 (Surr)94 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:34 180-120 Method: 8270D SIM - Semivolatile Organic Compound (GC/MS SIM LL) RL MDL Acenaphthene <0.0525 0.0525 mg/Kg ☼10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:51 5 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.0525 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:51 5☼Acenaphthylene <0.0525 0.0525 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:51 5☼Anthracene <0.0525 0.0525 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:51 5☼Benzo[a]anthracene 0.102 0.0525 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:51 5☼Benzo[a]pyrene 0.111 0.0525 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:51 5☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene 0.158 0.0525 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:51 5☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 0.0877 0.0525 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:51 5☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene 0.0544 0.0525 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:51 5☼Chrysene 0.101 0.0525 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:51 5☼Dibenz(a,h)anthracene <0.0525 0.0525 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:51 5☼Fluoranthene 0.213 0.0525 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:51 5☼Fluorene <0.0525 0.0525 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:51 5☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 0.0779 0.0525 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:51 5☼2-Methylnaphthalene <0.0525 0.0525 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:51 5☼Naphthalene <0.0525 0.0525 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:51 5☼Phenanthrene 0.0705 0.0525 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:51 5☼Pyrene 0.189 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)54 28 -110 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:51 5 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)49 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:51 522-110 Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)52 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 16:51 526-110 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 12 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-2Client Sample ID: TP-15 (0-4') Matrix: SoilDate Collected: 10/15/19 14:30 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Method: WI-GRO - Wisconsin - Gasoline Range Organics (GC) RL MDL Wisconsin GRO <10.6 10.6 mg/Kg ☼10/22/19 13:09 10/23/19 01:04 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)93 80 -120 10/22/19 13:09 10/23/19 01:04 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Method: WI-DRO - Wisconsin - Diesel Range Organics (GC) - Silica Gel Cleanup RL MDL Diesel Range Organics (DRO)<5.43 5.43 mg/Kg ☼10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 14:03 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) RL MDL Arsenic <3.62 3.62 mg/Kg ☼10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 20:21 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.904 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 20:21 1☼Barium 62.2 0.904 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 20:21 1☼Cadmium <0.904 0.904 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 20:21 1☼Chromium 18.9 4.52 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 20:21 1☼Lead 5.93 4.52 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 20:21 1☼Selenium 30.7 0.904 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 20:21 1☼Silver <0.904 Method: 7471B - Mercury (CVAA) RL MDL Mercury <0.0201 0.0201 mg/Kg ☼10/18/19 15:09 10/21/19 12:23 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier General Chemistry RL RL Percent Moisture 7.8 0.1 %10/17/19 09:09 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.1 %10/17/19 09:09 1Percent Solids 92.2 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 13 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-3Client Sample ID: TP-16 (6-8') Matrix: SoilDate Collected: 10/15/19 15:00 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acetone <0.683 *0.683 mg/Kg ☼10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Allyl chloride <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Benzene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Bromobenzene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Bromochloromethane <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Bromodichloromethane <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Bromoform <0.137 * 0.683 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Bromomethane <0.683 0.342 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼2-Butanone (MEK)<0.342 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Carbon tetrachloride <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Chlorobenzene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Chlorodibromomethane <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Chloroethane <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Chloroform <0.137 0.342 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Chloromethane <0.342 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼2-Chlorotoluene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼4-Chlorotoluene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)<0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Dibromomethane <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Dichlorodifluoromethane <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼1,1-Dichloroethane <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼1,2-Dichloroethane <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼1,1-Dichloroethene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Dichlorofluoromethane <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼1,2-Dichloropropane <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼1,3-Dichloropropane <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼2,2-Dichloropropane <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼1,1-Dichloropropene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Diethyl ether <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Ethylbenzene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Hexachlorobutadiene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Isopropylbenzene <0.137 0.342 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Methylene Chloride <0.342 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)<0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Methyl tert-butyl ether <0.137 0.342 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Naphthalene 1.12 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼n-Butylbenzene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼N-Propylbenzene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼p-Isopropyltoluene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼sec-Butylbenzene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Styrene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼tert-Butylbenzene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.137 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 14 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-3Client Sample ID: TP-16 (6-8') Matrix: SoilDate Collected: 10/15/19 15:00 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg ☼10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Tetrachloroethene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Tetrahydrofuran <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Toluene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Trichloroethene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Trichlorofluoromethane <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <0.137 0.137 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Vinyl chloride <0.137 0.205 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1☼Xylenes, Total <0.205 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)96 80 -120 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Dibromofluoromethane (Surr)101 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 180-120 Toluene-d8 (Surr)94 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 14:58 180-120 Method: 8270D SIM - Semivolatile Organic Compound (GC/MS SIM LL) RL MDL Acenaphthene 11.6 0.559 mg/Kg ☼10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:09 50 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.559 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:09 50☼Acenaphthylene <0.559 0.559 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:09 50☼Anthracene 24.9 5.59 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/22/19 07:17 500☼Benzo[a]anthracene 60.2 5.59 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/22/19 07:17 500☼Benzo[a]pyrene 48.7 5.59 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/22/19 07:17 500☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene 63.4 0.559 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:09 50☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 23.6 0.559 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:09 50☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene 22.2 5.59 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/22/19 07:17 500☼Chrysene 59.7 0.559 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:09 50☼Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 7.02 5.59 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/22/19 07:17 500☼Fluoranthene 142 0.559 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:09 50☼Fluorene 12.1 0.559 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:09 50☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 24.6 0.559 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:09 50☼2-Methylnaphthalene 2.47 0.559 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:09 50☼Naphthalene 6.46 5.59 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/22/19 07:17 500☼Phenanthrene 102 5.59 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/22/19 07:17 500☼Pyrene 110 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)49 28 -110 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:09 50 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)47 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:09 5022-110 Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)70 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:09 5026-110 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 15 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-3Client Sample ID: TP-16 (6-8') Matrix: SoilDate Collected: 10/15/19 15:00 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Method: WI-GRO - Wisconsin - Gasoline Range Organics (GC) RL MDL Wisconsin GRO <12.0 12.0 mg/Kg ☼10/22/19 13:09 10/23/19 01:36 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)91 80 -120 10/22/19 13:09 10/23/19 01:36 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Method: WI-DRO - Wisconsin - Diesel Range Organics (GC) - Silica Gel Cleanup RL MDL Diesel Range Organics (DRO)2820 89.8 mg/Kg ☼10/17/19 11:24 10/21/19 10:52 20 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) RL MDL Arsenic <3.60 3.60 mg/Kg ☼10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 20:24 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.899 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 20:24 1☼Barium 70.4 0.899 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 20:24 1☼Cadmium <0.899 0.899 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 20:24 1☼Chromium 16.8 4.50 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 20:24 1☼Lead 49.5 4.50 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 20:24 1☼Selenium <4.50 0.899 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 20:24 1☼Silver <0.899 Method: 7471B - Mercury (CVAA) RL MDL Mercury 0.0431 0.0199 mg/Kg ☼10/18/19 15:09 10/21/19 12:25 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier General Chemistry RL RL Percent Moisture 14.0 0.1 %10/17/19 09:09 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.1 %10/17/19 09:09 1Percent Solids 86.0 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 16 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-4Client Sample ID: TP-17 (2-3') Matrix: SoilDate Collected: 10/15/19 15:30 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acetone <0.631 *0.631 mg/Kg ☼10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Allyl chloride <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Benzene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Bromobenzene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Bromochloromethane <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Bromodichloromethane <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Bromoform <0.126 * 0.631 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Bromomethane <0.631 0.316 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼2-Butanone (MEK)<0.316 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Carbon tetrachloride <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Chlorobenzene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Chlorodibromomethane <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Chloroethane <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Chloroform <0.126 0.316 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Chloromethane <0.316 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼2-Chlorotoluene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼4-Chlorotoluene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)<0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Dibromomethane <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Dichlorodifluoromethane <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼1,1-Dichloroethane <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼1,2-Dichloroethane <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼1,1-Dichloroethene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Dichlorofluoromethane <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼1,2-Dichloropropane <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼1,3-Dichloropropane <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼2,2-Dichloropropane <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼1,1-Dichloropropene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Diethyl ether <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Ethylbenzene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Hexachlorobutadiene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Isopropylbenzene <0.126 0.316 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Methylene Chloride <0.316 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)<0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Methyl tert-butyl ether <0.126 0.316 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Naphthalene <0.316 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼n-Butylbenzene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼N-Propylbenzene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼p-Isopropyltoluene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼sec-Butylbenzene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Styrene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼tert-Butylbenzene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.126 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 17 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-4Client Sample ID: TP-17 (2-3') Matrix: SoilDate Collected: 10/15/19 15:30 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg ☼10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Tetrachloroethene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Tetrahydrofuran <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Toluene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Trichloroethene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Trichlorofluoromethane <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <0.126 0.126 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Vinyl chloride <0.126 0.189 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1☼Xylenes, Total <0.189 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)97 80 -120 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Dibromofluoromethane (Surr)97 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 180-120 Toluene-d8 (Surr)96 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:22 180-120 Method: 8270D SIM - Semivolatile Organic Compound (GC/MS SIM LL) RL MDL Acenaphthene <0.117 0.117 mg/Kg ☼10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:28 10 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.117 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:28 10☼Acenaphthylene <0.117 0.117 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:28 10☼Anthracene <0.117 0.117 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:28 10☼Benzo[a]anthracene <0.117 0.117 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:28 10☼Benzo[a]pyrene <0.117 0.117 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:28 10☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene <0.117 0.117 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:28 10☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene <0.117 0.117 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:28 10☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene <0.117 0.117 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:28 10☼Chrysene <0.117 0.117 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:28 10☼Dibenz(a,h)anthracene <0.117 0.117 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:28 10☼Fluoranthene <0.117 0.117 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:28 10☼Fluorene <0.117 0.117 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:28 10☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene <0.117 0.117 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:28 10☼2-Methylnaphthalene <0.117 0.117 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:28 10☼Naphthalene <0.117 0.117 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:28 10☼Phenanthrene <0.117 0.117 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:28 10☼Pyrene <0.117 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)71 28 -110 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:28 10 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)64 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:28 1022-110 Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)65 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 17:28 1026-110 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 18 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-4Client Sample ID: TP-17 (2-3') Matrix: SoilDate Collected: 10/15/19 15:30 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Method: WI-GRO - Wisconsin - Gasoline Range Organics (GC) RL MDL Wisconsin GRO <10.8 10.8 mg/Kg ☼10/22/19 13:09 10/23/19 02:07 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)93 80 -120 10/22/19 13:09 10/23/19 02:07 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Method: WI-DRO - Wisconsin - Diesel Range Organics (GC) - Silica Gel Cleanup RL MDL Diesel Range Organics (DRO)<5.64 5.64 mg/Kg ☼10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 14:25 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) RL MDL Arsenic <7.41 7.41 mg/Kg ☼10/17/19 08:55 10/21/19 12:47 2 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1.85 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/21/19 12:47 2☼Barium 76.5 1.85 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/21/19 12:47 2☼Cadmium <1.85 1.85 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/21/19 12:47 2☼Chromium 11.6 9.27 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/21/19 12:47 2☼Lead <9.27 9.27 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/21/19 12:47 2☼Selenium <9.27 1.85 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/21/19 12:47 2☼Silver <1.85 Method: 7471B - Mercury (CVAA) RL MDL Mercury <0.0218 0.0218 mg/Kg ☼10/18/19 15:09 10/21/19 12:28 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier General Chemistry RL RL Percent Moisture 15.6 0.1 %10/17/19 09:09 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.1 %10/17/19 09:09 1Percent Solids 84.4 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 19 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-5Client Sample ID: TP-10 Matrix: WaterDate Collected: 10/15/19 11:00 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acetone <10.0 10.0 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 2.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Allyl chloride <2.00 0.500 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Benzene<0.500 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Bromobenzene<1.00 5.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Bromochloromethane<5.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Bromodichloromethane<1.00 5.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Bromoform<5.00 4.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Bromomethane<4.00 10.0 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 12-Butanone (MEK)<10.0 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1n-Butylbenzene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/23/19 07:46 1sec-Butylbenzene <1.00 * 1.00 ug/L 10/23/19 07:46 1tert-Butylbenzene <1.00 2.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Carbon tetrachloride <2.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Chlorobenzene<1.00 5.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Chlorodibromomethane<5.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Dichlorofluoromethane<1.00 4.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Chloroethane<4.00 3.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Chloroform<3.00 3.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Chloromethane<3.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 14-Chlorotoluene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 12-Chlorotoluene <1.00 5.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 11,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <5.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 11,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)<1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 11,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 11,3-Dichlorobenzene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 11,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.00 3.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Dichlorodifluoromethane<3.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 11,2-Dichloroethane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 11,1-Dichloroethane <1.00 2.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 11,1-Dichloroethene <2.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 11,2-Dichloropropane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 11,3-Dichloropropane <1.00 4.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 12,2-Dichloropropane <4.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 11,1-Dichloropropene <1.00 5.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <5.00 5.00 ug/L 10/23/19 07:46 1trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <5.00 2.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Diethyl ether <2.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Ethylbenzene<1.00 5.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Hexachlorobutadiene<5.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Isopropylbenzene<1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/23/19 07:46 1p-Isopropyltoluene <1.00 10.0 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 14-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)<10.0 5.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Methylene Chloride <5.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Methyl tert-butyl ether <1.00 5.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Naphthalene5.43 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1N-Propylbenzene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Styrene<1.00 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 20 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-5Client Sample ID: TP-10 Matrix: WaterDate Collected: 10/15/19 11:00 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 11,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Tetrachloroethene<1.00 10.0 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Tetrahydrofuran<10.0 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Toluene<1.00 5.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 11,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <5.00 5.00 ug/L 10/23/19 07:46 11,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <5.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 11,1,1-Trichloroethane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 11,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Trichloroethene<1.00 4.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Trichlorofluoromethane<4.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 11,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.00 2.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 11,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane <2.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 11,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 11,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Vinyl chloride <1.00 3.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Xylenes, Total <3.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 01:47 1Dibromomethane<1.00 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)90 80 -120 10/21/19 01:47 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)95 10/23/19 07:46 180-120 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr)98 10/21/19 01:47 180-120 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr)102 10/23/19 07:46 180-120 Toluene-d8 (Surr)95 10/21/19 01:47 180-120 Toluene-d8 (Surr)96 10/23/19 07:46 180-120 Method: 8270D SIM - Semivolatile Organic Compound (GC/MS SIM LL) RL MDL Acenaphthene 3.06 0.513 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 21:13 5 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.513 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 21:13 5Acenaphthylene<0.513 0.513 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 21:13 5Anthracene0.866 0.513 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 21:13 5Benzo[a]anthracene 1.53 0.513 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 21:13 5Benzo[a]pyrene 0.591 0.513 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 21:13 5Benzo[b]fluoranthene 1.09 0.513 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 21:13 5Benzo[g,h,i]perylene <0.513 0.513 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 21:13 5Benzo[k]fluoranthene <0.513 0.513 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 21:13 5Chrysene0.942 0.513 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 21:13 5Dibenz(a,h)anthracene <0.513 0.513 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 21:13 5Fluoranthene9.41 0.513 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 21:13 5Fluorene2.15 0.513 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 21:13 5Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene <0.513 0.513 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 21:13 52-Methylnaphthalene <0.513 2.56 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 21:13 5Naphthalene6.50 0.513 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 21:13 5Phenanthrene7.36 0.513 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 21:13 5Pyrene6.37 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)83 22 -110 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 21:13 5 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)76 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 21:13 517-116 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 21 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-5Client Sample ID: TP-10 Matrix: WaterDate Collected: 10/15/19 11:00 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Method: 8270D SIM - Semivolatile Organic Compound (GC/MS SIM LL) (Continued) Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)66 10 -136 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 21:13 5 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Method: WI-GRO - Wisconsin - Gasoline Range Organics (GC) RL MDL Wisconsin GRO <100 100 ug/L 10/21/19 17:18 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)98 80 -120 10/21/19 17:18 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Method: WI-DRO - Wisconsin - Diesel Range Organics (GC) - Silica Gel Cleanup RL MDL Diesel Range Organics (DRO)0.475 *0.102 mg/L 10/16/19 15:36 10/19/19 10:05 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier Method: 6020B - Metals (ICP/MS) - Dissolved RL MDL Arsenic <0.00200 0.00200 mg/L 10/18/19 08:00 10/21/19 15:24 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.00200 mg/L 10/18/19 08:00 10/21/19 15:24 1Barium0.283 0.000100 mg/L 10/18/19 08:00 10/21/19 15:24 1Cadmium<0.000100 0.00500 mg/L 10/18/19 08:00 10/21/19 15:24 1Chromium<0.00500 0.000500 mg/L 10/18/19 08:00 10/21/19 15:24 1Lead<0.000500 0.00500 mg/L 10/18/19 08:00 10/21/19 15:24 1Selenium<0.00500 0.00100 mg/L 10/18/19 08:00 10/21/19 15:24 1Silver<0.00100 Method: 7470A - Mercury (CVAA) - Dissolved RL MDL Mercury <0.200 0.200 ug/L 10/17/19 14:33 10/18/19 14:31 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 22 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-6Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Soil Matrix: SoilDate Collected: 10/15/19 00:00 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acetone <0.500 *0.500 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Allyl chloride <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Benzene<0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Bromobenzene<0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Bromochloromethane<0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Bromodichloromethane<0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Bromoform<0.100 * 0.500 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Bromomethane<0.500 0.250 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 12-Butanone (MEK)<0.250 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Carbon tetrachloride <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Chlorobenzene<0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Chlorodibromomethane<0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Chloroethane<0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Chloroform<0.100 0.250 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Chloromethane<0.250 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 12-Chlorotoluene <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 14-Chlorotoluene <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 11,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 11,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)<0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Dibromomethane<0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 11,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 11,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 11,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Dichlorodifluoromethane<0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 11,1-Dichloroethane <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 11,2-Dichloroethane <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 11,1-Dichloroethene <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Dichlorofluoromethane<0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 11,2-Dichloropropane <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 11,3-Dichloropropane <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 12,2-Dichloropropane <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 11,1-Dichloropropene <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Diethyl ether <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Ethylbenzene<0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Hexachlorobutadiene<0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Isopropylbenzene<0.100 0.250 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Methylene Chloride <0.250 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 14-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)<0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Methyl tert-butyl ether <0.100 0.250 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Naphthalene<0.250 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1n-Butylbenzene <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1N-Propylbenzene <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1p-Isopropyltoluene <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1sec-Butylbenzene <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Styrene<0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1tert-Butylbenzene <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 11,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.100 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 23 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-6Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Soil Matrix: SoilDate Collected: 10/15/19 00:00 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Tetrachloroethene<0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Tetrahydrofuran<0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Toluene<0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 11,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 11,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 11,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 11,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Trichloroethene<0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Trichlorofluoromethane<0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 11,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 11,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 11,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 11,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <0.100 0.100 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Vinyl chloride <0.100 0.150 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1Xylenes, Total <0.150 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)94 80 -120 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Dibromofluoromethane (Surr)99 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 180-120 Toluene-d8 (Surr)95 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 15:47 180-120 Method: WI-GRO - Wisconsin - Gasoline Range Organics (GC) RL MDL Wisconsin GRO <10.0 10.0 mg/Kg 10/22/19 13:09 10/22/19 17:06 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)92 80 -120 10/22/19 13:09 10/22/19 17:06 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 24 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-7Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Water Matrix: WaterDate Collected: 10/15/19 00:00 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acetone <10.0 10.0 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 2.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Allyl chloride <2.00 0.500 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Benzene<0.500 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Bromobenzene<1.00 5.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Bromochloromethane<5.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Bromodichloromethane<1.00 5.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Bromoform<5.00 4.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Bromomethane<4.00 10.0 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 12-Butanone (MEK)<10.0 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1n-Butylbenzene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/23/19 08:08 1sec-Butylbenzene <1.00 * 1.00 ug/L 10/23/19 08:08 1tert-Butylbenzene <1.00 2.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Carbon tetrachloride <2.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Chlorobenzene<1.00 5.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Chlorodibromomethane<5.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Dichlorofluoromethane<1.00 4.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Chloroethane<4.00 3.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Chloroform<3.00 3.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Chloromethane<3.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 14-Chlorotoluene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 12-Chlorotoluene <1.00 5.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 11,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <5.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 11,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)<1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 11,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 11,3-Dichlorobenzene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 11,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.00 3.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Dichlorodifluoromethane<3.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 11,2-Dichloroethane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 11,1-Dichloroethane <1.00 2.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 11,1-Dichloroethene <2.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 11,2-Dichloropropane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 11,3-Dichloropropane <1.00 4.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 12,2-Dichloropropane <4.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 11,1-Dichloropropene <1.00 5.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <5.00 5.00 ug/L 10/23/19 08:08 1trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <5.00 2.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Diethyl ether <2.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Ethylbenzene<1.00 5.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Hexachlorobutadiene<5.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Isopropylbenzene<1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/23/19 08:08 1p-Isopropyltoluene <1.00 10.0 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 14-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)<10.0 5.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Methylene Chloride <5.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Methyl tert-butyl ether <1.00 5.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Naphthalene<5.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1N-Propylbenzene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Styrene<1.00 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 25 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-7Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Water Matrix: WaterDate Collected: 10/15/19 00:00 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 11,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Tetrachloroethene<1.00 10.0 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Tetrahydrofuran<10.0 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Toluene<1.00 5.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 11,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <5.00 5.00 ug/L 10/23/19 08:08 11,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <5.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 11,1,1-Trichloroethane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 11,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Trichloroethene<1.00 4.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Trichlorofluoromethane<4.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 11,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.00 2.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 11,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane <2.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 11,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 11,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Vinyl chloride <1.00 3.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Xylenes, Total <3.00 1.00 ug/L 10/21/19 06:30 1Dibromomethane<1.00 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)88 80 -120 10/21/19 06:30 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)96 10/23/19 08:08 180-120 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr)102 10/21/19 06:30 180-120 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr)105 10/23/19 08:08 180-120 Toluene-d8 (Surr)93 10/21/19 06:30 180-120 Toluene-d8 (Surr)97 10/23/19 08:08 180-120 Method: WI-GRO - Wisconsin - Gasoline Range Organics (GC) RL MDL Wisconsin GRO <100 100 ug/L 10/18/19 12:25 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)88 80 -120 10/18/19 12:25 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 26 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Definitions/Glossary Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Qualifiers GC/MS VOA Qualifier Description *LCS or LCSD is outside acceptance limits. Qualifier X Surrogate is outside control limits GC/MS Semi VOA Qualifier Description 4 MS, MSD: The analyte present in the original sample is greater than 4 times the matrix spike concentration; therefore, control limits are not applicable. Qualifier F1 MS and/or MSD Recovery is outside acceptance limits. GC Semi VOA Qualifier Description *LCS or LCSD is outside acceptance limits. Qualifier Metals Qualifier Description F3 Duplicate RPD exceeds the control limit Qualifier Glossary These commonly used abbreviations may or may not be present in this report. ¤Listed under the "D" column to designate that the result is reported on a dry weight basis Abbreviation %R Percent Recovery CFL Contains Free Liquid CNF Contains No Free Liquid DER Duplicate Error Ratio (normalized absolute difference) Dil Fac Dilution Factor DL Detection Limit (DoD/DOE) DL, RA, RE, IN Indicates a Dilution, Re-analysis, Re-extraction, or additional Initial metals/anion analysis of the sample DLC Decision Level Concentration (Radiochemistry) EDL Estimated Detection Limit (Dioxin) LOD Limit of Detection (DoD/DOE) LOQ Limit of Quantitation (DoD/DOE) MDA Minimum Detectable Activity (Radiochemistry) MDC Minimum Detectable Concentration (Radiochemistry) MDL Method Detection Limit ML Minimum Level (Dioxin) NC Not Calculated ND Not Detected at the reporting limit (or MDL or EDL if shown) PQL Practical Quantitation Limit QC Quality Control RER Relative Error Ratio (Radiochemistry) RL Reporting Limit or Requested Limit (Radiochemistry) RPD Relative Percent Difference, a measure of the relative difference between two points TEF Toxicity Equivalent Factor (Dioxin) TEQ Toxicity Equivalent Quotient (Dioxin) Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 27 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Surrogate Summary Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) Prep Type: Total/NAMatrix: Soil Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (80-120)(80-120)(80-120) BFB DBFM TOL 96 97 95310-167565-1 Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) TP-3 (0-2') 97 94 94310-167565-2 TP-15 (0-4') 96 101 94310-167565-3 TP-16 (6-8') 97 97 96310-167565-4 TP-17 (2-3') 94 99 95310-167565-6 Trip Blank Soil Surrogate Legend BFB = 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) DBFM = Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) TOL = Toluene-d8 (Surr) Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) Prep Type: Total/NAMatrix: Solid Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (80-120)(80-120)(80-120) BFB DBFM TOL 102 103 96LCS 310-257160/2-A Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) Lab Control Sample 99 98 96MB 310-257160/1-A Method Blank Surrogate Legend BFB = 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) DBFM = Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) TOL = Toluene-d8 (Surr) Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) Prep Type: Total/NAMatrix: Water Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (80-120)(80-120)(80-120) BFB DBFM TOL 79 X 100 99310-167552-D-10 MS Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) Matrix Spike 90 98 95310-167565-5 TP-10 95 102 96310-167565-5 TP-10 88 102 93310-167565-7 Trip Blank Water 96 105 97310-167565-7 Trip Blank Water 79 X 101 99LCS 310-257528/6 Lab Control Sample 89 104 95LCS 310-257528/7 Lab Control Sample 90 108 102LCS 310-257708/5 Lab Control Sample 90 103 101LCS 310-257708/6 Lab Control Sample 95 98 97MB 310-257528/8 Method Blank 95 103 96MB 310-257708/7 Method Blank Surrogate Legend BFB = 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) DBFM = Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) TOL = Toluene-d8 (Surr) Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 28 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Surrogate Summary Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Method: 8270D SIM - Semivolatile Organic Compound (GC/MS SIM LL) Prep Type: Total/NAMatrix: Soil Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (28-110)(22-110)(26-110) FBP NBZ TPHL 49 39 43310-167565-1 Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) TP-3 (0-2') 54 49 52310-167565-2 TP-15 (0-4') 49 47 70310-167565-3 TP-16 (6-8') 71 64 65310-167565-4 TP-17 (2-3') Surrogate Legend FBP = 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) NBZ = Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr) TPHL = Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) Method: 8270D SIM - Semivolatile Organic Compound (GC/MS SIM LL) Prep Type: Total/NAMatrix: Solid Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (28-110)(22-110)(26-110) FBP NBZ TPHL 68 59 64310-167654-A-6-A MS Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) Matrix Spike 68 58 60310-167654-A-6-B MSD Matrix Spike Duplicate 74 65 64LCS 310-257216/2-A Lab Control Sample 74 65 63MB 310-257216/1-A Method Blank Surrogate Legend FBP = 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) NBZ = Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr) TPHL = Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) Method: 8270D SIM - Semivolatile Organic Compound (GC/MS SIM LL) Prep Type: Total/NAMatrix: Water Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (22-110)(17-116)(10-136) FBP NBZ TPHL 83 76 66310-167565-5 Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) TP-10 77 72 71LCS 310-257221/2-A Lab Control Sample 68 62 66LCSD 310-257221/3-A Lab Control Sample Dup 72 69 75MB 310-257221/1-A Method Blank Surrogate Legend FBP = 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) NBZ = Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr) TPHL = Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) Method: WI-GRO - Wisconsin - Gasoline Range Organics (GC) Prep Type: Total/NAMatrix: Soil Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (80-120) BFB 91310-167565-1 Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) TP-3 (0-2') 93310-167565-2 TP-15 (0-4') 91310-167565-3 TP-16 (6-8') 93310-167565-4 TP-17 (2-3') 92310-167565-6 Trip Blank Soil Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 29 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Surrogate Summary Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Surrogate Legend BFB = 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) Method: WI-GRO - Wisconsin - Gasoline Range Organics (GC) Prep Type: Total/NAMatrix: Solid Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (80-120) BFB 95LCS 310-257806/2-A Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) Lab Control Sample 93LCSD 310-257806/23-A Lab Control Sample Dup 93MB 310-257806/1-A Method Blank Surrogate Legend BFB = 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) Method: WI-GRO - Wisconsin - Gasoline Range Organics (GC) Prep Type: Total/NAMatrix: Water Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (80-120) BFB 98310-167565-5 Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) TP-10 88310-167565-7 Trip Blank Water 93LCS 310-257374/2 Lab Control Sample 101LCS 310-257652/5 Lab Control Sample 90LCSD 310-257374/24 Lab Control Sample Dup 100LCSD 310-257652/30 Lab Control Sample Dup 90MB 310-257374/1 Method Blank 97MB 310-257652/4 Method Blank Surrogate Legend BFB = 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 30 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 310-257160/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257170 Prep Batch: 257160 RL MDL Acetone <0.485 0.485 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Allyl chloride <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Benzene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Bromobenzene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Bromochloromethane <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Bromodichloromethane <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Bromoform <0.485 0.485 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Bromomethane <0.242 0.242 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 12-Butanone (MEK) <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Carbon tetrachloride <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Chlorobenzene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Chlorodibromomethane <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Chloroethane <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Chloroform <0.242 0.242 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Chloromethane <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 14-Chlorotoluene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 12-Chlorotoluene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 11,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 11,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 11,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 11,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 11,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Dichlorodifluoromethane <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 11,1-Dichloroethane <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 11,2-Dichloroethane <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 11,1-Dichloroethene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Dichlorofluoromethane <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 11,2-Dichloropropane <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 11,3-Dichloropropane <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 12,2-Dichloropropane <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 11,1-Dichloropropene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Diethyl ether <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Ethylbenzene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Hexachlorobutadiene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Isopropylbenzene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 14-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <0.242 0.242 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Methylene Chloride <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Methyl tert-butyl ether <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1n-Butylbenzene <0.242 0.242 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Naphthalene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1N-Propylbenzene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1p-Isopropyltoluene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1sec-Butylbenzene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Styrene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1tert-Butylbenzene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 11,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 31 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 310-257160/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257170 Prep Batch: 257160 RL MDL 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Tetrachloroethene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Tetrahydrofuran <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Toluene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 11,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 11,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 11,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 11,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Trichloroethene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Trichlorofluoromethane <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 11,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 11,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 11,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 11,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Dibromomethane <0.0970 0.0970 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Vinyl chloride <0.145 0.145 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Xylenes, Total 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)99 80 -120 10/17/19 08:54 1 MB MB Surrogate 10/17/19 08:23 Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedQualifierLimits%Recovery 98 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Dibromofluoromethane (Surr)80 -120 96 10/17/19 08:23 10/17/19 08:54 1Toluene-d8 (Surr)80 -120 Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 310-257160/2-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257170 Prep Batch: 257160 Acetone 1.92 3.239 *mg/Kg 169 42 -150 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Allyl chloride 0.959 1.089 mg/Kg 114 50 -150 Benzene 0.959 1.057 mg/Kg 110 75 -147 Bromobenzene 0.959 0.9894 mg/Kg 103 77 -132 Bromochloromethane 0.959 1.164 mg/Kg 121 72 -150 Bromodichloromethane 0.959 0.9442 mg/Kg 98 74 -144 Bromoform 0.959 0.6864 *mg/Kg 72 74 -124 2-Butanone (MEK)1.92 2.161 mg/Kg 113 50 -150 Carbon tetrachloride 0.959 0.9526 mg/Kg 99 70 -144 Chlorobenzene 0.959 0.9903 mg/Kg 103 78 -132 Chlorodibromomethane 0.959 0.8300 mg/Kg 87 77 -132 Chloroform 0.959 1.082 mg/Kg 113 69 -148 4-Chlorotoluene 0.959 0.9296 mg/Kg 97 74 -130 2-Chlorotoluene 0.959 0.9153 mg/Kg 95 72 -132 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 0.959 0.7801 mg/Kg 81 50 -150 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)0.959 1.001 mg/Kg 104 80 -134 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.959 0.9389 mg/Kg 98 76 -127 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.959 0.9626 mg/Kg 100 76 -126 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 32 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 310-257160/2-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257170 Prep Batch: 257160 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.959 0.9744 mg/Kg 102 75 -126 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.959 1.056 mg/Kg 110 74 -150 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.959 1.119 mg/Kg 117 74 -148 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.959 1.020 mg/Kg 106 74 -139 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.959 1.140 mg/Kg 119 74 -148 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.959 1.107 mg/Kg 115 74 -150 1,3-Dichloropropane 0.959 1.016 mg/Kg 106 80 -136 2,2-Dichloropropane 0.959 1.101 mg/Kg 115 50 -150 1,1-Dichloropropene 0.959 1.039 mg/Kg 108 73 -144 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.959 0.9549 mg/Kg 100 78 -138 Diethyl ether 0.959 1.093 mg/Kg 114 73 -150 Ethylbenzene 0.959 0.9885 mg/Kg 103 78 -131 Hexachlorobutadiene 0.959 0.8976 mg/Kg 94 50 -150 Isopropylbenzene 0.959 0.9752 mg/Kg 102 77 -130 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)1.92 2.111 mg/Kg 110 64 -150 Methylene Chloride 0.959 1.020 mg/Kg 106 50 -150 Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.959 1.037 mg/Kg 108 79 -146 n-Butylbenzene 0.959 0.9043 mg/Kg 94 73 -131 Naphthalene 0.959 0.8835 mg/Kg 92 50 -150 N-Propylbenzene 0.959 0.9835 mg/Kg 103 77 -132 p-Isopropyltoluene 0.959 0.9477 mg/Kg 99 73 -128 sec-Butylbenzene 0.959 0.9226 mg/Kg 96 72 -129 Styrene 0.959 0.9753 mg/Kg 102 75 -138 tert-Butylbenzene 0.959 0.9196 mg/Kg 96 73 -128 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.959 0.9066 mg/Kg 95 78 -133 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.959 0.9853 mg/Kg 103 78 -141 Tetrachloroethene 0.959 1.009 mg/Kg 105 77 -127 Tetrahydrofuran 1.92 2.367 mg/Kg 123 75 -149 Toluene 0.959 0.9562 mg/Kg 100 77 -134 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.959 1.023 mg/Kg 107 76 -139 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.959 0.9316 mg/Kg 97 77 -138 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.959 0.9365 mg/Kg 98 50 -150 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.959 0.9584 mg/Kg 100 65 -133 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.959 0.9907 mg/Kg 103 74 -144 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.959 1.007 mg/Kg 105 80 -137 Trichloroethene 0.959 1.059 mg/Kg 110 75 -142 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.959 0.9860 mg/Kg 103 77 -141 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane 0.959 1.074 mg/Kg 112 75 -138 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.959 0.9337 mg/Kg 97 71 -134 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.959 0.9380 mg/Kg 98 72 -132 Dibromomethane 0.959 1.090 mg/Kg 114 76 -148 Xylenes, Total 1.92 2.030 mg/Kg 106 76 -132 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)80 -120 Surrogate 102 LCS LCS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 103Dibromofluoromethane (Surr)80 -120 96Toluene-d8 (Surr)80 -120 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 33 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 310-257528/8 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257528 RL MDL Acetone <10.0 10.0 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <2.00 2.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Allyl chloride <0.500 0.500 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Benzene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Bromobenzene <5.00 5.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Bromochloromethane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Bromodichloromethane <5.00 5.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Bromoform <4.00 4.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Bromomethane <10.0 10.0 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 12-Butanone (MEK) <2.00 2.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Carbon tetrachloride <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Chlorobenzene <5.00 5.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Chlorodibromomethane <4.00 4.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Chloroethane <3.00 3.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Chloroform <3.00 3.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Chloromethane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 14-Chlorotoluene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 12-Chlorotoluene <5.00 5.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 11,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 11,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 11,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 11,3-Dichlorobenzene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 11,4-Dichlorobenzene <3.00 3.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Dichlorodifluoromethane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 11,1-Dichloroethane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 11,2-Dichloroethane <2.00 2.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 11,1-Dichloroethene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Dichlorofluoromethane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 11,2-Dichloropropane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 11,3-Dichloropropane <4.00 4.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 12,2-Dichloropropane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 11,1-Dichloropropene <5.00 5.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <2.00 2.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Diethyl ether <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Ethylbenzene <5.00 5.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Hexachlorobutadiene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Isopropylbenzene <10.0 10.0 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 14-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <5.00 5.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Methylene Chloride <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Methyl tert-butyl ether <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1n-Butylbenzene <5.00 5.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Naphthalene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1N-Propylbenzene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Styrene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 11,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 11,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Tetrachloroethene <10.0 10.0 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Tetrahydrofuran Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 34 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 310-257528/8 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257528 RL MDL Toluene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <5.00 5.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 11,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 11,1,1-Trichloroethane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 11,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Trichloroethene <4.00 4.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Trichlorofluoromethane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 11,2,3-Trichloropropane <2.00 2.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 11,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 11,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 11,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Dibromomethane <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Vinyl chloride <3.00 3.00 ug/L 10/20/19 22:48 1Xylenes, Total 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)95 80 -120 10/20/19 22:48 1 MB MB Surrogate Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedQualifierLimits%Recovery 98 10/20/19 22:48 1Dibromofluoromethane (Surr)80 -120 97 10/20/19 22:48 1Toluene-d8 (Surr)80 -120 Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 310-257528/6 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257528 Acetone 40.0 39.99 ug/L 100 50 -150 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Allyl chloride 20.0 16.70 ug/L 83 50 -150 Benzene 20.0 17.64 ug/L 88 77 -120 Bromobenzene 20.0 17.38 ug/L 87 70 -120 Bromochloromethane 20.0 20.10 ug/L 100 73 -132 Bromodichloromethane 20.0 18.14 ug/L 91 73 -120 Bromoform 20.0 17.14 ug/L 86 57 -120 2-Butanone (MEK)40.0 35.53 ug/L 89 50 -150 Carbon tetrachloride 20.0 16.93 ug/L 85 72 -126 Chlorobenzene 20.0 17.22 ug/L 86 74 -120 Chlorodibromomethane 20.0 17.67 ug/L 88 66 -120 Chloroform 20.0 18.16 ug/L 91 78 -121 4-Chlorotoluene 20.0 16.83 ug/L 84 71 -120 2-Chlorotoluene 20.0 17.92 ug/L 90 71 -120 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 20.0 15.68 ug/L 78 50 -150 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)20.0 18.80 ug/L 94 71 -125 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 20.0 16.53 ug/L 83 66 -120 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 20.0 18.39 ug/L 92 67 -120 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 20.0 17.04 ug/L 85 68 -120 1,1-Dichloroethane 20.0 17.61 ug/L 88 75 -125 1,2-Dichloroethane 20.0 19.68 ug/L 98 75 -123 1,1-Dichloroethene 20.0 17.35 ug/L 87 75 -124 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 20.0 17.78 ug/L 89 77 -120 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 35 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 310-257528/6 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257528 1,2-Dichloropropane 20.0 17.11 ug/L 86 75 -123 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits 1,3-Dichloropropane 20.0 18.00 ug/L 90 75 -123 2,2-Dichloropropane 20.0 15.75 ug/L 79 50 -150 1,1-Dichloropropene 20.0 16.36 ug/L 82 77 -124 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 20.0 16.60 ug/L 83 70 -120 Diethyl ether 20.0 17.96 ug/L 90 71 -122 Ethylbenzene 20.0 17.28 ug/L 86 73 -120 Hexachlorobutadiene 20.0 17.24 ug/L 86 50 -150 Isopropylbenzene 20.0 15.84 ug/L 79 69 -120 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)40.0 37.40 ug/L 94 59 -126 Methylene Chloride 20.0 17.47 ug/L 87 50 -150 Methyl tert-butyl ether 20.0 18.76 ug/L 94 72 -121 n-Butylbenzene 20.0 15.76 ug/L 79 63 -120 Naphthalene 20.0 18.35 ug/L 92 50 -150 N-Propylbenzene 20.0 16.09 ug/L 80 70 -120 Styrene 20.0 17.32 ug/L 87 70 -120 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 20.0 17.45 ug/L 87 72 -120 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 20.0 17.33 ug/L 87 63 -122 Tetrachloroethene 20.0 18.61 ug/L 93 72 -129 Tetrahydrofuran 40.0 39.45 ug/L 99 63 -128 Toluene 20.0 18.27 ug/L 91 74 -120 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 20.0 17.09 ug/L 85 75 -122 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 20.0 17.33 ug/L 87 50 -150 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 20.0 17.69 ug/L 88 76 -127 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 20.0 18.26 ug/L 91 69 -127 Trichloroethene 20.0 18.09 ug/L 90 77 -123 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 20.0 18.26 ug/L 91 66 -120 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane 20.0 15.74 ug/L 79 76 -131 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 20.0 16.55 ug/L 83 67 -120 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 20.0 16.77 ug/L 84 68 -120 Dibromomethane 20.0 18.28 ug/L 91 76 -125 Xylenes, Total 40.0 33.05 ug/L 83 69 -120 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)X 80 -120 Surrogate 79 LCS LCS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 101Dibromofluoromethane (Surr)80 -120 99Toluene-d8 (Surr)80 -120 Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 310-257528/7 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257528 Bromomethane 20.0 14.09 ug/L 70 38 -150 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Chloroethane 20.0 17.20 ug/L 86 69 -129 Chloromethane 20.0 18.34 ug/L 92 50 -150 Dichlorodifluoromethane 20.0 13.99 ug/L 70 50 -150 Dichlorofluoromethane 20.0 16.66 ug/L 83 70 -131 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 36 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 310-257528/7 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257528 Trichlorofluoromethane 20.0 18.22 ug/L 91 68 -146 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Vinyl chloride 20.0 17.65 ug/L 88 67 -133 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)80 -120 Surrogate 89 LCS LCS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 104Dibromofluoromethane (Surr)80 -120 95Toluene-d8 (Surr)80 -120 Client Sample ID: Matrix SpikeLab Sample ID: 310-167552-D-10 MS Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257528 Acetone <10.0 40.0 39.13 ug/L 98 31 -150 Analyte MS MS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits Allyl chloride <2.00 20.0 17.52 ug/L 88 37 -150 Benzene 6.78 20.0 25.99 ug/L 96 59 -120 Bromobenzene <1.00 20.0 20.17 ug/L 101 51 -120 Bromochloromethane <5.00 20.0 21.81 ug/L 109 55 -135 Bromodichloromethane <1.00 20.0 20.74 ug/L 104 53 -120 Bromoform <5.00 20.0 20.10 ug/L 100 42 -120 2-Butanone (MEK)<10.0 40.0 41.95 ug/L 105 49 -150 Carbon tetrachloride <2.00 20.0 17.20 ug/L 86 47 -126 Chlorobenzene <1.00 20.0 19.42 ug/L 97 52 -120 Chlorodibromomethane <5.00 20.0 21.38 ug/L 107 48 -120 Chloroform <3.00 20.0 19.80 ug/L 99 50 -130 4-Chlorotoluene <1.00 20.0 18.38 ug/L 92 44 -120 2-Chlorotoluene <1.00 20.0 19.77 ug/L 99 47 -120 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <5.00 20.0 18.18 ug/L 91 32 -150 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)<1.00 20.0 22.30 ug/L 112 52 -127 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.00 20.0 18.04 ug/L 90 46 -120 1,3-Dichlorobenzene <1.00 20.0 19.53 ug/L 98 45 -120 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.00 20.0 18.23 ug/L 91 45 -120 1,1-Dichloroethane <1.00 20.0 18.49 ug/L 92 50 -127 1,2-Dichloroethane <1.00 20.0 22.80 ug/L 114 55 -128 1,1-Dichloroethene <2.00 20.0 18.17 ug/L 91 47 -124 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.00 20.0 20.04 ug/L 100 46 -130 1,2-Dichloropropane <1.00 20.0 19.93 ug/L 100 57 -125 1,3-Dichloropropane <1.00 20.0 21.72 ug/L 109 58 -130 2,2-Dichloropropane <4.00 20.0 14.43 ug/L 72 43 -150 1,1-Dichloropropene <1.00 20.0 16.93 ug/L 85 51 -124 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <5.00 20.0 18.66 ug/L 93 51 -120 Diethyl ether <2.00 20.0 19.32 ug/L 97 49 -130 Ethylbenzene <1.00 20.0 18.61 ug/L 93 46 -120 Hexachlorobutadiene <5.00 20.0 16.00 ug/L 80 19 -150 Isopropylbenzene <1.00 20.0 17.96 ug/L 90 39 -120 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)<10.0 40.0 46.76 ug/L 117 44 -131 Methylene Chloride <5.00 20.0 19.53 ug/L 98 50 -150 Methyl tert-butyl ether <1.00 20.0 21.16 ug/L 106 62 -121 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 37 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Matrix SpikeLab Sample ID: 310-167552-D-10 MS Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257528 n-Butylbenzene <1.00 20.0 16.71 ug/L 84 24 -120 Analyte MS MS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits Naphthalene <5.00 20.0 20.21 ug/L 101 20 -150 N-Propylbenzene <1.00 20.0 17.22 ug/L 86 41 -120 Styrene <1.00 20.0 19.57 ug/L 98 42 -120 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.00 20.0 20.47 ug/L 102 50 -120 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.00 20.0 20.47 ug/L 102 49 -129 Tetrachloroethene <1.00 20.0 19.77 ug/L 99 40 -129 Tetrahydrofuran <10.0 40.0 47.47 ug/L 119 54 -128 Toluene <1.00 20.0 19.91 ug/L 100 52 -120 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.00 20.0 18.20 ug/L 91 51 -122 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <5.00 20.0 18.28 ug/L 91 33 -150 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <1.00 20.0 18.63 ug/L 93 50 -127 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.00 20.0 21.66 ug/L 108 50 -131 Trichloroethene <1.00 20.0 19.05 ug/L 95 54 -123 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.00 20.0 21.76 ug/L 109 42 -134 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane <2.00 20.0 17.72 ug/L 89 37 -131 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <1.00 20.0 18.91 ug/L 95 32 -122 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <1.00 20.0 18.61 ug/L 93 35 -120 Dibromomethane <1.00 20.0 21.14 ug/L 106 61 -130 Xylenes, Total <3.00 40.0 37.83 ug/L 95 37 -120 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)X 80 -120 Surrogate 79 MS MS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 100Dibromofluoromethane (Surr)80 -120 99Toluene-d8 (Surr)80 -120 Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 310-257708/7 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257708 RL MDL p-Isopropyltoluene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/23/19 07:02 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/23/19 07:02 1sec-Butylbenzene <1.00 1.00 ug/L 10/23/19 07:02 1tert-Butylbenzene <5.00 5.00 ug/L 10/23/19 07:02 1trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <5.00 5.00 ug/L 10/23/19 07:02 11,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)95 80 -120 10/23/19 07:02 1 MB MB Surrogate Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedQualifierLimits%Recovery 103 10/23/19 07:02 1Dibromofluoromethane (Surr)80 -120 96 10/23/19 07:02 1Toluene-d8 (Surr)80 -120 Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 310-257708/5 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257708 p-Isopropyltoluene 20.0 23.18 ug/L 116 68 -120 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 38 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 310-257708/5 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257708 sec-Butylbenzene 20.0 24.80 *ug/L 124 64 -120 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits tert-Butylbenzene 20.0 23.75 ug/L 119 64 -120 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 20.0 19.82 ug/L 99 69 -120 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 20.0 21.08 ug/L 105 59 -120 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)80 -120 Surrogate 90 LCS LCS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 108Dibromofluoromethane (Surr)80 -120 102Toluene-d8 (Surr)80 -120 Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 310-257708/6 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257708 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)80 -120 Surrogate 90 LCS LCS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 103Dibromofluoromethane (Surr)80 -120 101Toluene-d8 (Surr)80 -120 Method: 8270D SIM - Semivolatile Organic Compound (GC/MS SIM LL) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 310-257216/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257378 Prep Batch: 257216 RL MDL Acenaphthene <0.00989 0.00989 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 11:32 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <0.00989 0.00989 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 11:32 1Acenaphthylene <0.00989 0.00989 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 11:32 1Anthracene <0.00989 0.00989 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 11:32 1Benzo[a]anthracene <0.00989 0.00989 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 11:32 1Benzo[a]pyrene <0.00989 0.00989 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 11:32 1Benzo[b]fluoranthene <0.00989 0.00989 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 11:32 1Benzo[g,h,i]perylene <0.00989 0.00989 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 11:32 1Benzo[k]fluoranthene <0.00989 0.00989 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 11:32 1Chrysene <0.00989 0.00989 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 11:32 1Dibenz(a,h)anthracene <0.00989 0.00989 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 11:32 1Fluoranthene <0.00989 0.00989 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 11:32 1Fluorene <0.00989 0.00989 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 11:32 1Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene <0.00989 0.00989 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 11:32 12-Methylnaphthalene <0.00989 0.00989 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 11:32 1Naphthalene <0.00989 0.00989 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 11:32 1Phenanthrene <0.00989 0.00989 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 11:32 1Pyrene 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)74 28 -110 10/18/19 11:32 1 MB MB Surrogate 10/17/19 11:09 Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedQualifierLimits%Recovery 65 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 11:32 1Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)22 -110 63 10/17/19 11:09 10/18/19 11:32 1Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)26 -110 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 39 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Method: 8270D SIM - Semivolatile Organic Compound (GC/MS SIM LL) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 310-257216/2-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257378 Prep Batch: 257216 Acenaphthene 0.130 0.1051 mg/Kg 81 35 -110 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Acenaphthylene 0.130 0.1125 mg/Kg 87 33 -110 Anthracene 0.130 0.1205 mg/Kg 93 37 -110 Benzo[a]anthracene 0.130 0.1140 mg/Kg 88 35 -110 Benzo[a]pyrene 0.130 0.1109 mg/Kg 86 36 -110 Benzo[b]fluoranthene 0.130 0.1243 mg/Kg 96 33 -110 Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 0.130 0.1087 mg/Kg 84 15 -110 Benzo[k]fluoranthene 0.130 0.1168 mg/Kg 90 37 -110 Chrysene 0.130 0.1255 mg/Kg 97 27 -110 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.130 0.1100 mg/Kg 85 22 -116 Fluoranthene 0.130 0.1072 mg/Kg 83 35 -110 Fluorene 0.130 0.1057 mg/Kg 82 32 -110 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 0.130 0.1130 mg/Kg 87 30 -110 2-Methylnaphthalene 0.130 0.1053 mg/Kg 81 27 -110 Naphthalene 0.130 0.1027 mg/Kg 79 24 -110 Phenanthrene 0.130 0.1114 mg/Kg 86 37 -110 Pyrene 0.130 0.1052 mg/Kg 81 34 -110 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)28 -110 Surrogate 74 LCS LCS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 65Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)22 -110 64Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)26 -110 Client Sample ID: Matrix SpikeLab Sample ID: 310-167654-A-6-A MS Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257378 Prep Batch: 257216 Acenaphthene <0.549 0.150 <0.563 mg/Kg 94 30 -110☼ Analyte MS MS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits Acenaphthylene 0.586 F1 0.150 0.6646 mg/Kg 52 30 -110☼ Anthracene 0.625 0.150 <0.563 4 mg/Kg -201 23 -116☼ Benzo[a]anthracene 1.90 0.150 0.8854 4 mg/Kg -678 27 -110☼ Benzo[a]pyrene 2.14 0.150 1.120 4 mg/Kg -682 28 -110☼ Benzo[b]fluoranthene 2.69 0.150 1.397 4 mg/Kg -862 21 -117☼ Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 1.64 0.150 1.151 4 mg/Kg -323 10 -114☼ Benzo[k]fluoranthene 1.04 0.150 0.6207 4 mg/Kg -278 27 -111☼ Chrysene 1.82 0.150 0.9486 4 mg/Kg -580 20 -110☼ Dibenz(a,h)anthracene <0.549 F1 0.150 <0.563 F1 mg/Kg -100 10 -124☼ Fluoranthene 2.09 0.150 0.8663 4 mg/Kg -814 17 -122☼ Fluorene <0.549 0.150 <0.563 mg/Kg 43 25 -110☼ Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 1.47 0.150 0.9805 4 mg/Kg -323 21 -115☼ 2-Methylnaphthalene <0.549 0.150 <0.563 mg/Kg NC 27 -110☼ Naphthalene <0.549 0.150 <0.563 mg/Kg 25 24 -110☼ Phenanthrene 1.24 0.150 <0.563 4 mg/Kg -505 14 -124☼ Pyrene 2.28 0.150 1.217 4 mg/Kg -707 17 -118☼ 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)28 -110 Surrogate 68 MS MS Qualifier Limits%Recovery Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 40 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Method: 8270D SIM - Semivolatile Organic Compound (GC/MS SIM LL) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Matrix SpikeLab Sample ID: 310-167654-A-6-A MS Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257378 Prep Batch: 257216 Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)22 -110 Surrogate 59 MS MS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 64Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)26 -110 Client Sample ID: Matrix Spike DuplicateLab Sample ID: 310-167654-A-6-B MSD Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257378 Prep Batch: 257216 Acenaphthene <0.549 0.149 <0.561 mg/Kg 103 30 -110 9 40☼ Analyte MSD MSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD Acenaphthylene 0.586 F1 0.149 0.6196 F1 mg/Kg 23 30 -110 7 40☼ Anthracene 0.625 0.149 <0.561 4 mg/Kg -190 23 -116 6 40☼ Benzo[a]anthracene 1.90 0.149 0.8760 4 mg/Kg -687 27 -110 1 40☼ Benzo[a]pyrene 2.14 0.149 1.061 4 mg/Kg -725 28 -110 5 40☼ Benzo[b]fluoranthene 2.69 0.149 1.300 4 mg/Kg -931 21 -117 7 40☼ Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 1.64 0.149 1.048 4 mg/Kg -394 10 -114 9 40☼ Benzo[k]fluoranthene 1.04 0.149 0.5616 4 mg/Kg -319 27 -111 10 40☼ Chrysene 1.82 0.149 0.8290 4 mg/Kg -663 20 -110 13 40☼ Dibenz(a,h)anthracene <0.549 F1 0.149 <0.561 F1 mg/Kg -124 10 -124 10 40☼ Fluoranthene 2.09 0.149 0.9620 4 mg/Kg -754 17 -122 10 40☼ Fluorene <0.549 0.149 <0.561 mg/Kg 33 25 -110 8 40☼ Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 1.47 0.149 0.8966 4 mg/Kg -380 21 -115 9 40☼ 2-Methylnaphthalene <0.549 0.149 <0.561 mg/Kg NC 27 -110 NC 40☼ Naphthalene <0.549 0.149 <0.561 mg/Kg 32 24 -110 4 40☼ Phenanthrene 1.24 0.149 0.6087 4 mg/Kg -424 14 -124 23 40☼ Pyrene 2.28 0.149 1.188 4 mg/Kg -729 17 -118 2 40☼ 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)28 -110 Surrogate 68 MSD MSD Qualifier Limits%Recovery 58Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)22 -110 60Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)26 -110 Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 310-257221/1-A Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257378 Prep Batch: 257221 RL MDL Acenaphthene <0.100 0.100 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 20:17 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <0.100 0.100 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 20:17 1Acenaphthylene <0.100 0.100 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 20:17 1Anthracene <0.100 0.100 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 20:17 1Benzo[a]anthracene <0.100 0.100 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 20:17 1Benzo[a]pyrene <0.100 0.100 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 20:17 1Benzo[b]fluoranthene <0.100 0.100 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 20:17 1Benzo[g,h,i]perylene <0.100 0.100 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 20:17 1Benzo[k]fluoranthene <0.100 0.100 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 20:17 1Chrysene <0.100 0.100 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 20:17 1Dibenz(a,h)anthracene <0.100 0.100 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 20:17 1Fluoranthene <0.100 0.100 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 20:17 1Fluorene Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 41 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Method: 8270D SIM - Semivolatile Organic Compound (GC/MS SIM LL) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 310-257221/1-A Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257378 Prep Batch: 257221 RL MDL Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene <0.100 0.100 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 20:17 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <0.100 0.100 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 20:17 12-Methylnaphthalene <0.500 0.500 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 20:17 1Naphthalene <0.100 0.100 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 20:17 1Phenanthrene <0.100 0.100 ug/L 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 20:17 1Pyrene 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)72 22 -110 10/18/19 20:17 1 MB MB Surrogate 10/17/19 11:24 Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedQualifierLimits%Recovery 69 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 20:17 1Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)17 -116 75 10/17/19 11:24 10/18/19 20:17 1Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)10 -136 Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 310-257221/2-A Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257378 Prep Batch: 257221 Acenaphthene 2.00 1.502 ug/L 75 34 -110 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Acenaphthylene 2.00 1.600 ug/L 80 36 -110 Anthracene 2.00 1.695 ug/L 85 42 -110 Benzo[a]anthracene 2.00 1.572 ug/L 79 37 -110 Benzo[a]pyrene 2.00 1.513 ug/L 76 36 -111 Benzo[b]fluoranthene 2.00 1.546 ug/L 77 36 -112 Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 2.00 1.358 ug/L 68 10 -122 Benzo[k]fluoranthene 2.00 1.599 ug/L 80 37 -110 Chrysene 2.00 1.714 ug/L 86 30 -110 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 2.00 1.296 ug/L 65 10 -122 Fluoranthene 2.00 1.587 ug/L 79 40 -110 Fluorene 2.00 1.514 ug/L 76 30 -110 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 2.00 1.566 ug/L 78 22 -124 2-Methylnaphthalene 2.00 1.511 ug/L 76 35 -110 Naphthalene 2.00 1.433 ug/L 72 32 -110 Phenanthrene 2.00 1.533 ug/L 77 41 -110 Pyrene 2.00 1.581 ug/L 79 39 -110 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)22 -110 Surrogate 77 LCS LCS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 72Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)17 -116 71Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)10 -136 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample DupLab Sample ID: LCSD 310-257221/3-A Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257378 Prep Batch: 257221 Acenaphthene 2.00 1.339 ug/L 67 34 -110 11 35 Analyte LCSD LCSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD Acenaphthylene 2.00 1.422 ug/L 71 36 -110 12 35 Anthracene 2.00 1.569 ug/L 78 42 -110 8 35 Benzo[a]anthracene 2.00 1.452 ug/L 73 37 -110 8 35 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 42 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Method: 8270D SIM - Semivolatile Organic Compound (GC/MS SIM LL) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample DupLab Sample ID: LCSD 310-257221/3-A Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257378 Prep Batch: 257221 Benzo[a]pyrene 2.00 1.409 ug/L 70 36 -111 7 35 Analyte LCSD LCSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD Benzo[b]fluoranthene 2.00 1.457 ug/L 73 36 -112 6 35 Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 2.00 1.262 ug/L 63 10 -122 7 35 Benzo[k]fluoranthene 2.00 1.520 ug/L 76 37 -110 5 35 Chrysene 2.00 1.577 ug/L 79 30 -110 8 35 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 2.00 1.189 ug/L 59 10 -122 9 35 Fluoranthene 2.00 1.493 ug/L 75 40 -110 6 35 Fluorene 2.00 1.343 ug/L 67 30 -110 12 35 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 2.00 1.465 ug/L 73 22 -124 7 35 2-Methylnaphthalene 2.00 1.304 ug/L 65 35 -110 15 35 Naphthalene 2.00 1.251 ug/L 63 32 -110 14 35 Phenanthrene 2.00 1.419 ug/L 71 41 -110 8 35 Pyrene 2.00 1.489 ug/L 74 39 -110 6 35 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)22 -110 Surrogate 68 LCSD LCSD Qualifier Limits%Recovery 62Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)17 -116 66Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)10 -136 Method: WI-GRO - Wisconsin - Gasoline Range Organics (GC) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 310-257374/1 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257374 RL MDL Wisconsin GRO <100 100 ug/L 10/18/19 11:28 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)90 80 -120 10/18/19 11:28 1 MB MB Surrogate Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedQualifierLimits%Recovery Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 310-257374/2 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257374 Wisconsin GRO 800 786.4 ug/L 98 80 -120 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)80 -120 Surrogate 93 LCS LCS Qualifier Limits%Recovery Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample DupLab Sample ID: LCSD 310-257374/24 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257374 Wisconsin GRO 800 752.9 ug/L 94 80 -120 4 20 Analyte LCSD LCSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 43 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Method: WI-GRO - Wisconsin - Gasoline Range Organics (GC) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample DupLab Sample ID: LCSD 310-257374/24 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257374 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)80 -120 Surrogate 90 LCSD LCSD Qualifier Limits%Recovery Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 310-257652/4 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257652 RL MDL Wisconsin GRO 220.6 100 ug/L 10/21/19 15:59 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)97 80 -120 10/21/19 15:59 1 MB MB Surrogate Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedQualifierLimits%Recovery Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 310-257652/5 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257652 Wisconsin GRO 800 879.2 ug/L 110 80 -120 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)80 -120 Surrogate 101 LCS LCS Qualifier Limits%Recovery Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample DupLab Sample ID: LCSD 310-257652/30 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257652 Wisconsin GRO 800 800.1 ug/L 100 80 -120 9 20 Analyte LCSD LCSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)80 -120 Surrogate 100 LCSD LCSD Qualifier Limits%Recovery Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 310-257806/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257791 Prep Batch: 257806 RL MDL Wisconsin GRO <9.66 9.66 mg/Kg 10/22/19 13:09 10/22/19 14:57 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)93 80 -120 10/22/19 14:57 1 MB MB Surrogate 10/22/19 13:09 Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedQualifierLimits%Recovery Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 44 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Method: WI-GRO - Wisconsin - Gasoline Range Organics (GC) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 310-257806/2-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257791 Prep Batch: 257806 Wisconsin GRO 38.0 40.38 mg/Kg 106 80 -120 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)80 -120 Surrogate 95 LCS LCS Qualifier Limits%Recovery Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample DupLab Sample ID: LCSD 310-257806/23-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257791 Prep Batch: 257806 Wisconsin GRO 39.7 43.73 mg/Kg 110 80 -120 8 20 Analyte LCSD LCSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)80 -120 Surrogate 93 LCSD LCSD Qualifier Limits%Recovery Method: WI-DRO - Wisconsin - Diesel Range Organics (GC) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 310-257080/1-A Matrix: Water Prep Type: Silica Gel Cleanup Analysis Batch: 257490 Prep Batch: 257080 RL MDL Diesel Range Organics (DRO)<0.100 0.100 mg/L 10/16/19 15:36 10/19/19 08:46 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 310-257080/2-A Matrix: Water Prep Type: Silica Gel Cleanup Analysis Batch: 257490 Prep Batch: 257080 Diesel Range Organics (DRO)2.50 1.780 *mg/L 71 75 -115 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample DupLab Sample ID: LCSD 310-257080/3-A Matrix: Water Prep Type: Silica Gel Cleanup Analysis Batch: 257490 Prep Batch: 257080 Diesel Range Organics (DRO)2.50 1.818 *mg/L 73 75 -115 2 20 Analyte LCSD LCSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 310-257222/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Silica Gel Cleanup Analysis Batch: 257563 Prep Batch: 257222 RL MDL Diesel Range Organics (DRO)<6.78 6.78 mg/Kg 10/17/19 11:24 10/21/19 10:19 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 45 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Method: WI-DRO - Wisconsin - Diesel Range Organics (GC) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 310-257222/2-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Silica Gel Cleanup Analysis Batch: 257563 Prep Batch: 257222 Diesel Range Organics (DRO)49.9 49.15 mg/Kg 98 70 -120 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample DupLab Sample ID: LCSD 310-257222/3-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Silica Gel Cleanup Analysis Batch: 257490 Prep Batch: 257222 Diesel Range Organics (DRO)49.1 39.32 mg/Kg 80 70 -120 NaN 20 Analyte LCSD LCSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample DupLab Sample ID: LCSD 310-257222/3-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Silica Gel Cleanup Analysis Batch: 257563 Prep Batch: 257222 Diesel Range Organics (DRO)49.1 48.10 mg/Kg 98 70 -120 2 20 Analyte LCSD LCSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 310-257175/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257360 Prep Batch: 257175 RL MDL Arsenic <3.72 3.72 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 19:51 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <0.930 0.930 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 19:51 1Barium <0.930 0.930 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 19:51 1Cadmium <0.930 0.930 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 19:51 1Chromium <4.65 4.65 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 19:51 1Lead <4.65 4.65 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 19:51 1Selenium <0.930 0.930 mg/Kg 10/17/19 08:55 10/17/19 19:51 1Silver Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 310-257175/2-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257360 Prep Batch: 257175 Arsenic 172 159.9 mg/Kg 93 80 -120 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Barium 85.8 81.53 mg/Kg 95 80 -120 Cadmium 85.8 74.98 mg/Kg 87 80 -120 Chromium 85.8 77.07 mg/Kg 90 80 -120 Lead 172 158.4 mg/Kg 92 80 -120 Selenium 343 316.8 mg/Kg 92 80 -120 Silver 85.8 86.50 mg/Kg 101 80 -120 Client Sample ID: Matrix SpikeLab Sample ID: 310-167490-A-1-E MS Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257360 Prep Batch: 257175 Arsenic <3.50 169 154.7 mg/Kg 92 75 -125☼ Analyte MS MS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 46 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Matrix SpikeLab Sample ID: 310-167490-A-1-E MS Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257360 Prep Batch: 257175 Barium 16.5 84.4 99.58 mg/Kg 98 75 -125☼ Analyte MS MS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits Cadmium <0.876 84.4 72.82 mg/Kg 86 75 -125☼ Chromium 2.33 84.4 78.38 mg/Kg 90 75 -125☼ Lead <4.38 169 158.2 mg/Kg 91 75 -125☼ Selenium 9.89 337 323.0 mg/Kg 93 75 -125☼ Silver <0.876 84.4 86.70 mg/Kg 103 75 -125☼ Client Sample ID: Matrix Spike DuplicateLab Sample ID: 310-167490-A-1-F MSD Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257360 Prep Batch: 257175 Arsenic <3.50 147 134.9 mg/Kg 92 75 -125 14 20☼ Analyte MSD MSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD Barium 16.5 73.7 88.27 mg/Kg 97 75 -125 12 20☼ Cadmium <0.876 73.7 61.90 mg/Kg 84 75 -125 16 20☼ Chromium 2.33 73.7 67.97 mg/Kg 89 75 -125 14 20☼ Lead <4.38 147 139.8 mg/Kg 92 75 -125 12 20☼ Selenium 9.89 295 285.4 mg/Kg 93 75 -125 12 20☼ Silver <0.876 73.7 74.71 mg/Kg 101 75 -125 15 20☼ Client Sample ID: TP-15 (0-4')Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-2 DU Matrix: Soil Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257360 Prep Batch: 257175 Arsenic <3.62 <3.33 mg/Kg NC 20☼ Analyte DU DU DUnitResultQualifier Sample Result Sample Qualifier LimitRPD RPD Barium 62.2 65.86 mg/Kg 6 20☼ Cadmium <0.904 <0.832 mg/Kg NC 20☼ Chromium 18.9 20.04 mg/Kg 6 20☼ Lead 5.93 5.794 mg/Kg 2 20☼ Selenium 30.7 16.34 F3 mg/Kg 61 20☼ Silver <0.904 <0.832 mg/Kg NC 20☼ Method: 6020B - Metals (ICP/MS) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 310-257013/1-B Matrix: Water Prep Type: Dissolved Analysis Batch: 257738 Prep Batch: 257274 RL MDL Arsenic <0.00200 0.00200 mg/L 10/18/19 08:00 10/21/19 14:36 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <0.00200 0.00200 mg/L 10/18/19 08:00 10/21/19 14:36 1Barium <0.000100 0.000100 mg/L 10/18/19 08:00 10/21/19 14:36 1Cadmium <0.00500 0.00500 mg/L 10/18/19 08:00 10/21/19 14:36 1Chromium <0.000500 0.000500 mg/L 10/18/19 08:00 10/21/19 14:36 1Lead <0.00500 0.00500 mg/L 10/18/19 08:00 10/21/19 14:36 1Selenium <0.00100 0.00100 mg/L 10/18/19 08:00 10/21/19 14:36 1Silver Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 47 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Method: 6020B - Metals (ICP/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 310-257013/2-B Matrix: Water Prep Type: Dissolved Analysis Batch: 257738 Prep Batch: 257274 Arsenic 0.0800 0.07817 mg/L 98 80 -120 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Barium 0.0800 0.08397 mg/L 105 80 -120 Cadmium 0.0400 0.04277 mg/L 107 80 -120 Chromium 0.0800 0.08675 mg/L 108 80 -120 Lead 0.0400 0.04228 mg/L 106 80 -120 Selenium 0.0800 0.07784 mg/L 97 80 -120 Silver 0.0400 0.04329 mg/L 108 80 -120 Client Sample ID: Matrix SpikeLab Sample ID: 310-166506-B-5-E MS Matrix: Water Prep Type: Dissolved Analysis Batch: 257738 Prep Batch: 257274 Arsenic 0.00218 0.0800 0.07960 mg/L 97 75 -125 Analyte MS MS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits Barium 0.0944 0.0800 0.1759 mg/L 102 75 -125 Cadmium <0.000100 0.0400 0.04293 mg/L 107 75 -125 Chromium <0.00500 0.0800 0.08503 mg/L 106 75 -125 Lead <0.000500 0.0400 0.04315 mg/L 108 75 -125 Selenium <0.00500 0.0800 0.07875 mg/L 98 75 -125 Silver <0.00100 0.0400 0.04325 mg/L 108 75 -125 Client Sample ID: Matrix Spike DuplicateLab Sample ID: 310-166506-B-5-F MSD Matrix: Water Prep Type: Dissolved Analysis Batch: 257738 Prep Batch: 257274 Arsenic 0.00218 0.0800 0.08064 mg/L 98 75 -125 1 20 Analyte MSD MSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD Barium 0.0944 0.0800 0.1784 mg/L 105 75 -125 1 20 Cadmium <0.000100 0.0400 0.04411 mg/L 110 75 -125 3 20 Chromium <0.00500 0.0800 0.08618 mg/L 108 75 -125 1 20 Lead <0.000500 0.0400 0.04338 mg/L 108 75 -125 1 20 Selenium <0.00500 0.0800 0.08012 mg/L 100 75 -125 2 20 Silver <0.00100 0.0400 0.04418 mg/L 110 75 -125 2 20 Method: 7470A - Mercury (CVAA) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 310-257079/1-B Matrix: Water Prep Type: Dissolved Analysis Batch: 257461 Prep Batch: 257267 RL MDL Mercury <0.200 0.200 ug/L 10/17/19 14:33 10/18/19 14:22 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 310-257079/2-B Matrix: Water Prep Type: Dissolved Analysis Batch: 257461 Prep Batch: 257267 Mercury 1.67 1.462 ug/L 88 80 -120 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 48 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Method: 7470A - Mercury (CVAA) (Continued) Client Sample ID: TP-10Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-5 MS Matrix: Water Prep Type: Dissolved Analysis Batch: 257461 Prep Batch: 257267 Mercury <0.200 1.67 1.453 ug/L 87 80 -120 Analyte MS MS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits Client Sample ID: TP-10Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-5 MSD Matrix: Water Prep Type: Dissolved Analysis Batch: 257461 Prep Batch: 257267 Mercury <0.200 1.67 1.442 ug/L 86 80 -120 1 20 Analyte MSD MSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD Method: 7471B - Mercury (CVAA) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 310-257441/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257658 Prep Batch: 257441 RL MDL Mercury <0.0196 0.0196 mg/Kg 10/18/19 15:09 10/21/19 11:32 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 310-257441/2-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257658 Prep Batch: 257441 Mercury 0.157 0.1806 mg/Kg 115 80 -120 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Client Sample ID: Matrix SpikeLab Sample ID: 310-167322-B-6-B MS Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257658 Prep Batch: 257441 Mercury <0.0208 0.180 0.1800 mg/Kg 93 80 -120☼ Analyte MS MS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits Client Sample ID: Matrix Spike DuplicateLab Sample ID: 310-167322-B-6-C MSD Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257658 Prep Batch: 257441 Mercury <0.0208 0.174 0.1795 mg/Kg 96 80 -120 0 20☼ Analyte MSD MSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD Method: Moisture - Percent Moisture Client Sample ID: TP-3 (0-2')Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-1 DU Matrix: Soil Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257180 Percent Moisture 10.0 11.4 %13 20 Analyte DU DU DUnitResultQualifier Sample Result Sample Qualifier LimitRPD RPD Percent Solids 90.0 88.6 %2 20 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 49 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Association Summary Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve GC/MS VOA Prep Batch: 257160 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Soil 5035310-167565-1 TP-3 (0-2')Total/NA Soil 5035310-167565-2 TP-15 (0-4')Total/NA Soil 5035310-167565-3 TP-16 (6-8')Total/NA Soil 5035310-167565-4 TP-17 (2-3')Total/NA Soil 5035310-167565-6 Trip Blank Soil Total/NA Solid 5035MB 310-257160/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 5035LCS 310-257160/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257170 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Soil 8260B 257160310-167565-1 TP-3 (0-2')Total/NA Soil 8260B 257160310-167565-2 TP-15 (0-4')Total/NA Soil 8260B 257160310-167565-3 TP-16 (6-8')Total/NA Soil 8260B 257160310-167565-4 TP-17 (2-3')Total/NA Soil 8260B 257160310-167565-6 Trip Blank Soil Total/NA Solid 8260B 257160MB 310-257160/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 8260B 257160LCS 310-257160/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257528 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Water 8260B310-167565-5 TP-10 Total/NA Water 8260B310-167565-7 Trip Blank Water Total/NA Water 8260BMB 310-257528/8 Method Blank Total/NA Water 8260BLCS 310-257528/6 Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 8260BLCS 310-257528/7 Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 8260B310-167552-D-10 MS Matrix Spike Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257708 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Water 8260B310-167565-5 TP-10 Total/NA Water 8260B310-167565-7 Trip Blank Water Total/NA Water 8260BMB 310-257708/7 Method Blank Total/NA Water 8260BLCS 310-257708/5 Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 8260BLCS 310-257708/6 Lab Control Sample Total/NA GC/MS Semi VOA Prep Batch: 257216 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Soil 3546310-167565-1 TP-3 (0-2')Total/NA Soil 3546310-167565-2 TP-15 (0-4')Total/NA Soil 3546310-167565-3 TP-16 (6-8')Total/NA Soil 3546310-167565-4 TP-17 (2-3')Total/NA Solid 3546MB 310-257216/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 3546LCS 310-257216/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 3546310-167654-A-6-A MS Matrix Spike Total/NA Solid 3546310-167654-A-6-B MSD Matrix Spike Duplicate Total/NA Prep Batch: 257221 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Water 3510C310-167565-5 TP-10 Total/NA Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 50 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Association Summary Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve GC/MS Semi VOA (Continued) Prep Batch: 257221 (Continued) Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Water 3510CMB 310-257221/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Water 3510CLCS 310-257221/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 3510CLCSD 310-257221/3-A Lab Control Sample Dup Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257378 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Soil 8270D SIM 257216310-167565-1 TP-3 (0-2')Total/NA Soil 8270D SIM 257216310-167565-2 TP-15 (0-4')Total/NA Soil 8270D SIM 257216310-167565-3 TP-16 (6-8')Total/NA Soil 8270D SIM 257216310-167565-4 TP-17 (2-3')Total/NA Water 8270D SIM 257221310-167565-5 TP-10 Total/NA Solid 8270D SIM 257216MB 310-257216/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Water 8270D SIM 257221MB 310-257221/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 8270D SIM 257216LCS 310-257216/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 8270D SIM 257221LCS 310-257221/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 8270D SIM 257221LCSD 310-257221/3-A Lab Control Sample Dup Total/NA Solid 8270D SIM 257216310-167654-A-6-A MS Matrix Spike Total/NA Solid 8270D SIM 257216310-167654-A-6-B MSD Matrix Spike Duplicate Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257647 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Soil 8270D SIM 257216310-167565-3 TP-16 (6-8')Total/NA GC VOA Analysis Batch: 257374 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Water WI-GRO310-167565-7 Trip Blank Water Total/NA Water WI-GROMB 310-257374/1 Method Blank Total/NA Water WI-GROLCS 310-257374/2 Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water WI-GROLCSD 310-257374/24 Lab Control Sample Dup Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257652 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Water WI-GRO310-167565-5 TP-10 Total/NA Water WI-GROMB 310-257652/4 Method Blank Total/NA Water WI-GROLCS 310-257652/5 Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water WI-GROLCSD 310-257652/30 Lab Control Sample Dup Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257791 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Soil WI-GRO 257806310-167565-1 TP-3 (0-2')Total/NA Soil WI-GRO 257806310-167565-2 TP-15 (0-4')Total/NA Soil WI-GRO 257806310-167565-3 TP-16 (6-8')Total/NA Soil WI-GRO 257806310-167565-4 TP-17 (2-3')Total/NA Soil WI-GRO 257806310-167565-6 Trip Blank Soil Total/NA Solid WI-GRO 257806MB 310-257806/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid WI-GRO 257806LCS 310-257806/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid WI-GRO 257806LCSD 310-257806/23-A Lab Control Sample Dup Total/NA Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 51 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Association Summary Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve GC VOA Prep Batch: 257806 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Soil WI GRO310-167565-1 TP-3 (0-2')Total/NA Soil WI GRO310-167565-2 TP-15 (0-4')Total/NA Soil WI GRO310-167565-3 TP-16 (6-8')Total/NA Soil WI GRO310-167565-4 TP-17 (2-3')Total/NA Soil WI GRO310-167565-6 Trip Blank Soil Total/NA Solid 5035MB 310-257806/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 5035LCS 310-257806/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 5035LCSD 310-257806/23-A Lab Control Sample Dup Total/NA GC Semi VOA Prep Batch: 257080 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Water 3510C SGC310-167565-5 TP-10 Silica Gel Cleanup Water 3510CMB 310-257080/1-A Method Blank Silica Gel Cleanup Water 3510CLCS 310-257080/2-A Lab Control Sample Silica Gel Cleanup Water 3510CLCSD 310-257080/3-A Lab Control Sample Dup Silica Gel Cleanup Prep Batch: 257222 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Soil WI DRO PREP310-167565-1 TP-3 (0-2')Silica Gel Cleanup Soil WI DRO PREP310-167565-2 TP-15 (0-4')Silica Gel Cleanup Soil WI DRO PREP310-167565-3 TP-16 (6-8')Silica Gel Cleanup Soil WI DRO PREP310-167565-4 TP-17 (2-3')Silica Gel Cleanup Solid WI DRO PREPMB 310-257222/1-A Method Blank Silica Gel Cleanup Solid WI DRO PREPLCS 310-257222/2-A Lab Control Sample Silica Gel Cleanup Solid WI DRO PREPLCSD 310-257222/3-A Lab Control Sample Dup Silica Gel Cleanup Analysis Batch: 257331 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Soil WI-DRO 257222310-167565-2 TP-15 (0-4')Silica Gel Cleanup Soil WI-DRO 257222310-167565-4 TP-17 (2-3')Silica Gel Cleanup Analysis Batch: 257490 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Water WI-DRO 257080310-167565-5 TP-10 Silica Gel Cleanup Water WI-DRO 257080MB 310-257080/1-A Method Blank Silica Gel Cleanup Water WI-DRO 257080LCS 310-257080/2-A Lab Control Sample Silica Gel Cleanup Water WI-DRO 257080LCSD 310-257080/3-A Lab Control Sample Dup Silica Gel Cleanup Solid WI-DRO 257222LCSD 310-257222/3-A Lab Control Sample Dup Silica Gel Cleanup Analysis Batch: 257563 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Soil WI-DRO 257222310-167565-1 TP-3 (0-2')Silica Gel Cleanup Soil WI-DRO 257222310-167565-3 TP-16 (6-8')Silica Gel Cleanup Solid WI-DRO 257222MB 310-257222/1-A Method Blank Silica Gel Cleanup Solid WI-DRO 257222LCS 310-257222/2-A Lab Control Sample Silica Gel Cleanup Solid WI-DRO 257222LCSD 310-257222/3-A Lab Control Sample Dup Silica Gel Cleanup Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 52 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Association Summary Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Metals Filtration Batch: 257013 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Water Filtration310-167565-5 TP-10 Dissolved Water FiltrationMB 310-257013/1-B Method Blank Dissolved Water FiltrationLCS 310-257013/2-B Lab Control Sample Dissolved Water Filtration310-166506-B-5-E MS Matrix Spike Dissolved Water Filtration310-166506-B-5-F MSD Matrix Spike Duplicate Dissolved Filtration Batch: 257079 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Water Filtration310-167565-5 TP-10 Dissolved Water FiltrationMB 310-257079/1-B Method Blank Dissolved Water FiltrationLCS 310-257079/2-B Lab Control Sample Dissolved Water Filtration310-167565-5 MS TP-10 Dissolved Water Filtration310-167565-5 MSD TP-10 Dissolved Prep Batch: 257175 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Soil 3050B310-167565-1 TP-3 (0-2')Total/NA Soil 3050B310-167565-2 TP-15 (0-4')Total/NA Soil 3050B310-167565-3 TP-16 (6-8')Total/NA Soil 3050B310-167565-4 TP-17 (2-3')Total/NA Solid 3050BMB 310-257175/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 3050BLCS 310-257175/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 3050B310-167490-A-1-E MS Matrix Spike Total/NA Solid 3050B310-167490-A-1-F MSD Matrix Spike Duplicate Total/NA Soil 3050B310-167565-2 DU TP-15 (0-4')Total/NA Prep Batch: 257267 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Water 7470A 257079310-167565-5 TP-10 Dissolved Water 7470A 257079MB 310-257079/1-B Method Blank Dissolved Water 7470A 257079LCS 310-257079/2-B Lab Control Sample Dissolved Water 7470A 257079310-167565-5 MS TP-10 Dissolved Water 7470A 257079310-167565-5 MSD TP-10 Dissolved Prep Batch: 257274 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Water 3010A 257013310-167565-5 TP-10 Dissolved Water 3010A 257013MB 310-257013/1-B Method Blank Dissolved Water 3010A 257013LCS 310-257013/2-B Lab Control Sample Dissolved Water 3010A 257013310-166506-B-5-E MS Matrix Spike Dissolved Water 3010A 257013310-166506-B-5-F MSD Matrix Spike Duplicate Dissolved Analysis Batch: 257360 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Soil 6010D 257175310-167565-1 TP-3 (0-2')Total/NA Soil 6010D 257175310-167565-2 TP-15 (0-4')Total/NA Soil 6010D 257175310-167565-3 TP-16 (6-8')Total/NA Solid 6010D 257175MB 310-257175/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 6010D 257175LCS 310-257175/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 6010D 257175310-167490-A-1-E MS Matrix Spike Total/NA Solid 6010D 257175310-167490-A-1-F MSD Matrix Spike Duplicate Total/NA Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 53 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Association Summary Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Metals (Continued) Analysis Batch: 257360 (Continued) Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Soil 6010D 257175310-167565-2 DU TP-15 (0-4')Total/NA Prep Batch: 257441 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Soil 7471B310-167565-1 TP-3 (0-2')Total/NA Soil 7471B310-167565-2 TP-15 (0-4')Total/NA Soil 7471B310-167565-3 TP-16 (6-8')Total/NA Soil 7471B310-167565-4 TP-17 (2-3')Total/NA Solid 7471BMB 310-257441/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 7471BLCS 310-257441/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 7471B310-167322-B-6-B MS Matrix Spike Total/NA Solid 7471B310-167322-B-6-C MSD Matrix Spike Duplicate Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257461 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Water 7470A 257267310-167565-5 TP-10 Dissolved Water 7470A 257267MB 310-257079/1-B Method Blank Dissolved Water 7470A 257267LCS 310-257079/2-B Lab Control Sample Dissolved Water 7470A 257267310-167565-5 MS TP-10 Dissolved Water 7470A 257267310-167565-5 MSD TP-10 Dissolved Analysis Batch: 257655 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Soil 6010D 257175310-167565-4 TP-17 (2-3')Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257658 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Soil 7471B 257441310-167565-1 TP-3 (0-2')Total/NA Soil 7471B 257441310-167565-2 TP-15 (0-4')Total/NA Soil 7471B 257441310-167565-3 TP-16 (6-8')Total/NA Soil 7471B 257441310-167565-4 TP-17 (2-3')Total/NA Solid 7471B 257441MB 310-257441/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 7471B 257441LCS 310-257441/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 7471B 257441310-167322-B-6-B MS Matrix Spike Total/NA Solid 7471B 257441310-167322-B-6-C MSD Matrix Spike Duplicate Total/NA Analysis Batch: 257738 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Water 6020B 257274310-167565-5 TP-10 Dissolved Water 6020B 257274MB 310-257013/1-B Method Blank Dissolved Water 6020B 257274LCS 310-257013/2-B Lab Control Sample Dissolved Water 6020B 257274310-166506-B-5-E MS Matrix Spike Dissolved Water 6020B 257274310-166506-B-5-F MSD Matrix Spike Duplicate Dissolved General Chemistry Analysis Batch: 257180 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Soil Moisture310-167565-1 TP-3 (0-2')Total/NA Soil Moisture310-167565-2 TP-15 (0-4')Total/NA Soil Moisture310-167565-3 TP-16 (6-8')Total/NA Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 54 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Association Summary Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve General Chemistry (Continued) Analysis Batch: 257180 (Continued) Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Soil Moisture310-167565-4 TP-17 (2-3')Total/NA Solid Moisture310-167654-B-6 MS Matrix Spike Total/NA Solid Moisture310-167654-B-6 MSD Matrix Spike Duplicate Total/NA Soil Moisture310-167565-1 DU TP-3 (0-2')Total/NA Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 55 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Lab Chronicle Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Job ID: 310-167565-1 Project/Site: The Preserve Client Sample ID: TP-3 (0-2')Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-1 Matrix: SoilDate Collected: 10/15/19 14:00 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Prep 5035 10/17/19 08:23 TCH257160 TAL CF Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis 8260B 1 257170 10/17/19 14:09 TCH TAL CFTotal/NA Prep 3546 257216 10/17/19 11:09 EAM TAL CFTotal/NA Analysis 8270D SIM 50 257378 10/18/19 16:32 BKT TAL CFTotal/NA Prep WI GRO 257806 10/22/19 13:09 CMM TAL CFTotal/NA Analysis WI-GRO 1 257791 10/23/19 00:32 CMM TAL CFTotal/NA Prep WI DRO PREP 257222 10/17/19 11:24 EAM TAL CFSilica Gel Cleanup Analysis WI-DRO 1 257563 10/21/19 10:41 JTA TAL CFSilica Gel Cleanup Prep 3050B 257175 10/17/19 08:55 HED TAL CFTotal/NA Analysis 6010D 1 257360 10/17/19 20:19 CTB TAL CFTotal/NA Prep 7471B 257441 10/18/19 15:09 HIS TAL CFTotal/NA Analysis 7471B 1 257658 10/21/19 12:21 HIS TAL CFTotal/NA Analysis Moisture 1 257180 10/17/19 09:09 SAS TAL CFTotal/NA Client Sample ID: TP-15 (0-4')Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-2 Matrix: SoilDate Collected: 10/15/19 14:30 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Prep 5035 10/17/19 08:23 TCH257160 TAL CF Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis 8260B 1 257170 10/17/19 14:34 TCH TAL CFTotal/NA Prep 3546 257216 10/17/19 11:09 EAM TAL CFTotal/NA Analysis 8270D SIM 5 257378 10/18/19 16:51 BKT TAL CFTotal/NA Prep WI GRO 257806 10/22/19 13:09 CMM TAL CFTotal/NA Analysis WI-GRO 1 257791 10/23/19 01:04 CMM TAL CFTotal/NA Prep WI DRO PREP 257222 10/17/19 11:24 EAM TAL CFSilica Gel Cleanup Analysis WI-DRO 1 257331 10/18/19 14:03 JTA TAL CFSilica Gel Cleanup Prep 3050B 257175 10/17/19 08:55 HED TAL CFTotal/NA Analysis 6010D 1 257360 10/17/19 20:21 CTB TAL CFTotal/NA Prep 7471B 257441 10/18/19 15:09 HIS TAL CFTotal/NA Analysis 7471B 1 257658 10/21/19 12:23 HIS TAL CFTotal/NA Analysis Moisture 1 257180 10/17/19 09:09 SAS TAL CFTotal/NA Client Sample ID: TP-16 (6-8')Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-3 Matrix: SoilDate Collected: 10/15/19 15:00 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Prep 5035 10/17/19 08:23 TCH257160 TAL CF Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis 8260B 1 257170 10/17/19 14:58 TCH TAL CFTotal/NA Prep 3546 257216 10/17/19 11:09 EAM TAL CFTotal/NA Analysis 8270D SIM 50 257378 10/18/19 17:09 BKT TAL CFTotal/NA Prep 3546 257216 10/17/19 11:09 EAM TAL CFTotal/NA Analysis 8270D SIM 500 257647 10/22/19 07:17 BKT TAL CFTotal/NA Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 56 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Lab Chronicle Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Job ID: 310-167565-1 Project/Site: The Preserve Client Sample ID: TP-16 (6-8')Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-3 Matrix: SoilDate Collected: 10/15/19 15:00 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Prep WI GRO 10/22/19 13:09 CMM257806 TAL CF Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis WI-GRO 1 257791 10/23/19 01:36 CMM TAL CFTotal/NA Prep WI DRO PREP 257222 10/17/19 11:24 EAM TAL CFSilica Gel Cleanup Analysis WI-DRO 20 257563 10/21/19 10:52 JTA TAL CFSilica Gel Cleanup Prep 3050B 257175 10/17/19 08:55 HED TAL CFTotal/NA Analysis 6010D 1 257360 10/17/19 20:24 CTB TAL CFTotal/NA Prep 7471B 257441 10/18/19 15:09 HIS TAL CFTotal/NA Analysis 7471B 1 257658 10/21/19 12:25 HIS TAL CFTotal/NA Analysis Moisture 1 257180 10/17/19 09:09 SAS TAL CFTotal/NA Client Sample ID: TP-17 (2-3')Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-4 Matrix: SoilDate Collected: 10/15/19 15:30 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Prep 5035 10/17/19 08:23 TCH257160 TAL CF Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis 8260B 1 257170 10/17/19 15:22 TCH TAL CFTotal/NA Prep 3546 257216 10/17/19 11:09 EAM TAL CFTotal/NA Analysis 8270D SIM 10 257378 10/18/19 17:28 BKT TAL CFTotal/NA Prep WI GRO 257806 10/22/19 13:09 CMM TAL CFTotal/NA Analysis WI-GRO 1 257791 10/23/19 02:07 CMM TAL CFTotal/NA Prep WI DRO PREP 257222 10/17/19 11:24 EAM TAL CFSilica Gel Cleanup Analysis WI-DRO 1 257331 10/18/19 14:25 JTA TAL CFSilica Gel Cleanup Prep 3050B 257175 10/17/19 08:55 HED TAL CFTotal/NA Analysis 6010D 2 257655 10/21/19 12:47 CTB TAL CFTotal/NA Prep 7471B 257441 10/18/19 15:09 HIS TAL CFTotal/NA Analysis 7471B 1 257658 10/21/19 12:28 HIS TAL CFTotal/NA Analysis Moisture 1 257180 10/17/19 09:09 SAS TAL CFTotal/NA Client Sample ID: TP-10 Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-5 Matrix: WaterDate Collected: 10/15/19 11:00 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Analysis 8260B 10/21/19 01:47 SJN1257528 TAL CF Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis 8260B 1 257708 10/23/19 07:46 SJN TAL CFTotal/NA Prep 3510C 257221 10/17/19 11:24 NRH TAL CFTotal/NA Analysis 8270D SIM 5 257378 10/18/19 21:13 BKT TAL CFTotal/NA Analysis WI-GRO 1 257652 10/21/19 17:18 CMM TAL CFTotal/NA Prep 3510C SGC 257080 10/16/19 15:36 NRH TAL CFSilica Gel Cleanup Analysis WI-DRO 1 257490 10/19/19 10:05 JTA TAL CFSilica Gel Cleanup Filtration Filtration 257013 10/16/19 15:19 HED TAL CFDissolved Prep 3010A 257274 10/18/19 08:00 HED TAL CFDissolved Analysis 6020B 1 257738 10/21/19 15:24 SAD TAL CFDissolved Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 57 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Lab Chronicle Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Job ID: 310-167565-1 Project/Site: The Preserve Client Sample ID: TP-10 Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-5 Matrix: WaterDate Collected: 10/15/19 11:00 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Filtration Filtration 10/16/19 15:33 HED257079 TAL CF Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Dissolved Prep 7470A 257267 10/17/19 14:33 HIS TAL CFDissolved Analysis 7470A 1 257461 10/18/19 14:31 HIS TAL CFDissolved Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Soil Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-6 Matrix: SoilDate Collected: 10/15/19 00:00 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Prep 5035 10/17/19 08:23 TCH257160 TAL CF Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis 8260B 1 257170 10/17/19 15:47 TCH TAL CFTotal/NA Prep WI GRO 257806 10/22/19 13:09 CMM TAL CFTotal/NA Analysis WI-GRO 1 257791 10/22/19 17:06 CMM TAL CFTotal/NA Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Water Lab Sample ID: 310-167565-7 Matrix: WaterDate Collected: 10/15/19 00:00 Date Received: 10/16/19 10:10 Analysis 8260B 10/21/19 06:30 SJN1257528 TAL CF Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis 8260B 1 257708 10/23/19 08:08 SJN TAL CFTotal/NA Analysis WI-GRO 1 257374 10/18/19 12:25 CMM TAL CFTotal/NA Laboratory References: TAL CF = Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls, 3019 Venture Way, Cedar Falls, IA 50613, TEL (319)277-2401 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 58 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Accreditation/Certification Summary Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Job ID: 310-167565-1 Project/Site: The Preserve Laboratory: Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Unless otherwise noted, all analytes for this laboratory were covered under each accreditation/certification below. Authority Program Identification Number Expiration Date Minnesota 019-999-319NELAP 12-31-19 The following analytes are included in this report, but the laboratory is not certified by the governing authority. This list may include analytes for which the agency does not offer certification. Analysis Method Prep Method Matrix Analyte 8260B Water Dichlorofluoromethane 8260B 5035 Soil Dichlorofluoromethane Moisture Soil Percent Moisture Moisture Soil Percent Solids Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 59 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Method Summary Job ID: 310-167565-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve Method Method Description LaboratoryProtocol SW8468260BVolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)TAL CF SW8468270D SIM Semivolatile Organic Compound (GC/MS SIM LL)TAL CF WI-GROWI-GRO Wisconsin - Gasoline Range Organics (GC)TAL CF WI-DROWI-DRO Wisconsin - Diesel Range Organics (GC)TAL CF SW8466010DMetals (ICP)TAL CF SW8466020BMetals (ICP/MS)TAL CF SW8467470AMercury (CVAA)TAL CF SW8467471BMercury (CVAA)TAL CF EPAMoisturePercent Moisture TAL CF SW8463010APreparation, Total Metals TAL CF SW8463050BPreparation, Metals TAL CF SW8463510CLiquid-Liquid Extraction (Separatory Funnel)TAL CF SW8463510C SGC Liquid-Liquid Extraction (Separatory Funnel)TAL CF SW8463546Microwave Extraction TAL CF SW8465030BPurge and Trap TAL CF SW8465035Closed System Purge and Trap TAL CF SW8467470APreparation, Mercury TAL CF SW8467471BPreparation, Mercury TAL CF NoneFiltrationSample Filtration TAL CF WI-DROWI DRO PREP Wisconsin Extraction (Diesel Range Organics)TAL CF WI-GROWI GRO Closed System Purge and Trap TAL CF Protocol References: EPA = US Environmental Protection Agency None = None SW846 = "Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods", Third Edition, November 1986 And Its Updates. WI-DRO = "Modified DRO: Method For Determining Diesel Range Organics", Wisconsin DNR, Publ-SW-141, September, 1995. WI-GRO = "Modified GRO: Method For Determining Gasoline Range Organics", Wisconsin DNR, Publ-SW-140, September, 1995. Laboratory References: TAL CF = Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls, 3019 Venture Way, Cedar Falls, IA 50613, TEL (319)277-2401 Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 60 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 61 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 62 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 63 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Login Sample Receipt Checklist Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Job Number: 310-167565-1 SDG Number: Login Number: 167565 Question Answer Comment Creator: Homolar, Dana J List Source: Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls List Number: 1 N/ARadioactivity wasn't checked or is </= background as measured by a survey meter. TrueThe cooler's custody seal, if present, is intact. N/ASample custody seals, if present, are intact. TrueThe cooler or samples do not appear to have been compromised or tampered with. TrueSamples were received on ice. TrueCooler Temperature is acceptable. TrueCooler Temperature is recorded. TrueCOC is present. TrueCOC is filled out in ink and legible. TrueCOC is filled out with all pertinent information. TrueIs the Field Sampler's name present on COC? TrueThere are no discrepancies between the containers received and the COC. TrueSamples are received within Holding Time (excluding tests with immediate HTs) TrueSample containers have legible labels. TrueContainers are not broken or leaking. TrueSample collection date/times are provided. TrueAppropriate sample containers are used. TrueSample bottles are completely filled. TrueSample Preservation Verified. TrueThere is sufficient vol. for all requested analyses, incl. any requested MS/MSDs TrueContainers requiring zero headspace have no headspace or bubble is <6mm (1/4"). TrueMultiphasic samples are not present. TrueSamples do not require splitting or compositing. N/AResidual Chlorine Checked. Eurofins TestAmerica, Cedar Falls Page 64 of 64 10/23/2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 WENCK File #B8410-0003 February 2020 Prepared for: Progressive, LLC 21025 Edmonton Ave. Farmington, MN 55024 Prepared by: WENCK Associates, Inc. 1800 Pioneer Creek Center Maple Plain, MN 55359 Phone: 763-479-4200 Fax: 763-479-4242 Investigation Work Plan The Preserve 19030 Kenwood Trail, Lakeville, Minnesota MPCA Project No. BF0001384 EXHIBIT Q February 2020 i N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\03 Investigation Work Plan\The Preserve_Investigation Work Plan FEB 2020.docx Table of Contents 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE ................................................................................ 1-1 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION .................................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Current Use of Adjoining Properties ..................................................... 2-2 2.2 Physical Setting ................................................................................ 2-2 2.2.1 Topography .......................................................................... 2-2 2.2.2 Geology ............................................................................... 2-2 2.2.3 Hydrogeology ....................................................................... 2-2 3.0 PREVIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTS ...................................................... 3-1 3.1 2019 Haugo Phase I ESA .................................................................... 3-1 3.2 2019 Haugo Geotech and 2019 Haugo Test Pits .................................... 3-1 3.3 2019 Wenck Technical Memo .............................................................. 3-2 4.0 INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN .................................................................... 4-1 4.1 Field Investigation Rationale ............................................................... 4-1 4.2 Potential Contaminants of Concern ...................................................... 4-1 4.3 Soil investigation ............................................................................... 4-2 4.4 Groundwater Investigation ................................................................. 4-2 4.5 Soil Vapor Investigation ..................................................................... 4-3 5.0 INVESTIGATION REPORT ........................................................................... 5-1 6.0 REFERENCES .............................................................................................. 6-1 FIGURES 1 Site Location Map 2 Site Detail Map 3 Existing Conditions Map 4 Proposed Boring Locations Map APPENDICES A Haugo Geotechnical Services, LLC - Phase I ESA (February 2019) B Haugo Geotechnical Services - Geotechnical Exploration Report (January 2019) C Haugo Geotechnical Services – Draft Test Pit Lots (August 2019) D Wenck Associates, Inc. – Technical Memo (December 2019) February 2020 1-1 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\03 Investigation Work Plan\The Preserve_Investigation Work Plan FEB 2020.docx 1.0 Purpose and Scope Wenck Associates, Inc. (Wenck) was authorized by Progressive, LLC to prepare this Investigation Work Plan (the Work Plan) for environmental investigation activities at the proposed development known as The Preserve. The Preserve is an approximately 82-acre agricultural site that is being developed with single-family residential homes, associated roadways, utilities and stormwater infrastructure. A portion of The Preserve, approximately 6.8-acres, is affected by an unpermitted dump (the Site). The dump area is located adjacent to the address of 19030 Kenwood Trail in Lakeville, Dakota County, Minnesota. The focus of this investigation will be specifically on the 6.8-acre site. The Site location is depicted in Figure 1. A Site Detail Map and Existing Conditions Map are included as Figures 2 and 3, respectively. The Existing Conditions Map shows the outline of the 6.8- acre Site. In October 2019, Wenck conducted environmental sampling in the area of the identified dump based on a geotechnical evaluation by Haugo GeoTechnical Services, Inc. The purpose of the initial sampling was to provide an initial evaluation of potential environmental impacts at the Site as well as begin to determine the approximate vertical and horizontal extents of the waste material. The investigation activities revealed elevated petroleum, selenium and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil and groundwater within the 6.8-acre dump area. In January 2020, Progressive, LLC pursued a “Retroactive No Association Determination” Letter from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) for known impacts at the Site. The Site was assigned MPCA Site ID BF0001384. Based on a conference call with MPCA Project Managers, Mr. David Knight and Mr. Ryan Lundgren, Wenck and Progressive, LLC, it was determined that an Investigation Work Plan would be necessary to further characterize the Site based on the current development plan. The Work Plan would be submitted to the MPCA for review and comment. After the investigation activities are completed, as outlined in this Work Plan, a Response Action Plan would be developed for MPCA approval and followed during construction activities. The purpose of the Work Plan is to outline future investigation activities to determine if the Site has been impacted by hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants at concentrations of potential concern within the proposed construction areas at the Site. The potential for such impact has been identified in past investigations documented in 2019. February 2020 2-1 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\03 Investigation Work Plan\The Preserve_Investigation Work Plan FEB 2020.docx 2.0 Site Description The Subject Property is located in a rural and residential area in Lakeville, Dakota County, Minnesota. Site Address/Location Address: 19030 Kenwood Trail City: Lakeville County: Dakota State: Minnesota Township: Range: Section: 114 North 20 West South ½ of 18 Property Information Size: 6.8 acres Property Identification Number: Southern portion of 220180060011 Improvements There are no improvements on the Site. A gravel driveway adjoins the west property boundary. Use of the Property Current Use: The Site is currently vacant. The site is occupied by low-lying areas and dense wooded areas. Past Use: The February 2019 Phase I ESA by Haugo GeoTechnical Services, LLC (Haugo Phase I ESA 2019) and the aerial photographs included with the ESA show the current house adjacent to the west of the Site in the 1937 aerial photograph. A barn is located in the northwest corner of the Site with the majority of the Site being agricultural land. The barn was present on the aerial photographs until 2010. Filling activities first appeared on the 1987 aerial photograph with signs of grading from the farmstead driveway to the east. Dense tree growth and vegetation appeared within the dump area on the 1997 aerial photograph. Ownership and Operation of the Property Current Ownership & Operation: The Site is currently owned by Progressive, LLC and is currently vacant land. The Site location is depicted in Figure 1. A Site Detail Map showing the Site boundaries is provided in Figure 2. February 2020 2-2 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\03 Investigation Work Plan\The Preserve_Investigation Work Plan FEB 2020.docx 2.1 CURRENT USE OF ADJOINING PROPERTIES The following land uses were noted on adjoining properties: Direction Description North Unimproved land and single-family residences further north along County Road 60 (185th Street West). South Single-family residences and Kenwood Trail East Unimproved land and single-family residences along Irvona Avenue West Unimproved land and single-family residences along Javelin Avenue and Javelin Way 2.2 PHYSICAL SETTING 2.2.1 Topography The ground surface elevation is approximately 1,040 feet on the north side of the Site and 1,030 feet on the south side of the Site. The topography along the south end of the dump shows a noticeable decline down to the property line. Delineated wetlands are noted on Figure 3 along the south property boundary and east half of the Site. Numerous wetlands exist on the property in the low-lying areas. 2.2.2 Geology According to the 2019 Haugo Phase I ESA and published references, surficial geology at the Site consists of glacial till. The glacial till is identified as thin Des Moines lobe till over pre- Wisonsinan drift (Howard C. Hobbs et al, 1990). Bedrock in the vicinity of the Site consists of the St. Peter Sandstone. The upper half to two thirds of the St. Peter Sandstone is described as fine- to medium-grained quartzose sandstone. The lower portion of the formation contains multicolored beds of sandstone, siltstone and shale with interbeds of very coarse sandstone (John H. Mossler et al, 1990). Depth to bedrock ranges from 151 to 250 feet below ground surface (Bruce A. Bloomgren et al, 1990). 2.2.3 Hydrogeology The general direction of regional groundwater flow in the area of the Subject Property is noted to the south-southwest towards Marion Lake. The groundwater elevation is approximately 1,000 to 1,025 feet above mean sea level (Barbara M. Palen, 1990). Local groundwater conditions may vary due to surface water features, perched groundwater conditions or artificially created drainage systems. Based on geotechnical boring logs by Haugo, the Site’s surficial groundwater table at boring SB-5 (east of the Site) is at an elevation of approximately 1,036 feet corresponding to approximately 8 feet below grade. February 2020 3-1 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\03 Investigation Work Plan\The Preserve_Investigation Work Plan FEB 2020.docx 3.0 Previous Environmental Reports Wenck reviewed the following environmental reports for the Subject Property: Geotechnical Exploration Report, 19030 Kenwood Trail & PID 220180060012, Proposed Residential Development, Lakeville, Minnesota. Haugo GeoTechnical Services, LLC. January 30, 2019. (2019 Haugo Geotech) Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Hilla Property, 19030 Kenwood Trail, Lakeville, Minnesota. Haugo GeoTechnical Services, LLC. February 4, 2019. (2019 Haugo Phase I ESA) Draft Test Pit Logs – Hilla Property Test Pits, Lakeville, MN. Haugo GeoTechnical Services, LLC. August 21, 2019. (2019 Haugo Test Pits) Technical Memo – Environmental Sampling Results – The Preserve, 19030 Kenwood Trail, Lakeville, MN. Wenck Associates, Inc. December 9, 2019. (2019 Wenck Technical Memo) 3.1 2019 HAUGO PHASE I ESA A Phase I ESA was completed by Haugo Geotechnical Services, LLC, dated February 4, 2019. The Phase I ESA included the entire 82-acre property that is proposed to be developed. The Phase I ESA includes the 6.8 acres of property that is part of this Work Plan. A copy of the Phase I ESA is included as Appendix A. One Recognized Environmental Condition (REC) was identified in the 2019 Haugo Phase I ESA report, “A dump area was observed in a wooded area near the center of the property. The dump area included but was not (limited to) an older model vehicle (old car), household appliances, wire fencing, and pieces or scraps of metal. A review of historical imagery indicates that this dump area has been present since at least the mid-1960s. It is unclear the extent and depth of this dump area.” Haugo also identified one domestic well located east of the existing house. A septic system drain field was identified west of the house. In addition, there was discussion of removing the existing structures that could potentially contain asbestos building materials and/or hazardous materials that should be removed prior to demolition activities. 3.2 2019 HAUGO GEOTECH AND 2019 HAUGO TEST PITS In January 2019, Haugo installed 16 soil borings on the 82-acre property for geotechnical purposes. One soil boring, SB-4, was drilled within the 6.8-acre dump Site. Boring SB-4 was located in the northwest corner of the Site. Boring SB-4 encountered silty sand (topsoil) underlain by brown to gray silty clay to 7 feet below grade (bg). Silty clayey sand with gravel was encountered from 7 to 9 feet bg with sandy silt to 12 feet bg. Silty clayey sand, trace gravel was encountered to the end of the boring at 21 feet bg. No debris was noted in this boring log. Soil borings SB-3 and SB-5 were drilled west and east, respectively of the 6.8-acre Site. Boring SB-3 showed a little over 1 foot of silty sand (topsoil) underlain by lean clay to 4 feet bg. A mix of silty clayey sand and clayey sand, trace gravel was encountered to 9 feet bg. Silty clayey sand, trace gravel was encountered to the end of the boring to 21 feet bg. No debris was noted in this boring log. February 2020 3-2 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\03 Investigation Work Plan\The Preserve_Investigation Work Plan FEB 2020.docx Boring SB-5 showed 1 foot of silty sand (topsoil) and 1 foot of silty clay. Poorly graded sand with silt was encountered from 2 to 4 feet, underlain by clayey sand to 7 feet bg. Silty sand and sandy silt was encountered to 12 feet. Silty clayey sand was noted to the end of the boring at 21 feet. No debris was noted in this boring log. In addition to the soil borings, several test pits were conducted within the 82-acre project site by Haugo in August 2019. At the 6.8-acre Site, test pits TP-14 through TP-17 excavated and logged. Test pit TP-14 was conducted in the central portion of the Site and test pits TP- 15, TP-16 and TP-17 was located in the northwest corner of the Site. The draft test pit logs were reviewed by Wenck. A log for test pit TP-17 was not included in the draft submittal package. Test pit TP-14 showed fill material consisting of black to dark brown to brown clayey sand with concrete and bituminous debris to the bottom of the test pit at 8 feet bg. Test pit TP-15 showed clayey sand (topsoil) to 2 feet bg, underlain by poorly graded sand with silt to 5 feet bg. Sandy lean clay was encountered to the end of the test pit at 10 feet bg. No debris was encountered. Test pit TP-16 showed dark brown to black clayey sand (topsoil) to 2 feet, underlain by lean clay and sandy lean clay to 9 feet bg. No debris was encountered. A copy of the 2019 Haugo geotechnical report and draft test pit logs are included as Appendices B and C. Figure 3 shows the locations of the geotechnical borings and test pits. 3.3 2019 WENCK TECHNICAL MEMO Wenck was obtained by Progressive, LLC to conduct soil and groundwater sampling activities at the Site. On October 15, 2019, Country Joe Homes excavated test pits TP-101 through TP-117. These test pits were excavated around Haugo test pit TP-14. Wenck was on-site to log the test pits and screen the soils using a photoionization detector (PID). Soil samples were collected for laboratory analysis at the interval with the highest PID reading or within the debris layer. Soil sample locations were selected across the Site to achieve good spatial coverage. Soil samples were collected from test pits TP-103, TP-115, TP-116 and TP-117. In addition, one groundwater sample was collected from test pit TP-110. The soil and groundwater samples were analyzed for diesel range organics (DRO), gasoline range organics (GRO), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) metals, PAHs and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Concentrations were compared to the MPCA Tier I Soil Reference Values (SRVs) and Soil Leaching Values (SLVs). The reuse criteria for DRO and GRO is 100 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). Soil results showed elevated selenium concentrations above the established SLV in test pit samples TP-103 (0-2’) and TP-115 (0-4’). DRO was detected above 100 mg/kg in samples TP-103 (0-2’) and TP-116 (6-8’). GRO was not detected in the collected soil samples. In sample TP-116 (6-8’) benzo(a)pyrene was detected above the Residential SRV and naphthalene was detected above the SLV. The calculated BaP equivalent was above the Residential SRV in test pit TP-116. February 2020 3-3 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\03 Investigation Work Plan\The Preserve_Investigation Work Plan FEB 2020.docx Groundwater results from test pit TP-110 showed DRO at 475 micrograms per liter (ug/L). Benzo(a)pyrene was detected above the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Health Risk Limit (HRL) of 0.1 ug/L at a concentration of 0.591 ug/L. The technical memo and supporting documents are included as Appendix C. February 2020 4-1 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\03 Investigation Work Plan\The Preserve_Investigation Work Plan FEB 2020.docx 4.0 Investigation Work Plan 4.1 FIELD INVESTIGATION RATIONALE The objective of this investigation Work Plan is to identify if soil, groundwater, and/or soil vapor impacts are currently present at the Site and to assess if the impacts are at concentrations of concern within the proposed construction areas. Impacts, if identified, will be comparted to MPCA Residential and Industrial SRVs, Tier I SLVs, Soil Vapor Intrusion Screening Values (ISVs), and the MDH HRLs. The impacts will be assessed against future land use with the decision to incorporate additional investigation activities or prepare a Response Action Plan (RAP) for construction. An Existing Conditions Plan is included as Figure 3. A Proposed Site Plan is included as Figure 4. Both figures 3 and 4 show the previous test pit and boring locations. Procedures for soil, groundwater, and soil vapor sampling activities will follow Wenck’s standard operating procedures. Methods and procedures are described below. 4.2 POTENTIAL CONTAMINANTS OF CONCERN A list of potential contaminants of concern (COCs) have been identified through historical report review. Total Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) eight metals Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Diesel range organics (DRO) Gasoline range organics (GRO) Pesticides Laboratory methodologies that will be used during this investigation are as follows for soil and groundwater: Parameter Laboratory Methodology RCRA metals EPA Method 6010B/7471 PAHs EPA Method 8270 by SIM VOCs EPA Method 8260 DRO WI Method (gw)/Silica Gel Method (soil and groundwater) GRO WI Method Pesticides SW846 8081B Laboratory methodologies that will be used during this investigation for soil vapor are as follows: Parameter Parameter Laboratory Methodology Methane EPA Method 3C VOCs EPA Method TO-15 February 2020 4-2 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\03 Investigation Work Plan\The Preserve_Investigation Work Plan FEB 2020.docx 4.3 SOIL INVESTIGATION A series of eight (8) geoprobes will be drilled at the Site to determine the thickness of the debris layer and depth of native soils. Wenck will collect soil samples within the debris layer to characterize the soils for future reuse or disposal options. Gopher One Call will be notified. Utility lines buried at the Site will be located by the appropriate utility company and indicated on the ground surface. At this time, we don’t anticipate hiring a private utility locator. The eight (8) geoprobes will be drilled to depths of approximately 10 to 15 feet below grade depending upon the thickness of the debris layer. The goal of the drilling is to collect soil samples within the debris layer and the establish the thickness of the debris layer. During the advancement of the soil borings, soil samples will be collected for screening to boring termination. Equipment will be cleaned prior to arrival on-site. In addition, either new, cleaned equipment or equipment that is decontaminated between each soil boring will be used during drilling activities to eliminate the possibility of cross-contamination. A Field Geologist will be on-site to log the borings and to collect soil samples. Soil borings will be located during the field activities by the Field Geologists using a handheld GPS unit or will be staked in the field and surveyed by others. Soil samples will be screened for the presence of volatile organics with a photoionization detector (PID). Based on the soil screening, collection and analysis of soil samples for laboratory analysis will be completed. Soil classification will also be performed in the field in accordance with ASTM Method D2488, Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils. A boring log will be created for each soil boring showing stratigraphic sequence and associated field screening notes and observations. Visual evidence of contamination will be noted on the Field Geologist’s log. We anticipate one soil sample will be collected in the debris layer from each boring and analyzed for VOCs, 8 RCRA metals, PAHs, pesticides, GRO, and DRO Silica Gel Method. In addition, a total of three soil samples will be collected below the debris layer in three separate borings and analyzed for the same analytical parameters. Soil samples will be collected in new glassware, placed in a cooler with ice, and submitted under chain-of- custody to Eurofins TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc. in Cedar Falls, IA for laboratory analysis. Soil boring locations were selected based on the locations of the proposed infrastructure within the Site boundaries as noted below: 190th Street Cul-de-sac at the end of Iteri Avenue City trail on the east end of the site Figure 4 shows the proposed soil boring locations on the preliminary plat dated January 3, 2020. 4.4 GROUNDWATER INVESTIGATION Groundwater samples will be collected from four (4) of the eight (8) soil borings described above. Groundwater is anticipated to be approximately 8 to 10 feet below grade. Upon reaching the shallow groundwater table, the subcontracted driller will construct a temporary well approximately 5 feet into the shallow groundwater table. The temporary well will be constructed using a 1-inch PVC riser with a 5-foot slotted PVC screen. Groundwater samples will be collected from the well using a check ball connected to dedicated polyethylene February 2020 4-3 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\03 Investigation Work Plan\The Preserve_Investigation Work Plan FEB 2020.docx tubing. Groundwater will be purged to the degree possible, allowing the temporary well to recharge. The samples will be collected in dedicated glassware, placed in a cooler with ice, and submitted under chain-of-custody to Eurofins TestAmerica Laboratory, Inc. in Cedar Falls, IA for laboratory analysis. Groundwater samples will be analyzed for VOCs, GRO, DRO with Silica Gel Method, dissolved 8 RCRA metals, pesticides and PAHs using methods outlined in Section 4.2. Proposed temporary well locations are shown on Figure 4. 4.5 SOIL VAPOR INVESTIGATION To evaluate the potential for vapor intrusion at the Site, soil vapor sampling is proposed. We propose three (3) soil vapor borings to be located along the south property boundary and three (3) soil vapor borings to be located within the proposed 190th Street. The soil vapor probe locations are shown on Figure 4. The soil vapor probes on the south side of the Site will assess potential vapor risk to the adjoining homes and may be conducted prior to approval of this Work Plan. We anticipate the soil probes will be drilled to a depth of 10 feet on the south side of the site and to a depth of 5 feet within proposed 190th Street. The probes will be drilled through the debris layer and the rod will be pulled back one foot to create a void space for sampling. The top of the hole around the rod will be grouted to seal the sample space from the above- ground atmosphere. Dedicated polyethylene tubing will then be placed down the rod and connected to a fitting at the rod tip. Three volumes of air will be purged out of the sample line with a syringe prior to collecting the sample. The samples will be collected in 1-liter Summa canisters equipped with a 200 milliliter per minute fill regulator and dedicated in-line moisture filter. The Summa canisters will be analyzed for VOCs and methane. The Summa canisters will be submitted under chain-of- custody control to Eurofins TestAmerica Laboratory, Inc. in Burlington, VA. A PID equipped with a 10.6 eV lamp and a 4-gas meter will then be connected to the tubing for field screening purposes upon the completion of sample collection. 4.6 QUALITY CONTROL QC procedures are of prime importance to this investigation to ensure quality of the data collected, and thus the interpretations made from this data. The Wenck corporate QC program will be followed throughout the investigation, which mandates the use of industry- wide accepted procedures and practices during investigations. Laboratory results will be reviewed with respect to the laboratory’s reported QC results, including assessment of whether any observed deviations from QC criteria will affect the usability of the data for the intended purpose. Results for any field QC samples (e.g., field duplicates, field blanks, etc.) will also be assessed, if collected. Matrix spike (MS) and matrix spike duplicate (MSD) samples will be collected for each sampling method at a rate of 1:20 samples collected for laboratory analysis. Rinsate blank samples will also be collected at a rate of 1:20. Lab provided methanol blanks will accompany each sample cooler. 4.6.1 Chain-of-Custody Records Field personnel are responsible for sample custody from the time of collection until the time of sample shipment. Samples must be kept in the secure possession of the sampler, meaning that they are either within sight of the sampler, in the sampler’s secure vehicle, or February 2020 4-4 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\03 Investigation Work Plan\The Preserve_Investigation Work Plan FEB 2020.docx within the secure office of the sampling firm. The CoC procedures implemented for the project will provide documentation of the handling of each sample from the time of collection until completion of laboratory analysis. The CoC form serves as a legal record of possession of the sample. A sample is considered to be "in custody" if one or more of the following criteria is met: The sample is in the sampler's possession. The sample is in the sampler's view after being in possession. The sample was in the sampler's possession and then was placed into a locked area to prevent tampering. The sample is in a designated secure area. Custody will be documented throughout the project field sampling activities by the CoC form initiated for each day during which samples are collected. This record will accompany the samples from the site to the laboratory and will be returned to the Wenck PM with the final analytical report. All personnel with sample custody responsibilities will be required to sign, date, and note the time on the CoC form when relinquishing samples from their immediate custody (except in the case where samples are placed into designated secure areas for temporary storage prior to shipment). Bills of lading or air-bills will be used as custody documentation during times when the samples are being shipped from the site to the laboratory, and they will be retained as part of the permanent sample custody documentation. CoC forms will be used to document the integrity of all samples collected. To maintain a record of sample collection, transfer between personnel, shipment, and receipt by the laboratory, CoC forms will be filled out for sample sets as determined appropriate during the course of fieldwork. February 2020 5-1 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\03 Investigation Work Plan\The Preserve_Investigation Work Plan FEB 2020.docx 5.0 Investigation Report Upon completion of the investigation and receipt of all analytical data, an investigation report will be prepared for submission to the MPCA. The report will include the following information: discussion of investigation findings, analytical data summaries, figures, soil boring logs, and survey data. A discussion and evaluation of the environmental conditions at the Site will be provided, together with recommendations for further investigation work or the development of a RAP. February 2020 6-1 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\03 Investigation Work Plan\The Preserve_Investigation Work Plan FEB 2020.docx 6.0 References Hobbs, Howard C., Aronow, Saul, and Patterson, Carrie J. Surficial Geology. University of Minnesota Geological Survey, County Atlas Series, Atlas C-6, Dakota County Plate 3, 1990. Mossler, John H. Bedrock Geology. University of Minnesota Geological Survey, County Atlas Series, Atlas C-6, Dakota County Plate 2, 1990. Bloomgren, Bruce A., Hobbs, Howard C., Mossler, John H., Patterson, Carrie J. Depth to Bedrock and Bedrock Topography. University of Minnesota Geological Survey, County Atlas Series, Atlas C-6, Dakota County Plate 4, 1990. Palen, Barbara M. Quarternary Hydrogeology. University of Minnesota Geological Survey, County Atlas Series, Atlas C-6, Dakota County Plate 5, 1990. Haugo Geotechnical Services, Inc., Geotechnical Exploration Report, 19030 Kenwood Trail & PID #220180060012, Proposed Residential Development, Lakeville, Minnesota. January 30, 2019. Haugo Geotechnical Services, Inc., Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Hilla Property, 19030 Kenwood Trail, Lakeville, Minnesota. February 4, 2019. Haugo Geotechnical Services, Inc., Draft Test Pit Logs – Hilla Property Test Pits, Lakeville, MN. August 21, 2019. Wenck Associates, Inc., Technical Memo – Environmental Sampling Results – The Preserve, 19030 Kenwood Trail, Lakeville, MN. December 9, 2019. Technical Memo Wenck | Colorado | Georgia | Minnesota | North Dakota | Wyoming Toll Free 800-472-2232 Web wenck.com To: Mr. Steve Sauber – Progressive, LLC From: Ms. Michelle L. Hosfield - Wenck Associates, Inc. Copy: Mr. David Knight – MPCA Brownfields Program Mr. Ryan Lundgren – MPCA Brownfields Program Date: March 6, 2020 Subject: Preliminary Soil Vapor Investigation – The Preserve, 19030 Kenwood Trail, Lakeville, MN MPCA Site ID: BF0001384 Wenck Associates Inc. (Wenck) was authorized by Mr. Steve Sauber of Progressive, LLC to complete soil vapor sampling activities at the proposed development known as The Preserve. The Preserve is located at 19030 Kenwood Trail in Lakeville, Minnesota (the Site) and is a total of 82-acres in size. Our project site consists of 6.8-acres of the 82-acre development located north of Kenwood Trail and east of the residence located at the above- mentioned address. The Site location is depicted in Figure 1. A Site Detail Map is included as Figure 2. In the interest of time, Progressive, LLC expedited one round of soil vapor sampling at the Site. Specifically, the sampling was conducted between the known dump area and the residential homes to the south along Iteri Avenue to identify if a soil vapor risk pathway is present. An Investigation Work Plan (Work Plan) for this work has been prepared and submitted to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) for review and is pending approval. The Work Plan dated February 20, 2020 was followed during this investigation. Soil Vapor Investigation Wenck completed the soil vapor investigation on February 25, 2020. The investigation included advancing three soil vapor probes at locations SV-1, SV-2 and SV-3. The locations are shown on Figure 3. Access to the drilling area was from the existing driveway to the west. The proposed sampling locations were initially located just north of the south property boundary and south of the delineated wetland lines. Based on the steep topography and heavy tree coverage in the area, the probe locations were moved north of the wetland delineation line, closer to the dump. Geoprobe Post-Run Tubing (PRT), vapor sample specific tooling, was advanced to a depth of 10 feet below ground surface (bgs) and the rod was pulled back two feet to create a void space for sampling (i.e., 8-10 feet bgs). The top of the hole around the rod was grouted to seal the sample space from the above ground atmosphere. Dedicated polyethylene tubing was placed down the rod and connected to a fitting at the rod tip. Approximately 300 milliliters (mL) of air was purged from the sample line with a syringe prior to collecting the sample. The samples were collected in 1-L Summa canisters equipped with 200 mL per minute flow restrictors and dedicated in-line moisture filters. The soil vapor samples were submitted under chain-of-custody control to TestAmerica for analysis of VOCs using EPA EXHIBIT R Steve Sauber Progressive, LLC March 6, 2020 2 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\04 Vapor Sampling\MPCA BF1384_The Preserve_Soil Vapor Report 030520.docx Method TO-15 and methane using EPA Method 3C. A photoionization detector (PID) equipped with a 10.6 eV source lamp and a multi-gas meter the lower explosive limit (LEL) and hydrogen sulfide were connected to the tubing for field screening purposes upon the completion of the Summa can sample collection. A soil vapor sampling form is included as Attachment A. Soil vapor probe SV-1 was drilled to 10 feet below grade (bg) and set to create a sampling space between 8 to 10 feet bg. Soil vapor probe SV-2 encountered water during sampling, so the boring was re-drilled and sampling was conducted between 4 to 6 feet bg. Soil vapor probe SV-3 encountered heavy debris and refusal several times before the final depth of 10 feet was achieved. Sample SV-3 was collected from 8 to 10 feet bg. Soil vapor data was compared to MPCA Residential ISVs. The guidelines were initially developed by the MPCA in 2010 and serve as the state’s regulatory screening values for vapor intrusion risk in varying settings. The MPCA updated the ISV values in May 2019 to reflect the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) risk assessment methodology established in 2018 and default parameters for the highest likely exposure issued in 2014. Expedited ISVs (EISVs) are also used to help determine the need for expedited action based on the protection of human health. Residential ISVs and EISVs are divided by 0.03 (i.e. multiplied by 33, or 33X) to evaluate vapor intrusion potential as an “attenuation factor” to represent the presumed minimum decrease in concentration from the subsurface to the breathing zone. Various VOCs were detected at concentrations above their respective laboratory reporting limits in all three soil vapor samples. However, none of the detections exceeded their respective 33X the MPCA Residential ISVs with the exception of 1,3-butadiene, which was detected above 33X the Residential ISV in samples SV-1 and SV-2. 1,3-Butadiene is primarily used in the manufacture of synthetic rubber, it forms during combustion and may be a product of microbial degradation occurring in soil. It is found in wood and cigarette smoke, oil burner emissions, rubber tires and exhaust from internal combustion engines. Based on widespread sources, some of which are anthropogenic and others possibly naturally occurring, the detections of 1,3-butadiene do not appear related to a release at the Site. Soil vapor sample results are summarized results on Table 1. The laboratory report and supporting chain-of-custody documentation are included as Attachment B. In addition, there were no elevated PID readings recorded at the three soil vapor sampling locations. There were also no concentrations of hydrogen sulfide or LEL recorded above 0.0 with the multi-gas meter. The PID and multi-gas meter results are recorded on Table 1. Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the laboratory analysis of the soil vapor samples collected as a part of this soil vapor investigation, Wenck submits the following conclusions and recommendations: Low concentrations of VOCs were identified in all three soil vapor samples collected from the Site. None of the detected concentrations exceeded their respective 33X MPCA Residential ISVs with the exception of 1,3-butadiene. Due to the widespread origins of 1,3-butadiene, it is assumed that its presence in the soil vapor samples do not indicate a release of hazardous substances to the Site. Steve Sauber Progressive, LLC March 6, 2020 3 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\04 Vapor Sampling\MPCA BF1384_The Preserve_Soil Vapor Report 030520.docx Based on the results of the soil vapor sampling there does not appear to be a vapor risk pathway between the homes located south of the Site and the known dump area. If you have any questions about this report, please contact Michelle Hosfield at 612-807- 3249 or mhosfield@wenck.com. Sincerely, Wenck Associates, Inc. Michelle L. Hosfield Principal/Environmental Scientist Enclosures: Figure 1: Site Location Map Figure 2: Site Detail Map Figure 3: Sample Location Map Table 1: Soil Vapor Analytical Summary Attachment A: Soil Vapor Sampling Form Attachment B: Laboratory Report and Chain-of Custody Documentation It tabena WayKe nw o o d T r Iteri Ave Kenwood Way Subject Property Path: L:\8410\0003\Pro\PhaseI\PhaseI.aprx 2/18/2020 3:23 PM BerKA1064 Layout: Site Detail Map 200 0 200100 Feet Figure 3: Sample Location MapThe PreserveMAR 2020 Table 1 - Soil Vapor Analytical Summary The Preserve 19030 Kenwood Trail, Lakeville, MN SV-1 SV-2 SV-3 200-52774-1 200-52774-2 200-52774-3 02/25/2020 02/25/2020 02/25/2020 Methane 74-82-8 < 0.15 < 0.16 1.9 NE NE 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 < 11 < 11 < 11 530000 170000 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 < 14 < 14 < 14 NE NE 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 < 11 < 11 < 11 21 7 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 < 8.1 < 8.1 < 8.1 NE NE 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 < 7.9 < 7.9 < 7.9 21000 7000 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 < 37 < 37 < 37 210 70 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 2.3 J < 9.8 < 9.8 6300 2100 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 < 15 < 15 < 15 5.7 0.57 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 < 12 < 12 < 12 NE NE 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 < 8.1 < 8.1 < 8.1 130 13 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 < 9.2 < 9.2 < 9.2 430 90 1,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 76-14-2 < 14 < 14 < 14 NE NE 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 < 9.8 < 9.8 < 9.8 6300 2100 1,3-Butadiene 106-99-0 12 18 7.9 93 9.3 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 < 12 < 12 < 12 NE NE 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 < 12 < 12 < 12 6300 2100 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 < 9.8 < 9.8 < 9.8 NE NE Acetone 67-64-1 45 J < 120 44 J 3200000 1100000 Benzene 71-43-2 2.1 J 2.8 J 4.2 J 1500 150 Benzyl chloride 100-44-7 < 10 < 10 < 10 70 7 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 < 13 < 13 < 13 2100 700 Bromoform 75-25-2 < 21 < 21 < 21 NE NE Bromomethane 74-83-9 < 7.8 < 7.8 < 7.8 530 170 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 < 16 < 16 < 16 83000 28000 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 < 13 < 13 < 13 570 57 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 < 9.2 < 9.2 < 9.2 5300 1700 Chloroethane 75-00-3 < 13 < 13 < 13 430000 140000 Chloroform 67-66-3 < 9.8 < 9.8 < 9.8 10000 3300 Chloromethane 74-87-3 3.3 J < 10 < 10 9300 3100 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 < 7.9 < 7.9 < 7.9 NE NE cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 < 9.1 < 9.1 < 9.1 830 83 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 < 6.9 < 6.9 4.9 J 630000 210000 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 < 17 < 17 < 17 NE NE Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 < 25 < 25 6.2 J NE NE Ethanol 64-17-5 15 J 10 J 13 J NE NE Ethyl acetate 141-78-6 < 180 < 180 < 180 7300 2400 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 28 < 8.7 3.4 J 1400 140 Freon TF 76-13-1 < 15 < 15 < 15 530000 170000 Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 < 21 < 21 < 21 NE NE Isopropyl alcohol 67-63-0 320 < 120 < 120 21000 7000 m,p-Xylene 179601-23-1 23 < 22 < 22 10000 3300 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) 591-78-6 < 20 < 20 < 20 3100 1000 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 78-93-3 4.5 J < 15 6.3 J 530000 170000 Methyl isobutyl ketone 108-10-1 < 20 < 20 < 20 310000 100000 Methyl tert-butyl ether 1634-04-4 < 7.2 < 7.2 < 7.2 13000 1300 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 < 17 < 17 < 17 63000 21000 Naphthalene 91-20-3 < 26 < 26 < 26 930 310 n-Heptane 142-82-5 2.5 J 2.3 J 12 43000 14000 n-Hexane 110-54-3 < 7.0 7.5 15 73000 24000 Propylene 115-07-1 86 180 200 310000 100000 Styrene 100-42-5 4.7 J < 8.5 < 8.5 93000 31000 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 < 14 < 14 < 14 1100 110 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 < 150 < 150 < 150 210000 70000 Toluene 108-88-3 6.3 J 15 5.4 J 430000 140000 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 < 7.9 < 7.9 < 7.9 NE NE trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 < 9.1 < 9.1 < 9.1 830 83 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 < 11 < 11 < 11 210 70 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 < 11 < 11 < 11 100000 33000 Vinyl acetate 108-05-4 < 180 < 180 < 180 21000 7000 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 < 5.1 < 5.1 < 5.1 570 57 Xylene, o-95-47-6 6.5 J 2.9 J 2.5 J 10000 3300 Multi-Gas Meter Results % LEL -0.0 0.0 0.0 NE NE Hydrogen sulfide (ppm) -0.0 0.0 0.0 NE NE Photoionization Detector (ppm) -0.0 0.0 0.0 NE NE Notes: NE = Not Established ISV = Intruction Screening Value < = Less than the laboratory reporting limit LEL = Lower explosive limit Bold = detected concentration ug/m3 = micrograms per cubic meter exceedance % v/v = percent volume by volume ppm = part per million Laboratory Qualifier: J = Result is less that the reporting limit, but greater than or equal to the method detection limit and the concentration is an approx. value Air - GC/MS VOA (ug/m3) CAS No. MN_ISVs Residential 33X EISVs Compound/Parameter MN_ISVs Residential 33X Air - GC VOA (% v/v) ANALYTICAL REPORT Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington 30 Community Drive Suite 11 South Burlington, VT 05403 Tel: (802)660-1990 Laboratory Job ID: 200-52774-1 Laboratory Sample Delivery Group: 200-52774-1 Client Project/Site: The Preserve, Lakeville, MN For: Wenck Associates, Inc 2042 Wooddale Drive Suite 160 Woodbury, Minnesota 55125 Attn: Michelle Hosfield Authorized for release by: 3/4/2020 4:19:12 PM Kathryn Kelly, Project Manager II (802)923-1021 kathryn.kelly@testamericainc.com The test results in this report meet all 2003 NELAC and 2009 TNI requirements for accredited parameters, exceptions are noted in this report. This report may not be reproduced except in full, and with written approval from the laboratory. For questions please contact the Project Manager at the e-mail address or telephone number listed on this page. This report has been electronically signed and authorized by the signatory. Electronic signature is intended to be the legally binding equivalent of a traditionally handwritten signature. Results relate only to the items tested and the sample(s) as received by the laboratory. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Table of Contents Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project/Site: The Preserve, Lakeville, MN Laboratory Job ID: 200-52774-1 SDG: 200-52774-1 Page 2 of 33 Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington 3/4/2020 Cover Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Definitions/Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Case Narrative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Detection Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Client Sample Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 QC Sample Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 QC Association Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Lab Chronicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Certification Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Method Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Sample Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Chain of Custody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Receipt Checklists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Air Canister Dilution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Clean Canister Certification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Pre-Ship Certification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Clean Canister Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Definitions/Glossary Job ID: 200-52774-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc SDG: 200-52774-1Project/Site: The Preserve, Lakeville, MN Qualifiers Air - GC/MS VOA Qualifier Description *LCS or LCSD is outside acceptance limits. Qualifier J Result is less than the RL but greater than or equal to the MDL and the concentration is an approximate value. U Indicates the analyte was analyzed for but not detected. Air - GC/MS VOA TICs Qualifier Description J Indicates an Estimated Value for TICs Qualifier Air - GC VOA Qualifier Description U Indicates the analyte was analyzed for but not detected. Qualifier Glossary These commonly used abbreviations may or may not be present in this report. ¤Listed under the "D" column to designate that the result is reported on a dry weight basis Abbreviation %R Percent Recovery CFL Contains Free Liquid CNF Contains No Free Liquid DER Duplicate Error Ratio (normalized absolute difference) Dil Fac Dilution Factor DL Detection Limit (DoD/DOE) DL, RA, RE, IN Indicates a Dilution, Re-analysis, Re-extraction, or additional Initial metals/anion analysis of the sample DLC Decision Level Concentration (Radiochemistry) EDL Estimated Detection Limit (Dioxin) LOD Limit of Detection (DoD/DOE) LOQ Limit of Quantitation (DoD/DOE) MDA Minimum Detectable Activity (Radiochemistry) MDC Minimum Detectable Concentration (Radiochemistry) MDL Method Detection Limit ML Minimum Level (Dioxin) NC Not Calculated ND Not Detected at the reporting limit (or MDL or EDL if shown) PQL Practical Quantitation Limit QC Quality Control RER Relative Error Ratio (Radiochemistry) RL Reporting Limit or Requested Limit (Radiochemistry) RPD Relative Percent Difference, a measure of the relative difference between two points TEF Toxicity Equivalent Factor (Dioxin) TEQ Toxicity Equivalent Quotient (Dioxin) Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Page 3 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Case Narrative Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Job ID: 200-52774-1 Project/Site: The Preserve, Lakeville, MN SDG: 200-52774-1 Job ID: 200-52774-1 Laboratory: Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Narrative CASE NARRATIVE Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Project: The Preserve, Lakeville, MN Report Number: 200-52774-1 With the exceptions noted as flags or footnotes, standard analytical protocols were followed in the analysis of the samples and no problems were encountered or anomalies observed. In addition all laboratory quality control samples were within established control limits, with any exceptions noted below. Each sample was analyzed to achieve the lowest possible reporting limit within the constraints of the method. In some cases, due to interference or analytes present at high concentrations, samples were diluted. For diluted samples, the reporting limits are adjusted relative to the dilution required. Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results. All holding times were met and proper preservation noted for the methods performed on these samples, unless otherwise detailed in the individual sections below. RECEIPT The samples were received on 02/26/2020; the samples arrived in good condition. FIXED GASES Samples SV-1, SV-2 and SV-3 were analyzed for Fixed Gases in accordance with EPA Method 3C. The samples were analyzed on 02/27/2020. Samples SV-1[1.53X], SV-2[1.57X] and SV-3[1.64X] required dilution prior to analysis. The reporting limits have been adjusted accordingly. No analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/Glossary page. VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Samples SV-1, SV-2 and SV-3 were analyzed for Volatile Organic Compounds in accordance with EPA Method TO-15. The samples were analyzed on 02/28/2020. Ethyl acetate failed the recovery criteria high for LCS 200-152788/4. Refer to the QC report for details. Samples SV-1[10X], SV-2[10X] and SV-3[10X] required dilution prior to analysis. The reporting limits have been adjusted accordingly. No additional analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/Glossary page. Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Page 4 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Detection Summary Job ID: 200-52774-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc SDG: 200-52774-1Project/Site: The Preserve, Lakeville, MN Client Sample ID: SV-1 Lab Sample ID: 200-52774-1 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene RL 9.8 ug/m3 MDL 2.2 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA10J2.3 TO-15 1,3-Butadiene 4.4 ug/m31.3 Total/NA1012TO-15 Acetone 120 ug/m329 Total/NA1045JTO-15 Benzene 6.4 ug/m32.1 Total/NA102.1 J TO-15 Chloromethane 10 ug/m32.3 Total/NA103.3 J TO-15 Ethanol 94 ug/m310 Total/NA1015JTO-15 Ethylbenzene 8.7 ug/m32.7 Total/NA1028TO-15 Isopropyl alcohol 120 ug/m312 Total/NA10320TO-15 m,p-Xylene 22 ug/m34.3 Total/NA1023TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 15 ug/m32.1 Total/NA104.5 J TO-15 n-Heptane 8.2 ug/m32.3 Total/NA102.5 J TO-15 Propylene 86 ug/m37.1 Total/NA1086TO-15 Styrene 8.5 ug/m31.7 Total/NA104.7 J TO-15 Toluene 7.5 ug/m34.1 Total/NA106.3 J TO-15 Xylene, o-8.7 ug/m32.1 Total/NA106.5 J TO-15 Client Sample ID: SV-2 Lab Sample ID: 200-52774-2 1,3-Butadiene RL 4.4 ug/m3 MDL 1.3 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA1018TO-15 Benzene 6.4 ug/m32.1 Total/NA102.8 J TO-15 Ethanol 94 ug/m310 Total/NA1010JTO-15 n-Heptane 8.2 ug/m32.3 Total/NA102.3 J TO-15 n-Hexane 7.0 ug/m37.0 Total/NA107.5 TO-15 Propylene 86 ug/m37.1 Total/NA10180TO-15 Toluene 7.5 ug/m34.1 Total/NA1015TO-15 Xylene, o-8.7 ug/m32.1 Total/NA102.9 J TO-15 Client Sample ID: SV-3 Lab Sample ID: 200-52774-3 1,3-Butadiene RL 4.4 ug/m3 MDL 1.3 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA107.9 TO-15 Acetone 120 ug/m329 Total/NA1044JTO-15 Benzene 6.4 ug/m32.1 Total/NA104.2 J TO-15 Cyclohexane 6.9 ug/m31.6 Total/NA104.9 J TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane 25 ug/m35.4 Total/NA106.2 J TO-15 Ethanol 94 ug/m310 Total/NA1013JTO-15 Ethylbenzene 8.7 ug/m32.7 Total/NA103.4 J TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 15 ug/m32.1 Total/NA106.3 J TO-15 n-Heptane 8.2 ug/m32.3 Total/NA1012TO-15 n-Hexane 7.0 ug/m37.0 Total/NA1015TO-15 Propylene 86 ug/m37.1 Total/NA10200TO-15 Toluene 7.5 ug/m34.1 Total/NA105.4 J TO-15 Xylene, o-8.7 ug/m32.1 Total/NA102.5 J TO-15 Methane 0.16 % v/v0.16 Total/NA1.641.9 EPA 3C Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Page 5 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results Job ID: 200-52774-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc SDG: 200-52774-1Project/Site: The Preserve, Lakeville, MN Lab Sample ID: 200-52774-1Client Sample ID: SV-1 Matrix: AirDate Collected: 02/25/20 12:45 Date Received: 02/26/20 10:39 Sample Container: Summa Canister 1L Method: TO-15 - Volatile Organic Compounds in Ambient Air RL MDL 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 11 U 11 2.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 14 2.9 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 101,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 14 U 11 2.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 101,1,2-Trichloroethane 11 U 8.1 1.7 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 101,1-Dichloroethane 8.1 U 7.9 1.5 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 101,1-Dichloroethene 7.9 U 37 16 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 101,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 37 U 9.8 2.2 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 101,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 2.3 J 15 3.8 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 101,2-Dibromoethane 15 U 12 5.8 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 101,2-Dichlorobenzene 12 U 8.1 1.3 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 101,2-Dichloroethane 8.1 U 9.2 1.5 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 101,2-Dichloropropane 9.2 U 14 2.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 101,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 14 U 9.8 1.9 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 101,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 9.8 U 4.4 1.3 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 101,3-Butadiene 12 12 6.6 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 101,3-Dichlorobenzene 12 U 12 7.2 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 101,4-Dichlorobenzene 12 U 9.8 2.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 104-Ethyltoluene 9.8 U 120 29 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Acetone45J 6.4 2.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Benzene2.1 J 10 4.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Benzyl chloride 10 U 13 2.3 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Bromodichloromethane13U 21 5.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Bromoform21U 7.8 2.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Bromomethane7.8 U 16 2.3 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Carbon disulfide 16 U 13 1.5 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Carbon tetrachloride 13 U 9.2 2.6 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Chlorobenzene9.2 U 13 1.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Chloroethane13U 9.8 1.6 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Chloroform9.8 U 10 2.3 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Chloromethane3.3 J 7.9 1.8 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 7.9 U 9.1 1.5 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 9.1 U 6.9 1.6 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Cyclohexane6.9 U 17 3.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Dibromochloromethane17U 25 5.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Dichlorodifluoromethane25U 94 10 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Ethanol15J 180 8.6 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Ethyl acetate 180 U * 8.7 2.7 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Ethylbenzene28 15 2.9 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Freon TF 15 U 21 8.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Hexachlorobutadiene21U 120 12 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Isopropyl alcohol 320 22 4.3 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10m,p-Xylene 23 20 2.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone)20 U 15 2.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Methyl Ethyl Ketone 4.5 J 20 1.5 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Methyl isobutyl ketone 20 U 7.2 1.2 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Methyl tert-butyl ether 7.2 U 17 9.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Methylene Chloride 17 U 26 8.9 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Naphthalene26U 8.2 2.3 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10n-Heptane 2.5 J Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Page 6 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results Job ID: 200-52774-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc SDG: 200-52774-1Project/Site: The Preserve, Lakeville, MN Lab Sample ID: 200-52774-1Client Sample ID: SV-1 Matrix: AirDate Collected: 02/25/20 12:45 Date Received: 02/26/20 10:39 Sample Container: Summa Canister 1L Method: TO-15 - Volatile Organic Compounds in Ambient Air (Continued) RL MDL n-Hexane 7.0 U 7.0 7.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 86 7.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Propylene86 8.5 1.7 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Styrene4.7 J 14 2.2 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Tetrachloroethene14U 150 1.9 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Tetrahydrofuran150U 7.5 4.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Toluene6.3 J 7.9 1.7 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 7.9 U 9.1 1.8 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 9.1 U 11 1.9 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Trichloroethene11U 11 3.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Trichlorofluoromethane11U 180 1.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Vinyl acetate 180 U 5.1 1.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Vinyl chloride 5.1 U 8.7 2.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 17:51 10Xylene, o-6.5 J Tentatively Identified Compound None ppb v/v 02/28/20 17:51 10 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT Method: EPA 3C - Fixed Gases from Stationary Sources RL RL Methane 0.15 U 0.15 0.15 % v/v 02/27/20 13:15 1.53 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier Lab Sample ID: 200-52774-2Client Sample ID: SV-2 Matrix: AirDate Collected: 02/25/20 13:33 Date Received: 02/26/20 10:39 Sample Container: Summa Canister 1L Method: TO-15 - Volatile Organic Compounds in Ambient Air RL MDL 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 11 U 11 2.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 14 2.9 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 101,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 14 U 11 2.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 101,1,2-Trichloroethane 11 U 8.1 1.7 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 101,1-Dichloroethane 8.1 U 7.9 1.5 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 101,1-Dichloroethene 7.9 U 37 16 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 101,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 37 U 9.8 2.2 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 101,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 9.8 U 15 3.8 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 101,2-Dibromoethane 15 U 12 5.8 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 101,2-Dichlorobenzene 12 U 8.1 1.3 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 101,2-Dichloroethane 8.1 U 9.2 1.5 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 101,2-Dichloropropane 9.2 U 14 2.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 101,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 14 U 9.8 1.9 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 101,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 9.8 U 4.4 1.3 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 101,3-Butadiene 18 12 6.6 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 101,3-Dichlorobenzene 12 U 12 7.2 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 101,4-Dichlorobenzene 12 U 9.8 2.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 104-Ethyltoluene 9.8 U 120 29 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Acetone120U 6.4 2.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Benzene2.8 J 10 4.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Benzyl chloride 10 U 13 2.3 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Bromodichloromethane13U Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Page 7 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results Job ID: 200-52774-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc SDG: 200-52774-1Project/Site: The Preserve, Lakeville, MN Lab Sample ID: 200-52774-2Client Sample ID: SV-2 Matrix: AirDate Collected: 02/25/20 13:33 Date Received: 02/26/20 10:39 Sample Container: Summa Canister 1L Method: TO-15 - Volatile Organic Compounds in Ambient Air (Continued) RL MDL Bromoform 21 U 21 5.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 7.8 2.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Bromomethane7.8 U 16 2.3 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Carbon disulfide 16 U 13 1.5 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Carbon tetrachloride 13 U 9.2 2.6 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Chlorobenzene9.2 U 13 1.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Chloroethane13U 9.8 1.6 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Chloroform9.8 U 10 2.3 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Chloromethane10U 7.9 1.8 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 7.9 U 9.1 1.5 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 9.1 U 6.9 1.6 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Cyclohexane6.9 U 17 3.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Dibromochloromethane17U 25 5.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Dichlorodifluoromethane25U 94 10 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Ethanol10J 180 8.6 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Ethyl acetate 180 U * 8.7 2.7 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Ethylbenzene8.7 U 15 2.9 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Freon TF 15 U 21 8.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Hexachlorobutadiene21U 120 12 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Isopropyl alcohol 120 U 22 4.3 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10m,p-Xylene 22 U 20 2.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone)20 U 15 2.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Methyl Ethyl Ketone 15 U 20 1.5 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Methyl isobutyl ketone 20 U 7.2 1.2 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Methyl tert-butyl ether 7.2 U 17 9.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Methylene Chloride 17 U 26 8.9 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Naphthalene26U 8.2 2.3 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10n-Heptane 2.3 J 7.0 7.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10n-Hexane 7.5 86 7.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Propylene180 8.5 1.7 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Styrene8.5 U 14 2.2 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Tetrachloroethene14U 150 1.9 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Tetrahydrofuran150U 7.5 4.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Toluene15 7.9 1.7 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 7.9 U 9.1 1.8 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 9.1 U 11 1.9 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Trichloroethene11U 11 3.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Trichlorofluoromethane11U 180 1.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Vinyl acetate 180 U 5.1 1.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Vinyl chloride 5.1 U 8.7 2.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 14:22 10Xylene, o-2.9 J Tentatively Identified Compound None ppb v/v 02/28/20 14:22 10 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT Method: EPA 3C - Fixed Gases from Stationary Sources RL RL Methane 0.16 U 0.16 0.16 % v/v 02/27/20 14:03 1.57 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Page 8 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results Job ID: 200-52774-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc SDG: 200-52774-1Project/Site: The Preserve, Lakeville, MN Lab Sample ID: 200-52774-3Client Sample ID: SV-3 Matrix: AirDate Collected: 02/25/20 14:25 Date Received: 02/26/20 10:39 Sample Container: Summa Canister 1L Method: TO-15 - Volatile Organic Compounds in Ambient Air RL MDL 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 11 U 11 2.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 14 2.9 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 101,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 14 U 11 2.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 101,1,2-Trichloroethane 11 U 8.1 1.7 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 101,1-Dichloroethane 8.1 U 7.9 1.5 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 101,1-Dichloroethene 7.9 U 37 16 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 101,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 37 U 9.8 2.2 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 101,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 9.8 U 15 3.8 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 101,2-Dibromoethane 15 U 12 5.8 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 101,2-Dichlorobenzene 12 U 8.1 1.3 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 101,2-Dichloroethane 8.1 U 9.2 1.5 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 101,2-Dichloropropane 9.2 U 14 2.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 101,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 14 U 9.8 1.9 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 101,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 9.8 U 4.4 1.3 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 101,3-Butadiene 7.9 12 6.6 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 101,3-Dichlorobenzene 12 U 12 7.2 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 101,4-Dichlorobenzene 12 U 9.8 2.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 104-Ethyltoluene 9.8 U 120 29 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Acetone44J 6.4 2.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Benzene4.2 J 10 4.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Benzyl chloride 10 U 13 2.3 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Bromodichloromethane13U 21 5.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Bromoform21U 7.8 2.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Bromomethane7.8 U 16 2.3 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Carbon disulfide 16 U 13 1.5 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Carbon tetrachloride 13 U 9.2 2.6 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Chlorobenzene9.2 U 13 1.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Chloroethane13U 9.8 1.6 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Chloroform9.8 U 10 2.3 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Chloromethane10U 7.9 1.8 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 7.9 U 9.1 1.5 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 9.1 U 6.9 1.6 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Cyclohexane4.9 J 17 3.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Dibromochloromethane17U 25 5.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Dichlorodifluoromethane6.2 J 94 10 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Ethanol13J 180 8.6 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Ethyl acetate 180 U * 8.7 2.7 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Ethylbenzene3.4 J 15 2.9 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Freon TF 15 U 21 8.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Hexachlorobutadiene21U 120 12 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Isopropyl alcohol 120 U 22 4.3 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10m,p-Xylene 22 U 20 2.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone)20 U 15 2.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Methyl Ethyl Ketone 6.3 J 20 1.5 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Methyl isobutyl ketone 20 U 7.2 1.2 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Methyl tert-butyl ether 7.2 U 17 9.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Methylene Chloride 17 U 26 8.9 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Naphthalene26U 8.2 2.3 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10n-Heptane 12 Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Page 9 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results Job ID: 200-52774-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc SDG: 200-52774-1Project/Site: The Preserve, Lakeville, MN Lab Sample ID: 200-52774-3Client Sample ID: SV-3 Matrix: AirDate Collected: 02/25/20 14:25 Date Received: 02/26/20 10:39 Sample Container: Summa Canister 1L Method: TO-15 - Volatile Organic Compounds in Ambient Air (Continued) RL MDL n-Hexane 15 7.0 7.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 86 7.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Propylene200 8.5 1.7 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Styrene8.5 U 14 2.2 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Tetrachloroethene14U 150 1.9 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Tetrahydrofuran150U 7.5 4.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Toluene5.4 J 7.9 1.7 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 7.9 U 9.1 1.8 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 9.1 U 11 1.9 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Trichloroethene11U 11 3.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Trichlorofluoromethane11U 180 1.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Vinyl acetate 180 U 5.1 1.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Vinyl chloride 5.1 U 8.7 2.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 15:14 10Xylene, o-2.5 J Unknown 12 J ppb v/v 3.38 02/28/20 15:14 10 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT 1002/28/20 15:14JUnknown12ppb v/v 3.64 Method: EPA 3C - Fixed Gases from Stationary Sources RL RL Methane 1.9 0.16 0.16 % v/v 02/27/20 14:51 1.64 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Page 10 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results Job ID: 200-52774-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc SDG: 200-52774-1Project/Site: The Preserve, Lakeville, MN Method: TO-15 - Volatile Organic Compounds in Ambient Air Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 200-152788/5 Matrix: Air Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 152788 RL MDL 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.1 U 1.1 0.20 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier 1.4 U 0.291.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 11,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.1 U 0.201.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 11,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.81 U 0.170.81 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 11,1-Dichloroethane 0.79 U 0.150.79 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 11,1-Dichloroethene 3.7 U 1.63.7 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 11,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.98 U 0.220.98 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 11,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1.5 U 0.381.5 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 11,2-Dibromoethane 1.2 U 0.581.2 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 11,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.81 U 0.130.81 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 11,2-Dichloroethane 0.92 U 0.150.92 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 11,2-Dichloropropane 1.4 U 0.241.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 11,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 0.98 U 0.190.98 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 11,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.44 U 0.130.44 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 11,3-Butadiene 1.2 U 0.661.2 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 11,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.2 U 0.721.2 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 11,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.98 U 0.200.98 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 14-Ethyltoluene 12 U 2.912 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Acetone 0.64 U 0.210.64 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Benzene 1.0 U 0.441.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Benzyl chloride 1.3 U 0.231.3 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Bromodichloromethane 2.1 U 0.502.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Bromoform 0.78 U 0.200.78 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Bromomethane 1.6 U 0.231.6 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Carbon disulfide 1.3 U 0.151.3 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Carbon tetrachloride 0.92 U 0.260.92 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Chlorobenzene 1.3 U 0.141.3 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Chloroethane 0.98 U 0.160.98 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Chloroform 1.0 U 0.231.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Chloromethane 0.79 U 0.180.79 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.91 U 0.150.91 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.69 U 0.160.69 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Cyclohexane 1.7 U 0.311.7 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Dibromochloromethane 2.5 U 0.542.5 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Dichlorodifluoromethane 9.4 U 1.09.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Ethanol 18 U 0.8618 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Ethyl acetate 0.87 U 0.270.87 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Ethylbenzene 1.5 U 0.291.5 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Freon TF 2.1 U 0.812.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Hexachlorobutadiene 12 U 1.212 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Isopropyl alcohol 2.2 U 0.432.2 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1m,p-Xylene 2.0 U 0.202.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) 1.5 U 0.211.5 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Methyl Ethyl Ketone 2.0 U 0.152.0 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Methyl isobutyl ketone 0.72 U 0.120.72 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Methyl tert-butyl ether 1.7 U 0.941.7 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Methylene Chloride 2.6 U 0.892.6 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Naphthalene 0.82 U 0.230.82 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1n-Heptane Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Page 11 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results Job ID: 200-52774-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc SDG: 200-52774-1Project/Site: The Preserve, Lakeville, MN Method: TO-15 - Volatile Organic Compounds in Ambient Air (Continued) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 200-152788/5 Matrix: Air Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 152788 RL MDL n-Hexane 0.70 U 0.70 0.70 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier 8.6 U 0.718.6 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Propylene 0.85 U 0.170.85 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Styrene 1.4 U 0.221.4 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Tetrachloroethene 15 U 0.1915 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Tetrahydrofuran 0.75 U 0.410.75 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Toluene 0.79 U 0.170.79 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.91 U 0.180.91 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.1 U 0.191.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Trichloroethene 1.1 U 0.341.1 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Trichlorofluoromethane 18 U 0.1418 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Vinyl acetate 0.51 U 0.110.51 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Vinyl chloride 0.87 U 0.210.87 ug/m3 02/28/20 13:30 1Xylene, o- Tentatively Identified Compound None ppb v/v 02/28/20 13:30 1 MB MB Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedDUnitQualifierEst. Result RT CAS No. Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 200-152788/4 Matrix: Air Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 152788 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56.3 49.6 ug/m3 88 72 -127 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 71.0 68.8 ug/m3 97 74 -126 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 57.2 56.2 ug/m3 98 75 -126 1,1-Dichloroethane 41.6 41.8 ug/m3 101 66 -130 1,1-Dichloroethene 40.4 36.8 ug/m3 91 68 -120 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 81.5 63.0 ug/m3 77 50 -150 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 51.3 48.8 ug/m3 95 71 -129 1,2-Dibromoethane 81.9 80.2 ug/m3 98 78 -122 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 64.7 57.5 ug/m3 89 68 -129 1,2-Dichloroethane 42.3 39.4 ug/m3 93 68 -135 1,2-Dichloropropane 47.8 47.6 ug/m3 99 69 -128 1,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 74.0 73.6 ug/m3 99 71 -141 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 51.6 50.4 ug/m3 98 72 -126 1,3-Butadiene 21.5 24.1 ug/m3 112 58 -139 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 61.1 59.2 ug/m3 97 69 -131 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 62.5 57.0 ug/m3 91 67 -132 4-Ethyltoluene 50.4 49.3 ug/m3 98 75 -129 Acetone 24.8 34.7 ug/m3 140 54 -154 Benzene 33.2 29.8 ug/m3 90 73 -119 Benzyl chloride 52.6 49.8 ug/m3 95 60 -136 Bromodichloromethane 68.9 65.4 ug/m3 95 75 -127 Bromoform 106 108 ug/m3 102 53 -149 Bromomethane 40.4 39.3 ug/m3 97 72 -124 Carbon disulfide 32.3 31.7 ug/m3 98 71 -138 Carbon tetrachloride 63.2 55.6 ug/m3 88 71 -133 Chlorobenzene 48.3 46.2 ug/m3 96 76 -119 Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Page 12 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results Job ID: 200-52774-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc SDG: 200-52774-1Project/Site: The Preserve, Lakeville, MN Method: TO-15 - Volatile Organic Compounds in Ambient Air (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 200-152788/4 Matrix: Air Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 152788 Chloroethane 27.9 27.6 ug/m3 99 68 -130 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Chloroform 50.4 50.0 ug/m3 99 73 -124 Chloromethane 20.5 22.2 ug/m3 108 56 -141 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 41.1 38.6 ug/m3 94 72 -121 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 45.1 47.2 ug/m3 105 74 -125 Cyclohexane 35.2 32.3 ug/m3 92 76 -124 Dibromochloromethane 90.3 78.7 ug/m3 87 73 -125 Dichlorodifluoromethane 52.3 52.3 ug/m3 100 61 -142 Ethanol 28.3 35.0 ug/m3 124 50 -150 Ethyl acetate 36.8 48.5 *ug/m3 132 70 -131 Ethylbenzene 44.4 42.6 ug/m3 96 74 -122 Freon TF 81.8 80.0 ug/m3 98 70 -121 Hexachlorobutadiene 116 92.4 ug/m3 80 58 -130 Isopropyl alcohol 25.0 27.0 ug/m3 108 53 -142 m,p-Xylene 86.8 90.7 ug/m3 104 76 -121 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) 41.4 37.3 ug/m3 90 57 -143 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 30.5 35.2 ug/m3 115 72 -124 Methyl isobutyl ketone 41.7 39.3 ug/m3 94 58 -144 Methyl tert-butyl ether 38.1 45.0 ug/m3 118 70 -127 Methylene Chloride 35.6 35.2 ug/m3 99 59 -137 Naphthalene 55.0 36.5 ug/m3 66 50 -150 n-Heptane 42.2 38.8 ug/m3 92 60 -142 n-Hexane 36.9 36.6 ug/m3 99 63 -138 Propylene 17.4 19.1 ug/m3 109 50 -158 Styrene 43.8 44.5 ug/m3 102 74 -125 Tetrachloroethene 71.0 64.3 ug/m3 91 70 -125 Tetrahydrofuran 28.9 30.7 ug/m3 106 60 -149 Toluene 38.4 37.7 ug/m3 98 75 -122 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 40.9 40.8 ug/m3 100 69 -137 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 44.7 43.8 ug/m3 98 74 -128 Trichloroethene 55.3 49.3 ug/m3 89 73 -122 Trichlorofluoromethane 58.5 57.5 ug/m3 98 70 -129 Vinyl acetate 35.5 49.8 ug/m3 141 59 -149 Vinyl chloride 25.5 26.9 ug/m3 105 61 -135 Xylene, o-45.0 42.8 ug/m3 95 73 -123 Client Sample ID: SV-1Lab Sample ID: 200-52774-1 DU Matrix: Air Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 152788 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 11 U 11 U ug/m3 NC 25 Analyte DU DU DUnitResultQualifier Sample Result Sample Qualifier LimitRPD RPD 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 14 U 14 U ug/m3 NC 25 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 11 U 11 U ug/m3 NC 25 1,1-Dichloroethane 8.1 U 8.1 U ug/m3 NC 25 1,1-Dichloroethene 7.9 U 7.9 U ug/m3 NC 25 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 37 U 37 U ug/m3 NC 25 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 2.3 J 9.8 U ug/m3 NC 25 Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Page 13 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results Job ID: 200-52774-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc SDG: 200-52774-1Project/Site: The Preserve, Lakeville, MN Method: TO-15 - Volatile Organic Compounds in Ambient Air (Continued) Client Sample ID: SV-1Lab Sample ID: 200-52774-1 DU Matrix: Air Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 152788 1,2-Dibromoethane 15 U 15 U ug/m3 NC 25 Analyte DU DU DUnitResultQualifier Sample Result Sample Qualifier LimitRPD RPD 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 12 U 12 U ug/m3 NC 25 1,2-Dichloroethane 8.1 U 8.1 U ug/m3 NC 25 1,2-Dichloropropane 9.2 U 9.2 U ug/m3 NC 25 1,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 14 U 14 U ug/m3 NC 25 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 9.8 U 9.8 U ug/m3 NC 25 1,3-Butadiene 12 10.4 ug/m3 12 25 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 12 U 12 U ug/m3 NC 25 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 12 U 12 U ug/m3 NC 25 4-Ethyltoluene 9.8 U 9.8 U ug/m3 NC 25 Acetone 45 J 41.4 J ug/m3 9 25 Benzene 2.1 J 6.4 U ug/m3 NC 25 Benzyl chloride 10 U 10 U ug/m3 NC 25 Bromodichloromethane 13 U 13 U ug/m3 NC 25 Bromoform 21 U 21 U ug/m3 NC 25 Bromomethane 7.8 U 7.8 U ug/m3 NC 25 Carbon disulfide 16 U 16 U ug/m3 NC 25 Carbon tetrachloride 13 U 13 U ug/m3 NC 25 Chlorobenzene 9.2 U 9.2 U ug/m3 NC 25 Chloroethane 13 U 13 U ug/m3 NC 25 Chloroform 9.8 U 9.8 U ug/m3 NC 25 Chloromethane 3.3 J 3.13 J ug/m3 5 25 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 7.9 U 7.9 U ug/m3 NC 25 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 9.1 U 9.1 U ug/m3 NC 25 Cyclohexane 6.9 U 6.9 U ug/m3 NC 25 Dibromochloromethane 17 U 17 U ug/m3 NC 25 Dichlorodifluoromethane 25 U 25 U ug/m3 NC 25 Ethanol 15 J 13.3 J ug/m3 11 25 Ethyl acetate 180 U *180 U *ug/m3 NC 25 Ethylbenzene 28 24.9 ug/m3 12 25 Freon TF 15 U 15 U ug/m3 NC 25 Hexachlorobutadiene 21 U 21 U ug/m3 NC 25 Isopropyl alcohol 320 271 ug/m3 15 25 m,p-Xylene 23 18.2 J ug/m3 22 25 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) 20 U 20 U ug/m3 NC 25 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 4.5 J 3.78 J ug/m3 18 25 Methyl isobutyl ketone 20 U 20 U ug/m3 NC 25 Methyl tert-butyl ether 7.2 U 7.2 U ug/m3 NC 25 Methylene Chloride 17 U 17 U ug/m3 NC 25 Naphthalene 26 U 26 U ug/m3 NC 25 n-Heptane 2.5 J 2.53 J ug/m3 0.2 25 n-Hexane 7.0 U 7.0 U ug/m3 NC 25 Propylene 86 85.1 J ug/m3 0.5 25 Styrene 4.7 J 3.83 J ug/m3 20 25 Tetrachloroethene 14 U 14 U ug/m3 NC 25 Tetrahydrofuran 150 U 150 U ug/m3 NC 25 Toluene 6.3 J 6.19 J ug/m3 2 25 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 7.9 U 7.9 U ug/m3 NC 25 Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Page 14 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results Job ID: 200-52774-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc SDG: 200-52774-1Project/Site: The Preserve, Lakeville, MN Method: TO-15 - Volatile Organic Compounds in Ambient Air (Continued) Client Sample ID: SV-1Lab Sample ID: 200-52774-1 DU Matrix: Air Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 152788 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 9.1 U 9.1 U ug/m3 NC 25 Analyte DU DU DUnitResultQualifier Sample Result Sample Qualifier LimitRPD RPD Trichloroethene 11 U 11 U ug/m3 NC 25 Trichlorofluoromethane 11 U 11 U ug/m3 NC 25 Vinyl acetate 180 U 180 U ug/m3 NC 25 Vinyl chloride 5.1 U 5.1 U ug/m3 NC 25 Xylene, o-6.5 J 5.60 J ug/m3 14 25 Method: EPA 3C - Fixed Gases from Stationary Sources Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 200-152802/4 Matrix: Air Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 152802 RL RL Methane 0.10 U 0.10 0.10 % v/v 02/27/20 12:26 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Page 15 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Association Summary Job ID: 200-52774-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc SDG: 200-52774-1Project/Site: The Preserve, Lakeville, MN Air - GC/MS VOA Analysis Batch: 152788 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Air TO-15200-52774-1 SV-1 Total/NA Air TO-15200-52774-2 SV-2 Total/NA Air TO-15200-52774-3 SV-3 Total/NA Air TO-15MB 200-152788/5 Method Blank Total/NA Air TO-15LCS 200-152788/4 Lab Control Sample Total/NA Air TO-15200-52774-1 DU SV-1 Total/NA Air - GC VOA Analysis Batch: 152802 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Air EPA 3C200-52774-1 SV-1 Total/NA Air EPA 3C200-52774-2 SV-2 Total/NA Air EPA 3C200-52774-3 SV-3 Total/NA Air EPA 3CMB 200-152802/4 Method Blank Total/NA Air EPA 3CLCS 200-152802/3 Lab Control Sample Total/NA Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Page 16 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Lab Chronicle Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Job ID: 200-52774-1 Project/Site: The Preserve, Lakeville, MN SDG: 200-52774-1 Client Sample ID: SV-1 Lab Sample ID: 200-52774-1 Matrix: AirDate Collected: 02/25/20 12:45 Date Received: 02/26/20 10:39 Analysis TO-15 02/28/20 17:51 K1P10152788 TAL BUR Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis EPA 3C 1.53 152802 02/27/20 13:15 GGG TAL BURTotal/NA Client Sample ID: SV-2 Lab Sample ID: 200-52774-2 Matrix: AirDate Collected: 02/25/20 13:33 Date Received: 02/26/20 10:39 Analysis TO-15 02/28/20 14:22 K1P10152788 TAL BUR Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis EPA 3C 1.57 152802 02/27/20 14:03 GGG TAL BURTotal/NA Client Sample ID: SV-3 Lab Sample ID: 200-52774-3 Matrix: AirDate Collected: 02/25/20 14:25 Date Received: 02/26/20 10:39 Analysis TO-15 02/28/20 15:14 K1P10152788 TAL BUR Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis EPA 3C 1.64 152802 02/27/20 14:51 GGG TAL BURTotal/NA Laboratory References: TAL BUR = Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington, 30 Community Drive, Suite 11, South Burlington, VT 05403, TEL (802)660-1990 Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Page 17 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Accreditation/Certification Summary Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Job ID: 200-52774-1 Project/Site: The Preserve, Lakeville, MN SDG: 200-52774-1 Laboratory: Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington All accreditations/certifications held by this laboratory are listed. Not all accreditations/certifications are applicable to this report. Authority Program Identification Number Expiration Date N/A None on record.N/A Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Page 18 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Method Summary Job ID: 200-52774-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc SDG: 200-52774-1Project/Site: The Preserve, Lakeville, MN Method Method Description LaboratoryProtocol EPATO-15 Volatile Organic Compounds in Ambient Air TAL BUR EPAEPA 3C Fixed Gases from Stationary Sources TAL BUR Protocol References: EPA = US Environmental Protection Agency Laboratory References: TAL BUR = Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington, 30 Community Drive, Suite 11, South Burlington, VT 05403, TEL (802)660-1990 Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Page 19 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Sample Summary Job ID: 200-52774-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc SDG: 200-52774-1Project/Site: The Preserve, Lakeville, MN Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID ReceivedCollectedMatrix Asset ID 200-52774-1 SV-1 Air 02/25/20 12:45 02/26/20 10:39 Air Canister (1-Liter) #6287 200-52774-2 SV-2 Air 02/25/20 13:33 02/26/20 10:39 Air Canister (1-Liter) #3331 200-52774-3 SV-3 Air 02/25/20 14:25 02/26/20 10:39 Air Canister (1-Liter) #6283 Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Page 20 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Page 21 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Page 22 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Login Sample Receipt Checklist Client: Wenck Associates, Inc Job Number: 200-52774-1 SDG Number: 200-52774-1 Login Number: 52774 Question Answer Comment Creator: McNabb, Robert W List Source: Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington List Number: 1 N/ARadioactivity wasn't checked or is </= background as measured by a survey meter. Lab does not accept radioactive samples. TrueThe cooler's custody seal, if present, is intact.1235522 TrueSample custody seals, if present, are intact. TrueThe cooler or samples do not appear to have been compromised or tampered with. N/ASamples were received on ice.Thermal preservation not required. TrueCooler Temperature is acceptable. N/ACooler Temperature is recorded.Thermal preservation not required. TrueCOC is present. TrueCOC is filled out in ink and legible. TrueCOC is filled out with all pertinent information. TrueIs the Field Sampler's name present on COC?BH TrueThere are no discrepancies between the containers received and the COC. TrueSamples are received within Holding Time (excluding tests with immediate HTs) TrueSample containers have legible labels. TrueContainers are not broken or leaking. TrueSample collection date/times are provided. TrueAppropriate sample containers are used. N/ASample bottles are completely filled. TrueSample Preservation Verified. TrueThere is sufficient vol. for all requested analyses, incl. any requested MS/MSDs TrueContainers requiring zero headspace have no headspace or bubble is <6mm (1/4"). TrueMultiphasic samples are not present. TrueSamples do not require splitting or compositing. N/AResidual Chlorine Checked. Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Page 23 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Summa Canister Dilution Worksheet Job No.: 200-52774-1Client: Wenck Associates, Inc SDG No.: 200-52774-1Project/Site: The Preserve, Lakeville, MN Canister Preadjusted Lab Sample ID (L)("Hg)(atm)(L)(psig)(atm)(L)Factor Factor Date Analyst Initals Volume Pressure Preadjusted Adjusted Pressure Preadjusted Volume Pressure Adjusted Pressure Adjusted Volume Dilution Final Dilution Initial Volume (mL) 200-52774-1 1 1.00 1.007.8 02/27/20 11:461.531.531.537.8 1.53 ID Pressure Gauge g8 GGG 200-52774-2 1 0.90 0.906.1 02/27/20 11:481.571.571.416.1 1.41 g8 GGG 200-52774-3 1 0.93 0.937.6 02/27/20 11:491.641.641.527.6 1.52 g8 GGG Formulae: Preadjusted Volume (L)= ( Preadjusted Pressure ("Hg) + 29.92 "Hg * Vol L ) / 29.92 "Hg Adjusted Volume (L) = ( Adjusted Pressure (psig) + 14.7 psig * Vol L ) / 14.7 psig Dilution Factor = Adjusted Volume (L) / Preadjusted Volume (L) Where: 29.92 "Hg = Standard atmospheric pressure in inches of Mercury (“Hg) 14.7 psig = Standard atmospheric pressure in pounds per square inch gauge (psig) Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Page 24 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Page 25 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 FORM I AIR - GC/MS VOA ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Client Sample ID: Lab Name:Job No.: 5920 SDG No.: 200-52287-1 Lab Sample ID:200-52287-2 Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Matrix:39699-11.DLab File ID: Date Collected:TO-15Analysis Method: Air 01/20/2020 00:00 Sample wt/vol: % Moisture: GC Column:Soil Extract Vol.: Dilution Factor:Soil Aliquot Vol:1 Level: (low/med)Low 200(mL) 0.32(mm) Date Analyzed:01/24/2020 17:19 ID:RTX-624 Analysis Batch No.:151722 ppb v/vUnits: CAS NO.COMPOUND NAME RESULT Q RLRL 5.0 5.0U115-07-1 Propylene 5.0 0.50 0.50U75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.50 0.50 0.50U75-45-6 Freon 22 0.50 0.20 0.20U76-14-2 1,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 0.20 0.50 0.50U74-87-3 Chloromethane 0.50 0.50 0.50U106-97-8 n-Butane 0.50 0.20 0.20U75-01-4 Vinyl chloride 0.20 0.20 0.20U106-99-0 1,3-Butadiene 0.20 0.20 0.20U74-83-9 Bromomethane 0.20 0.50 0.50U75-00-3 Chloroethane 0.50 0.20 0.20U593-60-2 Bromoethene(Vinyl Bromide)0.20 0.20 0.20U75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 0.20 5.0 5.0U64-17-5 Ethanol 5.0 0.20 0.20U76-13-1 Freon TF 0.20 0.20 0.20U75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.20 5.0 5.0U67-64-1 Acetone 5.0 5.0 5.0U67-63-0 Isopropyl alcohol 5.0 0.50 0.50U75-15-0 Carbon disulfide 0.50 0.50 0.50U107-05-1 3-Chloropropene 0.50 0.50 0.50U75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 0.50 5.0 5.0U75-65-0 tert-Butyl alcohol 5.0 0.20 0.20U1634-04-4 Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.20 0.20 0.20U156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.20 0.20 0.20U110-54-3 n-Hexane 0.20 0.20 0.20U75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.20 5.0 5.0U108-05-4 Vinyl acetate 5.0 5.0 5.0U141-78-6 Ethyl acetate 5.0 0.50 0.50U78-93-3 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 0.50 0.20 0.20U156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.20 0.40 0.40U540-59-0 1,2-Dichloroethene, Total 0.40 0.20 0.20U67-66-3 Chloroform 0.20 5.0 5.0U109-99-9 Tetrahydrofuran 5.0 0.20 0.20U71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.20 0.20 0.20U110-82-7 Cyclohexane 0.20 0.20 0.20U56-23-5 Carbon tetrachloride 0.20 0.20 0.20U540-84-1 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 0.20 FORM I TO-15 Page 26 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 FORM I AIR - GC/MS VOA ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Client Sample ID: Lab Name:Job No.: 5920 SDG No.: 200-52287-1 Lab Sample ID:200-52287-2 Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Matrix:39699-11.DLab File ID: Date Collected:TO-15Analysis Method: Air 01/20/2020 00:00 Sample wt/vol: % Moisture: GC Column:Soil Extract Vol.: Dilution Factor:Soil Aliquot Vol:1 Level: (low/med)Low 200(mL) 0.32(mm) Date Analyzed:01/24/2020 17:19 ID:RTX-624 Analysis Batch No.:151722 ppb v/vUnits: CAS NO.COMPOUND NAME RESULT Q RLRL 0.20 0.20U71-43-2 Benzene 0.20 0.20 0.20U107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.20 0.20 0.20U142-82-5 n-Heptane 0.20 0.20 0.20U79-01-6 Trichloroethene 0.20 0.50 0.50U80-62-6 Methyl methacrylate 0.50 0.20 0.20U78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.20 5.0 5.0U123-91-1 1,4-Dioxane 5.0 0.20 0.20U75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane 0.20 0.20 0.20U10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.20 0.50 0.50U108-10-1 methyl isobutyl ketone 0.50 0.20 0.20U108-88-3 Toluene 0.20 0.20 0.20U10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.20 0.20 0.20U79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.20 0.20 0.20U127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene 0.20 0.50 0.50U591-78-6 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone)0.50 0.20 0.20U124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane 0.20 0.20 0.20U106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.20 0.20 0.20U108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 0.20 0.20 0.20U100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 0.20 0.50 0.50U179601-23-1 m,p-Xylene 0.50 0.20 0.20U95-47-6 Xylene, o-0.20 0.70 0.70U1330-20-7 Xylene (total)0.70 0.20 0.20U100-42-5 Styrene 0.20 0.20 0.20U75-25-2 Bromoform 0.20 0.20 0.20U98-82-8 Cumene 0.20 0.20 0.20U79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.20 0.20 0.20U103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene 0.20 0.20 0.20U622-96-8 4-Ethyltoluene 0.20 0.20 0.20U108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.20 0.20 0.20U95-49-8 2-Chlorotoluene 0.20 0.20 0.20U98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene 0.20 0.20 0.20U95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.20 0.20 0.20U135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene 0.20 0.20 0.20U99-87-6 4-Isopropyltoluene 0.20 0.20 0.20U541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.20 0.20 0.20U106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.20 FORM I TO-15 Page 27 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 FORM I AIR - GC/MS VOA ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Client Sample ID: Lab Name:Job No.: 5920 SDG No.: 200-52287-1 Lab Sample ID:200-52287-2 Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Matrix:39699-11.DLab File ID: Date Collected:TO-15Analysis Method: Air 01/20/2020 00:00 Sample wt/vol: % Moisture: GC Column:Soil Extract Vol.: Dilution Factor:Soil Aliquot Vol:1 Level: (low/med)Low 200(mL) 0.32(mm) Date Analyzed:01/24/2020 17:19 ID:RTX-624 Analysis Batch No.:151722 ppb v/vUnits: CAS NO.COMPOUND NAME RESULT Q RLRL 0.20 0.20U100-44-7 Benzyl chloride 0.20 0.20 0.20U104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene 0.20 0.20 0.20U95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.20 0.50 0.50U120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.50 0.20 0.20U87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 0.20 0.50 0.50U91-20-3 Naphthalene 0.50 FORM I TO-15 Page 28 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Report Date: 27-Jan-2020 14:39:02 Chrom Revision: 2.3 14-Jan-2020 22:23:42 Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Target Compound Quantitation Report Data File:\\chromna\Burlington\ChromData\CHX.i\20200124-39699.b\39699-11.D Lims ID:200-52287-A-2 Client ID:5920 Sample Type:Client Inject. Date:24-Jan-2020 17:19:30 ALS Bottle#:13 Worklist Smp#:11 Purge Vol:200.000 mL Dil. Factor:1.0000 Sample Info:200-0039699-011 Operator ID:ggg Instrument ID:CHX.i Method:\\chromna\Burlington\ChromData\CHX.i\20200124-39699.b\TO15_MasterMethod_X.m.m Limit Group:AI_TO15_ICAL Last Update:27-Jan-2020 14:39:00 Calib Date:22-Jan-2020 04:38:30 Integrator:RTE ID Type: Deconvolution ID Quant Method:Internal Standard Quant By:Initial Calibration Last ICal File:\\chromna\Burlington\ChromData\CHX.i\20200121-39662.b\39662-16.D Column 1 :RTX-624 ( 0.32 mm)Det: MS SCAN Process Host:CTX0327 First Level Reviewer: puangmaleek Date:27-Jan-2020 14:39:00 Compound Sig RT (min.) Adj RT (min.) Dlt RT (min.)Q Response OnCol Amt ppb v/v Flags 1 Propene 41 4.099 ND 2 Dichlorodifluoromethane 85 4.185 ND 3 Chlorodifluoromethane 51 4.249 ND 4 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetra 85 4.516 ND 5 Chloromethane 50 4.704 ND 6 Butane 43 4.939 ND 7 Vinyl chloride 62 4.992 ND 8 Butadiene 54 5.078 ND 10 Bromomethane 94 5.870 ND 11 Chloroethane 64 6.121 ND 13 Vinyl bromide 106 6.544 ND 14 Trichlorofluoromethane 101 6.635 ND 17 Ethanol 45 7.213 7.213 0.027 76 1666 0.1483 20 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trif 101 7.689 ND 21 1,1-Dichloroethene 96 7.753 ND 22 Acetone 43 7.967 ND 23 Carbon disulfide 76 8.154 ND 24 Isopropyl alcohol 45 8.218 ND 25 3-Chloro-1-propene 41 8.497 ND 27 Methylene Chloride 49 8.775 ND 28 2-Methyl-2-propanol 59 8.941 ND 29 Methyl tert-butyl ether 73 9.128 ND 31 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 61 9.181 ND 33 Hexane 57 9.518 ND S 30 1,2-Dichloroethene, Total 61 9.665 ND 34 1,1-Dichloroethane 63 10.000 ND 35 Vinyl acetate 43 10.048 ND 37 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 96 11.038 ND 38 2-Butanone (MEK) 72 11.064 ND 39 Ethyl acetate 88 11.097 ND * 40 Chlorobromomethane 128 11.471 11.466 0.005 70 242624 10.0 41 Tetrahydrofuran 42 11.466 ND Page 29 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Report Date: 27-Jan-2020 14:39:02 Chrom Revision: 2.3 14-Jan-2020 22:23:42 Data File:\\chromna\Burlington\ChromData\CHX.i\20200124-39699.b\39699-11.D Compound Sig RT (min.) Adj RT (min.) Dlt RT (min.)Q Response OnCol Amt ppb v/v Flags 42 Chloroform 83 11.578 ND 43 Cyclohexane 84 11.813 ND 44 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 97 11.835 ND 45 Carbon tetrachloride 117 12.059 ND 46 Isooctane 57 12.429 ND 47 Benzene 78 12.482 ND 48 1,2-Dichloroethane 62 12.648 ND 49 n-Heptane 43 12.766 ND * 50 1,4-Difluorobenzene 114 13.220 13.220 0.000 92 1105436 10.0 53 Trichloroethene 95 13.638 ND 54 1,2-Dichloropropane 63 14.130 ND 55 Methyl methacrylate 69 14.247 ND 56 1,4-Dioxane 88 14.317 ND 57 Dibromomethane 174 14.365 ND 58 Dichlorobromomethane 83 14.617 ND 60 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 75 15.446 ND 61 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK 43 15.687 ND 65 Toluene 92 15.975 ND 66 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 75 16.537 ND 67 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 83 16.901 ND 68 Tetrachloroethene 166 16.997 ND 69 2-Hexanone 43 17.324 ND 71 Chlorodibromomethane 129 17.650 ND 72 Ethylene Dibromide 107 17.917 ND * 74 Chlorobenzene-d5 117 18.800 18.795 0.005 83 1009249 10.0 75 Chlorobenzene 112 18.854 18.854 0.000 1 1128 0.0110 76 Ethylbenzene 91 19.003 19.003 0.005 1 1267 0.008129 7Ma 78 m-Xylene & p-Xylene 106 19.244 ND S 73 Xylenes, Total 106 19.600 ND 79 o-Xylene 106 20.084 ND 80 Styrene 104 20.138 ND 81 Bromoform 173 20.576 ND 82 Isopropylbenzene 105 20.769 ND 84 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 83 21.437 ND 85 N-Propylbenzene 91 21.496 ND 88 4-Ethyltoluene 105 21.684 ND 89 2-Chlorotoluene 91 21.700 ND 90 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 105 21.791 ND 92 tert-Butylbenzene 119 22.283 ND 93 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 105 22.379 ND 94 sec-Butylbenzene 105 22.609 ND 95 4-Isopropyltoluene 119 22.812 ND 96 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 146 22.850 ND 97 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 146 22.984 ND 98 Benzyl chloride 91 23.181 ND 100 n-Butylbenzene 91 23.379 ND 101 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 146 23.513 ND 103 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 180 25.990 ND 104 Hexachlorobutadiene 225 26.167 ND 105 Naphthalene 128 26.472 ND Page 30 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Report Date: 27-Jan-2020 14:39:02 Chrom Revision: 2.3 14-Jan-2020 22:23:42 QC Flag Legend Processing Flags 7 - Failed Limit of Detection Review Flags M - Manually Integrated a - User Assigned ID Reagents: ATTO15XISs_00002 Amount Added: 20.00 Units: mL Run Reagent Page 31 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Report Date: 27-Jan-2020 14:39:02 Chrom Revision: 2.3 14-Jan-2020 22:23:42 Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Data File:\\chromna\Burlington\ChromData\CHX.i\20200124-39699.b\39699-11.D Injection Date:24-Jan-2020 17:19:30 Instrument ID:CHX.i Operator ID:ggg Lims ID:200-52287-A-2 Lab Sample ID:200-52287-2 Worklist Smp#:11 Client ID:5920 Purge Vol:200.000 mL Dil. Factor:1.0000 ALS Bottle#:13 Method:TO15_MasterMethod_X.m Limit Group:AI_TO15_ICAL Column: RTX-624 ( 0.32 mm)Y Scaling: Method Defined: Scale to the Nth Largest Target: 1 3.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 11.0 13.0 15.0 17.0 19.0 21.0 23.0 25.0 27.0 29.0 Min 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Y ( X100000)39699-11[MS SCAN Chro]:Total * Chlorobromomethane( 11.471)* 1,4-Difluorobenzene( 13.220)* Chlorobenzene-d5( 18.800)+Page 32 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Report Date: 27-Jan-2020 14:39:02 Chrom Revision: 2.3 14-Jan-2020 22:23:42 Manual Integration/User Assign Peak Report Eurofins TestAmerica, Burlington Data File:\\chromna\Burlington\ChromData\CHX.i\20200124-39699.b\39699-11.D Injection Date:24-Jan-2020 17:19:30 Instrument ID:CHX.i Lims ID:200-52287-A-2 Lab Sample ID:200-52287-2 Client ID:5920 Operator ID:ggg ALS Bottle#:13 Worklist Smp#:11 Purge Vol:200.000 mL Dil. Factor:1.0000 Method:TO15_MasterMethod_X.m Limit Group:AI_TO15_ICAL Column:RTX-624 ( 0.32 mm)Detector MS SCAN 76 Ethylbenzene, CAS: 100-41-4 Signal: 1 Processing Integration Results RT: 19.24 Area: 1309 Amount: 0.008399 Amount Units: ppb v/v 18.7 18.9 19.1 19.3 19.5 Min 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Y ( X10)m/z 91.0 19.244Manual Integration Results RT: 19.00 Area: 1267 Amount: 0.008129 Amount Units: ppb v/v 18.7 18.9 19.1 19.3 19.5 Min RT 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Y ( X10)m/z 91.0 19.003Reviewer: puangmaleek, 27-Jan-2020 14:38:35 Audit Action: Manually Integrated Audit Reason: Assign Peak Page 33 of 33 3/4/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Wenck | Colorado | Georgia | Minnesota | North Dakota | Wyoming Toll Free 800-472-2232 Web wenck.com March 11, 2020 Mr. David Knight Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Site Remediation and Redevelopment 520 Lafayette Road North St. Paul, MN 55155-4194 RE: Investigation Work Plan Addendum The Preserve, 19030 Kenwood Trail, Lakeville, MN MPCA Site ID BF0001384 Mr. Knight: On behalf of Progressive, LLC, Wenck Associates, Inc. (Wenck) has prepared this addendum for the previously submitted Investigation Work Plan for The Preserve located at 19030 Kenwood Trail in Lakeville, MN (the Site). The Investigation Work Plan was submitted to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) on February 20, 2020. After preliminary review of the Investigation Work Plan, an addendum was requested by MPCA Project Managers, Mr. David Knight and Mr. Ryan Lundgren. This addendum will address the following: Expand the Site boundaries to include two surficial dump areas identified in the 2019 Phase I ESA prepared by Haugo GeoTechnical Services, LLC. The surficial dumps are identified on the existing conditions survey (Figure 3). Extend the Site boundaries to include the former homestead at 19030 Kenwood Trail. Define the extent of the surficial dumps in the field and document. Conduct additional soil, groundwater and/or soil vapor testing as necessary. Based on the newly defined Site boundaries, the Site is approximately 396,500 square feet or 11.4 acres. The site is 500 feet by 978 feet as shown on Figures 3 through 5. This addendum includes additional sampling in addition to what is outlined in the February 2020 Investigation Work Plan: Conduct test pits around each surficial dump as indicated on Figure 3 to define the extents. The test pits will help to define these areas for future removal of surficial debris and/or impacted soils in future development areas (i.e., roadways, trails, greenspace and/or building pads). Test pit locations are plotted on Figure 3. Collect one soil sample from each surficial dump area for analysis of the parameters listed in Section 4.2 of the Investigation Work Plan. Conduct additional soil, groundwater and soil vapor sampling via soil borings in the northeast corner of the Site. Additional sets of samples will be collected in the area of the proposed building pad #9 and within 190th Street near the east side of the Site. The additional boring locations are plotted on Figure 5. EXHIBIT S Mr. David Knight Project Manager MPCA March 11, 2020 2 N:\Technical\8410 The Preserve\03 Investigation Work Plan\Investigation Work Plan Addendum_031120.docx This Investigation Work Plan Addendum was prepared for review and approval by the MPCA. If you have questions or need additional information about this addendum, please call me at 612- 807-3249. Sincerely, Wenck Associates, Inc. Michelle L. Hosfield Principal/Environmental Scientist Enclosures: Figure 3 – Existing Conditions Survey Figure 4 – Proposed Boring Locations Map – Southwest Plan Figure 5 – Proposed Boring Locations Map – Southeast Plan The Preserve Preliminary Plat – January 3, 2020 CC: Mr. Steve Sauber – Progressive, LLC Mr. Ryan Lundgren - MPCA TR 2521 TR 2533 TR 2534 TR 2541 TR 2544 TR 2545 TR 2531 TR 2529 TR 2528 TR 2555 TR 2563 TR 2630TR 2652TR 2653 TR 2523 TR 2571TR 2581 TR 2582 TR 2624 TR 2625 TR 2586 TR 2457 TR 2500 TR 2462 TR 2463 TR 2465 TR 2518 TR 2503 TR 2494 TR 2495 TR 2475TR 2474 TR 2508 TR 2141 TR 2489 TR 2486 TR 2485TR 2484 TR 2516 TR 2517 TR 2514 TR 2513 TR 2511 TR 2137 TR 2120 TR 2136 TR 2124 TR 2086 TR 2090 TR 2115 TR 2108 TR 2107 TR 2106 TR 2092TR 2112TR 2109 TR 2105 TR 2111 TR 2110 TR 2101 TR 2096 TR 2095 TR 2094 TR 2097 TR 2093 TR 623 TR 622 TR 619 TR 617TR 618 TR 621 TR 620 TR 2082 TR 624 TR 625 TR 616 TR 611 TR 2376 TR 2390 TR 2394 TR 2393 TR 2156 TR 2159 TR 2169 TR 2363TR 2361TR 2357 TR 2330 TR 2332 TR 2294 TR 2033 TR 2187 TR 2175 TR 2047 TR TR 4092 TR 2080 TR 631 TR 630 TR 626 TR 627 TR 603TR 604 TR 605 TR 608 TR 607 TR 609 TR 602 TR 601 TR 628 TR 637 TR 639 TR 638 TR 642 TR 641 TR 640 TR 644 TR 643 TR 606 TR 599 TR 600 TR 596 TR 597 TR 598 TR 354 TR 355 TR 358 TR 357 TR 356 TR 353 TR 352 TR 339 TR 340 TR 343 TR 345TR 344 TR 342 TR 341 TR 346 TR 349 TR 347 TR 348 TR 155 TR 157 TR 350 TR 351 TR 162 TR 564 TR 566 TR 567 TR 565 TR 679 TR 680 TR 730 TR 563 TR 561 TR 562 TR 556 TR 555 TR 560 TR 558 TR 559 TR 384 TR 385 TR 383 TR 382 TR 574 TR 568 TR 572 TR 573 TR 165 TR 318 TR 320 TR 319 TR 321 TR 322 TR 369 TR 370 TR 372 TR 373 TR 371 TR 374 TR 576 TR 575 TR 376 TR 375 TR 377 TR 378 TR 379 TR 380 TR 381 TR 196 TR 308 TR 309 TR 310 TR 311 TR 307 TR 306 TR 192 TR 299 TR 314 TR 313 TR 312 TR 315 TR 317 TR 316 TR 168 TR 305 TR 304 TR 191 TR 189 TR 190 TR 126 TR 128 TR 188 TR 187 TR 186 TR 185 TR 169 TR 184 TR 171 TR 170TR 167 TR 166 TR 154 TR 156 TR 160 TR 159 TR 158 TR 153 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UTILITY BOX JAVELIN WAY JAVELIN AVENUE UTILITY BOX CATCH BASIN RE=1037.4 IE= CATCH BASIN RE=1037.6 IE= CATCH BASIN RE=1037.7 IE= ROCK PILE DUMP DUMP 21 OWNER: MICHAEL & REBECCA GOLDEN 1 OWNER: DARIN & MICHELLE VILHAUER 3 OWNER: ARIK OROSZ 4 OWNER: BRIAN & JUNE SMITH 5 OWNER: STEVEN & ANGELA DRISSEL 6 OWNER: HUGH JR & TRACY SKJEVELAND 3 OWNER: ARUNKUMAR RAMASUBRAMANIAN OUTLOT AOWNER: CITY OF LAKEVILLE C. S . A . H . N O . 5 0 ( K E N W O O D T R A I L ) D A K O T A C O U N T Y R O W M A P N O . 4 6 9 UTILITY BOX 1 OWNER: BRENT BASH & PATRICIA GOODRICH 3 OWNER: DAVID & MARCIE KRAUTKREMER ITERI AVENUEIN N D A L E D R I V E THE GREENWAY 4TH ADDITIONSTONE RIDGE FIRST ADDITIONSTONE RIDGE FIRST ADDITIONUNPLATTED THE GREENWAY 1ST ADDITION THE GREENWAY 3RD ADDITION 1 2 3 4 1 190TH STREET WEST 4 3 2 1 THE GREENWAY 2ND ADDITION188TH STREET WEST 5 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 THE GREENWAY 3RD ADDITIONSPRING HILL THIRDSPRING HILL THIRDFENCE IS 5.7 W OF PROP LINE FENCE IS 8.0 W OF PROP LINE SHED IS 24.0 W OF PROP LINE PLAYSET IS 13.0 W OF PROP LINE PLAYSET IS 20.7 N OF PROP LINE FOUNDA T ION RETAINING WALLTHE NORTH LINE OF THE SW1/4 OF THE SE1/4 OF SECTION 18THE NORTH LINE OF THE SE1/4 OF THE SW1/4 OF SECTION 18 THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SE1/4 OF THE SW1/4 OF SECTION 18 THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SW1/4 OF THE SE1/4 OF SECTION 18THE WEST LINE OF THE SE1/4 OF THE SW1/4 OF SECTION 18THE EAST LINE OF THE SW1/4 OF THE SE1/4 OF SECTION 18UNPLATTEDUNPLATTED LAKEVIEW HEIGHTS SECOND 7 6 5 RS-3 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTRS-3 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTRS-3 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT RS-3 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT RS-2 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT PUBLIC AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICT PUBLIC AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICT R S - 3 S I N G L E F AM I L Y R E S I D E N T I A L D I S T R I C T RS-2 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT LANDSCAPING IS 9.3 N OF PROP LINE COURT IS 1.8 E OF PROP LINE SHED IS 38.5 W OF PROP LINE3030FENCE IS 0.5 W OF PROP LINE FENCE IS 0.5 W OF PROP LINE LIGHT POLE IS 1.9 E OF PROP LINE FENCE IS 5.2 E OF PROP LINE FENCE I S 4 . 7 E OF PROP LI N E FENCE IS 9.0 E OF PROP LINE IRVONA AVENUE30303030 3030 303030303030 EXISTING CULVERTSIE=1028.1IE=10 2 8. 7 IE=1028 . 1 GARDEN IS 22.7 E OF PROP LINE GRAVEL DRIVEWAYEXISTING HOUSE EXISTING HOUSE EXISTING HOUSE EXISTING HOUSE RO W L I N E RO W L I N E RO W L I N ETREE & BRUSH LINEDRAINAGE UTILITY & STORMPONDING EASEMENT SELY E A S E M E N T LI N E CA T C H BA S I N ST O R M MA N H O L E SA N I T A R Y MA N H O L E UTI L I T Y BO X E S 264.31N00°13'42"W94.77 N89°14'35"W 33 7 . 4 0 S5 5 ° 5 1 ' 5 2 " E 7.55 S88°20'06"E 55. 0 0 S5 5 ° 5 1 ' 5 0 " E 31.65 S46°46'25"E 48. 8 8 S5 5 ° 5 1 ' 5 0 " E THE EAST LINE OF THE SE1/4 OF THE SW1/4 OF SECTION 18OUTLOT ALAKERIDGE WETLAND WETLAND WETLAND WETLAND WELL EXI S T I N G SEP T I C EXISTING WELL JKFNM ILDDDDDDO BCA ISB-7 LIGHT POLE LIGHT POLE BITUMINOUS TRAIL 1062.3 TP 25 1035.8 TP 21 1035.6 TP 20 1038.9 TP 22 1035.8 TP 23 1037.4 TP 24 1060.4 CHK 9-26-19 CP CUL 1063.6 TP 4 1043.7 TP 1035.6 TP 104 1033.8 TP 111 1028.3 TP 102 1028.3 TP 101 1031.7 TP 103 1032.8 TP 106 1032.1 TP 107 1033.4 TP 110 1033.4 TP 110 1033.7 TP 108 1084.6 TT 31-2 1084.3 TT 31-1 1081.9 TT 30-3 1082.8 TT 30-2 1033.8 TP 116 1036.5 TP 113 1036.1 TP 109 1037.9 TP 115 1037.3 TP 112 1030.8 TP 105 1035.4 TP 117 1060.2 CHK CP CUL 1088.9 TT 32-3 1086.6 TT 32-2 1086.0 TT 32-1 THOMAS J. O'MEARA DATE: 7/3/2019 LICENSE NO: 46167 SHEET 1 OF 1 ( IN FEET ) 0 100 200 300 31432 Foliage Avenue Northfield, MN 55057 Phone: (507) 645-7768 tomeara@bohlensurveying.com 1682 Cliff Road E. Burnsville, MN 55337 Phone: (952) 895-9212 Fax: (952) 895-9259 Bohlen Surveying & Associates COUNTRY JOE HOMES 22260 Dodd Blvd Lakeville, MN 55044 CURRENT ZONING = R2 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL CERT TITLE: 88846 THE SW1/4 OF THE SE1/4 IN SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 114 NORTH, RANGE 20 WEST, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA. CERT TITLE: 167538 THE SE1/4 OF THE SW1/4 IN SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 114 NORTH, RANGE 20 WEST, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA. CERT TITLE: 169982 OUTLOT A, IN LAKERIDGE, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, EXCEPT, THAT PART SHOWN AS PARCEL 15, DAKOTA COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO. 469, ACCORDING TO THE MAP ON FILE AND OR RECORD IN THE DAKOTA COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE, MINNESOTA. CERT TITLE: 169984 THAT PART OF THE NE1/4 OF THE NW1/4 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 114 NORTH, RANGE 20 WEST, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NE1/4 OF THE NW1/4 OF SAID SECTION, THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 59 MINUTES EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE NE1/4 OF THE NW1/4 OF SAID SECTION, 300.08 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 01 MINUTES 15 SECONDS WEST 360.70 FEET TO THE CENTER OF MINNESOTA TRUNK HIGHWAY NO. 50 AS CONSTRUCTED AND TRAVELED; THENCE NORTH 55 DEGREES 40 MINUTES 45 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID CENTERLINE, 364.12 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE NE1/4 OF THE NW1/4 OF SAID SECTION, THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE NE1/4 OF THE NW1/4 OF SAID SECTION, 160.70 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PART SHOWN AS PARCEL 16, DAKOTA COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO. 469, ACCORDING TO THE MAP ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN THE DAKOTA COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE. DENOTES EVERGREEN TREE DENOTES POWER POLE DENOTES GUY WIRE DENOTES LIGHT POLE DENOTES SANITARY MANHOLE DENOTES DRAINAGE MANHOLE DENOTES EVERGREEN TREE DENOTES DECIDUOUS TREE DENOTES TREE & BRUSH LINE DENOTES EXISTING CONTOUR DENOTES WATER VALVE DENOTES FIRE HYD DENOTES CATCH BASIN DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND DENOTES FENCE DENOTES CONCRETE SURFACE DENOTES BITUMINOUS SURFACE DENOTES GRAVEL SURFACE 496,411 sf Figure 3 - Existing Conditions Survey The Preserve - Investigation Work Plan 19030 Kenwood Trail, Lakeville, MN MPCA Site ID: BF0001384 Wenck Associates, Inc. Subject Property Surficial dump. Conduct test pits to define the dump. Surficial dump. Conduct test pits to define the dump.500 ft978 ft Proposed test pit locations SB-5 SB-4 SB-3 SB-2 190th STR E E T JAVELIN WAY Co u n t y R o a d 5 0 JAVELIN WAY ITERI AVENUEGGGFWO/LO FWO/F FWO LF 1034.1LF 1032.0 LF 1031.9 LF 1031.1 TR 4092 TR 1431 TR 1523 TR 1524 TR 1525 TR 1526 TR 1527 TR 1528 TR 1529 TR 1530 TR 1531TR 1532 TR 1533TR 1534 TR 1535TR 1536 TR 1537 TR 1538 TR 1539 TR 1540 TR 1541 TR 1542TR 1543 TR 1544 TR 1545 TR 1546 TR 1547 TR 1548 TR 1549 TR 1550 TR 1551 TR 1552 TR 1553 TR 1554TR 1555TR 1556 TR 1557 TR 1558 TR 1559 TR 1560 TR 1561 TR 1562 TR 1563 TR 1564 TR 1565 TR 1566TR 1567 TR 1568 TR 1569 TR 1570 TR 1571 TR 1572 TR 1573 TR 1574 TR 1575 TR 1576 TR 1577TR 1578 TR 1579 TR 1580 TR 1581 TR 1582 TR 1583TR 1584 TR 1585 TR 1586TR 1587 TR 1588 TR 1589 TR 1590 TR 1 591 TR 1592 TR 1593 TR 1594TR 1595TR 1596 TR 1 5 9 7 TR 1598 T R 1 5 9 9 TR 1600 TR 1601 TR 1602 TR 1603 TR 1604 TR 1605 TR 1606 TR 1607 TR 1608 TR 1609 TR 1610TR 1611 TR 1612 TR 1613 TR 1614 TR 1615 T R 1 6 1 6 T 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TR 1486 TR 1487 TR 1488 TR 1489 TR 1490 TR 1491 TR 1492 TR 1493 TR 1494 TR 1495 TR 1496 TR 1497TR 1498 TR 1499 TR 1500 TR 1501 TR 1502 TR 1503 TR 1504 TR 1505 TR 1506 TR 1507 TR 1508 TR 1509 TR 1510 TR 1511 TR 1512 TR 1513 TR 1514 TR 1515 TR 1516 TR 1517 TR 1518 TR 1519 TR 1520 TR 1521TR 1522TR 1523 TR 1524 TR 1525 TR 1526 1527 TR 4283 TR 4286 TR 4287 TR 4288 TR 4289 TR 4290 TR 4291 TR 4292 TR 4293 TR 4294 TR 4295 TR 4296 TR 4297 TR 4298 TR 4299 TR 4300 TR 4301 TR 4302 TR 4303 TR 4304 TR 4305TR 4312 TR 2223 TR 2279 TR 2244 TR 882 TR 854 TR 856 TR 904 TR 890 TR 885 EO F EO F EOFEOFTP-3 TP-4 TP-5 TP-6 TP-10 TP-11 TP-12 TP-13 EOF109 R59.28 I 52.55 GRADING PLAN 0'50' - SOUTHEAST LEGEND TR 4426 TR 4427 500 ftGW Figure 5 - Proposed Boring Locations Map The Preserve - Southeast Plan 19030 Kenwood Trail, Lakeville, MN MPCA Site ID No. BF0001384 Subject Property Legend Soil vapor boring location Soil boring location Soil and groundwater boring locationGW See Figure 4 EXHIBIT T CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA THE PRESERVE ZONING MAP AMENDMENT FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION On May 21, 2020, the Lakeville Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Progressive, LLC to amend the Zoning Map to rezone the subject property from RS-2, Single Family Residential District to RS-3, Single Family Residential District. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the Zoning Map Amendment application preceded by published and mailed notice. The applicant was present and the Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The subject property is located in Comprehensive Planning District 4, which guides the property for low density residential use. 2. The subject site is currently zoned RS-2, Single Family Residential District. 3. Legal description of the property is attached as Exhibit A. 4. The applicant is requesting an amendment to the Zoning Map to rezone the subject site from RS-2, Single Family Residential District to RS-3, Single Family Residential District. 5. Chapter 3 of the City of Lakeville Zoning Ordinance provides that a Zoning Map amendment may not be issued unless certain criteria are satisfied. The criteria and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The Comprehensive Plan guides the property for low density residential development. The proposed rezoning from RS-3 zoning is consistent with the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The RS-3 District zoning is also consistent with the zoning of other single-family residential developments in the area. b. The proposed use is or will be compatible with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The proposed single-family homes in The Preserve preliminary plat will be compatible with the existing and proposed single-family developments to the north, south, east and west. c. The proposed use conforms to all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance and the City Code. Finding: The proposed The Preserve single family residential development will comply with the applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and City Code, except as allowed by the variance specified in the May 15, 2020 planning report and as approved by the City Council. d. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. Finding: The Preserve preliminary plat can be accommodated with the public services available to serve the subject property and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. e. Traffic generated by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The traffic generated by The Preserve preliminary plat will be within the capacity of the streets that will serve this development. 5. The report dated May 15, 2020 prepared by Frank Dempsey, AICP, Associate Planner is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Zoning Map amendment conditioned upon compliance with the planning report prepared by Associate Planner Frank Dempsey dated May 15, 2020. DATED: May 21, 2020 LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION BY: __________________________ Pat Kaluza, Chair EXHIBIT A Property Legal Description: THE SOUTHWEST QUEATER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER IN SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 114 NORTH, RANGE 20 WEST, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA. AND THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER IN SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 114 NORTH, RANGE 20 WEST, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA. AND OUTLOT A, IN LAKERIDGE, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, EXCEPT, THAT PART SHOWN AS PARCEL 15, DAKOTA COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO. 469, ACCORDING TO THE MAP ON FILE AND OR RECORD IN THE DAKOTA COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE, MINNESOTA. AND THAT PART OF THE NORHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 114 NORTH, RANGE 20 WEST, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUATER OF THE NORTHWEST QUATER OF SAID SECTION, THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 59 MINUTES EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUATER OF SAID SECTION, 300.08 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 01 MINUTES 15 SECONDS WEST 360.70 FEET TO THE CENTER OF MINNESOTA TRUNK HIGHWAY NO. 50 AS CONSTRUCTED AND TRAVELED; THENCE NORTH 55 DEGREES 40 MINUTES 45 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID CENTERLINE, 364.12 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION, THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION, 160.70 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PART SHOWN AS PARCEL 16, DAKOTA COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO. 469, ACCORDING TO THE MAP ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN THE DAKOTA COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE. 1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA THE PRESERVE VARIANCE FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION On May 21, 2020 the Lakeville Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Progressive Land, LLC for a variance to allow a reduction of buffer yard lot width for Lot 1, Block 4; Lot 1, Block 5 and Lot 9, Block 6 in The Preserve preliminary plat. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed variance preceded by published and maile d notice. The applicant was present and the Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. The Planning Commission hereby recommends the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is located in Planning District No. 4 of the Comprehensive Plan which guides the property for low density residential land uses. 2. The property is zoned RS-2, Single Family Residential District but is proposed to be rezoned to RS-3, Single Family Residential District . 3. The legal description of the property is: (See Attached Exhibit A) 4. Section 11-6-5 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that certain criteria be met in consideration of a variance request. The criteria and our findings regarding them are: a. That the variance would be consistent with the comprehensive plan. Finding: The variance is consistent with the low-density land use designation of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. b. That the variance would be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. 2 Finding: The variance for reduced buffer yard lot width will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance with the increased buffer yard landscape screening adjacent to 190th Street. c. That the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner. Finding: The unique circumstances are the physical and natural environment characteristics of the property. The variance for lot width for the three lots would result in minimizing impact to trees and wetlands within the property. d. That the purpose of the variance is not exclusively for economic considerations. Finding: The purpose of the variance is to balance a maximization of the developable space on the property with protection of the natural environment. e. That the granting of the variance will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood in which the parcel of land is located. Finding: The three lots subject to the variance will meet minimum lot size and building setback requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. f. That the requested variance is the minimum action required to eliminate the practical difficulty. Finding: The proposed variance is the minimum necessary to allow homes to be constructed on the affected lots while meeting setback requirements. g. Variances may not be approved for any use that is not allowed under this section for property in the zone where the affected person’s land is located. Finding: The proposed single family lots are a permitted use in the RS-3 District. 5. The planning report dated May 15, 2020 and prepared by Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATI ON 3 The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the variance conditioned upon compliance with the planning report prepared by Associate Planner Frank Dempsey dated May 15, 2020. DATED: May 21, 2020 LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION BY: ________________________________ Pat Kaluza, Chair 4 EXHIBIT A Property Legal Description: THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER IN SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 114 NORTH, RANGE 20 WEST, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA. AND THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE S OUTHEAST QUARTER IN SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 114 NORTH, RANGE 20 WEST, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA. AND OUTLOT A, IN LAKERIDGE, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, EXCEPT, THAT PART SHOWN AS PARCEL 15, DAKOTA COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO. 469, ACCORDING TO THE MAP ON FILE AND OR RECORD IN THE DAKOTA COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE, MINNESOTA. AND THAT PART OF THE NORHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 114 NORTH, RANGE 20 WEST, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUATER OF THE NORTHWEST QUATER OF SAID SECTION, THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 59 MINUTES EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUATER OF SAID SECTION, 300.08 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 01 MINUTES 15 SECONDS WEST 360.70 FEET TO THE CENTER OF MINNESOTA TRUNK HIGHWAY NO. 50 AS CONSTRUCTED AND TRAVELED; THENCE NORTH 55 DEGREES 40 MINUTES 45 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID CENTERLINE, 364.12 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION, THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION, 160.70 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PART SHOWN AS PARCEL 16, DAKOTA COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO. 469, ACCORDING TO THE MAP ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN THE DAKOTA COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE. City of Lakeville Public Works – Engineering Division Memorandum To: Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner From: Alex Jordan, Assistant City Engineer McKenzie L. Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager John Hennen, Parks and Recreation Director Copy: Zach Johnson, City Engineer Jerilyn Erickson, Finance Director Gene Abbott, Building Official Daryl Morey, Planning Director Date: May 13, 2020 Subject: The Preserve • Preliminary Plat Review • Preliminary Grading and Erosion Control Plan Review • Preliminary Utility Plan Review • Preliminary Tree Preservation Review BBAACCKKGGRROOUUNNDD Progressive, LLC has submitted a preliminary plat named The Preserve. The proposed subdivision is located east of and adjacent to Kenwood Trail (CSAH 50), north of and adjacent to The Greenway 1st, 3rd and 4th Additions, west of Ipava Avenue and south of 185th Street (CR 60). The parent parcels consist of four metes and bounds parcels (PID Nos. 220180060011, 220180060012, 224410000042 and 220190027012), zoned RS-2 (Single Density Residential). The Developer has requested an application to re-zone the property to RS-3 (Single Family Residential) with the preliminary plat. The preliminary plat consists of eighty-nine (89) single-family lots within eleven (11) blocks, and five (5) outlots on 81.92 acres. The Developer is dedicating 6.16 acres as 190th Street right- of-way. The outlots created with the preliminary plat shall have the following uses: TTHHEE PPRREESSEERR VVEE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT MMAAYY 1133,, 22002200 PPAAGGEE 22 OOFF 88 Outlot A: Wetland and buffers; to be deeded to the City (0.39 acres) Outlot B: Wetland and buffers and water quality corridor; to be deeded to the City (1.98 acres) Outlot C: Wetland and buffers, stormwater management basins and water quality corridor; to be deed to the City (17.16 acres) Outlot D: Wetland and buffers, stormwater management basins and greenway corridor trail; to be deed to the City (11.60 acres) Outlot E: Wetland and buffers, parkland preserve and greenway corridor trail; to be deed to the City (5.94 acres) The proposed development will be completed by: Developer: Progressive, LLC Engineer/Surveyor: Paramount Engineering/Bohlen Surveying & Associates SSIITTEE CCOONNDDIITTIIOONNSS The Preserve site is vacant land containing several delineated wetlands, significant trees and drainageways. The property is bisected by two drainageways draining from the north t o the southeast and southwest. An existing building (homestead) and accessory buildings were located on one of the parent parcels, and were demolished in 2019. During the building demolition, various su rficial dump sites were discovered on the property. The Developer hired Wenck Associates, Inc. to prepare an investigation work plan on the property to evaluate the site conditions and determine its feasibility for development. The work plan included soil, groundwater and soil vapor sampling activit ies within the site after the discovery of the buried debris. The deepest depth of debris extended to approximately 11 feet below grade. A summary of the current environmental information and proposed environmental activities has been submitted to the City. Based on the results of the study, a Response Action Plan (RAP) will be prepared and submitted to the MPCA for review and approval. The development improvements must be completed in accordance with the recommendations identified in the RAP. The Developer shall remove all existing site en croachments, buildings, septic systems, overhead utilities, retaining walls, driveways, fences and abandon existing wells on the parent parcels. A security will be required with the final plat for the removal of the existing improvements on the site. EEAASSEEMMEENNTTSS The following public easement in favor of Dakota County will remain: • Highway Easements per Document Nos. 316365 and 781589 The following temporary public easements will expire upon recording of the future final plats and removal of the temporary cul-de-sacs: • Temporary Turnaround Easement, per Document No. 525372 • Temporary Turnaround Easement, per Document No. 751283 TTHHEE PPRREESSEERR VVEE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT MMAAYY 1133,, 22002200 PPAAGGEE 33 OOFF 88 SSTTRREEEETT AANNDD SSUUBBDDIIVVIISSIIOONN LLAAYYOOUUTT Kenwood Trail (CSAH 50) The Preserve is located east of and adjacent to Kenwood Trail, a minor arterial County highway, as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. Kenwood Trail is currently constructed as a four-lane divided rural roadway with an urban center median and trails along both sides of the road. The current Dakota County Plat Review Needs Map indicates a half right-of-way requirement of 75-feet and designates this roadway as a future four-lane divided urban roadway over its entire length adjacent to the plat. The Developer is dedicating the necessary right-of-way as shown on the preliminary plat. The preliminary plat was reviewed and recommended for approval by the Dakota County Plat Commission at their June 24, 2019 meeting. 190th Street The Preserve includes the construction of 190th Street from Kenwood Trail to its existing terminus east of the plat boundary. 190th Street is a major collector roadway as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. 190th Street will provide a full access to Kenwood Trail and will provide a roadway connection for existing residential neighborhoods to the east and south. 190th Street is designed as a 40-foot wide two-lane urban roadway within 100 feet of right-of- way. Pedestrian facilities will be constructed along the north and south sides of the roadway. The roadway and drainage design must meet MnDOT State Aid requirements, which will be reviewed with the final construction plans. The intersection design at Kenwood Trail was determined with the CSAH 50 improvement project (City Project 14-10). The Developer shall construct the necessary turn lanes to align with the intersection configuration. 190th Street must be extended and provide a roadway connection to Kenwood Trail with either Phase 2 of the development or by November 1, 2021 (whichever is sooner). The Developer shall dedicate the full right -of-way for 190th Street with the first phase final plat. The Developer shall remove all buried debris and fill within the 190th Street right-of-way and roadway embankment prior to the construction of 190th Street. The Developer shall submit verification and record of the debris removal with the future improvements. The Developer shall remove the existing temporary cul-de-sac and restore the right-of-way at the existing terminus of 190th Street east of the plat boundary. A no parking resolution will be required with the final plat banning parking along 190th Street adjacent to the plat boundary. Ixonia Avenue The Preserve includes the construction of Ixonia Avenue, a minor collector roadway as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. Ixonia Avenue will be designed as a 36-foot wide two-lane undivided urban roadway and 5-foot wide concrete sidewalks along both sides of the roadway within 80 -feet of right-of-way. The Developer must extend Ixonia Avenue to the north plat boundary, which will provide roadway access for the adjacent property. Future TTHHEE PPRREESSEERR VVEE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT MMAAYY 1133,, 22002200 PPAAGGEE 44 OOFF 88 street extension signs and barricades must be installed at the north end of Ixonia Avenue until the roadway is extended north in the future. Inndale Drive and Javelin Way Development of The Preserve includes the construction and extension of Inndale Drive and Javelin Way, both local streets. Inndale Drive and Javelin Way are designed as 32-foot wide urban roadways with 5-foot sidewalks along one sides of the street. The roadways will provide full accesses to 190 th Street. The Developer shall remove the temporary cul-de-sacs for the roadway extensions and restore the temporary easement areas with the final plat improvements. Javelin Path and 188th Street Development of The Preserve includes the construction and extension of Javelin Path and 188th Street, both local streets. Javelin Path and 188th Street are designed as 32-foot wide urban roadways with 5-foot sidewalks along one side of the street. The Developer shall remove the temporary cul-de-sacs for the roadway extensions and restore the temporary easement areas with the final plat improvements. Javelin Court, 188th Court and Ivorra Court Development of The Preserve includes the construction of Javelin Court, 188th Court and Ivorra Court all local cul-de-sac roadways. The cul -de-sac streets are designed as 32-foot wide urban roadways within 60-feet of right -of-way. Iteri Avenue Development of The Preserve includes the construction and extension of Iteri Avenue, a local roadway. Iteri Avenue will be extended north for the construction of a permanent cul-de-sac on the parent parcels. The Developer shall remove the existing temporary cul-de-sac and restore the driveways and easement areas following the removal of the temporary cul-de-sac. The Developer is responsible for obtaining any right-of-way necessary for the roadway extension. CCOONNSSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONN AACCCCEESSSS Construction traffic access and egress for grading, utility and street construction will be determined with each phase of construction. Access to the existing adjacent local roadways shall be limited as much as feasible for the development construction. PPAARRKKSS,, TTRRAAIILLSS AANNDD SSIIDDEEWWAALLKKSS The City’s Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan plans for the extension of a greenway corridor trail through the parent parcels linking the Ipava Greenway to the Shady Oak Grove Greenway corridors. The Park Dedication requirement has not been collected on the parent parcels and shall be satisfied through land dedication and a cash contribution with the final plat. The total park area required with the preliminary plat is 7.27 acres, which is calculated as 12% of the net area of the property (excluding major collector right-of-way and wetlands to remain) estimated as follows: TTHHEE PPRREESSEERR VVEE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT MMAAYY 1133,, 22002200 PPAAGGEE 55 OOFF 88 Gross Area of Preliminary Plat 81.92 Acres Less 190th Street Right-of-way Less wetlands to remain 6.16 15.19 Acres Acres Total Buildable Area 60.57 Acres Land Dedication Requirement (12%) 7.27 Acres The total park area estimated to be dedicated within the preliminary plat is 4.95 acres. This satisfies an estimated 68.09% or 60.6 lots of the required park dedication for the preliminary plat. The estimated park dedication requirement for the remaining 31.91% or 28.4 lots will be required to be paid with cash with the final plat. Only area outside of wetlands, wetland buffers and stormwater basins will be credited or compensated for park dedication purposes. The final amount of park land to be dedicated will be calculated with the first phase final plat. Development of The Preserve includes the construction of public trails and sidewalks. 5-foot wide concrete sidewalks, with pedestrian curb ramps, will be installed along one side of all local streets except for the Javelin Court, 188th Court and Ivorra Court cul-de-sacs. Pedestrian facilities will be constructed along both sides of 190th Street (to be determined with final plat). The Developer shall construct bituminous trails within Outlots D and E connecting the existing greenway trail systems north and south of the plat. In order to connect to the existing facilities, the trails will need to be extended outside of the plat boundary onto Outlot B, The Greenway 1st Addition (City owned), Outlot C, Shady Oak Grove (City owned) and PID No. 220180080010 (Sullivan). The City has been conversations with Sullivan for acquisition of an easement on the property for construction of the trail outside of the plat boundary (City cost). The City will provide the Developer a credit to its Park Dedication Fees for the cost of the trail construction (excluding grading and restoration) within Outlots D and E and outside of the plat boundary with the final plat. If bituminous trails are constructed along 190th Street, the City will credit the Developer’s final plat cash fees for the City’s 3/8th share (excluding grading and restoration) of the trail construction costs. The City will further evaluate a safe trail crossing location and design across 190th Street for the connection of the trail system with the first phase final plat. UUTTIILLIITTIIEESS SSAANNIITTAARRYY SSEEWWEERR The Preserve is located within subdistricts ML-72200, ML-72340 and ML-70360 of the Marion Lake sanitary sewer district as identified in the City’s Sewer Plan. The wastewater from the development will be conveyed via existing trunk sanitary sewer to the MCES Elko/New Market Interceptor and continue to the Empire Wastewater Treatment Facility. The Developer shall extend sanitary sewer to the north plat boundary at Ixonia Avenue, consistent with the Sewer Plan. TTHHEE PPRREESSEERR VVEE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT MMAAYY 1133,, 22002200 PPAAGGEE 66 OOFF 88 The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge has not been collected on the parent parcels and shall be paid with the final plat . The fee will be based on the current rate in effect at the time of final plat approval. WWAATTEERRMMAAIINN Development of The Preserve includes the extension of public watermain. Watermain will be extended within the development to provide water service to the subdivision. The Developer shall extend watermain from Kenwood Trail to the site, to provide a looped distribution system for the development. The City will provide the Developer a credit for the watermain construction outside of the plat boundary with the final plat. Additionally, the Developer shall construct watermain between Ixonia Avenue and Javelin Way along 190th Street to connect the City’s distribution system, consistent with the City’s subdivision ordinance requirements. OOVVEERRHHEEAADD LLIINNEESS Overhead electric lines and poles are located within the site on the parent parcels. The Developer is required to remove the overhead lines and poles with the final plat, consistent with the City’s Public Ways and Property Ordinance. DDRRAAIINNAAGGEE AANNDD GGRRAADDIINNGG The Preserve is located within subdistricts ML-006 of the Marion Lake stormwater district and SC-171, SC-146, SC-151 and SC-145 of the South Creek stormwater district as identified in the City’s Water Resources Management Plan. Development of The Preserve includes the construction of public stormwater management basins to collect and treat the stormwater runoff generated from the site. The basins will provide water quality treatment and rate control of the stormwater runoff generated from the subdivision. Due to the high elevation of groundwater and in-situ clay soils, infiltration is not feasible in the majority of the development. Water quality will be provided through wet sedimentation basins and secondary treatment via onsite wetlands. The stormwater management basins will be located within Outlots C and D which will be deeded to the City with the final plat. The stormwater basin designs include an aquatic safety bench and shall include a skimming device designed for the 10-year event, consistent with City requirements. The final grading plan shall identify all fill lots in which the building footings will be placed on fill material. The grading specifications shall also indicate that all embankments meet FHA/HUD 79G specifications. The Developer shall certify to the City that all lots with footings placed on fill material are appropriately constructed. Building permits will not be issued until a soils report and an as-built certified grading plan have been submitted and approved by City staff. The Preserve contains more than one acre of site disturbance. A National Pollution Discharge Elimination System General Stormwater Permit for construction activity is required from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for areas exceeding one acre being disturbed by TTHHEE PPRREESSEERR VVEE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT MMAAYY 1133,, 22002200 PPAAGGEE 77 OOFF 88 grading. A copy of the Notice of Stormwater Permit Coverage must be submitted to the City upon receipt from the MPCA. SSTTOORRMM SSEEWWEERR Development of The Preserve includes the construction of public storm sewer systems. Storm sewer will be installed within the subdivision to collect and convey stormwater runoff generated from within the public right-of-way and lots to the public stormwater management basins located within Outlots C and D. Draintile construction is required in areas of non-granular soils within The Preserve for the street sub-cuts and lots. Any addit ional draintile construction, including perimeter draintile required for building footings, which is deemed necessary during construction shall be the developer’s responsibility to install and finance. The Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge has n ot been collected on the parent parcels and must be paid with The Preserve final plat. The Developer will receive a credit to the Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge for deeding the portions of Outlots A, B, C, D and E not reimbursed for park dedication, calculated at $5,500/acre consistent with City policy. The reimbursement will be calculated with the final plat. RREESSIIDDEENNTTIIAALL BBUUFFFFEERR YYAARRDD RREEQQUUIIRREEMMEENNTTSS 190th Street is a major collector roadway as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. A buffer yard containing earth berms and/or plantings of a sufficient density to provide a visual screen and a reasonable buffer a minimum of ten feet in height shall be provided adjacent to 190th Street consistent with the Zoning Ordinance. A certified as-built grading plan of the buffer yard berm must be submitted and approved by City staff prior to the installation of any buffer yard plantings. FEMA FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS The Preserve is shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) as Zone X by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Based on this designation, there are no areas in the plat located within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), as determined by FEMA. WETLANDS The wetland delineation for the site was approved on October 16, 2019. The wetland delineation was completed by Midwest Natural Resources. The wetland delineation identified 12 of wetlands on the site totaling 16.09 acres. Based on the information provided in the report dated 9/24/2019 and site visit by BWSR and City staff, the wetland delineation for the area outlined in the report has been determined to be acceptable for use in implementing the Wetland Conservation Act. TTHHEE PPRREESSEERR VVEE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT MMAAYY 1133,, 22002200 PPAAGGEE 88 OOFF 88 A replacement plan was submitted and send out for review and comment to local, state and federal agencies. The replacement plan identifies a total of 1.13 acres of wetland impacts, 0.79 acres of road impacts, and 0.34 acres of permanent development related impacts. No adverse comments were received during the comment period. The wetland replacement plan was approved on 04/07/2020. The Developer is in the process of purchasing the required 2.26 acres of wetland banking credits. All wetlands, wetland buffers, stormwater treatment basins and natural areas will be placed in City owned outlots. Natural Area signs will be placed along adjacent property lines and will be installed by the developer. TREE PRESERVATION The plan identifies 3,756 total trees on site and proposes to save 1,543 trees (41%). Prior to removals the tree protection or silt fence line must be staked and reviewed by City Staff in the field. Minor changes may result in additional removals or saves based on location or condition of the tree. EROSION CONTROL The Developer is responsible for meeting all the requirements of the MPCA Construction Permit. The Developer must obtain permit coverage prior to construction. Redundant silt fence is required along all wetlands that do not have a 50-foot buffer. The location of the silt fence will be staked in the field and reviewed by city staff prior to installation. The Developer is responsible for the establishment of native vegetation around all stormwater treatment basins and any disturbed areas within Outlots. A management plan including a schedule for maintenance must be submitted to the City for review once seeding is completed. Additional erosion control measures may be required during construction as deemed necessary by City staff. Any additional measures required shall be installed and maintained by the developer. RREECCOOMMMMEENNDDAATTIIOONN Engineering recommends approval of the preliminary plat, grading and erosion control plan, utility plan and tree preservation plan for The Preserve, subject to the requirements and stipulations within this report.