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June 18, 2020
Vice Chair Witte called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City
Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was given.
Members Present: Vice Chair Jeff Witte, Karl Drotning, Jason Swenson, Brooks Lillehei,
Jenna Majorowicz, Christine Zimmer
Members Absent: Chair Pat Kaluza, Ex-officio member Thor Howe
Staff Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner;
Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary
3. Approval of the Meeting Minutes
The May 21, 2020 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as
4. Announcements
Mr. Morey stated that due to the Independence Day holiday the July Planning
Commission meetings will be changed from July 2 and 16 to July 9 and 23.
5. David Waagbo
Vice Chair Witte opened the public hearing to consider the application of David
Waagbo for a conditional use permit to allow an addition to a legal non-conforming
single-family home in the RS-3, Single Family Residential District and Shoreland
Overlay District, located at 19135 Orchard Trail.
Mr. Waagbo’s neighbor, Darren Kermes, 19115 Orchard Trail, presented a brief
overview of the project. He indicated that he feels this would clean up the look of the
front of Mr. Waagbo’s house since the items he currently parks on the driveway would
be stored in the proposed garage.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey
stated that Mr. Waagbo is proposing an expansion of his house that is located in the
Shoreland Overlay District for Lake Marion at 19135 Orchard Trail. A CUP is required
because the non-conforming house is proposed to be expanded. Mr. Dempsey
indicated that the plans propose the construction of an attached garage addition to the
northeast corner of the existing garage. The garage addition will meet the Shoreland
Overlay District setback and height requirements for the RS-3, Single Family
Residential District. The garage addition will also meet the 50-foot setback allowance
from the OHWL of Lake Marion per Section 11-102-13.D.1 of the Zoning Ordinance.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, June 18, 2020 Page 2
The proposed impervious surface area will be 24.9%, in compliance with Shoreland
Overlay District requirements.
Mr. Dempsey stated that the existing garage has an interior floor area of 503 square
feet. The applicant is proposing a 451 square feet addition, totaling an interior garage
floor area of 954 square feet which meets Zoning Ordinance requirements.
Mr. Dempsey stated that there is an encroaching retaining wall the applicant has
indicated he will remove.
Mr. Dempsey stated that similar CUP’s were approved in 1997 and 2008 for
expansions to the homes abutting the Waagbo property to the north and south.
Planning Department staff recommends approval of the Waagbo CUP subject to the
five stipulations listed in the June 12, 2020 planning report and adopt the Findings of
Fact dated June 18, 2020.
Vice Chair Witte opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
Motion was made by Swenson, seconded by Lillehei to close the public hearing at
6:08 p.m.
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - unanimous
Vice Chair Witte asked for comments from the Planning Commission. The Planning
Commission agreed that the City processes a lot of shoreland CUP’s and it’s great
when nonconforming situations can be rectified.
Motion was made by Lillehei, seconded by Drotning to recommend to City Council
approval of the Waagbo conditional use permit to allow an addition to a legal non-
conforming single-family home in the RS-3, Single Family Residential District and
Shoreland Overlay District, located at 19135 Orchard Trail, and adopt the Findings of
Fact dated June 18, 2020, subject to the following stipulations:
1. The building addition shall be constructed consistent with the approved survey/site
plan and exterior building plans approved with the conditional use permit.
2. The exterior building materials on the garage addition shall match or be of similar
residential quality and character of the materials on the existing house and garage.
3. The retaining wall encroachment over the property line shall be removed. The
portion of the retaining wall within the public drainage and utility easement shall
either be removed, or an encroachment agreement shall be requested by the
homeowner and approved by the City Council.
4. All disturbed soils shall be restored and established with groundcover immediately
after work in that area is completed.
5. The impervious surface area of the property shall not exceed 25%.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, June 18, 2020 Page 3
Ayes: Swenson, Majorowicz, Witte, Lillehei, Drotning, Zimmer
Nays: 0
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:11 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary