HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-06-20 work session CITY OF LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION MEETING MINUTES August 6, 2020 Chair Pat Kaluza called the work session to order at 6:25 p.m. Members Present: Chair Pat Kaluza, Jason Swenson, Karl Drotning, Brooks Lillehei, Jenna Majorowicz, Jeff Witte, Christine Zimmer Members Absent: None Staff Present: Associate Planner Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner Kris Jenson, Community and Economic Development Director Dave Olson , Daniel Licht, TPC Others Present: Beth Halstenson and Jackie Millea of Shelter Architecture, Glen Perkins, applicant Gala Farms Brewing discussion Associate Planner Kris Jenson briefly reviewed the issues relating to the proposed development of Gala Farms Brewing on a parcel on the south side of 210th Street, adjacent to Main Street Automotive (Lot 1, Block 2, Airlake Development Fourth Addition). The Planning Commission determined that the discussion should start with the issue of whether the property should be rezoned to C-3, General Commercial District or to amend the I-1, Light Industrial District language to allow brewpubs by conditional use permit. Glen Perkins and his architectural team opened discussion by describing the brewpub and architectural building design that they want to construct on the 210th Street parcel. The business would include manufacture/production of beer on the premises and would include a kitchen with food service and dining room seating. The brewpub would include only on-site consumption and would not include distribution of beer f rom the site. The building would include pre-finished architectural metal panels and some composite exterior materials and windows. Ms. Jenson stated the land use and zoning classifications of the subject property are Industrial. Allowing the proposed use would require either amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Industrial to Commercial and rezoning the property from I-1 to C-3, or amending the Zoning Ordinance to allow brewpubs by conditional use permit in the I-1 District. Staff discussed the potential implications of making an exception for this particular commercial use and the request for similar uses in the I-1 District as well as possible future occupancy of the building for a commercial use/restaurant without beer production on site. Planning Commission discussion points: • Potential reuse of the building should the brewpub no longer be in business or has moved to a larger location if the site is rezoned to C-3 versus remaining in I-1. • Expressed concerns about amending the 2040 Comprehensive Plan so soon after its adoption. • Confirmed with Mr. Licht that the I-1 District language could be amended in such a way that would provide limitations so that a similar use could not locate in the heart of the I-1 District but would remain along the perimeter and in close proximity to the nearby commercial districts. • The Planning Commission expressed encouragement and support for the proposed business. The work session adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kris Jenson, Associate Planner