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i f.a`�'t 5 1�t.",�j� � � o � f� � -� c�i��(�� ' ■ — TECH Installer's Name: Noah and Ayden CraiQ W and Nic on 11/3/20 Installation Checklist Franchisee Location: Minnesota Installation Equipment: GoliathTech Calibrated Hydraulic Drilt with PSI Gauge Torque Indicator Ins[allation Date: 8/19/20 Name of Customer or Contractor: Deck Creations Description of customer proiect: Deck Porch Project Address: 16475 Kingswood Drive Lakevil e Required indination of Pile Achieved Achieved Compression Required Total Pile Length (if Cut-off Etevation (if not 90 Degrees Compression Tension Pile Number Ca acit Tor ue Pile Used Helix Used not 7' if not 8"+-z +-Z Tor ue Achieved Ca acit Capacity Pile 1: 6400 1280 2 3/8" 9" 9' 2000 10000 5000 Pite 2: 5000 1000 2 3/8" 9" 8' �Zpp 6000 3000 Pite 3: 5000 1000 2 3/8" 9" 7' 2000 10000 5000 Pile 4: 6400 1280 2 3/8" 9" 7' 1400 7000 3500 Pile 5: 1500 500 2 3/8" 9' 6' 2500 12500 6250 Pile 6: 3000 600 2 3/8" 9" 7' 1700 $500 4250 Pile 7: 7500 500 2 3/8" 9" 4' 1000 5000 ZS�p Pile 1: 11/3/20 6400 1280 2 7/8" 9" 7' 1430 6435 3217 Pile 2: 11/3/20 5000 1000 2 7/8" 9" 8' 2153 96$$ 4844 Pile 3: 11/3/20 5000 1000 2 7/8" 9" 8' 4120 18540 9270 Pile 4: 11/3/20 6400 1280 2 7/8" 9" 8' 2860 12870 6435 Draw your project here: _..__.__�._.__..._____._ ___._ _ _ - ! i 1 2 � 3 4 �K ....� � �.,,"7 6� � e' � The me e ofthis dcru ent in SMrePoim ntifies lMr rhe marerid conmircd wi(hin has been aoomvedlor release o�dauuoenedee all nmimu veraiav. seru m c .-...-.. -. . .... 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