HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 07 JFK Elementary CUP amend.City of Lakeville Planning Department Memorandum To: Planning Commission From: Monica Croatt, Planning & Zoning Specialist Date: September 25, 2020 Subject: Packet Material for the October 1, 2020 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Item: JFK Elemen tary School Conditional Use Permit Amendment Application Action Deadline: October 25, 2020 INTRODUCTION Representatives of ISD 194 are requesting an amendment to CUP #04-03 to allow an expansion to John F. Kennedy (JFK) Elementary School for the construction of classroom additions on the west side of the existing building located at 21240 Holyoke Avenue. The proposed building addition will be 8,750 square feet in area for a total building area of 75,109 square feet according to the applicant. The subject property is zoned RM-1, Medium Density Residential District. Section 11-58-9D of the Zoning Ordinance allows public elementary schools in the RM-1 District by conditional use permit. EXHIBITS A. Aerial Photo Map B. Location/Zoning Map C. Survey D. Grading and Utility Plan E. Site Plan F. Exterior Elevations G. Floor Plan H. Color Elevations 2 PLANNING ANALYSIS The proposed building addition project will include the construction of four classrooms, two group rooms and shared learning commons, along with additional lockers and restrooms. The existing site conditions include parking lots, McGuire Middle School, tennis courts and various play fields. Surrounding Land Uses and Zoning North –Lake Village Apartments and office building (RH-1 and O-R) South – Playfields and Hasse Arena (RM-1 and P/OS) West – McGuire Middle School (RM-1) and Holyoke Avenue East –Industrial businesses (I-1) The proposed expansion was reviewed for conformance with Zoning Ordinance performance standards as follows: Building Setbacks. The building addition will exceed all setback requirements of the RM-1 District: Front – 30 feet Side – 30 feet on the side yard abutting public right of way, 15 feet on interior side yard Rear – 30 feet Building Height. The building a ddition will be 16’ – 5 3/8” in height with a 6’ – 5” tall rooftop mechanical screen, which is within the maximum allowed building height of 35 feet. Mechanical Equipment Screening. There is additional roof mounted mechanical equipment proposed with the building addition along with a new chiller enclosure on the south elevation. Both are to be screened by a painted metal enclosure in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. Access and Circulation. The site is accessed via Holyoke Avenue. The access a nd parking lot configuration will not be altered. Parking. School parking requirements are based on student enrollment capacity. Elementary and junior high (middle) schools require 1 space per 7 students based on student enrollment capacity. Based on the 790 student enrollment capacity for JFK Elementary School provided by the school district , 113 parking spaces are required. The site shares parking with McGuire Middle School, based on the 975 student enrollment capacity for McGuire provided by the school district, 139 parking spa ces are required. The total amount of required parking for the site is 252 spaces. The site currently has 253 parking spaces, exceeding the minimum parking requirement by 1 space. 3 Trails and Sidewalks. The existing internal sidewalks will be reconfigured and extended to accommodate the building addition. Building Elevations and Exterior Building Materials. The proposed building addition will be sided with standard brick to match the existing building materials and color and satisfies the material requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed building materials meet the requirements for an institutional use in the RM-1 District. Signs. There is no new signage proposed with the addition. Lighting. There is no new lighting is proposed with the addition . Engineering Review. The Applicant must address all comments relating to the proposed stormwater management for the site improvements prior to issuance of a building permit. Additionally, the final grading and utility plans must be approved prior to the issuance of a building permit. RECOMMEND ATION Planning Department staff recommends approval of the John F. Kennedy Elementary School conditional use permit amendment subject to the following stipulations: 1. The site improvements and building addition shall be developed in accordance with the plans approved by the City Council. 2. The proposed building addition shall be s ided with standard brick to match the existing building. All building materials shall meet the requirements for an institutional use in the RM-1 District. 3. The mechanical equipment shall be screen in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. 4. All Engineering staff comments relating to the proposed stormwater management shall be addressed for the site improvements prior to issuance of a building permit . 5. The final grading and utility plans must be approved by the City Engineer prior to the issuance of a building permit. TENNIS COURTSJFK BUILDINGFF=964.66B-101B-102B-103B-104B-105B-106B-1076' WALKEXISTING LEGENDLOT LINERIGHT-OF-WAY LINEEASEMENT LINEWATER MAINSANITARY SEWERSTORM SEWERWATER SERVICESANITARY SERVICECHAIN LINK FENCEVINYL/WOOD FENCELIGHT POLEPOWER POLEXFMR. TRANSFORMERCBLX. CABLE BOXTEL. TELEPHONE BOXE.M. ELECTRIC METERG.M. GAS METERA.C. AIR CONDITIONERHYDRANTWATER VALVEP.I.V. POST INDICATOR VALVESANITARY MANHOLEC.O. CLEANOUTSTORM MANHOLEAREA CATCH BASINCATCH BASINCONIFEROUS TREEDECIDUOUS TREECONTOUR LINESPOT ELEVATIONDRAINAGE ARROWDETAILNOTEGENERAL NOTES1. The underground utilities shown have been located from field surveyinformation. The surveyor makes no guarantees that the undergroundutilities shown comprise all such utilities in the area, either in service orabandoned. The surveyor further does not warrant that the undergroundutilities shown are in the exact location indicated although he does certifythat they are located as accurately as possible from the informationavailable. The surveyor has not physically located the undergroundutilities. Call Gopher State One Call at 811 for all utility, gas line, andelectrical line locations prior to excavation.2. No title commitment was referenced for the survey shown hereon.3. Property address: 21220 Holyoke Avenue, Lakeville, MN.4. Benchmark - Building finished floor = 964.66 = NAVD 1988REVISIONS- N O T F O R CO N S T R U C T I O N - JACOBSON ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS40-20147-0008.21.2020ISD #194 JFK Elementary School AdditionCUPSUBMISSIONCIVILTOPOGRAPHICSURVEYC-121240 Holyoke Ave Lakeville, MN 55044EXHIBIT C TENNIS COURTSJFK BUILDINGFF=964.66B-101B-102B-103B-104B-105B-106B-1076' WALKPROPOSED ADDITIONFF=964.66NEW AREA CB MANHOLETC=962.0INV=958.1915" INV=958.69NEW 6' WIDECONCRETE WALKNEW CONCRETEWALKAREA CB AD 76 L.F. OF 15"STORM PIPE AT 0.35% SLOPETC=961.40INV=958.95INFILTRATION BASINEOF=960.5RAIN GARDENVOLUME = 2675 CU. FT.SILT FENCERE-ROUTED 8" WATER MAINAREA CB AND 49 L.F. OF 12" PVCSTORM PIPE @0.6% SLOPETC=961.90INV=959.24 SEED AND MULCH USING MNDOT SEED MIX #33-2622.0' MAINTENANCE STRIP(1-1/2"ROCK) AT PERIMETER OFBUILDINGPROPOSED LEGENDWATER MAINSANITARY SEWERSTORM SEWERWATER SERVICESANITARY SERVICECHAIN LINK FENCEVINYL/WOOD FENCELIGHT POLEHYDRANTWATER VALVESANITARY MANHOLESTORM MANHOLECATCH BASINSILT FENCEGRADING LIMITS999CONTOUR LINESPOT ELEVATIONDRAINAGE ARROWDETAILNOTESSSSWWWWSSSSNOTES1) UTILITIES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE LOCATION. LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUNDUTILITIES COMPILED FROM VISUAL EVIDENCE (FLAGGING & PAINT MARKS) AND RECORDDRAWINGS (DESIGN & AS-BUILT). CALL GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 811 FOR ALL UTILITY,GAS LINE, AND ELECTRICAL LINE LOCATIONS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION.2) CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PER CITY SPECIFICATIONS.3) INSTALL SILT FENCE PRIOR TO EXCAVATION AS SHOWN.4) RE-VEGETATE THE SITE WITHIN 48 HOURS OF FINAL GRADING.5) THE STREET MUST BE CLEARED OF DEBRIS AT THE END OF EACH DAY. ADDITIONALSWEEPING WILL BE REQUIRED DURING THE HAULING PROCESS. ALL STREETS MUST BEMAINTAINED TO SAFE DRIVING CONDITIONS.6) ALL DOWNSTREAM EXISTING CATCH BASINS MUST HAVE INLET PROTECTION.7) CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE STOCK PILE AREAS AND CONCRETE WASHOUT AREASPRIOR TO EXCAVATION AND PROVIDE NECESSARY EROSION CONTROL.8) PROPOSED SLOPES AS SHOWN ARE NOT GREATER THAN 3:1.9) USE "CITY OF LAKEVILLE UTILITY AND STREET CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS ANDSPECIFICATIONS" AND USE CITY OF LAKEVILLE STANDARD PLATES.10) STORM SEWER SHALL BE AIR TESTED 20 FEET IN EITHER DIRECTION AT ALL LOCATIONSWHERE CROSSING WATER SERVICES.11) THE FILTRATION BASIN SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC. ONCEBASIN IS EXCAVATED TO GRANULAR DEPTH, ALL HEAVY EQUIPMENT SHALL BE KEPT OUTOF THIS AREA.12) AN NPDES PERMIT IS NOT REQUIRED FOR THIS SITE...THE OVERALL DISTURBANCE IS LESSTHAN 1.0 ACRE.REVISIONS- N O T F O R CO N S T R U C T I O N - JACOBSON ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS40-20147-0008.21.2020ISD #194 JFK Elementary School AdditionCUPSUBMISSIONCIVILGRADING,DRAINAGE, UTILITYAND EROSIONC-221240 Holyoke Ave Lakeville, MN 55044EXHIBIT D NEW GYMFF=968.10PROPOSED ADDITIONFF=964.66151627272641013131929297216JFK BUILDINGFF=964.66REMOVE UNDERGROUNDGAS TANKNEW CMU MECHANICALENCLOSURE(CONC SURF.)963.7964.0 (SLOPECONC. AT 1.3%)TOP OF CMUELEV = 966.0PARKING NOTES1) FOR ELEMENTARY AND JUNIOR HIGH THE PARKING REQUIREMENT IS 1 SPACE PER 7STUDENTS.JFK ENROLLMENT = 790 STUDENTSPARKING REQUIRED = (790) / 7 = 113 STALLSMCGUIRE ENROLLMENT = 975 STUDENTSPARKING REQUIRED = (975)/7 = 139 STALLSTOTAL PARKING REQUIRED = 252 STALLS2)STALLS SHOWN AT PARKING LOT SOUTH OF JFK= 55 STALLSSTALLS SHOWN AT PARKING LOT BETWEEN THE SCHOOLS = 115 STALLSSTALLS SHOWN AT PARKING LOT NORTH OF MCGUIRE = 67 STALLSSTALLS SHOWN AT PARKING LOT WEST OF MCGUIRE= 16 STALLSTOTAL = 253 STALLSREVISIONS- N O T F O R CO N S T R U C T I O N - JACOBSON ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS9-14-20 STALL COUNT40-20147-0008.21.2020ISD #194 JFK Elementary School AdditionCUPSUBMISSIONCIVILSITE PARKING &MECH EQUIP.C-321240 Holyoke Ave Lakeville, MN 55044EXHIBIT E LEVEL 01 100' - 0" B/DECK-EXTG 111' - 3" 11 A6.1 T/DECK 113' - 7" T/PARAPET WALL 115' - 2" 31 A6.1 EJ PREFINISHED METAL COPING EXISTINGNEW LJFCBA WIN-1 2' - 6"MTL-1A MTL-1AMTL-1AMTL-1A 11' - 0" M.O. 4' - 0" 4' - 8" M.O. 8' - 0"24' - 4" M.O. 8' - 0" 3' - 8" M.O. 5' - 0"3' - 4" 6' - 0" 6' - 8" MTL-1AMTL-1A 1 A7.1 3 A7.1 10"10' - 4"10' - 5 1/4" 2' - 6 1/2" EJ EJ EJ EJ EJ EJ EJ BRICK-2 EQ EQ EQ 101' - 11 5/8" 3" BULDING EXPANSION JOINT 6' - 8" 4' - 3" 1' - 1"14' - 8"16' - 5 3/8"BRICK-1A T/LOW DECK 112' - 2" W1B W1AW2BW2A 157C W1C W1E 4 A7.1 GDE H PROFILED, PAINTED METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN: SCREEN-1 APPROX.6' - 5"LEVEL 01 100' - 0" B/DECK-EXTG 111' - 3" T/PARAPET-EXTG 112' - 0" T/DECK 113' - 7" T/PARAPET WALL 115' - 2" 21 A6.1 BRICK-1A PREFINISHED METAL COPING PROFILED, PAINTED METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN: SCREEN-1 1269 EJ 15' - 0"7 5/8"15' - 7 3/8"EJ EJ 17' - 11 5/8"17' - 8"3' - 9 1/8" EJ 19' - 10 111/128"19' - 8 15/64"7' - 4 3/32" EJ MTL-1A 12' - 4 1/8" T/LOW DECK 112' - 2" W1D 5 A7.1 34785 24 A10.1 APPROX.6' - 5"LEVEL 01 100' - 0" B/DECK-EXTG 111' - 3" T/PARAPET-EXTG 112' - 0" T/DECK 113' - 7" T/PARAPET WALL 115' - 2" 21 A6.1 PREFINISHED METAL COPING 1 2 6 9 EJ MTL-1A 2 A7.1 5' - 11"6' - 9"18' - 8"19' - 0"3' - 8"17' - 0"18' - 4"18' - 4" EJ EJ EJ 2' - 6"BRICK-2 BRICK-1A 15' - 7 3/8"98' - 8" T/LOW DECK 112' - 2" W1F 10' - 6"10' - 6"LV-A LV-B 5 A7.1 3 4 7 85 24 A10.1 PROFILED, PAINTED METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN: SCREEN-1 APPROX.6' - 5"LEVEL 01 100' - 0" B/DECK-EXTG 111' - 3" 11 A6.1 T/DECK 113' - 7" T/PARAPET WALL 115' - 2" 31 A6.1 EXISTING NEW PREFINISHED METAL COPING L J F C B A EJ MTL-1A 1 A7.1 3 A7.1 EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ MTL-1A MTL-1A MTL-1A MTL-1A BRICK-1A 11' - 8"4' - 0" 4' - 8" 8' - 0" BRICK-215' - 7 3/8"2' - 6"0" 12' - 5 3/4"7 5/8"14' - 8"3" BUILDING EXPANSION JOINT EJ EJ CJ EJ EJ EJ EJ6' - 9" 4' - 4" 1' - 1"2' - 6"101' - 11 5/8" T/LOW DECK 112' - 2" W1AW1BW1BW1A 17' - 0" M.O. 8' - 0" 4' - 8" M.O. 4' - 0"17' - 0" 4 A7.1 G DEH PROFILED, PAINTED METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN: SCREEN-1 APPROX.6' - 5"LEVEL 01 100' - 0" LOUVER-1 PANELS OR SIM MOUNTED TO GALV. STL POSTS AND CFSF, PER STRUCTURAL HONED-FACE CMU ENCLOSURE BASE. FOUNDATION SYSTEM PER STRUCT, TYP. FACTORY FINISHED BRAKE METAL WALL CAP DOUBLE GATES BY CITYSCAPE: TOUGHGATE, WITH BARREL BOLTS AND PADLOCK 2' - 0" 6' - 0"© DLR GroupREVISIONS-NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -9/13/2020 4:23:53 PMBIM 360://40-20147-00 JFK Elementary School Addition/40-20147-00_JFK-ES_AR_2020.rvt40-20147-00 09.14.2020ISD #194 -JFK Elementary School ClassroomAdditionCUP APPLICATION EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A5.121240 Holyoke AveLakeville, MN 55044SCALE:1/8" = 1'-0"A5.1 22 EAST ELEVATION SCALE:1/8" = 1'-0"A5.1 11 NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"A5.1 31 SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE:1/8" = 1'-0"A5.1 41 WEST ELEVATION SCALE:1/8" = 1'-0"A5.1 44 CHILLER ENCLOSURE SOUTH ELEV SCALE:1/8" = 1'-0"A5.1 45 CHILLER ENCLOSURE EAST ELEV NEW CHILLER ENCLOSURE AT SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF EXISTING BUILDING. EXHIBIT F ROOF DRAINROOF DRAIN4 "TREE A5.122A5.1A5.1114111A6.11' - 6"228 SFBOYS' RM151B240 SFGIRLS' RM151C1356 SFCIRCULATION15126 SFAV154BA2.151A2.13121A6.131A6.1A5.111D.F.A5.131123456ABDE10' - 8"17' - 0"21' - 9"28' - 9 9/16"22' - 7 7/16"10' - 0"4-STATIONCOMMUNAL HANDWASH23' - 1 1/2"33' - 10 1/2"39' - 8"STRUCTURAL STOOP3' - 0"7"35' - 2"236 SFLEARNINGCOMMONSZONE 1LC-1987 SFCLASSROOM 1153570 SFLOCKERS15555 SFSTAFF WC155A993 SFCLASSROOM 2157996 SFCLASSROOM 3156429 SFLOCKERS154996 SFCLASSROOM 415211' - 8"4' - 0" 4' - 8" 8' - 0"11' - 8"4' - 0" 4' - 8" 8' - 0"PRIMARY TEACHING WALL: (1) 12'-0" W MBD, AND (1) 6'-0" W TBD AT ALL CLASSROOM PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TEACHING WALLS, TYP.SECONDARY TEACHING WALL95 SFSMALL GROUPROOMLC-1A60 LOCKERS: 15" W X 18" DP X 48" H.PRIMARY TEACHING WALLSECONDARY TEACHING WALLPRIMARY TEACHING WALLSECONDARY TEACHING WALLPRIMARY TEACHING WALLSECONDARY TEACHING WALLSPECIAL SHEATHING TO WALLS AND DOORS, SECURITY FILM TO GLASS, 4FT HIGH AFFL, TYP. AT ALL LOCKER WALLS/DOORS.SINGLE SINK, TYP. AT ALL CLASSROOM CASEWORK44 SFSTAFF WC155B26' - 4 1/4"60 LOCKERS: 15" W X 18" DP X 48" H.143 SFMEDIUMGROUP ROOMLC-2A18' - 11 1/16"18' - 11 1/16"24' - 10"158 SFLEARNINGCOMMONSZONE 2LC-2TRANSFORMERINVERTERELECPANELWATER TANKWATER HEATERELECPANELEGRESS DOORS.O.G. STOOP18' - 2"18' - 11"157155B157A153A153152156A154152A155A155155D155C151B11' - 8"4' - 0"4' - 8"7' - 11"1"4' - 0"4' - 8"8' - 0"24' - 10"2' - 6 7/8" 10' - 2"95 SFVESTIBULE1501562A7.1154A26 SFIT154A13' - 11 3/4"154B5' - 0" 3' - 1" 3' - 1"3' - 1"73' - 8"1A7.1LC-2ALC-1A3A7.1A10.137A10.135A9.214A10.151S6SA2.136A11.11121A11.131A11.131A11.131A11.1313' - 0"3"3' - 5"7' - 7 7/8" 4 7/8" 7' - 7 3/4"4' - 0"MP4CMU2S4S4F4S4MP4F4F4S6M4M4M4M4M4CMUSCMUSS6SF4S4S4S4CMUSS6SS4S4S4S4S4S4S6S4CMUSCMUSS4S4M4CMUSS4S6S4S4S4F4F4S6S4S4S4S4SF4F4ALIGN5' - 11 1/4" 10' - 2 5/8"1' - 9 1/2"3' - 7 1/2"6' - 4 7/8"2' - 4"6' - 4 7/8"5' - 7"1' - 2"10"1' - 2"7' - 0"YES8256150A150B157C88S4S8344NEW PATH, PER CIVILS.NEW PATH, PER CIVILSMAINTENANCE STRIP ALL AROUND, PER CIVILSMAINTENANCE STRIP ALL AROUND, PER CIVILS12' - 11"35' - 2 21/256"A9.23540' - 0"A9.225A9.233W1DW1CA10.153EMERGENCY ESCAPE HATCHA11.1234346'MBD12'MBD6'TBD6'MBD6'TBD6'MBD6'MBDSF1SF2SF3SF44A7.112'MBD6'TBDA10.131A11.16A9.152GENERAL NOTESA. GENERAL NOTES APPLY TO ALL SHEETS.B. DIMENSIONS ARE ACTUAL AND ARE TO FACE OF STUDS, FACEOF CONCRETE WALLS, FACE OF CMU WALLS, FACE OF FRAMES,OR CENTERLINE OF COLUMNS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.C. FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS:D. FLOOR SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS:E. ALL INTERIOR CMU WALLS SHALL BE 8" NOMINAL THICKNESS,UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.F. WALLS SHADED ON THE FLOOR PLANS INDICATE GROUND FACEMASONRY UNITS (GFCMU). EXTEND GFCMU TO 4 INCHESMINIMUM ABOVE FINISH CEILINGS AND CONTINUE WITH CMU OFSAME THICKNESS.G. WALL TYPES SHALL BE DESIGNATED ON FLOOR PLANS THUS:SEE SHEET A0.2 FOR WALL TYPES. ALL INTERIOR PARTITIONS ARE WALL TYPE "?" UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.H. ALL MASONRY WALLS AND INTERIOR STUD WALLS SHALLEXTEND TO UNDERSIDE OF FLOOR OR ROOF DECK ABOVEUNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. SEE REFLECTED CEILING PLANNOTES.I. PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE AT ALL FULL HEIGHT NON-BEARING WALLS FOR 1-INCH VERTICAL MOVEMENT OF THEBUILDING STRUCTURE WITHOUT TRANSFER OF COMPRESSIVELOADS TO WALL. FILL IRREGULARITIES BETWEEN TOP OF WALLAND DECK ABOVE WITH FIRE SAFING INSULATION OR FIRESTOPPING MATERIALS AS REQUIRED TO MEET FIRE RATING OFRESPECTIVE WALLS. SEE DETAILS ON SHEET A0.2.J. SEE SHEET XX.X FOR LOCATION OF WALLS OF FIRE-RESISTIVECONSTRUCTION. ALL WALLS OF FIRE-RESISTIVECONSTRUCTION SHALL EXTEND TO UNDERSIDE OF FLOOR ORROOF DECK ABOVE.K. ALL PENETRATIONS THROUGH WALLS SHALL BE SEALED WITHTHRU-WALL FIRE STOPPING MATERIAL AS REQUIRED TOACHIEVE THE RESPECTIVE FIRE-RESISTIVE RATING AND SMOKESTOPPAGE. SEE SPECIFICATION SECTION 078413.L. SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR BRACING OF NON-LOADBEARING MASONRY WALLS.M. FURNISH AND INSTALL FIRE-TREATED WOOD BLOCKING ORMETAL BACKING PLATE IN METAL STUD PARTITIONS FOR THEPROPER ANCHORAGE OF ALL WALL ATTACHED ITEMS; I.E.TOILET ACCESSORIES, CASEWORK, MILLWORK, WALL-MOUNTED FIXTURES, MARKER BOARDS, TACK BOARDS, DOORSTOPS, AUDIO VISUAL BRACKETS, ETC.N. GYPSUM BOARD AND PLASTER SURFACES SHALL BE ISOLATEDWITH CONTROL JOINTS WHERE SHOWN ON DRAWINGS AND ASDESCRIBED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS.O. MASONRY CONTROL JOINTS (CJ) AND CONTROL JOINTS ABOVE(CJA) SHALL BE LOCATED AS SHOWN ON THE FLOOR PLAN ANDBUILDING ELEVATIONS, AND WHERE LARGE PLUMBING VENTSOR RISERS OCCUR IN SINGLE WYTHE MASONRY WALLS, ANDWHERE MASONRY WALLS BEARING ON THE CONCRETE FLOORSLAB ABUT MASONRY WALLS BEARING ON CONCRETEFOOTINGS OR AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS.P. THE OWNER SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL THE FOLLOWINGITEMS: 1.???, 2. ???Q. INCLUDE ALL OWNER FURNISHED AND INSTALLED ITEMS ANDOWNER FURNISHED AND CONTRACTOR INSTALLED ITEMS INTHE CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE, AND SHALL COORDINATEWITH THE OWNER TO ACCOMMODATE THESE ITEMS.R. COORDINATE ALL MECHANICAL CHASE SIZES WITH THEMECHANICAL CONTRACTOR.S. COORDINATE WITH MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICALCONTRACTORS THE SIZE AND LOCATION OF EQUIPMENT PADSSHOWN ON PLANS.T. "MBD" AND "TBD" INDICATE MARKER BOARDS AND TACKBOARDS ON PLANS. THE LENGTH PRECEDES THEDESIGNATION (EXAMPLE 16' MBD). ALL BOARDS ARE 4'-0" TALL.SEE WALL ELEVATIONS OR SPECIFICATIONS FOR MOUNTINGHEIGHT.U. ARCHITECTURAL FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION 100'-0" EQUALSACTUAL SITE REFERENCE ELEVATION OF FINISH FLOOR 964.66FEET.V. EXTEND FURRING CHANNELS AND GYPSUM BOARD UP 4INCHES ABOVE FINISHED CEILING ON CMU WALLS.W. FIRE RATED ENCLOSURES AROUND ALL STEEL COLUMNSSHALL BE CONTINUOUS FROM FLOOR TO UNDERSIDE OFFLOOR OR ROOF DECK ABOVE FOR EACH LEVEL.X. SCRIBE GYPSUM WALL BOARD OF WALLS AND PARTITIONS TOIRREGULARITIES OF DECK ABOVE. SEAL TIGHTLY AROUND ALLPENETRATIONS.Y. PROVIDE SEISMIC BRACING FOR SUSPENDED CEILINGS OR ASSHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS.TYP. FIN. FL.EL.=?XXX'-XX"PLAN KEYNOTE LEGEND1. EMERGENCY ESCAPE HATCH, SEE DOOR SCHEDULE2. SECURITY FILM TO GLASS PANELS AT ENTRY DOORS ANDSIDELITES TO DOOR HEIGHT3. ICC-500 TORNADO RESISTANT DOOR. STRUCTURAL POSTBETWEEN DOOR AND WINDOW WHEN DOOR HAS SIDELITE,SEE DOOR SCHEDULE4. ICC-500 STORM SHELTER: 8" REINFORCED CMU ALL AROUNDWITH STUD FURRING FOR FINISHES TO ALL ROOMSINTERNALLY. USE ALL AROUND STORM SHELTER PERIMETER.5. ADA PADDLES AND OPERATOR ON BOTH SIDES OF EACH PAIROF VESTIBULE DOORS, SEE DOOR AND HARDWARESCHEDULES6. NEW 2HR RATED LOAD BEARING FIRE SEPARATION WALL SET3" OFF EXISTING WALL7. FIRE SHUTTER OVER EXISTING WINDOW. OPENING IN NEWWALL TO MATCH EXISTING WINDOW OPENING SIZE.8. FLAT PANEL MONITOR AND WALL CONNECTIVITY© DLR GroupREVISIONS-NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -8/24/2020 8:44:32 PMBIM 360://40-20147-00 JFK Elementary School Addition/40-20147-00_JFK-ES_AR_2020.rvt40-20147-0008.24.2020ISD #194 -JFK Elementary School ClassroomAdditionCUP AND SITEPLANAPPLICATIONFLOOR PLAN -ADDITIONA1.121240 Holyoke AveLakeville, MN 55044SCALE:1/8" = 1'-0"A1.151LEVEL 1 PLANEXHIBIT G © DLR GroupREVISIONS-NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -8/24/2020 8:44:34 PMBIM 360://40-20147-00 JFK Elementary School Addition/40-20147-00_JFK-ES_AR_2020.rvt40-20147-0008.24.2020ISD #194 -JFK Elementary School ClassroomAdditionCUP AND SITEPLANAPPLICATIONEXTERIORPERSPECTIVESA5.021240 Holyoke AveLakeville, MN 55044FOR REFERENCE ONLYSE AERIAL VIEWSW AERIAL VIEWNE AERIAL VIEWNW AERIAL VIEWENTRY VIEW 1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA JOHN F. KENNEDY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION On October 1, 2020 the Lakeville Planning Commission met at their regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of ISD #194 for a conditional use permit amendment to allow a building addition to John F. Kennedy (JKF) Elementary School in the RM-1, Medium Density Residential District. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed conditional use permit amendment preceded by published and mailed notice. The applicant was present and the Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is located in Planning District No. 6 of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan which guides the property for Public and Quasi-Public uses. 2. The property is currently zoned RM-1, Medium Density Residential District. . 3. The legal description of the property is: SEE EXHIBIT A 4. Section 11-4-3E of the City of Lakeville Zoning Ordinance provides that a conditional use permit may not be issued unless certain criteria are satisfied. The criteria and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The proposed expansion of the elementary school is consistent with the policies and provisions of Planning District 6 of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. 2 b. The proposed use is or will be compatible with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The proposed expansion of the elementary school is compatible with existing land uses in the area. c. The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance. Finding: The elementary school is an existing use on the property. The proposed expansion will conform to all performance standards set forth in the Zoning Ordinance given compliance with the approved conditional use permit amendment. d. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. Finding: The proposed expansion to the elementary school can be adequately served with existing public services. e. Traffic generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The existing street (Holyoke Avenue) that serves the property can accommodate the proposed expansion. 5. The planning report dated September 25, 2020 and prepared by Monica Croatt, Planning & Zoning Specialist, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the conditional use permit amendment conditioned upon compliance with the planning report prepared by Planning & Zoning Specialist, Monica Croatt dated September 25, 2020. 3 DATED: October 1, 2020 LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION BY:______________________________ Pat Kaluza, Chair 4 EXHIBIT A Commencing at the Northeast corner of the West 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 32, Township 114, Range 20; thence running South 30 rods, thence West 18 rods, thence North 30 rods, thence East 18 rods to the place of beginning, Dakota County, Minnesota. And, Commencing at the Southeast corner of the following described piece of land: Commencing at the Northeast corner of the West 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4, Section 32, Township 114, Range 20, running thence South 30 rods, thence West 18 rods, thence North 30 rods, thence East 18 rods to the place of beginning, running thence South 8 rods, thence West 20 rods, thence North 8 rods, thence East 20 rods to the point of beginning being in the NE 1/4, Section 32, Township 114, Range 20. And, Commencing at a point 627 feet South of the Northwest corner of the E 1/2 of the E 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of Section 32, Township 114, Range 20, running thence East 81 feet, thence North 315.5 feet, thence West 81 feet and thence South 315.5 feet to the place of beginning. And, Commencing at a point 249 feet south of the northwest corner of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 32, Township114, Range 20; thence running South 113 feet; thence East 171.5 feet; thence South 65 feet; thence East 158.5 feet; thence South 67 feet; thence East 33 feet; thence North 311 feet; thence West 90 feet; thence South 66 feet; thence West 273 feet to the place of beginning. Except the following: That part of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 32, Township 114 North, Range 20 West, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at a point on the west line of said NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 distant 249 feet South of the Northwest corner thereof; thence East parallel to the North line of said NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4, a distance of 273 feet; thence South parallel to the west line of said NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4, a distance of 178 feet; thence West parallel to the north line of said NE 1/4, a distance of 101.5 feet; thence north parallel to the west line of said NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4, a distance of 65 feet; thence West parallel to the north line of said NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4, a distance of 171.5 feet to the west line thereof; thence north along said west line, a distance of 113 feet to the point of beginning. And, All that part of East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 32, Township 114, Range 20, described as follows: The South 660 feet of the North 1287 feet thereof. And, Commencing at a point on the West line of the E 1/2 of the NE 1/4, Section 32, Township 114, Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota, distant 1314 feet South of the Northwest corner of said E 1/2 of the NE 1/4; said point being the Northwest corner of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section; thence East 660 feet to a point on the East line of the W 1/2 of the E 1/2 of the NE 1/4, distant 1314 feet South of the North line of said NE 1/4; thence South along said East line 5 132.05 feet; thence West to a point on the West line of said E 1/2 of the NE 1/4 distant 132.05 feet South of the point of commencement; thence North along said East line 132.05 feet to the point of commencement. And, The East 1/2 of the East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 Excepting therefrom the North 1287 feet thereof and also Excepting therefrom the South 15 acres thereof, Section 32, Township 114, Range 20. And, The North 5 acres of the south 15 acres of the following described tract of land: The East 1/2 of the East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 Excepting therefrom the North 1287 feet thereof. And, That part of the East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 32, Township 114, Range 20, described as follows: Commencing at a point on the west line of said E 1/2 of the NE 1/4, Section 32, Township 114, Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota, distant 1446.05 feet South of the Northwest corner of said E 1/2 of the NE 1/4; thence East 659.68 feet to a point on the east line of the W 1/2 of the E 1/2 of the NE 1/4, distant 1446.05 feet South of the north line of said NE 1/4; thence South along said east line of the W 1/2 of the E 1/2 of said NE 1/4 1184.11 feet to the south line of the E 1/2 of said NE 1/4; thence West along said south line 210.87 feet to the intersection of the south line of said E 1/2 of the NE 1/4 with the northeasterly right of way line of the Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway; thence northwesterly along said northeasterly right of way line to its intersection with the west line of the E 1/2 of said NE 1/4; thence north along said west line to the point of commencement. And, The North 5 acres of South 10 acres of the following described tract of land: The East 1/2 of the East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 Excepting therefrom the North 1287 feet thereof. And, The South 5 acres of the following described tract of land: The East 1/2 of the East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 excepting therefrom the North 1287 feet thereof. Except, The South 400 feet of that part of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 32, Township 114, Range 20, which lies Easterly of the Easterly Right of Way line of the Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway; subject to County Road 70. And Except, The North 182.10 feet of the South 582.10 feet of that part of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast of Section 32, Township 14, Range 20, which lies Easterly of the Easterly Right of Way line of the Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway. And (Torrens Property - Certificate No. 13565), 6 All that part of the W 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 32, Township 114, Range 20 described as follows: Commencing at a point on the west line of the NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 32, Township 114, Range 20, distant 682.16 feet south of the northwest corner of said NE 1/4 of NE 1/4; thence continuing south 631.84 feet along the west line of the NE 1/4 of NE 1/4; Thence East 660 feet to a point on the east line of the W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 distant 1314 feet south of the north line of said NE 1/4; thence North 687 feet along said east line of the W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 to a point 627 feet south of the north line of said NE 1/4; thence west 330 feet along a line drawn parallel to and 627 feet south of the north line of said NE 1/4; thence South 55.16 feet along a line drawn parallel to the west line of the NE 1/4 of NE 1/4; thence West 330 feet to the point of beginning, according to the Government survey thereof. Excepting therefrom the South Thirty three (33) feet thereof. Also Excepting that part of the NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 32, Township 114, Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at a point on the west line of said NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 distant 682.16 feet south of the northwest corner thereof; thence East parallel to the north line of the said NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 a distance of 375 feet, thence South parallel to the west line of said NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 a distance of 50 feet, thence west and parallel to the north line of the said NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 a distance of 375 feet to the west line thereof, thence north along said west line a distance of 50 feet to the place of beginning. Together with the right of said Independent School District No. 194 Dakota County to the use of the street which will be graded on the above 33' strip...for access to and from any of the school property providing that said Independent School District No. 194 Dakota County shall grade a street on the above described 33' strip. AND (Torrens Property - Certificate No. 17787), The South thirty three (33) feet of the following described property, to-wit: All that part of the W 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 32, Township 114, Range 20 described as follows: Commencing at a point on the west line of the NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 32, Township 114, Range 20, distant 682.16 feet south of the northwest corner of said NE 1/4 of NE 1/4; thence continuing south 631.84 feet along the west line of the NE 1/4 of NE 1/4; Thence East 660 feet to a point on the east line of the W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 distant 1314 feet south of the north line of said NE 1/4; thence North 687 feet along said east line of the W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 to a point 627 feet south of the north line of said NE 1/4; thence west 330 feet along a line drawn parallel to and 627 feet south of the north line of said NE 1/4; thence South 55.16 feet along a line drawn parallel to the west line of the NE 1/4 of NE 1/4; thence West 330 feet to the point of beginning. And EXCEPT that part platted as OLD SCHOOL ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof.