HomeMy WebLinkAboutLA184799 - 20418 Guernsey Ct Permit PackRESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PAGE 2 OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING BUILDING DUPLEX AS BUILT TOWNHOUSE UNITS BUILDING FINAL DETACHED TOWN HOUSE UNIT DECK FOOTING CONDO FIREPLACE ACESSORY BUILDING FOOTING REROOF FOUNDATION RESIDE FRAMING PORCH FRAMING GARAGES INSULATION RES ADDN/REPAIR/RMDL DECK PORCH GARAGES LATH LOWER LEVEL FINISH LOWER LEVEL FINAL ADDITION OTHER FOUNDATION ONLY PORCH FOOTING MISCELLANEOUS POURED WALL DEMO SEPTIC TANK REMOVAL MOVED SITE MECHANICAL CITY BUILDING VALUATION: $AIR TEST FINAL BUILDING PERMIT FEES ROUGH-IN $PERMIT FEE PLUMBING $PLAN CHECK FINAL $SURCHARGE ROUGH-IN $METRO SAC METER SIZE $CITY WATER HOOKUP UNIT PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE $CITY SEWER HOOKUP UNIT SEWER/WATER $LANDSCAPE ESCROW SEWER/WATER $TREE ESCROW FINAL $MISC ESCROW STREET DRAINTILE $PLUMBING BUILDING INFORMATION $MECHANICAL TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION $SEWER WATER ZONING $OTHER CODE EDITION $TOTAL FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM OCCUPANCY GROUP APPROVED BY: BUILDING INSPECTOR: Date: PLUMBING/MECHANICAL INSPECTOR: Date: COMMENTS: 20195 Holyoke Avenue, Lakeville, MN 55044 952-985-4400  952-985-4499 fax www.lakevillemn.gov Sewer & Water Tie Card Address:________________________________________ Contractor:______________________________________ Permit Number:__________________________________ Final Date:________________ Street Drain-Tile:______ Size of Water Service: 1” Comments: AIRTEST SANITARY OVER 20’/2 FITTINGS THIS CARD MUST BE COMPLETED AND ON-SITE AT TIME OF SEWER & WATER INSPECTION MAIN FLOOR1' -8 1/4"UPPER PLATE20' -5 1/4"T.O. FOUNDATION0' -0"T.O. FOUNDATION0' -0"MAIN PLATE10' -9 3/8"MAIN PLATE10' -9 3/8"UPPER FLOOR12' -4 1/8"MAIN FLOOR PLATE HEIGHT9' - 1 1/8"UPPER FLOOR PLATE HEIGHT8' - 1 1/8"GARAGE PLATE HEIGHT10' - 9 3/8"ALUMINUM SOFFIT& FASCIA TYP.6" SMARTSIDEFRIEZE BOARD TYP.VINYL BOARD &BATTEN TYP.VINYL LAP SIDING & VINYL CORNERS ALL SIDESCULTURED STONE W/CONCRETE CAP3' - 6"4" SMARTSIDE TRIM@ WINDOWS & DOORSTYP. -FRONT ONLYADDRESS STONESEE COLUMN DETAIL SHEET A-5016" SMARTSIDE STORYBOARD TYP.4' - 0"48" 12"7" / 12"7" / 12"4" / 12"8" 12"1/4" = 1'-0"A-2011FRONT ELEVATIONTHE IDEAS, DESIGNS, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS REPRESENTED HEREIN ARE AND SHALL REMAIN THE EXCLUSIVE COPYRIGHT PROPERTY OF ONETENTEN HOMES. NO PART THERE OF SHALL BE USED, COPIED, OR DISCLOSED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OR PROJECT OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREPARED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF ONETENTEN HOMES.THE PLANS FURNISHED HEREIN WERE PREPARED UPON REQUEST BY DRAFTSPERSONS WHO ARE NOT REGISTERED ARCHITECTS OR ENGINEERS. ONETENTEN HOMES ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR STRUCTURAL OR DIMENSIONAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS.THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR OWNER MUST VERIFY AND CHECKALL NOTES DETAILS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS AND FLOOR PLANS AND NOTIFY ONETENTEN HOMES OF ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. NO WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING COMPLIANCE OF THIS PLAN WITH APPLICABLE BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS. THE SELECTION AND APPLICATION OF CORRECT STRUCTURAL MATERIALS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDER, THE OWNER OR THE USER OF THESE PLANS.DATEFINISHED SQUARE FEETPROJECTSHEETUPPER:MAIN:LOWER:RELEASEDREV. 1REV. 2REV. 3REV. 4REV. 5PLATE HEIGHTSUPPER:MAIN:FOUND:P.O. BOX 3915411 LAKERS LANE, SUITE 204NISSWA, MN 56468PH (612) 327-7582NORTHHOUSE-RD.COMBRAINERD LAKESTWIN CITIES3000 COUNTY ROAD 42 WEST, SUITE 202 BURNSVILLE, MN 55337PH (952)-953-4000ONETENTENHOMES.COMUNSPECIFIED HEADERS TO BE 2-2x10 W/ 2 TRIMMERS10" MIN. STAIR TREAD DEPTH & 7 3/4" MAX STAIR RISER HEIGHTALL ANGLES ARE 45 DEGREES UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISEALL EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS ARE TO OUTSIDE OF SHEATHING, CONCRETE OR FOUNDATION INSULATIONTOTAL:LOWER:9/22/2020 2:07:32 PMTHE HARRIS RESIDENCEL8, B4 - ASPEN GROVE 1ST ADD'N.20418 GUERNSEY COURTLAVEVILLE, MN 55044A-201OTT1398.11.20 ML111711037608.14.20 CB9.2.20 TP9.22.20 TP6.22.20 TP8'-1 1/8"9'-1 1/8"9'-0" POUR8'-10"2980PAYTON XLSHEET INDEXSHEET NAME SHEET NUMBERELEVATION A-201ELEVATIONS/ ROOF PLAN A-202FOUNDATION PLAN A-401LOWER FLOOR A-402MAIN FLOOR A-403UPPER FLOOR A-404SCHEDULES/DETAILS A-501DETAILS A-502Concept Approval ONLYSubject to Field InspectionInspectorDate2020MN BldgCode10/08/2020dmathews 24" RETURNSTYPICAL8" / 12"8" / 12"7" / 12"8" / 12"7" 12"7" 12"8" / 12"ALUMINUM SOFFIT& FASCIA TYP.VINYL SIDING& CORNERS7" 12"8" 12"7" / 12"8" 12"24" RETURNSTYPICAL7" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"4" / 12"7" 12"7" 12"4" 12"STANDARD ENERGY HEELS @ 4:12 & 7:12 PITCH TYP.HEELS @ 8:12 PITCH TO MATCH18" OVERHANGS & 12" RAKES TYP.6 ROOF VENTS @ HOUSE4 ROOF VENTS @ GARAGE8" / 12"8" / 12"4" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"7" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"4" / 12"7" / 12"7" / 12"7" / 12"7" / 12"8" / 12"10' - 4 1/32"THE IDEAS, DESIGNS, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS REPRESENTED HEREIN ARE AND SHALL REMAIN THE EXCLUSIVE COPYRIGHT PROPERTY OF ONETENTEN HOMES. NO PART THERE OF SHALL BE USED, COPIED, OR DISCLOSED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OR PROJECT OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREPARED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF ONETENTEN HOMES.THE PLANS FURNISHED HEREIN WERE PREPARED UPON REQUEST BY DRAFTSPERSONS WHO ARE NOT REGISTERED ARCHITECTS OR ENGINEERS. ONETENTEN HOMES ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR STRUCTURAL OR DIMENSIONAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS.THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR OWNER MUST VERIFY AND CHECKALL NOTES DETAILS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS AND FLOOR PLANS AND NOTIFY ONETENTEN HOMES OF ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. NO WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING COMPLIANCE OF THIS PLAN WITH APPLICABLE BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS. THE SELECTION AND APPLICATION OF CORRECT STRUCTURAL MATERIALS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDER, THE OWNER OR THE USER OF THESE PLANS.DATEFINISHED SQUARE FEETPROJECTSHEETUPPER:MAIN:LOWER:RELEASEDREV. 1REV. 2REV. 3REV. 4REV. 5PLATE HEIGHTSUPPER:MAIN:FOUND:P.O. BOX 3915411 LAKERS LANE, SUITE 204NISSWA, MN 56468PH (612) 327-7582NORTHHOUSE-RD.COMBRAINERD LAKESTWIN CITIES3000 COUNTY ROAD 42 WEST, SUITE 202 BURNSVILLE, MN 55337PH (952)-953-4000ONETENTENHOMES.COMUNSPECIFIED HEADERS TO BE 2-2x10 W/ 2 TRIMMERS10" MIN. STAIR TREAD DEPTH & 7 3/4" MAX STAIR RISER HEIGHTALL ANGLES ARE 45 DEGREES UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISEALL EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS ARE TO OUTSIDE OF SHEATHING, CONCRETE OR FOUNDATION INSULATIONTOTAL:LOWER:9/22/2020 2:07:34 PMTHE HARRIS RESIDENCEL8, B4 - ASPEN GROVE 1ST ADD'N.20418 GUERNSEY COURTLAVEVILLE, MN 55044A-202OTT1398.11.20 ML111711037608.14.20 CB9.2.20 TP9.22.20 TP6.22.20 TP8'-1 1/8"9'-1 1/8"9'-0" POUR8'-10"2980PAYTON XL1/8" = 1'-0"A-2021LEFT ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"A-2022REAR ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"A-2023RIGHT ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"A-2024ROOF PLANSecure door closed until deck isconstructed with a separate permit. 48' - 0"1' - 10"19' - 10"20' - 2"11' - 0"18' - 10"31' - 2"50' - 0"28' - 2"19' - 10"14' - 8"11' - 8"14' - 0"5' - 10"3'-6"(H) x 8"(W) POUREDCONCRETE FOUND. WALL W/2" x 8" INTERIOR LEDGE ON16" x 8" CONCRETE FTG'S.REBAR PER CODE.9'-0"(H) x 8"(W) POUREDCONCRETE FOUND. WALL ON20" x 8" CONCRETE FTG'S.REBAR PER CODE.9'-0"(H) x 10"(W) POUREDCONCRETE FOUND. WALL W/4" x 8" EXTERIOR LEDGE ON20" x 8" CONCRETE FTG'S.REBAR PER CODE.19' - 8"20' - 4"*ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO OUTSIDE OF CONCRETE48' - 0"15' - 8 1/4"3' - 4 1/2"3' - 11 1/4"3' - 10 3/4"13' - 1 1/4"9'-0"(H) x 8"(W) POUREDCONCRETE FOUND. WALL ON20" x 8" CONCRETE FTG'S.REBAR PER CODE.25' - 6"22' - 6"40' - 0"9'-0"(H) x 8"(W) POUREDCONCRETE FOUND. WALL ON20" x 8" CONCRETE FTG'S.REBAR PER CODE.0' - 4"26' - 4"14' - 3"2' - 3"11' - 8"14' - 0"1' - 1"7' - 4"3' - 11"2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C. ONHALF-HIGH 6" BLOCK ON16" x 8" CONCRETE FTG'S.REBAR PER CODE.2' - 0"20' - 6"1' - 11 1/2"16' - 3" M.O.1' - 11 1/2"1' - 1 1/2"8' - 3" M.O.1' - 7 1/2"8'-4"(H) x 8"(W) POUREDCONCRETE FOUND. WALL ON16" x 8" CONCRETE FTG'S.REBAR PER CODE.:LOOKOUT WALL:2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C. ON3'-6"(H) x 8"(W) POUREDCONCRETE FOUND. WALL ON20" x 8" CONCRETE FTG.REBAR PER CODE9'-0"(H) x 8"(W) POUREDCONCRETE FOUND. WALL ON20" x 8" CONCRETE FTG'S.REBAR PER CODE.40' - 0"10' - 0"50' - 0"LEAVE A 12" GAP INFOOTING FORPLUMBING0' - 4"THE IDEAS, DESIGNS, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS REPRESENTED HEREIN ARE AND SHALL REMAIN THE EXCLUSIVE COPYRIGHT PROPERTY OF ONETENTEN HOMES. NO PART THERE OF SHALL BE USED, COPIED, OR DISCLOSED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OR PROJECT OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREPARED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF ONETENTEN HOMES.THE PLANS FURNISHED HEREIN WERE PREPARED UPON REQUEST BY DRAFTSPERSONS WHO ARE NOT REGISTERED ARCHITECTS OR ENGINEERS. ONETENTEN HOMES ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR STRUCTURAL OR DIMENSIONAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS.THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR OWNER MUST VERIFY AND CHECKALL NOTES DETAILS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS AND FLOOR PLANS AND NOTIFY ONETENTEN HOMES OF ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. NO WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING COMPLIANCE OF THIS PLAN WITH APPLICABLE BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS. THE SELECTION AND APPLICATION OF CORRECT STRUCTURAL MATERIALS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDER, THE OWNER OR THE USER OF THESE PLANS.DATEFINISHED SQUARE FEETPROJECTSHEETUPPER:MAIN:LOWER:RELEASEDREV. 1REV. 2REV. 3REV. 4REV. 5PLATE HEIGHTSUPPER:MAIN:FOUND:P.O. BOX 3915411 LAKERS LANE, SUITE 204NISSWA, MN 56468PH (612) 327-7582NORTHHOUSE-RD.COMBRAINERD LAKESTWIN CITIES3000 COUNTY ROAD 42 WEST, SUITE 202 BURNSVILLE, MN 55337PH (952)-953-4000ONETENTENHOMES.COMUNSPECIFIED HEADERS TO BE 2-2x10 W/ 2 TRIMMERS10" MIN. STAIR TREAD DEPTH & 7 3/4" MAX STAIR RISER HEIGHTALL ANGLES ARE 45 DEGREES UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISEALL EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS ARE TO OUTSIDE OF SHEATHING, CONCRETE OR FOUNDATION INSULATIONTOTAL:LOWER:9/22/2020 2:07:34 PMTHE HARRIS RESIDENCEL8, B4 - ASPEN GROVE 1ST ADD'N.20418 GUERNSEY COURTLAVEVILLE, MN 55044A-401OTT1398.11.20 ML111711037608.14.20 CB9.2.20 TP9.22.20 TP6.22.20 TP8'-1 1/8"9'-1 1/8"9'-0" POUR8'-10"2980PAYTON XL1/4" = 1'-0"A-4011FOUNDATION PLAN UP 17RFURNACESUMPW. H.F. D.4' VANITYFAMILY ROOMBEDROOM #4BATH25' - 6"22' - 6"1' - 10"19' - 10"20' - 2"11' - 0"18' - 10"31' - 2"28' - 2"19' - 10"15' - 2"0' - 10"5' - 10"4' - 8"CO DET.SMOKEDET.19' - 3 1/2"3' - 8 1/2"3' - 8 1/2"13' - 3 1/2"2/4 x 6/8260" F.G. SHWR2/6 x 6/842/6 x 6/8414' - 0"5' - 10"11' - 8"16' - 8"2x67' - 7"1' - 11"3' - 8"26' - 10"6' - 9"11' - 0"12' - 9"9' - 6"3-9 1/2" LVLW/ 2 TRIMMERSSMOKEDET.*3-1/2" CONC. FLOOR*MECHANICALS MAY VARY19' - 8"20' - 4"4' - 0" B.W.P.4' - 0" B.W.P.4' - 0" B.W.P.*ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO OUTSIDE OF CONCRETE/SHEATHING2-2x10 W/2 TRIMMERS2-2x102-2x102-2x102-9 1/2" LSL12" CANTILEVERABOVE48' - 0"48' - 0"50' - 0"40' - 0"11' - 8"3' - 11"10' - 9"0' - 4"2-2x10 W/2 TRIMMERS 26' - 4"14' - 8"11' - 8"2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C. ONHALF-HIGH 6" BLOCK ON16" x 8" CONCRETE FTG'S.REBAR PER CODE.1014' - 2 1/2"15' - 1"3' - 6"2/8 x 6/85MECHANICAL2/4 x 6/82AIR EX.2" FOAM INSULATIONBETWEEN WALL & SLAB1' - 11 1/2"16' - 3" M.O.1' - 11 1/2"1' - 1 1/2"8' - 3" M.O.1' - 7 1/2"2' - 0"20' - 6"3-2x10 W/2 TRIMMERS 40' - 0"10' - 0"50' - 0"10FLOOR GIRDER24" CANTILEVERABOVECLOSET18" FLOOR TRUSSESPER MFG. SPACING18" FLOOR TRUSSESPER MFG. SPACINGR & SH.UNEXCAVATEDUNEXCAVATEDCS-WSP METHOD BRACED WALL PANELS-8d NAILS 6" ON EDGES & 12" IN FIELD,STACK BETWEEN LEVELS WHEN POSSIBLE.USE (3) 16d NAILS NEXT TO EACHSTUD TO SECURE WALL DOWN TO DECKAT BRACED WALL PANELS.EXPOSURE CATEGORY BASSUMED BRACED WALL NOTES3-2x61/4" = 1'-0"A-4021LOWER FLOOR PLANTHE IDEAS, DESIGNS, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS REPRESENTED HEREIN ARE AND SHALL REMAIN THE EXCLUSIVE COPYRIGHT PROPERTY OF ONETENTEN HOMES. NO PART THERE OF SHALL BE USED, COPIED, OR DISCLOSED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OR PROJECT OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREPARED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF ONETENTEN HOMES.THE PLANS FURNISHED HEREIN WERE PREPARED UPON REQUEST BY DRAFTSPERSONS WHO ARE NOT REGISTERED ARCHITECTS OR ENGINEERS. ONETENTEN HOMES ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR STRUCTURAL OR DIMENSIONAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS.THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR OWNER MUST VERIFY AND CHECKALL NOTES DETAILS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS AND FLOOR PLANS AND NOTIFY ONETENTEN HOMES OF ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. NO WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING COMPLIANCE OF THIS PLAN WITH APPLICABLE BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS. THE SELECTION AND APPLICATION OF CORRECT STRUCTURAL MATERIALS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDER, THE OWNER OR THE USER OF THESE PLANS.DATEFINISHED SQUARE FEETPROJECTSHEETUPPER:MAIN:LOWER:RELEASEDREV. 1REV. 2REV. 3REV. 4REV. 5PLATE HEIGHTSUPPER:MAIN:FOUND:P.O. BOX 3915411 LAKERS LANE, SUITE 204NISSWA, MN 56468PH (612) 327-7582NORTHHOUSE-RD.COMBRAINERD LAKESTWIN CITIES3000 COUNTY ROAD 42 WEST, SUITE 202 BURNSVILLE, MN 55337PH (952)-953-4000ONETENTENHOMES.COMUNSPECIFIED HEADERS TO BE 2-2x10 W/ 2 TRIMMERS10" MIN. STAIR TREAD DEPTH & 7 3/4" MAX STAIR RISER HEIGHTALL ANGLES ARE 45 DEGREES UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISEALL EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS ARE TO OUTSIDE OF SHEATHING, CONCRETE OR FOUNDATION INSULATIONTOTAL:LOWER:9/22/2020 2:07:35 PMTHE HARRIS RESIDENCEL8, B4 - ASPEN GROVE 1ST ADD'N.20418 GUERNSEY COURTLAVEVILLE, MN 55044A-402OTT1398.11.20 ML111711037608.14.20 CB9.2.20 TP9.22.20 TP6.22.20 TP8'-1 1/8"9'-1 1/8"9'-0" POUR8'-10"2980PAYTON XLBWP AboveBWP AboveUFER Ground-Provide 20' Rebar in footing and stubup near electrical service panel. UP 17RDN 3RDN 3RDN 17R22' - 6"25' - 6"28' - 0"20' - 0"42' - 0"8' - 0"3/0 x 6/8 W/12" D.S. SL'S8KITCHENDINING ROOMGREAT ROOMFOYEROFFICEMUD ROOMDW30" RANGEGARAGEPORCH12"TRANSOM /6/0 x 6/8SLIDER125' - 11"5' - 0"17' - 1"6' - 0"14' - 0"18' - 10"31' - 2"20' - 2"11' - 0"5' - 7 1/2"3' - 10 1/2"3' - 10 1/2"8' - 7 1/2"11' - 3"6' - 9"2' - 0"6' - 0"14' - 0"50' - 0"2' - 1"16' - 0"2' - 1"1' - 3"8' - 0"1' - 9"0' - 10"5' - 2"1' - 0"11' - 0"7' - 4"SMOKEDET.4" CONCRETE SLAB, SLOPETOWARDS DOORS5/8" TYPE X GYP. BD. ALL COMMONWALLS & CEILINGGARAGE PLATE HEIGHT TO MATCHMAIN FLOOR UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE2-11 7/8" LSL4' - 2"4' - 0"12" CANT.ABOVE3' - 10"9' - 0"6' - 6"SEE COLUMN DETAIL SHEET A-5014' - 4"5' - 10"0' - 10"15' - 0"MFG. ROOF TRUSSES@ 24" O.C.3-2x10 W/2 TRIMMERS2-9 1/2" LSL W/3 TRIMMERSDROPPED 2-2x10 CONT.TYP.0' - 4 1/2"20' - 6"2' - 0"2/8 x 6/8FIRE RATED62-2x122' - 0"40' - 0"SNACK BAR19' - 4"22' - 8"4' - 0"1' - 4"PORTAL FRAME W/ HOLD DOWN3' - 0" B.W.P.4' - 0" B.W.P.4' - 0" B.W.P.2' - 0" B.W.P.3' - 0" B.W.P.3' - 0" B.W.P.3' - 0" B.W.P.3' - 0" B.W.P.SINKSET FIREPLACE @ F.F.BOX MANTEL 36" REF3/0 x 6/8OPG.72-2X103-2X10 W/2 TRIMMERS2-2X102-2X10 W/2 TRIMMERSPORTAL FRAME W/ HOLD DOWN2-2X102-2X103' - 0" B.W.P.3' - 0" B.W.P.3' - 0" B.W.P.3' - 0" B.W.P.3' - 0" B.W.P.3' - 0" B.W.P.5' - 0" B.W.P.2-2X1048' - 0"9' - 5"16' - 7"3' - 2 3/4"5' - 6"3' - 2"1' - 0"6' - 6 3/4"2' - 6"4' - 2 1/2"12' - 8 3/4"12' - 2"19' - 8"3' - 8"4' - 6"11' - 6"16' - 6"19' - 3 1/2"3' - 8 1/2"3' - 8 1/2"15' - 3 1/2"2-2X102-9 1/2" LSL24" CANTILEVER ABOVE26' - 0"9' - 7 1/2"13' - 0 1/2"42' - 0"KNEE WALL W/14" SPINDLES2-2X102-11 7/8"LSL FLUSHW/ 2 TRIMMERS5/0 x 6/8OPG.109" HEAT DUCT2' - 0"2' - 0"14' - 3"2' - 10"3' - 1"2' - 10"EQEQ14141498813ATTICACCESSB.W.P.4' - 0"16" SH.B.W.P.2' - 0"B.W.P.2' - 0"B.W.P.1' - 9"STAINED CABINETS2/0 x 6/8116' x 8' O.H.GARAGEDOOR138' x 8' O.H.GARAGEDOOR1148' - 0"5' - 0" B.W.P.4' - 6"6' - 10"GAS LINE FOR RANGEGAS F.P.1' - 0"11' - 4"14' - 8"2/4 x 6/824/0 x 6/89POWDERR & SH.PED. SINKPANTRY18" FLOOR TRUSSESPER MFG. SPACING18" FLOOR TRUSSESPER MFG. SPACING3' - 8"6' - 6"5' - 1 1/2"MFG. ROOF TRUSSES@ 24" O.C.50' - 0"1' - 6"CS-WSP METHOD BRACED WALL PANELS-8d NAILS 6" ON EDGES & 12" IN FIELD,STACK BETWEEN LEVELS WHEN POSSIBLE.USE (3) 16d NAILS NEXT TO EACHSTUD TO SECURE WALL DOWN TO DECKAT BRACED WALL PANELS.EXPOSURE CATEGORY BASSUMED BRACED WALL NOTES4' - 8 1/2"4' - 8 1/2"2' - 0" B.W.P.63-2x63-2x6FLOOR TRUSS2-2x103-2x63-2x61/4" = 1'-0"A-4031MAIN FLOOR PLANTHE IDEAS, DESIGNS, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS REPRESENTED HEREIN ARE AND SHALL REMAIN THE EXCLUSIVE COPYRIGHT PROPERTY OF ONETENTEN HOMES. NO PART THERE OF SHALL BE USED, COPIED, OR DISCLOSED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OR PROJECT OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREPARED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF ONETENTEN HOMES.THE PLANS FURNISHED HEREIN WERE PREPARED UPON REQUEST BY DRAFTSPERSONS WHO ARE NOT REGISTERED ARCHITECTS OR ENGINEERS. ONETENTEN HOMES ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR STRUCTURAL OR DIMENSIONAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS.THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR OWNER MUST VERIFY AND CHECKALL NOTES DETAILS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS AND FLOOR PLANS AND NOTIFY ONETENTEN HOMES OF ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. NO WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING COMPLIANCE OF THIS PLAN WITH APPLICABLE BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS. THE SELECTION AND APPLICATION OF CORRECT STRUCTURAL MATERIALS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDER, THE OWNER OR THE USER OF THESE PLANS.DATEFINISHED SQUARE FEETPROJECTSHEETUPPER:MAIN:LOWER:RELEASEDREV. 1REV. 2REV. 3REV. 4REV. 5PLATE HEIGHTSUPPER:MAIN:FOUND:P.O. BOX 3915411 LAKERS LANE, SUITE 204NISSWA, MN 56468PH (612) 327-7582NORTHHOUSE-RD.COMBRAINERD LAKESTWIN CITIES3000 COUNTY ROAD 42 WEST, SUITE 202 BURNSVILLE, MN 55337PH (952)-953-4000ONETENTENHOMES.COMUNSPECIFIED HEADERS TO BE 2-2x10 W/ 2 TRIMMERS10" MIN. STAIR TREAD DEPTH & 7 3/4" MAX STAIR RISER HEIGHTALL ANGLES ARE 45 DEGREES UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISEALL EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS ARE TO OUTSIDE OF SHEATHING, CONCRETE OR FOUNDATION INSULATIONTOTAL:LOWER:9/22/2020 2:07:35 PMTHE HARRIS RESIDENCEL8, B4 - ASPEN GROVE 1ST ADD'N.20418 GUERNSEY COURTLAVEVILLE, MN 55044A-403OTT1398.11.20 ML111711037608.14.20 CB9.2.20 TP9.22.20 TP6.22.20 TP8'-1 1/8"9'-1 1/8"9'-0" POUR8'-10"2980PAYTON XLBWP AboveBWP Above DN 17RBEDROOM #2BEDROOM #3OWNER'S SUITEHALL1/2 WALL W/WOOD CAPSMOKEDET.SMOKEDET.EN SUITE2/6 x 6/842/6 x 6/84GIRDER TRUSSCO DET.SMOKEDET.MFG. ROOF TRUSSES@ 24" O.C.4:124:12GIRDERTRUSS11' - 6"7' - 10"20' - 8"1' - 0"2' - 0"28' - 0"29' - 0"2' - 0"26' - 6"13' - 6"6' - 4"9' - 9"10' - 5"6' - 9"6' - 9"2/6 x 6/845' - 9"5' - 9"3' - 10"4' - 0"3' - 8"17' - 0"VAULT LINEMFG. ROOF TRUSSES@ 24" O.C.2-2x10 W/2 TRIMMERS2-2x102-2x102-2x102-2x102' - 3" B.W.P.2' - 3" B.W.P.2' - 3" B.W.P.2' - 3" B.W.P.2' - 3" B.W.P.2' - 3" B.W.P.2' - 3" B.W.P.2' - 3" B.W.P.3' - 0" B.W.P.2' - 3" B.W.P.2' - 3" B.W.P.2' - 3" B.W.P.2' - 3" B.W.P.40' - 0"6' - 2"21' - 10"31' - 0"31' - 0"40' - 0"11' - 9"5' - 11"11' - 4"3' - 7"7' - 5"17' - 0"4' - 10"4' - 4"3' - 6"6' - 10"2' - 6"4' - 10 1/4"13' - 1 3/4"19' - 3 1/2"3' - 8 1/2"3' - 8 1/2"13' - 3 1/2"4' - 4"5' - 0"0' - 10"15' - 10"2-2x102-2x10 W/2 TRIMMERS533121192SMOKEDET.KNEE WALL W/14" SPINDLES2/4 x 6/822/4 x 6/822/4 x 6/822/8 x 6/852/4 x 6/822/4 x 6/8PKT32' LINENR & SH.R & SH.R & SH.5' F.G.TUB/SHWR5'-6" VANITY7' VANITY2x62x62/6 x 6/84LAUNDRYCLOSETCLOSETBATH60" F.G. BASE W/TILE SURROUND5' BYPASSSHOWER DOORMFG. ROOF TRUSSES@ 24" O.C.MFG. ROOF TRUSSES@ 24" O.C.2/6 x 6/84SEATSHELF9' - 7 1/2"1' - 8 1/2"3' - 8"CEILING FAN ROUGH-INCEILING FAN ROUGH-INFANATTICACCESSWASHERDRYERROUGH IN FOR FUTURE SINKFUTURE BATH ROUGH IN AND ELECTRIC. VERIFY.6' - 0"17' - 0"6' - 0"777' - 6 1/2"5' - 9"FUTURE FREESTANDING TUBCS-WSP METHOD BRACED WALL PANELS-8d NAILS 6" ON EDGES & 12" IN FIELD,STACK BETWEEN LEVELS WHEN POSSIBLE.USE (3) 16d NAILS NEXT TO EACHSTUD TO SECURE WALL DOWN TO DECKAT BRACED WALL PANELS.EXPOSURE CATEGORY BASSUMED BRACED WALL NOTES18" TOWER3-2x62-2x103-2x62-2x63-2x6OWNER'SCLOSETTHE IDEAS, DESIGNS, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS REPRESENTED HEREIN ARE AND SHALL REMAIN THE EXCLUSIVE COPYRIGHT PROPERTY OF ONETENTEN HOMES. NO PART THERE OF SHALL BE USED, COPIED, OR DISCLOSED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OR PROJECT OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREPARED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF ONETENTEN HOMES.THE PLANS FURNISHED HEREIN WERE PREPARED UPON REQUEST BY DRAFTSPERSONS WHO ARE NOT REGISTERED ARCHITECTS OR ENGINEERS. ONETENTEN HOMES ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR STRUCTURAL OR DIMENSIONAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS.THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR OWNER MUST VERIFY AND CHECKALL NOTES DETAILS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS AND FLOOR PLANS AND NOTIFY ONETENTEN HOMES OF ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. NO WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING COMPLIANCE OF THIS PLAN WITH APPLICABLE BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS. THE SELECTION AND APPLICATION OF CORRECT STRUCTURAL MATERIALS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDER, THE OWNER OR THE USER OF THESE PLANS.DATEFINISHED SQUARE FEETPROJECTSHEETUPPER:MAIN:LOWER:RELEASEDREV. 1REV. 2REV. 3REV. 4REV. 5PLATE HEIGHTSUPPER:MAIN:FOUND:P.O. BOX 3915411 LAKERS LANE, SUITE 204NISSWA, MN 56468PH (612) 327-7582NORTHHOUSE-RD.COMBRAINERD LAKESTWIN CITIES3000 COUNTY ROAD 42 WEST, SUITE 202 BURNSVILLE, MN 55337PH (952)-953-4000ONETENTENHOMES.COMUNSPECIFIED HEADERS TO BE 2-2x10 W/ 2 TRIMMERS10" MIN. STAIR TREAD DEPTH & 7 3/4" MAX STAIR RISER HEIGHTALL ANGLES ARE 45 DEGREES UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISEALL EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS ARE TO OUTSIDE OF SHEATHING, CONCRETE OR FOUNDATION INSULATIONTOTAL:LOWER:9/22/2020 2:07:36 PMTHE HARRIS RESIDENCEL8, B4 - ASPEN GROVE 1ST ADD'N.20418 GUERNSEY COURTLAVEVILLE, MN 55044A-404OTT1398.11.20 ML111711037608.14.20 CB9.2.20 TP9.22.20 TP6.22.20 TP8'-1 1/8"9'-1 1/8"9'-0" POUR8'-10"2980PAYTON XL1/4" = 1'-0"A-4041UPPER FLOOR PLANTemper ifwithin 60"of floor.Temper ifwithin 60"of floor.-Min. 15" clearance to anyobstruction from center ofW.C., 24" in front(typ). 1' - 5"0' - 9 1/2"2x4 @ BOTTOM1x3 TYP.2x22x4 @ TOPSMOOTH LPSMARTSIDE TYP.SOFFIT1' - 9 1/2"1' - 0"FRONTSIDETOP VIEW1' - 5"0' - 9 1/2"FRAMING4x4 POSTWATCH DOG WATER PROOF COATINGFROM FOOTING TOSILL SEALER6 MIL POLY V.B., OVERLAPEDGES MIN. 12" & TAPE.SEAL ALL OPENINGS4" MIN. LAYER3/4" RIVER ROCK3 1/2" CONCRETE SLABANCHOR BOLTPER CODETRT'D 2x8 SILL PLATEW/ CLOSED CELL ROLLSILL SEALERGRADEGRANULAR FILL4" DRAIN TILEW/ SILT SOCK1" FOAMBOARD (R-5) INSULATIONW/ ACOUSTICAL SEALANT @ TOP& BOTTOM EDGES, BETWEEN INSUL.& SLAB & AT ALL VERTICAL EDGESPOLYURETHANE CAULKOR ELASTOMERICSEALANT @ ALL JOINTSMIN.0' - 6"VERIFY FLOOR SYSTEMWITH FLOOR PLANS3/4" T&GSUBFLOORLOWER PLATE HEIGHT8' - 10"MAIN FLOOR PLATE HEIGHT9' - 1 1/8"6 MIL. V.B.1/2" GYP. BD.VERIFY FLOOR SYSTEMWITH FLOOR PLANSUPPER FLOOR PLATE HEIGHT8' - 1 1/8"6 MIL. V.B.1/2" GYP. BD.3/4" T&GSUBFLOOR6 MIL. V.B.2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C.W/ R-21 F.G. INSULATION2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C.W/ R-21 F.G. INSULATION9'-0"(H) x 8"(W) POUREDCONCRETE FOUND. WALL ON20" x 8" CONCRETE FTG'S.REBAR PER CODE.1/2" OSBSHEATHINGTYVEK (OR EQUAL)ROLL HOUSE WRAPSIDING, VERIFYW/ ELEVATIONS5/8" GYP. BD.5/8" GYP. BD.VENTED ALUMINUMSOFFIT PANELSICE & WATER GUARDFROM EAVE TO 2'-0"MIN. OVER STRUCTUREVENT CHUTES & WIND WASH@ EACH TRUSS SPACEASPHALT SHINGLES W/15# ROLL FELT UNDER1/2" OSB ROOF SHEATHINGMFG. ROOFTRUSSES @ 24" O.C.ATTIC VENTINGAS PER CODER-49 MIN. BLOWNATTIC INSULATIONALUMINUM FASCIA W/2x6 SUB FASCIAALUMINUMDRIP EDGERIM JOISTRIM JOISTR-20 MIN. SPRAYFOAM INSULATION,COVER FOUNDATION WALLGMX THERMAL DRAINAGE BOARD(R-10) INSULATIONDRYVIT INSULATIONPROTECTION FROM SIDINGTO 6" BELOW GRADE5000 PSI CONCRETE@ ALL FOOTINGS*OUTSIDE OF FOUNDATION TO ALIGN WITH OUTSIDE OF SHEATINGR-20 MIN. SPRAYFOAM INSULATIONTHE IDEAS, DESIGNS, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS REPRESENTED HEREIN ARE AND SHALL REMAIN THE EXCLUSIVE COPYRIGHT PROPERTY OF ONETENTEN HOMES. NO PART THERE OF SHALL BE USED, COPIED, OR DISCLOSED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OR PROJECT OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREPARED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF ONETENTEN HOMES.THE PLANS FURNISHED HEREIN WERE PREPARED UPON REQUEST BY DRAFTSPERSONS WHO ARE NOT REGISTERED ARCHITECTS OR ENGINEERS. ONETENTEN HOMES ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR STRUCTURAL OR DIMENSIONAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS.THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR OWNER MUST VERIFY AND CHECKALL NOTES DETAILS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS AND FLOOR PLANS AND NOTIFY ONETENTEN HOMES OF ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. NO WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING COMPLIANCE OF THIS PLAN WITH APPLICABLE BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS. THE SELECTION AND APPLICATION OF CORRECT STRUCTURAL MATERIALS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDER, THE OWNER OR THE USER OF THESE PLANS.DATEFINISHED SQUARE FEETPROJECTSHEETUPPER:MAIN:LOWER:RELEASEDREV. 1REV. 2REV. 3REV. 4REV. 5PLATE HEIGHTSUPPER:MAIN:FOUND:P.O. BOX 3915411 LAKERS LANE, SUITE 204NISSWA, MN 56468PH (612) 327-7582NORTHHOUSE-RD.COMBRAINERD LAKESTWIN CITIES3000 COUNTY ROAD 42 WEST, SUITE 202 BURNSVILLE, MN 55337PH (952)-953-4000ONETENTENHOMES.COMUNSPECIFIED HEADERS TO BE 2-2x10 W/ 2 TRIMMERS10" MIN. STAIR TREAD DEPTH & 7 3/4" MAX STAIR RISER HEIGHTALL ANGLES ARE 45 DEGREES UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISEALL EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS ARE TO OUTSIDE OF SHEATHING, CONCRETE OR FOUNDATION INSULATIONTOTAL:LOWER:9/22/2020 2:07:37 PMTHE HARRIS RESIDENCEL8, B4 - ASPEN GROVE 1ST ADD'N.20418 GUERNSEY COURTLAVEVILLE, MN 55044A-501OTT1398.11.20 ML111711037608.14.20 CB9.2.20 TP9.22.20 TP6.22.20 TP8'-1 1/8"9'-1 1/8"9'-0" POUR8'-10"2980PAYTON XL3" MIN. ABS OR PVC GASTIGHTPIPE FROM SUBSLAB TOMIN. 12" ABOVE ROOF, MUSTBE RUN THRU CONDITIONED SPACE.PIPE CAN BE CONNECTED TOSUMP SYSTEM OR HAVE"T" FITTING (MIN. 10'-0" EA. WAY)IN GRAVEL UNDER SLAB.END OF PIPE MUST BE MIN. 10'-0"AWAY FROM ANY WINDOW OROTHER OPENING THAT IS LESSTHAN 2'-0" BELOW END OF PIPE. END OF PIPE MUST ALSO BEMIN. 10'-0" AWAY FROM ANYWINDOW OR OTHER OPENING INADJOINING OR ADJACENTBUILDINGS.SUFFICIENT SPACE MUST BELEFT AROUND PIPE IN ATTIC SPACETO ADD FAN. SPACE MUST BEMIN. ∅24" CENTERED ON AXIS OFPIPE W/ MIN. 3'-0" VERTICAL SPACE.A SINGLE PIPE CAN BE USED IF ALLSOIL GASES IN DWELLING CANFLOW FREELY BETWEEN ALL LEVELSOF FOUNDATION. THIS INCLUDESINTERIOR FOOTINGS & OTHERBARRIERS IF AIRFLOW HASBEEN ESTABLISHED.LABEL THE VENT PIPE AT LEASTONCE PER FLOOR AND INACCESSIBLE ATTICS WITH"RADON REDUCTION SYSTEM".ONE ELECTRICAL RECEPTACLE ISREQUIRED IN THE ATTIC NEARTHE VENT PIPE FOR OPT. FAN.:PASSIVE RADON SYSTEM:WINDOW SCHEDULETYPE MARK MANUFACTURER MODEL COUNT UNIT ROUGH WIDTH ROUGH HEIGHT HEAD HEIGHT1 WINDSOR NEXT DIMENSION 1 24-48-2442 SL 8' - 0" 3' - 6" 6' - 10"2 WINDSOR NEXT DIMENSION 1 24-48-2460 SL 8' - 0" 5' - 0" 6' - 10"3 WINDSOR NEXT DIMENSION 2 2424 AWN 2' - 0" 2' - 0" 6' - 10"4 WINDSOR NEXT DIMENSION 1 2424 AWN FIXED 2' - 0" 2' - 0"2' - 6"5 WINDSOR NEXT DIMENSION 1 2424-2 FIXED 4' - 0" 2' - 0" 6' - 10"6 WINDSOR NEXT DIMENSION 1 2442 SH 2' - 0" 3' - 6" 6' - 10"7 WINDSOR NEXT DIMENSION 2 3618 AWN FIXED 3' - 0" 1' - 6"6' - 10"8 WINDSOR NEXT DIMENSION 2 3618 PIC 3' - 0" 1' - 6" 8' - 0"9 WINDSOR NEXT DIMENSION 2 4242 SL 3' - 6" 3' - 6" 6' - 10"10 WINDSOR NEXT DIMENSION 2 6042 SL 5' - 0" 3' - 6" 6' - 10"11 WINDSOR NEXT DIMENSION 1 6048 SL 5' - 0" 4' - 0" 6' - 10"12 WINDSOR NEXT DIMENSION 1 6060 SL 5' - 0" 5' - 0" 6' - 10"13 WINDSOR NEXT DIMENSION 1 7260 SL 6' - 0" 5' - 0" 6' - 10"14 WINDSOR NEXT DIMENSION 3 P4260/AR24 T 4' - 0" 7' - 0" 8' - 0"1/2" = 1'-0"A-5015TYP. COLUMNROOM FINISH SCHEDULEFLOOR ROOM NAME FLOORING AREA CEILING HEIGHT COMMENTSLOWER FLOOR FAMILY ROOM CARPET 405 SF 8' - 10" .LOWER FLOOR BEDROOM #4 CARPET 146 SF 8' - 10" .LOWER FLOOR BATH VINYL 51 SF 8' - 10" .LOWER FLOOR MECHANICAL UNFINISHED 182 SF 8' - 10" .LOWER FLOOR STAIRWAY 72 SF 8' - 10"LOWER FLOOR CLOSET CARPET 65 SF 8' - 10"MAIN FLOOR KITCHEN WOOD 177 SF 9' - 1 1/8" .MAIN FLOOR DINING ROOM WOOD 110 SF 9' - 1 1/8" .MAIN FLOOR GREAT ROOM WOOD 244 SF 9' - 1 1/8" .MAIN FLOOR FOYER WOOD 118 SF 9' - 1 1/8" .MAIN FLOOR OFFICE CARPET 122 SF 9' - 1 1/8" .MAIN FLOOR MUD ROOM VINYL 102 SF 9' - 1 1/8" .MAIN FLOOR GARAGE CONCRETE 627 SF 10' - 9 3/8"MAIN FLOOR PORCH CONCRETE 113 SF 9' - 1 1/8" .MAIN FLOOR POWDER VINYL 25 SF 9' - 1 1/8"MAIN FLOOR PANTRY WOOD 13 SF 9' - 1 1/8"UPPER FLOOR BEDROOM #2 CARPET 124 SF 8' - 1 1/8" .UPPER FLOOR BEDROOM #3 CARPET 128 SF 8' - 1 1/8" .UPPER FLOOR OWNER'S SUITE CARPET 204 SF 8' - 1 1/8" VAULTEDUPPER FLOOR HALL CARPET 90 SF 8' - 1 1/8" .UPPER FLOOR EN SUITE VINYL 126 SF 8' - 1 1/8" .UPPER FLOOR LAUNDRY VINYL 70 SF 8' - 1 1/8"UPPER FLOOR OWNER'S CLOSET CARPET 71 SF 8' - 1 1/8"UPPER FLOOR CLOSET CARPET 23 SF 8' - 1 1/8"UPPER FLOOR CLOSET CARPET 24 SF 8' - 1 1/8"UPPER FLOOR BATH VINYL 73 SF 8' - 1 1/8"UPPER FLOOR STAIRWAY 69 SF 8' - 1 1/8"DOOR SCHEDULETYPE MARK DOOR SIZE QUANTITY COMMENTS1 2/0 x 6/8 12 2/4 x 6/8 73 2/4 x 6/8 PKT 14 2/6 x 6/8 75 2/8 x 6/8 26 2/8 x 6/8 FIRE RATED 17 3/0 x 6/8 OPG. 18 3/0 x 6/8 W/ 12" D.S. SL'S 19 4/0 x 6/8 110 5/0 x 6/8 OPG. 111 8' x 8' O.H. GARAGE DOOR 112 12" TRANSOM / 6/0 x 6/8 SLIDER 113 16' x 8' O.H. GARAGE DOOR 13/8" = 1'-0"A-5011TYP. WALL SECTION 6 MIL POLY V.B., OVERLAPEDGES MIN. 12" & TAPE.SEAL ALL OPENINGS4" MIN. LAYER3/4" RIVER ROCK3 1/2" CONCRETE SLABANCHOR BOLTPER CODETYPICAL 2x6EXTERIOR WALLTRT'D 2x6 SILL PLATEW/ ROLL SILL SEALERGRADEGRANULAR FILL:WALKOUT WALL:2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C. ON3'-6"(H) x 8"(W) POUREDCONCRETE FOUND. WALLW/ 2" x 4" INT. LEDGE ON20" x 8" CONCRETE FTG'S.REBAR PER CODE.POLYURETHANE CAULKOR ELASTOMERICSEALANT @ ALL JOINTSMIN.0' - 6"5000 PSI CONCRETE@ ALL FOOTINGS2" FOAMBOARD(R-10) INSULATION4" DRAIN TILEW/ SILT SOCKWATER PROOF COATING FROM FOOTING TOSILL SEALERWATER PROOF COATINGFROM FOOTING TOINSIDE OF WALL6 MIL POLY V.B., OVERLAPEDGES MIN. 12" & TAPE.SEAL ALL OPENINGS4" MIN. LAYER3/4" RIVER ROCK3 1/2" CONCRETE SLABANCHOR BOLTPER CODETYPICAL 2x6EXTERIOR WALLTRT'D 2x6 SILL PLATEW/ ROLL SILL SEALERGRADEMIN.0' - 6"GRANULAR FILL4" DRAIN TILEW/ SILT SOCK:LOOKOUT WALL:2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C. ON3'-6"(H) x 8"(W) POUREDCONCRETE FOUND. WALL ON20" x 8" CONCRETE FTG.REBAR PER CODEPOLYURETHANE CAULKOR ELASTOMERICSEALANT @ ALL JOINTS1" FOAMBOARD (R-5) INSULATIONW/ ACOUSTICAL SEALANT @ TOP& BOTTOM EDGES, BETWEEN INSUL.& SLAB & AT ALL VERTICAL EDGESINSULATION & SEALANT TOBE CONT. OVER WALL2" FOAMBOARD(R-10) INSULATIONDRYVIT INSULATION PROTECTIONFROM SIDING TO6" BELOW GRADE5000 PSI CONCRETE@ ALL FOOTINGS*OUTSIDE OF FOUNDATION TO ALIGN WITHOUTSIDE OF SHEATHINGANCHOR BOLTPER CODETRT'D 2x6 SILL PLATEW/ ROLL SILL SEALER1" FOAMBOARD (R-5) INSULATIONW/ ACOUSTICAL SEALANT @ TOP& BOTTOM EDGES, BETWEEN INSUL.& SLAB & AT ALL VERTICAL EDGESVERIFY FLOOR SYSTEMWITH FLOOR PLANS3/4" T&GSUBFLOOR6 MIL. V.B.1/2" GYP. BD.2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C.W/ R-20 F.G. INSULATION1/2" OSBSHEATHINGRIM JOISTR-20 MIN. SPRAYFOAM INSULATIONGMX THERMAL DRAINAGE BOARD(R-10) INSULATION5/8" GYP. BD., TAPE& MUD ALL SEAMSSLOPED CONCRETESTOOP, FLASH AS REQ'DAT HOUSE WALLPOUREDFND. WALLWATCH DOG WATER PROOFCOATING FROM FOOTING TOSILL SEALERSIDING, VERIFYW/ ELEVATIONSTYVEK (OR EQUAL) ROLL HOUSE WRAP0' - 2"FROM SHEATHING TOOUTSIDE OF FOUNDATIONANCHOR BOLTPER CODETRT'D 2x6 SILL PLATEW/ ROLL SILL SEALER1" FOAMBOARD (R-5) INSULATIONW/ ACOUSTICAL SEALANT @ TOP& BOTTOM EDGES, BETWEEN INSUL.& SLAB & AT ALL VERTICAL EDGES3/4" T&GSUBFLOOR6 MIL. V.B.1/2" GYP. BD.2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C.W/ R-20 F.G. INSULATION5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP BOARD,TAPE & MUD ALL SEAMSRIM JOISTR-20 MIN. SPRAYFOAM INSULATIONGMX THERMAL DRAINAGE BOARD(R-10) INSULATION5/8" GYP. BD., TAPE& MUD ALL SEAMSSLOPED CONCRETESLAB, FLASH AS REQ'DAT HOUSE WALL0' - 4"POUREDFND. WALLWATCH DOG WATER PROOFCOATING FROM FOOTING TOSILL SEALERVERIFY FLOOR SYSTEMWITH FLOOR PLANSFASTEN TOP PLATE TOHEADER W/ (2) ROWS OF16d SINKER NAILS @3" O.C. TYP.MIN. 3/8" WOODSTRUCTURAL PANELSHEATHINGSECTIONTENSION STRAP PERTABLE R602.10.6.4(ON OPPOSITE SIDEOF SHEATHING)IF NEEDED, PANELSPLICE EDGES SHALLOCCUR OVER AND BENAILED TO COMMONBLOCKING WITHINMIDDLE 24" OF WALLMID-HEIGHT. ONEROW OF 3" O.C.NAILING IS REQUIREDIN EACH PANEL EDGE.TYPICAL PORTALFRAME CONSTRUCTION.MIN. DOUBLE 2x4 POST(KING AND JACK STUD).NUMBER OF JACK STUDSPER TABLES R502.5(1) & (2).MIN. 1000 LB HOLD-DOWNDEVICE (EMBEDDED INTOCONCRETE & NAILEDINTO FRAMING)FRONT ELEVATIONMIN. FOOTING SIZE UNDER OPENING IS12" X 12". A TURNED DOWN SLAB SHALLBE PERMITTED AT DOOR OPENINGS.MIN. (1) 5/8" DIA. ANCHOR BOLDINSTALLED PER R403.1.6 W/2" X 2" X 3/16" PLATE WASHER.MIN. REINFORCING OF FOUNDATION,ONE #4 BAR TOP & BOTTOM OFFOOTING. LAP BARS 15" MINIMUM.MIN. (2) 4200 LB STRAP-TYPE HOLD-DOWNS (EMBEDDED INTO CONCRETEAND NAILED INTO FRAMING)MIN. LENGTH OF PANELPER TABLE R602.10.5MIN. DOUBLE 2x4 FRAMING COVEREDWITH MIN. 3/8" THICK WOOD STRUCTURALPANEL SHEATHING W/ 8d COMMON ORGALVANIZED BOX NAILS AT 3" O.C. INALL FRAMING (STUDS, BLOCKING AND SILLS) TYP.HEADER TO JACK STUD STRAP PERTABLE R602.10.6.4 ON BOTH SIDES OFOPENING OPPOSITE SIDE OF SHEATHINGFASTEN SHEATHING TO HEADER WITH8d COMMON OR GALVANIZED BOXNAILS IN 3" GRID PATTERN AS SHOWNMIN. 3" X 11 1/4" NET HEADER,STEEL HEADER PROHIBITED9' - 11 1/4" MAX. HEIGHTHEIGHTPONYWALL12' - 0" MAX TOTAL WALL HEIGHTEXTENT OF HEADER WITH SINGLE PORTALFRAME (ONE BRACED WALL PANEL)2' - 0" TO 18' - 0" FINISHED WIDTH OFOPENING FOR SINGLE OR DOUBLE PORTAL2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C. ONHALF-HIGH 6" BLOCK ON16" x 8" CONCRETE FTG'S.REBAR PER CODE.TRT'D SILL PLATEPOLYURETHANE CAULKOR ELASTOMERICSEALANT @ ALL JOINTSSLEEVE EVERY10'-0" MIN.6 MIL POLY V.B., OVERLAPEDGES MIN. 12" & TAPE.SEAL ALL OPENINGS4" MIN. LAYER3/4" RIVER ROCK3 1/2" CONCRETE SLABANCHOR BOLTPER CODE5000 PSI CONCRETE@ ALL FOOTINGSTHE IDEAS, DESIGNS, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS REPRESENTED HEREIN ARE AND SHALL REMAIN THE EXCLUSIVE COPYRIGHT PROPERTY OF ONETENTEN HOMES. NO PART THERE OF SHALL BE USED, COPIED, OR DISCLOSED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OR PROJECT OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREPARED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF ONETENTEN HOMES.THE PLANS FURNISHED HEREIN WERE PREPARED UPON REQUEST BY DRAFTSPERSONS WHO ARE NOT REGISTERED ARCHITECTS OR ENGINEERS. ONETENTEN HOMES ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR STRUCTURAL OR DIMENSIONAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS.THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR OWNER MUST VERIFY AND CHECKALL NOTES DETAILS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS AND FLOOR PLANS AND NOTIFY ONETENTEN HOMES OF ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. NO WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING COMPLIANCE OF THIS PLAN WITH APPLICABLE BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS. THE SELECTION AND APPLICATION OF CORRECT STRUCTURAL MATERIALS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDER, THE OWNER OR THE USER OF THESE PLANS.DATEFINISHED SQUARE FEETPROJECTSHEETUPPER:MAIN:LOWER:RELEASEDREV. 1REV. 2REV. 3REV. 4REV. 5PLATE HEIGHTSUPPER:MAIN:FOUND:P.O. BOX 3915411 LAKERS LANE, SUITE 204NISSWA, MN 56468PH (612) 327-7582NORTHHOUSE-RD.COMBRAINERD LAKESTWIN CITIES3000 COUNTY ROAD 42 WEST, SUITE 202 BURNSVILLE, MN 55337PH (952)-953-4000ONETENTENHOMES.COMUNSPECIFIED HEADERS TO BE 2-2x10 W/ 2 TRIMMERS10" MIN. STAIR TREAD DEPTH & 7 3/4" MAX STAIR RISER HEIGHTALL ANGLES ARE 45 DEGREES UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISEALL EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS ARE TO OUTSIDE OF SHEATHING, CONCRETE OR FOUNDATION INSULATIONTOTAL:LOWER:9/22/2020 2:07:38 PMTHE HARRIS RESIDENCEL8, B4 - ASPEN GROVE 1ST ADD'N.20418 GUERNSEY COURTLAVEVILLE, MN 55044A-502OTT1398.11.20 ML111711037608.14.20 CB9.2.20 TP9.22.20 TP6.22.20 TP8'-1 1/8"9'-1 1/8"9'-0" POUR8'-10"2980PAYTON XL1/2" = 1'-0"A-5021TYP. WALKOUT SECTION1/2" = 1'-0"A-5022TYP. LOOKOUT SECTION1/2" = 1'-0"A-5023TYP. HOUSE/STOOP WALL1/2" = 1'-0"A-5024TYP. HOUSE/GARAGE WALL3/8" = 1'-0"A-5025METHOD PFH - PORTAL FRAME WITH HOLD-DOWNS1/2" = 1'-0"A-5026BEARING WALL SECTION Upper Level Member Name Results Current Solution Comments Laundry Window Passed 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 Bedroom #3 Window Passed 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 Closet Window Passed 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 Stair Landing Window Passed 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 Main Level Member Name Results Current Solution Comments Kitchen Window Passed 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 Dining Room Patio Door Passed 3 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 Great Room Window Passed 3 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 Office Window Passed 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 Drop Front Porch (H)Passed 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 Flush Foyer/Stairs (H)Passed 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL Foyer Front Door Passed 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL Garage 16' OHD Passed 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL Garage 8' OHD Passed 2 piece(s) 2 x 12 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 Mudroom Door Passed 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 Flush Pantry (H)Passed 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL Mudroom Kitchen Opening Passed 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 Lower Level Member Name Results Current Solution Comments Bedroom #4 Window Passed 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 Family Room Middle Window Passed 3 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 Family Room Right Window Passed 3 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 2.0E Microllam® LVL Mechanical Room Door Passed 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 Bathroom Door Passed 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL Bedroom #4 Closet Door Passed 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN JOB SUMMARY REPORT ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 9/15/2020 6:46:31 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.0 File Name: 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN Topaz - Payton XL 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN 9/15/2020; #24329 Page 1 / 24 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)1560 @ 0 1913 (1.50")Passed (82%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)815 @ 10 3/4"2872 Passed (28%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)1463 @ 1' 10 1/2"3946 Passed (37%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.008 @ 1' 10 1/2"0.125 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.013 @ 1' 10 1/2"0.188 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"576 984 1560 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"576 984 1560 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)3' 9" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)3' 9" o/c Dead Snow Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 3' 9"N/A 7.0 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 3' 9"15'20.0 35.0 Snow - Main Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by NH; plan dated 9/2/2020. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Upper Level, Laundry Window 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 9/15/2020 6:46:31 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.0, Engine: V8.1.3.1, Data: V8.0.0.0 File Name: 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN Topaz - Payton XL 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN 9/15/2020; #24329 Page 2 / 24 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)2288 @ 1 1/2"3825 (3.00")Passed (60%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)1439 @ 1' 1/4"2872 Passed (50%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)2867 @ 2' 9"3946 Passed (73%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.032 @ 2' 9"0.175 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.051 @ 2' 9"0.262 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.79"844 1444 2288 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.79"844 1444 2288 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)5' 6" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)5' 6" o/c Dead Snow Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 5' 6"N/A 7.0 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 5' 6"15'20.0 35.0 Snow - Main Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by NH; plan dated 9/2/2020. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Upper Level, Bedroom #3 Window 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 9/15/2020 6:46:31 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.0, Engine: V8.1.3.1, Data: V8.0.0.0 File Name: 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN Topaz - Payton XL 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN 9/15/2020; #24329 Page 3 / 24 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)306 @ 0 1913 (1.50")Passed (16%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)62 @ 10 3/4"2872 Passed (2%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)172 @ 1' 1 1/2"3946 Passed (4%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.000 @ 1' 1 1/2"0.075 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.001 @ 1' 1 1/2"0.112 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"188 118 306 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"188 118 306 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)2' 3" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)2' 3" o/c Dead Snow Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 2' 3"N/A 7.0 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 2' 3"3'20.0 35.0 Snow - Main 2 - Uniform (PLF)0 to 2' 3"N/A 100.0 -Wall - Gable Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by NH; plan dated 9/2/2020. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Upper Level, Closet Window 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 9/15/2020 6:46:31 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.0, Engine: V8.1.3.1, Data: V8.0.0.0 File Name: 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN Topaz - Payton XL 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN 9/15/2020; #24329 Page 4 / 24 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)1768 @ 0 1913 (1.50")Passed (92%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)1023 @ 10 3/4"2872 Passed (36%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)1879 @ 2' 1 1/2"3946 Passed (48%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.014 @ 2' 1 1/2"0.142 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.022 @ 2' 1 1/2"0.213 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"652 1116 1768 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"652 1116 1768 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)4' 3" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)4' 3" o/c Dead Snow Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 4' 3"N/A 7.0 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 4' 3"15'20.0 35.0 Snow - Main Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by NH; plan dated 9/2/2020. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Upper Level, Stair Landing Window 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 9/15/2020 6:46:31 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.0, Engine: V8.1.3.1, Data: V8.0.0.0 File Name: 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN Topaz - Payton XL 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN 9/15/2020; #24329 Page 5 / 24 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)1143 @ 0 1913 (1.50")Passed (60%)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Shear (lbs)597 @ 10 3/4"2498 Passed (24%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)1071 @ 1' 10 1/2"3431 Passed (31%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.006 @ 1' 10 1/2"0.125 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.010 @ 1' 10 1/2"0.188 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"430 713 1143 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"430 713 1143 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)3' 9" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)3' 9" o/c Dead Floor Live Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 3' 9"N/A 7.0 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 3' 9"9' 6"15.0 40.0 Floor - Upper Level 2 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 3' 9"1'80.0 -Wall - Upper Level Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by NH; plan dated 9/2/2020. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Kitchen Window 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 9/15/2020 6:46:31 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.0, Engine: V8.1.3.1, Data: V8.0.0.0 File Name: 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN Topaz - Payton XL 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN 9/15/2020; #24329 Page 6 / 24 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)3792 @ 1 1/2"5738 (3.00")Passed (66%)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)2601 @ 1' 1/4"4308 Passed (60%)1.15 1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)5697 @ 3' 3"5919 Passed (96%)1.15 1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.054 @ 3' 3"0.208 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.096 @ 3' 3"0.313 Passed (L/778)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.98"1684 1105 1706 4495 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.98"1684 1105 1706 4495 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)5' 2" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)6' 6" o/c Dead Floor Live Snow Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 6' 6"N/A 10.6 ---- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 6' 6"8' 6"15.0 40.0 -Floor - Upper Level 2 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 6' 6"1'80.0 --Wall - Upper Level 3 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 6' 6"15'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Main Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by NH; plan dated 9/2/2020. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Dining Room Patio Door 3 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 9/15/2020 6:46:31 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.0, Engine: V8.1.3.1, Data: V8.0.0.0 File Name: 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN Topaz - Payton XL 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN 9/15/2020; #24329 Page 7 / 24 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)2577 @ 11' 6"2869 (1.50")Passed (90%)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (Alt Spans) Shear (lbs)2372 @ 6' 8 3/4"4308 Passed (55%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (Alt Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)-2485 @ 3' 9 3/4"5919 Passed (42%)1.15 1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (Adj Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.006 @ 1' 9 3/16"0.127 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (Alt Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.009 @ 1' 8 13/16"0.191 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (Alt Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"871 584/-67 1011 2466/- 67 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 4.50"4.50"3.24"2700 1566 3091 7357 None 3 - Trimmer - SPF 4.50"4.50"2.15"1758 1566 1570 4894 None 4 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"1093 584/-67 1395 3072/- 67 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)11' 6" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)11' 6" o/c Dead Floor Live Snow Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 11' 6"N/A 10.6 ---- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 11' 6"8' 6"15.0 40.0 -Floor - Upper Level 2 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 11' 6"1'80.0 --Wall - Upper Level 3 - Uniform (PSF)1' to 6' 6"15'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Main 4 - Point (lb)6' 6"N/A 844 -1444 Linked from: Bedroom # 2 Window, Support 1 5 - Point (lb)11' 6"N/A 844 -1444 Linked from: Bedroom # 2 Window, Support 2 6 - Point (lb)1'N/A 576 -984 Linked from: Laundry Window, Support 2 All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Great Room Window 3 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 9/15/2020 6:46:31 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.0, Engine: V8.1.3.1, Data: V8.0.0.0 File Name: 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN Topaz - Payton XL 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN 9/15/2020; #24329 Page 8 / 24 Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by NH; plan dated 9/2/2020. Weyerhaeuser Notes ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 9/15/2020 6:46:31 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.0, Engine: V8.1.3.1, Data: V8.0.0.0 File Name: 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN Topaz - Payton XL 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN 9/15/2020; #24329 Page 9 / 24 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)2612 @ 1 1/2"3825 (3.00")Passed (68%)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)1484 @ 1' 1/4"2498 Passed (59%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)2916 @ 3' 3"3431 Passed (85%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.040 @ 3' 3"0.208 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.081 @ 3' 3"0.313 Passed (L/924)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"2.05"1398 910 709 3017 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"2.05"1398 910 709 3017 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)6' 6" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)6' 6" o/c Dead Floor Live Snow Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 6' 6"N/A 7.0 ---- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 6' 6"7'15.0 40.0 -Floor - Upper Level 2 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 6' 6"1'80.0 --Wall - Upper Level 3 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 6' 6"3'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Porch 4 - Point (lb)9"N/A 459 -289 Bedroom # 3 Window 5 - Point (lb)5' 9"N/A 459 -289 Bedroom # 3 Window 6 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 9"3'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Main 7 - Uniform (PSF)5' 9" to 6' 6"3'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Main 8 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 9"1'100.0 --Wall - Gable 9 - Uniform (PSF)5' 9" to 6' 6"1'100.0 --Wall - Gable Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by NH; plan dated 9/2/2020. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Office Window 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 9/15/2020 6:46:31 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.0, Engine: V8.1.3.1, Data: V8.0.0.0 File Name: 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN Topaz - Payton XL 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN 9/15/2020; #24329 Page 10 / 24 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)3338 @ 7' 7"7013 (5.50")Passed (48%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (Adj Spans) Shear (lbs)1561 @ 8' 7"2872 Passed (54%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (Adj Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)-3305 @ 7' 7"3946 Passed (84%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (Adj Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.122 @ 13' 6 1/2"0.367 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (Alt Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.189 @ 13' 6 7/8"0.550 Passed (L/700)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (Alt Spans) System : Roof Member Type : Drop Beam Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD Member Pitch : 0/12 •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Overhang deflection criteria: LL (2L/360) and TL (2L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. • Blocking Panels are assumed to carry no loads applied directly above them and the full load is applied to the member being designed. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Snow Total Accessories 1 - Stud wall - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.50"245 506 751 Blocking 2 - Stud wall - SPF 5.50"5.50"2.62"1264 2074 3338 Blocking 3 - Stud wall - SPF 5.50"5.50"1.50"587 982 1569 Blocking •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)12' 1" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)8' 11" o/c Dead Snow Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 19' 7"N/A 7.0 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 19' 7" (Front)5'20.0 35.0 Snow - Porch Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by NH; plan dated 9/2/2020. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Drop Front Porch (H) 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 9/15/2020 6:46:31 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.0, Engine: V8.1.3.1, Data: V8.0.0.0 File Name: 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN Topaz - Payton XL 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN 9/15/2020; #24329 Page 11 / 24 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)4314 @ 11' 2"8181 (5.50")Passed (53%)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Shear (lbs)3181 @ 10' 5/8"8590 Passed (37%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)10492 @ 5' 11 7/8"15953 Passed (66%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.233 @ 5' 9 13/16"0.271 Passed (L/558)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.327 @ 5' 9 13/16"0.542 Passed (L/398)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) System : Floor Member Type : Flush Beam Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/480) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. • Blocking Panels are assumed to carry no loads applied directly above them and the full load is applied to the member being designed. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Total Accessories 1 - Stud wall - SPF 5.50"5.50"2.34"1003 2477 3480 Blocking 2 - Stud wall - SPF 5.50"5.50"2.90"1231 3083 4314 Blocking •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)10' o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)11' 6" o/c Dead Floor Live Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 11' 6"N/A 13.0 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 4' (Front)8' 6"15.0 40.0 Floor - Upper Level 2 - Uniform (PSF)4' to 11' 6" (Front)14'15.0 40.0 Floor - Upper Level Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by NH; plan dated 9/2/2020. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Flush Foyer/Stairs (H) 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 9/15/2020 6:46:31 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.0, Engine: V8.1.3.1, Data: V8.0.0.0 File Name: 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN Topaz - Payton XL 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN 9/15/2020; #24329 Page 12 / 24 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)2424 @ 1 1/2"7613 (3.00")Passed (32%)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)1582 @ 1' 1/2"7902 Passed (20%)1.15 1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)3339 @ 3'11985 Passed (28%)1.15 1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.031 @ 3'0.192 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.066 @ 3'0.287 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.50"1299 660 840 2799 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 4.50"4.50"1.50"1353 688 875 2916 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)6' 2" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)6' 2" o/c Dead Floor Live Snow Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 6' 1 1/2"N/A 10.4 ---- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 6' 1 1/2"5'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Porch 2 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 6' 1 1/2"5' 6"15.0 40.0 -Floor - Upper Level 3 - Uniform (PLF)0 to 6' 1 1/2"N/A 80.0 --Wall - Upper Level 4 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 6' 1 1/2"3'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Main 5 - Uniform (PLF)0 to 6' 1 1/2"N/A 100.0 --Wall - Gable Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by NH; plan dated 9/2/2020. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Foyer Front Door 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 9/15/2020 6:46:31 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.0, Engine: V8.1.3.1, Data: V8.0.0.0 File Name: 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN Topaz - Payton XL 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN 9/15/2020; #24329 Page 13 / 24 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)2328 @ 1 1/2"7613 (3.00")Passed (31%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)1984 @ 1' 2 7/8"9878 Passed (20%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)9460 @ 8' 4 1/2"18346 Passed (52%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.244 @ 8' 4 1/2"0.550 Passed (L/811)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.646 @ 8' 4 1/2"0.825 Passed (L/306)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.50"1449 879 2328 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.50"1449 879 2328 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)11' 9" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)16' 9" o/c Dead Snow Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 16' 9"N/A 13.0 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 16' 9"3'20.0 35.0 Snow - Garage 2 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 16' 9"1'100.0 -Wall - Gable Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by NH; plan dated 9/2/2020. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Garage 16' OHD 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 9/15/2020 6:46:31 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.0, Engine: V8.1.3.1, Data: V8.0.0.0 File Name: 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN Topaz - Payton XL 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN 9/15/2020; #24329 Page 14 / 24 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)1197 @ 1 1/2"3825 (3.00")Passed (31%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)872 @ 1' 2 1/4"3493 Passed (25%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)2470 @ 4' 4 1/2"5306 Passed (47%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.025 @ 4' 4 1/2"0.283 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.064 @ 4' 4 1/2"0.425 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.50"737 459 1196 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.50"737 459 1196 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)8' 9" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)8' 9" o/c Dead Snow Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 8' 9"N/A 8.6 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 8' 9"3'20.0 35.0 Snow - Garage 2 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 8' 9"1'100.0 -Wall - Gable Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by NH; plan dated 9/2/2020. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Garage 8' OHD 2 piece(s) 2 x 12 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 9/15/2020 6:46:31 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.0, Engine: V8.1.3.1, Data: V8.0.0.0 File Name: 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN Topaz - Payton XL 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN 9/15/2020; #24329 Page 15 / 24 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)1192 @ 0 1913 (1.50")Passed (62%)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)499 @ 10 3/4"2872 Passed (17%)1.15 1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)919 @ 1' 6 1/2"3946 Passed (23%)1.15 1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.003 @ 1' 6 1/2"0.103 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.006 @ 1' 6 1/2"0.154 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"550 370 486 1406 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"550 370 486 1406 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)3' 1" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)3' 1" o/c Dead Floor Live Snow Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 3' 1"N/A 7.0 ---- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 3' 1"6'15.0 40.0 -Floor - Upper Level 2 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 3' 1"1'80.0 --Wall - Upper Level 3 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 3' 1"9'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Main Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by NH; plan dated 9/2/2020. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Mudroom Door 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 9/15/2020 6:46:31 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.0, Engine: V8.1.3.1, Data: V8.0.0.0 File Name: 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN Topaz - Payton XL 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN 9/15/2020; #24329 Page 16 / 24 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)2902 @ 1 1/2"4463 (3.00")Passed (65%)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Shear (lbs)2146 @ 1' 1/2"6872 Passed (31%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)5446 @ 4'10422 Passed (52%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.126 @ 4'0.194 Passed (L/736)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.176 @ 4'0.387 Passed (L/528)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) System : Floor Member Type : Flush Beam Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/480) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. • Blocking Panels are assumed to carry no loads applied directly above them and the full load is applied to the member being designed. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Total Accessories 1 - Stud wall - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.95"822 2080 2902 Blocking 2 - Stud wall - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.95"822 2080 2902 Blocking •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)8' o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)8' o/c Dead Floor Live Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 8'N/A 10.4 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 8' (Front)13'15.0 40.0 Floor - Upper Level Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by NH; plan dated 9/2/2020. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Flush Pantry (H) 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 9/15/2020 6:46:31 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.0, Engine: V8.1.3.1, Data: V8.0.0.0 File Name: 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN Topaz - Payton XL 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN 9/15/2020; #24329 Page 17 / 24 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)1501 @ 0 1913 (1.50")Passed (78%)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Shear (lbs)694 @ 10 3/4"2498 Passed (28%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)1251 @ 1' 8"3431 Passed (36%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.007 @ 1' 8"0.111 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.009 @ 1' 8"0.167 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"418 1083 1501 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"418 1083 1501 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)3' 4" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)3' 4" o/c Dead Floor Live Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 3' 4"N/A 7.0 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 3' 4"16' 3"15.0 40.0 Floor - Upper Level Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by NH; plan dated 9/2/2020. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Mudroom Kitchen Opening 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 9/15/2020 6:46:31 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.0, Engine: V8.1.3.1, Data: V8.0.0.0 File Name: 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN Topaz - Payton XL 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN 9/15/2020; #24329 Page 18 / 24 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)3147 @ 1 1/2"3825 (3.00")Passed (82%)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Shear (lbs)1993 @ 1' 1/4"2498 Passed (80%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)2986 @ 2' 9"3431 Passed (87%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.034 @ 2' 9"0.175 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.057 @ 2' 9"0.262 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"2.47"1229 1918 3147 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"2.47"1229 1918 3147 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)5' 6" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)5' 6" o/c Dead Floor Live Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 5' 6"N/A 7.0 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 5' 6"7' 6"15.0 40.0 Floor - Main Level 2 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 5' 6"1'90.0 -Wall - Main Level 3 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 1'9' 6"15.0 40.0 Floor - Upper Level 4 - Uniform (PSF)4' 6" to 5' 6"9' 6"15.0 40.0 Floor - Upper Level 5 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 1'1'80.0 -Wall - Upper Level 6 - Uniform (PSF)4' 6" to 5' 6"1'80.0 -Wall - Upper Level 7 - Point (lb)1'N/A 430 713 Linked from: Kitchen Window, Support 1 8 - Point (lb)4' 6"N/A 430 713 Linked from: Kitchen Window, Support 2 Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by NH; plan dated 9/2/2020. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Lower Level, Bedroom #4 Window 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 9/15/2020 6:46:31 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.0, Engine: V8.1.3.1, Data: V8.0.0.0 File Name: 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN Topaz - Payton XL 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN 9/15/2020; #24329 Page 19 / 24 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)2449 @ 1 1/2"5738 (3.00")Passed (43%)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Shear (lbs)1540 @ 1' 1/4"3746 Passed (41%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)3068 @ 2' 9"5147 Passed (60%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.025 @ 2' 9"0.175 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.037 @ 2' 9"0.262 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.50"799 1650 2449 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.50"799 1650 2449 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)5' 6" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)5' 6" o/c Dead Floor Live Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 5' 6"N/A 10.6 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 5' 6"8'15.0 40.0 Floor - Main Level 2 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 5' 6"1'90.0 -Wall - Main Level 3 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 5' 6"7'10.0 40.0 Floor - Deck Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by NH; plan dated 9/2/2020. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Lower Level, Family Room Middle Window 3 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 9/15/2020 6:46:31 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.0, Engine: V8.1.3.1, Data: V8.0.0.0 File Name: 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN Topaz - Payton XL 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN 9/15/2020; #24329 Page 20 / 24 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)9041 @ 1 1/2"11419 (3.00")Passed (79%)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)8242 @ 1' 1/2"10898 Passed (76%)1.15 1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)16335 @ 4' 1 1/8"17662 Passed (92%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.204 @ 4' 2 3/8"0.275 Passed (L/486)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.351 @ 4' 2 5/16"0.412 Passed (L/282)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"2.38"3794 4248 2747 10789 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"2.04"3231 4154 1914 9299 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)8' 6" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)8' 6" o/c Dead Floor Live Snow Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 8' 6"N/A 14.5 ---- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 8' 6"8' 6"15.0 40.0 -Floor - Main Level 2 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 8' 6"1'90.0 --Wall - Main Level 3 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 8' 6"7'10.0 40.0 -Floor - Deck 4 - Point (lb)2' 3"N/A 2700 1566 3091 Linked from: Great Room Window, Support 2 5 - Point (lb)6'N/A 1758 1566 1570 Linked from: Great Room Window, Support 3 Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by NH; plan dated 9/2/2020. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Lower Level, Family Room Right Window 3 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 2.0E Microllam® LVL ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 9/15/2020 6:46:31 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.0, Engine: V8.1.3.1, Data: V8.0.0.0 File Name: 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN Topaz - Payton XL 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN 9/15/2020; #24329 Page 21 / 24 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)1858 @ 0 1913 (1.50")Passed (97%)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Shear (lbs)990 @ 10 3/4"2498 Passed (40%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)1781 @ 1' 11"3431 Passed (52%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.012 @ 1' 11"0.128 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.017 @ 1' 11"0.192 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"517 1342 1859 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"517 1342 1859 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)3' 10" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)3' 10" o/c Dead Floor Live Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 3' 10"N/A 7.0 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 3' 10"17' 6"15.0 40.0 Floor - Main Level Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by NH; plan dated 9/2/2020. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Lower Level, Mechanical Room Door 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 9/15/2020 6:46:31 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.0, Engine: V8.1.3.1, Data: V8.0.0.0 File Name: 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN Topaz - Payton XL 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN 9/15/2020; #24329 Page 22 / 24 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)2918 @ 2' 9"3806 (1.50")Passed (77%)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Shear (lbs)808 @ 1' 10"6872 Passed (12%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)1347 @ 1' 8 11/16"10422 Passed (13%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.008 @ 1' 5 3/16"0.092 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.011 @ 1' 5 3/16"0.138 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"441 1120 1561 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"843 2075 2918 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)2' 9" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)2' 9" o/c Dead Floor Live Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 2' 9"N/A 10.4 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 2' 9"16' 3"15.0 40.0 Floor - Main Level 2 - Uniform (PSF)2' 3" to 2' 9"1'90.0 -Wall - Main Level 3 - Uniform (PSF)2' 3" to 2' 9"16' 3"15.0 40.0 Floor - Upper Level 4 - Point (lb)2' 3"N/A 418 1083 Linked from: Mudroom Kitchen Opening , Support 2 Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by NH; plan dated 9/2/2020. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Lower Level, Bathroom Door 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 9/15/2020 6:46:31 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.0, Engine: V8.1.3.1, Data: V8.0.0.0 File Name: 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN Topaz - Payton XL 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN 9/15/2020; #24329 Page 23 / 24 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)1239 @ 0 1913 (1.50")Passed (65%)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Shear (lbs)432 @ 10 3/4"2498 Passed (17%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)852 @ 1' 4 1/2"3431 Passed (25%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.003 @ 1' 4 1/2"0.092 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.004 @ 1' 4 1/2"0.138 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"345 894 1239 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"345 894 1239 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)2' 9" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)2' 9" o/c Dead Floor Live Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 2' 9"N/A 7.0 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 2' 9"16' 3"15.0 40.0 Floor - Main Level Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by NH; plan dated 9/2/2020. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Lower Level, Bedroom #4 Closet Door 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1 / No. 2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 9/15/2020 6:46:31 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.0, Engine: V8.1.3.1, Data: V8.0.0.0 File Name: 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN Topaz - Payton XL 20418 Guernsey Court, Lakeville, MN 9/15/2020; #24329 Page 24 / 24 DJM9-28-20X