HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-28-20CITY OF LAKEVILLE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MINUTES September 28, 2020 1. Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Members present: Mayor Anderson, Council Members Hellier, Lee, and Volk Members absent: Wheeler Staff present: Justin Miller, City Administrator; Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator; Jerilyn Erickson, Finance Director; Paul Oehme, Public Works Director; Dave Olson, Community & Economic Development Director; Tamara Wallace, Deputy Clerk 2. Citizen Comments Tyler Greens, 17715 Kettering Trail Expressed concern with a recent street assessment statement he received. 3. CARES Funding Allocations Ms. Erickson provided an update on the City of Lakeville Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) funds intended to help governments with the impacts of COVID-19. The City's allocated amount is $4,846,900 which must be used no later than November 15, 2020 - any unused funds must be returned to the County. However, staff has recently been informed of two exceptions to this deadline: eligible payroll expenses incurred through November 15 as well items ordered for delivery prior to November 15 that are delayed due to supply chain disruption. Staff has also identified another eligible expense following the August 24 work session meeting in which staff presented potential uses for the CARES funds broken down into three levels of confidence as to whether the expenses would qualify. Earlier, one of the expenses that was placed within the low confidence tier was the inclusion of all public safety expenses. Based on new guidance released September 21, 2020 by the Department of Treasury Office of Inspector General, all public safety expenses (both police and fire) incurred March 1 - November 15, 2020 have been moved to the "high confidence" category for eligibility. The City Council clarified the request from Lakeville Arenas, discussed the school district's request for CARES dollars based on their sustained loss, and whether the County would be providing funding to the Lakeville Chamber of Commerce and Lakeville Convention & Visitor's Bureau (CVB). Mr. Olson provided an update on the small business grant program; staff is currently in the process of completing round one of the grant approvals and indicated they do not feel all dollars allocated to the first round of business grants will be used. City Council Work Session Minutes, September 28, 2020 Page 2 The Council also reviewed the previous grant applications from Fairview Hospital and 360 Communities and approved the request from Lakeville Arenas for $16,447 of direct/ indirect expenses incurred as a result of COVID-19. 4. Crosswalk Policy The City regularly receives questions from residents for enhancements to intersections including the installation of crosswalks. Staff feels the implementation of a formal Crosswalk Policy would help establish framework for when a crosswalk should be installed and ensure there is a consistent approach for improving uncontrolled crossing locations. Mr. Oehme presented the draft Crosswalk Policy which outlines best management practices to establish the need and eligibility to install a crosswalk. Some of the considerations to enhance a particular intersection include existing field conditions, surrounding land uses, system connectivity, local/ regional destinations/ access, and existing/ future pedestrian and vehicle volumes. The Council discussed the best practices matrix provided in the draft policy and clarified the average daily speeds, how the policy would assist resident's concern, cost to implement the policy, specific process to make a change to a crosswalk based on a resident's complaint, future updates to the best practices based on MnDOT changes, the City's ability to make adjustments to the policy in the future, guidance on how long a traffic study would be valid once obtained, and safe routes to schools. Staff will revise the draft Crosswalk Policy to include the additions/ suggestions presented by the Council and bring it to a future Council meeting for formal approval. 5. Transportation Update Mr. Oehme provided a transportation update which included the following construction projects: County Road 70 reconstruction, Dodd Boulevard/Heritage Drive three quarter access, 2020 Street Reconstruction project, various mill and overlay projects, 170''' Street project from Flagstaff to Pilot Knob, 1791 Street, the Lakeville North High School parking lot improvements, and miscellaneous roadway projects throughout the City. 6. Ordinance Amendment Relating to Nuisance Abatement Staff is seeking to change an existing City Code regarding Public Nuisances (Title 4, Chapter 1) to allow the ability to abate a public safety issue on private property in situations of emergency. Examples of these public safety concerns could be a tree at risk of falling over, hazardous materials, or abandoned equipment; presently the City is only able to address these concerns through court order. Under the proposed City code change, the City Administrator/ designee would determine if the violation was an emergency based on whether the issue threatened the public's safety/ health/ welfare and would notify the property owner in writing to attempt to mitigate the issue. However, should the property owner not immediately address the issue, the City Council would be allowed to order summary enforcement giving the City the ability to City Council Work Session Minutes, September 28, 2020 Page 3 address the emergency, and assess the cost back to the property owner. This process would be reserved for extreme circumstances in which the property owner did not mitigate a violation that posed risk to public safety. The property owner would have the ability to request a hearing in instances in which abatement costs exceed $3,000. The Council extensively talked about the owner notification methods as well as the variations between the previously passed Shade Tree Ordinance which similarly grants the City permission to go on private property. The Council asked staff to adjust the Public Nuisance Code amendments so they were consistent with the Shade Tree Ordinance; staff will make these adjustments and bring this item back to a future Council meeting for formal approval. 7. Marketing of the City -owned Property at Kenwood Trail and Icenic Way Mr. Olson provided background on a 2015 Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) with Dakota County which included the acquisition of nine commercial and residential properties to expand County Road 50 to a four -lane divided highway from County Road 60 to County Road 9. The acquisition of the properties was funded 55/45 with Dakota County funding the majority of the project. Following the expansion and road improvements, the City retained 2.5 acres of the property located at the intersection of Kenwood Trail and Icenic Way. The land was previously appraised at a value of $785,000 in July 2019, and after putting off the sale of the property in the spring due to COVID-19, staff is asking the Council for direction on whether to move forward with hiring a commercial real estate broker to market the property. The EDC met on September 22 and unanimously agreed to seek proposals from commercial real estate brokers. The Council clarified what the property is zoned for as well as prohibitable uses and was in support of moving forward with obtaining proposals from commercial real estate brokers. 8. Lakeville Grove Cemetery City staff has been in contact with the caretaker of Lakeville Grove Cemetery who has expressed an interest in retiring from his current role. In response, several local churches came together to establish a board that would ultimately take over the operations and management of the cemetery; however, the current owner and board members have expressed concern with the limited land for the cemetery's expansion. Staff has identified city -owned land adjacent to the cemetery that would allow expansion of its property. Preliminarily staff would like to know if the Council would be interested in transferring this property to the cemetery under terms still yet decided. The Council was provided with a map of the potential expansion. Barry Fick, Vice President/ Secretary -Treasurer of the Lakeville Grove Cemetery Board Indicated the board is working through next steps and has been in touch with various insurance agencies to address potential coverage for vandalism. Based on Council feedback tonight, the City Council Work Session Minutes, September 28, 2020 Page 4 group would ultimately develop a long-term plan on how to use the additional land. Mr. Fick also talked about incorporating some history of the cemetery (founding members for example) as an educational piece to the community. The Council was in support of moving forward with staffs suggestion to transfer the adjacent land to Lakeville Grove Cemetery. Staff will work with the board to determine terms and bring this item to a future City Council meeting for formal approval. 9. COVID-19 City Operations Update In December of each year there is a Truth & Taxation public hearing that the Council sets once the preliminary tax levy is established. Notices to residents regarding the hearing are provided by the County; due to COVID-19 the County would like to know whether this year cities would like to offer an option for residents to watch this hearing virtually. Staff is asking Council whether they would like to continue forward with the current hybrid meeting format which offers a virtual option for meeting participation and comment. The Council agreed that considering uncertainties and the current Governor's order on public spaces, it made sense to move forward with the existing hybrid format through December of this year, and revisit this in the new year. 10. Items for Future Discussion • Procedures to implement policies and subsequent evaluations (possible retreat topic) • Setting a January City Council retreat date • Credit River Township is going to apply to incorporate as a city and is wondering if Lakeville would take up a resolution in support of this. 11. Committee/ City Administrator Updates Council Member Lee gave an update on the Conversations on Race working group which has met three times with a fourth meeting taking place Wednesday, September 30. The working group has primarily talked about the format for the community discussion with the first possible talk taking place on Saturday, November 14. Council Member Lee also wished to thank the Lakeville Fire Department and Lakeville Lions for a successful drive-thru breakfast fundraiser held on September 25. Council Member Volk attended the public safety committee meeting where they discussed looking at the current food truck policy. The committee agreed it would be best to reserve these conversations for input of the full Council, perhaps at the annual City Council retreat. The committee also discussed the residential speed limits and the process for tobacco hearings. City Council Work Session Minutes, September 28, 2020 Page 5 Council Member Hellier attended the Lakeville Chamber meeting where the guest speaker was a doctor from Northfield Hospital who discussed COVID-19, what the medical field is preparing for as fall approaches, and some COVID-19 preventative measures. Mayor Anderson provided updates on the Regional Council of Mayor's which is currently still meeting virtually and working on future speakers. In the month of October, the group will continue to meet with DEED Commissioner Steve Grove but will also have guest speaker Angie Dickinson, Broadband Director for the State of Minnesota. Mr. Miller reminded that absentee voting is currently taking place at City Hall and gave an update on recruitment for the liquor store director which has received 26 applications. Interviews for the position will be taking place soon with the hope to bring someone on board by mid-November. 12. The meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m. submitted, LJ 0 K Tamara allace, Deputy City Clerk Douglas P. Anderson, Mayor