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19175 Indora Trail-Survey
Revisions:1.) 06-12-19 Stake house2.) 06-18-19 Add wall3.) 07-22-20 Revised House4.) 07-23-20 Re-stake housec Pioneer Engineering Certificate of Survey for: 2422 Enterprise DriveMendota Heights, MN 55120 Ph. : (651) 681-1914 www.pioneereng.comFax: (651) 681-9488 Project # :Folder #:Drawn by: CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Lennar Corporation 16305 36th Ave N Ste #600 Plymouth, MN 55446-4270 Phone: (952) 249-3000 / Fax: (952) 404-1909 Zoning = RM-1FY - 20' House, 25' GarageSY - 7' Interior, 20' CornerRY - 30'SY Buffer - 50'RY Buffer - 50'*Draintile connection required.