HomeMy WebLinkAboutLA186192·~-l.cikcv1llc 2019 City of Lakeville Zoning Permit Application PLANNING DEPARTMENT 20195 HOLYOKE AVENUE LAKEVILLE , MINNESOTA 55044 (952) 985-4420 RECEIVED NOV 04 202Q CITY OF LAKEV ILLE Date: _ _ \\\-=-=-OJ~-_4.....L.L, ~-=..::c:0-=2=-0_ _ Zoning Permit Fee: $30.00 Job Site Address: --E=-.!:......l.......!...!!!!!3!:_l.\-\...lli,;~'{~~A-.:._~\)(i\..u.\J(_,,=--+-1 \4~Y-f,~\J:!....l.\\-'--'~-=--------- Property Owner: __,_~~~,___.:..::~~~:....1:..\r4=~t)=-__ Phone : ___;:LQ.,_\_-Z.._-_2.~--r---t)_'3_1~ \ __ Property Owner Email \ \\\J . 1.,S (.U '\ ~~\' Street Address: 10\ '13 \:\o.nle~-t \x:,vxt.,w)(e,,V\ .,,...·-____ Zip: 5S0'-t4 C\jV\ Contractor: \),'.1\"\D".) \sos'f<,,¼. \uo.t{~~~ loS\ -2<o3-OL-1~ \ Contractor Email OLAn OJ d,Q..~~~ . GQrO Street Address: L\110 ~(\I\\~ Ra S7S\1.. 7 PLEASE COMPLETE APPLICABLE SECTION(S) Fences : Materials : Wood Type : Privacy Setbacks : Front Height: '1' Chain-link Pool Enclosure Side i.,, \ '=> .. -\- Plastic Kennel Side I':>' 'r Iron Decorative Rear \'2.' \ orr M'"· Other Other Accesson: Buildin2s : Size: Length Construction Type: Wood Setbacks : Side (200 square feet or less) Width Aluminum Side Height Other Rear Do you have an existing detached accessory building on your property? No __ Yes __ Above-2round Pools: Size: Dimensions Enclosure : Deck / gated entrance Setbacks: Side --(Between 2250 & 5000 Depth Fence (around pool) Side --gallons) Wall Height Fence (around ladder) Rear --Gated Ladder Applicant must submit an approved survey of the property that indicates the location and setbacks of the fence, accessory building or swimming pool. I HEREBY APPLY FOR A ZONING PERMIT AND I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE INFORMATION ABOVE IS COMPLETE AND ACCURATE; THAT THE WORK WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE ORDINANCES AND CODES OF THE CITY ; THAT I UNDERSTAND WORK IS NOT TO START WITHOUT AN APPROVED ZONING PERMIT ; AND THAT THE WORK WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED PLAN . Applicant is: Contractor Other______ (Please circle one) Please have the approved permit: mai~ed to me ~d to me) I will pick it up (Please circle one) Applicant's Signature: \\)~ Date: __________ _ _ Please allow at least 3 business days for processing LA186192 City of Lakeville Zoning Permit Application Page 2 THIS PAGE TO BE COMPLETED BY THE CITY Job Site Address: _____________________________________ Permit Type: Zoning ___ZN___ Permit Sub-Type: Fences (93) ________ Accessory Buildings, 200 S.F. or less (71) ________ Above-ground Pool, between 2250 & 5000 gal (91) ________ Work Type: New (81) ___X___ Required Inspections: Final (65) ___X___ Zoning District: _________ Permit Fee: ___$30___ Approved By: ___________________________________________Date: ____________________ Zoning Administrator Comments:___________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ The curb box, drain tile cleanout, and catchbasin(if applicable) must be inspected andaccepted before As-Built escrow monies willbe released. All structures must be flushwith the sod. This will be scheduled with thelandscape inspection.ENGINEERING REVIEWEDDate:__________________04/20/2018corlowskyEROSION CONTROLMUST BE INSTALLEDBEFORE EXCAVATION*Maintain 6" between bottom of siding and sod.*No structures in easements.LA186192 LA186192 From: Ron Peterson ronandvida75@gmail.com 1bject: Fence Dat e: Aug 23, 2020 at 9:25:10 AM To: Stephanie Goldfarb the divinelivi ngspace @gmail.com Estimate / Order Sal esperson _ ~p,-A,cr/~atc cf7&& ~25 E. Villaume Ave South SL Paul , MN 5501 5 : i :.... ~= ~-·:_::__~: -~ -I 651 -451-2 222 / www .midw c-s tfencc .co m tpF' . Cust0mcr·_ ~ L ~~~~~~7lli.'-1.~::z; ... r ,, ·t Address_--"""-'-.._,,._,· · · 1 Ciiy _ _.L..,..,e4z..;.<::..:::on:z:..:....c;¼'.,c,_c~ __ s1a , , , Contact _r,,,-,, -G ________ _ Phooc_~~~/_J-~-,;B~~-S:~-- ~=:.,?z..L-C/'---- 1 :dr : Email • Family ownc4 and operated since I 7 ..> r7;,,,? .;lp cf}./ • Li cC'll$Cd, bonded a,Jd ~ured ~~''"".Coo•~ License N~ -,t> ~/./~ ~nrt~r~:& Wood • BBB Accredi ted Business pr,,,,,/,,:JitN bl"J?~1t1/ltJto PVC & 0.l'!lllmental Customer Si gnature : (¥. Dat e:@ Order bccomci bindin g upon Man11gcr ~va l ? A , Prot:rt11 5~1' Chain Link & Wood 30¾ PV(' & Orm1mrotial ' - ! LA186192