HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-04-2021
January 4, 2021 – 6:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers
Members of the public can participate in person at Lakeville City Hall, 20195 Holyoke Avenue. Members of the
public may join the meeting via Zoom.com or by calling 1-312-626-6799; Meeting ID: 894 5362 9127; Passcode:
703310. The mayor will allow for public comments and questions at the appropriate time.
The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by staff and appointed commissions,
committees and boards. Decisions are based on this information, as well as City policy, practices, input from constituents and a
council member’s personal judgment.
Oath of Office to Councilmembers John Bermel and Luke Hellier
1. Call to order, moment of silence and flag pledge
2. Roll call
3. Citizen Comments
4. Additional agenda information – City Administrator
5. Presentations/Introductions
a. Presentation to outgoing Councilmember Brian Wheeler
b. Public Works quarterly report
6. Consent Agenda
All matters listed under consent agenda are considered routine by the City Council and will be acted on by one motion in the order listed below.
There may be an explanation, but no separate discussion on these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent
agenda and considered separately.
a. Check register review
b. Minutes of the December 21, 2020 City Council meeting
c. Minutes of the December 21, 2020 special City Council meeting
City Council Meeting Agenda
January 4, 2021
Page 2
d. Designation of Sun Thisweek as the official newspaper for 2021
e. Resolution appointing depositories
f. Resolution approving 2021 vehicle and equipment purchases/disposals
g. Resolution delegating authority to pay claims and make electronic fund transfers
h. Encroachment Agreement with Alexander and Eva Villalobos for private improvements
in public easements
i. Resolution approving amendment to Third Round of Small Business Emergency Grant
Program Guidelines
j. Resolution authorizing submittal of 2021 Community Development Block Grant
k. Accept bids and approve contract with Hawkins, Inc. for water treatment chemicals
l. Mayor’s appointment of John Bermel to the Lakeville Housing & Redevelopment
m. Resolution accepting donations to the Parks & Recreation Department
7. Appointment of the Acting Mayor for 2021
8. COVID-19 city operations update
9. Unfinished business (for Council discussion only)
10. New business (for Council discussion only)
11. Announcements: Next regular Council meeting, Tuesday, January 19, 2021
City Council Retreat, Saturday, January 9, 2021
12. Adjourn