HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-14-20CITY OF LAKEVILLE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MINUTES December 14, 2020 1. Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. Meeting was held remotely via Zoom. Members present: Mayor Anderson, Council Members Hellier, Lee, Volk, and Wheeler Members absent: None. Legislative members: Greg Clausen, Senator; Jon Koznick, Representative; Zach Duckworth, Senator -elect; Lindsey Port, Senator -elect; Kaela Berg, Representative -elect; Julia Bartusek from Representative Angie Craig's office; Mary Liz Holberg, Dakota County Commissioner; Wendy Wulff, Metropolitan Council Staff present: Justin Miller, City Administrator; Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator; Dave Olson, Community & Economic Development Director; Paul Oehme, Public Works Director; Zach Johnson, City Engineer; Jerilyn Erickson, Finance Director; Tamara Wallace, Deputy Clerk 2. Citizen Comments John Rice, 16336 Durango Trail Wanted to ensure that further discussion on the discounted senior utility rates was still planned for a future City Council meeting and asked about more broadband options in the city. 3. Legislator Roundtable Mayor Anderson presented the draft 2021 Legislative Priorities, a document intended to communicate the City's legislative position on a variety of issues pertaining to transportation, local control, municipal revenue and taxation, economic development, and housing. The document is broken down into two lists of priorities - primary and additional legislative priorities; and also includes an appendix listing other initiatives of concern/ priority for the City. Prior to adopting the document, the City Council directed staff to invite state and local legislators to provide feedback on how the City's four identified priorities aligned with their goals. The group reviewed the legislative priorities, and discussed: the largest COVID-related impacts to the city and business community, funding provided to local businesses through the City's small business grant program, current projects/ permits/ developments planned, property tax revenue, scope and size of the County Road 50 and Interstate 35 Interchange project, broadband services, possible changes to the State's absentee voting process, and the Metropolitan Council blue ribbon taskforce. City Council Work Session Minutes, December 14, 2020 Page 2 The Council thanked the legislators for their feedback and support. 4. COVID Relief for Businesses/ Residents Mr. Miller provided an overall update on COVID-19 related business matters in the city. Among those efforts to help local businesses, the City has issued 51 small business grants and forgave 100% of the second liquor license payment for 2020. Mr. Miller also spoke about the State Legislature which is currently in session on a package that is thought to include direct payments to businesses who have been forced to close due to statewide restrictions. The Council expressed concern about the preliminary requirement that businesses show a 30% loss in revenue to qualify for the new State relief package under review, and how quickly the State/ County would be able to provide this aid to businesses. The Council also discussed taxability of the grants, funding for PPE, the number of Lakeville businesses impacted by the closure mandates, an emergency grant program to help businesses while they await State/ County assistance, low interest rate loans, legal language needed to issue grants/ loans, and extensively talked about whether to take action on relief measures at this time or wait for additional information from both the Governor and State Legislature this week. Representative Jon Koznick joined the conversation during this discussion and provided a brief status update on package negotiations. The Council directed staff to work with legal counsel and come up with possibilities on how the City could roll out an emergency grant program and under what guidelines. Staff will bring these ideas back to the Monday, December 21 City Council meeting for further discussion. Break from 8:15 p.m. - 8:20 p.m. 5. Nuisance Abatement Ordinance At the September 28 work session meeting, staff presented a draft ordinance that seeks to change an existing City Code regarding Public Nuisances (Title 4, Chapter 1) to allow the ability to abate a public safety issue on private property in emergency situations. Under this proposed change, the City Administrator/ designee would determine if the violation was an emergency based on whether the issue threated the public's safety/ health, welfare. Examples could be a tree at risk of falling over, hazardous materials, or abandoned equipment. The property owner would be notified to mitigate the issue; however, should the property owner not immediately address the issue, the City Council would be allowed to order summary enforcement giving the City the ability to address the emergency and assess the costs back to the property owner. At the request of the Council, staff has adjusted the Public Nuisance Code amendments to be consistent with the previously adopted Shade Tree Ordinance. City Council Work Session Minutes, December 14, 2020 Page 3 The Council reviewed the draft policy and clarified the abatement procedures and decision- making authority. Staff will make the needed changes and bring this item back to the December 21 City Council meeting for formal approval. 6. Crosswalk Policy During the September work session meeting, staff presented a draft Crosswalk Policy to help establish framework for when a crosswalk should be installed, and to ensure there is a consistent approach for improving uncontrolled crossing locations. The policy outlines best practices and considerations used to determine if an intersection should be improved, including existing field conditions, surrounding land uses, system connectivity, local/ regional destinations/ access, and existing/ future pedestrian and vehicle volumes. Staff included the additional language requested by the Council and is seeking feedback and direction on the next steps for the policy. John Rice, 16336 Durango Trail Wanted to thank the Council and staff for looking into ways to have safer crosswalks. Indicated that any efforts that can be done are greatly appreciated. The Council reviewed the draft Crosswalk Policy and discussed the best management practices matrix, remediation measures, four to three lane conversions, and a potential schedule for future traffic studies. Staff will make the adjustments to the document based on the Council's discussion and bring this item back to the December 21 City Council meeting for formal approval. 7. 2021 Commission Appreciation Discussion Annually the City holds an appreciation event in March to thank members of the various advisory boards for their time and service throughout the year. As planning for this event begins in early January, staff is seeking direction from the Council on their thoughts for the 2021 Advisory Appreciation event considering Covid-19 unknowns at this time. The Council discussed possible options for the event, moving it to July to align with Pan-O-Prog, gift ideas, and creating a video to highlight each board's accomplishments this past year. 8. Items for Future Discussion Senior discount on utility rates. 9. Committee/ City Administrator Updates Council Member Lee indicated the City Administrator's review will take place on Monday, December 21 before the City Council meeting; and also provided an update on the Conversations on Race group which will hold its second session on Monday, January 18, Dr. Martin Luther King Day. City Council Work Session Minutes, December 14, 2020 Page 4 Council Member Hellier indicated that the Dakota Broadband Board recently sent out a Request for Proposal (RFP) for work needed on the C -Net, but only received back one proposal. The Board will likely do this process again. Also gave an update on the Board's officer positions. Mayor Anderson provided an update on the most recent Regional Council of Mayor's meeting that hosted a speaker to discuss looking into the future past the pandemic; and provided a status update on a suicide prevention taskforce he currently serves on. Mayor Anderson was also recently appointed to the Transportation Plans Technical Advisory Committee - a group that will review MnDOT's transportation plans. Mr. Miller previewed the draft agenda for the upcoming January 9 City Council retreat and discussed the format (in-person or virtual) for future City Council meetings. 10. The meeting adjourned at 9:14 p.m. Respectfully submitted, wasTamara Wallace, Deputy City Clerk Douglas P. Anderson, Mayor