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LA187145 - 19194 Impala Ave Permit Pack
RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF LAKEVILLE BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT 20195 HOLYOKE AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 952-985-4440 Office Use Only __________________ Permit Number ___________________ Received By ___________________ Date Received ___________________ Fee Total SITE ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: JOB DESCRIPTION:__________________________________ MASTER PLAN: (Number or Address)____________________ LIST OTHER STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY:_______________________________________________________________ ESTIMATED VALUATION: PROPOSED START DATE: END DATE: (New Residential Only): LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT: _____ BLOCK: _____ SUBDIVISION: APPLICANT IS: RESIDENT OWNER CONTRACTOR EMAIL NEW MODEL HOME: YES NO (IF YES – ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT REQUIRED) PLEASE FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING COMPLETELY (All Contractor information must be as listed on State License) RESIDENT OWNER NAME:_______________________________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE #:_____________________________ CELL PHONE:___________________________ GENERAL CONTRACTOR Homeowner Contractor CONTRACTOR:_______________________________________________________________________ LICENSE #:BC______________ LEAD CERTIFICATE#_______________ (PRE 1978 STRUCTURE) OFFICE PHONE #:_____________________________ CELL PHONE:___________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________ CITY:________________ ST:______ ZIP:____________ PLUMBING WORK Homeowner Contractor CONTRACTOR:__________________________________________LICENSE #: PM______________ OFFICE PHONE #:_____________________________ CELL PHONE:___________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________ CITY:________________ ST:______ ZIP:____________ MECHANICAL WORK Homeowner Contractor CONTRACTOR:________________________________________ _______________________________ OFFICE PHONE #:_____________________________ CELL PHONE:___________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________ CITY:________________ ST:______ ZIP:____________ BOND #:_______________________________________ EXPIRATION DATE____________________ SEWER/WATER CONTRACTOR New Construction Only NAME:________________________________________________ ______________________________ HOME PHONE _____________________________ CELL PHONE:______________________________ BOND #:_______________________________________ EXPIRATION DATE____________________ INTEREST EARNINGS ON THE ESCROW ACCOUNTS, IF ANY, ARE RETAINED BY THE CITY TO OFFSET THE ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH PROCESSING THE ESCROW APPLICATION AND REFUND. I HEREBY APPLY FOR A BUILDING PERMIT AND I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE INFORMATION ABOVE IS COMPLETE AND ACCURATE; THAT THE WORK WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE ORDINANCES AND CODES OF THE CITY AND WITH THE STATE BUILDING CODE, THAT I UNDERSTAND THIS IS NOT A PERMIT AND WORK IS NOT TO START WITHOUT A PERMIT AND THAT THE WORK WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED PLAN. NAME OF APPLICANT (Please Print)DATE APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE: www.lakevillemn.gov RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PAGE 2 OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING BUILDING DUPLEX AS BUILT TOWNHOUSE UNITS BUILDING FINAL DETACHED TOWN HOUSE UNIT DECK FOOTING CONDO FIREPLACE ACESSORY BUILDING FOOTING REROOF FOUNDATION RESIDE FRAMING PORCH FRAMING GARAGES INSULATION RES ADDN/REPAIR/RMDL DECK PORCH GARAGES LATH LOWER LEVEL FINISH LOWER LEVEL FINAL ADDITION OTHER FOUNDATION ONLY PORCH FOOTING MISCELLANEOUS POURED WALL DEMO SEPTIC TANK REMOVAL MOVED SITE MECHANICAL CITY BUILDING VALUATION: $AIR TEST FINAL BUILDING PERMIT FEES ROUGH-IN $PERMIT FEE PLUMBING $PLAN CHECK FINAL $SURCHARGE ROUGH-IN $METRO SAC METER SIZE $CITY WATER HOOKUP UNIT PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE $CITY SEWER HOOKUP UNIT SEWER/WATER $LANDSCAPE ESCROW SEWER/WATER $TREE ESCROW FINAL $MISC ESCROW STREET DRAINTILE $PLUMBING BUILDING INFORMATION $MECHANICAL TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION $SEWER WATER ZONING $OTHER CODE EDITION $TOTAL FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM OCCUPANCY GROUP APPROVED BY: BUILDING INSPECTOR: Date: PLUMBING/MECHANICAL INSPECTOR: Date: COMMENTS: 20195 Holyoke Avenue, Lakeville, MN 55044 952-985-4400 952-985-4499 fax www.lakevillemn.gov Sewer & Water Tie Card Address:________________________________________ Contractor:______________________________________ Permit Number:__________________________________ Final Date:________________ Street Drain-Tile:______ Size of Water Service: 1” Comments: AIRTEST SANITARY OVER 20’/2 FITTINGS THIS CARD MUST BE COMPLETED AND ON-SITE AT TIME OF SEWER & WATER INSPECTION FACE APPLIED STONE VENEERHARDBOARD SIDING ON FRONT ELEVATION.FACE APPLIED STONE VENEERLP HORIZONTAL LAP SIDINGLP SHAKE SIDINGVINYL SIDING ON SIDE AND REAR ELEVATIONS.HORIZONTAL LAP SIDING19194 Impala Avenue Summerlyn-8th AdditionSecure door closed until deck isconstructed with a separate permit.Concept Approval ONLYSubject to Field InspectionInspectorDate2020MN BldgCode12/28/2020dmathews 3.75UFER Ground-Provide 20' Rebar in footing and stubup near electrical service panel. ····················BWPsAboveVerify loads with girdertruss specs, may requireremoval of top plates atbearing due to crushing.66555Shear Panelw/holdownsShear Panelw/holdowns53.53553.753.25BWPsAbove ····················-Min. 15" clearance to anyobstruction from center ofW.C., 24" in front(typ).3.533 PAGE DESCRIPTION:PAGE NO.: PLAN NO. FIREPLACEFIREPLACESFIREPLACES REVISIONS 6' 8 1/2"13' 1 7/8"4' 0 1/2"6' 0 1/2"10' 0 1/2"TSHd16' 8 1/2"13' 1 7/8"4' 0 1/2"When hiproof above:TYPICAL FRAMING:(1) 2x6SPF#2STUD@16" O.C. CONNECTW/ (2) 16d NAILS @ TOP/BOTTOM PLATE.*TOP ANDBOTTOMPLATESTOBESPF#2TO MATCHWALLWIDTH.AWhen gableroof above:(2) 2x6SPF #2 CONNECT W/ (4)16dNAILS@ TOP/BOTTOMPLATES.ASTAIRSDEFLECTION: L/180ASEE WIND BRACEDETAILWB3.3 1/2" x 5 1/2" 1.3E TIMBERSTRAND® LSLHEADER (PLANK) W/ (1) TRIMMERSPER SIDE.CONNECT W/ (3)16d NAILS PER SIDE.TSHd1ATTACH ROOF TRUSS TO TOP PLATEWITH (1) A23 CLIP @ 2'-0" O.C. INADDITION TO ANY CONNECTIONSREQ'D BY TRUSS MANUFACTURER.STAIRSPlotID Length Product Plies Net QtyTSHd1 6' 0" 3 1/2" x 5 1/2" 1.3E TimberStrand® LSL 1 114' 0" 2 X 6 SPF No.2 1 610' 0" 2 X 6 SPF No.2 1 28' 0" 2 X 6 SPF No.2 1 36' 0" 2 X 6 SPF No.2 1 14' 0" 2 X 6 SPF No.2 1 102' 0" 2 X 6 SPF No.2 1 2Roof Connection - Simpson Strong Tie A23 Clips - Qty 44007 A,B,D,G,H,I,J,K4009 A,B,D,E,F,G,H4011 A,F,G,H,I,J5012 A,B,C,DTHINK SAFETY- READ INSTALLATIONINFORMATION BEFORE PROCEEDINGALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE.IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEALER/BUILDER TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS.ATTACH BOTTOM PLATE TO RIM, FLOORFRAMING AND/OR BLOCKING W/ (2) ROWSOF 16d PNEUMATIC NAILS @ 8" O.C.LOADS MUST BE TRACKED TO FOUNDATIONBY DESIGNER OF RECORD.TRIMMERS, CRIPPLES,ANDBLOCKING10'OR LESS INLENGTHMAYBEREPLACEDWITHSPF/HF No.2 OR BETTER(BYOTHERS).iLevel prepared these placement plans for the specification of iLevel products based on project information provided to us. This service is solely intended for product application assurance; and, is not intendedto circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the building codes. The designer of record and/or builder/framer is responsible to assure these drawings are compatible with the overall project.Copyright 2009 Weyerhaeuser NR Company. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized copying or reproduction will constitute an infringement of copyright.R14-170230Lennar Stair TWSheetTW1Specification Teamservice.request@weyerhaeuser.com(888) 453-8358........www.woodbywy.comWeyerhaeuser prepared these plans for the specification of Trus Joistproducts based on project information provided to us. This service is solelyintended for product application assurance; and, is not intended to circumventthe need for a design professional as determined by the building codes.The designer of record and/or builder/framer is responsible to assure thesedrawings are compatible with the overall project.Copyright 2009 Weyerhaeuser NR Company. All rights reserved.Anyunauthorized copying of reproduction willconstitute an infringement of copyright.LENNAR MN4007, 4009, 4011, 5012MNHave a damaged joist or beam?File an electronic damage report forprompt service from your regionaltechnical office. Scan the QR Codewith your smartphone or go to:www.damagereport.wStructural Framer'sPocket Guide.Access with your Smart Phone.http://woodbywy.com/document/tj-9001/Drawn By:JUSTIN HOriginal Date:5-10-16Architectural Drawings Prepared By:LENNAR - MNStructural Drawings Prepared By:N/AJanuary 2016N/ARev.ByDateJLH9-7-18CommentsAdded 5004, 5011, 5012WB3Loads must be trackedto foundation by designerof recordTrusses by othersat 24" on centerConnect truss to double top platewith (1) Simpson®Strong-Tie A-23 clip at 24" on centerGable end wall2x_ solid sawn angle braces to connect double top plate to roof @ 2'-0"o.c. along length of wall fit snug between the two bays. Connect with (3) 16d nails.2x_ solid sawn connected to top of bottom chord with (3) 16d nails at 2'-0" o.c. along length of wall, back 8'-0"Wall bracing is necessary if double top plate is not attacheddirectly to the roof/floor diaphragm.25° to 45°WB2Connection of double top plate to outlooker must bedesigned to tranfer lateral load to roof.Connect outlooker to double topplate with (1) Simpson® Strong-Tie A-23 clip at 24" on center2x_ outlookerContinuous tall-wall framing(from sill plate to top plate)4" o/c nailingrequired fromsheathingto outlookerBlocking betweenoutlookers asrequiredConnect outlooker to trusswith (2) 16d nails for 2x4, (3) 16d nails for 2x6 or 2x82' maxA notch and hole shall not occur in the same cross sectionMaximum diameter:*138"for312"thickwalls*2316"for512"-1114" thick wallsMaximum notch:One notch may be cut anywhere except the middle13of the length of the stud or column.*78"for312"thickwalls*138"for512"-1114"thickwalls58"Minimumedge distanceAllowable Holes and NotchesL/3L/3L/3One hole may be cut anywhere along the length ofthe stud or column but must be at least58" from the edge.Member OrientationPlate width must equal wall thickness to provide lateral bracing (plate notrequired if header equals wall thickness)L13Header to columnHeaderColumnFraminganglesPlate widthmust equal wallthickness toprovide lateralbracing. (Platenot required ifheader widthequals the wallthickness.)Trimmerstud (s)MULTIPLE MEMBER CONNECTIONS2PLY 3PLY 4PLYUSE 16d (0.131" x 314") PNEUMATIC NAILS4PLYALTERNATE:2ROWS,12" DIAMETER BOLTS AT 8" ON-CENTER*MULTIPLE MEMBER CONNECTION MAY VARY DEPENDING ON APPLICATIONSEE WALL LAYOUT FOR ALTERNATE NAILING PATTERN IF APPLICABLEP6Column to Top PlateTrimmerStud (s)Doubletop plateFramingangles*Note: Field skewableframing angles requiredfor sloped top plateconnectionsP5Solid blocking isrequired if columnand trimmer studsdo not extend tosill plateBlockingpanel asrequiredTrimmerstud (s)FraminganglesRimboardSill PlateSoleplateColumnColumn to Bottom PlateDESIGN PARAMETERSCODE:IBC/IRCSNOW LOAD:35 PSFDEAD LOAD:20 PSFEXPOSURE/WIND LOAD:BWIND SPEED:90 MPHCONNECTIONS:BASED ON .5 SPECIFIC GRAVITYWALL DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS1) DESIGN APPLICATIONS ARE LIMITED TO VERTICAL LOADSAND TO LATERAL WIND LOADS THAT ARE PERPENDICULAR TOTHE WALL FRAMING ONLY (TALL WALL WAS NOT CHECKED ORDESIGNED AS A SHEAR WALL).a) 2009 IBC BRACED WALL PROVISIONS ONLY APPLICABLE TOWALL HEIGHTS 12' OR LESSb) A TALL WALL MAYMEET CODE PROVISIONS IF THE WALL ISNOT BUMPED MORE THAN 4' OUT OF PLANE OF THE REST OFTHE WALL AND THE WALL IS NOT MORE THAN 25' WIDE.c) IF WALL IS BUMPED OUT MORE THAN 4' OR WIDER THAN 25',THE 20' WEYERHAEUSER SHEAR BRACE MAY BE A SOLUTION.CONTACT A LOCAL PROFESSIONAL FOR ASSISTANCE.2) MEMBER DESIGN AND LATERAL SUPPORT REQUIREMENTSFOR BENDING ARE BASED ON NATIONAL DESIGNSPECIFICATION (NDS®) 2005.3) DESIGN ASSUMES STRUCTURAL SHEATHING ON ONE SIDEOF THE WALL OR A COMBINATION OF GYPSUM WALLBOARDAND NON-STRUCTURAL SHEATHING OR SIDING APPLIED TOEACH SIDE OF THE WALL OR OTHER EQUIVALENT.4) BLOCK/BRACE ALL FRAMING VERTICALLY EVERY 8'-0" O.C.5) BLOCK DOWN ALL COLUMN/TRIMMER LOADS AT RIMBOARDLOCATION.6) WALL REINFORCEMENT IS REQUIRED AT ALL LIFT POINTS TOENSURE WALL STABILITY DURING CONSTRUCTION.7) TYPICAL STUD FRAMING FOR WALLS WITH FLEXIBLEFINISHES ARE DESIGNED AT L/120 DEFLECTION CRITERIA. THEMATERIAL SUPPORTING WINDOWS IN THESE WALLS AREDESIGNED AT L/180 DEFLECTION CRITERIA (U.N.O.).8) TRIMMERS TO BE CONNECTED PER MULTIPLE MEMBERCONNECTIONS (SEE DETAIL BELOW).9) ALL WALL TOP AND BOTTOM PLATES TO BETIMBERSTRAND® LSL TO MATCH WALL WIDTH (U.N.O.).PDF createdwithpdfFactoryProtrial versionwww.pdffactory.com Weyerhaeuser prepared these plans for the specification of Trus Joistproducts based on project information provided to us. This service is solelyintended for product application assurance; and, is not intended to circumventthe need for a design professional as determined by the building codes.The designer of record and/or builder/framer is responsible to assure thesedrawings are compatible with the overall project.Copyright 2009 Weyerhaeuser NR Company. All rights reserved.Anyunauthorized copying of reproduction will constitute an infringement of copyright.LENNAR - MNSINCLAIR E/IR13-1609514007 EI A,B,D,G-KSheet1of 3Structural Framer'sPocket Guide.Access with your Smart Phone.http://woodbywy.com/document/tj-9001/Have a damaged joist or beam?File an electronic damage report forprompt service from your regionaltechnical office. Scan the QR Codewith your smartphone or go to:www.damagereport.woodbywy.comSpecification Teamservice.request@weyerhaeuser.com(888) 453-8358 . . . . . . . . www.woodbywy.comDrawn By:DMNOriginal Date:8/29/13Rev.ByDateJLH7-27-20CommentsUpdated joist for E/I plan changes.Architectural Drawings Prepared By:LENNAR - MNStructural Drawings Prepared By:N/A10/11/13N/ADrive nails at anangle to minimizesplitting of plateOne 10d (3") box nail eachside of member at bearing,112" minimum from endSee framing plan (if applicable)or iLevel® Framer's PocketGuide for minimum end andintermediate bearing lengths.TJI® JOIST NAILING REQUIREMENTS at BEARING134" minimum bearing atend support; 312" minimumat intermediate supportTJI® Joist to Bearing PlateShear transfer: Connections equivalent tofloor panel nailing scheduleOne 8d (212") boxnail each side.Drive nails at anangle at least 112"from end.Squash Blocks to TJI® Joist(Load bearing wall above)One 10d (3") box nailinto each flange10'-0" 11'-6"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0" 1'-0" 9'-0"9'-0"6'-0"3'-0"1'-0" 1'-0"1'-0"3601'-0"12'-0"17"13"15'-6"15'-6"SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR HOLE SIZEMinimum distance from edge of hole to inside face of nearest intermediate or cantilever support16'-0"15'-6"21'-0"20'-6"18'-0"17"17'-0"DO NOT cut, notch or drillholes in headers except asindicated in illustrationsand tables.For simple span (5' minimum), uniformly loaded joists used in residential applications, one maximum size round hole may be locatedat the center of the joist span provided no other holes occur in the joist.Distances are based on the maximum uniform loads shown in current Trus Joist® product guides. For other load conditions or holeconfigurations contact your Weyerhaeuser representative.15"8" 10"6"4"12"17"15"12"10"8"6"4"16'-0"15'-6"Holes may be located vertically anywhere within the web. Leave 18" of web (minimum) at top and bottom of hole.Knockouts are located in web at approximately 12" on-center; they do not affect hole placement.1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"Rectangular holes based on measurement of longest side.18"20"1'-0"5605603603601'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0" 1'-6"1'-0"2'-0"3'-0"3'-0"6'-0"6'-0"12'-0"5'-6"16'-6"11'-0"15'-0"10'-0"6'-0"9'-0"6'-0"3'-0"1'-6"4'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"16'-6"18'-0"16'-6"14'-0"8'-6"7'-0"9'-0"11'-6" 16'-6"12'-6"14'-6"19'-6"17'-6'19'-0"20'-0"19'-6"10'-0"17"11'-0"13"10'-6"ROUND HOLE SIZETable B - Intermediate or Cantilever Support10'-6"9'-6"15'-0"13'-6"4'-0" 8'-0"2'-6"2303'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"3'-0"3'-0"1'-0"1'-0"4'-0"1'-0"2'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"16"14"2305603601'-0"1'-0"1'-0"2305602103601'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1178"1'-0"2303601102105602'-0"1'-0"1'-6"3602101103'-0"1'-0"1'-0"9'-0"5'-0"1'-0" 2'-6"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-6"2'-6"3'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-6"2'-0"1'-0"5'-6"5'-6"3'-0"11'-0"10'-0"4'-0"7'-0"6'-6"6'-6"10'-0"13'-6"12'-6"5'-6"9'-6"3'-0"8'-6"5'-6"2'-6" 5'-0"4'-0"1'-0"4'-6"7'-0"2'-0"8'-0"5'-6"2'-0"1'-6"4'-6"4'-0"9'-0"9'-6"11'-0"4'-6"12'-0"8'-0"9'-0"8'-0"6"3"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"2'-6"2'-6"DEPTH912"TJI®2101102"2'-0"1'-6"18"20"1'-0"3605605603601'-0"1'-0"1'-0"5601'-0"4"4"3'-6"3'-0"612"7'-6"7'-6"878"11"1'-0" 2'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"8"10"1'-0"10'-0"5'-0"11'-0"5'-0"1'-0"2'-0"7'-0"7'-0"3'-0"12"6'-6"15"7'-6"3'-0"2'-6" 4'-6"4'-6"2'-0"1'-6"3'-6"2'-6"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"3'-0"1'-0"1'-0"2'-0"4'-6"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"2'-0"1'-0"3'-0"3'-0"1'-0"1'-0"12'-6"6'-0"2'-0" 10'-0"10'-6"13'-6"12'-0"10'-6"14'-6"13'-0"1'-0"3'-6"2'-0"5'-0"9'-0"7'-6"1'-0"5'-0"4'-0"2'-6" 6'-0"4'-6"10'-0"9'-0"13'-0"16'-0"14'-6"13'-0"12'-6"15'-0"14'-0"9'-6"12'-0"11'-0"10'-0"10'-0"8'-0"3'-6"5'-0"1'-0"6'-0"9'-6"5'-0"10'-6"5'-6"3'-0"2'-6"8'-0"7'-6"6'-6"12'-0"9'-0"9'-0"1'-0"6"1'-6"1'-0"1'-0"3"1'-0"3'-0"2'-6"2'-0"1'-6"2"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"4"4'-0"3'-6"4"612"7'-0"6'-6"11"878"10'-0"12'-0"11'-6"11'-0"10'-0"5'-0"6'-6"4'-0"2'-6"11'-0"9'-6"8'-0"1'-0"8"1'-6"10"13'-6"14'-6"14'-6"14'-0"12'-6'11'-0"15"12"13"11'-0"10'-6"SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR HOLE SIZE13"6'-0"6'-6"ROUND HOLE SIZEMinimum distance from edge of hole to inside face of nearest end support1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"2'-0"2'-0"1'-6"1'-6"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"56016"14"1'-0"3602102305601'-0"1'-0"1'-0"2102301101'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1178"912"1102303602101'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1102303602101'-0"1'-0"1'-6"1'-0"8'-0"1'-6" 3'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0" 1'-0"1'-0"8'-0"5'-6"1'-6"2'-0"6'-0"3'-6"4'-0"9'-0"3'-0"3'-6"2'-6"6'-0"6'-6"5'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-6"1'-0"1'-0"2'-6"2'-0"1'-6"2'-0"2'-6"3'-0"2'-0"4'-0"3'-6"2'-6"3'-0"5'-0"6'-0"7'-0"5'-6"Table A - End Support3"DEPTH TJI®2" 4"878" 11"1'-6"2'-0"1'-0"2'-6"2'-0"1'-0"2'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-6"1'-0"5'-0"3'-6" 8'-0"2'-6"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-6"1'-0"1'-0"3'-6"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"2'-0"2'-0"1'-6"9'-6"8'-0"9'-0"8'-0"10'-0"7'-0"6'-6"9'-0"9'-0"8'-6"8'-0"7'-0"6'-0"6'-6"1'-6"2'-6"2'-0"2'-0"2'-6"4'-0"3'-0"3'-0"3'-6"3'-0"2'-6"2'-6" 3'-6"5'-0"4'-6"4'-0"7'-6"7'-0"6'-6"6'-0"3"2" 4"11"878"Also see detail B2612"5'-0"5'-0"5'-6"6'-0"2'-6"3'-0"4'-6"2'-6"1'-0"1'-6"1'-0"2'-6"1'-0"1'-0"2'-6"5'-0"1'-0"1'-0"612"4'-6"5'-0"5'-0"5'-6"5'-0"5'-6"6'-6"4'-6"3'-6"4'-0"4'-0"6'-6"3'-0"2'-6"5'-6"7'-0"5'-0"4'-0"3'-0"3'-6"5'-0"2'-6"1'-6"2'-0"1'-0"3'-0"1'-0"1'-0"3'-0"5'-6"1'-0"1'-0"5'-6"5'-6"6'-6"4'-6"4'-0"4'-6"5'-0"7'-0"3'-6"3'-6"6'-6"7'-6"6'-0"5'-0"5"5"7"7"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"5"4'-0"4'-6"2'-6"3'-0"6'-6"5'-6"1'-0"5'-6"3'-6"3'-6"3'-6"1'-0"2'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"5'-0"7"4'-0"3'-0"2'-0"3'-6"4'-0"3'-6"1'-0"6'-6"6'-0"5'-6"7'-6"2'-6"8'-6"5'-0"7"5"5'-6"6'-6"3'-6"2'-6"5'-6"4'-0"4'-0"2'-0"7'-0"5'-6"5'-0"7'-0"2'-6"8'-0"7'-6"4'-6"4'-0"6'-0"8'-0"11'-0"6'-0"9'-6"8'-6"10'-0"11'-0"5'-6"7'-6"8'-6"10'-0"6'-0"7'-0"7'-0"5"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"7"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"5" 7"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"3'-0"4'-0"5"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-6"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"7"5"1'-0"1'-0"3'-6"1'-6" 6'-6"4'-0"6'-0"8'-6"7"1.3E TimberStrand® LSL allowed hole zoneddMicrollam® LVL andParallam® PSLallowed hole zonemiddle 13 span1.3E TimberStrand®LSL hole zoneMicrollam® LVLand Parallam®PSL hole zone2 x diameter of thelargest hole (minimum)d13 depth1"2"134"MAXIMUM ROUNDHOLE SIZEHEADER DEPTH438"714" to 20"512"See illustration for Allowed Hole ZoneOther Trus Joist® Trus Joist® Headers and Beams1.55E TimberStrand®LSL Headers and BeamsALLOWABLE HOLES - Headers and Beams13 depth2 x diameter of thelargest hole (minimum)2 x diameter of thelargest hole (minimum)Allowed hole zone8"8"See illustration for allowed hole zone1114"-11 78"14" to 16"914"-912"HEADER DEPTHMAXIMUM ROUNDHOLE SIZE358"458"3"No holes in headers or beams in plank orientation.Round holes onlyGeneral NotesGeneral NotesNo holes in headers or beams in plank orientation.Allowed hole zone suitable for uniformly loaded headers and beams only.Round holes onlyNo holes in cantilevers.BEAM ATTACHMENT at BEARINGThis sheet is intended as a supplement to the Trus Joist® Framer's Pocket Guide, which should be referenced for additional information.THINK SAFETY-READ INSTALLATION INFORMATION BEFORE PROCEEDINGAllowable Load400475Allowable load determined in accordance with AC 124.Corrosion-resistant fasteners required for wet-service applications.114" TimberStrand®LSL rim boardEXTERIOR DECK ATTACHMENTStructural exterior sheathingSee fastenertable below. Maintain2" distance (minimum) fromedge of ledger to fastener.8" diameter maximum hole for 1178" -16" deep blocking panels; 6" diametermaximum for TJI® blocking panels912" deep or shorter than 12" long.Do not cut flanges.GENERAL TRUS JOIST PRODUCT ASSEMBLY DETAILSE1E1WWeb stiffenersrequired eachside at E1WBacker block: Install tightto top flange (tight tobottom flange with facemount hangers). Attachwith ten 10d (3") boxnails, clinched whenpossible.H2Backer blockboth sides of webwith single TJI®joistFiller block: Attach with ten 10d (3") boxnails, clinched. Use ten 16d (312") boxnails from each side with 312" TJI® joistflange widths. Use fifteen nails withTJI® joist depths greater than 16".12" lag boltLA38" lag boltFastenerFlashingTreated 2x_ledger400N.A.118" Trus Joist®rim boardWeb stiffener each side.See sizes below.WTight fitWEB STIFFENER ATTACHMENTGap:18" minimum234" maximumThree 8d (212") box nails, clinched(Three 16d (312") box nails at 312"TJI® joist flange widths112"112"Load bearing or shear wall above(must stack over wall below)TJI® blockingpanelWeb stiffenersrequired each side atB1W and B2WB2B1B1WB2W116"2x4 minimumsquash blocksUse 2x4 minimum squash blocks totransfer load around TJI® joistCSLoad from above2x4 minimumsquash blocks116"With top flange hangers, backer block requiredonly for downward loads exceeding 250 lbs or foruplift conditions.NOTE: STUCTURAL DOCUMENTS FOR THIS PROJECT PER THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL OF RECORD SHALLSUPERCEDE ALL ASSEMBLIES SHOWN IN THIS SECTION, ALSO REFER TO TRUS JOIST® PLACEMENT PLANS(AND MATERIAL SCHEDULES) FOR REQUIRED MATERIAL.Coordinate load requirements with the design professional of record.Lack of proper bracing during construction can result in seriousaccidents. Observe the following guidelines:1. All blocking, hangers, rim boards and rim joists at the end supports of the TJI® joists must be completely installed and properly nailed.2. Laterial strength, like braced end wall or an existing deck, must be established at the ends of the bay. This can also beaccomplished by a temporary or permanent deck (sheathing) fastened to the first 4 feet of joists at the end of the bay.3. Safety bracing of 1x4 (minimum) must be nailed to a braced end wall or sheathed area (as in note 2) and to each joist.Without this bracing, buckling sideways or rollover is highly probable under light construction loads - such as a worker orone layer of unnailed sheathing.5. Ends of cantilevers require safety bracing on both the top and bottom flanges.6. The flanges must remain straight within 1/2" from true alignment.4. Sheathing must be completely attached to each TJI® joist before additional loads can be placed on the system.WARNING NOTES:WARNINGJoists are unstable until braced laterallyBracing Includes:BlockingHangersSheathingRim BoardStrut LinesRim JoistDO NOT stack buildingmaterials on unsheathedjoists. Stack only overbeams or walls.DO NOT walk on joiststhat are lying flat.DO NOT walk on joistsuntil braced.INJURY MAY RESULT.Weyerhaeuser, Microllam®, Parallam®, Silent Floor®, TimberStrand®, TJI®, and Trus Joist® are registered trademarksof Weyerhaeuser NR. © 2009 Weyerhaeuser NR Company. All rights reserved.TimberStrand® LSL, TrusJoist® rim board, or(Microllam® LVL with EORapproval) see placement plan.TimberStrand® LSL, TrusJoist® rim board, or (Microllam®LVL with EOR approval)TimberStrand® LSL, TrusJoist® rim board, or (Microllam®LVL with EOR approval)TimberStrand® LSL, TrusJoist® rim board, or (Microllam®LVL with EOR approval) seeplacement plan.B4End of joist at centerline of support. Blocking panels required.Load bearing or shear wall above (must stack over wall below when present)Plate nail - 16d (0.135" x 312")at 16" on-center*Floor panel nail - 8d (0.131" x 212")at 6" on-center*A3WWToe nail - 10d (0.131" x 3")at 6" on-center*When sheathing thickness exceeds 78",trim sheathing tongue at rim boardWeb Stiffeners requiredeach side at A3._WA3A3.2A3.1 A3.3A3.1WA3.2WA3.3TimberStrand® LSL, Trus Joist®rim board, or (Microllam® LVL withEOR approval) see placement plan.For rim board thicker than 1 34"- Attach TJI® Joist to rim board with one 10d (0.128"x3")nail. Top nail from TJI® joist into rim board.- Connect corner with four 10d (0.128"x3") nails. Toe nailfrom side of parallel closure into rim board.*Conventional construction code minimum for use withA3 only. See the Trus Joist TJI® Specifier's Guide, #TJ-4000,and the Trus Joist® Rim Board Specifier's Guide, #TJ-8000,for A3.1-A3.3 installation specifications and applications.Doubletop plateStudKingstudHeader platestops at insideface oftrimmersHeader - per plan(bears directly ontrimmers)Trimmers- per planHeadercrippleTypical Header DetailWindow/Door OpeningOnly header openings and roof loads which affect Trus Joistproduct sizes have been denoted on this layout. In addition toany CS detail callouts shown, solid blocking and/or squashblocks are required to provide vertical load transfer from allconcentrated load locations to foundation below. See pocketframer guide for appropriate detail(s).ASSUMED BEARING LENGTH FOR BEAMSAt parallel walls assume 1-1/2" end bearing, at perpendicular wallsassume full wall width end bearing UNO.ALLOWABLE JOIST SHIFTSIndividual joists can be shifted up to 3" maximum from their on-centerspacing to avoid hanger interference/plumbing drops/post.(DO NOT EXCEED 24" O.C. MAXIMUM SPACING)CANTILEVERS/TRUSSESDesign assumes all trusses at floor cantilevers are connected to thewall and NOT to the Trus Joist rimboard. If trusses need to connectto the Trus Joist rimboard, contact Weyerhaeuser for a connectiondetail prior to installation.JOIST & BEAM HANGER FACE NAILING REQUIREMENTS* FOR3 & 4 PLY SUPPORTING MEMBERSFor IUS or THF Hangers - Use 10d (0.148") x 3" nails.For MIU, HU, HHUS, HGUS or HD, THD, THDH Hangers - Use 16d(0.162") x 3-1/2" nails.*For hangers that have joist fasteners/connections, fill all holes withthe manufacturer's recommended fasteners.**FLOOR & ROOF DESIGN PARAMETERS**Face mounthangerTop flangehangerVerify column capacityand beam bearinglength. See currentiLevel® literature.L5L1BEARING ATCOLUMNColumnSee current Trus Joist® literaturefor framing connectorsL6Additional nailing or bolting may berequired with side-loaded multiple-memberbeams. Refer to current product literature.CONNECTION OF MULTIPLE PIECESOF TOP-LOADED BEAMS (1)Minimum of 3 rows 10d (3" x 0.128") nails at 12" o.c.Minimum of 4 rows 10d (3" x 0.128") nails at 12" o.c.for 14" and deeper beamsIf using 12d (314") or larger nails, the number ofnailing rows may be reduced by one.(1) Load must be applied evenly across entirebeam width. Otherwise, use connections forside-loaded beams.312" Width Pieces:Minimum of 2 rows 12" bolts at24" o.c. staggered134" Width Pieces:L2L3Protect untreatedwood from directcontact withconcreteL4BEARING AT WALLBEARING FOR DOOROR WINDOW HEADERStrap per code if top plateis not continuous overheaderBEAM TO BEAMCONNECTIONBEARING ATCONCRETE WALLTimberStrand® LSL, Trus Joist® rimboard, (Microllam® LVL with EORapproval), or TJI® blocking for lateral supportBEAM DETAILS2'TJI® JOIST2"2x6 (min.) solid sawn or 4 12" wideTimberstrand® LSL rim board, full lengthin bay and tight to each joist flange. Connectto plate with 8d (0.113" x 2 38") nails at 6"on-center.2416 span rated sheathing (716" Min.).Attach with 8d (0.113" x 2 38") nails at6" on-center along panel edges and infield. Use pressure treated plywoodfor ground level cantilevers.E1 ALTWARNINGJoists are unstable until braced laterally,Safety bracing required during installation.Lateral load transfer for this detail is180 PLF (pounds per lineal foot).Additional connections may be requiredto transfer lateral loads from wall above.16' maxdeck2'11 7/8" - 16" TJI®2"6"16' maxdeck2'9 1/2" TJI®6"2x_ Furring2416 span rated sheathing (716" Min.).Attach with 8d (0.113" x 2 38") nails at6" on-center along panel edges and infield. Use pressure treated plywoodfor ground level cantilevers.Inverted hanger (seehanger list on Trus Joiststructural layout)Treated ledger1 18" x 11 7/8" Trus Joist® rim boardInverted hanger (seehanger list on iLevelstructural layout)Treated ledgerE1 ALT LA2416 span rated sheathing (716" Min.).Attach with 8d (0.113" x 2 38") nails at6" on-center along panel edges and infield. Use pressure treated plywoodfor ground level cantilevers.E1 ALT LA 9.52x6 (min.) solid sawn or 4 12" wideTimberstrand® LSL rim board, full lengthin bay and tight to each joist flange. Connectto plate with 8d (0.113" x 2 38") nails at 6"on-center.Timberstrand ® LSL rim boardto match TJI® depth2x6 (min.) solid sawn or 4 12" wideTimberstrand® LSL rim board, full lengthin bay and tight to each joist flange. Connectto plate with 8d (0.113" x 2 38") nails at 6"on-center.WARNINGJoists are unstable until braced laterally,Safety bracing required during installation.Lateral load transfer for this detail is180 PLF (pounds per lineal foot).Additional connections may be requiredto transfer lateral loads from wall above.WARNINGJoists are unstable until braced laterally,Safety bracing required during installation.Lateral load transfer for this detail is180 PLF (pounds per lineal foot).Additional connections may be requiredto transfer lateral loads from wall above.Attach reinforcementto TJI® joist with 8d (212")common nails at 6" on-center. When reinforcingboth sides, stagger nails.E3E22'-0"maximumFace grainhorizontal4'-0" length of34" reinforcementon one side at E2,both sides at E3ALT ALTTimberstrand ® LSL rim boardto match TJI® depth2x6 (min.) solid sawn or 4 12" wideTimberstrand® LSL rim board, full lengthin bay and tight to each joist flange. Connectto plate with 8d (0.113" x 2 38") nails at 6"on-center.2416 span rated sheathing (716" Min.).Attach with 8d (0.113" x 2 38") nails at6" on-center along panel edges and infield. Use pressure treated plywoodfor ground level cantilevers.WARNINGJoists are unstable until braced laterally,Safety bracing required during installation.Lateral load transfer for this detail is180 PLF (pounds per lineal foot).Additional connections may be requiredto transfer lateral loads from wall above.Timberstrand ® LSL rim boardto match TJI® depthUNLESS NOTED OTHERWISEFLOOR LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION CRITERIA: L/480FLOOR LIVE LOAD: 40 PSFFLOOR DEAD LOAD: 10 PSFSNOW LIVE LOAD: 35 PSFROOF DEAD LOAD: 20 PSF (TRUSSED ROOFS)ROOF DEAD LOAD: 15 PSF* (TJI/RAFTER)*Dead Loads are adjusted for slope correctionTJI® blockingpanelA1PB113 joist span8' max.Apply subflooradhesive to allcontact surfacesOption #3:Option #1:Option #2:TJI® Joist blocking with endblocks installed at 13 joist-spanlocations usingtwo 8d (0.113" x 212")nails or2 12" screws,typical2x_ strapping installed at 13joist-span locations using two2 12" screws per joist, typicalDirectly applied ceilingWhen specified on the layout, one ofthe above bracing options is requiredAdditional Notes1.5E TimberStrand®LSL Prescriptive Chart13 depth2 x diameter of thelargest hole (minimum)8"See illustration for allowed hole zone1114"-11 78"14"-16"914"-912"358"458"3"Round holes onlyGeneral NotesNo holes within 8" of joist ends.Maximum RoundHole SizeJoist DepthAllowed hole zone1.5 E TimberStrand® LSL8"Round holes larger than 3-5/8" up to 7-1/4" max. in1.5" x 11-7/8" 1.5E TimberStrand LSL joist onlyEdge of large holes need to be at least 4 times the diameter of the largest hole(for a 7-1/4" hole, the closest distance allowed to the next hole is 29", even if the nexthole is a small 12" diameter hole).The hole must be centered within the joist vertically.No square or rectangular holesNo more than (2) holes between 3-5/8" and 7-1/4" diameter allowed per span.See chart below for minimum distance from inside face of bearing to edge of hole for holeslarger than 3-5/8" but not greater than 7.25"Minimum distance from edge of hole to inside face ofbearing (end or intermediate)4"5"6.5" 7.25"2'-0"2'-0" 3'-0"3'-6"the area of a 7-1/4" circumscribed hole A smaller hole can be drilled withincentered in the depth of the joistcircumscribed 7-1/4" holesmaller hole drilled withincircumscribed area of 7-1/4" holeassuming the circumscribed hole is a minimum of 3'-6" from face of bearing1-1/2" x 11-7/8" 1.5E TimberStrand LSL floor joistSales Presentation Drawing:No structural or dimensional check has been performed on this drawing. Lyman Companieswould only be responsible for the individual member design, based on the assumed or knownvertical loads. The Builder or General Contractor is responsible for the structure(s) overalldesign, and it is strongly recommended that all drawings and calculations be reviewed by theengineer of record for this particular project. WALKOUT HEADERS - ADDPlotID Length ProductPlies Net QtyTSHd1-2 8' 0" 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 2 2TSHd2-2 6' 0" 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 2 4ELEVATION SOIL PRESSURE BLOCKINGPlotID Length Product Plies Net QtySoil Pressure Blkg 90' 0" 11 7/8" TJI 210 joist 1 1LOOKOUT HEADERS - ADDPlotID Length ProductPlies Net QtyTSHd2-2 6' 0" 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 2 6 Start Joist Layout Here.ALL ELEVATIONS LOWER LEVELPlotID Length ProductPlies Net QtyFBk1 2' 11 3/8" 11 7/8" TJI 210 joist1 1TS1 34' 0" 1 1/2" x 11 7/8" 1.5E TimberStrand LSL 1 4TS2 22' 0" 1 1/2" x 11 7/8" 1.5E TimberStrand LSL 1 13TS3 16' 0" 1 1/2" x 11 7/8" 1.5E TimberStrand LSL 1 7TS4 12' 0" 1 1/2" x 11 7/8" 1.5E TimberStrand LSL 1 6TS5 6' 0" 1 1/2" x 11 7/8" 1.5E TimberStrand LSL 1 1TS6 8' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 1TS7 4' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 1TS9-3 8' 0" 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 3 3TS8-2 8' 0" 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 2 4STRm1 16' 0" 1 1/8" x 11 7/8" TJ Rim Board1 1123/32"x48"x96" Weyerhaeuser Edge Gold Panel (0/24) T&G SF 1 35ALL ELEVATIONS LOWER LEVELPlotID Qty Manuf Product Backer Blks Web StiffH1 2 Simpson IUS1.81/11.88 No NoH2 1 Simpson LUS210 No NoFULL FOUNDATION - ADDPlotID Length ProductPlies Net QtyNot Shown 40' 0" 1-1/2" x 11-7/8" 1.5E Timberstrand LSL 1 1B2B2B2A3A3A3A3A3A3CSCSCSCSCSCSCSCSCSCSB1TS9-3TS8-2TS8-2TS6TS5STRm1STRm1STRm1STRm1STRm1STRm1STRm1STRm1STRm1STRm13"3"TSHd2-2TSHd2-2TSHd2-2 TSHd2-2TSHd2-2TSHd1-23"3"4-1/2" (Hip Elevations)4-1/2" (Hip Elevations)3"TS3FBk1TS7H2H1H1TS419.2" O.C.TS119.2" O.C.TS219.2" O.C.TS219.2" O.C.TS319.2" O.C.LOOKOUT HEADERSWALKOUT HEADERSInstall (4)2x6 squash blocks under allpoint loads at front of house.For labeled Point Loads exceeding10,000 lbs contact LENNAR forFraming Details.All joist blocking including soil pressure joistblocking can be either 210 or 360 series TJI or1-1/2" Timberstrand LSL 1.5E material.Full Foundation: 1-1/2" LSL 1.5Eflush with canted sill plate. LSLattached to Rim held to inside liningup with concrete foundation. (1-1/2"LSL not shown on layout.)No changes to floor framing with fullheight stone fireplaces for either theside fireplace or corner fireplace.Weyerhaeuser prepared these plans for the specification of Trus Joistproducts based on project information provided to us. This service is solelyintended for product application assurance; and, is not intended to circumventthe need for a design professional as determined by the building codes.The designer of record and/or builder/framer is responsible to assure thesedrawings are compatible with the overall project.Copyright 2009 Weyerhaeuser NR Company. All rights reserved.Anyunauthorized copying of reproduction will constitute an infringement of copyright.Architectural Drawings Prepared By:LENNAR - MNStructural Drawings Prepared By:N/A10/11/13N/ALENNAR - MNSINCLAIR E/IALL ELEVATIONSDrawn By:DMNOriginal Date:8/29/13First Floor Framing PlanScale: 1/4" = 1'-0"R13-1609514007 EI A,B,D,G-KSheet2of 3Structural Framer'sPocket Guide.Access with your Smart Phone.http://woodbywy.com/document/tj-9001/Have a damaged joist or beam?File an electronic damage report forprompt service from your regionaltechnical office. Scan the QR Codewith your smartphone or go to:www.damagereport.wSpecification Teamservice.request@weyerhaeuser.com(888) 453-8358 . . . . . . . . www.woodbywy.comRev.ByDateJLH7-27-20CommentsUpdated joist for E/I plan changes.Joist Plot IDSYMBOL LEGENDx = Example member ID1.9E Microllam LVL2.0E Parallam PSL1.55E TimberStrand LSLHeader Plot IDHanger LabelMember By OthersUnder Load AboveHangerJoistBeamWallsWalls AboveDetail Callout LabelXXULABBOHxxxHdx-xTSx-xPLx-xMLx-xXxClosure By OthersCBOLack of proper bracing during construction can result in seriousaccidents. Observe the following guidelines:WARNING NOTES:WARNINGJoists are unstable until braced laterallyBracing Includes:BlockingHangersSheathingRim BoardStrut LinesRim JoistDO NOT stack buildingmaterials on unsheathedjoists. Stack only overbeams or walls.DO NOT walk on joiststhat are lying flat.DO NOT walk on joistsuntil braced.INJURY MAY RESULT.Weyerhaeuser, Microllam, Parallam, TimberStrand, TJI, TJ, and Trus Joist are registered trademarks ofWeyerhaeuser NR. © 2014 Weyerhaeuser NR Company. All rights reserved.1. All blocking, hangers, rim boards and rim joists at the end supports of the TJI® joists must be completely installed and properly nailed.2. Laterial strength, like braced end wall or an existing deck, must be established at the ends of the bay. This can also beaccomplished by a temporary or permanent deck (sheathing) fastened to the first 4 feet of joists at the end of the bay.3. Safety bracing of 1x4 (minimum) must be nailed to a braced end wall or sheathed area (as in note 2) and to each joist.Without this bracing, buckling sideways or rollover is highly probable under light construction loads - such as a worker orone layer of unnailed sheathing.5. Ends of cantilevers require safety bracing on both the top and bottom flanges.6. The flanges must remain straight within 1/2" from true alignment.4. Sheathing must be completely attached to each TJI® joist before additional loads can be placed on the system.THINK SAFETY - READ INSTALLATION INFORMATION BEFORE PROCEEDINGA COMPLETE JAVELIN® LAYOUT INCLUDES THE WEYERHAEUSER FRAMER'S POCKET GUIDE.Only header openings and roof loads which affectWeyerhaeuser product sizes have been denoted onthis layout. In addition to any'CS' detail calloutsshown, solid blocking and/or squash blocks arerequired to provide vertical load transfer from allconcentrated load locations to foundation below.See Pocket Framer's Guide for appropriate detail(s).3" adjustment allowed for joist spaced 19.2"o.c. or less to accommodate plumbing drops.DO NOT CUT JOIST FLANGES.This layout is intended for the use of TrusJoist® engineered wood products only. Thesubstitution of other engineered wood productswith this layout is NOT PERMITTED. Pleaseidentify the TJI® , TimberStrand® LSL , Microllam® LVL , and Parallam® PSL stampson the product to ensure that this layout isvalid for the products actually installed.Sales Presentation Drawing:No structural or dimensional check has been performed on this drawing. Lyman Companieswould only be responsible for the individual member design, based on the assumed or knownvertical loads. The Builder or General Contractor is responsible for the structure(s) overalldesign, and it is strongly recommended that all drawings and calculations be reviewed by theengineer of record for this particular project. Start Joist Layout Here.SECOND FLOOR - ELEVATION DPlotID Qty Manuf Product Backer Blks Web StiffH2 1 Simpson HU11 No NoH3 3 Simpson HUC48 No NoH4 13 Simpson IUS2.06/11.88 No NoH6 2 User HGUS5.25/10 Not Required RequiredH7 1 User HHUS410 Not Required Not RequiredH10 11 User MIU5.12/9 Not Required RequiredSECOND FLOOR - ELEVATION DPlotID Length ProductPlies Net QtyF34' 34' 0" 11 7/8" TJI 210 joist1 13F20' 20' 0" 11 7/8" TJI 210 joist1 5F18' 18' 0" 11 7/8" TJI 210 joist1 1F16' 16' 0" 11 7/8" TJI 210 joist1 11F14' 14' 0" 11 7/8" TJI 210 joist1 7TS1-2 22' 0" 1 1/2" x 11 7/8" 1.5E TimberStrand LSL 2 2TS3-2 14' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 2 2TS4-2 12' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 2 2TS5 8' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 1TSHd1-2 10' 0" 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 2 2TSHd2-2 8' 0" 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 2 4TSHd3-2 6' 0" 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 2 2TSHd4-2 4' 0" 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 2 2TS8 12' 0" 3 1/2" x 7 1/4" 1.3E TimberStrand LSL 1 2TS12 4' 0" 3 1/2" x 7 1/4" 1.3E TimberStrand LSL 1 1STRm1 16' 0" 1 1/8" x 11 7/8" TJ Rim Board1 84' 0" 4' x 11 7/8", 3/4" Cantilever Reinforcement 1 19 1/8" 3/4" x 2 5/16" Web Stiffeners1 423/32"x48"x96" Weyerhaeuser Edge Gold Panel (0/24) T&G SF 1 45E1A3A3A3E1E2E2WWCSCSCSCSCSTSHd3-2 BBOHd1-2 TSHd4-2 TSHd2-2TSHd2-2TS4-2TS5TS3-2BBO12STRm1STRm1STRm1STRm1STRm1STRm1STRm1BBOBk1STRm13"ALTTS8TSHd1-2TS1-23"3"3"3"TS8TS12H3H3H3BBOHd1-23"H7H2F18'1' 3 7/16"1' 10 15/16"1' 7 1/4"1' 7 1/8"10 9/16"8 5/8"F16'19.2" O.C.F20'19.2" O.C.F34'19.2" O.C.F14'19.2" O.C.1' 7 1/2"1' 6 7/8"H10H10H6H4H4See Tall WallDesign on TW1See Joist to Girder ConnectionDetail on this Page.ROOF TRUSSES ASSUMED TO BESUPPORTED BY WALL AND NOTNAILED INTO TJ® RIMBOARD.PLEASE VERIFY PRIOR TOCONSTRUCTION AS ADDITIONALMATERIALS MAY BE REQUIRED.-NO ELEVATION CHANGE FORGARAGE EXPANSION OPTION.-ALL BATH OPTIONS HAVE BEENACCOUNTED FOR. NO MATERIALCHANGE.-NO MATERAIL CHANGE FORCORNER FIREPLACE OPTIONCAN LIGHTPlumbing wallPlumbing wallHall BathSerenity Bath OptMaster BathROOF - ELEVATION DPlotID Length ProductPlies Net QtyTSHd1-3 10' 0" 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 3 3TSHd2-2 8' 0" 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 2 2TSHd2-2TSHd1-3BBOHd3-2BBOHd1-2BBO133"3"BBO14BBO15BBOHd3-2BBOHd3-2BBOHd3-26' 0" 6' 0" Girder SetbackGirder SetbackWeyerhaeuser prepared these plans for the specification of Trus Joistproducts based on project information provided to us. This service is solelyintended for product application assurance; and, is not intended to circumventthe need for a design professional as determined by the building codes.The designer of record and/or builder/framer is responsible to assure thesedrawings are compatible with the overall project.Copyright 2009 Weyerhaeuser NR Company. All rights reserved.Anyunauthorized copying of reproduction will constitute an infringement of copyright.Architectural Drawings Prepared By:LENNAR - MNStructural Drawings Prepared By:N/A10/11/13N/ALENNAR - MNSINCLAIR E/IELEVATION DDrawn By:DMNOriginal Date:8/29/13Second Floor Framing PlanScale: 1/4" = 1'-0"R13-1609514007 EI A,B,D,G-KSheet3of 3Structural Framer'sPocket Guide.Access with your Smart Phone.http://woodbywy.com/document/tj-9001/Have a damaged joist or beam?File an electronic damage report forprompt service from your regionaltechnical office. Scan the QR Codewith your smartphone or go to:www.damagereport.wSpecification Teamservice.request@weyerhaeuser.com(888) 453-8358 . . . . . . . . www.woodbywy.comRoof Headers PlanScale: 1/4" = 1'-0"Rev.ByDateJLH7-27-20CommentsUpdated joist for E/I plan changes.Joist Plot IDSYMBOL LEGENDx = Example member ID1.9E Microllam LVL2.0E Parallam PSL1.55E TimberStrand LSLHeader Plot IDHanger LabelMember By OthersUnder Load AboveHangerJoistBeamWallsWalls AboveDetail Callout LabelXXULABBOHxxxHdx-xTSx-xPLx-xMLx-xXxClosure By OthersCBOLack of proper bracing during construction can result in seriousaccidents. Observe the following guidelines:WARNING NOTES:WARNINGJoists are unstable until braced laterallyBracing Includes:BlockingHangersSheathingRim BoardStrut LinesRim JoistDO NOT stack buildingmaterials on unsheathedjoists. Stack only overbeams or walls.DO NOT walk on joiststhat are lying flat.DO NOT walk on joistsuntil braced.INJURY MAY RESULT.Weyerhaeuser, Microllam, Parallam, TimberStrand, TJI, TJ, and Trus Joist are registered trademarks ofWeyerhaeuser NR. © 2014 Weyerhaeuser NR Company. All rights reserved.1. All blocking, hangers, rim boards and rim joists at the end supports of the TJI® joists must be completely installed and properly nailed.2. Laterial strength, like braced end wall or an existing deck, must be established at the ends of the bay. This can also beaccomplished by a temporary or permanent deck (sheathing) fastened to the first 4 feet of joists at the end of the bay.3. Safety bracing of 1x4 (minimum) must be nailed to a braced end wall or sheathed area (as in note 2) and to each joist.Without this bracing, buckling sideways or rollover is highly probable under light construction loads - such as a worker orone layer of unnailed sheathing.5. Ends of cantilevers require safety bracing on both the top and bottom flanges.6. The flanges must remain straight within 1/2" from true alignment.4. Sheathing must be completely attached to each TJI® joist before additional loads can be placed on the system.GIRDER TRUSS BY OTHERSNOTES: TRUSS MANUFACTURER TODESIGN FOR ANY TORSION LOADS ATBOTTOM CHORDS OF GIRDER TRUSSIF NEEDED. THE TORSION FORCEDEPENDS ON THE NUMBER OF GIRDERTRUSS PLIES AND VERTICAL LOADAPPLIED.TJI SERIES WEB STIFFENER SQUASH BLOCK MAX. TJI REACTION1101178" MIN.58" x 512" Wide34" Net x 512" Wide1" Net x 512" Wide118" TJ Rim Board(BOTH SIDES OF JOIST)2x6 BLOCK(BOTH SIDES OF JOIST)(CUT 116" TALLER THAN JOIST)1,305 LBS1,530 LBS230 - 1,575 LBS360 - 1,620 LBS2ND FLOOR WALLSUPPORTING UNIFORMROOF LOAD(2) PLY 2X10 SYP/DFBOTTOM CHORD, MINIMUMSQUASH BLOCKS (SEE TABLE FOR SIZE & TYPE)ATTACH W/ (3) 10d (0.128" x 3") NAILS INTO WEB &WEB STIFFENER.TJI JOIST SERIES1178" MIN. DEPTHGAP:18" MINIMUM234" MAXIMUM(3) 8d (0.113" x 212") NAILS,CLINCHEDWEB STIFFENER EACH SIDESEE TABLE BELOWTIGHT FIT1"1"WEB STIFFENERSEE DETAILHANGER - SEE TABLERRRHANGER MAX. REACTION2,615 LBSMIU5.12/9 2,615 LBSMIU4.75/9 2,615 LBSLIGHT LOADS1 - MAXIMUM TJI REACTION FROM CURRENT LEVEL LOADS ONLY.2 - MAXIMUM LOAD / REACTION ON HANGER FROM CURRENT LEVEL & ALL LEVELS ABOVE. MAX HANGER REACTION FOR FLOOR & ROOF COMBINATION (115% SNOW LOAD DURATION)NAILING: SEE HANGER MANUFACTURE LITERATURE FOR TOP MOUNT MAX HANGER NAILING REQUIREMENTS.SIMPSON STRONG-TIEHANGER MAX. REACTION2,220 LBSHD310-2 2,920 LBS2,920LBSUSPGIRDER TRUSS BY OTHERSTOP VIEWRTJI JOISTSQUASH BLOCK - SEE TABLE2101178" MIN.230 / 3601178" MIN.RHD210-35 1/2"GIRDER TRUSS BY OTHERSHANGER - SEE TABLESQUASH BLOCK - SEE TABLEATTACH W/ (3) 10d (0.128" x 3")NAILS INTO WEB & WEB STIFFENER.RTJI JOIST118" TJ Rim Board(BOTH SIDES OF JOIST)MIU4.12/9SUH410RSIDE VIEWWEB STIFFENER - SEE TABLEHANGER - SEE TABLE2222221111RGIRDER TRUSS BY OTHERSNOTES: TRUSS MANUFACTURER TODESIGN FOR ANY TORSION LOADS ATBOTTOM CHORDS OF GIRDER TRUSSIF NEEDED. THE TORSION FORCEDEPENDS ON THE NUMBER OF GIRDERTRUSS PLIES AND VERTICAL LOADAPPLIED.2ND FLOOR WALLSUPPORTING UNIFORMROOF LOAD(2) PLY 2X10 SYP/DFBOTTOM CHORD, MINIMUMTJI JOIST SERIES1178" MIN. DEPTHHANGER - SEE TABLETJI SERIES SQUASH BLOCKS MAX. TJI REACTION134" 1.55E TIMBERSTRAND LSL(BOTH SIDES OF JOIST)(CUT 116" TALLER THAN JOIST)2x6 SQUASH BLOCK(BOTH SIDES OF JOIST)(CUT 116" TALLER THAN JOIST)1,560 LBS1,655 LBS230 - 1,655 LBS360 - 1,705 LBSHEAVY LOADSHANGER MAX. REACTIONHGUS5.50/10 9,100 LBSSIMPSON STRONG-TIEHANGER MAX. REACTIONTHDH610 9,855 LBSTHDH210-3 9,855 LBSTHDH610 9,855 LBSUSP1101178" MIN.2101178" MIN.230 / 3601178" MIN.9,100 LBS9,100 LBSHGUS5.25/10HGUS5.50/102x6 SQUASH BLOCK(BOTH SIDES OF JOIST)(CUT 116" TALLER THAN JOIST)SQUASH BLOCKS (SEE TABLE FOR SIZE & TYPE)ATTACH W/ (3) 10d (0.128" x 3") NAILS INTO WEB &WEB STIFFENER.WEB STIFFENERSEE DETAILGAP:18" MINIMUM234" MAXIMUM(3) 8d (0.113" x 212") NAILS,CLINCHEDWEB STIFFENER EACH SIDESEE TABLE BELOWTIGHT FIT1"1"GIRDER TRUSS BY OTHERSHANGER - SEE TABLESQUASH BLOCK - SEE TABLEATTACH W/ (3) 10d (0.128" x 3")NAILS INTO WEB & WEB STIFFENER.TJI JOISTSIDE VIEWGIRDER TRUSS BY OTHERSTOP VIEWTJI JOISTSQUASH BLOCK - SEE TABLE5 1/2"WEB STIFFENER - SEE TABLEHANGER - SEE TABLEWEB STIFFENER58" x 512" Wide34" Net x 512" Wide1" Net x 512" Wide22222211111 - MAXIMUM TJI REACTION FROM CURRENT LEVEL LOADS ONLY.2 - MAXIMUM LOAD / REACTION ON HANGER FROM CURRENT LEVEL & ALL LEVELS ABOVE. MAX HANGER REACTION FOR FLOOR & ROOF COMBINATION (115% SNOW LOAD DURATION)NAILING: SEE HANGER MANUFACTURE LITERATURE FOR TOP MOUNT MAX HANGER NAILING REQUIREMENTS.THINK SAFETY - READ INSTALLATION INFORMATION BEFORE PROCEEDINGA COMPLETE JAVELIN® LAYOUT INCLUDES THE WEYERHAEUSER FRAMER'S POCKET GUIDE.Only header openings and roof loads which affectWeyerhaeuser product sizes have been denoted onthis layout. In addition to any'CS' detail calloutsshown, solid blocking and/or squash blocks arerequired to provide vertical load transfer from allconcentrated load locations to foundation below.See Pocket Framer's Guide for appropriate detail(s).3" adjustment allowed for joist spaced 19.2"o.c. or less to accommodate plumbing drops.DO NOT CUT JOIST FLANGES.This layout is intended for the use of TrusJoist® engineered wood products only. Thesubstitution of other engineered wood productswith this layout is NOT PERMITTED. Pleaseidentify the TJI® , TimberStrand® LSL , Microllam® LVL , and Parallam® PSL stampson the product to ensure that this layout isvalid for the products actually installed.Sales Presentation Drawing:No structural or dimensional check has been performed on this drawing. Lyman Companieswould only be responsible for the individual member design, based on the assumed or knownvertical loads. The Builder or General Contractor is responsible for the structure(s) overalldesign, and it is strongly recommended that all drawings and calculations be reviewed by theengineer of record for this particular project. FOUNDATION DETAILAT FOOTING STEP LOCATIONS1S1DescriptionDateRevisionProject Number:Date:S11Sheets: of2Print Name:Signed: License Number:Nick Hanson46665Date:I hereby certify that this plan, specification or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.April 1, 20200.0014-1-202020 FOUNDATION GUIDEWALL SECTIONWALKOUT WALL CONDITION2S1WALL SECTIONLOOKOUT WALL CONDITION3S1WALL SECTIONEXTERIOR UNBALANCED FILLCONDITION4S1WALL SECTIONFULL HEIGHT WALL CONDITION5S1REBAR TABLE6S1SITE ADDRESS:City:State:Zip:MNCOPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP LLC 2020©3407 Kilmer Lane NorthSuite 4Plymouth, MN 55441Tel 612-708-3572www.hansongroupmn.comDRAWING USE GUIDELINES AND LIMITATIONSTHE CONTRACTOR LISTED IN THE TITLE BLOCK BELOW IS LICENSED BY THE HANSON GROUP TO USE THISPACKET WITHIN THESE LIMITATIONS NOTED FOR PROJECTS WHICH THE LICENSEE IS DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE.THE LICENSEE MAY RELEASE THIS PACKET TO ITS SUB-CONTRACTORS AND CLIENTS FOR USE IN THEPROCUREMENT OF BUILDING PERMITS FOR PROJECTS WHICH THE LICENSEE IS USING THESE DRAWINGS.THE FOUNDATION GUIDELINES ARE TO BE ISSUED TO THE APPROPRIATE BUILDING DEPARTMENT INACCORDANCE WITH THEIR APPROVED PROCEDURE FOR USE BY THE BUILDING AGENCY DURING PLAN REVIEWAND INSPECTIONS.LIMITATIONS1.BASEMENT FOUNDATION WALLS TEN FOOT OR LESS IN CLEAR HEIGHT (FROM TOP OF FLOOR SLAB TO TOPOF CONCRETE WALL AT SILL PLATE BEARING-NOT NECESSARILY BASEMENT CEILING HEIGHT).2.STRUCTURE HEIGHT IS NOT TO EXCEED TWO STORIES ABOVE THE BASEMENT.3.OVERALL BUILDING IS ASSUMED TO FALL WITHIN THE PRESCRIPTIVE LIMITATIONS OF THE CODE. A SITESPECIFIC PLAN REVIEW HAS NOT BEEN PERFORMED.4.STRUCTURES CONSTRUCTED OF WOOD FLOOR, WOOD ROOF, AND WOOD WALLS ONLY. NO PRECAST ORSTRUCTURAL CONCRETE BEARING ON FOUNDATION WALLS IS PERMITTED.5.EXTERIOR GRADE SLOPING DOWN AND AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATION WALLS.6.ANY CASE BEYOND THE ABOVE NOTED ITEMS REQUIRES SEPARATE AND SPECIFIC STRUCTURALENGINEERING DOCUMENTS.COLD WEATHER GUIDELINES:1.THE CONTRACTOR AND CONCRETE SUPPLIER ARE TO WORK TO OBTAIN A MIX DESIGN WHICH WILLADEQUATELY PERFORM UNDER THE EXPECTED CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS. THE USE OF ADDITIONALCEMENT, HIGH-EARLY STRENGTH CONCRETE, AND/OR ACCELERATOR IS RECOMMENDED ATTEMPERATURES AND CONDITIONS EXPECTED LESS THAN TWENTY DEGREES F.2.DELIVER CONCRETE WARM AND IN A TIMELY MANNER. PLACE CONCRETE EARLY IN THE DAY WHENPOSSIBLE.3.DO NOT ADD ADDITIONAL WATER TO THE CONCRETE. THE USE OF WATER REDUCING AGENTS ISRECOMMENDED WHEN WORKABILITY CONCERNS EXIST. NO CONCRETE IS TO BE PLACED ON SNOW OR INCONTACT WITH FROZEN MATERIALS.4.REBAR DOES NOT NEED TO BE PRE-HEATED, BUT IS TO BE FREE OF FROST, SNOW, AND ICE.5.BLANKETS OR OTHER ACCEPTED PROTECTION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR THE TOP 24" OF THE WALLSWHEN THE AIR TEMPERATURE IS LESS THAN TEN DEGREES F AND FOR THE FULL HEIGHT OF THE WALLWHEN THE AIR TEMPERATURE IS LESS THAN ZERO DEGREES F.**THE ABOVE COLD WEATHER GUIDELINES ARE GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS AND ALL ACI COLD WEATHERREQUIREMENTS ARE TO BE FOLLOWED AT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LICENSEE.MATERIALSCONCRETE WALLS:F'c = 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYSMIX DESIGN AND PROPORTIONED BY CONCRETE SUPPLIERCONCRETE FOOTINGS:F'c = 5000 PSI @ 28 DAYS (OR 3000 PSI WITH AN APPROVED ADMIXTURE THAT PROVIDESA WATER AND VAPOR RESISTANCE AT LEAST OR EQUIVALENT TO 5000 PSI CONCRETE.AGGREGATE: FOOTINGS - 1 12" MAX. WALLS/SLABS - 34" MAX.REINFORCING STEEL: #4- BARS - ASTM A615 GRADE 40#5+ BARS - ASTM A615 GRADE 60TREATED SILL PLATE:SYP GRADE #2 OR BETTERALLOWABLE SOILBEARING PRESSURE1,500 PSF MINIMUMGENERAL NOTES1.DO NOT BACKFILL BASEMENT WALLS UNTIL THE CONCRETE HAS REACHED A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVESTRENGTH OF 2,250 PSI. IN ADDITION, DO NOT BACKFILL UNTIL THE BASEMENT WALLS ARE LATERALLYSUPPORTED BY THE FINAL INSTALLED FLOOR CONSTRUCTION AT THE TOP AND BOTTOM, UNLESSADEQUATE SHORING IS INSTALLED AS REQUIRED. SHORING IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GENERALCONTRACTOR.2.STRIP FOOTING MAY BE PLACED AT ELEVATIONS LOWER THAN SHOWN IN THE DETAILS.3.112" DEEP BY 312" WIDE BY CONTINUOUS KEYWAYS MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF DOWELS FOR FULL HEIGHT ANDFROST WALLS.4.STRIP FOOTING TO WALL CENTERLINES MAY BE OFFSET UP TO 2", HOWEVER, A MINIMUM OF 2" OF STRIPFOOTING IS TO EXTEND BEYOND THE WALL FACE ON EACH SIDE.5.PROVIDE CODE REQUIRED FROST PROTECTION TO THE BOTTOM OF ALL FOOTINGS.6.SLOPE GRADE DOWN AND AWAY FROM THE STRUCTURE A MINIMUM OF 6" WITHIN THE FIRST TEN FEETUNLESS ADEQUATE DRAINAGE OR SWALES ARE PROVIDED.7.BOTH MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION OF DRAIN TILE, WATER-PROOFING, CONTROL JOINTS, FLASHING, ANDINSULATION ARE TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CODE BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR, UNLESS NOTEDOTHERWISE.8.ALL WALL WIDTHS SHOWN ARE NOMINAL DIMENSIONS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. OVERALL WALLTHICKNESS MAY VARY BY UP TO 12" FROM THAT SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS.9.REINFORCING PLACEMENT TOLERANCE IS NOT TO EXCEED 12". BARS BEING SPLICED ARE TO BE WITHIN 2"OF CENTERLINE. MINIMUM SPLICE LENGTHS ARE 30 BAR DIAMETERS FOR GRADE 40 STEEL AND 48 BARDIAMETERS FOR GRADE 60 STEEL. TYING IS NOT REQUIRED PROVIDED THESE TOLERANCES ARE MET.10.PROVIDE MATCHING HOOK BARS FOR ALL HORIZONTAL BARS AT WALL CORNERS AND INTERSECTIONS.HORIZONTAL BARS MAY BE PLACED ANYWHERE WITHIN THE WALL AS LONG AS A 2" MINIMUM CLEAR COVERIS ACHIEVED ON ALL SIDES.11.REINFORCING MAY BE BUNDLED UP TO A MAXIMUM OF THREE BARS.12.DOWELS MAY BE DRILLED AND GROUTED IN PLACE. VERTICAL BARS AND DOWELS DO NOT NEED TO ALIGN.VERTICAL BARS MAY BE DRILLED AND EMBEDDED 5" INTO THE STRIP FOOTING IN LIEU OF DOWELS.13.THE BOND BETWEEN CONCRETE AND REINFORCING WILL NOT BE APPRECIABLY REDUCED IF VERY MINORFORM OIL IS PRESENT FOR THE CONDITIONS CONTAINED WITHIN THESE DRAWINGS.14.SILL PLATES ARE TO BE ANCHORED WITH A MINIMUM OF TWO ANCHORS PER SILL SECTION. ALL SECTIONSARE TO HAVE AN ANCHOR WITHIN 4" TO 12" OF EACH END. AN ANCHOR IS TO BE PLACED AT ALL WALLCORNERS AND INTERSECTIONS ON WALLS MORE THAN TWO FEET IN LENGTH. WALLS TWO FEET OR LESS INLENGTH REQUIRE A MINIMUM OF ONE ANCHOR. REQUIREMENTS FOR SHEAR WALLS AND BRACED PANELSMAY BE IN EXCESS OF THESE REQUIREMENTS. TWO INCH WASHERS ARE ONLY REQUIRED AT FULL HEIGHTFOUNDATION WALLS. BUILDING DESIGNER IS TO ACCOMMODATE LOAD PATH FOR ANY VERTICAL LOADTRANSFER OVER A SILL PLATE OVERHANG CONDITION.15.ANCHOR BOLTS 12" DIAMETER OR LARGER ARE NOT REQUIRED TO BE CORROSION PROTECTED INACCORDANCE WITH CODE SECTION R317.3.1 EXCEPTION 1.16.ALL PRE-MANUFACTURED FASTENERS AND CONNECTORS ARE TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITHTHE MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS.17.FLOOR BLOCKING IS ONLY REQUIRED AT FULL HEIGHT FIRST FLOOR NON-BEARING FOUNDATION WALLS.18.CARE IS TO BE TAKEN DURING CONCRETE PLACEMENT TO MINIMIZE INADEQUATE HORIZONTAL ANDDIAGONAL COLD JOINTS, AND TO PREVENT THESE JOINTS ENTIRELY IN WALLS WITHOUT VERTICALREINFORCEMENT. ADEQUATELY VIBRATE CONCRETE AT POTENTIAL JOINT LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED,BASED ON PLACEMENT CONDITIONS TO ELIMINATE HONEYCOMBING AND TO ENSURE SUFFICIENT BONDINGIS ACHIEVED.19.TOP AND BOTTOM OF FOUNDATION WALLS ARE TO BE LATERALLY SUPPORTED PRIOR TO BACKFILLING.MEANS AND METHODS OF LATERAL SUPPORT ARE BY OTHERS.EQUIVALENT REBAR TABLEFOR BUNDLED HORIZONTAL BARS(2)#4 = (1)#6(3)#4 = (2)#5(3)#5 = (2)#6GRADE 60 #6 VERTICAL BAR SPACING FOR FULL HEIGHT WALLS w/ F'c = 3000 PSIALTERNATIVE TO CODE TABLE R404.1.2EQUIVALENT VERTICAL REBARSUBSTITUTION TABLEBACKFILL TYPECLEAR HEIGHT(SEE 5/S1)BACKFILL HEIGHT(SEE 5/S1)8'-0"9'-0"10'-0"7'-6"7'-0" OR LESS8'-6"8'-0"7'-0"6'-0" OR LESS9'-6"9'-0"8'-0"7'-0"6'-0" OR LESS8"10"12"8"10"12"8"10"12"NONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONE* = NONE IF F'c = 4,000 PSI*36"*36"*36"*36"*36"*36"36"36"36"36"36"36"36"36"24"24"24"24"SAND (30 PSF/FT)WALL THICKNESSSANDY CLAY (45 PSF/FT)WALL THICKNESSCLAY (60 PSF/FT)WALL THICKNESS#6 @ 24" = #5 @ 18" = #4 @ 12" (GRADE 60) = #4 @ 8" (GRADE 40)(1)#6 = (2)#4 (GRADE 60)#6 @ 36" = #5 @ 24" = #4 @ 18" (GRADE 60) = #4 @ 12" (GRADE 40)(2) #4 HORIZONTAL BARSBOTH TOP & BOTTOMEXTENDED AT LEAST 24"BEYOND EACH END OF STEPSTABLE BANKHIGH FOOTING MAY BEEXTENDED PROVIDEDBARS ARE PLACED ASSHOWNHORIZ. BARSTOP & BOTTOM6" MIN THICK CONCRETEFOUNDATION, SEE OTHERDETAILS FOR MORE INFOOPTIONAL CONTROL JOINTAT EACH END OF STEP72" MAX SPANEQ.EQ.24" MINDETAIL B3" MIN TYPCONCRETE STRIPFOOTING11BDETAIL A36" MINSTEP2 x STEPSTEP NOTE:DO NOT LOCATE CONCENTRATED LOADS IN EXCESS OF 2,000 PLF OR 10,000 POUNDS ABOVE STEPLOCATIONS SHOWNREAR FROST WALLLOOKOUTWALLFULL HEIGHTWALLGARAGE FROSTWALLELEVATIONSHOWN FORREPRESENTATIONPURPOSES ONLY-MAY NOT APPLYELEVATIONSTEP SPACING REQUIREMENTSATYP.6"MIN.WOOD FRAMING ABOVE BY OTHERS12"Ø x 10" LONG ANCHORBOLTS (7" MIN. EMBED)@ 72" O.C. MAX. OREQUIVALENT METALSTRAP ANCHORSSLOPE GRADE AWAYFROM FOUNDATIONOPTIONAL STEM WALLMINIMUM THICKNESS TOMATCH SILL PLATESILL PLATE TO MATCHFRAME WALL ABOVE16" MAX FOR 4" THICK STEM24" MAX. FOR 6" THICK STEMSLAB-ON-GRADE BY OTHERS(1) #4 x CONTINUOUSHORIZONTAL BAR ATTOP OF WALL6" MIN. C.I.P. CONCRETEFOUNDATION WALLUNREINFORCED CONCRETESTRIP FOOTING SEE 5/S1#4x2'-0" DOWELS @ 72" O.C. MAX(5" MIN. EMBED) DOWELS ARENOT REQUIRED IF BACKFILL ISPLACED EQUALLY ON BOTHSIDES IN LIFTS NOT TO EXCEED24"-ALTERNATE EACH SIDE6"MIN.6'-0" MAX WOOD FRAMINGABOVE BY OTHERS12"Ø x 10" LONG ANCHORBOLTS (7" MIN. EMBED)@ 72" O.C. MAX. OREQUIVALENT METALSTRAP ANCHORSSLOPE GRADE AWAY FROMFOUNDATION AT A GRADUAL 2%SLOPE PER GENERAL NOTE 6SILL PLATE TO MATCHFRAME WALL ABOVE#4 x CONTINUOUS HORIZONTALBARS @ 24" O.C. TYP.OPTIONAL 2" RIGID INSULATION ONINSIDE FACE AND UNDERSLAB-ON-GRADE FOR 24" MIN.UNREINFORCED CONCRETESTRIP FOOTING SEE 5/S1(DROP FOR FROST ASREQUIRED PER SITE DESIGN)#4x2'-0" DOWELS @ 48" O.C.MAX (5" MIN. EMBED)(1) #4 x CONTINUOUS HORIZONTALBAR AT TOP OF WALLOPTIONAL SLAB LEDGECONCRETE SLAB-ON-GRADE8" MIN. C.I.P. CONCRETEFOUNDATION WALL#4x4'-0" HOOKS @ 24" O.C. BENT ORDRILLED AND EPOXY GROUTED3'-0"1'-0 " NO HOOKS @ 3'-0" OR LESS GRANULAR MATERIAL (SAND)DETAIL ABOVE MAY ONLY BE UTILIZED FOR A LENGTH OF 15'-0"#5 VERTICAL BARS @ 24" O.C.CENTERED IN WALL TO AID INTHE REDUCTION OF CRACKINGAND BACKFILLING ISSUES PRIORTO TOP OF WALL PINNINGCONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDETEMPORARY TOP OF WALLBRACING UNTIL GARAGESLAB-ON-GRADE IS IN PLACE(HOOKS INTO GARAGE SLABPROVIDE REQUIRED TOP OFWALL LATERAL SUPPORT) CLEAR HEIGHT BACKFILL HEIGHT112" CLEARUNREINFORCED CONCRETE STRIPFOOTING PER CODE OR BY BUILDINGDESIGNER, AS AN ALTERNATIVE GUIDEUSE TABLE SHOWN AT LEFT8" MIN. C.I.P. CONCRETEFOUNDATION WALL-SEEREBAR TABLE 6/S1 FORVERTICAL REBARANCHOR BOLTS SEE WALLANCHOR INFO ON 2/S2FLOOR TO SILLCONNECTION SEE 1/S2WOOD FLOORSYSTEM BY OTHERSSLOPE GRADE AWAYFROM FOUNDATION2x6 MIN SILL PLATECLEAR HEIGHT OF 8'-0" OR LESS(2)#4xCONT. HORIZONTAL BARSCLEAR HEIGHT OF 8'-0" OR MORE(3)#4xCONT. HORIZONTAL BARSGENERAL STRIP FOOTING SIZE GUIDEONE-STORYSTRUCTURE16" WIDE x 8" THICK20" WIDE x 8" THICKTWO-STORYSTRUCTURE20" WIDE x 8" THICK26" WIDE x 8" THICK2000 PSFSOIL1500 PSFNOTE: TABLE ABOVE IS A GENERAL FOOTING SIZE GUIDE THAT SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY HOMEDESIGNER AND IS BASED ON 25'-0" FLOOR SPANS & 50'-0" ROOF SPANSCONCRETESLAB-ON-GRADEPLACED TIGHT TOFOUNDATION WALL6"MIN.3'-0" MAX GRADE HEIGHT ABOVE TOP OF SLAB#4 x 2'-0" DOWELS (5" MIN.EMBED) CENTERED IN WALL @48" O.C. (SAND SOIL)OR 36" O.C. (SANDY-CLAY SOIL)OR 24" O.C. (CLAY SOIL)DOWELS MUST BE WET SET ORDRILLED AND EPOXY GROUTED6" MIN. THICK C.I.P.CONCRETEFOUNDATION WALLSLOPE GRADE AWAYFROM FOUNDATION12"Ø x 10" LONG ANCHORBOLTS (7" MIN. EMBED)@ 72" O.C. MAX. OREQUIVALENT METALSTRAP ANCHORS(1) #4 x CONTHORIZONTAL BARAT TOP OF WALLFRAMING & SILLPLATE BY OTHERSSLAB-ON-GRADEBY OTHERS#4x2'-0" DOWELS @ 72" O.C.MAX (5" MIN. EMBED)Lennar Corporation16305 36th Ave N. Suite 600Plymouth, MN 55446UNREINFORCED CONCRETESTRIP FOOTING SEE 5/S1(18" MIN WIDTH FOR CLAYBACKFILL OR 16" MIN WIDTH IF2'-6" MAX UNBALANCED BACKFILL)SCOPE OF DRAWINGS:THESE CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL GUIDELINE DRAWINGS ARE PREPARED ANDCERTIFIED BY THE HANSON GROUP IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE 2020 MINNESOTA RESIDENTIAL CODE.THESE DRAWINGS CONTAIN STRUCTURAL INFORMATION FOR USE IN THE CONSTRUCTION OFSTANDARD C.I.P. CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS FOR TYPICAL RESIDENTIAL CONDITIONS. THISINFORMATION IS RELEVANT TO THE CONCRETE CONTRACTOR, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR, AND THEFRAMING CONTRACTOR. THESE DRAWINGS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31, 2020. COPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP LLC 2020©DescriptionDateRevisionApril 1, 2020Project Number:Date:0.001S22Sheets: of2Print Name:Signed: License Number:Nick Hanson4-1-2046665Date:I hereby certify that this plan, specification or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.CONNECTION INFOTOP OF WALL CONNECTION TOFLOOR SYSTEM1S2BRICK LEDGE INFO5S2WALL SECTIONAT WINDOW WELL LOCATIONS6S2STOOP INFO7S2WALL ANCHOR INFOANCHOR BOLT AND ALTERNATIVESPACING2S2BLOCKING DETAILFLOOR JOIST CONDITION3S2BLOCKING DETAILFLOOR TRUSS CONDITION4S2SITE ADDRESS:City:State:Zip:MN3407 Kilmer Lane NorthSuite 4Plymouth, MN 55441Tel 612-708-3572www.hansongroupmn.comVENEER ORSLAB-ON-GRADEBY OTHERSFOUNDATIONWALL SEE 5/S1WOOD FLOORSYSTEM BYOTHERSFRAMING BY OTHERS16" HIGH MAX x6" THICK MINSTEM6"MINWOOD FLOORSYSTEM BYOTHERSFRAMING BY OTHERS6" MIN THICK STEM#4 DOWELS @ 36" O.C.EMBEDDED 24" INTOLOWER WALLFOUNDATIONWALL SEE5/S1VENEER ORSLAB-ON-GRADEBY OTHERS12"VENEER ORSLAB-ON-GRADEBY OTHERSFOUNDATION WALLSEE 2/S1 OR 3/S1FRAMING BYOTHERS16" HIGH MAXx 4" THICK MINSTEMTHICKNESS TOMATCH SILLPLATE6"3'-0" MAX VENEER ORSLAB-ON-GRADEBY OTHERSFOUNDATION WALLSEE 4/S1SLAB-ON-GRADEFRAMING BYOTHERS6" MIN THICKSTEMDETAIL @ HIGH GRADESIM @ NON-BEARINGDETAIL @ LOOKOUTSIM @ FROST WALLDETAIL @ FROST WALLSw/ LOW GRADEDETAIL @ LOW GRADESIM @ NON-BEARING112"CLEARMINMAX#4 DOWELS @36" O.C.EMBEDDED 24"INTO LOWERWALL (CENTERIN STEMWALL)6"12"Ø ANCHOR BOLTS w/ NUT & 18" THICKx 2"Ø OR SQUARE WASHER SEE 2/S2FOR SPACING (7" EMBED MIN)-METAL STRAP ANCHORS TO BEINSTALLED AT MANUFACTUREREQUIVALENT SPACINGFLOOR SYSTEM, TYPE,SIZE, AND SPACING TO BEDETERMINED BY OTHERSRIM BOARD OR BRACINGMATERIAL BY OTHERS2x6 SILL PLATE MINIMUMFLOOR TO SILL CONNECTION ATEACH MEMBER SEE TABLE BELOWWASHER TO BE COUNTERSUNKFLUSH w/ TOP OF SILL PLATESEE FULL HEIGHT WALL SECTIONON 5/S1 FOR FOUNDATION WALLREQUIREMENTSSLOPE GRADE AWAYFROM FOUNDATIONMINTRUSS/JOIST CONNECTION FOR FULL HEIGHT WALLS****BACKFILL TYPECLEAR HEIGHT(SEE 5/S1)FLOOR MEMBERSPACING8'-0"9'-0"10'-0"16"19.2"A(4) 0.131"Ø x 3" TOP NAILS AT EACH MEMBERSAND(30 PSF/FT)SANDY CLAY(45 PSF/FT)CLAY(60 PSF/FT)24"16"19.2"24"16"19.2"24"AAAAAAABAABBBBBCCCDDDDDDDCCONNECTION A(4) 0.148"Ø x 3" TOP NAILS AT EACH MEMBERCONNECTION B(2) 0.131"Ø x 3" TOP NAILS & MECHANICAL CLIPS : SIMPSON A35/USP MPA1 OR USP LJC ATEACH MEMBERCONNECTION CCONNECTION D(2) 0.131"Ø x 3" TOP NAILS & MECHANICAL CLIPS : SIMPSON FWANZ* OR USP LJQ**OR (2) SIMPSON A35s***/(2) USP MPA1s*** AT EACH MEMBER12"Ø ANCHOR BOLT AND NON-BEARING WALL BLOCKING SPACING FOR FULL HEIGHT WALLS*ALTERNATIVE TO CODE TABLE R404.1.(1)BACKFILL TYPECLEAR HEIGHT(SEE 5/S1)BACKFILL HEIGHT(SEE 5/S1)8'-0"9'-0"10'-0"7'-6"7'-0"8'-6"8'-0"7'-0" OR LESS9'-6"9'-0"8'-0"7'-0" OR LESS72"* 12"Ø EPOXIED THREADED ROD w/ 6" EMBED MAY BE USED AT SPACING SHOWNSAND(30 PSF/FT)SANDY CLAY(45 PSF/FT)CLAY(60 PSF/FT)6'-0" OR LESS72"72"72"72"72"72"72"72"72"72"72"72"48"60"72"48"60"72"36"48"72"36"36"72"72"72"48"24"24"ALTERNATIVE ANCHOR SPACING FOR FULL HEIGHT WALLS**ALTERNATIVE TO CODE TABLE R404.1.(1)BACKFILL TYPECLEAR HEIGHT(SEE 5/S1)BACKFILL HEIGHT(SEE 5/S1)8'-0"9'-0"10'-0"7'-6"7'-0"8'-6"8'-0"7'-0" OR LESS9'-6"9'-0"8'-0"7'-0" OR LESS48"** APPLIES TO MAB 15/FA1, MAB23/FA2, MAS/FA3, 12"Ø EXPANSION BOLT w/ 6" EMBED,12"Ø SELF-CUTTING ANCHOR BOLT w/ 4" EMBED, OR SIMPSON FWAZ ANCHORSAND(30 PSF/FT)SANDY CLAY(45 PSF/FT)CLAY(60 PSF/FT)6'-0" OR LESS60"72"30"36"72"18"24"42"72"72"24"18"20"24"18"24"24"30"42"16"12"14"16"12"16"36"36"N/AN/A10'-0" MAX TO T.O.S. 1'-8" MAX FLASHING & WOODPROTECTION BYOTHERSFLOOR FRAMING ORBLOCKINGFLOORCONNECTIONSEE 1/S2 &2/S2C.I.P. CONCRETEWALL SEEADJACENTPLANS FORTHICKNESS &MAXIMUM WALLLENGTHSSEE FULLHEIGHT WALLSECTION 5/S1FORREINFORCINGSTOOPSLAB BYOTHERS13'-6" @ 10" WALL3'-0" MIN.10'-6" @ 8" WALL13'-6" @ 10" WALL3'-0" MIN.10'-6" @ 8" WALL13'-6" @ 10" WALL10'-6" @ 8" WALL13'-6" @ 10" WALL3'-0" MIN.10'-6" @ 8" WALL13'-6" @ 10" WALL10'-6" @ 8" WALL3'-0" FULL HEIGHT BASEMENTMIN FULL HEIGHT FULL HEIGHT EXAMPLE CORNEROR STRAIGHT WALLOPTIONS -TYPSTOOP AREA8" MIN C.I.P. CONCRETEWALL SEE FULL HEIGHTWALL SECTION 5/S1NOTES:1.ADD RETURN WALLS OR BUTTRESSES IN STOOP AREA AS SHOWN IF OVERALL STOOP CENTER TO CENTERWIDTH EXCEEDS DIMENSIONS SHOWN.2.STOOP WALLS REQUIRE MINIMUM 16" WIDE x 8" DEEP CONCRETE STRIP FOOTING.EXAMPLE '1'EXAMPLE '2'EXAMPLE '3'SLOPE GRADEAWAY FROMFOUNDATIONSLOPE GRADEAWAY FROMFOUNDATIONSLOPE GRADEAWAY FROMFOUNDATIONSLOPE GRADEAWAY FROMFOUNDATIONNOTE: INCREASE STRIP FOOTING WIDTH AT ALL WALLS SUPPORTING MORE THAN 6'-0" OF VENEER.WIDTH TO INCREASE BY THICKNESS OF VENEER MULTIPLIED BY NUMBER OF STORIES.TYP * FWANZ TO BE USED WITH A MIN. 118" OSB RIM AND LOCATED w/IN 5" OF EACH MEMBER. WITH FLOOR TRUSSES,FWANZ MUST BE IN CONTACT WITH A TRUSS OR A MINIMUM 2x4 CONTINUOUS BOTTOM BRACE MUST BE IN PLACE.** LJQ IS TO BE APPROPRIATELY SIZED BASED ON MEMBER WIDTH.*** MEMBER MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 3" WIDE FOR PLACEMENT OF (2) SIMPSON A35s/(2) USP MPA1s.****CONNECTIONS ARE CLASSIFIED A TO D, WITH D BEING THE STRONGEST. IT IS ACCEPTABLE TO USE ASTRONGER CLASS CONNECTION THAN NOTED IN THE TABLE ABOVE.2x8 SILL PLATE TO BE USED w/MAXIMUM OF 112" OVERHANG(MAINTAIN 234" EDGE DISTANCETO BOTH CONCRETE AND INSIDEOF SILL PLATE) - VERTICAL LOADTRANSFER BY SUPPLIERBACKFILL BELOWEXTERIOR STOOP SLABSWITH COMPACTEDGRANULAR MATERIALTO FROST DEPTH(4'-0" MINIMUM)NAIL SHEATHING TO BLOCKING/JOISTS0.131 Ø x 3" LONG NAILS @ 6" O.C.STRUCTURAL RIM BOARD BY OTHERSTYPE D CONNECTOR@ BLOCKING SEE 1/S22 x 6 MINSILL PLATEFOUNDATION WALL SEE OTHER SHEETSFOR ANCHORS & WALL INFOSLOPE GRADE AWAY FROMFOUNDATIONIF REQUIRED, PROVIDE 2 x 4 MINSPACERS UNTIL SPACES IN WHICH FULLHEIGHT BLOCKING CAN BE INSTALLED,TOE NAIL TO FLOOR MEMBERS EACH ENDw/ (12) 0.131"Øx3" LONG NAILSFRAMINGBY OTHERSOPTIONAL OPEN SPACE AS SHOWNOR SHIFT FULL HEIGHT BLOCKINGPROVIDE BLOCKINGAS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVENAILING SHOWN. (MIN 2SPACES) BLOCKING HEIGHTTO MATCH JOIST DEPTH &BE OF LUMBER, I-JOIST, OROTHER MANUFACTUREDMATERIAL ATTACHBLOCKING TO JOISTS w/ TOENAILS EACH ENDJOISTS BY OTHERSSEE 2/S2 FOR SPACING OFBLOCKING SYSTEM SHOWNNOTES:1.MAIN LEVEL FLOOR SHEATHING TO BE 34" PLYWOOD/OSB PLACED IN STAGGERED PATTERN NAILED w/ 0.131"Ø x3" LONG NAILS @ 6" O.C. AT PANELS EDGES & @ 12" O.C. @ PANEL INTERIOR SUPPORTS OF EQUIVALENT.2.NAILS IN BLOCKING ARE TO BE PLACED SUCH THAT THE WOOD DOES NOT SPLIT.3.BLOCKING MEMBERS SHOWN MAY BE REPLACED WITH PRE-MANUFACTURED TRUSS STYLE OR FULL DEPTHMEMBER BLOCKING SUCH AS I-JOIST OR LVL DESIGNED FOR 1,500 POUND LATERAL COMPRESSIVE LOAD.NAILING SHOWN IS TO BE USED AT MINIMUM.4.BLOCKING DOES NOT HAVE TO BE PLACED IN ADJACENT BAYS. IF REQUIRED USE ADDITIONAL 2x4 SPACERS ASSHOWN IN FIRST SPACE.5.HOLES MAY BE INSTALLED IN BLOCKING IF REQUIRED UP TO 4" IN DIAMETER, MAINTAIN 3" EDGE DISTANCE.NAIL SHEATHING TO BLOCKING/TRUSSESw/ (12) 0.131"Øx3" LONG NAILSDUCT/MECHANICAL (AS REQUIRED)BY OTHERSFRAMINGBY OTHERS0.131 Ø x 3" LONGNAILS @ 6" O.C.RIM TRUSSBY OTHERSTOP NAIL RIM TO SILLw/ MIN OF (12)0.131 Ø x3" LONG NAILS EACHSIDE OF BLOCKING ORTYPE D CONNECTOR @BLOCKING SEE 1/S22 x 6 MINSILL PLATEFOUNDATION WALL SEEOTHER SHEETS FORANCHORS & WALL INFOSLOPE GRADE AWAYFROM FOUNDATIONIF REQUIRED, PROVIDE 2 x 4 MIN SPACERSTOP & BOTTOM AT MECHANICAL UNTILSPACES IN WHICH BLOCKING CAN BEINSTALLED, TOE NAIL TO FLOOR MEMBERSw/ (2) 0.131 Ø x 3" LONG NAILS3/4" PLYWOOD/OSB ONE SIDEOF BLOCKING w/ (6) 0.131 Ø x 3" LONG NAILS TOP & BOTTOMOR 1/2" PLYWOOD/OSB EACHSIDE OF BLOCKING EACH w/(4) 0.131 Ø x 3" LONG NAILS TOP & BOTTOMPROVIDE 2 x 4 MIN BLOCKINGTOP & BOTTOM OF TRUSSESAS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVENAILING SHOWN.INSTALL w/ (2) 0.131 Ø x 3"LONG TOE NAILSTRUSSES BY OTHERSNOTES:1.MAIN LEVEL FLOOR SHEATHING TO BE 34" PLYWOOD/OSB PLACED IN STAGGERED PATTERN NAILED w/ 0.131"Ø x 3"LONG NAILS @ 6" O.C. AT PANELS EDGES & @ 12" O.C. @ PANEL INTERIOR SUPPORTS OF EQUIVALENT.2.NAILS IN BLOCKING ARE TO BE PLACED SUCH THAT THE WOOD DOES NOT SPLIT.3.BLOCKING MEMBERS SHOWN MAY BE REPLACED WITH PRE-MANUFACTURED TRUSS STYLE OR FULL DEPTH MEMBERBLOCKING SUCH AS I-JOIST OR LVL DESIGNED FOR 1,500 POUND LATERAL COMPRESSIVE LOAD. NAILING SHOWN IS TOBE USED AT MINIMUM.4.BLOCKING DOES NOT HAVE TO BE PLACED IN ADJACENT BAYS. IF REQUIRED USE ADDITIONAL 2x4 SPACERS ASSHOWN IN FIRST SPACE.5.HOLES MAY BE INSTALLED IN BLOCKING IF REQUIRED UP TO 4" IN DIAMETER, MAINTAIN 3" EDGE DISTANCE.SEE 2/S2 FOR SPACING OFBLOCKING SYSTEM SHOWN10'-0" MAX 3'-8" MAX 2'-6" MIN OPENING 1'-6" MIN 3'-0" EACH WAY MIN112" TYP SLOPE GRADE AWAYFROM FOUNDATION#4 HORIZONTAL BARS @12" O.C. CENTERED INWALLS LAP AROUNDCORNERS AND HOOKINTO FOUNDATION WALL@ EACH SIDE (REFER TO5/S1 FOR HORZ. BARREQUIREMENTS w/ 8"C.I.P. WALLS)6" MIN C.I.P.CONCRETE WALL#4 VERTICAL BARS @EACH OUTSIDECORNER OF WELL(1)#4 x2'-0" DOWEL @EACH OUTSIDECORNER OF WELL (5"MIN EMBED)12" WIDE x 8" THICK MINSTRIP FOOTING(1) #4 HORIZONTALBAR AT TOP OF WALL(2) #4 HORIZONTAL BARSTOP & BOTTOM OFLINTEL EXTEND 24" MINPAST OPENING EACHEND (WOOD OR STEELOPTION BY OTHERS)WALL BEYONDPLACE (2) #4 VERTICALBARS FULL HEIGHT ANDONE ANCHOR w/IN 12" OFOPENING EACH END8" MIN C.I.P.CONCRETE WALLSLAB-ON-GRADEUNREINFORCED CONCRETESTRIP FOOTING SEE FULLHEIGHT WALL SECTION 5/S1LOOKOUTWALLSEE 3/S1GRANULARMATERIAL(SAND)SLOPEWINDOW WELLLADDER/ESCAPEMEANS BYOTHERS5'-0" EACH WAY MAXFLOOR SYSTEM BY OTHERS(DO NOT PLACE GIRDERS ORBEAMS OVER CONCRETE LINTELDESIGNED FOR 1500 PLF)IF CONCRETEOPTIONAL RIGID INSULATION w/IN WINDOW WELL ATTHE DISCRETION OF THE BUILDER FOR ADDITIONALFROST PROTECTION AS REQUIRED PER SITE DESIGN6"MIN.Lennar Corporation16305 36th Ave N. Suite 600Plymouth, MN 55446A SECTION A &CVG4GXKUKQP2TQLGEV0WODGT&CVG55JGGVUQH2TKPV0COG5KIPGF.KEGPUG0WODGT&CVG+JGTGD[EGTVKH[VJCVVJKURNCPURGEKHKECVKQPQTTGRQTVYCURTGRCTGFD[OGQTWPFGTO[FKTGEVUWRGTXKUKQPCPFVJCV+COCFWN[.KEGPUGF2TQHGUUKQPCN'PIKPGGTWPFGTVJGNCYUQHVJG5VCVGQH/KPPGUQVC-KNOGT.CPG05WKVG2N[OQWVJ/06GNÄÄYYYJCPUQPITQWROPEQO.GPPCT%QTRQTCVKQPVJ#XG05WKVG2N[OQWVJ/02.#055*190.+)*6+0$#%-)4170'(14.1%#6+104'('4'0%'10.;2.#0016'5#0&'.'/'0655*190.+)*6/#;0160'%'55#4+.;57221466*'*#0510)41725&'5+)0&GUETKRVKQP%12;4+)*6*#0510)4172..%6*+55*''654'24'5'065#%1/2.'6'&'5+)01(6*'/#+09+0&(14%'4'5+56+0)5;56'/(146*''06+4'4'5+&'06+#.5647%674'6*'.1%#6+10#0&.'0)6*1('#%*$4#%'&9#..2#0'.#0&'0)+0''4'&9+0&4'5+56+0)'.'/'066*#6+54'37+4'&(146*'*#0510)41725&'5+)0+55*190106*'5647%674#.&4#9+0)59#..501652'%+(+%#..;.#$'.'&106*'2.#05/#;$'56#0&(4#/+0)5'%6+1055*190&'2+%6%100'%6+1051($4#%'&9#..2#0'.561411(64755'5#$18'61,1+56564755'5$.1%-+0)#$18'#0&61,1+56564755'5$.1%-+0)$'.196*'5'2#0'.5#4'0160'%'55#4+.;4'37+4'&61#.+)0$76/#;&'2'0&+0)102.#0.#;176411(64755'5$4#%'&9#..2#0'.(.#6Z"1% /+0 2'4$4#%'&9#..2#0'.5+/2510#(4#/+0)#0).''#%*'0& Z0#+.52418+&'9+&6*9'$56+(('0'4(14#66#%*/'061((4#/+0)#0).'$4#%'&9#..2#0'. 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Describe: Input in BTUS:66,000 Capacity in Gallons:Other, describe: AFUE or HSPF% 93% Cfm's " round duct OR " metal duct Not required per mech. code X Passive X Low: Other, describe: Low: Location of fan(s), describe: Cfm's 6 " round duct OR " metal duct Duct system air tightness: Heating or Cooling Ducts Outside Conditioned Spaces Ceiling, vaulted Bay Windows or cantilevered areas Floors over unconditioned area Describe other insulated areas Building envelope air tightness: Windows & Doors Average U-Factor (excludes skylights and one door ) U: 0.31 Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC):0.29 R-value MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Make-up Air Select a Type Appliances Heating System Domestic Water Heater Cooling System Nat Gas Nat Gas Elect GPVL-50 13ACXN-030 Fuel Type Manufacturer Lennox AOSmith Lennox Model ML193UH070XE36 13 Location of duct or system: Rating or Size 50 Output in Tons:3 Efficiency SEER /EER Residential Load Calculation Heating Loss Heating Gain Cooling Load 48,084 21,560 26,025 MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM Describe any additional or combined heating or cooling systems if installed: (e.g. two furnaces or air source heat pump with gas back-up furnace): Combustion Air Select a Type Select Type Heat Recover Ventilator (HRV) Capacity in cfms:170 MN License Number Lennar 1413 THERMAL ENVELOPE RADON CONTROL SYSTEM Type: Check All That Apply Insulation Location Total R-Value of all Types of InsulationNon or Not ApplicableFiberglass, BlownFiberglass, BattsFoam, Closed CellFoam Open CellMineral FiberboardRigid, Extruded PolystyreneRigid, IsocynurateNew Construction Energy Code Compliance Certificate Per R401.3 Certificate. A building certificate shall be posted on or in the electrical distribution panel.12/8/2020 Mailing Address of the Dwelling or Dwelling Unit City Lakeville19194 Impala Avenue Name of Residential Contractor Below Entire Slab Foundation Wall Perimeter of Slab on Grade Rim Joist (1st Floor) Rim Joist (2nd Floor+) Wall Ceiling, flat Interior R5 + R10 Exterior Interior Interior Balanced Ventilation capacity in cfms:Mech Room Capacity continuous ventilation rate in cfms: Total ventilation (intermittent + continuous) rate in cfms: 85 High: Energy Recover Ventilator (ERV) Capacity in cfms:High: Location of duct or system: 000000Builders Associaton of Minnesota version 101014 NEW RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION SWPPP VERIFICATION This form must be completed and submitted with all new residential permit applications. New residential building permits WILL NOT be issued without this completed form. Project Site Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Company Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Primary Contact: _________________________________________________________________________ Phone # (24 hr Contact): ______________________ Email: ______________________________________ Description of Land Disturbing Activity: _____________________________________________________ NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit # C000 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ or # SUB00 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ If you are not covered under a NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit administered by the MPCA, an erosion and sediment control plan MUST be submitted with the residential building permit application. “The permittee(s) shall ensure that the individuals are trained by local, state, federal agencies, professional organizations or other entities in erosion prevention, sediment control, permanent Stormwater management and the Minnesota NPDES/SDS Construction Stormwater Permit.” (NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit, MPCA) “The permittee(s) must ensure that a trained person (as identified in Part III.A.3.a) will routinely inspect the entire construction site at least once every seven (7) days during active construction and within 24 hours after a rainfall event greater than 0.5 inches in 24 hours.” (NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit, MPCA) Contact information of person CERTIFIED to provide weekly onsite erosion and sediment control inspections and corrective actions: Name of Person: ________________________________Company: _______________________________ Phone # (24 hr Contact): ______________________ Email: ______________________________________ Entity that Provided Training: ________________________ Certification Expiration Date: ____________ NOTE: Prior to any land-disturbing activity, all erosion and sediment controls must be installed on the project site and on individual lots. No land disturbing activity may begin until a residential building permit has been issued. I understand, the above information to be true and I will have read, understood, and accepted all terms and conditions of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit (MN R 100001). The City of Lakeville may issue a STOP WORK ORDER; withhold building inspections; or, draw on securities/escrows to bring the site into compliance with the NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit (MN R 100001) or erosion and sediment control plan. Signature: ________________________________________________ Date:_________________________ Contact the City of Lakeville with questions at erosion@lakevillemn.gov or 952-985-4500 19194 Impala Avenue U.S. Home Corp d/b/a Lennar Kirsten Thompson 612-505-9366 Kirsten.Thompson@Lennar.com Residential Development 35385 Chad Johnson Stantec 651-325-6860 chad.johnson@stantec.com University of Minnesota May 31,2020 12/8/2020Kurt Niska Digitally signed by Kurt Niska Date: 2020.12.08 16:43:14 -06'00' 12/17/2020 X KP