The primary purpose of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee is to act in an
advisory capacity to the Lakeville City Council in the formulation of a high-quality life for
Lakeville citizens through the protection of its natural and environmental resources, including,
but not limited to, water (surface and ground), wetland, woodlands, land and land forms,
minerals, air and such biotic factors as fish, wildlife and vegetation, its scenic, historical and
aesthetic values, and by the development of a Comprehensive Park, Trail and Open Space Plan
and the development of recreation facilities for public enjoyment.
1.To act in an advisory capacity to the Council regarding parks, recreation and natural
resources ordinances.
2.To review and make recommendations regarding development and maintenance of all
3.To review and make recommendations to each newly proposed plat or subdivision for
future development of parks and recreational purposes.
4.To continue open communications and joint use of facilities through existing Joint
Powers Agreements with Independent School Districts 192, 194 and 196.
5.To develop and reference a Comprehensive Park, Trail and Open Space Plan.
6.To ensure best management practices for stormwater management and erosion control
in accordance with the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan.
7.To develop and continuously review recreational programs.
8.To advise the City Council on all matters concerning environmental issues and such
other matters as the City Council may direct.
9.To form any committees within its body necessary to perform functions and duties of a
parks, recreation and natural resources committee.
10.To work with the Parks & Recreation Director in the development and review of a Park
Dedication Fund and budgets.
11.To work with the City Engineer or designee in the development and review of a
Stormwater Utility Fund and budgets.
12.To review all proposals for parks, recreation and natural resources as authorized by City
13.To work in conjunction with all other committees and organizations to develop
cooperation and efficiency within the City of Lakeville.
14.To act as a representative to the public for better lines of communication and citizen
input to all parks, recreation and natural resource matters.
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15.To make recommendations to the City Council concerning hunting.
16.To recommend to the City Council possible action to be taken concerning parks,
environmental and natural resources issues. Such recommendations may include
proposed legislation on a local, state or federal basis, or other action relating to local,
county, metropolitan or statewide parks, environmental and natural resources activities.
17.To keep informed about the activities of other municipalities, commissions, boards,
regional, state and federal agencies concerning parks, environmental and natural
resources, and to maintain effective liaison with the groups.
18.To attend seminars and workshops that will keep committee members abreast of current
parks, environmental and natural resource issues and developments.
The official title of this committee shall be “Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee”.
1.The Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee shall be composed of seven (7)
members, all of whom shall be residents of the City of Lakeville and appointed by the
City Council for a term of three (3) years. Members shall serve three-year staggered
terms with two or three appointments made annually. One alternate member shall also
be appointed by the City Council to the committee. The terms of office for alternate
members shall be for one year. Alternates are encouraged to attend all meetings and
take part in discussions. Alternate members shall act as regular voting members in the
absence of any regular member.
2.The seven-member committee shall serve without compensation. However, the Parks,
Recreation and Natural Resources Committee may, with the consent of the City Council,
incur expense that is deemed necessary.
3.Any member of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee may be
removed from office with or without cause by a 4/5 vote of the entire City Council.
4.Any member of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee who misses
three (3) consecutive meetings or a total of one-third of all meetings in a calendar year,
due to unexcused absences, shall automatically be removed from office without City
Council action, and the City Administrator shall notify the member of his or her removal.
Excused absences include: A serious personal or family medical condition, death in the
immediate family, or unanticipated work-related commitment. It shall be the duty of
each member to notify the staff liaison or recording secretary if the member will be
unable to attend a meeting.
5.The Committee shall elect a chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary and other
subcommittee offices from among its appointed members, for a term of one (1) year,
also any additional committee assignment as may be deemed necessary.
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The staff liaisons to the Committee shall be the Parks & Recreation Director and the
Environmental Resources Manager.
1.All proposals to be submitted to the committee shall be in two weeks in advance of the
next meeting and shall be placed on the agenda of a regular committee meeting.
Additional information of any proposal shall be supplied at the request of the committee.
2.Recommendations shall be made before the Council as soon as possible but not later
than thirty (30) days after the presentation of a proposal to the committee.
3.Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson of the committee with at least three
(3) days’ notice to committee members. The Chairperson shall make a sincere effort to
contact all members.
4.Agenda shall be prepared, published and sent to committee members five (5) days
before the next regular meeting.
5.A committee quorum shall consist of a minimum of four (4) members.
6.The committee shall hold at least one regular meeting each month. It shall adopt rules
for the transaction of business and shall keep a record of its resolutions, transactions
and findings, which record shall be a public record.
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