HomeMy WebLinkAboutLA189050 PERMIT City of Lakeville Permit Type: Electrical 20195 Holyoke Ave Permit Number: LA189050 Lakeville,MN 55044 (952)985-4440 �K L R 1 8 9 0 5 0 �K www.lakevillemn.gov Date Issued: 03/22/2021 Site Address: 20325 Geneva Tr Lot: Block: Addition: PID: Use: Charter Communications * * Description: Sub Type: CommerciaUIndustrial Addi�/Rmdl Work Type: Alter/Remodel Description: Install 1 60 amp power supply for new service Comments: Fee Summary: Description Amount Revenue Code Valuation: 850.00 Electrical Commercial(Minimum) $40.00 1000-4167 Surcharge- $1.00 $1.00 1000.2127 Total: $41.00 '�' � .'�'� ' '�� Contractor: - Appl,��,t - Owner: Electrical Production Svc Inc 2431 Galpin Ct Ste 140 Chanhassen MN 55317 (952)401-1888 I HEREBY AGREE THAT THIS WORK WILL BE PERFORMED ACCORDING TO: (1)THE APPROVED PLANS& SPECIFICATIONS;(2)THE APPLICABLE CITY ORDINANCES&CODES;AND(3)THE MN STATE BUILDING CODE. Please provide a minimum of a 24 hour notice to schedule inspections.BUILDING INSPECTIONS:(952)985-4440,8 am-4:30 pm,M-F ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS: Call Brian Grey at(507)381-1791,7-8:30 am,M-F to sehedule appointments �� >`� Applicant/Permitee: Signature �— Issued By: Signature ,�.,0 ce Use Only ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION "�- '��� ' Permit Number CITY OF LAKEVILLE `} BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT ��J �`'� �`'�� Received B � � 20195 HOLYOKE AVENUE � �,� Y �` LAKEVILLE,MN 55044 a 952-985-4440 Date Received �vEv�v.(akevillemn.¢ov 0.00``�� �� Fee Total � DATE 3/16/21 YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS steve.solheidCcD.electricalproduction.com S�`rE ADDxEss 20325 Geneva Trail Lakeville, MN TENANT Charter Communications SUITE NO.-- THE APPLIANT IS: ❑RESIDENT OWNER 0✓CONT`RACTOR NAME Charter Communications-Tyler Nelson RESIDENT OWNER �DRESS 16900 Cedar Ave S CITY Rosemount STATE MN zrn 55068 DAYTIME PHONE#WHERE YOU CAN BE REACHED 651-318-8975 COMPANYNAME Electrical Production Services LICENSE#EA000600 CONTRACTOR 1�DREss 2431 Galpin Ct STE 140 Companynamemustbeas c�1'Y Chanhassen STATE MN ZIP 55317 appeazs on State License OFFICE PHONE# 952-401-1888 FAX#-- CONTACT NAME Steven Solheid PHONE 612-366-5058 ❑SINGLE FAMILY ❑MULTI-FAMILY ❑SWIMMING POOL ❑TWO FAMILY ✓O COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ❑LINDEFINED PERMIT TYPE ❑TOWNHOUSE ❑MANUFACTURED HOME �FIRE ALARM POWER ❑Meter Bank (Contractor Only) �SIGN ❑Single Meter ❑�STITUTIONAL �OTHER(see description) Residential Addition/Remodel Pe�•mits Available on-line �✓NEW ❑ADDITION �ALTER/REMODEL TYPE OF WORK ❑MAINTENANCE/REPAIR ❑TENANT FINISH ❑DEMOLITION Only Licensed Electrical Contractors can do work in a Townhouse that has meter bank instead of single meters attached to the units. Only Licensed Electrical Contractors can do work in Manufactured Home Parks. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: lnstall (1)60 Amp power supply for new service for Charter Communications. WO-6896 RESIDENTIAL FEE5: New Construction: $135.00+$1.00 State Surchazge (up to three tripsj Repairs: $40.00+$1.00 State Surcharge (one trip) Additions,Remodel,Lower Level: $70.00+$I.00 State Surcharge (two hips) C��'IMEI2CIAI,FE�+S: Minimum of$40.00+$1.00 State Surcharge(one[rip)--Remodel Minimum$70.00+$1.00 State Surcharge(two trips) JOB COST: $850.00 Example:$12,000 Job Cost 1-1/2%of conh•act cost up to$10,000 $40.00 $10,000.00 x 1.5%_ $150.00 1%of cost above$10,000 plus surcharge + $ 2,000.00 x 1% _ + 20.00 (Surcharge=Contract Cost x.0005) + $1.00 $12,000 x.0005 = + 6.00 TOTAL = $41.00 = $176.00 I hereby apply for an electrical peimit and I acknowledge that the information above is complete and accurate; that flie work will be in confoimance with the ordinances and codes of the Ciry of Lakeville and with the Minnesota Elech•ical Act;that I understand this is not a permit but only an application for a permit and work is not to start without a peimit;that the work will be in accordance widi the approved plan in the case of all work which requires review and approval of plans. NAME OF APPLICANT(Please Piint) Steven Solheid � SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: PLEASE NOTE: SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ANY BUILDING,MECHANICAL&PLUMBING WORK