HomeMy WebLinkAboutLA189540 - Approved Stamped Permit SetSTREET VIEW GE VIEW TITLE SHEET PV01STAMP! ROOF A ROOF B 90 120 150 180210 240 270 300 330 0 30 60 W E S N 80 70 504O2010350 320 310 290 280 260 250 230 220 200190 170160 140 130 110 100 340 AZIMUTH 8480 207th St W 65 7 8 9 ALL EQUIPMENT WILL BE INSTALLED WITHIN 10' OF THE MSP 3 3' TYP. 1 2 4 1 73'-1" 24' 16' XCEL POWER SUPPLY UNDERGROUND NO CLEARANCE CONCERNS REGARDING OVERHEAD SERVICE OR PV SYSTEM INTERCONNECTION SHALL BE SECONDARYHOLIDAY AVECROSSING STREET 305' 3' SITE PLAN PV02 STAMP! SOLAR EQUIPMENT 10' FROM THE MSPSOLAR EQUIPMENT ON THE ROOF ???A-2P G N OTHER LOADS 12 G N 3 7 2 431 MODULES IN A SERIES STRING? J-BOX 1 5 G N 9 3 M BILLING METERSERVICE CONDUCTORS EXTENDING TO UTILITY G N DC AC G 3 2 ELECTRICAL LINE DIAGRAM PV03 *LOCATION: EVERY 10' ALONG ANY CONDUITS OR MC CABLE THAT CONTAIN DC CIRCUITS, AT EVERY ENCLOSURE, AND AT EACH SIDE OF WHERE THE CONDUIT OR CABLE PASSES THROUGH A WALL, FLOOR, OR ANY OTHER PARTITION. FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY (NOT ACTUAL MSP) MAIN SERVICE PANELAC DISCONNECT 5 7 JUNCTION BOX OR SOLADECK (IF USED) 8 9 7 6 8 4 5 6 IF APPLICABLE ALL SIGNAGE MUST BE PERMANENTLY ATTACHED AND BE ABLE TO WITHSTAND THE ENVIRONMENT THEY ARE INSTALLED. SIGNAGE ALSO CANNOT BE HAND WRITTEN. NEC 110.21(B) EQUIPMENT LABELS PV04 ROOF A ROOF B 1'-4" 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 2'-8" 1'-4" 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 2'-8" 1'-4" 4'2' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 2'-8" 1'-4" 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 2'-8" 1'-4" 4'2' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 2'-8" 1'-4" 4' 4' 1'-4" = STANDOFF ATTACHMENT SPACING ATTACHMENT SPACING PV05 STAMP! RACK & RAIL DIAGRAM PV06 STAMP!! MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION Format 1685 mm × 1000 mm × 32 mm (including frame) Weight 18.7 kg Front Cover 3.2 mm thermally pre-stressed glass with anti-reflection technology Back Cover Composite film Frame Black anodised aluminium Cell 6 × 20 monocrystalline Q.ANTUM solar half cells Junction box 70-85 mm × 50-70 mm × 13-21 mm Protection class IP67, with bypass diodes Cable 4 mm² Solar cable; (+) 1100 mm, (−) 1100 mm Connector Multi-Contact MC4, IP65 and IP68 QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATES PARTNER Q CELLS PERFORMANCE WARRANTY PERFORMANCE AT LOW IRRADIANCE TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS Temperature Coefficient of ISC α [% / K]+ 0.04 Temperature Coefficient of VOC β [% / K]− 0.28 Temperature Coefficient of PMPP γ [% / K]− 0.37 Normal Operating Cell Temperature NOCT [°C]45 NOTE: Installation instructions must be followed. See the installation and operating manual or contact our technical service department for further information on approved installation and use of this product. IRRADIANCE [W/M2] EN RELATIVE EFFICIENCYCOMPARED TO NOMINAL POWER [%]100 95 90 85 80 75 155 25200 10 YEARS 98 Q CELLS Industry standard for tiered warranties*Industry standard for linear warranties* *Standard terms of guarantee for the 10 PV companieswith the highest production capacity in 2014 (as at: September 2014) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS POWER CLASS 305 310 315 320 MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS, STC1 (POWER TOLERANCE +5 W / −0 W)MinimumPower at MPP2 PMPP [W]305 310 315 320 Short Circuit Current*ISC [A]9.78 9.83 9.89 9.94 Open Circuit Voltage*VOC [V]39.75 40.02 40.29 40.56 Current at MPP*IMPP [A]9.31 9.36 9.41 9.47 Voltage at MPP*VMPP [V]32.78 33.12 33.46 33.80 Efficiency2 η [%]≥ 18.1 ≥ 18.4 ≥ 18.7 ≥ 19.0 MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT NORMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS, NOC3 MinimumPower at MPP2 PMPP [W]226.0 229.7 233.5 237.2 Short Circuit Current*ISC [A]7.88 7.93 7.97 8.02 Open Circuit Voltage*VOC [V]37.18 37.43 37.69 37.94 Current at MPP*IMPP [A]7.32 7.36 7.41 7.45 Voltage at MPP*VMPP [V]30.88 31.20 31.52 31.84 11000 W/m², 25 °C, spectrum AM 1.5 G 2 Measurement tolerances STC ± 3 %; NOC ± 5 % 3 800 W/m², NOCT, spectrum AM 1.5 G * typical values, actual values may differ PROPERTIES FOR SYSTEM DESIGN Maximum System Voltage VSYS [V]1000 Safety Class II Maximum Reverse Current IR [A]20 Fire Rating C Push / Pull Load(Test-load in accordance with IEC 61215)[Pa]5400 / 4000 Permitted Module TemperatureOn Continuous Duty -40 °C up to +85 °C 200 400 600 800 1000 110 100 90 80 Irradiance [W/m²]Relative efficiency [%]RELATIVE EFFICIENCY [%]DETAIL A 16mm 8.5mm24.5mm 980mm1685mm 4 × Mounting slots (DETAIL A) Frame 1000mm 951mm 32mm 8 × Drainage holes 352.5mm EN VDE Quality Tested, IEC 61215 (Ed. 2); IEC 61730 (Ed. 1), Application class AThis data sheet complies with DIN EN 50380.Specifications subject to technical changes © Hanwha Q CELLS Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G5_305-320_2017-07_Rev01_ENHanwha Q CELLS GmbH Sonnenallee 17-21, 06766 Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Germany | TEL +49 (0)3494 66 99-23444 | FAX +49 (0)3494 66 99-23000 | EMAIL sales@q-cells.com | WEB www.q-cells.com At least 98 % of nominal power during first year. Thereafter max. 0.54 % degradation per year. At least 93.1 % of nominal power up to 10 years. At least 85 % of nominal power up to 25 years. All data within measurement tolerances.Full warranties in accordance with the warranty terms of the Q CELLS sales organisation of your respective country. Typical module performance under low irradiance conditions incomparison to STC conditions (25 °C, 1000 W/m2). The new Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G5 solar module from Q CELLS impresses with its outstanding visual appearance and particularly high perfor- mance on a small surface thanks to the innovative Q.ANTUM DUO Technology. Q.ANTUM’s world-record-holding cell concept has now been combined with state-of-the-art circuitry half cells and a six- busbar design, thus achieving outstanding performance under real conditions — both with low-intensity solar radiation as well as on hot, clear summer days. THE IDEAL SOLUTION FOR: Rooftop arrays on residential buildings 1 APT test conditions according to IEC/TS 62804-1:2015, method B (−1500 V, 168 h) 2 See data sheet on rear for further information. ANTI PID TECHNOLOGY(APT) HOT-SPOT PROTECT(HSP) TRACEABLE QUALITY(TRA.Q™) YIELD SECURITY ANTI LID TECHNOLOGY(ALT) www.VDEinfo.comID. 40032587 Quality Tested high reliabilitylow degradationoptimized durabilitycontinous line monitoring  11/2016 EN Q.ANTUM TECHNOLOGY: LOW LEVELISED COST OF ELECTRICITY Higher yield per surface area, lower BOS costs, higher power classes, and an efficiency rate of up to 19.3 %. INNOVATIVE ALL-WEATHER TECHNOLOGY Optimal yields, whatever the weather with excellent low-light and temperature behaviour. ENDURING HIGH PERFORMANCE Long-term yield security with Anti LID Technology, Anti PID Technology1, Hot-Spot Protect and Traceable Quality Tra.Q™. EXTREME WEATHER RATING High-tech aluminium alloy frame, certified for high snow (5400 Pa) and wind loads (4000 Pa). A RELIABLE INVESTMENT Inclusive 12-year product warranty and 25-year linear performance warranty2. STATE OF THE ART MODULE TECHNOLOGY Q.ANTUM DUO combines cutting edge cell separation and innovative wiring with Q.ANTUM Technology. Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G5 305-320 Q.ANTUM SOLAR MODULE SnapNrack SpeedSealTM Foot Patent Pending Lag Driven Sealant Solution for Ultra Rail Maintain the Integrity of the Roof by Eliminating Disruption • Zero prying of shingles • Zero removal of nails leaving holes in the roof • Roof remains installed the way manufacturer meant it to be Lag Driven Sealant Waterproofi ng • Time Tested Roof Sealant provides lasting seal • Sealant is compressed into cavity and lag hole as attachment is secured to rafter • Active sealant solidifi es bond if ever touched by liquid • Technology passes UL 2582 Wind Driven Rain Test and ASTM E2140 Water Column Testing standards. Patent Pending. Single Tool Installation • SnapNrack was the fi rst in the industry to develop a complete system that only requires a single tool. That tradition is continued as a ½” socket is still the only tool necessary to secure the mount as well as all other parts of the system. snapnrack.com Innovative design incorporates fl ashing reliability into a single roof attachment 100% waterproof solution Sealing cavity with compressible barrier secures sealant in place & fi lls voids Note: Sealant shown in white for illustration purposes only. A New Generation of Roof Attachments snapnrack.com • Lag straight to a structural member, no in-between components such as fl ashings or bases. • Simply locate rafter, fi ll sealant cavity & secure to roof. It’s that simple! Fastest Roof Attachment in Solar • Sealant fi lls around lag screw keeping roof and structure sealed and intact • No added holes from ripping up nails, staples and screws holding shingles on roof Integrated Flashings. No Questions. SnapNrack SpeedSealTM Foot • SnapNrack Ultra Rail is a straightforward intuitive install experience on the roof without compromising quality, aesthetics & safety, all supported by a 25 year warranty. Total System Solution One Tool. One Warranty. • No more need for a pry bar to rip up shingles • No more proprietary lag screws • Single Tool installation with ½” socket Less Time. Less Parts. Less Tools. Certifi cations SnapNrack Ultra Rail System has been evaluated by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and Listed to UL/ANSI Standard 2703 for Mechanical Loading and Fire. Additionally it is listed to UL 2582 for wind-driven rain and ASTM 2140. © 2020 by SnapNrack Solar Mounting Solutions. All rights reserved 877-732-2860 www.snapnrack.com contact@snapnrack.com • Built-in Wire Management & Aesthetically pleasing features designed for Ultra Rail result in a long-lasting quality install that installers and homeowners love.