HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-04 work sessionCITY OF LAKEVILLE
March 4, 2021
Chair Pat Kaluza called the work session to order at 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Chair Pat Kaluza (via Zoom), Vice Chair Jeff Witte, Karl Drotning,
Scott Einck, Brooks Lillehei, Jenna Majorowicz, Jason Swenson, and Christine Zimmer
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Planning Director Daryl Morey, Associate Planner Frank Dempsey, and
Daniel Licht, TPC
Others Present: Peter and Cindi Thelen, 12119 Lucerne Trail
Lucerne Trail Variance Discussion
The Thelens presented an overview of the property north of their existing home that
they recently purchased as well as their proposed variance request.
Frank Dempsey presented his planning report dated February 25, 2021.
Planning Commission comments:
• The variance request should include an alternate location for a replacement
septic system for the 3-unit building if/when the existing septic system fails. Mr.
Dempsey stated that because a survey is required with the variance application,
the Thelen’s septic system contractor should identify an alternate septic system
location based upon the soils, existing septic system location, existing 3-unit
building, etc.
• Asked about possible solutions for the Thelen’s current on-site stormwater
issues. Mr. Thelen described the changes that have occurred to the stormwater
drainage pattern in the area. The Planning Commission discussed how
stormwater drainage on private properties in rural areas can suffer from lack of
maintenance (silt accumulation, vegetation overgrowth) that can affect drainage
• The variance request should include a stipulation that the combined Thelen
properties on the west side of Lucerne Trail cannot be subdivided in the future
unless they can be served with City sanitary sewer and water.
Planning Commission Work Session Minutes – March 4 , 2021 Page 2
2021 Zoning Ordinance Update
Mr. Licht reviewed his February 26, 2021 memo and draft ordinance regarding the items
for consideration with the 2021 Zoning Ordinance update. The list of items to be included
in this year’s update were discussed at the January 21, 2021 Planning Commission work
session. The following provisions were discussed:
Freeway Corridor/Dynamic Display Signs. The Planning Commission confirmed that
the rate of change of once every 24 hours was not proposed to be amended.
Goats. The Planning Commission asked about the typical time of year that goats would
be utilized by a property owner. Mr. Morey responded.
Motor Fuel Facilities. Mr. Licht pointed out that his research, as directed by the Planning
Commission from the January 21st work session, found no cities surrounding or those
within the Twin Cities similar in character to Lakeville that prohibited lighted banding of
motor fuel canopies. Nonetheless, City staff does not support the proposed changes to
allow lighted banding on motor fuel canopies. The Planning Commission clarified that
lighted banding on the canopies would be allowed by the draft ordinance for all four side
of a canopy, but that no changes are proposed to the current signage requirements for
motor fuel facilities limiting signs on the canopy to one in lieu of a wall sign on the principal
building. The Planning Commission supports the proposed ordinance changes to allow
lighted banding on motor fuel canopies and maintaining the current regulations regarding
RST-2 Single Family Lots. The Planning Commission questioned whether a
development’s stormwater drainage system could accommodate the proposed smaller
single family lots. The Planning Commission also expressed concern about smaller lot
sizes and the crowded feeling that can result. City staff explained that the stormwater
management system would be evaluated at the time of application for preliminary plat
approval to ensure adequate capacity and stated a key component of the proposed
smaller lot sizes is that the side yard setbacks (7 feet) will not change so as to allow for
stormwater drainage between the houses. The Planning Commission supported the
proposed reduction of single family lot area only within the RST-2 District and only by a
conditional use permit to limit application of the reduced requirements.
RM-3 District Exterior Materials. The Planning Commission supports the proposed
amendment to reduce the brick and/or stone requirements in the RM-3 District from 50%
to 25% provided the remaining exterior materials are either brick, stone, fiber cement, or
engineered wood siding.
Downtown Development Guide. The Planning Commission was favorable to the
proposed RH-CBD District and modifications to the C-CBD District implementing the
downtown development guide to provide for unique development opportunities consistent
with the desired character of Downtown Lakeville.
Planning Commission Work Session Minutes – March 4 , 2021 Page 3
The work session adjourned at 7:44 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Daryl Morey, Planning Director