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HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-08 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES April 8, 2021 Chair Kaluza called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was given. New Planning Commission alternate member, Patty Zuzek, was sworn in by Recording Secretary Penny Brevig. Members Present: Chair Pat Kaluza, Jason Swenson, Brooks Lillehei, Jenna Majorowicz, Christine Zimmer, Alternate Patty Zuzek, Alternate Scott Einck, Ex-officio member Thor Howe Members Absent: Vice Chair Jeff Witte, Karl Drotning Staff Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner; Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary 4. Approval of the Meeting Minutes The February 18, 2021 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as presented. 5. Approval of the Work Session Minutes The March 4, 2021 Planning Commission work session minutes were approved as presented. 6. Announcements Planning Director Daryl Morey welcomed Patty Zuzek to the Planning Commission. 7. Caravel Autism Health Chair Kaluza opened the public hearing to consider the application of Jeffery Agnes, AIA on behalf of Caravel Autism Health for a conditional use permit to allow a fence within the front th yard of a commercial use in the C-3, General Commercial District, located at 10450 – 185 Street. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, April 8, 2021 Page 2 Jeffrey Agnes, on behalf of Caravel Autism Health, presented a brief overview of their project. Mr. Agnes stated that this fence is a necessity for autism patients. He indicated that the landscaping around the fence will not obstruct traffic visibility at the proposed location. Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey stated that Caravel Autism Health is requesting a conditional use permit (CUP) to allow the installation of a fenced outdoor play area within the front yard setback of a commercial zoned property. The CUP is required to allow a fence within the 30-foot building setback to the front property line. Mr. Dempsey explained that the proposed fence will be five feet tall and will resemble black wrought iron. The proposed fence and shrubs will not obstruct the sight visibility triangle of th the Kenwood Trail/185 Street roundabout or interfere with public trails. Planning Department staff recommends approval of the Caravel Autism Health conditional use permit, subject to the two stipulations listed in the April 1, 2021 planning report. Chair Kaluza opened the hearing to the public for comment. There were no comments from the audience. Motion was made by Lillehei, seconded by Zimmer to close the public hearing at 6:09 p.m. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - unanimous Chair Kaluza asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points included:  Commissioner Swenson pointed out that because of the roundabout at this intersection there is no traffic visibility issue.  Commissioner Zimmer noticed when she drove past the site earlier today that there was a lot of water where the fenced in area is being proposed. Mr. Dempsey commented that staff will review the on-site stormwater drainage.  Commissioner Lillehei was thankful to have Caravel Autism Health in our community and stated that the fencing is appropriate. Motion was made by Majorowicz, seconded by Einck to recommend to City Council approval of the Caravel Autism Health conditional use permit to allow a fence within the front yard of th a commercial use in the C-3, General Commercial District, located at 10450 – 185 Street, subject to the following two stipulations: 1. The play area and fence shall be located per the site plan as approved by the City Council. 2. A zoning permit must be submitted and approved prior to installing the fence. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, April 8, 2021 Page 3 Ayes: Swenson, Majorowicz, Lillehei, Kaluza, Einck, Zuzek, Zimmer Nays: 0 8. The Moments of Lakeville Chair Kaluza opened the public hearing to consider the application of The Moments of Lakeville for amendments to Conditional Use Permits #15-18 and #19-11 to allow a parking lot expansion and site plan modifications for the Moments of Lakeville facility in the C-3, General Commercial District, located at 16254 and 16258 Kenyon Avenue. Patrick Sarver with Civil Site Group presented a brief overview of their project. Mr. Sarver indicated that more parking was needed due to COVID-19 restrictions and to improve their overall campus experience. Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey reviewed the project approvals for The Moments of Lakeville properties located at 16254 and 16258 Kenyon Avenue. He stated that the amendments to two separate conditional use permits includes the construction of additional parking spaces on both properties. The proposed total number of parking spaces for Lots 1 and 2 is proposed to be increased from 71 to 91. Mr. Dempsey indicated that the proposed impervious surface area for the entire Moments of Lakeville properties will be 57%, which is within the maximum percentage allowed within the Shoreland Overlay District by approval of a CUP. The Moments of Lakeville will enter into a private encroachment and maintenance agreement for the private sanitary sewer service located within the Kenyon Avenue right-of-way and drainage and utility easement. The Moments of Lakeville will also enter into an encroachment and maintenance agreement for the private sidewalk they are proposing to construct within Kenyon Avenue right-of-way. Planning Department staff recommends approval of The Moments of Lakeville conditional use permit amendments, subject to the six stipulations listed in the April 1, 2021 planning report. Chair Kaluza opened the hearing to the public for comment. There were no comments from the audience. Motion was made by Majorowicz, seconded by Einck to close the public hearing at 6:18 p.m. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - unanimous Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, April 8, 2021 Page 4 Chair Kaluza asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Commissioners Lillehei and Swenson indicated that they will be abstaining from this discussion and vote due to potential conflicts of interest. Discussion points included additional landscape screening for the apartment across the street from The Moments of Lakeville. Mr. Dempsey pointed out the existing and proposed landscaping on the south side of the Moments site. Motion was made by Majorowicz, seconded by Zimmer to recommend to City Council approval of the amendments to The Moments of Lakeville conditional use permits #15-18 and #19-11 to allow a parking lot expansion and site plan modifications in the C-3, General Commercial District, located at 16254 and 16258 Kenyon Avenue, subject to the following six stipulations: 1. The parking lot expansions shall be developed in accordance with the plans approved by the City Council. 2. Any new site lighting shall be downcast and not glare onto public right-of-way. 3. Total impervious surface area shall not exceed 70%. 4. The Moments shall enter into a private encroachment and maintenance agreement for the private sanitary sewer service located within the Kenyon Avenue right-of-way and drainage and utility easement. 5. The Moments shall enter into an encroachment and maintenance agreement for the private sidewalk located within the Kenyon Avenue right-of-way. 6. All stipulations of Conditional Use Permit 15-18 and 19-11 shall remain in full force and effect. Ayes: Majorowicz, Lillehei, Kaluza, Einck, Zuzek, Zimmer Nays: 0 Abstain: Lillehei, Swenson The Moments of Lakeville owner Elizabeth Wright thanked the Planning Commission for approving their conditional use permit amendments. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:23 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary