HomeMy WebLinkAboutLA188830 Revised PlanA23A2A2123A31A38' - 3"11' - 1"9' - 1"6' - 5"5' - 9"3' - 0"28' - 0"V.I.F, MATCH AND ALIGN WITH EXISTING21' - 10 3/4"BEDROOMBASEMENT20' - 11 1/4"SETBACK10' - 0"PROPERTY LINE22' - 11 1/2"FAMILY ROOMSETBACK10' - 0"6x6' WOOD POST, W/ 42"X42"X12" THICK CONC. PAD W (5) #5'S E.W, TYP.7' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 0"21C12" OR 8" CMU W/ #4'S 48" O.C., FILL CORESMATCH EXG HEIGHT,VERIFY W/ GRADE, STEP AS REQUIRED. MIN 42" BELOW GRADE. 20"X8" CONT. CONC. FTG W/ (2) #5'S2X6 EXTERIOR WALLREMOVE WINDOWINFILL WITH 2X'S ANDGYP BD.ALIGNALIGNPROPERTY LINEH3H3H2V.I.F.13' - 1 3/4" +/-FOOTING TO MATCH AND ALIGN W/ EXG, MIN 42" BELOW GRADE, TYP.UNDERPIN EXISTING FOUNDATION W/ CONCRETE, MIN 4" BELOW FINISH FLOOR. STEP UNDERPINNING PER DETAIL 6/A4UNDERPIN EXISTING FOUNDATION W/CONCRETE, MIN 4" BELOW FINISH FLOOR. STEP UNDERPINNING PER DETAIL 6/A4EXG FOUNDATION UNDER GARAGEVERIFY EXG DEPTH27' - 6"13' - 9"13' - 9"FOOTING TO MATCH AND ALIGN W/ EXG, MIN 42" BELOW GRADEH1EXGEXGEXGEXGEXGCLOSET1A10"CLOSET1B4' - 0"ALIGN2' - 0"1' - 4"10' - 2 1/2"2' - 0"1' - 9 3/4"3' - 3 1/4"1CBEDROOM2ACLOSET2B1D2X4 INTERIOR WALL W/ 1/2" GYP. BD SUMP COORD. W/ OWNERNEW ROOFEXISTING ROOFCONT. RIDGE VENTEXISTING ROOFBUILDING OUTLINE6" / 1'-0"6" / 1'-0"MATCH EXG SLOPEOF ROOF, V.I.F.VALLEY FLASHING, TYP.Project numberDateDrawn byChecked byRevision ScheduleCOPYRIGHT 20212570 Aldine St. Roseville, MN 55113701.320.6065 Justin.Roland.Hayes@gmail.comI certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered architect under the laws of the state of MinnesotaJustin R HayesDateReg. No. 5498606/30/20224/26/2021 10:45:06 AMA0.5BASEMENT PLAN,ROOF PLAN21-01ADDITION/REMODELWRIGHT02/25/21JHJHPERMIT17321 Greentree PathLakeville, MN 550441/4" = 1'-0"A0.51BASEMENT PLAN1/8" = 1'-0"A0.52ROOF PLANNo. Description Date1 FLOOR PLAN CHANGE 04/23/2111(2)11-7/8 LVL(2)11-7/8 LVL(2)9-1/4" LVLOR (3)2x10(2)2x10SmokeCOSmokeSmokeCOSmokeConcept Approval ONLYSubject to Field InspectionInspectorDate2020MN BldgCode04/27/2021dmathewsRevised Plan A23A2A2A21243A31A3EXG BATHEXG LIVING ROOMBEDROOMV.I.F, ALIGN W/ EXISTING21' - 10 3/4"28' - 0"BEDROOMCLOSETMASTER BEDROOMMASTER BATHLAUNDRY6' - 10 1/2"3' - 0"4'x8'SHOWER11' - 1"11' - 11 1/2"2' - 0"11' - 11"2' - 0"8' - 0 3/4"1' - 11 3/4"9' - 10 1/4"17' - 10"6' - 4 1/4"NEWEXG103C102A103A103B102B101B101A100EXGEXG KITCHENEXG GARAGEEXGEXGEXG6' - 9 3/4"6' - 3 1/4"211223' - 1"5' - 8 1/2"6' - 0 3/4"6' - 3"2' - 4 1/2"1' - 9 3/4"1' - 10 3/4"2' - 4 1/2"5' - 10 1/2"4' - 3 3/4"6 3/4"1' - 9"14' - 0"EXG DECK TO REMAINEQEQEQEQ4' - 8 1/4"3' - 4 1/4"3' - 5 1/2"2' - 3 1/2"2' - 7"2' - 4"2' - 1 3/4"6' - 10 1/2"3' - 0"4' - 0"ALIGN25' - 0 3/4"WALL AND PARTITION KEY2X6 EXTERIOR WALLS WITH SIDING TO MATCH EXG, SHEATHING, BUILDING WRAP, R-21 INSUL. 16" O.C. V.B. 1/2" GYP .BD.EXISTING WALLS TO REMAIN.WALLS AND PARTITIONS TO BE REMOVED.2X4 INTERIOR WALL W/ 1/2" GYP. BD BOTH SIDES2X6 INTERIOR WALL W/ 1/2" GYP. BD BOTH SIDESH1H2H3(2) 2X10'S(2) 9 1/4" LVL OR (3) 2X10'S(2) 11 7/8" LVLHEADER SCHEDULE1. ALL WOOD IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE TO BE PRESSURE TREATED2. TWO 2'X'S FOR JACK STUDS @ HEADERS3. SEE MANUF. FOR LVL SPECIFICATIONS, CONNECTIONS.4. LVL'S FLUSH W/ FLOOR JOIST BEAR 3" ONTO WOOD PLATE EA. END5. SIMPSON STRUCT. HANGERS FOR CONNECTION BETWEEN LVLS' AND 2X'S OR SIM.6. USE SIMPSON (OR EQ) COL. TO BEAM CONNECTION.8. ALL HEADERS AT WINDOWS TO BE (2) 2X8'S U.N.O.1Project numberDateDrawn byChecked byRevision ScheduleCOPYRIGHT 20212570 Aldine St. Roseville, MN 55113701.320.6065 Justin.Roland.Hayes@gmail.comI certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered architect under the laws of the state of MinnesotaJustin R HayesDateReg. No. 5498606/30/20224/22/2021 9:44:36 PMA1MAIN FLOOR PLAN,SCHEDULES21-01ADDITION/REMODELWRIGHT02/25/21JHJHPERMIT17321 Greentree PathLakeville, MN 550441/4" = 1'-0"A11MAIN FLOORDOOR SCHEDULEMark Room Description Width Height Finish Frame Type Comments1A SINGLE FLUSH 3' - 0" 6' - 8"1B 2' - 8" 6' - 8"1C 6' - 0" 6' - 8"1C Bifold Door 2' - 6" 6' - 8"1D 6' - 0" 6' - 8"2A 2' - 8" 6' - 8"2B 4' - 0" 4' - 0"100 SINGLE FLUSH 2' - 6" 6' - 8"101A SINGLE FLUSH 2' - 6" 6' - 8"101B SINGLE FLUSH 2' - 6" 6' - 8"102A SINGLE FLUSH 2' - 6" 6' - 8"102B SINGLE FLUSH 2' - 6" 6' - 8"103A SINGLE FLUSH 2' - 6" 6' - 8"103B SINGLE FLUSH 2' - 6" 6' - 8"103C SINGLE FLUSH 2' - 6" 6' - 8"WINDOW SCHEDULEType Mark Description Width Height Sill HeightHeadHeightCount Comments1 2' - 0" 4' - 0" 2' - 8" 6' - 8" 22 4' - 10" 4' - 0" 2' - 8" 6' - 8" 4Structural NotesApplicable Code –2020 Minnesota Building Code (MBC), 2018 International Residential Code (IRC)Design LoadsA. Roof:1. Snow Loada. Pg (ground snow load)= 50 PSFb. Pf (snow load on flat roof)= 35 PSF2. Dead Load= 20 PSFB. Floor:1. Live Load= 40 PSF2. Dead Load= 20 PSFC. Lateral:1. Earth-Typical cohesionless soil pressure assumed2. Wind-Per ASCE 7-10D. Seismic: No effectE. Wind:1. 3-second gust speed at 33 feet = 90 MPH2. Exposure B3. Kd (directionality factor) = 0.854. Kzt (topographic factor) = 1.05. I (importance factor) = 1.0LUMBERA. Design Code: "National Design Specification for Wood Construction", latest adopted edition.B. Materials:1. "LVL" members to have the following minimum allowable designvalues: Fb=2,950 psi, Fv=285 psi, and E=2,000,000 psi. Providenailing/bolting connection for multiple piece beams per Manufacturer's specifications (Contractor to verify top or side loading conditions).2. Dimension Lumbera.Dimension lumber to be minimum Fb = 1000 psi, E = 1,700,000 psib. Joists, beams, and columns-Douglas-Fir-Larch or equal c. Wall studs-Spruce-pine-fir, stud grade or betterd. Treated material to be southern yellow pine #2 or bettere. All lumber to have maximum moisture content of 19%.3. Fasteners and Connection Hardwarea. Provide fasteners per the “National Design Specification for Wood Construction”, latest edition.b. Assume nails to be common nails meeting the requirements in ASTM F1667 unless noted otherwise.c. All connection hardware by "Simpson Strong-Tie" or an approved equal.Connectors in contact with treated lumber to be fabricated with material to resist corrosive reaction with wood treating chemicals.d. All prefabricated metal connectors to be fully nailed per the Supplier's specifications.MISCELLANEOUSA. Contractor shall verify all existing conditions and dimensions. Report all conflicts in construction documents or between construction documents and actual conditions to the architect and structural engineer before proceeding with the affected work.B. Contractor is responsible for bracing all structural elements, without overstressing, until the project is complete. This includes, but is not limited to, temporary bracing of existing adjacentstructures and soils. Stockpiling of materials on supported levels is at the Contractor's own risk.CONCRETE-SITE CASTA. Design Code: “ACI Manual of Concrete Practice”(latest adopted edition)1.Materialsa. Minimum concrete strength at 28 days (f'c):b. Stoop slabs-4,000 PSIc. Piers and footings = f’c = 3500 psi, maximum aggregate size ¾”, maximum slump 4”d. Walls , f’c = 4000 psi2.Furnish 5-7% air entraining agent for all concrete exposed to freezing temperatures.3.Deformed bars-ASTM A615, Grade 60B.Reinforcing steel to be accurately placed and properly supported and secured to provide required concrete cover. Reinforcing steel per ASTM A615,Grade 60C.Steel wire fabric mesh per ASTM A185D.Installation notes:1.Support reinforcement only with CRSI recommended bar supports (wood,brick, etc. not acceptable) or hang from top of forms. Use supports with sandplates or horizontal runners for slab-on-grade reinforcement.2. All footings shall rest upon undisturbed soil3.Concrete cover per ACI 318, latest adoption.4. Place and securely tie footing dowels in position prior to concreteplacement (do not embed dowels into wet concrete).5. Soil bearing pressure = 2000 psf (assumed)MATCH EXISTING STYLEMATCH EXISTING HEAD HEIGHTNo. Description Date1 FLOOR PLAN CHANGE 04/23/21FANSmokeCOSmokeSmokeSmoke-Min. 15" clearance to anyobstruction from center ofW.C., 24" in front(typ). EXISTING MAINFLOOR-1' -2"BASEMENT FLR-5' -6"ROOF PLAN18' -5"2ND FLOOR3' -4 1/4"3A3HORIZONTAL SIDING TO MATCH EXISTING. COORD. W/ OWNER2ND FLR CLG11' -4 1/4"FASCIA, MATCH EXGASPHALT SHINGLESWINDOW TRIM, MATCH EXGNEWEXGGUTTERS, AND DOWNSPOUTS1EXISTING MAINFLOOR-1' -2"BASEMENT FLR-5' -6"ROOF PLAN18' -5"2ND FLOOR3' -4 1/4"1A3NEWEXG2ND FLR CLG11' -4 1/4"ROOF PLAN18' -5"2ND FLOOR3' -4 1/4"2ND FLR CLG11' -4 1/4"Project numberDateDrawn byChecked byRevision ScheduleCOPYRIGHT 20212570 Aldine St. Roseville, MN 55113701.320.6065 Justin.Roland.Hayes@gmail.comI certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered architect under the laws of the state of MinnesotaJustin R HayesDateReg. No. 5498606/30/20224/22/2021 9:44:39 PMA2EXT., ELEVATIONS21-01ADDITION/REMODELWRIGHT02/25/21JHJHPERMIT17321 Greentree PathLakeville, MN 550441/4" = 1'-0"A21EAST1/4" = 1'-0"A22NORTH1/8" = 1'-0"A23WEST1/8" = 1'-0"A24nNo. Description Date1 FLOOR PLAN CHANGE 04/23/21 BASEMENT FLR-5' -6"ROOF PLAN18' -5"2ND FLOOR3' -4 1/4"3A32ND FLR CLG11' -4 1/4"3' - 6"FOOTING, SEE PLAN2" RIGID INSUL12" CMU2X4 INT. KNEE WALL W/ R-15 INSUL, VB. 1/2" GYP. BDDOUBLE TOP PLATEJOIST, SEE PLANR-20 AT RIM JOIST1BASEMENT FLR-5' -6"ROOF PLAN18' -5"2ND FLOOR3' -4 1/4"1A3FLASHINGENG TRUSSES2ND FLR CLG11' -4 1/4"8' - 0"A41LVL'SSEE PLAN2X8 LEDGERSECURED TO WALLProject numberDateDrawn byChecked byRevision ScheduleCOPYRIGHT 20212570 Aldine St. Roseville, MN 55113701.320.6065 Justin.Roland.Hayes@gmail.comI certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered architect under the laws of the state of MinnesotaJustin R HayesDateReg. No. 5498606/30/20224/22/2021 9:44:43 PMA3BUILDING SECTIONS21-01ADDITION/REMODELWRIGHT02/25/21JHJHPERMIT17321 Greentree PathLakeville, MN 550441/4" = 1'-0"A31BUILDING SECTION1/4" = 1'-0"A33N/S BUILDING SECTIONNo. Description Date1 FLOOR PLAN CHANGE 04/23/21R-11 max on the interior ofbelow grade wall unless usingclosed cell spray foam, betteroption is to use a rigid foamboard on the concrete with abuilt in vapor barrier on thefoam so you just need to tapethe seams. Then frame tightto the front of that foam boardand sheetrock. No poly.R-10 Min