HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-19-2021CITY OF LAKEVILLE
April 19, 2021
Acting Mayor Hellier called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Anderson (Zoom), Council Members Bermel, Hellier, Lee, Volk
Staff Present: Justin Miller, City Administrator; Andrea McDowell Poehler, City Attorney;
Jeff Long, Police Chief; Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator; Jerilyn Erickson,
Finance Director; Charlene Friedges, City Clerk
3. Citizen Comments:
• No citizen comments
4. Additional Agenda Information:
• No additional agenda information
5. Presentations/Introductions:
• On behalf of Lakeville Liquors customers, Director Tana Wold presented $18,222.85 to
360 Communities and The Open -Door Pantry.
• City Forester Emily Ball presented the annual Arbor Day proclamation. Lakeville will
observe Arbor Day during the city's Earth Day celebration.
6. Consent Agenda:
Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Volk, to approve the following:
a. Check Register Summary
b. Minutes of the 4/5/2021 City Council meeting
c. Conditional Use Permit and Findings of Fact for Caravel Autism Health, 10450 185`h
Street W.
d. Resolution No. 21-44 Awarding Contract to McNamara Contracting and Approve Joint
Powers Agreements with the City of Farmington and Farmington Area Public Schools
for Farmington High School Secondary Access Road
CITY COUNCIL Minutes, April 19, 2021 Page 2
e. Grant Agreement with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and Accept
Stantec Proposal for Professional Services for Orchard Lake Watershed Water Quality
f. Agreement with FBG Service Corporation for Park Restroom Cleaning Services
g. Professional service contract with Wold Architects, Inc. for ADA Facility Transition Plan
h. Resolution No. 21-45 approving the Cedar Crossings 3rd Addition Final Plat
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Anderson, Bermel, Hellier, Lee, Volk
7. General Obligation Tax Abatement Bonds, Series 2021B
Finance Director Erickson introduced Jessica Green of Northland Securities. Ms. Green
presented the bond sale summary for the General Obligation Tax Abatement
Bonds. Proceeds from the 20 -year bonds will be used to finance construction of the Keokuk
Liquor Store. The low bid was submitted by Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc. at a true interest cost
of 1.68%.
Motion was made by Bermel, seconded by Lee, to approve Resolution No. 21-46 Authorizing
Issuance, Awarding Sale, Prescribing the Form and Details, and Providing for the Payment of
$5,620,000 General Obligation Tax Abatement Bonds, Series 2021B.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Anderson, Bermel, Hellier, Lee, Volk
8. Kampmeyer Addition
Michael Kampmeyer requested Council approval of Kampmeyer Addition, located east of
Kenwood Trail and north of 188th Street W. The plat consists of one single-family residential
lot and one outlot on 1.41 acres of property.
Motion was made by Lee, seconded by Anderson, to approve Resolution No. 21-47 approving
the Kampmeyer Addition preliminary and final plat and Resolution No. 21-48 vacating a
public drainage and utility easement.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Anderson, Bermel, Hellier, Lee, Volk
9. Unfinished business: No unfinished business
10. New business: No new business
CITY COUNCIL Minutes, April 19, 2021
11. Announcements:
• Next Regular Meeting, May 3, 2021
• Next Work Session, April 26, 2021
Motion was made by Volk, seconded by Bermel, to adjourn.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Anderson, Bermel, Hellier, Lee, Volk
The meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, City Cyrk
Douglas P. Anderson, Mayor
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