HomeMy WebLinkAbout19967 Hiawatha CtCITY OF LAKEVILL CERTIFICATION OF GRADING .AND FINAL PLACEMENT OF IRON MAW Wr iE '� Budding Perenit # 166414 ' (By Christina Orlowsky at 2:10 pm, Jul 06, 2020 Legal Description: Lot block . ,rJ , Subdivision: • 1;-,r.4 .p F o. _; .�r,.-. " 1� Y°F ' rT K ... 6 '� K ' ,- •- Address. {f .r :� .'t Wx , a:n • _ ,,;.;,+�, RECEIVED • I hereby certify that on cog; day of • . _.. . ,-.2e� an inspecdon of this property was conducted by me or under my dr'rect supervislon and that the as-bu4»t grades, elevations and drainage patterns of the site and building are in conformance wif the grading plan approved by the City Engineer or amendments previously approved by the City Engineer. In adclition, all property corner monuments are in place as of this date. .. heresy certify that this sal/ay, plan or report mos prepared by me or under ray direct swpe_rrflsian and that! r am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the Sint of Minnesota. Print name; d'7 NOTE.: ATTACH A COPY OF THE CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY SHOWIPFIG ALL AS" dU, LT GRADES, ELEVATIONS AND DRA UAGt PATTERNS Approved subdivision grading plans should be obtained from the property owner or developer. General questions relating to the building permit should be directed to the Building Tspections Department at 952-985-1110. Questions relating to grading should be directed to the Engineering Department at 952-985 4500, Prior to release of the Grading SecUT-it r this document shall be filed with: City of Lakeville Engineering Department 20195 5 Holyoke Avenue • Lakeville, Mil 55044 mmisogaaeaes1FounslCe ficadoa of Gracke.dOC ADDRESS: 19967 HIAWATHA COURT 11x17 1T.I) VI 0 co S00° 18'46"W A '-t x 10120 i i 1016.9 x 1018.1 3852 NOTE: ALL BUILDING DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN TO OUTSIDE OF FOUNDATION WALL EXISTING HOUSE 1 101.20 10170 - GIB. 1016.9x + 124.27 N89°47'12"E 1016.8 r�Fs . 6R 1015 6 i 41,9,7 t ��! 10145x Fi+ y. ^2 �/i ' !▪ ! z $x 10140 ` LOT 3 ° I 21 1013.2xz IU125 BLOCK 1 -1 10136 zl/I01z.8 2 0 1012.6x ti 12.5 r., 7o 0 x 10159 10X4.0 x 10154 x 1 010 0 lr------ 1010.0 i GRADING SOTO BE PROPOSED � AT 10057 L Bohlen Surveying & Associates 31432 Foliage Avenue Northfield, MN 55057 Phone: (507) 645-7768 tomeara@bohlensurveying com BSA 1682 Cliff Road E Burnsville, MN 55337 Phone (952) 895-9212 Fax (952)895-9259 10112 x 1010 I WO 10195 _N10192 SETBACK LINE 1016.2 255 1019.71'1029 J ' x 1021 9 x 1021.2 c, 1020.3 o�Q ®, 1020/ f- o3U. IJTIL:TYW 00 U BOXES 10200 sac 1019 9 b 1 Q_20.5 O 0 1019 5 EXISTING HOUSE FB/WO 0 o."46 5 •//�/I 10131 N85°16'10"E 10109 NOTE: THE GRADING PLAN USED TO PREPARE THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED BY PIONEER ENGINEERING, DATED 5-4-2016. 10132 GARAGE 3.0 • 11 06 1020.7 55 li(i S l�l(S.Y 10101�/ 10146 x 1015 1 132.59 0 ts.cmG MOUSE 20 r 10207 Ls: x rr. 5.5 10157 102071 V10165 AS -BUILT SURVEY FOR ETERNITY HOMES, LLC BENCH -MARK FIRE HYDRANT AT THE END OF HIAWATHA COURT, TNH ELEV. = 1024.80 /1021 1021.0 10206 '‘\ (v 00 06/ 00 10175 - 11 CURB' 01 STOP U11 P X - � Q) o 101- 5.9 0208 RS-3 SETBACK INFORMATION: FRONT - 30' SIDE YARD - 10' SIDE YARD - 20' (CORNER) REAR YARD - 30' 2..IO2 GOON h fl OO VHIVMVI H 10161 25 10156 1"=20' DENOTES MAILBOX O DENOTES IRON PIPE MONUMENT SET • DENOTES FOUND IRON PIPE MONUMENT DENOTES PROPOSED DRAINAGE DIRECTION DENOTES SERVICE LOCATION DENOTES WOOD HUB DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION DENOTES EXISTING CONTOUR DENOTES DECIDUOUS TREE 000.0 DENOTES EVERGREEN TREE DENOTES BITUMINOUS SURFACE DENOTES CONCRETE SURFACE DENOTES GRAVEL SURFACE LOT AREA = 9,857 SQ. FT. HOUSE AREA = 2,233 SQ. FT. AS -BUILT GARAGE FLOOR ELEV. = 1020.9 AS -BUILT BASEMENT FLOOR ELEV. = 1013.5 PROPOSED TOP OF WALL ELEV. = 1021.3 PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEV. = 1021.0 PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR ELEV. = 1013.6 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION LOT 3, BLOCK 1, BERRES RIDGE 2ND ADDITION, CITY OF LAKEVILLE, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. DATE: 7-1-2020 I fW7'Wd .1. UI cvt . THOMAS J O'MEARA, LAND SURVEYOR MINNESOTA LICENSE NO. 46167 D:\Projccts\Lakcvillc\bcrres-ridgc-2nd\dwg\LOT3BLKI-AS-BUILT.dwg 6/30/2020 6:52:39 AM CDT