HomeMy WebLinkAboutLA192322 PERMIT City of Lakeville Permit Type: Plumbing 20195 Holyoke Ave Permit Number: LA192322 Lakeville,MN 55044 (952)985-4440 �K L A 1 9 2 � 2 Z �K www.lakevillemn.gov Date Issued: 07/Ol/2021 Site Address: 8262 183rd St W Lot: Block: Addition: PID: � Use: * * Description: Sub Type: Lawn Sprinklers Work Type: New Description: Meter Size Meter Tvne Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments: Fee Summary: Descri�tion Amount Revenue Code PL-Residential(Minimum) $40.00 1000-4152 Surcharge- $1.00 $1.00 1000.2127 Water Meter $910.00 7600-5161 Reducing Valve $385.00 7600-5165 Total: $1,336.00 �-- _ � � . Contractor: - Appl,�a,,t - Owner: Silver Tree Plumbing&Heating LLC 1335 Mendota Hts Rd Mendota Hts MN 55120 (651)319-4200 � I HEREBY AGREE THAT THIS WORK WILL BE PERFORMED ACCORDING TO:(1)THE APPROVED PLANS& SPECIFICATIONS;(2)THE APPLICABLE CITY ORDINANCES&CODES;AND(3)THE MN STATE BUILDING CODE. Please provide a minimum of a 24 hour notice to schedule inspections.BUILDING INSPECTIONS:(952)985-4440,8 am-4:30 pm,M-F ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS:Call Brian Grey at(507)381-1791,7-8:30 am,M-F to schedule appointments � �� � � ApplicantlPermitee: Signature Issued By: Signature �.���c�.�.�.c� `� - � ��� Office Use On]y PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATIUN �C%j,��?��,�, m i Number CITY OF LAKEVILLE BUILDTIVG INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT � ��,,;�' �'\,;�('�'� � � 20195 HOLYOKE AVENUE Received By LAKEVILLE�MN 55044 r 952-985-4440 —� .� ! ��' "" �� www.lakevillemn.eov Date Received Submit to:permiis(cr�.lakeviAemn;aov 0.00'�� ,�,�j� r � � Permii Fee DATE 6/30/2021 YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS_Service(a�silvertreenandh.com s SI�ADDREss�262 183rd St W TENANT SUITE NO. ' � THE APPLICANT IS: ❑RESIDENT OWNER 0✓ CONTTtACTOTt ; NAME RESIDENT OWNER ADDRESS8262 183rd St W c�7'Y Lakeville STATEMN ztP55044 DAYTIME PHONE#WHERE YOU CAN BE REACHED COMPANY NAME Silver Tree Plumbina&Heatina LICENSE #_pC642636 CONTRACTOR ADDREss 1335 Mendota heiqhts Rd Company name must be as cITY Mendota Hefahts sTATE MN z1P 55120 appeais on State License aFFicE�xoN�# 651-319-4200 FAX# CONTACT NAME ShelbV PHONE COMMERCIAL ONLY RESIDENTIAL ONLY ❑COMM PLMBG SYSTEM �✓ LAWN SPRINKLER ❑INSIDE PLBG [�COMMIMULTI-FAMILY �WATER SOFTENER CONVERSION ; PERMIT TYPE LAWN SPRINKLER ❑WATER HEATER �ADDN/REPAIR ❑FIRE SARINKLER �MISC(ftll description) ❑BACKFLOW INSTALLATION Residentra!Pe�•miis Available o��-line C�NEW ❑ADD[TION ❑ALTER/REMODEL TYPE OF WORK �REPAIR �REPLACE ❑DEMOLITION JOB DESCRIPTION2"RPZ and 1.5"Meter RESIDEATTIAL FEES: Repairs/Remodel,Water Heater or Water Softenei•$40.00+State Surcharge($1.00) COMMERCIAL FEES: JOB COST: $ Example:$12,000 Job Cost 1-i/2°/a ofcontract costup to$1Q,000 $10,000.00 x 1.5%= $150.00 1%of cost above$lO,OpQ plus surcharge + $ 2,000.00 x 1% _ + 20.00 {Surcharge=Contract Cost x.4005) + $12,000 x.0045 = + 6.00 TOTAL = $0.00 = $176.00 Minimum of$40.00+State Surcharge($1.00) NO.OF METERS SIZE OF METER LOCATION OF METER � 1.5 I hereby appiy for s plumbing permit and I ackno�vledge that the information above is complete and accurate; that the work wili be in confo�mance with the ordinances and codes af the City of Lakeville and with the Minnesota Plumbing Codes;that I understand this is not a pemiit but only an application for a permit and wark is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in acwrdance with the approved plan � in the case of all�vork which requires review and approval of plans. NAME OF APPLICANT(Please P ' t)Shelb Klukken Date 06/30/21 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: �'LL��E'�lO�;�SEFARA�� .��Rl.l�[I; � - �m �,1I�'ED�ORtvVX.BYIII;DING IVIL��HA]VICAL.&:E ��C�,�li,�'V_URK,. .�.::=, `;