HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-23-01-01 Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
October 23, 2001
City of Lakeville
Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
October 23, 2001; 6:00 p.m.
Lake Marion Conference Room, City Hall
Members Present: Vogel, Pogatchnik, Tushie, Jerry Erickson, Miller, Bornhauser,
Brantly, Emond, Ex-Officio Member Robert Erickson, Ex-Officio Member Bornhauser.
Members Absent: Schubert, Matasosky.
Others °resent: Staff prasci Dan~nis Feller, Fnunce Director Ann Flad, Eccna~~ic
Development Coordinator; Paul Steinman, Springsted; Mikaela Huot, Springsted.
1. Call Meeting to Order. Chair Vogel called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. in the
Lake Marion Conference Room of City Hall, 20195 Holyoke Avenue, Lakeville.
2. Approve August 28, 2001 meeting minutes.
Motion 01.23 Comms. Pogatchnik/Emond moved to approve the minutes of the
September 25, 2001 meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
4. A.) 2002-2004 Strategic Plan -Discuss Draft Work Plans.
Chair Vogel indicated that item 4.A. would be moved to the beginning of the agenda.
Chair Vogel indicated that he worked with staff to develop draft Work Plans which
outline proposed steps to be taken in the implementation of the Strategic Plan Goals.
The proposed work plans were developed based on the input from Commissioners at
the last meeting. Ms. Fled reviewed the proposed work plans as follows:
To Inform and educate residents on benefits of C/I base to gain conununity support and appreciation for business
• So residents can learn to accept some things they don'[ wan[ for the good of the "whole."
• Show residents the benefits (fiscal) that business provides to them.
• Building "partnership" mentality between residents & businesses.
• Show residents why business growth is good for them.
• As residents see tax impact between business & resident levels, have them continue to appreciate the benefits of
business base.
• Show wide range of benefits (beyond fiscal) that businesses provide a community.
• Have residents that are informed about hqw the City Budget is provided for -use tangible examples (income
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Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
Octobei 23, 2001
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AMion Ste Res onsibilit Bud et Outcome Timeline
1. Define tangible benefits and/or value of EDC
commerciaUindustrial development for Lakeville's
residential, business, and overnmental sectors
• Identify target audience (Who we are trying to
communicate to, what is their understanding what
are their needs?)
• Identif messa a (Research information.
2. °romote,~"SeIP' the benefits ~f c:,.
L,.cre~al/industrial -
development to target markets
• Identify communications channels for each target
• Develop and capitalize on partnerships to
communicate messa e
Commissioners reacted favorably to the proposed work plan for goal #1. Chair Vogel
indicated that the target audience for this goal is the residential population of Lakeville.
Comm. Tushie suggested that the EDC's message that is developed include a discussion
on the commerciaUindustrial growth referenced in the Comprehensive Plan. Comm.
Brantly suggested that the message includes financial and other benefits that
commercial/industrial development brings to residents. Comm. Brantly also indicated a
desire to work with staff on implementing this goal. City Administrator Robert Erickson also
indicated that the balance of commercial/industrial development influences the City's bond
rating and this should be incorporated into the message shared with residents.
Financial planning for community -encourage community paztners -schools, city, county, state, etc. to provide
input to create basic financial models that can be used [o visualize and measure potential threats, outcomes, and
overall impacts of our efforts to improve financial position of the city in the future.
• Communication system (method) to have all related entities working toward common goals.
• Define common goals.
• Build understanding between business & education system on each other's needs and goals.
• Share information so all entities understand each other's fiscal needs.
• Bridge "culture" differences between business-city-school-county.
• Build understanding on how tax incentives can benefit everyone -even those who think they "loose."
• Find ways to involve public (residents, businesses) in providing community (education, etc) needs.
• Define Common benefits of school, city business, county (synergy & what they provide each other).
• Find ways to have all entities utilize common benefits to help enhance each other.
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Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
October 23, 2001
• C}early communicate tax impact of business.
h'„ ~ ,
Action Ste s Res onsibilit Bud et Outcome Timeline
1. Define Goals of Cit ,School and Count Subcommittee
a. Determine Priorities of Cit ,School District, Count
b. Determine Common Goals of City, School District,
and Count
2. Conduct acost-benefit anal sis for the oals defined
3. Develo a lao to achieve the oal(s) identified
4. h;i lenient lari
Commissioners discussed methods of determining the priorities and common goals of the
City, School District and County. It was concluded that several EDC members would meet
with Superintendent Amoroso of the School District and with the appropriate people within
Dakota County (not the Dakota County Economic Development Partnership, as this is a
separate entity) to discuss each organization's goals and needs and to determine grounds
for further discussion. These meetings will take place at the School District and County
offices respectively.. The representatives of those organizations may then be asked to
attend an EDC meeting to promote further discussion.
Encourage investigation of all potential upgrade opportunities in critical "business infrastructure" elemends -
phone, data, and other infrastructure, to proneode positive outcomes for long term.
• Anticipate future needs so when business needs them they are ready.
• Be proactive on technology rather than reactive.
• Capture the wealth of existing resources (fiber, etc.) as quickly as possible.
• Properly market our needs [o encourage providers to make their investments here.
• Method to anticipate any infrastructure that does not yet exist but will be part of our community.
• Airlake Airport used to community's advantage.
Action Ste s Res onsibilit Bud et Outcome Timeline
1. Identify target audience(s) - (Who do we want to Subcommittee
provide infrastructure for -national commercial
retailers, regionallcorporate headquarters, certain types
of indusu ,etc?)
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Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
October 23, 2001
2. Determine what type(s) of infrastructure our targeted
audiences need,
3. Develop a plan for encouraging those types of
infrastructure developments in Lakeville once
Commissioners expressed support for the proposed work plan for goal #3. It was
suggested that a task force look at surrounding jurisdictions' infrastructure plans in addition
to looking at the City's needs. City Administrator Erickson suggested looking at other
communities for models.
4. 2000-2001 Strategic Plan Update -Labor Force Committee
Ex-Officio member Bornhauser gave an update on the progress of the HR/Labor Force
Committee. The HR Committee of the Chamber has received additional information
from NationJobs, the organization they have chosen to partner with for a
JobslnLakeville web site. NationJobs has a long partnership with the national
Chamber of Commerce, and this partnership is launching a new pricing strategy, called
"Chamber Responds" in light of the country's September 11th tragedy and subsequent
economic situation.
The "Chamber Responds" initiative suspends the traditional pricing for local Chambers
of Commerce ($19,000) to create a local page on NationJobs. Instead, the new
initiative offers Chambers the opportunity to launch local pages on the NationJobs site
and allows the Chamber to offer every company in Lakeville the opportunity to list job
openings on the site for the total community cost of two individual company
memberships. The reduced cost may make it financially feasible for the
JobslnLakeville program to be launched in spite of the hesitancy of companies to spend
money on recruitment tools at this time. Ryt-Way and Menasha have indicated that
they will subscribe to NationJobs. This may meet the requirement of the new "Chamber
Responds" initiative and allow the JobslnLakeville program to proceed.
Mr._ Bornhauser of the_Lakeville_Area Chamber of Commerce and Gary Tholkes, Chair
of the HR Committee of the Chamber, will be exploring the "Chamber Responds" option
6. Manufacturing & Technology Month 2001
Ms. Flad reported that the City Council proclaimed October 22-November 23 as
Manufacturing & Technology Month in Lakeville at their October 15, 2001 Council
meeting. This marks the eighth annual recognition of the contributions manufacturers
bring to the Lakeville community.
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Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
October 23, 2001
A copy of the Proclamation will be printed on the Messages page of the Lakeville This
Week Life and Times Newspaper. Each week during manufacturing month, a fact or
figure about Lakeville's manufacturers will be included on the Messages page.
A Recognition Luncheon is also planned for November 8, 2001 at 11:30 at Brackett's
Crossing Country Club. Mr. Ken 5tirtz of Minnesota Waste Wise will speak about how
manufacturers can capitalize on their by-products, and City staff will present "In Pursuit
of a High-Tech Future: The City of Lakeville" as was presented to the EDC in
September. Mayor Johnson will present each manufacturer in attendance with a-copy
of the Proclamation along with a certificate of appreciation from Governor Ventura.
1. Incentives Study
Paul Steinman and Mikaela Huot of Springsted presented the EDC with the final
Incentive Tools document. Eighteen tools are presented in the study as possible
means of funding 33 different economic development objectives that the EDC
previously listed. I he incentives Subcommittee has reviewed the document and
recommends acceptance of it
The Incentive Subcommittee requested additional information on five tools:
• Tax Increment Financing: In spite of legislative changes that will reduce the
amount of revenue generated in existing districts, TIF will remain the tool of
.choice for redevelopment, soils contamination and housing.
• Tax Abatement: Mr. Steinman suggested creating a Tax Abatement Pool
whereby the City creates a tax abatement program and holds the funds for
future project(s) and thereby provide upfront assistance for future projects.
• Industrial Development Revenue Bonds: IDRB's have not been the tool of
choice thus far because of TIF, but the changes in TIF will make it more
• DTED's MN Investment Fund: MIF is what was used for the New Morning
Windows project in Lakeville. It is a competitive application process and
continues to be a very good source of funding business development and
seeding Revolving Loan Funds.
• DTED's_Redevelopment Fund: The Redevelopment Fund was not funded by
the legislature this year, but there is strong support for funding it in future
years. It provides gap financing.
Mr. Steinman also suggested that the Economic Development Fund, Revolving Loan
Fund, and GDBG be further examined. Mr. Steinman indicated that the EDC could
further explore the uses and limitations of these tools through workshops developed by
Springsted. Springsted could also work with the EDC to develop policies and
application processes to assist in evaluating the appropriateness of projects relative to
these incentives.
City Administrator Erickson indicated that the-most difficult obstacle for the City to
overcome relative to future development is funding the upgrade of the interchanges on
I-35. The interchanges need to be upgraded in order to allow for access to property
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Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
October 23, 2001
and the subsequent development of land adjacent to I-35. Comm. Tushie questioned
whether a special service district could be created along the I-35 corridor to fund
improvements. Mr. Steinman indicated that a special service district may be possible if
all land owners agree. City Administrator Erickson noted that the special service
district idea is a creative way of exploring options for financing the interchange
Motion 01.24 Comms. Emond/Miller moved to recommend the City Council
accept Springsted's October 15, 2001 Financial Tools Document as
presented. Motion carried unanimously,
Motion 01.25 Comms. Tushie/Brantly moved to recommend the City Council
engage Springsted to explore creative options available for
financing the upgrade of Lakeville's interchanges. Motion carried
City Administrator Erickson also indicated that the City of Lakeville has nine existing TIF
districts. They are not running a deficit. The legislative changes to TIF require Cities to
pool their districts and use those funds prior to applying for special assistance through
the state. The City of Lakeville anticipates pooling the districts' revenues.
5. Adjourn.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by: Attested to:
Ann Flad, Recording Secretary R.T.
B~rantly, Secretary
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