HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-27-00-00 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
June 27, 2000
Members Present: Brantly, Erickson, Matasosky, Miller, Schubert, Tushie, and Ex-officio member
Members Absent: Detjen, Emond, Pogatchnik, and Vogel
Staff Present: Rita Erpelding, Economic Development Coordinator
1. Call to Order. Comm. Matasosky called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. in the
Administration Conference Room at Lakeville City Hall.
2. Approval of the April 18, 2000 Meeting Minutes
MOTION 00.15 Comms. Erickson/Miller moved to approve the April 18, 2000 meeting
minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Update of Strategic Work Plan Activities
• a. South Creek Trout Stream Subcommittee Update
The EDC adjourned to the City Council Chambers to meet with the Environmental
Affairs Committee. Environmental Resources Coordinator Tim Brown introduced
himself and indicated that three of the South Creek subcommittee members were
present for questions and comments.
Mr. Brown provided a brief overview of the South Creek Management Plan. He
indicated that the primary best management practice (BMP) recommended was the
construction of infiltration basins. Mr. Brown also indicated that the Management Plan
also includes a recommendation for long-term monitoring of the trout stream.
Monitoring will ensure that the practices implemented have the desired affect and that
changes can 6e made as deemed necessary.
EAC member Rosselit stated that continual positive feedback was received throughout
the process from both agencies and landowners. He stated that the trout stream
designation brought together efforts of both the EAC and EDC to achieve economic
development and environmental goals. EAC member Rosselit indicated that on-going
monitoring is an important part of the plan process.
EAC member Goodwin concurred and stated he believes the plan represents a viable
approach for both development and protection of the trout stream. Comm. Matasosky
agreed and indicated that the task of the subcommittee was to develop new criteria
based on sound data provided by Barr Engineering. He thanked everyone involved in
• the process.
Lakeville Economic Development Commission June 27, 200D
Meeting Minutes Page 2
• EAC Chair Kline asked for clarification on the letter from John Hunt of Trout Unlimited,
which stated that under full development conditions, a 35% reduction in base flow is
predicted. Comm. Matasosky indicated that the primary design motivation was to
preserve the current flow and temperature of the stream. He stated that the reason for
monitoring is to make sure that infiltration does not decrease the base flow of the
Mr. Brown indicated that Task 3 of the Barr study addressed the groundwater flow and
water balance. Barr's modeling showed that base flow during dry periods would be
sufficient to maintain trout. Mr. Brown stated that there have been discussions with the
DNR, and they are comfortable with Barr's conclusions. He explained other measures
discussed such as a rifFle pool and DNR stocking.
EAC member Goodwin asked if there is an element of the plan in place to address
decreases in base flow. Mr. Brown responded that City staff plans to continually
monitor conditions as part of the management of the stream. Should any danger be
detected, the DNR Fisheries would be contacted immediately.
EAC member McManus asked if any additional hazardous response training is planned
for the fire department. Mr. Brown stated that the fire department has indicated that
they are trained in hazardous waste spills, and that the Management Plan calls for
raising awareness of local businesses on this issue.
There being no further discussion, the joint meeting was adjourned to allow each
• committee to independently consider a recommendation to the City Council.
MOTION 00.16 Comms. Brantly/Tushie moved to adopt Resolution 00.01 which
recommends the City Council receive and adopt the South Creek
Management Plan. Motion carried unanimously.
b. Commercialllndustrial Park Dedication Fees
Comm. Tushie stated that the subcommittee continues to meet and will have a
recommendation for the next EDC meeting.
c. Labor Force Subcommittee
Ms. Erpelding stated that a Request for Proposal for a Labor Force Survey was
distributed on May 22nd based on the recommendation of the EDC. The City received
three proposals and the subcommittee interviewed two consultants. Based on the
proposals and interviews, the subcommittee unanimously recommended the firm of
Anderson, Niebuhr, & Associates. The recommendation was based on their
understanding of the EDC's objective and the experience of the staff and the firm.
Comm. Tushie asked the purpose and objectives of the survey. Comm. Matasosky
stated that through the survey the EDC will be able to identify what employment
opportunities currently exist in Airlake and market those opportunities to residents of
Lakeville and neighboring communities.
Comm. Matasosky added that the inventory of employment opportunities would also
assist the EDC in other ways. An inventory would help the EDC and City staff decide
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Meeting Minutes Page 3
• whether a prospect would complement or compete with existing companies. It may
also help in deciding whether tc offer incentives when promoting the community. In
addition, the EDC may be able to utilize the information to recruit employees of
companies that are closing.
Comm. Tushie expressed concern that the survey will not provide a complete picture.
He recommended that the EDC should also be surveying residents as to why they are
working in neighboring communities. Mr. Erickson stated that the City has much more
demographic information about residents than businesses. Mr. Erickson concurred with
Comm. Matasosky, stating that the City receives three to five inquiries a week and it is
sometimes challenging to decide how that company may impact the future growth of
Comm. Tushie asked how confident the subcommittee members felt about the value of
the services the consultant will provide. Comm. Schubert stated that she felt very
confident that the consultant will listen to the subcommittee and provide direction that
will ensure that the survey will provide the information the EDC is seeking.
Comm. Matasosky recommended that some representatives of Airlake businesses be
invited to provide input on the survey. Comm. Brantly stated that it would be a good
idea to ensure that the right questions are asked. It was recommended that staff invite
three to four business representatives which would represent across-section of
business size and employee skill level.
• MOTION 00.17 Comms. Schubert/Matasosky recommended that the City
Council approve the contract for a labor force survey with
Anderson, Niebuhr, & Associates. Motion carried
Ms. Erpelding stated that City staff has prepared the enclosed application for submittal
to the UtiliCorp United Community Marketing Program. Mr. Cal Clark of UtiliCorp
United has indicated an interest in assisting the EDC with the labor force survey. The
EDC unanimously agreed that City staff should submit the application.
d. Establish Affordable Housing Subcommittee
Ms. Erpelding stated that in January of 2000, the City of Lakeville submitted an
application to the Dakota County Community Development Agency (CDA) for
Community Development Block Grant Funding. The City of Lakeville recommended
that a portion of the funding be utilized for the development of an affordable housing
strategy. Since the funds will be available beginning on July 151, staff is recommending
that the affordable housing subcommittee be established. The subcommittee will not
begin meeting until after the new Community and Economic Development Director
begins employment.
Comm. Erickson asked what is considered affordable housing. Mr. Erickson stated that
one common definition is that affordable is a $30,000 annual household income.
Comm. Tushie added that Metropolitan Council's definition is a house with a value of
• $130,000. However, many cities have decided that the definition is not accurate for
their community. For example, Minnetonka established a housing value of $100,000.
Comm. Tushie stated that Lakeville may want to develop its own definition.
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• The EDC unanimously recommended that the subcommittee members be Comms.
Tushie, Emond, and Pogatchnik. Comm. Matasosky added that it may be helpful for
representatives of the Dakota County CDA to be a part of the subcommittee.
4. Discussion regarding future TIF Incentives
Mr. Erickson stated that there have been several challenges encountered by staff regarding
offering incentives to business prospects. Staff recognizes that if a large facility were to be
constructed in Lakeville, it would most likely compete with existing companies for employees.
However, staff would like to continue to be proactive with business opportunities. Staff is
therefore requesting some feedback from the EDC.
Comm. Tushie stated that one criteria in offering incentives is whether the company is
committed to community over the long-term. One possible solution would 6e to include
requirements in the development agreement which would penalize a firm if it left prior to an
agreed time. tf a firm is planning to remain over the long-term than such an agreement would
be acceptable to the company.
Comm. Matasosky added that this issue is one reason why the EDC's subcommittee to
explore incentives remains important. He recommended that the EDC consider convening the
subcommittee in the future.
Mr. Erickson also stated that based on the discussion for the labor force survey, he would
• recommend that a question in the survey address the City's use of incentives in light of the
tight labor market. The question would assist the EDC and City staff in making decisions
regarding incentives.
5. Staff Activities Report
Mr. Erickson stated that the Zoning Ordinance and Map are nearly completed. It will be
considered by the City Council at a three-hour work session on July 10`h and then at the City
Council meeting on July 17`". Mr. Erickson stated that in his discussions with other
communities he was surprised to learn that Lakeville is one of the firsf to update its Zoning
Mr. Erickson stated that City staff has worked with Frontier Communications regarding their
services to Fairfield Business Campus and Airlake Industrial Park. In response to the
discussions with the City, Frontier has sent out a survey to Airlake and Fairfield Businesses.
Comm. Schubert stated that she had received the survey, but is still struggling with
representatives regarding DSL. It is still unclear whether or not her company will be able to get
DSL service. In addition, it was frustrating that they expected her to pay for them to determine
whether DSL service is possible. Comm. Matasosky stated that he has worked with a number
of firms that have also have difficulty with Frontier stating that service is available and then not
providing it.
Mr. Erickson stated that in the near future companies may have additional choices for
telecommunications. Hickory Tech, an independent telephone company from Mankato, is
interesting in providing service to Lakeville. It is anticipated that HickoryTech could be in
• Lakeville by the end of the year. In addition, Charter will be placing fiber-optics along Cedar
Avenue during construction this summer. This would enable Charter to provide additional
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Meeting Minutes Page 5
• services by November 2000.
Mr. Erickson stated that Welsh Companies has optioned all of the land along Kenrick Avenue
from County Road 70 to Terra Products. Preliminary discussions with City staff have indicated
that they are considering construction of 500,000 square feet of retail. One benefit of the
project may be the reconstruction of the County Road 70 interchange. Comm. Tushie
expressed concern that the proposed concept plan shows the buildings facing the freeway.
6. Other Business
Ms. Erpelding announced that she had tendered her resignation with the City and has
accepted a position with the Community Action Council. Comm. Erickson announced that he
will be retiring as of July 1, 2000 and that two pharmacists have purchased Erickson Drug.
7. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 p.m.
RespecGtfully submitted by: Attested to:
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Rita Erpel ing, Rec ng Secretary .T. Bran ly, Secretary /