HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-22-03-03 • City of Lakeville
Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
April 22, 2003
Marion Conference Room, City Hall
Members Present: Brantly, Emond, J. Erickson, Gehrke, Matasosky, Miller,
Pogatchnik, Smith, Tushie, Ex-Officio member Todd Bornhauser -Executive Director
- Lakeville Area Chamber of Commerce, Ex-Officio member Robert Erickson -City
Members Absent: Schubert.
Others Present: Staff present: David Olson, Community & Economic Development
Director; Amanda Alfson, Community & Economic Development Coordinator; Penny
Brevig, Recording Secretary.
1. Call Meeting to Order.
• Chair Matasosky called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Marion
Conference Room of City Hall, 20195 Holyoke Avenue, Lakeville, Minnesota.
2. Approve March 25, 2003 Meeting Minutes.
Motion 03.08 Comms. J. Erickson/Brantly moved to approve the minutes of the
March 25, 2003 meeting.. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Introduction of New Economic Development Coordinator -Amanda Alfson
Mr. Olson welcomed and introduced Amanda Alfson as the new Economic
Development Coordinator. The EDC members introduced themselves: Ms.
Alfson provided the members information on her background and why she sought
this position.
4. Update on Subcommittee Recommendations on Himle Horner's
Recommended Communication Strategies for Economic Development.
Mr. Olson stated that members of the C/I Subcommittee met on Thursday, April
17 to begin discussing the implementation of the Himle Horner recommendations
for communication strategies for economic development. Mr. Olson indicated the
consensus of the subcommittee, identifying the individuals who should attend the
• presentation by Todd Rapp.
Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
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• Comm. Matasosky indicated that the subcommittee decided that the group
attending the initial presentation needs to be limited. City Administrator Erickson
concurred. Mr. Olson indicated that the initial group would include 20-30 people.
We have not shared this information with ISD #194. Mr. Olson stated that a trial
run is needed with this initial group.
Mr. Olson stated that it was the consensus of the Commercial/Industrial
Subcommittee to request Himle Horner to prepare a draft PowerPoint
presentation to include the key points and recommendations to be used in the
presentation to these individuals. He indicated that the subcommittee will meet
again to review this draft presentation and further plan the event at which Mr.
Rapp will make the presentation. Mr. Olson stated that the cost for Mr. Rapp to
prepare and give the presentation would be between $1,000 - $1,200.
5. Review of the Status of Dakota Future, Inc. (formerly known as the Dakota
County Economic Development Partnership, DCEDP)
Mr. Olson summarized the recommendations of Taud Hoopingarner, DCEDP
Organizational Task Force Chair, pertaining to the creation of Dakota Futures Inc.
He indicated that this organization is proposed to replace the Dakota County
Economic Development Partnership and described the focus of the proposed new
• organization.
Mr. Olson stated that the proposed Dakota Future Inc. would be structured as a
501 c(6) and/or a 501 c(3) in order to leverage both private and public sector
resources to put toward its goals. He indicated that the size of the Board of
Directors would be reduced from 27 members to 17 members, Mr. Olson
explained Exhibit A, Board of Directors Appointment Schedule and Process.
Mr. Oison stated that the Organizational Task Force is also requesting
consideration of a Memorandum of Understanding that attempts to better define
the roles, contributions and responsibilities of member cities, other organizations
and the new Dakota Future Inc. Mr. Olson indicated what the City would agree to
in the draft Memorandum of Understanding.
Mr. Olson indicated that the new membership dues structure has not been
established for city members of the proposed Dakota Future Inc. He stated that it
is not anticipated that the cost of membership would increase significantly. In
fact, Mr. Olson indicated that it has been suggested that City dues be reduced to
$1,000 for the first year while the new Dakota Future Inc. becomes more
established. Mr. Olson stated that the City Council previously placed a hold on
the $5,600 that was included in the 2003 Economic Development Budget pending
the outcome of the State Aid cuts being considered by the Legislature. If the City
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Meeting Minutes
April 22, 2003
• is to consider membership even at a reduced level of $1,000 for 2003, Mr. Olson
stated that the City Council would need to re-appropriate the necessary funding.
Mr. Olson stated that staff is not recommending approval of the Memorandum of
Understanding at tonight's meeting. He indicated that it is anticipated that more
will be known in the next 30-60 days regarding the proposed initial dues structure,
what the consensus of other cities is on the proposed Dakota Future Inc. and the
impact of State Aid cuts to cities being considered by the State Legislature.
Comm. Brantly asked who was bringing this change. Mr. Olson indicated that Mr.
Hoopingarner, and LaDonna Boyd from Dakota Electric are taking the lead to
keep this organization going.
It was the consensus of the EDC that the City has not received any tangible
benefits from its membership in the Dakota County Economic Development
Partnership and questioned whether we needed to continue membership in this
new organization.
6. Discussion of Wage Floor Amendment to the Business Subsidy Policy
Mr. Olson stated that the City of Lakeville adopted a Business Subsidy Policy on
February 22, 2000 in compliance with the Minnesota Business Subsidies Act.
• This policy has been utilized since that time for projects that have received
subsidies in excess of $100,000.
Mr. Olson indicated that a provision of the Act requires granting agencies to
incorporate a specific wage floor for the jobs created as an internal part of our
Business Subsidy Policies by May 1, 2003. He stated that the wage floor may be
stated as a specific wage rate or may be stated as a formula that will generate a
specific wage rate.
Mr. Olson presented examples of the wage floors that are being considered or
have been approved by several local entities. Ms. Alfson provided the EDC with
some examples of what cities around the metro area have in place for the wage
floors. The current Federal Minimum Wage is $5.15 per hour.
Mr. Olson indicated that staff would suggest utilizing a formula as opposed to a
fixed dollar amount that is likely to require updating more frequently. Mr. Olson
also pointed out that the wage floor is a minimum and the City will consider
numerous aspects of a proposed project in addition to the wage levels of the jobs
to be created when determining whether a business subsidy is warranted.
Mr. Olson stated that one reason to consider establishing a wage floor on the
lower end of the range is that certain types of redevelopment projects are subject
• to Business subsidy policies and the wage levels for jobs created in retail and
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Meeting Minutes
April 22, 2003
• commercial type projects tend to be lower than those created in the
manufacturing sector.
Mr. Olson recommended that a public hearing be scheduled for the May 27 EDC
meeting to consider a proposed amendment to incorporate a minimum wage floor
into the City's current Business Subsidy Policy.
It was the consensus of the EDC to not advertise a dollar amount and that the
minimum wage floor be equivalent to the Federal Minimum Wage.
Motion 03.09 Comms. Tushie/Brantly moved to recommend a public hearing
be scheduled for the May 27 EDC meeting to consider a proposed amendment to
incorporate a federal minimum wage floor into the City's current Business Subsidy
Policy. Motion carried unanimously.
7. Update on Advanced Wireless Inc. Project
Mr. Olson stated that based on the provisions of the approved Contract for Private
Redevelopment dated April 1, 2002 and amended on July 15, 2002 and
September 3, 2002, Coons Family LLC (d/b/a Advanced Wireless
Communications) was to have completed construction of the footings and
foundation of its building on the lot they purchased from the City in the Fairfield
• Business Campus by April 1, 2003. This was not accomplished and as a result,
on April 10, the City Attorney's office notified Coons Family LLC in writing that
they were in default and that they had 30 days to remedy this default or the Ciry
would pursue its remedies available under the terms of the Contract.
Mr. Olson had provided a copy of a letter to the City from Ben Coons, dated April
10, 2003 that explains the situation regarding the status of their project and why
construction had not commenced on the building.
Mr. Olson indicated that the City has received inquiries from another Lakeville
business that is interested in possibly constructing a new building on this lot. He
stated that the business owner has been informed that the City cannot consider
his inquiry until both parties to the current contract have had the opportunity to
exercise their remedies under this contract.
Mr. Olson stated that staff would continue to keep the EDC apprised as to the
status of this project and its anticipated construction start date.
8. Director's Report
Mr. Olson indicated that Despatch Industries was featured at the April 7 City
Council meeting and was introduced by Commissioner Emond. Alcorn Beverages
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Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
April 22, 2003
. was scheduled for the April 21 City Council meeting, but was rescheduled due to
the owner being unable to attend the City Council meeting.
Mr. Olson stated that the City Council recognized the developers of six different
Life-Cycle Housing projects that have been or are in the process of being
constructed in Lakeville. Commissioner Schubert and Guy Peterson of the
Metropolitan Council participated in the recognition and presentation at the April
21 City Council meeting.
An updated Commercial/Industrial/Institutional Project list, dated April 7, 2003,
was distributed to the EDC in their packets.
Mr. Olson also updated the EDG on City Council approval of several actions
regarding the County Road 50 and 135 Interchange Project including extension of
the Moratorium for up to an additional twelve months and authorization of the
preparation of plans and specifications for the Interim Improvements to be
constructed in 2004.
Mr. Olson discussed the summer meeting schedule. It was suggested that the
July meeting be cancelled due to summer vacations. The EDC members
concurred with this recommendation.
• 9. Adjournment.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by: Attested to:
o .7
Penny a ,Recording retary R. T. Brantly, Secreta
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