HomeMy WebLinkAboutLA195247 9831 189th St W Permit PackRESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PAGE 2 OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING BUILDING DUPLEX AS BUILT TOWNHOUSE UNITS BUILDING FINAL DETACHED TOWN HOUSE UNIT DECK FOOTING CONDO FIREPLACE ACESSORY BUILDING FOOTING REROOF FOUNDATION RESIDE FRAMING PORCH FRAMING GARAGES INSULATION RES ADDN/REPAIR/RMDL DECK PORCH GARAGES LATH LOWER LEVEL FINISH LOWER LEVEL FINAL ADDITION OTHER FOUNDATION ONLY PORCH FOOTING MISCELLANEOUS POURED WALL DEMO SEPTIC TANK REMOVAL MOVED SITE MECHANICAL CITY BUILDING VALUATION: $AIR TEST FINAL BUILDING PERMIT FEES ROUGH-IN $PERMIT FEE PLUMBING $PLAN CHECK FINAL $SURCHARGE ROUGH-IN $METRO SAC METER SIZE $CITY WATER HOOKUP UNIT PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE $CITY SEWER HOOKUP UNIT SEWER/WATER $LANDSCAPE ESCROW SEWER/WATER $TREE ESCROW FINAL $MISC ESCROW STREET DRAINTILE $PLUMBING BUILDING INFORMATION $MECHANICAL TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION $SEWER WATER ZONING $OTHER CODE EDITION $TOTAL FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM OCCUPANCY GROUP APPROVED BY: BUILDING INSPECTOR: Date: PLUMBING/MECHANICAL INSPECTOR: Date: COMMENTS: 20195 Holyoke Avenue, Lakeville, MN 55044 952-985-4400  952-985-4499 fax www.lakevillemn.gov Sewer & Water Tie Card Address:________________________________________ Contractor:______________________________________ Permit Number:__________________________________ Final Date:________________ Street Drain-Tile:______ Size of Water Service: 1” Comments: AIRTEST SANITARY OVER 20’/2 FITTINGS THIS CARD MUST BE COMPLETED AND ON-SITE AT TIME OF SEWER & WATER INSPECTION FIRST FLOORTOTAL3,651 SF1,546 SF-GARAGEBASEMENTFLOOR AREAFINISHED-103 SF896 SF1,445 SFUNFINISHEDSECOND FLOOR (A & B)2,002 SFSIDEWALK142 SFGARAGE SLABBASEMENT SLABFLATWORK SQUARE FOOTAGE1,431 SF860 SFCOVERED PORCH-196 SF200 AMP SERVICEGARAGE LEFTFULL BASEMENTPRESERVE OF LAKEVILLELOT 10, BLOCK 2 9831 - 189th STREET WESTNOTED OTHERWISE ON PLANS.ALL HEADERS ARE (2) 2x10 TYPICAL UNLESSWITH DIMENSIONS TO BE VERIFED SHALLTRUSS DESIGN BY MFG. TRUSSES NOTEDHEADERS:TRUSSES:BE FIELD MEASURED BY TRUSS SUPPLIERJOHN & LINDSEY HUTCHINS2x4 INTERIOR WALLS2x6 INTERIOR WALLSSHEATHING - INSULATEDCONCRETE WALLSBRICK / BRICK LEDGE2x6 EXTERIOR WALL WITH 1/2"FUTURE FINISHWALL LEGENDBRACED WALL REQUIREMENTS(FULL SHEET OF SHEATHING)LAKEVILLE, 55044HEADER HEIGHT SCHEDULEABC6'-11-1/4"8'-0"7'-6"D6'-11-3/8"2018 BUILDING CODE2015 ENERGY CODEGAS FIREPLACE5'-838"17'-434"5'-838"1'-3"1'-3"3'-6"9'-118" 3'-21 4"LINE OFLINE OFFIREPLACESHEETROCK4'-51 8"4'-8" 4'-8"FIREPLACE / ENTERTAINMENT CENTERSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"GreatRoomCARPET1'-5"STONE SURRONUNDWITH STONE OR MARBLE OPTIONRAISE FIREBOX UP 6"NO HEARTHSTONELINE OF FRAMING18'-5"2X6 WALL2X4 WALL6"BUILT-INBUILT-IN2'-1014"2'-1014"18'-5"5'-1038"9"B5'-958"3'-5"(2) 2x10B(2) 2x101'-5"5'-838"1'-3"3'-6"1'-3"5'-838"3'-4"8'-0"(2)24x24 FIXEDMULLED(2)24x24 FIXEDMULLEDB 2'-1018"2'-1014"6'-0"2'-1018"2'-1014"SHEETROCKMIN. TREAD 10"NEW STAIR REQUIREMENTSMAX. RISE 7-3/4"10"734"MIN. NOSING 3/4"MAX. NOSING 1-1/4"1-1/4"SIDEWALK 142 SF4'-0"12'-7"26'-1012"CONCRETE4'-0"4'-0"GaragePorchUP 2R30x24FIXEDFRAMERS - MAKE SURE THERE IS ICE & WATER SHIELD BEHIND FRAMERS - 1/2" SHEATHING SHOULD BE FLUSH WITH CONCRETEPORCH & DECK LEDGERSCOUNTRY JOE SERIESEXTERIOR FOUNDATION INSULATION9'-0" TALL FOUNDATION WALLSGARAGE DROPPED 8" (1 RISER) FRONT WALL ONLYSCALE: 1-1/2" = 1'-0"DUCT CHASE AT FLOOR TRUSS1A-11'-8" FLOOR TRUSS 3/4" SUB-FLOOR1-1/2" TOP CHORD8" x 8"DUCT1-1/2" SPRAY FOAM (R-10)1-1/2" BOTTOM CHORDFILL 20" FLOOR TRUSS WITHLOOSE FILL FIBERGLASS INSULATION9" = R-23 6" ROUND PIPET.O. RIM6x6 POST12" CONC. PIER2'-0"T.O. FTG.VARIES1'-714"T.O. WALL2 X 10 DROPPEDHEADER2x8 DECK JOIST1x6 LP TRIM1x LP TRIM1'-6"1'-6"ALUMINUM SOFFITCEDARMILL TEXTURELP PANEL WITH3/8" BEAD VULKEM CAULKINGALL 4 SIDES& BACK OF COLUMN1x3 LP TRIM ON FRONT1x2 ON EACH SIDE1'-2"34"ELEV. 108'-4"1'-0"SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"COLUMN #22 - WOOD PORCH5/4" CEDARDECKING24" WIDE SOFFIT10" TALL10"5-13-21A-0COVER SHEETOAKHILL 4 BEDROOM TWO STORY GARAGE LEFT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 22260 DODD BLVD. Phone (952) 469-4066 YOUNGFIELD HOMES COUNTRY JOE HOMES LIC. # BC627670/ PO1JUNE 1, 20212JUNE 10, 2021JULY 12, 20213Dave.Zweber@DavidCharlezDesigns.com ORIGINAL DESIGN WORK BY:AUGUST 3, 20214Concept Approval ONLYSubject to Field InspectionInspectorDate2015MN BldgCode08/18/2021shutchins 18" RAKE AT GABLES ONTHE FRONT OF HOUSE9'-0" 9'-101 8" 1'-21 8"9'-11 8"1'-634"8'-11 8" 10'-77 8" 4"1ST FLRSUBFLOORELEV.110'-2-1/8"T.O. MAINFND. WALLELEV.109'-0"2ND FLR.SUBFLOORELEV.121'-0"T.O. SLABELEV.100'-4"T.O. FTG.ELEV.100'16129:124.5:124:1210:1210:124:121'-0"1'-0"1'-6"1'-6"11'-0"11'-0"3'-9-5/8"THIS RIDGE HEIGHT SETS THE HEIGHT FORTHE MAIN 10:12 PITCH RIDGE LINE1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1ST FLRSUBFLOORELEV.110'-2-1/8"9'-118"TOP OF PLATE6"1'-0"8" HARDIE TRIMFRIEZE7'-0"WOODPORCH& STEPSSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"FRONT ELEVATION - AA-11WALL PLATEELEV.129'-1-1/8"7'-0"T.O. FTG.ELEV.104'-4"13'-0"EL. 119'-3-1/4"TOP OF PLATEEL. 119'-3-1/4"HARDIE LAPHARDIE SHAKESBOARD - HARDIE COLOR PLUS PANELSBATTEN - HARDIE COLOR PLUSBATTEN MUST BE 3" W/ TEXTUREHARDIE SKIRT BD.DOWN 7" FROM SUB-FLOORFRAME WOOD PORCH(6" AFTER DECKING)1'-6"1'-6"10" SOFFIT.EACH SIDE1'-6" STONE RETURNHARDIE LAP7'-8"BL26068'-0"BL2606BL2606SHINGLES OVER 15# BUILDINGPAPER 15/32" OSB ROOF SHEATHING(ICE DAM EAVES7'-1114" BOX OUTGABLE 6"16'-0"TEMPTEMPTEMPHARDIE ON ALL 4 SIDEST.O. FTG.ELEV.105'-0"GARAGE DROPPED 8"FRONT WALL ONLYGARAGE DROPPED 8"FRONT & SIDE WALL5-13-21FRONT ELEVATIONOAKHILL A-1ATWO STORY 4 BEDROOM LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 22260 DODD BLVD. Phone (952) 469-4066 YOUNGFIELD HOMES COUNTRY JOE HOMES LIC. # BC627670/ PO1JUNE 1, 20212JUNE 10, 2021JULY 12, 20213AUGUST 3, 20214 41251210:124:1210:1210121012101210124124124124'-6"8"1'-4"16:1216:12101216:124.5121012T.O. MAINFND. WALLELEV.109'-0"T.O. FTG.ELEV.100'6"8'-118"1'-0"1'-6"8'-11 8"TOP OF PLATETOP OF PLATE2'-0"1'-6"1'-6"1'-6"A-2REAR ELEVATION1SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"A-22SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"LEFT ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"3RIGHT ELEVATIONA-2BETWEEN SIDING AND6" EARTH SEPERATIONVENTGRADEGAS F.P.1'-8"T.O. MAINFND. WALLELEV.109'-0"T.O. FTG.ELEV.100'10:1210:121'-6"1'-6"ROOF VENTS OR RIDGE VENTS PER BUILDERS SPECIFICATIONS16:1216:1210:124:1210:124:124.5:124:124:125:1216:129:1210:121'-6" 1'-6" 1'-8"1'-6"1'-0"1'-6" 1'-6"1'-0"1'-0"6"1'-6" 3'-6"SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"ROOF PLANA-2412 ROOF VENTS1'-0"1'-6"5:122ND FLR.SUBFLOORELEV.121'-0"1ST FLRSUBFLOORELEV.110'-2-1/8"TOP OF PLATEELEV.129'-1-1/8"EGRESS9'-0"9'-0"2ND FLR.SUBFLOORELEV.121'-0"1ST FLRSUBFLOORELEV.110'-2-1/8"TOP OF PLATEELEV.129'-1-1/8"PITHARDIE ON ALL 4 SIDESHARDIE ON ALL 4 SIDESHARDIE ON ALL 4 SIDESEGRESSPITGARAGE DROPPED 8"FRONT WALL ONLYOAKHILL5-13-21ELEVATIONSA-2A4 BEDROOM TWO STORY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 22260 DODD BLVD. Phone (952) 469-4066 YOUNGFIELD HOMES COUNTRY JOE HOMES LIC. # BC627670/PO1JUNE 1, 20212JUNE 10, 2021JULY 12, 20213AUGUST 3, 20214 28"UP28"32"4'-4"FURN.WATERHEATERMechanical / StorageRoom4" CONC. SLABSUMP32"FLR.DRN.30"30 "8"x20" CONCRETEFOOTING - TYPICALUnexcavated4" CONC. SLABUnexcavated4" CONC. SLAB60'-0"12'-0"5'-0"5'-0"22'-0"16'-0"12'-0"23'-0"11'-0"7'-0"1'-6"54'-6" 1'-6"8'-0" 34'-0" 54'-6" 15'-7"18'-5" 4'-0"8'-0"5'-0" 17'-0"22'-0"2'-1012"6'-3"P.T. 2X4s ON THE FLAT@ 16" O.C. W/ 12" GYP.ON STAIR AREAFOUNDATION WALL8"8"LINE OF FRAMING ABOVE7'-4"T.O. 8" WALL 109'-0"T.O. 8" WALL 109'-0"T.O. FOOTINGEL. 100'-0"T.O. 8" WALL109'-0"BASEMENT PLANA-31SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"FLUSH BEAMSPER FLR. SYSTEMMFG. SPECIFICATIONST.O. 6"CURB 109'-0"T.O. 6"CURB 100'-4"4'-8"4'-8"2'-9"8'-7"FinishedStairsCARPET9'-0" TALL FOUNDATIONS WALL3A-81A-61A-74A622'-0"3 2 ' - 6 3 8"68'-1158"68'- 1 1 5 8" 4'-0"7'-10"21'-6"6'-2" 4'-9"235 SFUnfinishedLanding4" CONC. SLAB5,000 LB. FOOTINGSTRENGTH MIXBOTTOM OF GARAGEDOOR SHOULD BESET 4" DOWN FROMTOP OF POURED WALLVARIEST.O. SLABT.O. 8" WALLEL. 107'-8"4" DRAINTILE ATFOOTINGS ON EACHWALL AS MARKEDEL. 104'-4"T.O. FTG.EL. 108'-4"T.O. 6" CURB2" BRICK LEDGEEL. 107'-8"16'-3" M.O.2'-1012"EL. 105'-0"T.O. FTG.EL. 109'-0"T.O. 6" CURBGARAGESTART SLAB AT TOPOF WALL AT BACK OF2" BRICK LEDGEEL. 107'-8"31'-978"2'-0"VOID9'-3" M.O. ALLOW FOR SEWER1'-11 2"24" VOID TO1'-71 2"T.O. FTG.EL. 100'-0"CDVARIEST.O. SLAB2" BRICK LEDGEEL. 107'-8"4'-0"T.O. FOOTING100'-0"T.O. FOOTING100'-0"4'-2"9'-5"8'-01 2"(2) 9-1/2" LSL- DROPPED(2) 9-1/2" LSLFIRE RESISTANT FLOOR SYSTEMOR 1/2" GYPSUM WALL BOARDWITH 80 SQ. FEET UNPROTECTED5'-0"22'-0"HOSEBIBSHOULD BE THEPORCH FOOTINGSSAME HEIGHT AS THEHOUSE FOOTINGSIF SOIL IS UNDISTURBEDMAKE FOOTINGS 42" DEEP7'-0"2x8 PORCH LEDGERFTGS. TYP.24"x24"LINE OF PORCH ABOVE7'-8"12" CONC. PIERS1'-0"P.T. 2x8 DECK JOISTS @ 16" O.C.(2) 2x10FTGS. TYP.24"x24"12" CONC. PIERS(2) 2x101'-0"4'-10"19'-6"APPROXIMATE LINE OF SOFFITSS6'-11 4"T.O. 6"CURB 100'-4"16'-8"19'-2"2- 2 x 64-2x62-TRIMMERS(2) 2x103-TRIMMERS5x5 PSLTO FND.6'-13 4"4'-101 4"3'-2"60x3418"SEE EWP PLAN 11-7/8" TJI JOISTS2A-3HVACNO JOISTSHEREHALF WALL2'-0"24'-0"17'-0"19'-0"7'-0"T.O. 8" WALL 109'-0"T.O. 8" WALL 109'-0"11-7/8" LSL JOISTS SEE EWP PLANFutureFlex RoomW.I.C.FutureFutureBedroom # 5FutureBathFutureLiving Room11-7/8" LSL JOISTS SEE EWP PLAN 11-7/8" LSL JOISTS SEE EWP PLAN 11-7/8" LSL JOISTS SEE EWP PLAN APPROX. LOCATION OF ELEC PANEL PROVIDE UFER GROUNDING ROD 6'-0"GAS LINEROUGH-IN8'-10" (1) 11-7/8" LSL (1) 11-7/8" LSL (1) 11-7/8" LSLRIMGARAGE DROPPED 8"FRONT & SIDE WALLGARAGE DROPPED 8"FRONT WALL ONLYEL. 105'-0"T.O. FTG.EL. 109'-0"T.O. 6" CURBEL. 104'-4"T.O. FTG.EL. 108'-4"T.O. 6" CURBT.O. 8" WALLEL. 107'-8"EL. 104'-4"T.O. FTG.EL. 108'-4"T.O. 6" CURB1'-11 2"EGRESS WELLPER CODE3'-10" 60x42 SLIDER 4'-0"(2) 2x10 FINISHED ROOM SIZESBEDROOM #5BATHSTAIRFLEX ROOMMECHANICALLIVING ROOMTOTAL248 SF75 SF103 SF230 SF227 SF512 SF1,548 SFSTAIR LANDING153 SFHEADER HEIGHT SCHEDULEABC6'-11-1/4"8'-0"7'-6"D6'-11-3/8"2x6 EXTERIOR WALL WITH 1/2"WALL LEGEND2x4 INTERIOR WALLS2x6 INTERIOR WALLSSHEATHING - INSULATEDCONCRETE WALLSFUTURE FINISHMIN. TREAD 10"NEW STAIR REQUIREMENTSMAX. RISE 7-3/4"10"734"MIN. NOSING 3/4"MAX. NOSING 1-1/4"1-1/4"UFER GROUNDING RODONE GROUNDING ROD MUST BEPROVIDED. VERIFY SIDE OFGARAGE SIDE: PLACE ROD 4'-0"BACK FROM FRONT CORNER.HOUSE SIDE: PLACE ROD 6'-0"ELECTRICAL SERVICE.BACK FROM FRONT CORNER.BASEMENT PLANA-35-13-21TWO STORY 4 BEDROOM OAKHILL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 22260 DODD BLVD. Phone (952) 469-4066 YOUNGFIELD HOMES COUNTRY JOE HOMES LIC. # BC627670/ PO1JUNE 1, 20212JUNE 10, 2021JULY 12, 20213AUGUST 3, 20214 START SLAB AT TOPOF WALL AT BACK OFOF WALL AT BACK OFGARAGEBOTTOM OF GARAGEDOOR SHOULD BESET 4" DOWN FROMTOP OF POURED WALLTHERMOSTAT30x66 2-2x62-2x62-2x62-2x65 x 7 PS L 32" MTL.GreatRoomWOOD28"LOCKERS 28 "DW20" FLOOR TRUSSES @ 19.2" O.C. 14' S.R.O.28"30"24"24"(2) 9-1/2" "LSL - CONT.(2)24x24 FIXED MULLED (2) 2x10UP 17RDN 16RLEDGE HVACDining RoomWOODKitchenWOODStudyRoomCARPETGarageFoyerC.T.MudRoomC.T.BathWOOD37 SF (FLR)PorchWOODPantryWOODBackHallWOOD1'-6"12'-0"23'-0"34'-0"11'-0"60'-0"12'-0"5'-0"22'-0"5'-0"16'-0"6'-0"4'-0"8'-0"34'-0" 7'-0" 17'-0" 12'-0"5'-0" 6'-2"4'-5"5'-0"22'-0"21'-6"7'-5" 11'-8"19'-0"17'-0"24'-0"60'-0"FLOOR LINEABOVE4'-0"3'-8"4'-4"10'-7"10" 15'-7"18'-5" 6'-0"3'-0"3'-10"1A-62- 2 x 6 8'-6"1A-73'-9"SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"FIRST FLOOR PLANA-41BEAM PER MFG. SPEC9"7'-0"7'-0"STAIRWELLFLUSH BEAMSPER FLR.SYSTEMMFG. SPECS.7'-5"4'-9"3'-512"7'-4"7'-8"1'-0"7'-0"16'x8' O.H. DOOR9'x8' O.H. DOOR (2) 11-7/8" LSL - CONT.WALL LINE ABOVEFLOOR SYSTEM DESIGNERTO DESIGN FLOOR TO CARRYWALL AND ROOF LOADSWALL LINE ABOVEFLOOR SYSTEM DESIGNERTO DESIGN FLOOR TO CARRYWALL AND ROOF LOADS20" FLOOR TRUSSES @ 19.2" O.C.(2) 11-7/8" LSL - FLUSH5'-0"8'-0"4'-0"9'-212"4'-5"(2) 2x10(2) 2x10 - CONT.(2) 9-1/2" LSL6'-812"3'-8"RO0F TRUSSES @ 24" O.C.2X6 WALL2X4 WALL4'-8" 4'-9"RAILOPENABV.6'-10"1'-10"5'-8"6'-2" 3'-6" 20" FLOOR TRUSSESRO0F TRUSSES@ 24" O.C.13'-8"2'-6"6'-1014"4'-5"R & S R & S 20" FLOOR TRUSSES @ 19.2" O.C.1/2" SHEATHING - EXT.TYPICAL GARAGE WALL2x6 STUD WALLS @ 16" O.C. W/2x6 STUD WALLS @ 16" O.C. W/ (R-21)FIBERGLASS BATT INSULATION 4 MILPOLY VAPOR BARRIER & 1/2" GYP. BD.TYPICAL EXT. WALLINSIDE AND 1/2" SHEATHING - EXT.RO0F TRUSSES @ 24" O.C.4" CONCRETE SLAB PITCHEDTOWARDS OVERHEAD DOORS5/8" TYPE X GYP. BRD.ON ALL COMMON WALLS &CEILINGS. MUD ALL JOINTS4" CONCRETE SLAB PITCHEDTOWARDS OVERHEAD DOORS(2)24x24 FIXED MULLED30x30FIXED30x30FIXED 42x606'-0" X 8'-0" PATIO30x6654x66FIXED30x66Garage4" CONC. SLABBBBBAB2 PLY GIRDER ROOF OR TRUSS (2) 11-7/8" LSL(2) 16" LVL - FLUSH (3) 16" LVL - FLUSH (2) 2x10FLUSH28"(2) 7-1/4" LSL2- 2 x 6 30x662- 2 x 630x6630x6630x66 B2-2x630x662-2x630x663'-4" REF.GASCOOKTOP5'-10"GAS FIREPLACE NO HEARTH 1'-5"3'-5"7'-0"6'-0"DOUBLEOVEN84"x 60"ISLANDTOP SIZE 96" x 72"4'-1"PANELACCESSATTIC22x301'-6"5'-0"6'-0"5'-0"16'-0"3'-0"1'-6" 9'-0" 1'-6"(3) 20" LVL7'-0"11'-6"DRYWALL OPENING4'-6"4'-0"3'-8"RAILING4'-3" HALF WALL30x30FIXED5'-2"2'-0"HallC.T.SSVENTHOODRECYCLE 8'-6"10'-612"(1) 3-1/2" x5-1/2" LSLTALL WALLS @ STAIRSSTUDS: (1) 2X6 LSL @ 16" O.C.UPPER HEADER: (1) 3-1/2" x 7-1/4" LSLLOWER HEADER: (1) 3-1/2" x 5-1/2" LSL PLANKCOLUMNS: (3) 2x6 LSL(2) 7-1/4" LSL(2) 2x102-2x6(3) 11-7/8"LSL - DROPPED5x5 PSL5x5 PSL(2) 20" LVL FLUSH2-TRIMMERS(4) 2x6(2) 20" LVL FLUSH (2) 2x65x5 PSL(3)2x6( 3 ) 2 x 6(2) 2x10 - CONT.2-2x62-2x6(2) 2x10(2) 2x102- 2 x 65x5 PSLTO FND.(4 ) 2 x 6(2) 2x10PED. ROD & SHELF 4'-134" PORTAL FRAMING LINE OF 20" SOFFIT(10" TALL)1'-8"1'-6"36" DRYWALLOPENING(+96)36" DRYWALLOPENING(+96)SOFFITHVAC(2) 9-1/2" LSL14"14"36"FinishStairs2'-8"ClosetC.T.SINKROUGH-IN(3) 5-1/2 LSL(3) 5 - 1 / 2 L S L TAL L W A L L TALL WALL(2) 2x10 - CONT.5'-812"GARAGE DROPPED 8"FRONT WALL ONLYGARAGE DROPPED 8"FRONT & SIDE WALL11'-1138"4'-658"WINDOW SILLS MORE THAN 6" ABOVEFINISHED GRADE (SURFACE BELOW) ORLESS THAN 24" FROM FINISHED FLOORSHALL REQUIRE A WINDOW OPENINGCONTROL DEVICE.FINISHED ROOM SIZESSTUDY - CARPETMUD ROOM / W.I.C. - C.T.GREAT ROOM - WOOD145 SF68 SF316 SFPANTRY - WOOD32 SFKITCHEN/DINING/BACK HALL - WOOD420 SFFOYER & HALL - C.T.POWDER BATH - WOOD37 SFSTAIRS - CARPET103 SF238 SFDHEADER HEIGHT SCHEDULEABC6'-11-1/4"8'-0"7'-6"6'-11-3/8"OAKHILL5-13-211ST FLOOR PLANA-44 BEDROOM TWO STORY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 22260 DODD BLVD. Phone (952) 469-4066 YOUNGFIELD HOMES COUNTRY JOE HOMES LIC. # BC627670/ PO1JUNE 1, 20212JUNE 10, 2021JULY 12, 20213AUGUST 3, 20214WINDOW & DOOR TRIMALLOW FOR LARGERPROVIDE DOUBLE LSL/LVLSTUDS FASTENED TOSIMPSON HTT5 HOLDOWNANCHOR AT LOCATIONSSHOWN w/ 12"Ø x 12" LONGSIMPSON TITEN HD SCREW-INANCHOR HOLDOWN ASSHOWN IN 6/S155556644554ShearwallPFHPFHPFHPFH Jr. SuiteBathC.T.30 SF28"28"30"28"30"28"28"30"32"28"28"30"30 "DN 17R@ 7 1732"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"MasterBedroomCARPET8" DEEP SOFFIT @ 8'-1-1/8" TALL (2) 36X60 MULLEDPANELACCESSATTIC22x30LaundryVINYL64 SFW.I.C.CARPETBedroom # 4CarpetBedroom # 2CarpetBedroom # 3CarpetHallCarpetLoftCarpetJACK & JILLBathC.T.82 SFW.I.C.CarpetW.I.C.CarpetW.I.C.Carpet53'-0"12'-0"12'-0"34'-0"34'-0"60'-0"7'-0"5'-0"12'-0"9'-0"14'-0"20'-0"12'-0"4'-0"4'-0" 16'-0" 12'-0"4'-0"34'-0"5'-0"60'-0"4'-0"4'-4"11'-0"22'-0"4'-11 14" HIGH WALL. 4'-11 14" HIGH WALL. 4'-6"HIGH GABLE END WALL18'-6" 15'-6"SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"2nd FLOORA-513A61A52A64A6ROD & SHELFROD & SHELF2-2x64'-3"4"4'-8" 15'-6" 6'-2"4'-8"4'-8"OPENTOBELOW(2)36x66 MULLED7'-0"7'-0"5'-6"3'-6"2'-0"12'-4" 4'-01 4"(2)36x60 MULLED15'-6"5'-8"12'-10"(2)36x60 MULLED(3)2x104'-4"15'-6"5'-334"16'-814"17'-6"8'-11"8'-7"5'-114"3'-112"1'-1134"3'-4"42"VAN.11'-2"15'-6" 4'-0" 7'-61 4" 4'-0"6'-0"5'-8"9'-414"9'-334"3'-4"2'-4"5'-334"7'-5"3'-10"4'-014"5'-312"3'-1014"4'-014"RO0F TRUSSES @ 24" O.C. RO0F TRUSSES@ 24" O.C. RO0F TRUSSES @ 24" O.C.RO0F TRUSSES@ 24" O.C.WD30x54 30x30 TEMP36x60 FIXED AAAA30x54 AAA30x30 FIXAROOF GIRDER W/ 1-3/4 LEDGER LAGGED 10'-10" HALF WALL 11'-2"60x34 FIB. BASE3'-10"MasterBathC.T.96 SF (FLR)(2) 24x48 TEMP.72"x36"6'-214"SLIDE IN TUB5'-312"5'-4"ONE ROW OFTILE ON THE WALL 6'-3"(2) 2x10A3'-534"3'-8"60x34 FIB. BASEABOVE THE TUB5'-4"28"LINEN28"28"FRAME WALLS ONEACH SIDE OF TUB(+42")3'-112"SSSSSSCDCDSC.T. WALLSC.T. WALLSC.T. WALLS25" SINK W/ 32"BASE CABINET28" PKT3'-334"ROD & SHELFROD & SHELFROD & SHELFROD & SHELF 28"(3) 5-1/2 LSL(3) 5 - 1 / 2 L S L TAL L W A L L TALL WALL(1) 7-1/4" LSL(2) 2x10EACH SIDE2-TRIMMERS(3) 2x10(2) 2x10(2) 2x10ROOF GIRDER2-2x62-2x6(2) 2x10(3)2x1024x14 NICHESHELF @ 4'SHELF @ 4'WINDOW SILLS MORE THAN 6" ABOVEFINISHED GRADE (SURFACE BELOW) ORLESS THAN 24" FROM FINISHED FLOORSHALL REQUIRE A WINDOW OPENINGCONTROL DEVICE.HEADER HEIGHT SCHEDULEABC6'-11-1/4"8'-0"7'-6"D6'-11-3/8"W.I.C.ROD & SHELF3'-10"5'-312"60x34 FIB. BASEC.T. WALLS28" PKT24x14 NICHE4'-0"24x141'-2"2'NICHESCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"MASTER SHOWERA-528'-118" OAKHILL5-13-21SECOND FLOOR PLANA-54 BEDROOM TWO STORY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 22260 DODD BLVD. Phone (952) 469-4066 YOUNGFIELD HOMES COUNTRY JOE HOMES LIC. # BC627670/ PO1JUNE 1, 20212JUNE 10, 2021JULY 12, 20213AUGUST 3, 20214WINDOW & DOOR TRIMALLOW FOR LARGER44444444444Provide Top of WallConnections for BWPSee Tall WallHeader Spans:Up to 4' 11" = 1 Trimmer5' 0" and Larger = 2 Trimmers*** Unless Noted Otherwise *** COVEREDPORCHP.T. 6X6 POST412TOP OF MAIN LEVEL SUBFLOORTOP OF PORCH BEAMTYPICAL STAIR CONSTRUCTION NOTES:* 6'-10" MINIMUM HEADROOM* (3) 11-7/8" STAIR STRINGERS W/* 11" TREADS* PROVIDE 36"-36" HIGH HANRAILS & GUARD RAILS PER CODE.~ MINIMUM TREAD DEPTH 10" - MAX RISE 7-3/4"MINIMUM NOSING 34" MAX. NOSING 1-1/4"34'-0"6" 9'-118"1'-6"8'-0"9'-0" 12-5/16"7'-6"7'-3 38"2'-4 78" 9'-101 8" 2'-5 18"4'-10 1 4" 8'-11"SEAL ALL JOINTS, CRACKS, OR OTHEROPENINGS WITH POLYURETHANE CAULKFOR RADON PROTECTION4" CONCRETE SLAB11"11"10'-97 8" 8'-1 1516"2'-5 1516" 3'-1 11 16"5'-0 1 4"LINE OF RAKE END OVERHANGIN FRONT OF THIS SECTION20" FLOOR TRUSSES @ 19.2" O.C.11-7/8" LSL JOISTS @ 16" O.C.PRE-ENGINEERED ROOFTRUSSES PER MFG.R-49 INSULATION8'-912"1'-058"9'-11 8"1'-834"8'-11 8"GREATROOMFAMILYROOM1'-6"1'-6"41271 4"41271 4"101210125128'-91 8"1'-6"1'-8"MASTERBEDROOMSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"SECTIONA-51LOFT17'-0"17'-0"4'-5"HALFWALL1'-8"10"1'-2"HALF WALLHALF WALLMIN. TREAD 10"STAIR REQUIREMENTSMAX. RISE 7-3/4"10"73 4"MIN. NOSING 3/4"MAX. NOSING 1-1/4"1-1/4"OAKHILL5-13-21SECTIONA-64 BEDROOM TWO STORY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 22260 DODD BLVD. Phone (952) 469-4066 YOUNGFIELD HOMES COUNTRY JOE HOMES LIC. # BC627670/ PO1JUNE 1, 20212JUNE 10, 2021JULY 12, 20213JULY 14, 20213 BEDROOMROOF TRUSSESPER MFG.8'-111 8" 1'-83 4" 8'-11 8"7'-0"7'-0"4'-11-1/4" 8'-111 8"2'-6"1'-6"GARAGE11'-0"11'-0"MAIN LEVEL SUBFLOOR1'-27 8" 1' - 2 "R-49 INSULATION16121612SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0"SECTIONA-7120" FLOOR TRUSSEST.O. SLAB LEDGEEL. 108'-4"T.O. 6"CURB 109'-0"T.O. 6" CURB 109'-0"OAKHILL5-13-21SECTIONA-74 BEDROOM TWO STORY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 22260 DODD BLVD. Phone (952) 469-4066 YOUNGFIELD HOMES COUNTRY JOE HOMES LIC. # BC627670/PO1JUNE 1, 20212JUNE 10, 2021JULY 12, 20213AUGUST 3, 20214 2x6 STUD WALLS @16" O.C. W/ (R-21) FIBERGLASS BATTINSULATION, 4 MIL POLYVAPOR BARRIER & 1/2"GYPSUM BOARD INSIDE 2x6 STUD WALLS @16" O.C. W/ (R-21) FIBERGLASS BATTINSULATION, 4 MIL POLYVAPOR BARRIER & 1/2"GYPSUM BOARD INSIDE BOISE RIM BOARD (EXTERIOR)1-1/8" OSB RIM BOARD(R-20)8'-118"9'-0" WALLS - (1) 2x6 TOP PLATE 4" CONCRETE SLAB8" x 20" CONC. FTG'SPLATE W/ SILL SEAL INSUL.PRESSURE TREATED 2x6 SILL9'-0"ELEV. 100'-0"TOP OF FOOTINGELEV. 119'-3-1/4"ELEV. 121'-0"TOP OF PLATE2ND FLOORTOP OF 8" CONC.ELEV. 109'-0"ELEV. 110'-2-1/8"1ST FLOORMAINTAIN A MIN. CL.OF 6" FROM GRADETO BOTTOM OF SIDING9'-11 8"1178" 34" 34" 1'-8"ELEV. 129'-1-1/8"2ND FLOOR CLG.WATERPROOFING1) COAT EXTERIOR W/ POLYUREA WATER-8" THICK CONC. WALLS20" FLOOR TRUSSESBLOCKING AT FOUNDATIONWALLS PARALLEL TO FRAMINGSEE DETAIL 3/A-7PROOFINGDUCTSPACEBLOCKBLOCKOR 1/2" SAG-RESISTANT5/8" TYPE "X" GYP. BD.R-49 ROOF INSULATIONPRE-ENGINEERED ROOFTRUSSES @ 24" O.C.OR 1/2" SAG-RESISTANT5/8" TYPE "X" GYP. BD.3/4" OSB FLOOR SHEATHING3/4" OSB FLOOR SHEATHINGMIN. 6" ENERGY HEALSEAL ALL JOINTS, CRACKS, OR OTHEROPENINGS WITH POLYURETHANE CAULKFOR RADON PROTECTION112"5,000 LB. FOOTINGSTRENGTH MIXRIGID METAL FLASHING INSTALLED BY SIDERPROTECTION TO6" BELOW GRADE1/2" ANCHOR BOLTS2) FOAM W/ POLYURETHANE (R-15)6 MIL POLY SLIP SHEET OVERFOAM PRIOR TO BACKFILLAS REQUIRED PER CITY3" EXTERIOR FOAM INSULATION ATLOOKOUT/WALKOUT SIDE WALLS. 2" FOAMAT FULL BASEMENT & 4' FROST FOOTINGS.GLUED AND NAILEDGLUED AND NAILEDBUILDING SECTION2A-7SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0"@ 19.2" O.C.@ 6'-0" O.C. (8" EMBED.)SHINGLES OVER 15#15/32" OSB ROOF SHEATHINGBUILDING PAPER(ICE DAM EAVESFIRE RESISTANT FLOOR SYSTEMOR 1/2" GYPSUM WALL BOARD WITH80 SQUARE FEET UNPROTECTED11-7/8" TJI JOISTS(FINISHED BASEMENT)11-7/8" LSL JOISTS(UNFINISHED BASEMENT)1/2" SHEATHING FOREXTERIOR SHEATHINGTYPICAL UNLESS NOTEDOTHERWISE1/2" SHEATHING FOREXTERIOR SHEATHINGTYPICAL UNLESS NOTEDOTHERWISE3) APPLY ABOVE GRADEFOUNDATION COATING7'-11"7'-10"7'-5"8'-014"SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"STAIR HEADROOMA-83SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"STAIR HEADROOMA-828'-014"7'-5"9'-3" OAKHILL5-13-21SECTION DETAILSA-84 BEDROOM TWO STORY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 22260 DODD BLVD. Phone (952) 469-4066 YOUNGFIELD HOMES COUNTRY JOE HOMES LIC. # BC627670/PO1JUNE 1, 20212JUNE 10, 2021JULY 12, 20213AUGUST 3, 20214 ©Project Number:Date:S11Sheets: of1Print Name:Signed: License Number:Date:I hereby certify that this plan, specification or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.Youngfield Homes, Inc.22260 Dodd BoulevardLakeville, MN 55044Hutchins Residence9831 189th Street WestLot 10, Block 2Lakeville, MN3407 Kilmer Lane NSuite 4Plymouth, MN 55441Tel 612-708-3572www.hansongroupmn.comDescriptionDateRevisionPLANS SHOWN LIGHT IN BACKGROUND ARE FORLOCATION REFERENCE ONLY. PLAN NOTES ANDELEMENTS SHOWN LIGHT MAY NOT NECESSARILYSUPPORT THE HANSON GROUP'S DESIGN.PARTIAL LOWER LEVEL HOUSE PLANSHOWN FOR LOCATION REFERENCE ONLY1S1REFERENCE PLANMAIN LEVEL HOUSE PLAN SHOWNFOR LOCATION REFERENCE ONLY2S1REFERENCE PLANUPPER LEVEL HOUSE PLAN SHOWNFOR LOCATION REFERENCE ONLY3S1REFERENCE PLANPOST-INSTALLED HOLDOWN OPTION6S1FRAMING DETAILCOPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP, LLC 2021THIS SHEET/S REPRESENTS A COMPLETE DESIGN OF THE "MAIN WINDFORCE RESISTING SYSTEM" FOR THE ENTIRERESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE. THE LOCATION AND LENGTH OF EACH BRACED WALL PANEL AND ENGINEERED WINDRESISTING ELEMENT THAT IS REQUIRED FOR THE HANSON GROUP'S DESIGN IS SHOWN ON THE STRUCTURALDRAWINGS. WALLS NOT SPECIFICALLY LABELED ON THE PLANS MAY BE STANDARD FRAMING.SECTIONS SHOWN DEPICT CONNECTIONS OF BRACED WALL PANELS TOROOF TRUSSES ABOVE, TO JOISTS/TRUSSES/BLOCKING ABOVE, AND TOJOISTS/TRUSSES/BLOCKING BELOW. THESE PANELS ARE NOT NECESSARILYREQUIRED TO ALIGN, BUT MAY DEPENDING ON PLAN LAYOUT.ROOFTRUSSESBRACEDWALL PANELFLAT 2x6 @ 24" O.C.(MIN. (3) PER BRACEDWALL PANEL)SIMPSONA35FRAMINGANGLEEACH END(4) 0.131"Øx 3" NAILSPROVIDE 12" WIDTH WEBSTIFFENER FOR ATTACHMENTOF FRAMING ANGLEBRACEDWALL PANEL(4) 0.131"Øx 3" NAILSSIMPSONA35FRAMINGANGLEEACH ENDFLOORJOISTSPROVIDE 12" WIDTH WEBSTIFFENER FOR ATTACHMENTOF FRAMING ANGLEBRACEDWALL PANEL(4) 0.131"Øx 3" NAILSSIMPSONA35FRAMINGANGLEEACH ENDFLOORJOISTSBRACEDWALL PANEL(4) 0.131"Øx 3" NAILSSIMPSONLTP4FRAMINGPLATEEACH ENDFLOORTRUSSESFLAT 2x6 @ 24" O.C.(MIN. (3) PER BRACEDWALL PANEL)FLAT 2x6 @ 24" O.C.(MIN. (3) PER BRACEDWALL PANEL)FLAT 2x6 @ 24" O.C.(MIN. (3) PER BRACEDWALL PANEL)BRACEDWALL PANEL(4) 0.131"Øx 3" NAILSSIMPSONLTP4FRAMINGPLATEEACH ENDFLOORTRUSSESFLAT 2x6 @ 24" O.C.(MIN. (3) PER BRACEDWALL PANEL)BRACED WALL CONNECTIONBRACED WALL CONNECTIONBRACED WALL CONNECTION(ROOF TRUSSES)(FLOOR JOISTS)(FLOOR TRUSSES)DETAILS SHOWN ABOVE AREALTERNATIVE CONNECTIONS TO BEUSED WHEN BRACED WALL PANELDOES NOT ALIGN WITH FRAMING.EXTERIOR NON-BEARING WALLFRAME 2x4 BOXAROUND SPACEBETWEEN TRUSS w/SAME SHEATHINGAND FASTENING ASWALL BELOW(OR REPLACE w/ADEQUATE DEPTH2x MEMBER)#12 x 312" WOODSCREWS @ 16" O.C.INSTALLED INADDITION TO NAILS(MAIN/UPPERLEVEL ROOFTRUSS BEARINGWALLS ONLY)#12 x 312" WOODSCREWS @ 16" O.C.INSTALLED INADDITION TO NAILS(MAIN/UPPERLEVEL ROOFTRUSS BEARINGWALLS ONLY)EXTERIOR BEARING WALLREPRESENTSFIGURER602.10.8.2(3)INDICATES INTERIOR BRACED WALL PANEL w/ GYPSUMSHEATHING BOTH FACES WITH EITHER FASTENER OPTIONLISTED IN NOTE 3, SPACED AT 4" O.C. PROVIDE INCREASEDFASTENING REQUIREMENTS AS SHOWN BELOW.INDICATES ENGINEERED WIND RESISTING ELEMENTS TOBE CONSTRUCTED AS SHOWN IN THE DETAIL SHEETS.(MIN. LENGTH)INDICATES EXTERIOR BRACED WALL PANEL w/ SHEATHING ONEXTERIOR FACE IN ACCORDANCE w/ NOTE 2. PROVIDEINCREASED FASTENING REQUIREMENTS AS SHOWN BELOW.(MIN. LENGTH)w/ JOISTSw/ TRUSSESw/ JOISTSw/ TRUSSESw/ JOISTSw/ TRUSSESw/ JOISTSw/ TRUSSESROOF TRUSSESFASTENED TO PLATESw/ (4) 0.131"Ø x 3"TOENAILS & SIMPSONH2.5 CLIPNAIL BOTTOM PLATETO RIM/JOIST/BLOCKING w/ (3) 16dNAILS EVERY 16"NAIL BOTTOM PLATETO RIBBON BRACE /TRUSS w/ (3) 16dNAILS EVERY 16"NAIL EACH JOIST TOTOP PLATES w/ (3)0.131"Ø x 3" NAILS2x4 BLOCKINGBETWEENTRUSSES NAILEDTO TOP PLATESw/ (3) 0.131"Ø x 3"NAILS EACHNAIL EACH TRUSS TOTOP PLATES w/ (3)0.131"Ø x 3" TOENAILSROOF TRUSSFASTENED TOPLATES w/0.131"Ø x 3"TOENAILS@ 6" O.C.NAIL BOTTOMPLATE TO RIM/JOIST/BLOCKINGw/ (3) 16d NAILSEVERY 16"NAIL RIM TOPPLATES w/0.131"Ø x 3"TOENAILS@ 6" O.C.NAIL BOTTOMPLATE TO LADDERTRUSS w/ (3) 16dNAILS EVERY 16"NAIL LADDERTRUSS TO TOPPLATES w/0.131"Ø x 3"NAILS @ 6" O.C.INTERIOR WALLPERPENDICULAR TO FRAMINGINTERIOR WALLPARALLEL w/ FRAMING2x4 BLOCKING BETWEENROOF TRUSSES NAILEDTO TOP PLATES w/ (3)0.131"Ø x 3" NAILS EACHNAIL BOTTOM PLATE TOBLOCKING w/ (3) 16dNAILS EVERY 16"PROVIDE FULL DEPTHBLOCKING BETWEEN JOISTSNAILED TO TOP PLATES w/(3) 0.131"Ø x 3" NAILS EACHNAIL EACH JOIST TO TOPPLATE w/ (3) 0.131"Ø x 3" NAILSNAIL BOTTOM PLATE TOBLOCKING w/ (3) 16dNAILS EVERY 16"PROVIDE FULL DEPTHBLOCKING BETWEEN TRUSSESNAILED TO TOP PLATES w/(3) 0.131"Ø x 3" NAILS EACHNAIL EACH TRUSS TO TOP PLATEw/ (3) 0.131"Ø x 3" TOENAILSPROVIDE ROOF TRUSSDIRECTLY IN LINE w/BRACED WALL PANELFASTENED TO PLATESw/ 0.131"Ø x 3"TOENAILS @ 6" O.C.NAIL BOTTOM PLATETO BLOCKING w/ (3)16d NAILS EVERY 16"PROVIDE JOIST DIRECTLYIN LINE w/ BRACED WALLPANEL FASTENED TOPLATES w/ 0.131"Ø x 3"TOENAILS @ 6" O.C.NAIL BOTTOM PLATETO BLOCKING w/ (3)16d NAILS EVERY 16"PROVIDE TRUSS DIRECTLYIN LINE w/ BRACED WALLPANEL FASTENED TOPLATES w/ 0.131"Ø x 3"TOENAILS @ 6" O.C.MATERIALSWALL STUDS (10' OR LESS):SPF STUD GRADE OR BETTERWALL STUDS (OVER 10'):SPF NO.2 GRADE OR BETTERDIMENSIONAL LUMBER:SPF NO.2 GRADE OR BETTERTREATED LUMBER:SYP NO.2 GRADE OR BETTERLSL:134" WIDTH - 1.55E OR BETTERLVL:134" WIDTH - 1.9E OR BETTERLOADSROOF SNOW LOAD: 35 PSFROOF DEAD LOAD: 15 PSFFLOOR LIVE LOAD: 40 PSFFLOOR DEAD LOAD: 15 PSFWIND LOAD:115 MPH ULTIMATE EXP. BCODE2020 MINNESOTA RESIDENTIAL CODESCOPEDESIGN AND DETAIL OF THE MAIN WINDFORCE RESISTING SYSTEM FOR A SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE. CONSTRUCTION ISTO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS DOCUMENT, STANDARD INDUSTRY PRACTICE, AND THE CODE.NOTES1.THESE DOCUMENTS APPLY TO STRUCTURAL ONLY. REFER TO CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR MORE INFORMATION.2.ALL EXTERIOR WALLS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA, U.N.O., WHICHMEETS OR EXCEEDS THE REQUIREMENTS OF CODE SECTION R602.10.4-WSP AND CS-WSP.A.2x4/2x6 STUDS SPACED BY SUPPLIER NOT TO EXCEED 16" O.C.B.EXTERIOR SHEATHING: 716" MIN. STRUCTURAL PANEL SHEATHING w/ 8d COMMON NAILS @ 6" O.C AT PANEL EDGESAND 12" O.C. AT INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS OR 134" 16 GAUGE STAPLES @ 3" / 6" SPACING.3.ALL INTERIOR WALLS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA, U.N.O.A.2x4 OR 2x6 STUDS SPACED @ 16" O.C.B.WALL SHEATHING: 12" MIN. GYPSUM SHEATHING FASTENED TO FRAMING w/ 5d COOLER NAILS @ 8" O.C. MAX. ORTYPE S/W WALLBOARD SCREWS @ 16" O.C. MAX. (58" MINIMUM STUD PENETRATION)4.ALL FLOORS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA.A.FLOOR FRAMING SPACED AT A MAXIMUM OF 24" O.C.B.FLOOR SHEATHING: 34" STRUCTURAL PANEL SHEATHING w/ 8d COMMON NAILS @ 6" O.C AT PANEL EDGES AND 12"O.C. AT INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS.5.ALL ROOFS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA.A.ROOF FRAMING SPACED AT A MAXIMUM OF 24" O.C.B.FASTEN ALL ROOF FRAMING TO TOP PLATES WITH SIMPSON H2.5 CLIP OR EQUIVALENT AND (4) 0.131"Ø x 3"TOENAILS.C.ROOF SHEATHING: 12" STRUCTURAL PANEL SHEATHING w/ 8d COMMON NAILS @ 6" O.C AT PANEL EDGES AND 12"O.C. AT INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS OR 134" 16 GAUGE STAPLES @ 3" / 6" SPACING.6.ALONG LENGTH OF WALLS, LAP WALL TOP PLATES A MINIMUM OF 24" AND FASTEN TOGETHER WITH (12) 0.131"Ø x 3" INLAP ZONE. AT CORNERS AND INTERSECTIONS, LAP PLATES AND PROVIDE (3) 0.131"Ø x 3" FACE NAILS.7.CONNECTIONS NOT SPECIFICALLY NOTED ARE TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CODE TABLE R602.3(1).8.TALL WOOD WALL FRAMING IS TO BE DESIGNED BY SUPPLIER FOR GRAVITY AND OUT-OF-PLANE WIND LOADS.9.THE ENTRY PORCH IS CONSIDERED TO BE A PRIMARILY OPEN, NON-ESSENTIAL PORTION OF THE STRUCTURE AND ISEXCLUDED FROM THE OVERALL MAIN WINDFORCE SYSTEM OF THE HOME. PROVIDE CODE REQUIRED UPLIFTCONNECTIONS AT ALL POSTS.CONSTRUCTGARAGE PORTALFRAME AS SHOWNIN 4/S1CONCRETEFOUNDATIONBELOWSIMPSON HTT5HOLDOWN ANCHOR ATLOCATIONS SHOWN w/12"Ø x 12" LONGSIMPSON TITEN HDSCREW-IN ANCHORJuly 19, 20211.3947-19-21Garrett Brunell52600BRACED WALL LINEBRACEDWALL LINE(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT) (4-FT) (4-FT) (4-FT)(3.7-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(2.6-FT)(2.6-FT)(3.7-FT)BRACEDWALL LINEBRACEDWALL LINEBRACEDWALL LINE(2.4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(3.4-FT)(3.1-FT)(6-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(6.8-FT) (4.5-FT)(5-FT) (5-FT)(5-FT)(5-FT) (5-FT) (5-FT)(5-FT)PROVIDE TOP OF WALLCONNECTIONS SHOWN FORBRACED WALL PANELS ALONGINDICATED PORTION OF WALLPROVIDE DOUBLE LSL/LVLSTUDS FASTENED TOSIMPSON HTT5 HOLDOWNANCHOR AT LOCATIONSSHOWN w/ 12"Ø x 12" LONGSIMPSON TITEN HD SCREW-INANCHOR HOLDOWN ASSHOWN IN 6/S1PROVIDE DOUBLE LSL/LVLSTUDS FASTENED TOSIMPSON HTT5 HOLDOWNANCHOR AT LOCATIONSSHOWN w/ 12"Ø x 12" LONGSIMPSON TITEN HD SCREW-INANCHOR HOLDOWN ASSHOWN IN 6/S1BRACEDWALL LINEBRACEDWALL LINEBRACED WALL LINE BRACED WALL LINE BRACED WALL LINE BRACED WALL LINE BRACEDWALL LINECONSTRUCTSHEARWALL ASSHOWN IN 5/S1,MIRROREDCONSTRUCTSHEARWALL ASSHOWN IN 5/S1S1FRAMING DETAILGARAGE FRONT PORTAL FRAME4NOTEINFO APPLIES SYMMETRICALLY ACROSS DETAIL.1'-412"±9'-3"±NOT TO EXCEED 10'-0"FASTEN TOP PLATE TO HEADER w/ (2)ROWS 16d SINKER NAILS @ 3" O.C.(1) 2x6 BEARING STUD & (1) 2x6 FULLHEIGHT STUD EACH END OF HEADERLOCATE PANEL JOINT WITHIN 2'-0" FROM CENTEROF HEADER HEIGHT AS REQ'D (2x SOLIDBLOCKING REQUIRED AT SHEATHING JOINT)(2) 2x6 BEARING STUDS MIN.(VERIFY w/ SUPPLIER)PROVIDE 2x6 INFILL WALLABOVE HEADER AS REQ'DSIMPSON STHD14 EMBEDDED HOLDOWNANCHOR AT LOCATIONS SHOWN(REFER TO 6/S1 FOR ALTERNATIVE OPTION)FOUNDATION WALL BELOWLENGTH OF CONTINUOUS HEADER58" Ø ANCHOR BOLT (7" MIN. EMBED)w/ 2" x 2" x 316" PLATE WASHERNAIL SHEATHING TO HEADER w/ 8dNAILS @ 3" O.C. EA. WAY TYP.SMALL HATCH AREA INDICATES 716" ORTHICKER PLYWOOD OR OSB SHEATHINGAPPLIED TO EXTERIOR SIDE OF STUDS(NAIL SHEATHING AROUND PERIMETER w/ (2)ROWS 8d NAILS @ 3" O.C. STAGGERED & TOPLATES / BLOCKING @ 3" O.C.)SIMPSON MSTC40 STRAP ON INSIDE FACEOF WALL (PROVIDE SPACER TO FLUSHOUT HEADER TO WALL STUD THICKNESS)FASTEN KING STUD TO HEADER w/(2) ROWS 16d SINKER NAILS @ 3" O.C.LARGE HATCH AREA INDICATES 716" ORTHICKER PLYWOOD OR OSB SHEATHINGAPPLIED TO EXTERIOR SIDE OF STUDSw/ STANDARD 6"/12" NAILINGFASTEN FRAMING ABOVE ASSHOWN FOR BRACED WALL PANELSCONTINUOUS LVL HEADER TO SUPPORTVERTICAL LOADS BY SUPPLIER(MIN.312" WIDTH & MIN. 1178" DEPTH REQ'D)1'-412"±S1FRAMING DETAILGARAGE SHEARWALL5FASTEN FRAMING ABOVE AS SHOWNFOR BRACED WALL PANELS ALONGTHIS SHEARWALL AS WELL ASABOVE OVERHEAD DOORKING STUDS AND POST BYSUPPLIERHATCHED AREA INDICATES 716" ORTHICKER PLYWOOD/OSB EXTERIORSHEATHING FASTENED TO STUDS w/8d NAILS @ 4" O.C. AT PANEL EDGES& @ 12" O.C. AT INTERIOR SUPPORTSSIMPSON STHD14 HOLDOWN ANCHORFASTENED TO DOUBLE STUDS/POST(REFER TO 6/S1 FOR POST-INSTALLEDHOLDOWN OPTION)(2) 12" Ø ANCHOR BOLTS(7" MIN. EMBED)TYPICAL 2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C.PROVIDE DOUBLE STUDSAT END OF SHEARWALLNOT TO EXCEED 10'-0" BRACEDWALL LINE (4.2-FT)(6-FT) Start Joist Layout Here. 16" o/c Framing Connector Summary PlotID Qty Manuf Product Face Nails Top Nails Member Nails Web Stiff H1 3 Simpson IUS1.81/11.88 10- 10dx1.5 - 2- 10dx1.5 No H2 3 Simpson LUS210 8- 10dx1.5 - 4- 10d No H3 1 User HUCQ1.81/11-SDS Not Required Products PlotID Length Product Plies Net Qty TS1 36' 0" 1 1/2" x 11 7/8" 1.5E TimberStrand LSL 1 12 TS2 34' 0" 1 1/2" x 11 7/8" 1.5E TimberStrand LSL 1 5 TS3 30' 0" 1 1/2" x 11 7/8" 1.5E TimberStrand LSL 1 4 TS4 28' 0" 1 1/2" x 11 7/8" 1.5E TimberStrand LSL 1 1 TS5 20' 0" 1 1/2" x 11 7/8" 1.5E TimberStrand LSL 1 6 TS6 12' 0" 1 1/2" x 11 7/8" 1.5E TimberStrand LSL 1 16 TS7 8' 0" 1 1/2" x 11 7/8" 1.5E TimberStrand LSL 1 2 TS8 16' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 1 TS9 8' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 1 TS10 6' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 1 TS11 4' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 2 Rim 16' 0" 1 1/8" x 11 7/8" TJ Rim Board 1 12 TS9TS10TS8TS11 RimRimRimRimRimRimRim Rim Rim Rim Rim Rim Rim Rim 10" 1' 2" Squash Blocking TS11TS4TS3 TS32' 6" Round holes larger than 3-5/8" up to 7-1/4" max. in 1.5" x 11-7/8" 1.5E TimberStrand LSL joist only Edge of large holes need to be at least 4 times the diameter of the largest hole (for a 7-1/4" hole, the closest distance allowed to the next hole is 29", even if the next hole is a small 12" diameter hole). The hole must be centered within the joist vertically. No square or rectangular holes No more than (2) holes between 3-5/8" and 7-1/4" diameter allowed per span. See chart below for minimum distance from inside face of bearing to edge of hole for holes larger than 3-5/8" but not greater than 7.25" Minimum distance from edge of hole to inside face of bearing (end or intermediate) 4"5" *6.5" * 7.25" * 2'-0"2'-0" 3'-0"3'-6" * Allowable spans shown in TB-711 must be reduced by 9" with these size holes H3H1 1' 8"H2H1 H1 TS5 16" O.C. TS2 16" O.C. TS1 16" O.C. TS3 16" O.C. TS6 16" O.C. TS7 16" O.C. H2 HVAC Chase Customer:Job Name:Address/Lot:Youngfield HomesHutchins9831 189th Street WCity, State:Lakeville, MNPlan/Model #:OakhillJob Number:24991Lyman Lumber Company18900 West 78th StPO Box 130Chanhassen, MN(952) 470-4800Sheet: 1 of 1 A complete Javelin™ framing plan requires the Framer's Pocket Guide See the Framer's Pocket Guide for Product Trademark Information Drawn By:Jeff D.Drawn Date:8/2/21Revised By:Revision Date:Revision #:SALES PRESENTATION DRAWING:NO STRUCTURAL OR DIMENSIONAL CHECK HAS BEEN PERFORMED ON THIS DRAWING. LYMAN LUMBER COMPANY IS ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR INDIVIDUAL MEMBER DESIGN,BASED UPON THE ASSUMED VERTICAL LOADS. BUILDER IS RESPONSIBLE FOROVERALL DESIGN OF THE STRUCTURE AND IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDEDTHAT ALL DRAWINGS AND CALCULATIONS BE REVIEWED BY THEENGINEER OF RECORD FOR THIS PARTICULAR PROJECT.Lack of proper bracing during construction can result in serious accidents. Observe the following guidelines: WARNING NOTES: WARNING Joists are unstable until braced laterally Bracing Includes: Blocking Hangers SheathingRim Board Strut Lines Rim Joist DO NOT stack building materials on unsheathed joists. Stack only over beams or walls. DO NOT walk on joists that are lying flat. DO NOT walk on joists until braced. INJURY MAY RESULT. Weyerhaeuser, Microllam, Parallam, TimberStrand, TJI, TJ, and Trus Joist are registered trademarks of Weyerhaeuser NR. © 2014 Weyerhaeuser NR Company. All rights reserved. 1. All blocking, hangers, rim boards and rim joists at the end supports of the TJI® joists must be completely installed and properly nailed. 2. Laterial strength, like braced end wall or an existing deck, must be established at the ends of the bay. This can also be accomplished by a temporary or permanent deck (sheathing) fastened to the first 4 feet of joists at the end of the bay. 3. Safety bracing of 1x4 (minimum) must be nailed to a braced end wall or sheathed area (as in note 2) and to each joist. Without this bracing, buckling sideways or rollover is highly probable under light construction loads - such as a worker or one layer of unnailed sheathing. 5. Ends of cantilevers require safety bracing on both the top and bottom flanges. 6. The flanges must remain straight within 1/2" from true alignment. 4. Sheathing must be completely attached to each TJI® joist before additional loads can be placed on the system. Header Spans: Up to 4'-11" = 1 Trimmer 5'-0" and Bigger = 2 Trimmers *** Unless Noted Otherwise *** FIRST FLOORTOTAL3,651 SF1,546 SF-GARAGEBASEMENTFLOOR AREAFINISHED-103 SF896 SF1,445 SFUNFINISHEDSECOND FLOOR (A & B)2,002 SFSIDEWALK142 SFGARAGE SLABBASEMENT SLABFLATWORK SQUARE FOOTAGE1,431 SF860 SFCOVERED PORCH-196 SF200 AMP SERVICEGARAGE LEFTFULL BASEMENTPRESERVE OF LAKEVILLELOT 10, BLOCK 2 9831 - 189th STREET WESTNOTED OTHERWISE ON PLANS.ALL HEADERS ARE (2) 2x10 TYPICAL UNLESSWITH DIMENSIONS TO BE VERIFED SHALLTRUSS DESIGN BY MFG. TRUSSES NOTEDHEADERS:TRUSSES:BE FIELD MEASURED BY TRUSS SUPPLIERJOHN & LINDSEY HUTCHINS2x4 INTERIOR WALLS2x6 INTERIOR WALLSSHEATHING - INSULATEDCONCRETE WALLSBRICK / BRICK LEDGE2x6 EXTERIOR WALL WITH 1/2"FUTURE FINISHWALL LEGENDBRACED WALL REQUIREMENTS(FULL SHEET OF SHEATHING)LAKEVILLE, 55044HEADER HEIGHT SCHEDULEABC6'-11-1/4"8'-0"7'-6"D6'-11-3/8"2018 BUILDING CODE2015 ENERGY CODEGAS FIREPLACE5'-838"17'-434"5'-838"1'-3"1'-3"3'-6"9'-118" 3'-21 4"LINE OFLINE OFFIREPLACESHEETROCK3'-111 8"5'-2" 5'-2"FIREPLACE / ENTERTAINMENT CENTERSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"GreatRoomCARPET1'-5"STONE SURRONUNDWITH STONE OR MARBLE OPTIONRAISE FIREBOX UP 6"NO HEARTHSTONELINE OF FRAMING18'-5"2X6 WALL2X4 WALL6"BUILT-INBUILT-IN2'-1014"2'-1014"18'-5"5'-1038"9"B5'-958"3'-5"(2) 2x10B(2) 2x101'-5"5'-838"1'-3"3'-6"1'-3"5'-838"3'-4"8'-0"(2)24x24 FIXEDMULLED(2)24x24 FIXEDMULLEDB(2) 2x102'-1018"2'-1014"6'-0"2'-1018"2'-1014"SHEETROCKMIN. TREAD 10"NEW STAIR REQUIREMENTSMAX. RISE 7-3/4"10"734"MIN. NOSING 3/4"MAX. NOSING 1-1/4"1-1/4"SIDEWALK 142 SF4'-0"12'-7"26'-1012"CONCRETE4'-0"4'-0"GaragePorchUP 2R30x24FIXEDFRAMERS - MAKE SURE THERE IS ICE & WATER SHIELD BEHIND FRAMERS - 1/2" SHEATHING SHOULD BE FLUSH WITH CONCRETEPORCH & DECK LEDGERSCOUNTRY JOE SERIESEXTERIOR FOUNDATION INSULATION9'-0" TALL FOUNDATION WALLSSCALE: 1-1/2" = 1'-0"DUCT CHASE AT FLOOR TRUSS1A-11'-8" FLOOR TRUSS 3/4" SUB-FLOOR1-1/2" TOP CHORD8" x 8"DUCT1-1/2" SPRAY FOAM (R-10)1-1/2" BOTTOM CHORDFILL 20" FLOOR TRUSS WITHLOOSE FILL FIBERGLASS INSULATION9" = R-23 6" ROUND PIPE5-13-21A-0COVER SHEETOAKHILL 4 BEDROOM TWO STORY GARAGE LEFT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 22260 DODD BLVD. Phone (952) 469-4066 YOUNGFIELD HOMES COUNTRY JOE HOMES LIC. # BC627670/ PO1JUNE 1, 20212JUNE 10, 2021JULY 12, 20213Dave.Zweber@DavidCharlezDesigns.com ORIGINAL DESIGN WORK BY: 18" RAKE AT GABLES ONTHE FRONT OF HOUSE9'-0" 9'-101 8" 1'-21 8"9'-11 8"1'-634"8'-11 8" 10'-77 8" 4"1ST FLRSUBFLOORELEV.110'-2-1/8"T.O. MAINFND. WALLELEV.109'-0"2ND FLR.SUBFLOORELEV.121'-0"T.O. SLABELEV.100'-4"T.O. FTG.ELEV.100'16129:124.5:124:1210:1210:124:121'-0"1'-0"1'-6"1'-6"11'-0"11'-0"3'-9-5/8"THIS RIDGE HEIGHT SETS THE HEIGHT FORTHE MAIN 10:12 PITCH RIDGE LINE1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1ST FLRSUBFLOORELEV.110'-2-1/8"9'-118"TOP OF PLATE6"1'-0"8" HARDIE TRIMFRIEZE7'-0"WOODPORCH& STEPSSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"FRONT ELEVATION - AA-11WALL PLATEELEV.129'-1-1/8"7'-0"T.O. FTG.ELEV.105'-0"13'-0"EL. 119'-3-1/4"TOP OF PLATEEL. 119'-3-1/4"HARDIE LAPHARDIE SHAKESBOARD - HARDIE COLOR PLUS PANELSBATTEN - HARDIE COLOR PLUSBATTEN MUST BE 3" W/ TEXTUREHARDIE SKIRT BD.DOWN 7" FROM SUB-FLOORFRAME WOOD PORCH(6" AFTER DECKING)1'-6"1'-6"10" SOFFIT.EACH SIDE1'-6" STONE RETURNHARDIE LAP7'-8"BL26068'-0"BL2606BL2606SHINGLES OVER 15# BUILDINGPAPER 15/32" OSB ROOF SHEATHING(ICE DAM EAVES7'-111 4" BOX OUTGABLE 6"16'-0"TEMPTEMPTEMP5-13-21FRONT ELEVATIONOAKHILL A-1ATWO STORY 4 BEDROOM LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 22260 DODD BLVD. Phone (952) 469-4066 YOUNGFIELD HOMES COUNTRY JOE HOMES LIC. # BC627670/ PO1JUNE 1, 20212JUNE 10, 2021JULY 12, 20213Tall Wall - StairsMember NameResultsCurrent SolutionStudsPassed1 piece(s) 1 1/2" x 5 1/2" 1.3E TimberStrand® LSL @ 16" OCUpper HeaderPassed1 piece(s) 3 1/2" x 7 1/4" 1.3E TimberStrand® LSLLower HeaderPassed1 piece(s) 3 1/2" x 5 1/2" 1.3E TimberStrand® LSL (Plank)ColumnsPassed3 piece(s) 1 1/2" x 5 1/2" 1.3E TimberStrand® LSL 41251210:124:1210:1210121012101210124124124124'-6"8"1'-4"16:1216:12101216:124.5121012T.O. MAINFND. WALLELEV.109'-0"T.O. FTG.ELEV.100'6"8'-118"1'-0"1'-6"8'-11 8"TOP OF PLATETOP OF PLATE2'-0"1'-6"1'-6"1'-6"A-2REAR ELEVATION1SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"A-22SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"LEFT ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"3RIGHT ELEVATIONA-2BETWEEN SIDING AND6" EARTH SEPERATIONVENTGRADEGAS F.P.1'-8"T.O. MAINFND. WALLELEV.109'-0"T.O. FTG.ELEV.100'10:1210:121'-6"1'-6"ROOF VENTS OR RIDGE VENTS PER BUILDERS SPECIFICATIONS16:1216:1210:124:1210:124:124.5:124:124:125:1216:129:1210:121'-6" 1'-6" 1'-8"1'-6"1'-0"1'-6" 1'-6"1'-0"1'-0"6"1'-6" 3'-6"SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"ROOF PLANA-2412 ROOF VENTS1'-0"1'-6"5:122ND FLR.SUBFLOORELEV.121'-0"1ST FLRSUBFLOORELEV.110'-2-1/8"TOP OF PLATEELEV.129'-1-1/8"EGRESS9'-0"9'-0"2ND FLR.SUBFLOORELEV.121'-0"1ST FLRSUBFLOORELEV.110'-2-1/8"TOP OF PLATEELEV.129'-1-1/8"PITOAKHILL5-13-21ELEVATIONSA-2A4 BEDROOM TWO STORY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 22260 DODD BLVD. Phone (952) 469-4066 YOUNGFIELD HOMES COUNTRY JOE HOMES LIC. # BC627670/PO1JUNE 1, 20212JUNE 10, 2021JULY 12, 20213 28"UP28"32"4'-4"FURN.WATERHEATERMechanical / StorageRoom4" CONC. SLABSUMP32"FLR.DRN.30"30 "8"x20" CONCRETEFOOTING - TYPICALUnexcavated4" CONC. SLABUnexcavated4" CONC. SLAB60'-0"12'-0"5'-0"5'-0"22'-0"16'-0"12'-0"23'-0"11'-0"7'-0"1'-6"54'-6" 1'-6"8'-0" 34'-0" 54'-6" 15'-7"18'-5" 4'-0"8'-0"5'-0" 17'-0"22'-0"2'-1012"6'-3"P.T. 2X4s ON THE FLAT@ 16" O.C. W/ 12" GYP.ON STAIR AREAFOUNDATION WALL8"8"LINE OF FRAMING ABOVE7'-4"T.O. 8" WALL 109'-0"T.O. 8" WALL 109'-0"T.O. FOOTINGEL. 100'-0"T.O. 8" WALL109'-0"BASEMENT PLANA-31SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"FLUSH BEAMSPER FLR. SYSTEMMFG. SPECIFICATIONST.O. 6"CURB 109'-0"T.O. 6"CURB 100'-4"4'-8"4'-8"2'-9"8'-7"FinishedStairsCARPET9'-0" TALL FOUNDATIONS WALL3A-81A-61A-74A622'-0"3 2 ' - 6 3 8"68'-1158"68'- 1 1 5 8" 4'-0"7'-10"21'-6"6'-2" 4'-9"235 SFUnfinishedLanding4" CONC. SLAB5,000 LB. FOOTINGSTRENGTH MIXBOTTOM OF GARAGEDOOR SHOULD BESET 4" DOWN FROMTOP OF POURED WALLVARIEST.O. SLABT.O. 8" WALLEL. 108'-4"4" DRAINTILE ATFOOTINGS ON EACHWALL AS MARKEDEL. 105'-0"T.O. FTG.EL. 109'-0"T.O. 6" CURB2" BRICK LEDGEEL. 108'-4"16'-3" M.O.2'-1012"EL. 105'-0"T.O. FTG.EL. 109'-0"T.O. 6" CURBGARAGESTART SLAB AT TOPOF WALL AT BACK OF2" BRICK LEDGEEL. 108'-4"31'-978"2'-0"VOID9'-3" M.O. ALLOW FOR SEWER1'-11 2"24" VOID TO1'-71 2"T.O. FTG.EL. 100'-0"CDVARIEST.O. SLAB2" BRICK LEDGEEL. 108'-4"4'-0"T.O. FOOTING100'-0"T.O. FOOTING100'-0"4'-2"9'-5"8'-01 2"(2) 9-1/2" LSL- DROPPED(2) 9-1/2" LSL(2) 2x10FIRE RESISTANT FLOOR SYSTEMOR 1/2" GYPSUM WALL BOARDWITH 80 SQ. FEET UNPROTECTED5'-0"22'-0"HOSEBIBSHOULD BE THEPORCH FOOTINGSSAME HEIGHT AS THEHOUSE FOOTINGSIF SOIL IS UNDISTURBEDMAKE FOOTINGS 42" DEEP7'-0"2x8 PORCH LEDGERFTGS. TYP.24"x24"LINE OF PORCH ABOVE7'-8"12" CONC. PIERS1'-0"P.T. 2x8 DECK JOISTS @ 16" O.C.(2) 2x10FTGS. TYP.24"x24"12" CONC. PIERS(2) 2x101'-0"4'-10"19'-6"APPROXIMATE LINE OF SOFFITSS6'-11 4"T.O. 6"CURB 100'-4"16'-8"19'-2"2- 2 x 64-2x62-TRIMMERS(2) 2x103-TRIMMERS5x5 PSLTO FND.6'-13 4"4'-101 4"3'-2"60x3418"SEE EWP PLAN 11-7/8" TJI JOISTS2A-3HVACNO JOISTSHEREHALF WALL2'-0"24'-0"17'-0"19'-0"7'-0"4'-0"T.O. 8" WALL 109'-0"T.O. 8" WALL 109'-0"60x42 SLIDER4'-0"(2) 2x1011-7/8" LSL JOISTS SEE EWP PLANFutureFlex RoomW.I.C.FutureFutureBedroom # 5FutureBathFutureLiving Room11-7/8" LSL JOISTS SEE EWP PLAN 11-7/8" LSL JOISTS SEE EWP PLAN 11-7/8" LSL JOISTS SEE EWP PLAN EGRESS WINDOW PITAPPROX. LOCATION OF ELEC PANEL PROVIDE UFER GROUNDING ROD 6'-0"8'-0"4'-6"4'-6"GAS LINEROUGH-IN8'-10"FINISHED ROOM SIZESBEDROOM #5BATHSTAIRFLEX ROOMMECHANICALLIVING ROOMTOTAL248 SF75 SF103 SF230 SF227 SF512 SF1,548 SFSTAIR LANDING153 SFHEADER HEIGHT SCHEDULEABC6'-11-1/4"8'-0"7'-6"D6'-11-3/8"2x6 EXTERIOR WALL WITH 1/2"WALL LEGEND2x4 INTERIOR WALLS2x6 INTERIOR WALLSSHEATHING - INSULATEDCONCRETE WALLSFUTURE FINISHMIN. TREAD 10"NEW STAIR REQUIREMENTSMAX. RISE 7-3/4"10"734"MIN. NOSING 3/4"MAX. NOSING 1-1/4"1-1/4"UFER GROUNDING RODONE GROUNDING ROD MUST BEPROVIDED. VERIFY SIDE OFGARAGE SIDE: PLACE ROD 4'-0"BACK FROM FRONT CORNER.HOUSE SIDE: PLACE ROD 6'-0"ELECTRICAL SERVICE.BACK FROM FRONT CORNER.BASEMENT PLANA-35-13-21TWO STORY 4 BEDROOM OAKHILL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 22260 DODD BLVD. Phone (952) 469-4066 YOUNGFIELD HOMES COUNTRY JOE HOMES LIC. # BC627670/ PO1JUNE 1, 20212JUNE 10, 2021JULY 12, 20213Header Spans:Up to 4' 11" = 1 Trimmer5' 0" and Larger = 2 Trimmers*** Unless Noted Otherwise *** START SLAB AT TOPOF WALL AT BACK OFOF WALL AT BACK OFGARAGEBOTTOM OF GARAGEDOOR SHOULD BESET 4" DOWN FROMTOP OF POURED WALLTHERMOSTAT30x66 2-2x62-2x62-2x62-2x65 x 7 PS L 32" MTL.GreatRoomWOOD28"LOCKERS 28 "DW20" FLOOR TRUSSES @ 19.2" O.C. 14' S.R.O.28"30"24"24"(2) 9-1/2" "LSL - CONT.(2)24x24 FIXED MULLED (2) 2x10UP 17RDN 16RLEDGE HVACDining RoomWOODKitchenWOODStudyRoomCARPETGarageFoyerWOODMudRoomC.T.BathWOOD37 SF (FLR)PorchWOODPantryWOODBackHallWOOD1'-6"12'-0"23'-0"34'-0"11'-0"60'-0"12'-0"5'-0"22'-0"5'-0"16'-0"6'-0"4'-0"8'-0"34'-0" 7'-0" 17'-0" 12'-0"5'-0" 6'-2"4'-5"5'-0"22'-0"21'-6"7'-5" 11'-8"19'-0"17'-0"36'-0"60'-0"FLOOR LINEABOVE4'-0"3'-8"4'-4"10'-7"10" 15'-7"18'-5" 6'-0"3'-0"3'-10"1A-62- 2 x 6 8'-6"1A-73'-9"SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"FIRST FLOOR PLANA-41BEAM PER MFG. SPEC9"7'-0"7'-0"STAIRWELLFLUSH BEAMSPER FLR.SYSTEMMFG. SPECS.7'-5"4'-9"3'-512"7'-4"7'-8"1'-0"7'-0"16'x8' O.H. DOOR9'x8' O.H. DOOR (2) 11-7/8" LSL - CONT.WALL LINE ABOVEFLOOR SYSTEM DESIGNERTO DESIGN FLOOR TO CARRYWALL AND ROOF LOADSWALL LINE ABOVEFLOOR SYSTEM DESIGNERTO DESIGN FLOOR TO CARRYWALL AND ROOF LOADS20" FLOOR TRUSSES @ 19.2" O.C.(2) 11-7/8" LSL - FLUSH5'-0"8'-0"4'-0"9'-212"4'-5"(2) 2x10(2) 2x10 - CONT.(2) 9-1/2" LSL6'-812"3'-8"RO0F TRUSSES @ 24" O.C.2X6 WALL2X4 WALL4'-8" 4'-9"RAILOPENABV.6'-10"1'-10"5'-8"6'-2" 3'-6" 20" FLOOR TRUSSESRO0F TRUSSES@ 24" O.C.13'-8"2'-6"6'-1014"4'-5"R & S R & S 20" FLOOR TRUSSES @ 19.2" O.C.1/2" SHEATHING - EXT.TYPICAL GARAGE WALL2x6 STUD WALLS @ 16" O.C. W/2x6 STUD WALLS @ 16" O.C. W/ (R-21)FIBERGLASS BATT INSULATION 4 MILPOLY VAPOR BARRIER & 1/2" GYP. BD.TYPICAL EXT. WALLINSIDE AND 1/2" SHEATHING - EXT.RO0F TRUSSES @ 24" O.C.4" CONCRETE SLAB PITCHEDTOWARDS OVERHEAD DOORS5/8" TYPE X GYP. BRD.ON ALL COMMON WALLS &CEILINGS.MUD ALL JOINTS4" CONCRETE SLAB PITCHEDTOWARDS OVERHEAD DOORS(2)24x24 FIXED MULLED30x30FIXED30x30FIXED 42x606'-0" X 8'-0" PATIO30x6654x66FIXED30x66Garage4" CONC. SLABBBBBAB2 PLY GIRDER ROOF OR TRUSS (2) 11-7/8" LSL(2) 16" LVL - FLUSH (3) 16" LVL - FLUSH (2) 2x10FLUSH28"(2) 7-1/4" LSL(2) 7-1/4" LSL 2- 2 x 6 30x662- 2 x 630x6630x6630x66 B2-2x630x662-2x630x663'-4" REF.GASCOOKTOP5'-10"GAS FIREPLACE NO HEARTH 1'-5"3'-5"7'-0"6'-0"DOUBLEOVEN84"x 60"ISLANDTOP SIZE 96" x 72"4'-1"PANELACCESSATTIC22x301'-6"5'-0"6'-0"5'-0"16'-0"3'-0"1'-6" 9'-0" 1'-6"(3) 20" LVL7'-0"11'-6"DRYWALL OPENING4'-6"4'-0"3'-8"RAILING4'-3" HALF WALL30x30FIXED WINDOW SILLS MORE THAN 6" ABOVEFINISHED GRADE (SURFACE BELOW) ORLESS THAN 36" FROM FINISHED FLOORSHALL REQUIRE A WINDOW OPENINGCONTROL DEVICE.5'-2"2'-0"HallWOODSSVENTHOODRECYCLE 8'-6"10'-612"(1) 3-1/2" x5-1/2" LSLTALL WALLS @ STAIRSSTUDS: (1) 2X6 LSL @ 16" O.C.UPPER HEADER: (1) 3-1/2" x 7-1/4" LSLLOWER HEADER: (1) 3-1/2" x 5-1/2" LSLCOLUMNS: (3) 2x6 LSL(3) 2x6 (3) 2 x 6(2) 7-1/4" LSL(2) 2x102-2x6(3) 11-7/8"LSL - DROPPED5x5 PSL5x5 PSL(2) 20" LVL FLUSH2-TRIMMERS(4) 2x6(2) 20" LVL FLUSH (2) 2x65x5 PSL(3)2x6( 3 ) 2 x 6(2) 2x10 - CONT.2-2x62-2x6(2) 2x10(2) 2x102- 2 x 65x5 PSLTO FND.(4 ) 2 x 6(2) 2x10PED. ROD & SHELF 4'-134" PORTAL FRAMING LINE OF 20" SOFFIT(10" TALL)1'-8"4'-2"36" DRYWALLOPENING(+96)36" DRYWALLOPENING(+96)SOFFITHVAC(3) 2x1014"14"36"FinishStairs2'-8"ClosetC.T.SINKROUGH-INFINISHED ROOM SIZESSTUDY - CARPETMUD ROOM / W.I.C. - C.T.GREAT ROOM - WOOD145 SF68 SF316 SFPANTRY - WOOD32 SFKITCHEN/DINING/ENTRY, BACK HALL660 SF& HALL - WOODPOWDER BATH - WOOD37 SFSTAIRS - CARPET103 SFDHEADER HEIGHT SCHEDULEABC6'-11-1/4"8'-0"7'-6"6'-11-3/8"OAKHILL5-13-211ST FLOOR PLANA-44 BEDROOM TWO STORY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 22260 DODD BLVD. Phone (952) 469-4066 YOUNGFIELD HOMES COUNTRY JOE HOMES LIC. # BC627670/ PO1JUNE 1, 20212JUNE 10, 2021JULY 12, 20213Header Spans:Up to 4' 11" = 1 Trimmer5' 0" and Larger = 2 Trimmers*** Unless Noted Otherwise ***See Sheet A-1 for Tall WallLOWER HEADER: (1) 3-1/2" x 5-1/2" LSL (Plank)2-2x10 Cont.2-9 1/2" LSLX X X X X Jr. SuiteBathC.T.30 SF28"28"30"28"30"28"28"30"32"28"28"30"30 "DN 17R@ 7 1732"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"MasterBedroomCARPET8" DEEP SOFFIT @ 8'-1-1/8" TALL (2) 1-3/4"x 9-1/2" LSL(2) 36X60 MULLEDPANELACCESSATTIC22x30LaundryVINYL64 SFW.I.C.CARPETBedroom # 4CarpetBedroom # 2CarpetBedroom # 3CarpetHallCarpetLoftCarpetJACK & JILLBathC.T.82 SFW.I.C.CarpetW.I.C.CarpetW.I.C.Carpet53'-0"12'-0"12'-0"34'-0"34'-0"60'-0"7'-0"5'-0"12'-0"9'-0"14'-0"20'-0"12'-0"4'-0"4'-0" 16'-0" 12'-0"4'-0"34'-0"5'-0"60'-0"4'-0"4'-4"11'-0"22'-0"4'-11 14" HIGH WALL. 4'-11 14" HIGH WALL. 4'-6"HIGH GABLE END WALL18'-6" 15'-6"SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"2nd FLOORA-513A61A52A64A6ROD & SHELFROD & SHELF2-2x64'-3"4"4'-8" 15'-6" 6'-2"4'-8"4'-8"OPENTOBELOW(2)36x66 MULLED(2)1-3/4"x9-1/2"LSL7'-0"7'-0"5'-6"3'-6"2'-0"12'-4" 4'-01 4"(2)36x60 MULLED(2)1-3/4"x9-1/2"LSL15'-6"5'-8"12'-10"(2)36x60 MULLED(2)1-3/4"x9-1/2"LSL4'-4"15'-6"5'-334"16'-814"17'-6"8'-11"8'-7"5'-114"3'-112"1'-1134"3'-4"42"VAN.11'-2"15'-6" 4'-0" 7'-61 4" 4'-0"6'-0"5'-8"9'-414"9'-334"3'-4"2'-4"5'-334"7'-5"3'-10"4'-014"5'-312"3'-1014"4'-014"RO0F TRUSSES @ 24" O.C. RO0F TRUSSES@ 24" O.C. RO0F TRUSSES @ 24" O.C.RO0F TRUSSES@ 24" O.C.WD30x54 30x30 TEMP36x60 FIXED AAAA30x54 AAA30x30 FIXAROOF GIRDER W/ 1-3/4 LEDGER LAGGED 10'-10" HALF WALL 11'-2"WINDOW SILLS MORE THAN 6' ABOVEFINISHED GRADE (SURFACE BELOW) ORLESS THAN 36" FROM FINISHED FLOORSHALL REQUIRE A WINDOW OPENINGCONTROL DEVICE.60x34 FIB. BASE3'-10"MasterBathC.T.96 SF (FLR)(2) 24x48 TEMP.72"x36"6'-214"SLIDE IN TUB5'-312"5'-4"ONE ROW OFTILE ON THE WALL 6'-3"(2) 2X10A3'-534"3'-8"60x34 FIB. BASEABOVE THE TUB5'-4"28"LINEN28"28"FRAME WALLS ONEACH SIDE OF TUB(+42")3'-112"SSSSSSCDCDSC.T. WALLSC.T. WALLSC.T. WALLS25" SINK W/ 32"BASE CABINET28" PKT3'-334"ROD & SHELFROD & SHELFROD & SHELFROD & SHELF 28"HEADER HEIGHT SCHEDULEABC6'-11-1/4"8'-0"7'-6"D6'-11-3/8"OAKHILL5-13-21SECOND FLOOR PLANA-54 BEDROOM TWO STORY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 22260 DODD BLVD. Phone (952) 469-4066 YOUNGFIELD HOMES COUNTRY JOE HOMES LIC. # BC627670/ PO1JUNE 1, 20212JUNE 10, 2021JULY 12, 20213Header Spans:Up to 4' 11" = 1 Trimmer5' 0" and Larger = 2 Trimmers*** Unless Noted Otherwise ***See Sheet A-1 for Tall WallRoof Girder2-2x102-2x103-2x103-2x102-2x102 Trimmers3-2x102-2x102-2x6 COVEREDPORCHP.T. 6X6 POST412TOP OF MAIN LEVEL SUBFLOORTOP OF PORCH BEAMTYPICAL STAIR CONSTRUCTION NOTES:* 6'-10" MINIMUM HEADROOM* (3) 11-7/8" STAIR STRINGERS W/* 11" TREADS* PROVIDE 36"-36" HIGH HANRAILS & GUARD RAILS PER CODE.~ MINIMUM TREAD DEPTH 10" - MAX RISE 7-3/4"MINIMUM NOSING 34" MAX. NOSING 1-1/4"34'-0"6" 9'-118"1'-6"8'-0"9'-0" 12-5/16"7'-6"7'-3 38"2'-4 78" 9'-101 8" 2'-5 18"4'-10 1 4" 8'-11"SEAL ALL JOINTS, CRACKS, OR OTHEROPENINGS WITH POLYURETHANE CAULKFOR RADON PROTECTION4" CONCRETE SLAB11"11"10'-97 8" 8'-1 1516"2'-5 1516" 3'-1 11 16"5'-0 1 4"LINE OF RAKE END OVERHANGIN FRONT OF THIS SECTION20" FLOOR TRUSSES @ 19.2" O.C.11-7/8" LSL JOISTS @ 16" O.C.PRE-ENGINEERED ROOFTRUSSES PER MFG.R-49 INSULATION8'-912"1'-058"9'-11 8"1'-834"8'-11 8"GREATROOMFAMILYROOM1'-6"1'-6"41271 4"41271 4"101210125128'-91 8"1'-6"1'-8"MASTERBEDROOMSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"SECTIONA-51LOFT17'-0"17'-0"4'-5"HALFWALL1'-8"10"1'-2"HALF WALLHALF WALLMIN. TREAD 10"STAIR REQUIREMENTSMAX. RISE 7-3/4"10"73 4"MIN. NOSING 3/4"MAX. NOSING 1-1/4"1-1/4"OAKHILL5-13-21SECTIONA-64 BEDROOM TWO STORY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 22260 DODD BLVD. Phone (952) 469-4066 YOUNGFIELD HOMES COUNTRY JOE HOMES LIC. # BC627670/ PO1JUNE 1, 20212JUNE 10, 2021JULY 12, 20213 BEDROOMROOF TRUSSESPER MFG.8'-111 8" 1'-83 4" 8'-11 8"7'-0"7'-0"4'-11-1/4" 8'-111 8"2'-6"1'-6"GARAGE11'-0"11'-0"MAIN LEVEL SUBFLOOR1'-27 8" 1' - 2 "R-49 INSULATION16121612SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0"SECTIONA-7120" FLOOR TRUSSEST.O. SLAB LEDGEEL. 108'-4"T.O. 6"CURB 109'-0"T.O. 6" CURB 109'-0"OAKHILL5-13-21SECTIONA-74 BEDROOM TWO STORY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 22260 DODD BLVD. Phone (952) 469-4066 YOUNGFIELD HOMES COUNTRY JOE HOMES LIC. # BC627670/PO1JUNE 1, 20212JUNE 10, 2021JULY 12, 20213 2x6 STUD WALLS @16" O.C. W/ (R-21) FIBERGLASS BATTINSULATION, 4 MIL POLYVAPOR BARRIER & 1/2"GYPSUM BOARD INSIDE 2x6 STUD WALLS @16" O.C. W/ (R-21) FIBERGLASS BATTINSULATION, 4 MIL POLYVAPOR BARRIER & 1/2"GYPSUM BOARD INSIDE BOISE RIM BOARD (EXTERIOR)1-1/8" OSB RIM BOARD(R-20)8'-118"9'-0" WALLS - (1) 2x6 TOP PLATE 4" CONCRETE SLAB8" x 20" CONC. FTG'SPLATE W/ SILL SEAL INSUL.PRESSURE TREATED 2x6 SILL9'-0"ELEV. 100'-0"TOP OF FOOTINGELEV. 119'-3-1/4"ELEV. 121'-0"TOP OF PLATE2ND FLOORTOP OF 8" CONC.ELEV. 109'-0"ELEV. 110'-2-1/8"1ST FLOORMAINTAIN A MIN. CL.OF 6" FROM GRADETO BOTTOM OF SIDING9'-11 8"1178" 34" 34" 1'-8"ELEV. 129'-1-1/8"2ND FLOOR CLG.WATERPROOFING1) COAT EXTERIOR W/ POLYUREA WATER-8" THICK CONC. WALLS20" FLOOR TRUSSESBLOCKING AT FOUNDATIONWALLS PARALLEL TO FRAMINGSEE DETAIL 3/A-7PROOFINGDUCTSPACEBLOCKBLOCKOR 1/2" SAG-RESISTANT5/8" TYPE "X" GYP. BD.R-49 ROOF INSULATIONPRE-ENGINEERED ROOFTRUSSES @ 24" O.C.OR 1/2" SAG-RESISTANT5/8" TYPE "X" GYP. BD.3/4" OSB FLOOR SHEATHING3/4" OSB FLOOR SHEATHINGMIN. 6" ENERGY HEALSEAL ALL JOINTS, CRACKS, OR OTHEROPENINGS WITH POLYURETHANE CAULKFOR RADON PROTECTION112"5,000 LB. FOOTINGSTRENGTH MIXRIGID METAL FLASHING INSTALLED BY SIDERPROTECTION TO6" BELOW GRADE1/2" ANCHOR BOLTS2) FOAM W/ POLYURETHANE (R-15)6 MIL POLY SLIP SHEET OVERFOAM PRIOR TO BACKFILLAS REQUIRED PER CITY3" EXTERIOR FOAM INSULATION ATLOOKOUT/WALKOUT SIDE WALLS. 2" FOAMAT FULL BASEMENT & 4' FROST FOOTINGS.GLUED AND NAILEDGLUED AND NAILEDBUILDING SECTION2A-7SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0"@ 19.2" O.C.@ 6'-0" O.C. (8" EMBED.)SHINGLES OVER 15#15/32" OSB ROOF SHEATHINGBUILDING PAPER(ICE DAM EAVESFIRE RESISTANT FLOOR SYSTEMOR 1/2" GYPSUM WALL BOARD WITH80 SQUARE FEET UNPROTECTED11-7/8" TJI JOISTS(FINISHED BASEMENT)11-7/8" LSL JOISTS(UNFINISHED BASEMENT)1/2" SHEATHING FOREXTERIOR SHEATHINGTYPICAL UNLESS NOTEDOTHERWISE1/2" SHEATHING FOREXTERIOR SHEATHINGTYPICAL UNLESS NOTEDOTHERWISE3) APPLY ABOVE GRADEFOUNDATION COATING7'-11"7'-10"7'-5"8'-014"SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"STAIR HEADROOMA-83SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"STAIR HEADROOMA-828'-014"7'-5"9'-3" OAKHILL5-13-21SECTION DETAILSA-84 BEDROOM TWO STORY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 22260 DODD BLVD. Phone (952) 469-4066 YOUNGFIELD HOMES COUNTRY JOE HOMES LIC. # BC627670/PO1JUNE 1, 20212JUNE 10, 2021JULY 12, 20213 Upper Level Member Name Results Current Solution Comments Master Bedroom Window Passed 3 piece(s) 2 x 10 SPF No.1/No.2 Master Bath Window Passed 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 SPF No.1/No.2 Junior Suite Bath Window Passed 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 SPF No.1/No.2 Bedroom #4 Window Passed 3 piece(s) 2 x 10 SPF No.1/No.2 Bedroom #3 Window Passed 3 piece(s) 2 x 10 SPF No.1/No.2 J&J Bath Window Passed 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 SPF No.1/No.2 Bedroom #2 Window Passed 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 SPF No.1/No.2 Main Level Member Name Results Current Solution Comments Great Window Rear Passed 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL Dining Window Rear Passed 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 SPF No.1/No.2 Flush Dining (H)Passed 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 20" 2.0E Microllam® LVL Kitchen Patio Door Passed 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL Flex Window Passed 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 SPF No.1/No.2 Flush Side Garage (H)Passed 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL Flush Side Garage (V)Passed 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 20" 2.0E Microllam® LVL 16' Garage Door Passed 3 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 20" 2.0E Microllam® LVL Flush Middle Garage Front (V)Passed 3 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 16" 2.0E Microllam® LVL 9' Garage Door Passed 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL Flush Middle Garage Back (H)Passed 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 SPF No.1/No.2 Flush Middle Garage Back (V)Passed 3 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 16" 2.0E Microllam® LVL Foyer Entry Door Passed 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL Flush Middle Garage Side (H)Passed 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL Drop Front Porch (H)Passed 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 7 1/4" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL Hallway Opening Passed 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 SPF No.1/No.2 Drop Great/Foyer (H)Passed 3 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL Lower Level Member Name Results Current Solution Comments Bedroom #5 Window Passed 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 SPF No.1/No.2 Drop Living/Hall (H)Passed 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL Mechanical Door Passed 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL Tall Wall - Stairs Member Name Results Current Solution Comments Studs Passed 1 piece(s) 1 1/2" x 5 1/2" 1.3E TimberStrand® LSL @ 16" OC Upper Header Passed 1 piece(s) 3 1/2" x 7 1/4" 1.3E TimberStrand® LSL Lower Header Passed 1 piece(s) 3 1/2" x 5 1/2" 1.3E TimberStrand® LSL (Plank) Columns Passed 3 piece(s) 1 1/2" x 5 1/2" 1.3E TimberStrand® LSL 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN JOB SUMMARY REPORT ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 1 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)3431 @ 1 1/2"5738 (3.00")Passed (60%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)2353 @ 1' 1/4"4308 Passed (55%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)5154 @ 3' 3"5919 Passed (87%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.055 @ 3' 3"0.208 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.087 @ 3' 3"0.313 Passed (L/860)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.79"1269 2161 3430 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.79"1269 2161 3430 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)6' 6" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)6' 6" o/c Dead Snow Vertical Loads Location Tributary Width (0.90)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 6' 6"N/A 10.6 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 6' 6"19'20.0 35.0 Snow - Main Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Upper Level, Master Bedroom Window 3 piece(s) 2 x 10 SPF No.1/No.2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 2 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)2367 @ 1 1/2"3825 (3.00")Passed (62%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)1293 @ 1' 1/4"2872 Passed (45%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)2375 @ 2' 3"3946 Passed (60%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.018 @ 2' 3"0.142 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.028 @ 2' 3"0.213 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.86"871 1496 2367 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.86"871 1496 2367 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)4' 6" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)4' 6" o/c Dead Snow Vertical Loads Location Tributary Width (0.90)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 4' 6"N/A 7.0 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 4' 6"19'20.0 35.0 Snow - Main Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Upper Level, Master Bath Window 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 SPF No.1/No.2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 3 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)1447 @ 0 1913 (1.50")Passed (76%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)504 @ 10 3/4"2872 Passed (18%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)994 @ 1' 4 1/2"3946 Passed (25%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.003 @ 1' 4 1/2"0.092 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.005 @ 1' 4 1/2"0.138 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"532 914 1446 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"532 914 1446 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)2' 9" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)2' 9" o/c Dead Snow Vertical Loads Location Tributary Width (0.90)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 2' 9"N/A 7.0 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 2' 9"19'20.0 35.0 Snow - Main Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Upper Level, Junior Suite Bath Window 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 SPF No.1/No.2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 4 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)3431 @ 1 1/2"5738 (3.00")Passed (60%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)2353 @ 1' 1/4"4308 Passed (55%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)5154 @ 3' 3"5919 Passed (87%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.055 @ 3' 3"0.208 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.087 @ 3' 3"0.313 Passed (L/860)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.79"1269 2161 3430 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.79"1269 2161 3430 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)6' 6" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)6' 6" o/c Dead Snow Vertical Loads Location Tributary Width (0.90)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 6' 6"N/A 10.6 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 6' 6"19'20.0 35.0 Snow - Main Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Upper Level, Bedroom #4 Window 3 piece(s) 2 x 10 SPF No.1/No.2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 5 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)3431 @ 1 1/2"5738 (3.00")Passed (60%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)2353 @ 1' 1/4"4308 Passed (55%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)5154 @ 3' 3"5919 Passed (87%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.055 @ 3' 3"0.208 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.087 @ 3' 3"0.313 Passed (L/860)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.79"1269 2161 3430 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.79"1269 2161 3430 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)6' 6" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)6' 6" o/c Dead Snow Vertical Loads Location Tributary Width (0.90)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 6' 6"N/A 10.6 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 6' 6"19'20.0 35.0 Snow - Main Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Upper Level, Bedroom #3 Window 3 piece(s) 2 x 10 SPF No.1/No.2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 6 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)1295 @ 0 1913 (1.50")Passed (68%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)451 @ 10 3/4"2872 Passed (16%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)891 @ 1' 4 1/2"3946 Passed (23%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.003 @ 1' 4 1/2"0.092 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.004 @ 1' 4 1/2"0.138 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"477 818 1295 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"477 818 1295 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)2' 9" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)2' 9" o/c Dead Snow Vertical Loads Location Tributary Width (0.90)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 2' 9"N/A 7.0 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 2' 9"17'20.0 35.0 Snow - Main Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Upper Level, J&J Bath Window 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 SPF No.1/No.2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 7 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)884 @ 1 1/2"3825 (3.00")Passed (23%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)606 @ 1' 1/4"2872 Passed (21%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)1328 @ 3' 3"3946 Passed (34%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.013 @ 3' 3"0.208 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.034 @ 3' 3"0.313 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.50"543 341 884 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.50"543 341 884 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)6' 6" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)6' 6" o/c Dead Snow Vertical Loads Location Tributary Width (0.90)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 6' 6"N/A 7.0 -- 1 - Uniform (PLF)0 to 6' 6"N/A 100.0 -Wall - Gable 2 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 6' 6"3'20.0 35.0 Snow - Main Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Upper Level, Bedroom #2 Window 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 SPF No.1/No.2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 8 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)7478 @ 7' 6"7613 (3.00")Passed (98%)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (Adj Spans) Shear (lbs)3311 @ 6' 7"7902 Passed (42%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (Adj Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)-2722 @ 7' 6"11985 Passed (23%)1.15 1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (Adj Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.018 @ 5' 4 1/4"0.158 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (Alt Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.032 @ 5' 4 5/16"0.237 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (Alt Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"1300 486/-187 2014 3800/- 187 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.50"1561 1706 989 4256 None 3 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"2.95"3265 1706 3911 8882 None 4 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"414 486/-187 624/-4 1524/- 191 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)10' 3" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)10' 3" o/c Dead Floor Live Snow Vertical Loads Location Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 10' 3"N/A 10.4 ---- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 3"19'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Main 2 - Uniform (PSF)6' 3" to 10' 3"19'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Main 3 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 10' 3"9' 6"15.0 40.0 -Floor - Upper Level 4 - Uniform (PLF)0 to 10' 3"N/A 80.0 --Wall - Upper Level 5 - Point (lb)3"N/A 1269 -2161 Linked from: Master Bedroom Window, Support 1 6 - Point (lb)6' 3"N/A 1269 -2161 Linked from: Master Bedroom Window, Support 2 Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Great Window Rear 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 9 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)994 @ 2' 9"3825 (3.00")Passed (26%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (Adj Spans) Shear (lbs)243 @ 1' 10 1/4"2872 Passed (8%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (Adj Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)-261 @ 2' 9"3946 Passed (7%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (Adj Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.001 @ 1' 2 3/4"0.092 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (Alt Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.001 @ 9' 9 9/16"0.138 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (Alt Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"126 222 348 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.50"368 626 994 None 3 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.50"299 548 847 None 4 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.50"368 626 994 None 5 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"126 222 348 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)11' o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)11' o/c Dead Snow Vertical Loads Location Tributary Width (0.90)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 11'N/A 7.0 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 11'5' 6"20.0 35.0 Snow - Lower Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Dining Window Rear 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 SPF No.1/No.2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 10 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)13818 @ 16' 8 1/4"13781 (5.25")Passed (100%)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)10590 @ 14' 10 3/4"15295 Passed (69%)1.15 1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)54319 @ 8' 9"54237 Passed (100%)1.15 1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.359 @ 8' 9"0.409 Passed (L/547)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.645 @ 8' 9"0.819 Passed (L/305)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) System : Floor Member Type : Flush Beam Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/480) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - PSL 5.25"5.25"5.20"6041 3230 6924 16195 None 2 - Trimmer - PSL 5.25"5.25"5.26"6112 3230 7044 16386 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)6" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)17' o/c Dead Floor Live Snow Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 17'N/A 20.4 ---- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 17' (Front)9' 6"15.0 40.0 -Floor - Upper Level 2 - Uniform (PLF)0 to 17' (Front)N/A 80.0 --Wall - Upper Level 3 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 17' (Front)3' 6"20.0 -35.0 Snow - Lower 4 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 4' 9" (Front)19'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Main 5 - Uniform (PSF)8' 9" to 16' (Front)19'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Main 6 - Point (lb)4' 9" (Front)N/A 871 -1496 Linked from: Master Bath Window, Support 1 7 - Point (lb)8' 9" (Front)N/A 871 -1496 Linked from: Master Bath Window, Support 2 8 - Point (lb)16' (Front)N/A 532 -914 Linked from: Junior Suite Bath Window, Support 1 Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Flush Dining (H) 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 20" 2.0E Microllam® LVL ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 11 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)4383 @ 1 1/2"7613 (3.00")Passed (58%)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)3927 @ 1' 1/2"7902 Passed (50%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)6407 @ 3' 1 9/16"11985 Passed (53%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.080 @ 3' 2 5/8"0.208 Passed (L/933)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.146 @ 3' 2 5/8"0.313 Passed (L/514)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.73"1967 899 2323 5189 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.62"1854 731 2248 4833 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)6' 6" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)6' 6" o/c Dead Floor Live Snow Vertical Loads Location Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 6' 6"N/A 10.4 ---- 1 - Uniform (PLF)0 to 6' 6"N/A 80.0 --Wall - Upper Level 2 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 1' 3"9' 6"15.0 40.0 -Floor - Upper Level 3 - Uniform (PSF)1' 3" to 6' 6"5' 6"15.0 40.0 -Floor - Upper Level 4 - Uniform (PSF)1' to 6' 6"19'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Main 5 - Point (lb)1'N/A 532 -914 Linked from: Junior Suite Bath Window, Support 2 Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Kitchen Patio Door 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 12 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) [Group] Member Reaction (lbs)1938 @ 0 1913 (1.50")Passed (101%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) [1] Shear (lbs)850 @ 10 3/4"2872 Passed (30%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) [1] Moment (Ft-lbs)1541 @ 1' 6"3946 Passed (39%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) [1] Live Load Defl. (in)0.009 @ 1' 10"0.125 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) [1] Total Load Defl. (in)0.013 @ 1' 9 15/16"0.188 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) [1] System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.52"712 388 1226 2326 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"377 148/-3 780 1305/-3 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)3' 9" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)3' 9" o/c Dead Floor Live Snow Vertical Loads Location Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 3' 9"N/A 7.0 ---- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 1' 6"5' 6"15.0 40.0 -Floor - Upper Level 2 - Uniform (PLF)0 to 1' 6"N/A 80.0 --Wall - Upper Level 3 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 1' 6"19'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Main 4 - Uniform (PSF)1' 6" to 3' 9"7' 6"20.0 -35.0 Snow - Lower 5 - Point (lb)1' 6"N/A -89 206/-172 418/-244 Linked from: GT1 - Garage/Flex (V), Support 3 Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Flex Window 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 SPF No.1/No.2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 13 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)6309 @ 9' 8 1/2"6309 (2.00")Passed (100%)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)4924 @ 8' 8 5/8"9878 Passed (50%)1.15 1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)14223 @ 5' 2 3/8"18346 Passed (78%)1.15 1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.190 @ 5' 13/16"0.235 Passed (L/595)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.347 @ 5' 11/16"0.471 Passed (L/326)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) System : Floor Member Type : Flush Beam Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/480) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. • At hanger supports, the Total Bearing dimension is equal to the width of the material that is supporting the hanger • ¹ See Connector grid below for additional information and/or requirements. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Snow Total Accessories 1 - Hanger on 11 7/8" LVL beam 3.50"Hanger¹1.78"2615 690 3317 6622 See note ¹ 2 - Hanger on 11 7/8" LVL beam 3.50"Hanger¹2.00"2989 1580 3386 7955 See note ¹ •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)6' 5" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)9' 5" o/c Connector: Simpson Strong-Tie Support Model Seat Length Top Fasteners Face Fasteners Member Fasteners Accessories 1 - Face Mount Hanger HHUS410 3.00"N/A 30-16d 10-16d 2 - Face Mount Hanger HHUS410 3.00"N/A 30-16d 10-16d •Refer to manufacturer notes and instructions for proper installation and use of all connectors. Dead Floor Live Snow Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)3 1/2" to 9' 8 1/2"N/A 13.0 ---- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 4' 6" (Front)1'15.0 40.0 -Floor - Upper Level 2 - Uniform (PSF)4' 6" to 10' (Front)9' 6"15.0 40.0 -Floor - Upper Level 3 - Uniform (PLF)0 to 10' (Front)N/A 80.0 --Wall - Upper Level 4 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 10' (Front)17'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Main 5 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 4' 6" (Front)1'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Garage 6 - Uniform (PSF)4' 6" to 10' (Front)2'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Garage 7 - Point (PLF)4' 6" (Front)6'20.0 -35.0 Mono Girder All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Flush Side Garage (H) 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 14 / 36 Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 15 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)8119 @ 4"13956 (5.50")Passed (58%)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)7204 @ 2' 1 1/2"15295 Passed (47%)1.15 1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)26349 @ 4'54237 Passed (49%)1.15 1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.265 @ 10' 8 1/4"0.571 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.497 @ 10' 8 1/8"1.142 Passed (L/551)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) System : Floor Member Type : Flush Beam Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/480) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 5.50"5.50"3.20"4009 2118 3361 9488 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 5.50"5.50"1.50"1145 1182 585 2912 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)7' 11" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)23' 6" o/c Dead Floor Live Snow Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 23' 6"N/A 20.4 ---- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 4' (Front)1'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Garage 2 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 4' (Front)1'15.0 40.0 -Floor - Upper Level 3 - Uniform (PSF)4' to 23' 6" (Front)2'15.0 40.0 -Floor - Upper Level 4 - Uniform (PLF)0 to 4' (Front)N/A 80.0 --Wall - Upper Level 5 - Uniform (PLF)0 to 4' (Front)N/A 100.0 --Wall - Gable 6 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 4' (Front)3'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Main 7 - Point (lb)4' (Front)N/A 2989 1580 3386 Linked from: Flush Side Garage (H), Support 2 Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Flush Side Garage (V) 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 20" 2.0E Microllam® LVL ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 16 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) [Group] Member Reaction (lbs)19051 @ 16' 11 1/2"20672 (5.25")Passed (92%)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) [1] Shear (lbs)21327 @ 2' 3"22943 Passed (93%)1.15 1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) [1] Moment (Ft-lbs)79777 @ 8' 5 9/16"81355 Passed (98%)1.15 1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) [1] Live Load Defl. (in)0.360 @ 8' 7 1/2"0.550 Passed (L/550)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) [1] Total Load Defl. (in)0.671 @ 8' 7 13/16"0.825 Passed (L/295)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) [1] System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - PSL 7.00"7.00"5.90"10767 4744 11856 27367 None 2 - Trimmer - PSL 5.25"5.25"4.84"9319 3287 9689 22295 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)1' 6" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)17' 3" o/c Dead Floor Live Snow Vertical Loads Location Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 17' 3 1/4"N/A 30.6 ---- 1 - Uniform (PSF)2' 6" to 14' 6"11' 6"15.0 40.0 -Floor - Upper Level 2 - Uniform (PLF)2' 6" to 14' 6"N/A 80.0 --Wall - Upper Level 3 - Uniform (PSF)2' 6" to 5' 6"19'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Main 4 - Uniform (PSF)11' 6" to 14' 6"19'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Main 5 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 2' 6"4'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Garage 6 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 17' 3 1/4"13' 6"20.0 -35.0 Snow - Garage 7 - Point (lb)5' 6"N/A 1269 -2161 Linked from: Bedroom #3 Window, Support 1 8 - Point (lb)11' 6"N/A 1269 -2161 Linked from: Bedroom #3 Window, Support 2 9 - Point (lb)14' 6"N/A 2837 393/-7 1361 Linked from: GT1 - Garage/Flex (V), Support 1 10 - Point (lb)2' 6"N/A 4009 2118 3361 Linked from: Flush Side Garage (V), Support 1 All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, 16' Garage Door 3 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 20" 2.0E Microllam® LVL ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 17 / 36 Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 18 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)14545 @ 17' 2 1/4"20672 (5.25")Passed (70%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)13124 @ 15' 8 3/4"18354 Passed (72%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)47382 @ 12'53672 Passed (88%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.383 @ 9' 2 11/16"0.421 Passed (L/529)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.690 @ 9' 2 7/16"0.843 Passed (L/293)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) System : Floor Member Type : Flush Beam Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/480) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 5.50"5.50"2.06"3619 401 4231 8251 None 2 - Trimmer - PSL 5.25"5.25"3.69"6569 1049 7976 15594 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)5' 5" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)17' 6" o/c Dead Floor Live Snow Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 17' 6"N/A 24.5 ---- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 16' (Front)1'15.0 40.0 -Floor - Upper Level 2 - Uniform (PSF)16' to 17' 6" (Front)2'15.0 40.0 -Floor - Upper Level 3 - Uniform (PLF)0 to 16' (Front)N/A 80.0 --Wall - Upper Level 4 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 16' (Front)2'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Garage 5 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 12' (Front)7'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Main 6 - Uniform (PSF)12' to 16' (Front)3'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Main 7 - Uniform (PLF)12' to 16' (Front)N/A 100.0 --Wall - Gable 8 - Point (lb)16' (Front)N/A 2615 690 3317 Linked from: Flush Side Garage (H), Support 1 9 - Point (lb)12' (Front)N/A 2620 -4410 Linked from: Flush Bedroom #2 (H), Support 2 Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Flush Middle Garage Front (V) 3 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 16" 2.0E Microllam® LVL ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 19 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)1136 @ 1 1/2"7613 (3.00")Passed (15%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)847 @ 1' 2 7/8"9878 Passed (9%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)2628 @ 4' 10 1/2"18346 Passed (14%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.040 @ 4' 10 1/2"0.317 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.066 @ 4' 10 1/2"0.475 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.50"453 682 1135 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.50"453 682 1135 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)9' 9" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)9' 9" o/c Dead Snow Vertical Loads Location Tributary Width (0.90)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 9' 9"N/A 13.0 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 9' 9"4'20.0 35.0 Snow - Garage Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, 9' Garage Door 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 20 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)2387 @ 4' 2 1/2"2387 (1.87")Passed (100%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)1437 @ 3' 5 1/4"2872 Passed (50%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)2312 @ 2' 3 1/4"3946 Passed (59%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.013 @ 2' 3 1/4"0.097 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.023 @ 2' 3 1/4"0.194 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) System : Floor Member Type : Flush Beam Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/480) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. • At hanger supports, the Total Bearing dimension is equal to the width of the material that is supporting the hanger • ¹ See Connector grid below for additional information and/or requirements. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 5.50"5.50"2.19"1208 273 1590 3071 None 2 - Hanger on 9 1/4" LVL beam 3.50"Hanger¹1.87"1184 268 1560 3012 See note ¹ •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)4' 3" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)4' 3" o/c Connector: Simpson Strong-Tie Support Model Seat Length Top Fasteners Face Fasteners Member Fasteners Accessories 2 - Face Mount Hanger HUS210-2 2.00"N/A 8-16d 8-16d •Refer to manufacturer notes and instructions for proper installation and use of all connectors. Dead Floor Live Snow Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 4' 2 1/2"N/A 7.0 ---- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 4' 6" (Front)3'15.0 40.0 -Floor - Upper Level 2 - Uniform (PLF)0 to 4' 6" (Front)N/A 80.0 --Wall - Upper Level 3 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 4' 6" (Front)19'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Main 4 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 4' 6" (Front)1'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Garage Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Flush Middle Garage Back (H) 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 SPF No.1/No.2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 21 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)9515 @ 17' 2"20934 (5.50")Passed (45%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)9417 @ 15' 8 1/2"18354 Passed (51%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)48339 @ 12'53672 Passed (90%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.391 @ 9' 2 3/16"0.421 Passed (L/516)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.689 @ 9' 1 11/16"0.842 Passed (L/293)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) System : Floor Member Type : Flush Beam Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/480) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 5.50"5.50"2.08"3594 464 4339 8397 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 5.50"5.50"2.50"4104 724 5411 10239 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)5' o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)17' 6" o/c Dead Floor Live Snow Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 17' 6"N/A 24.5 ---- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 12' (Front)1'15.0 40.0 -Floor - Upper Level 2 - Uniform (PSF)12' to 17' 6" (Front)2'15.0 40.0 -Floor - Upper Level 3 - Uniform (PLF)0 to 12' (Front)N/A 80.0 --Wall - Upper Level 4 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 12' (Front)2'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Garage 5 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 12' (Front)7'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Main 6 - Point (lb)12' (Front)N/A 2620 -4410 Linked from: Flush Bedroom #2 (H), Support 2 7 - Point (lb)12' (Front)N/A 1184 268 1560 Linked from: Flush Middle Garage Back (H), Support 2 Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Flush Middle Garage Back (V) 3 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 16" 2.0E Microllam® LVL ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 22 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)4773 @ 1 1/2"7613 (3.00")Passed (63%)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)3243 @ 1' 1/2"7902 Passed (41%)1.15 1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)7170 @ 3' 3"11985 Passed (60%)1.15 1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.090 @ 3' 3"0.208 Passed (L/833)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.162 @ 3' 3"0.313 Passed (L/463)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.88"2122 975 2559 5656 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.88"2122 975 2559 5656 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)6' 6" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)6' 6" o/c Dead Floor Live Snow Vertical Loads Location Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 6' 6"N/A 10.4 ---- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 6' 6"7' 6"15.0 40.0 -Floor - Upper Level 2 - Uniform (PLF)0 to 6' 6"N/A 80.0 --Wall - Upper Level 3 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 6' 6"3' 6"20.0 -35.0 Snow - Porch 4 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 6' 6"19'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Main Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Foyer Entry Door 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 23 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)4563 @ 4"13956 (5.50")Passed (33%)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)3371 @ 1' 5 3/8"8590 Passed (39%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)11889 @ 6'15953 Passed (75%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.197 @ 6'0.283 Passed (L/690)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.417 @ 6'0.567 Passed (L/326)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) System : Floor Member Type : Flush Beam Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/480) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 5.50"5.50"1.80"2403 2040 840 5283 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 5.50"5.50"1.80"2403 2040 840 5283 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)8' 3" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)12' o/c Dead Floor Live Snow Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 12'N/A 13.0 ---- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 12' (Front)8' 6"15.0 40.0 -Floor - Upper Level 2 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 12' (Front)1'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Lower 3 - Uniform (PLF)0 to 12' (Front)N/A 80.0 --Wall - Upper Level 4 - Uniform (PLF)0 to 12' (Front)N/A 100.0 --Wall - Gable 5 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 12' (Front)3'20.0 -35.0 Snow - Main Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Flush Middle Garage Side (H) 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 24 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)3172 @ 8' 8"5206 (3.50")Passed (61%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (Adj Spans) Shear (lbs)1338 @ 7' 11"6031 Passed (22%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (Adj Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)-2388 @ 8' 8"7156 Passed (33%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (Adj Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.061 @ 4' 6 1/8"0.383 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (Alt Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.089 @ 4' 5 5/16"0.511 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (Alt Spans) System : Roof Member Type : Drop Beam Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD Member Pitch : 0/12 •Deflection criteria: LL (L/240) and TL (L/180). •Overhang deflection criteria: LL (2L/240) and TL (2L/180). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. • Blocking Panels are assumed to carry no loads applied directly above them and the full load is applied to the member being designed. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Snow Total Accessories 1 - Stud wall - SPF 5.50"5.50"1.50"509 883 1392 Blocking 2 - Stud wall - SPF 3.50"3.50"2.13"1197 1975 3172 Blocking 3 - Stud wall - SPF 5.50"5.50"1.50"399 708 1107 Blocking •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)16' 6" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)16' 6" o/c Dead Snow Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 16' 5 1/2"N/A 7.9 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 16' 5 1/2" (Front)6'20.0 35.0 Snow - Porch Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Drop Front Porch (H) 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 7 1/4" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 25 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)1715 @ 0 1913 (1.50")Passed (90%)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Shear (lbs)816 @ 10 3/4"2498 Passed (33%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)1465 @ 1' 8 1/2"3431 Passed (43%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.008 @ 1' 8 1/2"0.114 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.011 @ 1' 8 1/2"0.171 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"476 1239 1715 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"476 1239 1715 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)3' 5" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)3' 5" o/c Dead Floor Live Vertical Loads Location Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 3' 5"N/A 7.0 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 3' 5"18' 1 1/2"15.0 40.0 Floor - Upper Level Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Hallway Opening 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 SPF No.1/No.2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 26 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)6907 @ 11' 5 1/2"11419 (3.00")Passed (60%)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Shear (lbs)5434 @ 10' 4 1/8"12884 Passed (42%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)19219 @ 5' 9 1/4"23930 Passed (80%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.311 @ 5' 9 9/16"0.378 Passed (L/437)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.435 @ 5' 9 9/16"0.567 Passed (L/312)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) System : Floor Member Type : Drop Beam Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.54"1679 4177 5856 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.81"1966 4941 6907 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)9' 8" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)11' 7" o/c Dead Floor Live Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 11' 7"N/A 19.5 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 3' 3" (Front)9' 6"15.0 40.0 Floor - Upper Level 2 - Uniform (PSF)3' 3" to 11' 7" (Front)21' 3"15.0 40.0 Floor - Upper Level 3 - Point (lb)3' 3" (Front)N/A 300 800 Floor Girder Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Main Level, Drop Great/Foyer (H) 3 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 27 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)2264 @ 1 1/2"3825 (3.00")Passed (59%)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)935 @ 1' 1/4"2498 Passed (37%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)2274 @ 2' 9"3946 Passed (58%)1.15 1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.020 @ 2' 9"0.175 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.037 @ 2' 9"0.262 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.78"1052 715 900 2667 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.78"1052 715 900 2667 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)5' 6" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)5' 6" o/c Dead Floor Live Snow Vertical Loads Location Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 5' 6"N/A 7.0 ---- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 5' 6"6' 6"15.0 40.0 -Floor - Main Level 2 - Uniform (PLF)0 to 5' 6"N/A 90.0 --Wall - Main Level 3 - Point (lb)0 N/A 368 -626 Linked from: Dining Window Rear, Support 2 4 - Point (lb)2' 9"N/A 299 -548 Linked from: Dining Window Rear, Support 3 5 - Point (lb)5' 6"N/A 368 -626 Linked from: Dining Window Rear, Support 4 Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Lower Level, Bedroom #5 Window 2 piece(s) 2 x 10 SPF No.1/No.2 ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 28 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)11918 @ 7' 10 1/2"15225 (6.00")Passed (78%)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Shear (lbs)3488 @ 1' 1/2"6872 Passed (51%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)8853 @ 4'10422 Passed (85%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.207 @ 4'0.258 Passed (L/450)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.287 @ 4'0.387 Passed (L/325)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) System : Floor Member Type : Drop Beam Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.86"1317 3400 4717 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 6.00"6.00"4.70"3365 8554 11919 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)8' 1" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)8' 3" o/c Dead Floor Live Vertical Loads Location (Side)Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 8' 3"N/A 10.4 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 8' 3" (Front)21' 3"15.0 40.0 Floor - Main Level 2 - Point (lb)8' 3" (Front)N/A 1966 4941 Linked from: Drop Great/Foyer (H), Support 2 Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Lower Level, Drop Living/Hall (H) 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 29 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)2910 @ 3' 2 1/2"3806 (1.50")Passed (76%)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Shear (lbs)1180 @ 1' 1/2"6872 Passed (17%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)2244 @ 1' 8"10422 Passed (22%)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.014 @ 1' 8"0.103 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.020 @ 1' 8"0.154 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 3.00"3.00"1.92"1456 3406 4862 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"906 2004 2910 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)3' 3" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)3' 3" o/c Dead Floor Live Vertical Loads Location Tributary Width (0.90)(1.00)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 3' 2 1/2"N/A 10.4 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 3' 2 1/2"14' 4 1/2"15.0 40.0 Floor - Main Level 2 - Uniform (PLF)0 to 3' 2 1/2"N/A 90.0 -Wall - Main Level 3 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 3' 2 1/2"18' 1 1/2"15.0 40.0 Floor - Upper Level 4 - Point (lb)0 N/A 476 1239 Linked from: Hallway Opening, Support 2 Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Lower Level, Mechanical Door 2 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 30 / 36 Wall Height: 18' 11"Member Height: 18' 6 1/2"O. C. Spacing: 16.00" Design Results Actual Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination Slenderness 34 50 Passed (69%)---- Compression (lbs)1650 3690 Passed (45%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S Plate Bearing (lbs)1650 4383 Passed (38%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S Lateral Reaction (lbs)163 ----1.60 1.0 D + 0.6 W Lateral Shear (lbs)155 3740 Passed (4%)1.60 1.0 D + 0.6 W Lateral Moment (ft-lbs)758 @ mid-span 1887 Passed (40%)1.60 1.0 D + 0.6 W Total Deflection (in)1.23 @ mid-span 1.24 Passed (L/182)--1.0 D + 0.6 W Bending/Compression 0.61 1 Passed (61%)1.60 1.0 D + 0.45 W + 0.75 L + 0.75 S •Lateral deflection criteria: Wind (L/180) •Input axial load eccentricity for the design is zero •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. •A bearing area factor of 1.25 has been applied to base plate bearing capacity. •A 4% increase in the moment capacity has been added to account for repetitive member usage. Supports Type Material Top Dbl 2X Spruce-Pine-Fir Base 2X Spruce-Pine-Fir Max Unbraced Length Comments 1' System : Wall Member Type : Stud Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD Lateral Connections Supports Connector Type/Model Quantity Connector Nailing Top Nails 8d x 2.5" Box (Toe)3 N/A Base Nails 8d x 2.5" Box (Toe)3 N/A •Nailed connection at the top of the member is assumed to be nailed through the bottom 2x plate prior to placement of the top 2x of the double top plate assembly. Dead Snow Vertical Loads Spacing (0.90)(1.15)Comments 1 - Point (PLF)16.00"380.0 665.0 2 - Point (PLF)16.00"70.0 122.5 • ASCE/SEI 7 Sec. 30.4: Exposure Category (B), Mean Roof Height (28'), Topographic Factor (1.0), Wind Directionality Factor (0.85), Basic Wind Speed (115), Risk Category(II), Effective Wind Area determined using full member span and trib. width. • IBC Table 1604.3, footnote f: Deflection checks are performed using 42% of this lateral wind load. Wind Lateral Load Location Spacing (1.60)Comments 1 - Uniform (PSF)Full Length 16.00"22.0 Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes Drawing is Conceptual MEMBER REPORT PASSED Tall Wall - Stairs, Studs 1 piece(s) 1 1/2" x 5 1/2" 1.3E TimberStrand® LSL @ 16" OC ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTC Jeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 31 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)2894 @ 0 3728 (1.50")Passed (78%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)2127 @ 8 3/4"8268 Passed (26%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)3979 @ 2' 9"5232 Passed (76%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Vert Live Load Defl. (in)0.112 @ 2' 9"0.183 Passed (L/588)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Vert Total Load Defl. (in)0.178 @ 2' 9"0.275 Passed (L/371)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Lat Member Reaction (lbs)237 @ 5' 6"N/A Passed (N/A)1.60 1.0 D + 0.6 W Lat Shear (lbs)201 @ 5"4060 Passed (5%)1.60 1.0 D + 0.6 W Lat Moment (Ft-lbs)326 @ mid-span 3750 Passed (9%)1.60 1.0 D + 0.6 W Lat Deflection (in)0.039 @ mid-span 0.367 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 0.6 W Bi-Axial Bending 0.54 1.00 Passed (54%)1.60 1.0 D + 0.45 W + 0.75 L + 0.75 S System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Lateral deflection criteria: Wind (L/180) Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"1065 1829 2894 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"1065 1829 2894 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)5' 6" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)5' 6" o/c Lateral Connections Supports Plate Size Plate Material Connector Type/Model Quantity Nailing Left 2X Spruce-Pine-Fir Nails 10d x 3" Box (End)3 Right 2X Spruce-Pine-Fir Nails 10d x 3" Box (End)3 Dead Snow Vertical Loads Location Tributary Width (0.90)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 5' 6"N/A 7.4 -- 1 - Uniform (PSF)0 to 5' 6"19'20.0 35.0 Snow - Main • ASCE/SEI 7 Sec. 30.4: Exposure Category (B), Mean Roof Height (28'), Topographic Factor (1.0), Wind Directionality Factor (0.85), Basic Wind Speed (115), Risk Category(II), Effective Wind Area determined using full member span and trib. width. • IBC Table 1604.3, footnote f: Deflection checks are performed using 42% of this lateral wind load. Wind Lateral Load Location Tributary Width (1.60)Comments 1 - Uniform (PSF)Full Length 6'24.0 All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Tall Wall - Stairs, Upper Header 1 piece(s) 3 1/2" x 7 1/4" 1.3E TimberStrand® LSL ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 32 / 36 Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 33 / 36 Design Results Actual @ Location Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Member Reaction (lbs)3239 @ 0 5528 (1.50")Passed (59%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S (All Spans) Shear (lbs)293 @ 5"1733 Passed (17%)0.90 1.0 D (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs)475 @ 2' 9"1600 Passed (30%)0.90 1.0 D (All Spans) Vert Live Load Defl. (in)0.000 @ 0 0.183 Passed (2L/999+)--1.0 D (All Spans) Vert Total Load Defl. (in)0.106 @ 2' 9"0.275 Passed (L/625)--1.0 D (All Spans) Lat Member Reaction (lbs)347 @ 5' 6"N/A Passed (N/A)1.60 1.0 D + 0.6 W Lat Shear (lbs)273 @ 7"8727 Passed (3%)1.60 1.0 D + 0.6 W Lat Moment (Ft-lbs)476 @ mid-span 4243 Passed (11%)1.60 1.0 D + 0.6 W Lat Deflection (in)0.032 @ mid-span 0.367 Passed (L/999+)--1.0 D + 0.6 W Bi-Axial Bending 0.28 1.00 Passed (28%)1.60 1.0 D + 0.6 W System : Wall Member Type : Header Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD •Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). •Lateral deflection criteria: Wind (L/180) •Member has been designed in flat (plank) orientation with vertical (gravity) loads applied to wide strand face. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Snow Total Accessories 1 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"1410 1829 3239 None 2 - Trimmer - SPF 1.50"1.50"1.50"1410 1829 3239 None •Maximum allowable bracing intervals based on applied load. Lateral Bracing Bracing Intervals Comments Top Edge (Lu)5' 6" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu)5' 6" o/c Lateral Connections Supports Plate Size Plate Material Connector Type/Model Quantity Nailing Left 2X Spruce-Pine-Fir Nails 10d x 3" Box (End)5 Right 2X Spruce-Pine-Fir Nails 10d x 3" Box (End)5 Dead Snow Vertical Loads Location Tributary Width (0.90)(1.15)Comments 0 - Self Weight (PLF)0 to 5' 6"N/A 5.6 -- 1 - Uniform (PLF)0 to 5' 6"N/A 120.0 -Wall 2 - Point (lb)0 N/A 1065 1829 Linked from: Upper Header, Support 1 3 - Point (lb)5' 6"N/A 1065 1829 Linked from: Upper Header, Support 2 • ASCE/SEI 7 Sec. 30.4: Exposure Category (B), Mean Roof Height (28'), Topographic Factor (1.0), Wind Directionality Factor (0.85), Basic Wind Speed (115), Risk Category(II), Effective Wind Area determined using full member span and trib. width. Wind Lateral Load Location Tributary Width (1.60)Comments 1 - Uniform (PSF)Full Length 9'23.3 All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. MEMBER REPORT PASSED Tall Wall - Stairs, Lower Header 1 piece(s) 3 1/2" x 5 1/2" 1.3E TimberStrand® LSL (Plank) ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 34 / 36 • IBC Table 1604.3, footnote f: Deflection checks are performed using 42% of this lateral wind load. Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTCJeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 35 / 36 Wall Height: 18' 11"Member Height: 18' 6 1/2"Tributary Width: 3' 9 1/2" Design Results Actual Allowed Result LDF Load: Combination Slenderness 34 50 Passed (69%)---- Compression (lbs)1000 11071 Passed (9%)1.15 1.0 D + 1.0 S Plate Bearing (lbs)1000 10519 Passed (10%)--1.0 D + 1.0 S Lateral Reaction (lbs)465 ----1.60 1.0 D + 0.6 W Lateral Shear (lbs)442 11220 Passed (4%)1.60 1.0 D + 0.6 W Lateral Moment (ft-lbs)2154 @ mid-span 5518 Passed (39%)1.60 1.0 D + 0.6 W Total Deflection (in)1.16 @ mid-span 1.24 Passed (L/192)--1.0 D + 0.6 W Bending/Compression 0.40 1 Passed (40%)1.60 1.0 D + 0.6 W •Lateral deflection criteria: Wind (L/180) •Input axial load eccentricity for the design is zero •Applicable calculations are based on NDS. •The column stability factor (Kf = 0.6) applied to this design assumes nailed built-up columns per NDS section 15.3.3. For Weyerhaeuser ELP products refer to the U.S. Wall Guide for multiple-member connection requirements. Supports Type Material Top Dbl 2X Spruce-Pine-Fir Base 2X Spruce-Pine-Fir Max Unbraced Length Comments 1' System : Wall Member Type : Column Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD Lateral Connections Supports Connector Type/Model Quantity Connector Nailing Top Nails 10d x 3" Box (End)6 N/A Base Nails 10d x 3" Box (End)6 N/A •Nailed connection at the top of the member is assumed to be nailed through the bottom 2x plate prior to placement of the top 2x of the double top plate assembly. Dead Snow Vertical Load Tributary Width (0.90)(1.15)Comments 1 - Point (lb)N/A 200 800 • ASCE/SEI 7 Sec. 30.4: Exposure Category (B), Mean Roof Height (28'), Topographic Factor (1.0), Wind Directionality Factor (0.85), Basic Wind Speed (115), Risk Category(II), Effective Wind Area determined using full member span and trib. width. • IBC Table 1604.3, footnote f: Deflection checks are performed using 42% of this lateral wind load. Wind Lateral Load Location Tributary Width (1.60)Comments 1 - Uniform (PSF)Full Length 3' 9 1/2"22.0 Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by plan dated 7/12/21. Weyerhaeuser Notes Drawing is Conceptual MEMBER REPORT PASSED Tall Wall - Stairs, Columns 3 piece(s) 1 1/2" x 5 1/2" 1.3E TimberStrand® LSL ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes 8/2/2021 7:47:43 PM UTC Jeffrey Doty, Design Supervisor Lyman Lumber Company (952) 470-4866 jeff_doty@lymanlumber.com ForteWEB v3.2, Engine: V8.2.0.17, Data: V8.1.0.16 File Name: 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN Youngfield - Oakhill A 9831 189th Street W, Lakeville, MN 8/2/21; #24991 Page 36 / 36 Print Name: Signed: Nick Hanson I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. License Number:1-1-21 46665Date: SCOPE OF DRAWINGS: THESE CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL GUIDELINE DRAWINGS ARE PREPARED AND CERTIFIED BY THE HANSON GROUP IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE MINNESOTA RESIDENTIAL CODE. THESE DRAWINGS CONTAIN STRUCTURAL INFORMATION FOR USE IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF STANDARD C.I.P. CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS FOR TYPICAL RESIDENTIAL CONDITIONS. THIS INFORMATION IS RELEVANT TO THE CONCRETE CONTRACTOR, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR, AND THE FRAMING CONTRACTOR. THESE DRAWINGS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31, 2021. 2021 FOUNDATION GUIDE: DRAWING INDEX: SCOPE, INDEX, & CERTIFICATION S0 USE GUIDELINES AND MATERIALS S1 GENERAL NOTES S2 STEP FOOTING DETAIL S3 WALKOUT WALL DETAIL S4 LOOKOUT/KNEE WALL DETAIL S5 EXTERIOR LOW GRADE FOUNDATION DETAIL S6 BASEMENT WALL DETAIL S7 BASEMENT WALL VERTICAL REINFORCING TABLE S8 BRICK LEDGE DETAILS S9 FLOOR MEMBER BEARING DETAIL AND CONNECTION TABLE S10 BASEMENT WALL ANCHOR SPACING TABLE S11 NON-BEARING WALL JOIST BLOCKING DETAIL S12 NON-BEARING WALL TRUSS BLOCKING DETAIL S13 WINDOW WELL DETAIL S14 STEPPING DOWN WALL WITH GRADE DETAIL S15 COPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP LLC 2021© City: ofSheet: Drawing Date: Project Number: 150 1.001 January 1, 2021 S0 2021 C.I.P. CONCRETE FOUNDATION GUIDELINE DRAWINGS SCOPE, INDEX, & CERTIFICATION Project: Client: RevDateSITE ADDRESS: State:Zip:MN 3407 Kilmer Lane NorthSuite 4Plymouth, MN 55441 Tel 612-708-3572www.hansongroupmn.com    &TGYU%QPETGVG+PE 21$QZ 5JCMQRGG/0 DRAWING USE GUIDELINES AND LIMITATIONS THE CONTRACTOR LISTED IN THE TITLE BLOCK BELOW IS LICENSED BY THE HANSON GROUP TO USE THIS PACKET WITHIN THESE LIMITATIONS NOTED FOR PROJECTS WHICH THE LICENSEE IS DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE. THE LICENSEE MAY RELEASE THIS PACKET TO ITS SUB-CONTRACTORS AND CLIENTS FOR USE IN THE PROCUREMENT OF BUILDING PERMITS FOR PROJECTS WHICH THE LICENSEE IS USING THESE DRAWINGS. THE FOUNDATION GUIDELINES ARE TO BE ISSUED TO THE APPROPRIATE BUILDING DEPARTMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEIR APPROVED PROCEDURE FOR USE BY THE BUILDING AGENCY DURING PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTIONS. LIMITATIONS 1. BASEMENT FOUNDATION WALLS TEN FOOT OR LESS IN CLEAR HEIGHT (FROM TOP OF FLOOR SLAB TO TOP OF CONCRETE WALL AT SILL PLATE BEARING-NOT NECESSARILY BASEMENT CEILING HEIGHT). 2. STRUCTURE HEIGHT IS NOT TO EXCEED TWO STORIES ABOVE THE BASEMENT. 3. OVERALL BUILDING IS ASSUMED TO FALL WITHIN THE PRESCRIPTIVE LIMITATIONS OF THE CODE. A SITE SPECIFIC PLAN REVIEW HAS NOT BEEN PERFORMED. 4. STRUCTURES CONSTRUCTED OF WOOD FLOOR, WOOD ROOF, AND WOOD WALLS ONLY. NO PRECAST OR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE BEARING ON FOUNDATION WALLS IS PERMITTED. 5. EXTERIOR GRADE SLOPING DOWN AND AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATION WALLS. 6. ANY CASE BEYOND THE ABOVE NOTED ITEMS REQUIRES SEPARATE AND SPECIFIC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENTS. COLD WEATHER GUIDELINES: 1. THE CONTRACTOR AND CONCRETE SUPPLIER ARE TO WORK TO OBTAIN A MIX DESIGN WHICH WILL ADEQUATELY PERFORM UNDER THE EXPECTED CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS. THE USE OF ADDITIONAL CEMENT, HIGH-EARLY STRENGTH CONCRETE, AND/OR ACCELERATOR IS RECOMMENDED AT TEMPERATURES AND CONDITIONS EXPECTED LESS THAN TWENTY DEGREES F. 2. DELIVER CONCRETE WARM AND IN A TIMELY MANNER. PLACE CONCRETE EARLY IN THE DAY WHEN POSSIBLE. 3. DO NOT ADD ADDITIONAL WATER TO THE CONCRETE. THE USE OF WATER REDUCING AGENTS IS RECOMMENDED WHEN WORKABILITY CONCERNS EXIST. NO CONCRETE IS TO BE PLACED ON SNOW OR IN CONTACT WITH FROZEN MATERIALS. 4. REBAR DOES NOT NEED TO BE PRE-HEATED, BUT IS TO BE FREE OF FROST, SNOW, AND ICE. 5. BLANKETS OR OTHER ACCEPTED PROTECTION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR THE TOP 24" OF THE WALLS WHEN THE AIR TEMPERATURE IS LESS THAN TEN DEGREES F AND FOR THE FULL HEIGHT OF THE WALL WHEN THE AIR TEMPERATURE IS LESS THAN ZERO DEGREES F. **THE ABOVE COLD WEATHER GUIDELINES ARE GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS AND ALL ACI COLD WEATHER REQUIREMENTS ARE TO BE FOLLOWED AT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LICENSEE. MATERIALS CONCRETE WALLS: F'c = 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS MIX DESIGN AND PROPORTIONED BY CONCRETE SUPPLIER CONCRETE FOOTINGS: F'c = 5000 PSI @ 28 DAYS (OR 3000 PSI WITH AN APPROVED ADMIXTURE THAT PROVIDES A WATER AND VAPOR RESISTANCE AT LEAST OR EQUIVALENT TO 5000 PSI CONCRETE. AGGREGATE: FOOTINGS - 1 12" MAX. WALLS/SLABS - 34" MAX. REINFORCING STEEL: #4- BARS - ASTM A615 GRADE 40 #5+ BARS - ASTM A615 GRADE 60 TREATED SILL PLATE: SYP GRADE #2 OR BETTER ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING PRESSURE 1,500 PSF MINIMUM EQUIVALENT REBAR TABLE FOR BUNDLED HORIZONTAL BARS (2)#4 = (1)#6 (3)#4 = (2)#5 (3)#5 = (2)#6 COPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP LLC 2021© City: ofSheet: Drawing Date: Project Number: 151 1.001 January 1, 2021 S1 2021 C.I.P. CONCRETE FOUNDATION GUIDELINE DRAWINGS DRAWING LIMITATIONS & MATERIALS Project: Client: RevDateSITE ADDRESS: State:Zip:MN 3407 Kilmer Lane NorthSuite 4Plymouth, MN 55441 Tel 612-708-3572www.hansongroupmn.com    &TGYU%QPETGVG+PE 21$QZ 5JCMQRGG/0 GENERAL NOTES 1. DO NOT BACKFILL BASEMENT WALLS UNTIL THE CONCRETE HAS REACHED A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 2,250 PSI. IN ADDITION, DO NOT BACKFILL UNTIL THE BASEMENT WALLS ARE LATERALLY SUPPORTED BY THE FINAL INSTALLED FLOOR CONSTRUCTION AT THE TOP AND BOTTOM, UNLESS ADEQUATE SHORING IS INSTALLED AS REQUIRED. SHORING IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 2. STRIP FOOTING MAY BE PLACED AT ELEVATIONS LOWER THAN SHOWN IN THE DETAILS. 3. 1 12" DEEP BY 312" WIDE BY CONTINUOUS KEYWAYS MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF DOWELS FOR FULL HEIGHT ANDFROST WALLS. 4. STRIP FOOTING TO WALL CENTERLINES MAY BE OFFSET UP TO 2", HOWEVER, A MINIMUM OF 2" OF STRIP FOOTING IS TO EXTEND BEYOND THE WALL FACE ON EACH SIDE. 5. PROVIDE CODE REQUIRED FROST PROTECTION TO THE BOTTOM OF ALL FOOTINGS. 6. SLOPE GRADE DOWN AND AWAY FROM THE STRUCTURE A MINIMUM OF 6" WITHIN THE FIRST TEN FEET UNLESS ADEQUATE DRAINAGE OR SWALES ARE PROVIDED. 7. BOTH MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION OF DRAIN TILE, WATER-PROOFING, CONTROL JOINTS, FLASHING, AND INSULATION ARE TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CODE BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 8. ALL WALL WIDTHS SHOWN ARE NOMINAL DIMENSIONS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. OVERALL WALL THICKNESS MAY VARY BY UP TO 12" FROM THAT SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. 9. REINFORCING PLACEMENT TOLERANCE IS NOT TO EXCEED 12". BARS BEING SPLICED ARE TO BE WITHIN 2"OF CENTERLINE. MINIMUM SPLICE LENGTHS ARE 30 BAR DIAMETERS FOR GRADE 40 STEEL AND 48 BAR DIAMETERS FOR GRADE 60 STEEL. TYING IS NOT REQUIRED PROVIDED THESE TOLERANCES ARE MET. 10.PROVIDE MATCHING HOOK BARS FOR ALL HORIZONTAL BARS AT WALL CORNERS AND INTERSECTIONS. HORIZONTAL BARS MAY BE PLACED ANYWHERE WITHIN THE WALL AS LONG AS A 2" MINIMUM CLEAR COVER IS ACHIEVED ON ALL SIDES. 11.REINFORCING MAY BE BUNDLED UP TO A MAXIMUM OF THREE BARS. 12.DOWELS MAY BE DRILLED AND GROUTED IN PLACE. VERTICAL BARS AND DOWELS DO NOT NEED TO ALIGN. VERTICAL BARS MAY BE DRILLED AND EMBEDDED 5" INTO THE STRIP FOOTING IN LIEU OF DOWELS. 13.THE BOND BETWEEN CONCRETE AND REINFORCING WILL NOT BE APPRECIABLY REDUCED IF VERY MINOR FORM OIL IS PRESENT FOR THE CONDITIONS CONTAINED WITHIN THESE DRAWINGS. 14.SILL PLATES ARE TO BE ANCHORED WITH A MINIMUM OF TWO ANCHORS PER SILL SECTION. ALL SECTIONS ARE TO HAVE AN ANCHOR WITHIN 4" TO 12" OF EACH END. AN ANCHOR IS TO BE PLACED AT ALL WALL CORNERS AND INTERSECTIONS ON WALLS MORE THAN TWO FEET IN LENGTH. WALLS TWO FEET OR LESS IN LENGTH REQUIRE A MINIMUM OF ONE ANCHOR. REQUIREMENTS FOR SHEAR WALLS AND BRACED PANELS MAY BE IN EXCESS OF THESE REQUIREMENTS. TWO INCH WASHERS ARE ONLY REQUIRED AT FULL HEIGHT FOUNDATION WALLS. BUILDING DESIGNER IS TO ACCOMMODATE LOAD PATH FOR ANY VERTICAL LOAD TRANSFER OVER A SILL PLATE OVERHANG CONDITION. 15.ANCHOR BOLTS 12" DIAMETER OR LARGER ARE NOT REQUIRED TO BE CORROSION PROTECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CODE SECTION R317.3.1 EXCEPTION 1. 16.ALL PRE-MANUFACTURED FASTENERS AND CONNECTORS ARE TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS. 17.FLOOR BLOCKING IS ONLY REQUIRED AT FULL HEIGHT FIRST FLOOR NON-BEARING FOUNDATION WALLS. 18.CARE IS TO BE TAKEN DURING CONCRETE PLACEMENT TO MINIMIZE INADEQUATE HORIZONTAL AND DIAGONAL COLD JOINTS, AND TO PREVENT THESE JOINTS ENTIRELY IN WALLS WITHOUT VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT. ADEQUATELY VIBRATE CONCRETE AT POTENTIAL JOINT LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED, BASED ON PLACEMENT CONDITIONS TO ELIMINATE HONEYCOMBING AND TO ENSURE SUFFICIENT BONDING IS ACHIEVED. 19.TOP AND BOTTOM OF FOUNDATION WALLS ARE TO BE LATERALLY SUPPORTED PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. MEANS AND METHODS OF LATERAL SUPPORT ARE BY OTHERS. COPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP LLC 2021© City: ofSheet: Drawing Date: Project Number: 152 1.001 January 1, 2021 S2 2021 C.I.P. CONCRETE FOUNDATION GUIDELINE DRAWINGS GENERAL NOTES Project: Client: RevDateSITE ADDRESS: State:Zip:MN 3407 Kilmer Lane North Suite 4Plymouth, MN 55441 Tel 612-708-3572www.hansongroupmn.com    &TGYU%QPETGVG+PE 21$QZ 5JCMQRGG/0 (2) #4 HORIZONTAL BARS BOTH TOP & BOTTOM EXTENDED AT LEAST 24" BEYOND EACH END OF STEP STABLE BANK HIGH FOOTING MAY BE EXTENDED PROVIDED BARS ARE PLACED AS SHOWN HORIZ. BARS TOP & BOTTOM 6" MIN THICK CONCRETE FOUNDATION, SEE OTHER DETAILS FOR MORE INFO OPTIONAL CONTROL JOINT AT EACH END OF STEP 72" MAX SPAN EQ.EQ.24" MINDETAIL B 3" MIN TYPCONCRETE STRIP FOOTING 11B DETAIL A 36" MIN STEP 2 x STEP STEPNOTE: DO NOT LOCATE CONCENTRATED LOADS IN EXCESS OF 2,000 PLF OR 10,000 POUNDS ABOVE STEP LOCATIONS SHOWN REAR FROST WALL LOOKOUT WALL FULL HEIGHT WALL GARAGE FROST WALL ELEVATION SHOWN FOR REPRESENTATION PURPOSES ONLY -MAY NOT APPLYELEVATION STEP SPACING REQUIREMENTS A TYP. COPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP LLC 2021© City: ofSheet: Drawing Date: Project Number: 153 1.001 January 1, 2021 S3 2021 C.I.P. CONCRETE FOUNDATION GUIDELINE DRAWINGS STEP FOOTING DETAIL Project: Client: RevDateSITE ADDRESS: State:Zip:MN 3407 Kilmer Lane North Suite 4Plymouth, MN 55441 Tel 612-708-3572www.hansongroupmn.com    &TGYU%QPETGVG+PE 21$QZ 5JCMQRGG/0 6" MIN. WOOD FRAMING ABOVE BY OTHERS 12"Ø x 10" LONG ANCHOR BOLTS (7" MIN. EMBED) @ 72" O.C. MAX. OR EQUIVALENT METAL STRAP ANCHORS SLOPE GRADE AWAY FROM FOUNDATION OPTIONAL STEM WALL MINIMUM THICKNESS TO MATCH SILL PLATE SILL PLATE TO MATCH FRAME WALL ABOVE 16" MAX FOR 4" THICK STEM 24" MAX. FOR 6" THICK STEM SLAB-ON-GRADE BY OTHERS (1) #4 x CONTINUOUS HORIZONTAL BAR AT TOP OF WALL 6" MIN. C.I.P. CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL UNREINFORCED CONCRETE STRIP FOOTING SEE S7 #4x2'-0" DOWELS @ 72" O.C. MAX (5" MIN. EMBED) DOWELS ARE NOT REQUIRED IF BACKFILL IS PLACED EQUALLY ON BOTH SIDES IN LIFTS NOT TO EXCEED 24"-ALTERNATE EACH SIDE COPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP LLC 2021© City: ofSheet: Drawing Date: Project Number: 154 1.001 January 1, 2021 S4 2021 C.I.P. CONCRETE FOUNDATION GUIDELINE DRAWINGS WALKOUT WALL DETAIL Project: Client: RevDateSITE ADDRESS: State:Zip:MN 3407 Kilmer Lane North Suite 4Plymouth, MN 55441 Tel 612-708-3572www.hansongroupmn.com    &TGYU%QPETGVG+PE 21$QZ 5JCMQRGG/0 6" MIN.3'-0" MAX GRADE HEIGHTABOVE TOP OF SLAB#4 x 2'-0" DOWELS (5" MIN. EMBED) CENTERED IN WALL @ 48" O.C. (SAND SOIL) OR 36" O.C. (SANDY-CLAY SOIL) OR 24" O.C. (CLAY SOIL) DOWELS MUST BE WET SET OR DRILLED AND EPOXY GROUTED 6" MIN. THICK C.I.P. CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL SLOPE GRADE AWAY FROM FOUNDATION 12"Ø x 10" LONG ANCHORBOLTS (7" MIN. EMBED) @ 72" O.C. MAX. OR EQUIVALENT METAL STRAP ANCHORS (1) #4 x CONT HORIZONTAL BAR AT TOP OF WALL FRAMING & SILL PLATE BY OTHERS SLAB-ON-GRADE BY OTHERS UNREINFORCED CONCRETE STRIP FOOTING SEE S7 (18" MIN WIDTH FOR CLAY BACKFILL OR 16" MIN WIDTH IF 2'-6" MAX UNBALANCED BACKFILL) COPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP LLC 2021© City: ofSheet: Drawing Date: Project Number: 155 1.001 January 1, 2021 S5 2021 C.I.P. CONCRETE FOUNDATION GUIDELINE DRAWINGS LOOKOUT/KNEE WALL DETAIL Project: Client: RevDateSITE ADDRESS: State:Zip:MN 3407 Kilmer Lane North Suite 4Plymouth, MN 55441 Tel 612-708-3572www.hansongroupmn.com    &TGYU%QPETGVG+PE 21$QZ 5JCMQRGG/0 6'-0" MAXWOOD FRAMING ABOVE BY OTHERS 12"Ø x 10" LONG ANCHORBOLTS (7" MIN. EMBED) @ 72" O.C. MAX. OR EQUIVALENT METAL STRAP ANCHORS SLOPE GRADE AWAY FROM FOUNDATION AT A GRADUAL 2% SLOPE PER GENERAL NOTE 6 SILL PLATE TO MATCH FRAME WALL ABOVE #4 x CONTINUOUS HORIZONTAL BARS @ 24" O.C. TYP. OPTIONAL 2" RIGID INSULATION ON INSIDE FACE AND UNDER SLAB-ON-GRADE FOR 24" MIN. UNREINFORCED CONCRETE STRIP FOOTING SEE S7 (DROP FOR FROST AS REQUIRED PER SITE DESIGN) #4x2'-0" DOWELS @ 48" O.C. MAX (5" MIN. EMBED) (1) #4 x CONTINUOUS HORIZONTAL BAR AT TOP OF WALL OPTIONAL SLAB LEDGE CONCRETE SLAB-ON-GRADE 8" MIN. C.I.P. CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL #4x4'-0" HOOKS @ 24" O.C. BENT OR DRILLED AND EPOXY GROUTED 3'-0"1'-0"NO HOOKS @ 3'-0" OR LESSGRANULAR MATERIAL (SAND) DETAIL ABOVE MAY ONLY BE UTILIZED FOR A LENGTH OF 15'-0" #5 VERTICAL BARS @ 24" O.C. CENTERED IN WALL TO AID IN THE REDUCTION OF CRACKING AND BACKFILLING ISSUES PRIOR TO TOP OF WALL PINNING CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE TEMPORARY TOP OF WALL BRACING UNTIL GARAGE SLAB-ON-GRADE IS IN PLACE (HOOKS INTO GARAGE SLAB PROVIDE REQUIRED TOP OF WALL LATERAL SUPPORT) COPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP LLC 2021© City: ofSheet: Drawing Date: Project Number: 156 1.001 January 1, 2021 S6 2021 C.I.P. CONCRETE FOUNDATION GUIDELINE DRAWINGS UNBALANCED FOUNDATION DETAIL Project: Client: RevDateSITE ADDRESS: State:Zip:MN 3407 Kilmer Lane North Suite 4Plymouth, MN 55441 Tel 612-708-3572www.hansongroupmn.com    &TGYU%QPETGVG+PE 21$QZ 5JCMQRGG/0 6" MIN. CLEAR HEIGHTBACKFILL HEIGHT112" CLEAR UNREINFORCED CONCRETE STRIP FOOTING PER CODE OR BY BUILDING DESIGNER, AS AN ALTERNATIVE GUIDE USE TABLE SHOWN BELOW 8" MIN. C.I.P. CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL-SEE REBAR TABLE S8 FOR VERTICAL REBAR ANCHOR BOLTS SEE WALL ANCHOR INFO ON S11 FLOOR TO SILL CONNECTION SEE S10 WOOD FLOOR SYSTEM BY OTHERS SLOPE GRADE AWAY FROM FOUNDATION 2x6 MIN SILL PLATE CLEAR HEIGHT OF 8'-0" OR LESS (2)#4xCONT. HORIZONTAL BARS CLEAR HEIGHT OF 8'-0" OR MORE (3)#4xCONT. HORIZONTAL BARS CONCRETE SLAB-ON-GRADE PLACED TIGHT TO FOUNDATION WALL #4x2'-0" DOWELS @ 72" O.C. MAX (5" MIN. EMBED) GENERAL STRIP FOOTING SIZE GUIDE SOIL ONE-STORY STRUCTURE TWO-STORY STRUCTURE 2000 PSF 16" WIDE x 8" THICK 20" WIDE x 8" THICK 1500 PSF 20" WIDE x 8" THICK 26" WIDE x 8" THICK THIS TABLE IS A GENERAL FOOTING SIZE GUIDE FOR TRIBUTARY UNIFORM LOADING ONLY BASED ON MAXIMUM 25'-0" FLOOR SPANS & 50'-0" ROOF SPANS AND IS TO BE VERIFIED BY HOME DESIGNER. FURTHER CONSIDERATION IS TO BE TAKEN BY HOME DESIGNER FOR VENEER WEIGHT, WALL THICKNESSES OVER 10", AND FLOOR AND ROOF DEAD LOADS OVER 15 PSF. CONCENTRATED LOADS FROM GIRDER TRUSSES, BEAMS, HEADERS, ETC. ARE TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR AND SIZED INDEPENDENTLY OF THIS GUIDE BY OTHERS. COPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP LLC 2021© City: ofSheet: Drawing Date: Project Number: 157 1.001 January 1, 2021 S7 2021 C.I.P. CONCRETE FOUNDATION GUIDELINE DRAWINGS BASEMENT WALL DETAIL Project: Client: RevDateSITE ADDRESS: State:Zip:MN 3407 Kilmer Lane North Suite 4Plymouth, MN 55441 Tel 612-708-3572www.hansongroupmn.com    &TGYU%QPETGVG+PE 21$QZ 5JCMQRGG/0 GRADE 60 #6 VERTICAL BAR SPACING FOR FULL HEIGHT WALLS w/ F'c = 3000 PSIALTERNATIVE TO CODE TABLE R404.1.2EQUIVALENT VERTICAL REBARSUBSTITUTION TABLEBACKFILL TYPECLEAR HEIGHT(SEE S7)BACKFILL HEIGHT(SEE S7)8'-0"9'-0"10'-0"7'-6"7'-0" OR LESS8'-6"8'-0"7'-0"6'-0" OR LESS9'-6"9'-0"8'-0"7'-0"6'-0" OR LESS8"10" 12"8"10" 12"8"10" 12"NONE NONE NONENONE NONENONE NONENONE NONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONE NONENONE NONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONE NONE NONENONE NONE NONENONE NONE NONENONE NONE NONENONE NONE NONENONE NONE NONENONE NONE NONENONE NONE NONENONE NONE NONENONE NONE NONENONE NONE NONENONE NONE NONENONE NONE NONENONE NONE NONENONE NONE NONENONE NONE NONENONE NONE NONE* = NONE IF F'c = 4,000 PSI*36"*36"*36"*36"*36"*36"36"36"36"36"36"36"36"36"24"24" 24"24"SAND (30 PSF/FT)WALL THICKNESSSANDY CLAY (45 PSF/FT)WALL THICKNESSCLAY (60 PSF/FT)WALL THICKNESS#6 @ 24" = #5 @ 18" = #4 @ 12" (GRADE 60) = #4 @ 8" (GRADE 40)(1)#6 = (2)#4 (GRADE 60)#6 @ 36" = #5 @ 24" = #4 @ 18" (GRADE 60) = #4 @ 12" (GRADE 40) COPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP LLC 2021© City: ofSheet: Drawing Date: Project Number: 158 1.001 January 1, 2021 S8 2021 C.I.P. CONCRETE FOUNDATION GUIDELINE DRAWINGS VERTICAL REINFORCING TABLE Project: Client: RevDateSITE ADDRESS: State:Zip:MN 3407 Kilmer Lane North Suite 4Plymouth, MN 55441 Tel 612-708-3572www.hansongroupmn.com    &TGYU%QPETGVG+PE 21$QZ 5JCMQRGG/0 VENEER OR SLAB-ON-GRADE BY OTHERS FOUNDATION WALL SEE S7 WOOD FLOOR SYSTEM BY OTHERS FRAMING BY OTHERS 16" HIGH MAX x 6" THICK MIN STEM6"MINWOOD FLOOR SYSTEM BY OTHERS FRAMING BY OTHERS 6" MIN THICK STEM #4 DOWELS @ 36" O.C. EMBEDDED 24" INTO LOWER WALL FOUNDATION WALL SEE S7 VENEER OR SLAB-ON-GRADE BY OTHERS 12"VENEER OR SLAB-ON-GRADE BY OTHERS FOUNDATION WALL SEE S4 OR S5 FRAMING BY OTHERS 16" HIGH MAX x 4" THICK MIN STEM THICKNESS TO MATCH SILL PLATE6"3'-0" MAXVENEER OR SLAB-ON-GRADE BY OTHERS FOUNDATION WALL SEE S6 SLAB-ON-GRADE FRAMING BY OTHERS 6" MIN THICK STEM DETAIL @ HIGH GRADE SIM @ NON-BEARING DETAIL @ LOOKOUT SIM @ FROST WALL DETAIL @ FROST WALLS w/ LOW GRADE DETAIL @ LOW GRADE SIM @ NON-BEARING 112" CLEAR MINMAX#4 DOWELS @ 36" O.C. EMBEDDED 24" INTO LOWER WALL (CENTER IN STEMWALL) SLOPE GRADE AWAY FROM FOUNDATION SLOPE GRADE AWAY FROM FOUNDATION SLOPE GRADE AWAY FROM FOUNDATION SLOPE GRADE AWAY FROM FOUNDATION NOTE: INCREASE STRIP FOOTING WIDTH AT ALL WALLS SUPPORTING MORE THAN 6'-0" OF VENEER. WIDTH TO INCREASE BY THICKNESS OF VENEER MULTIPLIED BY NUMBER OF STORIES. COPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP LLC 2021© City: ofSheet: Drawing Date: Project Number: 159 1.001 January 1, 2021 S9 2021 C.I.P. CONCRETE FOUNDATION GUIDELINE DRAWINGS BRICK LEDGE DETAILS Project: Client: RevDateSITE ADDRESS: State:Zip:MN 3407 Kilmer Lane North Suite 4Plymouth, MN 55441 Tel 612-708-3572www.hansongroupmn.com    &TGYU%QPETGVG+PE 21$QZ 5JCMQRGG/0 6"12"Ø ANCHOR BOLTS w/ NUT & 18" THICK x 2"Ø OR SQUARE WASHER SEE S11 FOR SPACING (7" EMBED MIN) -METAL STRAP ANCHORS TO BE INSTALLED AT MANUFACTURER EQUIVALENT SPACING FLOOR SYSTEM, TYPE, SIZE, AND SPACING TO BE DETERMINED BY OTHERS RIM BOARD OR BRACING MATERIAL BY OTHERS 2x6 SILL PLATE MINIMUM FLOOR TO SILL CONNECTION AT EACH MEMBER SEE TABLE BELOW WASHER TO BE COUNTERSUNK FLUSH w/ TOP OF SILL PLATE SEE FULL HEIGHT WALL SECTION ON S7 FOR FOUNDATION WALL REQUIREMENTS SLOPE GRADE AWAY FROM FOUNDATION MINTRUSS/JOIST CONNECTION FOR FULL HEIGHT WALLS**** BACKFILL TYPECLEAR HEIGHT (SEE S7) FLOOR MEMBER SPACING 8'-0" 9'-0" 10'-0" 16" 19.2" A (4) 0.131"Ø x 3" TOP NAILS AT EACH MEMBER SAND (30 PSF/FT) SANDY CLAY (45 PSF/FT) CLAY (60 PSF/FT) 24" 16" 19.2" 24" 16" 19.2" 24" A A A A A A A B A A B B B B B C C C D D D D D D D C CONNECTION A (4) 0.148"Ø x 3" TOP NAILS AT EACH MEMBERCONNECTION B (2) 0.131"Ø x 3" TOP NAILS & MECHANICAL CLIPS : SIMPSON A35/USP MPA1 OR USP LJC AT EACH MEMBER CONNECTION C CONNECTION D (2) 0.131"Ø x 3" TOP NAILS & MECHANICAL CLIPS : SIMPSON FWANZ* OR USP LJQ** OR (2) SIMPSON A35s***/(2) USP MPA1s*** AT EACH MEMBER * FWANZ TO BE USED WITH A MIN. 118" OSB RIM AND LOCATED w/IN 5" OF EACH MEMBER. WITH FLOOR TRUSSES, FWANZ MUST BE IN CONTACT WITH A TRUSS OR A MINIMUM 2x4 CONTINUOUS BOTTOM BRACE MUST BE IN PLACE. ** LJQ IS TO BE APPROPRIATELY SIZED BASED ON MEMBER WIDTH. *** MEMBER MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 3" WIDE FOR PLACEMENT OF (2) SIMPSON A35s/(2) USP MPA1s. ****CONNECTIONS ARE CLASSIFIED A TO D, WITH D BEING THE STRONGEST. IT IS ACCEPTABLE TO USE A STRONGER CLASS CONNECTION THAN NOTED IN THE TABLE ABOVE. 2x8 SILL PLATE TO BE USED w/ MAXIMUM OF 112" OVERHANG (MAINTAIN 234" EDGE DISTANCE TO BOTH CONCRETE AND INSIDE OF SILL PLATE) - VERTICAL LOAD TRANSFER BY SUPPLIER COPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP LLC 2021© City: ofSheet: Drawing Date: Project Number: 1510 1.001 January 1, 2021 S10 2021 C.I.P. CONCRETE FOUNDATION GUIDELINE DRAWINGS FLOOR BEARING CONNECTIONS Project: Client: RevDateSITE ADDRESS: State:Zip:MN 3407 Kilmer Lane North Suite 4Plymouth, MN 55441 Tel 612-708-3572www.hansongroupmn.com    &TGYU%QPETGVG+PE 21$QZ 5JCMQRGG/0 12"Ø ANCHOR BOLT AND NON-BEARING WALL BLOCKING SPACING FOR FULL HEIGHT WALLS* ALTERNATIVE TO CODE TABLE R404.1.(1) BACKFILL TYPE CLEAR HEIGHT (SEE S7) BACKFILL HEIGHT (SEE S7) 8'-0" 9'-0" 10'-0" 7'-6" 7'-0" 8'-6" 8'-0" 7'-0" OR LESS 9'-6" 9'-0" 8'-0" 7'-0" OR LESS 72" * 12"Ø EPOXIED THREADED ROD w/ 6" EMBED MAY BE USED AT SPACING SHOWN SAND (30 PSF/FT)SANDY CLAY (45 PSF/FT) CLAY (60 PSF/FT) 6'-0" OR LESS 72" 72" 72" 72" 72" 72" 72" 72" 72" 72" 72" 72" 48" 60" 72" 48" 60" 72" 36" 48" 72" 36" 36" 72" 72"72" 48" 24" 24" ALTERNATIVE ANCHOR SPACING FOR FULL HEIGHT WALLS** ALTERNATIVE TO CODE TABLE R404.1.(1) BACKFILL TYPECLEAR HEIGHT (SEE S7) BACKFILL HEIGHT (SEE S7) 8'-0" 9'-0" 10'-0" 7'-6" 7'-0" 8'-6" 8'-0" 7'-0" OR LESS 9'-6" 9'-0" 8'-0" 7'-0" OR LESS 48" ** APPLIES TO MAB 15/FA1, MAB23/FA2, MAS/FA3, 12"Ø EXPANSION BOLT w/ 6" EMBED, 12"Ø SELF-CUTTING ANCHOR BOLT w/ 4" EMBED, OR SIMPSON FWAZ ANCHOR SAND (30 PSF/FT) SANDY CLAY (45 PSF/FT) CLAY (60 PSF/FT) 6'-0" OR LESS 60" 72" 30" 36" 72" 18" 24" 42" 72" 72" 24" 18" 20" 24" 18" 24" 24" 30" 42" 16" 12" 14" 16" 12" 16" 36" 36" N/A N/A COPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP LLC 2021© City: ofSheet: Drawing Date: Project Number: 1511 1.001 January 1, 2021 S11 2021 C.I.P. CONCRETE FOUNDATION GUIDELINE DRAWINGS ANCHOR SPACING TABLES Project: Client: RevDateSITE ADDRESS: State:Zip:MN 3407 Kilmer Lane North Suite 4Plymouth, MN 55441 Tel 612-708-3572www.hansongroupmn.com    &TGYU%QPETGVG+PE 21$QZ 5JCMQRGG/0 NAIL SHEATHING TO BLOCKING/JOISTS0.131 Ø x 3" LONG NAILS @ 6" O.C.STRUCTURAL RIM BOARD BY OTHERSTYPE D CONNECTOR @ BLOCKING SEES102 x 6 MINSILL PLATEFOUNDATION WALL SEE OTHER SHEETSFOR ANCHORS & WALL INFOSLOPE GRADE AWAY FROMFOUNDATIONIF REQUIRED, PROVIDE 2 x 4 MINSPACERS UNTIL SPACES IN WHICH FULLHEIGHT BLOCKING CAN BE INSTALLED,TOE NAIL TO FLOOR MEMBERS EACH ENDw/ (12) 0.131"Øx3" LONG NAILSFRAMINGBY OTHERSOPTIONAL OPEN SPACE AS SHOWN ORSHIFT FULL HEIGHT BLOCKINGPROVIDE BLOCKINGAS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVENAILING SHOWN. (MIN 2SPACES) BLOCKING HEIGHTTO MATCH JOIST DEPTH &BE OF LUMBER, I-JOIST, OROTHER MANUFACTUREDMATERIAL ATTACHBLOCKING TO JOISTS w/ TOENAILS EACH ENDJOISTS BY OTHERSSEE S11 FOR SPACING OFBLOCKING SYSTEM SHOWNNOTES:1. MAIN LEVEL FLOOR SHEATHING TO BE 34" PLYWOOD/OSB PLACED IN STAGGERED PATTERN NAILED w/ 0.131"Ø x3" LONG NAILS @ 6" O.C. AT PANELS EDGES & @ 12" O.C. @ PANEL INTERIOR SUPPORTS OF EQUIVALENT.2. NAILS IN BLOCKING ARE TO BE PLACED SUCH THAT THE WOOD DOES NOT SPLIT.3. BLOCKING MEMBERS SHOWN MAY BE REPLACED WITH PRE-MANUFACTURED TRUSS STYLE OR FULL DEPTHMEMBER BLOCKING SUCH AS I-JOIST OR LVL DESIGNED FOR 1,500 POUND LATERAL COMPRESSIVE LOAD.NAILING SHOWN IS TO BE USED AT MINIMUM.4. BLOCKING DOES NOT HAVE TO BE PLACED IN ADJACENT BAYS. IF REQUIRED USE ADDITIONAL 2x4 SPACERS ASSHOWN IN FIRST SPACE.5. HOLES MAY BE INSTALLED IN BLOCKING IF REQUIRED UP TO 4" IN DIAMETER, MAINTAIN 3" EDGE DISTANCE. COPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP LLC 2021© City: ofSheet: Drawing Date: Project Number: 1512 1.001 January 1, 2021 S12 2021 C.I.P. CONCRETE FOUNDATION GUIDELINE DRAWINGS NON BEARING JOIST BLOCKING DETAIL Project: Client: RevDateSITE ADDRESS: State:Zip:MN 3407 Kilmer Lane North Suite 4Plymouth, MN 55441 Tel 612-708-3572www.hansongroupmn.com    &TGYU%QPETGVG+PE 21$QZ 5JCMQRGG/0 NAIL SHEATHING TO BLOCKING/TRUSSESw/ (12) 0.131"Øx3" LONG NAILSDUCT/MECHANICAL (AS REQUIRED)BY OTHERSFRAMINGBY OTHERS0.131 Ø x 3" LONGNAILS @ 6" O.C.RIM TRUSSBY OTHERSTOP NAIL RIM TO SILLw/ MIN OF (12)0.131 Ø x3" LONG NAILS EACHSIDE OF BLOCKING ORTYPE D CONNECTOR @BLOCKING SEE S102 x 6 MINSILL PLATEFOUNDATION WALL SEEOTHER SHEETS FORANCHORS & WALL INFOSLOPE GRADE AWAY FROMFOUNDATIONIF REQUIRED, PROVIDE 2 x 4 MIN SPACERSTOP & BOTTOM AT MECHANICAL UNTILSPACES IN WHICH BLOCKING CAN BEINSTALLED, TOE NAIL TO FLOOR MEMBERSw/ (2) 0.131 Ø x 3" LONG NAILS3/4" PLYWOOD/OSB ONE SIDEOF BLOCKING w/ (6) 0.131 Ø x 3" LONG NAILS TOP & BOTTOMOR 1/2" PLYWOOD/OSB EACHSIDE OF BLOCKING EACH w/(4) 0.131 Ø x 3" LONG NAILS TOP & BOTTOMPROVIDE 2 x 4 MIN BLOCKINGTOP & BOTTOM OF TRUSSESAS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVENAILING SHOWN.INSTALL w/ (2) 0.131 Ø x 3"LONG TOE NAILSTRUSSES BY OTHERSNOTES:1. MAIN LEVEL FLOOR SHEATHING TO BE 34" PLYWOOD/OSB PLACED IN STAGGERED PATTERN NAILED w/ 0.131"Ø x 3"LONG NAILS @ 6" O.C. AT PANELS EDGES & @ 12" O.C. @ PANEL INTERIOR SUPPORTS OF EQUIVALENT.2. NAILS IN BLOCKING ARE TO BE PLACED SUCH THAT THE WOOD DOES NOT SPLIT.3. BLOCKING MEMBERS SHOWN MAY BE REPLACED WITH PRE-MANUFACTURED TRUSS STYLE OR FULL DEPTH MEMBERBLOCKING SUCH AS I-JOIST OR LVL DESIGNED FOR 1,500 POUND LATERAL COMPRESSIVE LOAD. NAILING SHOWN IS TOBE USED AT MINIMUM.4. BLOCKING DOES NOT HAVE TO BE PLACED IN ADJACENT BAYS. IF REQUIRED USE ADDITIONAL 2x4 SPACERS ASSHOWN IN FIRST SPACE.5. HOLES MAY BE INSTALLED IN BLOCKING IF REQUIRED UP TO 4" IN DIAMETER, MAINTAIN 3" EDGE DISTANCE.SEE S11 FOR SPACING OFBLOCKING SYSTEM SHOWN COPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP LLC 2021© City: ofSheet: Drawing Date: Project Number: 1513 1.001 January 1, 2021 S13 2021 C.I.P. CONCRETE FOUNDATION GUIDELINE DRAWINGS NON-BEARING TRUSS BLOCKING DETAIL Project: Client: RevDateSITE ADDRESS: State:Zip:MN 3407 Kilmer Lane North Suite 4Plymouth, MN 55441 Tel 612-708-3572www.hansongroupmn.com    &TGYU%QPETGVG+PE 21$QZ 5JCMQRGG/0 10'-0" MAX3'-8" MAX2'-6" MIN OPENING1'-6" MIN3'-0" EACH WAY MIN 112" TYPSLOPE GRADE AWAY FROM FOUNDATION #4 HORIZONTAL BARS @ 12" O.C. CENTERED IN WALLS LAP AROUND CORNERS AND HOOK INTO FOUNDATION WALL @ EACH SIDE (REFER TO S7 FOR HORZ. BAR REQUIREMENTS w/ 8" C.I.P. WALLS) 6" MIN C.I.P. CONCRETE WALL #4 VERTICAL BARS @ EACH OUTSIDE CORNER OF WELL (1)#4 x2'-0" DOWEL @ EACH OUTSIDE CORNER OF WELL (5" MIN EMBED) 12" WIDE x 8" THICK MIN STRIP FOOTING (1) #4 HORIZONTAL BAR AT TOP OF WALL (2) #4 HORIZONTAL BARS TOP & BOTTOM OF LINTEL EXTEND 24" MIN PAST OPENING EACH END (WOOD OR STEEL OPTION BY OTHERS) WALL BEYOND PLACE (2) #4 VERTICAL BARS FULL HEIGHT AND ONE ANCHOR w/IN 12" OF OPENING EACH END 8" MIN C.I.P. CONCRETE WALL SLAB-ON-GRADE UNREINFORCED CONCRETE STRIP FOOTING SEE FULL HEIGHT WALL SECTION S7 LOOKOUT WALL SEE S5 GRANULAR MATERIAL (SAND) SLOPE WINDOW WELL LADDER/ ESCAPE MEANS BY OTHERS 5'-0" EACH WAY MAX FLOOR SYSTEM BY OTHERS (DO NOT PLACE GIRDERS OR BEAMS OVER CONCRETE LINTEL DESIGNED FOR 1500 PLF)IF CONCRETEOPTIONAL RIGID INSULATION w/IN WINDOW WELL AT THE DISCRETION OF THE BUILDER FOR ADDITIONAL FROST PROTECTION AS REQUIRED PER SITE DESIGN 6" MIN. COPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP LLC 2021© City: ofSheet: Drawing Date: Project Number: 1514 1.001 January 1, 2021 S14 2021 C.I.P. CONCRETE FOUNDATION GUIDELINE DRAWINGS WINDOW WELL DETAIL Project: Client: RevDateSITE ADDRESS: State:Zip:MN 3407 Kilmer Lane North Suite 4Plymouth, MN 55441 Tel 612-708-3572www.hansongroupmn.com    &TGYU%QPETGVG+PE 21$QZ 5JCMQRGG/0 6'-0" MAX. 8" MIN. GRAD E L I N E 9'-4" MAX.6'-0" MAX.4'-0" MAX.SEE BASEMENT WALL DETAILSEE LOOKOUT WALL DETAILSIM.CONSTRUCT SIM. LOOKOUT WALLw/ MIN. (2) #4 HORIZ. BARS3 MIN. 1 S7S5S5SLAB-ON-GRADE BEYOND CONCRETE STRIP FOOTING STEP DOWN AS REQ'D FOR FROST PROTECTION AT NON-BEARING WALLS, LOCATE BLOCKING DETAILS (S12 / S13) AT END OF FULL HEIGHT WALL PROVIDE (2) ADDITIONAL #4 BARS @ END OF FULL HEIGHT WALL SEGMENT LOCATED 2" FROM INSIDE WALL FACE FLOOR FRAMING ABOVE BY OTHERS INFILL WOOD FRAMING BY OTHERS COPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP LLC 2021© City: ofSheet: Drawing Date: Project Number: 1515 1.001 January 1, 2021 S15 Project: Client: RevDateSITE ADDRESS: State:Zip:MN 3407 Kilmer Lane North Suite 4Plymouth, MN 55441 Tel 612-708-3572www.hansongroupmn.com 2021 C.I.P. CONCRETE FOUNDATION GUIDELINE DRAWINGS STEPPING DOWN WALL WITH GRADE    &TGYU%QPETGVG+PE 21$QZ 5JCMQRGG/0 1 Ventilation, Makeup and Combustion Air Calculations Submittal Form For New Dwellings Site address Date Contractor Completed By Section A Ventilation Quantity (Determine quantity by using Table N1104.2 or Equation 11‐1) Square feet (Conditioned area including basement – finished or unfinished) Number of bedrooms Total required ventilation Continuous ventilation Directions ‐ Determine the total and continuous ventilation rate by either using Table N1104.2 or equation 11‐1. The table and equation are below. Table N1104.2 Total and Continuous Ventilation Rates (in cfm) Number of Bedrooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 Conditioned space (in sq. ft.) Total/ continuous Total/ continuous Total/ continuous Total/ continuous Total/ continuous Total/ continuous 1000‐1500 60/40 75/40 90/45 105/53 120/60 135/68 1501‐2000 70/40 85/43 100/50 115/58 130/65 145/73 2001‐2500 80/40 95/48 110/55 125/63 140/70 155/78 2501‐3000 90/45 105/53 120/60 135/68 150/75 165/83 3001‐3500 100/50 115/58 130/65 145/73 160/80 175/88 3501‐4000 110/55 125/63 140/70 155/78 170/85 185/93 4001‐4500 120/60 135/68 150/75 165/83 180/90 195/98 4501‐5000 130/65 145/73 160/80 175/88 190/95 205/103 5001‐5500 140/70 155/78 170/85 185/93 200/100 215/108 5501‐6000 150/75 165/83 180/90 195/98 210/105 225/113 Equation 11‐1 (0.02 x square feet of conditioned space) + [15 x (number of bedrooms + 1)] = Total ventilation rate (cfm) Total ventilation – The mechanical ventilation system shall provide sufficient outdoor air to equal the total ventilation rate average, for each one‐hour period according to the above table or equation. For heat recovery ventilators (HRV) and energy recovery ventila‐ tors (ERV) the average hourly ventilation capacity must be determined in consideration of any reduction of exhaust or out outdoor air intake, or both, for defrost or other equipment cycling. Continuous ventilation ‐ A minimum of 50 percent of the total ventilation rate, but not less than 40 cfm, shall be provided, on a con‐ tinuous rate average for each one‐hour period. The portion of the mechanical ventilation system intended to be continuous may have automatic cycling controls providing the average flow rate for each hour is met. 16411 ABERDEEN ST NE,HAM LAKE, MN 55304 2 Section B Ventilation Method (Choose either balanced or exhaust) Balanced, HRV (Heat Recovery Ventilator) or ERV (Energy Recov‐ ery Ventilator) – cfm of unit in low must not exceed continuous venti‐ lation rating by more than 100%. Exhaust only (Continuous fan rating in cfm) Low cfm: High cfm: Continuous fan rating in cfm (capacity must not exceed continuous ventilation rating by more than 100%) Directions ‐ Choose the method of ventilation, balanced or exhaust only. Balanced ventilation systems are typically HRV or ERV’s. Enter the low and high cfm amounts. Low cfm air flow must be equal to or greater than the required continuous ventilation rate and less than 100% greater than the continuous rate. (For instance, if the low cfm is 40 cfm, the ventilation fan must not exceed 80 cfm.) Automatic controls may allow the use of a larger fan that is operated a percentage of each hour. Section C Ventilation Fan Description Location Continuous Intermittent Directions ‐ The ventilation fan schedule should describe what the fan is for, the location, cfm, and whether it is used for continuous or intermittent ventilation. The fan that is chose for continuous ventilation must be equal to or greater than the low cfm air rating and less than 100% greater than the continuous rate. (For instance, if the low cfm is 40 cfm, the continuous ventilation fan must not exceed 80 cfm.) Automatic controls may allow the use of a larger fan that is operated a percentage of each hour. Section D Ventilation Controls Directions ‐ Describe operation and control of the continuous and intermittent ventilation. There should be adequate detail for plan reviewers and inspectors to verify design and installation compliance. Related trades also need adequate detail for placement of controls and proper operation of the building ventilation. If exhaust fans are used for building ventilation, describe the operation and location of any controls, indicators and legends. If an ERV or HRV is to be installed, describe how it will be installed. If it will be connected and interfaced with the air handling equipment, please describe such connections as detailed in the manufactures’ installation instructions. If the installation instructions require or recommend the equipment to be interlocked with the air handling equipment for proper operation, such interconnection shall be made and described. 3 Section E Make‐up air Passive (determined from calculations from Table 501.3.1) Powered (determined from calculations from Table 501.3.1) Interlocked with exhaust device (determined from calculation from Table 501.3.1) Other, describe: Location of duct or system ventilation make‐up air: Determined from make‐up air opening table Cfm Size and type (round, rectangular, flex or rigid) Directions ‐ In order to determine the makeup air, Table 501.3.1 must be filled out (see below). For most new installations, column A will be appropriate, however, if atmospherically vented appliances or solid fuel appliances are installed, use the appropriate column. For existing dwellings, see IMC 501.3.3. Please note, if the makeup air quantity is negative, no additional makeup air will be re‐ quired for ventilation, if the value is positive refer to Table 501.3.2 and size the opening. Transfer the cfm, size of opening and type (round, rectangular, flex or rigid) to the last line of section D. The make‐up air supply must be installed per IMC 501.3.2.3. Table 501.3.1 PROCEDURE TO DETERMINE MAKEUP AIR QUANITY FOR EXHAUST EQUIPMENT IN DWELLINGS (Additional combustion air will be required for combustion appliances, see KAIR method for calculations) One or multiple power vent or direct vent appliances or no combustion appliances Column A One or multiple fan‐ assisted appliances and power vent or direct vent appliances Column B One atmospherically vent gas or oil appliance or one solid fuel appliance Column C Multiple atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances or solid fuel appliances Column D 1. a) pressure factor (cfm/sf) 0.15 0.09 0.06 0.03 b) conditioned floor area (sf) (including unfinished basements) Estimated House Infiltration (cfm): [1a x 1b] 2. Exhaust Capacity a) continuous exhaust‐only ventilation system (cfm); (not applicable to balanced ventilation systems such as HRV) b) clothes dryer (cfm) 135 135 135 135 c) 80% of largest exhaust rating (cfm); Kitchen hood typically (not applicable if recirculating system or if powered makeup air is electrically interlocked and match to exhaust) d) 80% of next largest exhaust rating (cfm); bath fan typically (not applicable if recirculating system or if powered makeup air is electrically interlocked and matched to exhaust) Not Applicable Total Exhaust Capacity (cfm); [2a + 2b +2c + 2d] 3. Makeup Air Quantity (cfm) a) total exhaust capacity (from above) b) estimated house infiltration (from above) Makeup Air Quantity (cfm); [3a – 3b] (if value is negative, no makeup air is needed) 4. For makeup Air Opening Sizing, refer to Table 501.4.2 A. Use this column if there are other than fan‐assisted or atmospherically vented gas or oil appliance or if there are no combustion appliances. (Power vent and direct vent appliances may be used.) B. Use this column if there is one fan‐assisted appliance per venting system. (Appliances other than atmospherically vented appliances may be included.) C. Use this column if there is one atmospherically vented (other than fan‐assisted) gas or oil appliance per venting system or one solid fuel appliance. D. Use this column if there are multiple atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances using a common vent or if there are atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances and solid fuel appliances. 4 Makeup Air Opening Table for New and Existing Dwelling Table 501.3.2 One or multiple power vent, direct vent appliances, or no combustion appliances Column A One or multiple fan‐ assisted appliances and power vent or direct vent appliances Column B One atmospherically vented gas or oil appliance or one solid fuel appliance Column C Multiple atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances or solid fuel appliances Column D Duct diameter Passive opening 1 – 36 1 – 22 1 – 15 1 – 9 3 Passive opening 37 – 66 23 – 41 16 – 28 10 – 17 4 Passive opening 67 – 109 42 – 66 29 – 46 18 – 28 5 Passive opening 110 ‐ 163 67 – 100 47 – 69 29 – 42 6 Passive opening 164 – 232 101 – 143 70 – 99 43 – 61 7 Passive opening 233 – 317 144 – 195 100 – 135 62 – 83 8 Passive opening w/motorized damper 318 – 419 196 – 258 136 – 179 84 – 110 9 Passive opening w/motorized damper 420 – 539 259 – 332 180 – 230 111 – 142 10 Passive opening w/motorized damper 540 – 679 333 – 419 231 – 290 143 – 179 11 Powered makeup air >679 >419 >290 >179 NA Notes: A. An equivalent length of 100 feet of round smooth metal duct is assumed. Subtract 40 feet for the exterior hood and ten feet for each 90‐ degree elbow to determine the remaining length of straight duct allowable. B. If flexible duct is used, increase the duct diameter by one inch. Flexible duct shall be stretched with minimal sags. Compressed duct shall not be accepted. C. Barometric dampers are prohibited in passive makeup air openings when any atmospherically vented appliance is installed. D. Powered makeup air shall be electrically interlocked with the largest exhaust system. Section F Combustion Not required per mechanical code (No atmospheric or power vented appliances) Passive (see IFGC Appendix E, Worksheet E‐1) Size and type Other, describe: Explanation ‐ If no atmospheric or power vented appliances are installed, check the appropriate box, not required. If a power vented or atmospherically vented appliance installed, use IFGC Appendix E, Worksheet E‐1 (see below). Please enter size and type. Combustion air vent supplies must communicate with the appliance or appliances that require the combustion air. Section F calculations follow on the next 2 pages. 5 Directions ‐ The Minnesota Fuel Gas Code method to calculate to size of a required combustion air opening, is called the Known Air Infiltration Rate Method. For new construction, 4b of step 4 is required to be filled out. IFGC Appendix E, Worksheet E‐1--Residential Combustion Air Calculation Method (for Furnace, Boiler, and/or Water Heater in the Same Space) Step 1: Complete vented combustion appliance information. Furnace/Boiler: Draft Hood Fan Assisted Direct Vent Input: ______________________Btu/hr or Power Vent Water Heater: Draft Hood Fan Assisted Direct Vent Input: ______________________Btu/hr or Power Vent Step 2: Calculate the volume of the Combustion Appliance Space (CAS) containing combustion appliances. The CAS includes all spaces connected to one another by code compliant openings. CAS volume: ft3 L x W x H L W H Step 3: Determine Air Changes per Hour (ACH)1 Default ACH values have been incorporated into Table E‐1 for use with Method 4b (KAIR Method). If the year of construction or ACH is not known, use method 4a (Standard Method). Step 4: Determine Required Volume for Combustion Air. (DO NOT COUNT DIRECT VENT APPLIANCES) 4a. Standard Method Total Btu/hr input of all combustion appliances Input: Btu/hr Use Standard Method column in Table E‐1 to find Total Required TRV: ft3 Volume (TRV) If CAS Volume (from Step 2) is greater than TRV then no outdoor openings are needed. If CAS Volume (from Step 2) is less than TRV then go to STEP 5. 4b. Known Air Infiltration Rate (KAIR) Method (DO NOT COUNT DIRECT VENT APPLIANCES) Total Btu/hr input of all fan‐assisted and power vent appliances Input: Btu/hr Use Fan‐Assisted Appliances column in Table E‐1 to find RVFA: ft3 Required Volume Fan Assisted (RVFA) Total Btu/hr input of all Natural draft appliances Input: Btu/hr Use Natural draft Appliances column in Table E‐1 to find RVNFA: ft3 Required Volume Natural draft appliances (RVNDA) Total Required Volume (TRV) = RVFA + RVNDA TRV = + = TRV ft3 If CAS Volume (from Step 2) is greater than TRV then no outdoor openings are needed. If CAS Volume (from Step 2) is less than TRV then go to STEP 5. Step 5: Calculate the ratio of available interior volume to the total required volume. Ratio = CAS Volume (from Step 2) divided by TRV (from Step 4a or Step 4b) Ratio =______ /_______ =_______________ Step 6: Calculate Reduction Factor (RF). RF = 1 minus Ratio RF = 1 ‐ __________________=__________________ Step 7: Calculate single outdoor opening as if all combustion air is from outside. Total Btu/hr input of all Combustion Appliances in the same CAS Input: Btu/hr (EXCEPT DIRECT VENT) Combustion Air Opening Area (CAOA): Total Btu/hr divided by 3000 Btu/hr per in2 CAOA =___________________/ 3000 Btu/hr per in2 =_____________________in2 Step 8: Calculate Minimum CAOA: Minimum CAOA = CAOA multiplied by RF Minimum CAOA =________________ x____________________ =__________ in2 Step 9: Calculate Combustion Air Opening Diameter (CAOD): CAOD = 1.13 multiplied by the square root of Minimum CAOA CAOD = 1.13 √ Minimum CAOA = in. diameter go up one inch in size if using flex duct 1 If desired, ACH can be determined using ASHRAE calculation or blower door test. Follow procedures in Section G304. 6 IFGC Appendix E, Table E‐1 Residential Combustion air (Required Interior Volume Based on Input Rating of Appliance) Input Rating (Btu/hr) Standard Method Known Air Infiltration Rate (KAIR) Method (cu ft) Fan Assisted or Power Vent Natural Draft 1994 to present Pre‐1994 1994 to present Pre‐1994 5,000 250 375 188 525 263 10,000 500 750 375 1,050 525 15,000 750 1,125 563 1,575 788 20,000 1,000 1,500 750 2,100 1,050 25,000 1,250 1,875 938 2,625 1,313 30,000 1,500 2,250 1,125 3,150 1,575 35,000 1,750 2,625 1,313 3,675 1,838 40,000 2,000 3,000 1,500 4,200 2,100 45,000 2,250 3,375 1,688 4,725 2,363 50,000 2,500 3,750 1,675 5,250 2,625 55,000 2,750 4,125 2,063 5,775 2,888 60,000 3,000 4,500 2,250 6,300 3,150 65,000 3,250 4,875 2,438 6,825 3,413 70,000 3,500 5,250 2,625 7,350 3,675 75,000 3,750 5,625 2,813 7,875 3,938 80,000 4,000 6,000 3,000 8,400 4,200 85,000 4,250 6,375 3,188 8,925 4,463 90,000 4,500 6,750 3,375 9,450 4,725 95,000 4,750 7,125 3,563 9,975 4,988 100,000 5,000 7,500 3,750 10,500 5,250 105,000 5,250 7,875 3,938 11,025 5,513 110,000 5,500 8,250 4,125 11,550 5,775 115,000 5,750 8.625 4,313 12,075 6,038 120,000 6,000 9,000 4,500 12,600 6,300 125,000 6,250 9,375 4,688 13,125 6,563 130,000 6,500 9,750 4,875 13,650 6,825 135,000 6,750 10,125 5,063 14,175 7,088 140,000 7,000 10,500 5,250 14,700 7,350 145,000 7,250 10,875 5,438 15,225 7,613 150,000 7,500 11,250 5,625 15,750 7,875 155,000 7,750 11,625 5,813 16,275 8,138 160,000 8,000 12,000 6,000 16,800 8,400 165,000 8,250 12,375 6,188 17,325 8,663 170,000 8,500 12,750 6,375 17,850 8,925 175,000 8,750 13,125 6,563 18,375 9,188 180,000 9,000 13,500 6,750 18,900 9,450 185,000 9,250 13,875 6,938 19,425 9,713 190,000 9,500 14,250 7,125 19,950 9,975 195,000 9,750 14,625 7,313 20,475 10,238 200,000 10,000 15,000 7,500 21,000 10,500 205,000 10,250 15,375 7,688 21,525 10,783 210,000 10,500 15,750 7,875 22,050 11,025 215,000 10,750 16,125 8,063 22,575 11,288 220,000 11,000 16,500 8,250 23,100 11,550 225,000 11,250 16,875 8,438 23,625 11,813 230,000 11,500 17,250 8,625 24,150 12,075 1. The 1994 date refers to dwellings constructed under the 1994 Minnesota Energy Code. The default KAIR used in this section of the table is 0.20 ACH. 2. This section of the table is to be used for dwellings constructed prior to 1994. The default KAIR used in this section of the table is 0.40 ACH. HVAC Load Calculations for Cpountry Joe Homes 9831 189th ST Lakeville, MN Prepared By: Tuesday, July 13, 2021 Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J, D and S computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Air Mechanical Inc. Ham Lake, MN 55304 Page 2 Project Report General Project Information Project Title: Project Date:Tuesday, July 13, 2021 Client Name:Cpountry Joe Homes Client Address:9831 189th ST Client City:Lakeville, MN Design Data Reference City:Minneapolis, Minnesota Building Orientation:Front door faces South Daily Temperature Range:Medium Latitude:44 Degrees Elevation:834 ft. Altitude Factor:0.970 Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Rel.Hum Dry Bulb Difference Winter:-15 -12.38 n/a 30%72 29.40 Summer:88 73 50%50%74 37 Check Figures Total Building Supply CFM:1,440 CFM Per Square ft.:0.283 Square ft. of Room Area:5,094 Square ft. Per Ton:1,344 Volume (ft³):31,767 Building Loads Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air:90,366 Btuh 90.366 MBH Total Sensible Gain:33,925 Btuh 75 % Total Latent Gain:11,562 Btuh 25 % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air:45,487 Btuh 3.79 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Notes Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J, D and S computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. C:\Users\Slykke\Desktop\9831 189th St.rh9 Tuesday, July 13, 2021, 2:44 PM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Air Mechanical Inc. Ham Lake, MN 55304 Page 3 Miscellaneous Report System 1 Input Data Outdoor Dry Bulb Outdoor Wet Bulb Outdoor Rel.Hum Indoor Rel.Hum Indoor Dry Bulb Grains Difference Winter:-15 -12.38 100%30%72 29.40 Summer:88 73 50%50%74 37.40 Duct Sizing Inputs Main Trunk Runouts Calculate:Yes Yes Use Schedule:Yes Yes Roughness Factor:0.00300 0.01000 Pressure Drop:0.1000 in.wg./100 ft.0.1000 in.wg./100 ft. Minimum Velocity:0 ft./min 0 ft./min Maximum Velocity:900 ft./min 750 ft./min Minimum Height:0 in.0 in. Maximum Height:0 in.0 in. Outside Air Data Winter Summer Infiltration Specified:0.370 AC/hr 0.190 AC/hr 196 CFM 101 CFM Infiltration Actual:0.319 AC/hr 0.026 AC/hr Above Grade Volume:Cu.ft.Cu.ft.X 31,767 X 31,767 10,119 Cu.ft./hr 825 Cu.ft./hr X 0.0167 X 0.0167 Total Building Infiltration:169 CFM 14 CFM Total Building Ventilation:100 CFM 100 CFM ---System 1--- Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 14.94 = (1.10 X 0.970 X 14.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 24.67 = (0.68 X 0.970 X 37.40 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 92.85 = (1.10 X 0.970 X 87.00 Winter Temp. Difference) Winter Infiltration Specified:0.370 AC/hr (196 CFM), Construction: Average Summer Infiltration Specified:0.190 AC/hr (101 CFM), Construction: Average C:\Users\Slykke\Desktop\9831 189th St.rh9 Tuesday, July 13, 2021, 2:44 PM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Air Mechanical Inc. Ham Lake, MN 55304 Page 4 Load Preview Report Scope Net Ton ft.² /Ton Area Sen Gain Lat Gain Net Gain Sen Loss Sys Htg CFM Sys Clg CFM Sys Act CFM Duct Size Building 3.79 1,344 5,094 33,925 11,562 45,487 90,366 989 1,440 1,440 System 1 3.79 1,344 5,094 33,925 11,562 45,487 90,366 989 1,440 1,440 12x20 Ventilation 1,494 2,467 3,961 9,285 Supply Duct Latent 578 578 Return Duct 1,696 578 2,274 7,229 Humidification 5,738 Zone 1 5,094 30,734 7,939 38,673 68,114 989 1,440 1,440 12x20 1-Lower Level 1,546 4,708 1,222 5,930 13,910 202 221 221 3--6 2-Main Level 1,546 13,298 3,569 16,867 26,352 382 623 623 6--7 3-Upper Level 2,002 12,729 3,148 15,877 27,852 404 596 596 6--7 C:\Users\Slykke\Desktop\9831 189th St.rh9 Tuesday, July 13, 2021, 2:44 PM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Air Mechanical Inc. Ham Lake, MN 55304 Page 5 Duct Size Preview Room or Duct Name Source Minimum Velocity Maximum Velocity Rough. Factor Design L/100 SP Loss Duct Velocity Duct Length Htg Flow Clg Flow Act. Flow Duct Size Reg Size System 1 Supply Runouts Zone 1 1-Lower Level Built-In 0 750 0.01 0.1 374.4 202 221 221 3--6 2-Main Level Built-In 0 750 0.01 0.1 388.5 382 623 623 6--7 3-Upper Level Built-In 0 750 0.01 0.1 371.9 404 596 596 6--7 Other Ducts in System 1 Supply Main Trunk Built-In 0 900 0.003 0.1 863.9 989 1,440 1,440 12x20 SummarySummarySummarySummarySummarySummarySummarySummary System 1 Heating Flow:989 Cooling Flow:1440 C:\Users\Slykke\Desktop\9831 189th St.rh9 Tuesday, July 13, 2021, 2:44 PM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Air Mechanical Inc. Ham Lake, MN 55304 Page 6 Total Building Summary Loads Component Description Area Quan Sen Loss Lat Gain Sen Gain Total Gain 4a: Glazing-369.8 9,329 0 6,110 6,110 4agdoor: Glazing-42 1,060 0 706 706 11G: Door-Wood - Panel, U-value 0.54 21 987 0 284 284 11P: Door-Metal - Polyurethane Core, U-value 0.29 21 530 0 152 152 15B0-10sf-8: Wall-Basement, , R-10 board insulation to floor, no interior finish, 8' floor depth, U-value 0.05, above grade U-value 0.083 1136 4,942 0 0 0 15B0-10sf-4: Wall-Basement, , R-10 board insulation to floor, no interior finish, 4' floor depth, U-value 0.054, above grade U-value 0.083 240 1,128 0 0 0 12F-0bw: Wall-Frame, R-21 insulation in 2 x 6 stud cavity, no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs, U-value 0.065 1785.2 10,096 0 1,113 1,113 12E-0bw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud cavity, no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs, U-value 0.068 1403 8,300 0 992 992 16B-44: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrane, R-44 insulation, U-value 0.022 2002 3,832 0 2,158 2,158 21A-20: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 2 or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor, any floor cover, shortest side of floor slab is 20' wide, U-value 0.027 1546 3,632 0 0 0 20P-30: Floor-Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, R-30 blanket insulation, any cover, U-value 0.035 456 1,389 0 144 144 Subtotals for structure:45,225 0 11,659 11,659 People:5 1,000 1,150 2,150 Equipment:6,600 9,600 16,200 Lighting:1700 5,797 5,797 Ductwork:14,459 1,156 3,392 4,549 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 169, Summer CFM: 14 15,660 339 206 545 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 100, Summer CFM: 100 9,285 2,467 1,494 3,961 Exhaust: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 Humidification (Winter) 15.64 gal/day :5,738 0 0 0 AED Excursion:0 0 626 626 Total Building Load Totals:90,366 11,562 33,925 45,487 Check Figures Total Building Supply CFM:1,440 CFM Per Square ft.:0.283 Square ft. of Room Area:5,094 Square ft. Per Ton:1,344 Volume (ft³):31,767 Building Loads Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air:90,366 Btuh 90.366 MBH Total Sensible Gain:33,925 Btuh 75 % Total Latent Gain:11,562 Btuh 25 % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air:45,487 Btuh 3.79 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Notes Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J, D and S computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. C:\Users\Slykke\Desktop\9831 189th St.rh9 Tuesday, July 13, 2021, 2:44 PM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Air Mechanical Inc. Ham Lake, MN 55304 Page 7 Detailed Room Loads - Room 1 - Lower Level (Average Load Procedure) General Calculation Mode:Htg. & clg.Occurrences:1 Room Length:n/a System Number:1 Room Width:n/a Zone Number:1 Area:1,546.0 sq.ft.Supply Air:221 CFM Ceiling Height:8.0 ft.Supply Air Changes:1.1 AC/hr Volume:12,368 cu.ft.Req. Vent. Clg:0 CFM Number of Registers:3 Actual Winter Vent.:20 CFM Runout Air:74 CFM Percent of Supply.:9 % Runout Duct Size:6 in.Actual Summer Vent.:15 CFM Runout Air Velocity:374 ft./min.Percent of Supply:7 % Runout Air Velocity:374 ft./min.Actual Winter Infil.:11 CFM Actual Loss:0.088 in.wg./100 ft.Actual Summer Infil.:1 CFM Item Description Area Quantity -U- Value Htg HTM Sen Loss Clg HTM Lat Gain Sen Gain N -Wall-15B0-10sf-8 60 X 8 - Abv. grade U-value 0.083 480 0.050 4.4 2,088 0.0 0 0 E -Wall-15B0-10sf-8 41 X 8 - Abv. grade U-value 0.083 328 0.050 4.4 1,427 0.0 0 0 S -Wall-15B0-10sf-4 60 X 4 - Abv. grade U-value 0.083 240 0.054 4.7 1,128 0.0 0 0 W -Wall-15B0-10sf-8 41 X 8 - Abv. grade U-value 0.083 328 0.050 4.4 1,427 0.0 0 0 S -Wall-12F-0bw 60 X 4 222.5 0.065 5.7 1,258 0.6 0 139 S -Gls-4a shgc-0.28 0%S 17.5 0.290 25.2 442 16.8 0 294 Floor-21A-20 1 X 1546 1546 0.027 2.3 3,632 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure:11,402 0 433 Infil.: Win.: 11.1, Sum.: 0.9 240 4.300 1,032 0.058 22 14 Ductwork:1,476 260 AED Excursion:96 Equipment:1,200 2,200 Lighting:500 1,705 Room Totals:13,910 1,222 4,708 C:\Users\Slykke\Desktop\9831 189th St.rh9 Tuesday, July 13, 2021, 2:44 PM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Air Mechanical Inc. Ham Lake, MN 55304 Page 8 Detailed Room Loads - Room 2 - Main Level (Average Load Procedure) General Calculation Mode:Htg. & clg.Occurrences:1 Room Length:n/a System Number:1 Room Width:n/a Zone Number:1 Area:1,546.0 sq.ft.Supply Air:623 CFM Ceiling Height:9.0 ft.Supply Air Changes:2.7 AC/hr Volume:13,914 cu.ft.Req. Vent. Clg:0 CFM Number of Registers:6 Actual Winter Vent.:39 CFM Runout Air:104 CFM Percent of Supply.:6 % Runout Duct Size:7 in.Actual Summer Vent.:43 CFM Runout Air Velocity:389 ft./min.Percent of Supply:7 % Runout Air Velocity:389 ft./min.Actual Winter Infil.:84 CFM Actual Loss:0.077 in.wg./100 ft.Actual Summer Infil.:7 CFM Item Description Area Quantity -U- Value Htg HTM Sen Loss Clg HTM Lat Gain Sen Gain N -Wall-12F-0bw 60 X 9 470.2 0.065 5.7 2,659 0.6 0 293 E -Wall-12F-0bw 41 X 9 369 0.065 5.7 2,087 0.6 0 230 S -Wall-12F-0bw 60 X 9 398 0.065 5.7 2,251 0.6 0 248 W -Wall-12F-0bw 41 X 9 325.5 0.065 5.7 1,841 0.6 0 203 N -Door-11G 3 X 7 21 0.540 47.0 987 13.5 0 284 N -Door-11P 3 X 7 21 0.290 25.2 530 7.3 0 152 N -Gls-4a shgc-0.28 100%S 13.8 0.290 25.2 347 9.4 0 129 N -Gls-4a shgc-0.28 100%S (2)14 0.290 25.2 354 9.4 0 132 S -Gls-4a shgc-0.28 0%S 17.5 0.290 25.2 442 16.8 0 294 S -Gls-4agdoor shgc-0.28 0%S 42 0.290 25.2 1,060 16.8 0 706 S -Gls-4a shgc-0.28 0%S (6)82.5 0.290 25.2 2,082 16.8 0 1,386 W -Gls-4a shgc-0.28 0%S (2)27.5 0.290 25.2 694 30.3 0 832 W -Gls-4a shgc-0.28 0%S (4)16 0.290 25.2 404 30.3 0 484 Subtotals for Structure:15,738 0 5,373 Infil.: Win.: 84.2, Sum.: 6.9 1,818 4.300 7,817 0.057 169 103 Ductwork:2,797 734 AED Excursion:271 People: 200 lat/per, 230 sen/per:1 200 230 Equipment:3,200 4,200 Lighting:700 2,387 Room Totals:26,352 3,569 13,298 C:\Users\Slykke\Desktop\9831 189th St.rh9 Tuesday, July 13, 2021, 2:44 PM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Air Mechanical Inc. Ham Lake, MN 55304 Page 9 Detailed Room Loads - Room 3 - Upper Level (Average Load Procedure) General Calculation Mode:Htg. & clg.Occurrences:1 Room Length:n/a System Number:1 Room Width:n/a Zone Number:1 Area:2,002.0 sq.ft.Supply Air:596 CFM Ceiling Height:8.0 ft.Supply Air Changes:2.2 AC/hr Volume:16,016 cu.ft.Req. Vent. Clg:0 CFM Number of Registers:6 Actual Winter Vent.:41 CFM Runout Air:99 CFM Percent of Supply.:7 % Runout Duct Size:7 in.Actual Summer Vent.:41 CFM Runout Air Velocity:372 ft./min.Percent of Supply:7 % Runout Air Velocity:372 ft./min.Actual Winter Infil.:73 CFM Actual Loss:0.070 in.wg./100 ft.Actual Summer Infil.:6 CFM Item Description Area Quantity -U- Value Htg HTM Sen Loss Clg HTM Lat Gain Sen Gain N -Wall-12E-0bw 53 X 8 332.2 0.068 5.9 1,966 0.7 0 235 E -Wall-12E-0bw 46 X 8 368 0.068 5.9 2,177 0.7 0 260 S -Wall-12E-0bw 53 X 8 349.8 0.068 5.9 2,069 0.7 0 247 W -Wall-12E-0bw 46 X 8 353 0.068 5.9 2,088 0.7 0 250 N -Gls-4a shgc-0.28 100%S (2)22.5 0.290 25.2 568 9.3 0 210 N -Gls-4a shgc-0.28 100%S (2)33 0.290 25.2 832 9.4 0 310 N -Gls-4a shgc-0.28 100%S 6.2 0.290 25.2 158 9.4 0 59 N -Gls-4a shgc-0.28 100%S (2)30 0.290 25.2 756 9.3 0 280 S -Gls-4a shgc-0.28 0%S (4)60 0.290 25.2 1,512 16.8 0 1,008 S -Gls-4a shgc-0.28 0%S 6.2 0.290 25.2 158 16.8 0 105 S -Gls-4a shgc-0.28 0%S 8 0.290 25.2 202 16.8 0 134 W -Gls-4a shgc-0.28 0%S 15 0.290 25.2 378 30.2 0 453 UP-Ceil-16B-44 2002 X 1 2002 0.022 1.9 3,832 1.1 0 2,158 Floor-20P-30 1 X 456 456 0.035 3.0 1,389 0.3 0 144 Subtotals for Structure:18,085 0 5,853 Infil.: Win.: 73.4, Sum.: 6.0 1,584 4.300 6,811 0.056 148 89 Ductwork:2,956 703 AED Excursion:259 People: 200 lat/per, 230 sen/per:4 800 920 Equipment:2,200 3,200 Lighting:500 1,705 Room Totals:27,852 3,148 12,729 C:\Users\Slykke\Desktop\9831 189th St.rh9 Tuesday, July 13, 2021, 2:44 PM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Air Mechanical Inc. Ham Lake, MN 55304 Page 10 System 1 Room Load Summary No Room Name Area SF Htg Sens Btuh Min Htg CFM Run Duct Size Run Duct Vel Clg Sens Btuh Clg Lat Btuh Min Clg CFM Act Sys CFM ---Zone 1--- 1 Lower Level 1,546 13,910 202 3-6 374 4,708 1,222 221 221 2 Main Level 1,546 26,352 382 6-7 389 13,298 3,569 623 623 3 Upper Level 2,002 27,852 404 6-7 372 12,729 3,148 596 596 Ventilation 9,285 1,494 2,467 Humidification 5,738 Duct Latent 578 Return Duct 7,229 1,696 578 System 1 total 5,094 90,366 989 33,925 11,562 1,440 1,440 System 1 Main Trunk Size:12x20 in. Velocity:864 ft./min Loss per 100 ft.:0.096 in.wg Cooling System Summary Cooling Tons Sensible/Latent Split Sensible Btuh Latent Btuh Total Btuh Net Required:3.79 75% / 25%33,925 11,562 45,487 Equipment Data Heating System Cooling System Type:Natural Gas Furnace Standard Air Conditioner Model: Indoor Model: Brand: Efficiency:0 AFUE 0 SEER Sound:0 0 Capacity:0 Btuh 0 Btuh Sensible Capacity:n/a 0 Btuh Latent Capacity:n/a 0 Btuh C:\Users\Slykke\Desktop\9831 189th St.rh9 Tuesday, July 13, 2021, 2:44 PM Builders Associaton of Minnesota version 101014 New Construction Energy Code Compliance Certificate Place your logo here Per R401.3 Certificate. A building certificate shall be posted on or in the electrical distribution panel. Date Certificate Posted 7/14/2021 Mailing Address of the Dwelling or Dwelling Unit City 9831 189th St Lakeville Name of Residential Contractor MN License Number Country Joe Homes BC627670 THERMAL ENVELOPE RADON CONTROL SYSTEM Insulation Location Total R-Value of all Types ofInsulationType: Check All That Apply Passive (No Fan)Non or Not ApplicableFiberglass, BlownFiberglass, BattsFoam, Closed CellFoam Open CellMineral FiberboardRigid, Extruded PolystyreneRigid, IsocynurateActive (With fan and monometer or other system monitoring device) Location (or future location) of Fan: Other Please Describe Here Below Entire Slab X Foundation Wall R-15 X Perimeter of Slab on Grade X Rim Joist (1st Floor)R-20 X Rim Joist (2nd Floor+)R-20 X Wall R-21 X Ceiling, flat R-49 X Ceiling, vaulted R-49 X Bay Windows or cantilevered areas Floors over unconditioned area R-30 X Describe other insulated areas Building envelope air tightness:Duct system air tightness: Windows & Doors Heating or Cooling Ducts Outside Conditioned Spaces Average U-Factor (excludes skylights and one door) U: 0.29 X Not applicable, all ducts located in conditioned space Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC):0.28 R-8 R-value MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Make-up Air Select a Type Appliances Heating System Domestic Water Heater Cooling System X Not required per mech. code Fuel Type Natural gas Electric Electric Passive Manufacturer BRYANT Westinghouse BRYANT Powered Model 912SD60100 WEG100C2X045 BA13NA048 Interlocked with exhaust device. Describe: Rating or Size Input in BTUS:100,000 Capacity in Gallons: 100 Output in Tons:4 Other, describe: Efficiency AFUE or HSPF%92%SEER /EER 13 Location of duct or system: Residential Load Calculation Heating Loss Heating Gain Cooling Load 90,366 33,925 45,487 Cfm's " round duct OR MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM " metal duct Describe any additional or combined heating or cooling systems if installed: (e.g. two furnaces or air source heat pump with gas back-up furnace): Combustion Air Select a Type Not required per mech. code Select Type RENEW AIRE EV-200 (BALANCED)Passive Heat Recover Ventilator (HRV) Capacity in cfms:Low: High:Other, describe: X Energy Recover Ventilator (ERV) Capacity in cfms:Low: 100 High:200 Location of duct or system: Balanced Ventilation capacity in cfms:FLEX MECH ROOM Location of fan(s), describe: Cfm's Capacity continuous ventilation rate in cfms: " FLEX OR Total ventilation (intermittent + continuous) rate in cfms: " metal duct 08/09/21XKP