HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-14-99 ITEM 2 • CITY OF LAKEVILLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES December 14, 1999 Members Present: Brantly, Detjen, Emond, Erickson, Matasosky, Miller, Pogatchnik, Tushie, Schubert, Vogel, and ex-officio Erickson. Staff Present: Michael Sobota, Community and Economic Development Director; Rita Erpelding, Economic Development Coordinator; and Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary. 1. Call to Order. Chair Vogel called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. in the Administration Conference Room at Lakeville City Hall. 2. Approval of the October 26, 1999 Meeting Minutes. 99.15 MOTION: Comms. Detjen/Pogatchnik moved to approve the October • 26, 1999, meeting minutes. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Strategic Plan Update Process. a. Review and Approve Mr. Sobota stated that the memorandum included in the packet provides an overview to the process that will be utilized to review the strategic plan and begin the prioritization process for the 2000 work plan. Ultimately, the EDC will be requested to make a recommendation to the City Council to adopt the 2000 Strategic Plan and the 2000 Work Plan. To begin the review and approval process, Mr. Sobota suggested that the EDC begin with sections I through IV. Mr. Sobota stated that sections I thought IV were the summary of the assessment of the current environment for economic development. The information was gathered from City staff, as well as from the discussion at the Strategic Planning Session itself. Mr. Sobota stated that the critical issues identified in Section V were developed at the Strategic Planning Session in September. In order to facilitate the discussion on the critical issues, each critical issue was discussed individually to determine whether it indeed is a critical issue and whether the descriptive statements accurately reflect the sentiments of the EDC. • Lakeville Economic Development Commission December 14, 1999 Meeting Minutes Page 2 • Critical Issue 1: Attraction of New Business to Serve the Resident Population Comm. Emond stated the development will occur when the timing is right, rather than through active recruitment. Therefore, it is important to be ready for development through quality planning and customer service. Based on Comm. Emond's comments, it was recommended that the title be changed from "attraction of" to "encourage" to more accurately reflect the role that the City is likely to play in this type of development. Mr. Erickson also recommended that the word "dental" 6e stricken from the third paragraph because the primary concern regarding availability of health services related to medical clinics. Critical Issue 2: Providing the Workforce for Existing Businesses Comm. Detjen recommended that the title include "future" as well as existing. Mr. Erickson requested that the first sentence of the second paragraph be reworded for clarity. Through discussion, the EDC concluded that the sentence should be "Highlighted by the labor shortage, there is an increasing skills mismatch between the skills of potential employees and the skills needed for the job." Critical Issue 3: Providing Housing for New Workers Chair Vogel asked whether the word "providing" accurately reflected the City's role in housing. Comm. Tushie expressed approval of the current language because through the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, the City is participating in providing housing. In addition, it is unlikely that affordable housing • would be developed without the City's support. Critical Issue 4: Building on the Assets of Lakeville to Attract High Skill Jobs The EDC requested clarification between this critical issue and the first critical issue. Mr. Sobota stated that the first critical issue related to providing services that are needed for the resident population. The services most requested include retail and medical services. In contrast, this critical issue relates to encouraging companies with higher skill jobs to move to Lakeville. Comm. Matasosky expressed concern regarding whether these companies would compete with existing companies. Mr. Sobota stated that it was unlikely because of the large number of Lakeville residents that currently leave the community for employment opportunities. Chair Vogel added that additional residents both living and working in Lakeville will help support retail development. Critical Issue 5: Maintaining the Long-Term Vitality of the Historic Downtown The EDC agreed that this was a critical issue and that the description was accurate. Lakeville Economic Development Commission December 14, 1999 Meeting Minutes Page 3 • Critical Issue 6: Timing/Stage of Development Ms. Erpelding expressed concern regarding whether the development of commercial and industrial standards was critical or desired by the EDC. Ms. Erpelding recommended that this critical issue incorporate the development of policies to manage growth, the importance of communication, and quality customer service. The EDC recommended that the title of the critical issue be changed to "Develop and Maintain Policies and Programs to Facilitate Long-term Growth". Mr. Sobota stated that the EDC must also review and approve the mission statement. The EDC had no comments or questions. The Mission Statement was approved as written. Chair Vogel turned the discussion to the goals identified in section VIII. Chair Vogel stated that it is important that the goals both incorporate the critical issues and meet the intention of the mission statement. Chair Vogel stated that affordable housing is identified as a critical issue, however it is not incorporated in any of the goals as written. After a discussion, the EDC concluded that affordable housing should be listed in goal 1 as one of the needs of employers. Chair Vogel also stated that communication, quality growth, and customer service are not listed in any of the goals. The EDC agreed that those three components should be incorporated into goal 2, manage growth and city processes to enhance quality of life and sense of community. • Comm. Brantly recommended that additional investments besides roads are going to be needed in order to provide for longer term economic expansion. It was recommended that infrastructure be added to the end of the second sentence of the first paragraph in goal 3, position Lakeville for longer term economic expansion. Mr. Erickson recommended that the first two sentences of goal 3 be modified in order to incorporate the MUSA staging areas and the Comprehensive Plan. Based on Mr. Erickson's recommendation the EDC concluded that the first paragraph should read "In addition to managing current growth, the EDC has placed a high priority on positioning the City for future growth consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Lakeville's current growth rate is likely to increase utilizing the staged MUSA expansion areas and planned investments in additional road systems and infrastructure." Mr. Erickson commented that quality planning in itself is not enough to support continued development. The City has begun to see resistance to commercial development from neighborhoods. The neighborhood development process is becoming more difficult, and may be a detriment to future growth. In order to assist residents with understanding the Comprehensive Plan and the process, the City Council has directed City staff to mail out to all residents the • Lakeville Economic Development Commission December 14, 1999 Meeting Minutes Page 4 • Comprehensive Plan and the final Zoning Map. Mr. Sobota added that additional information will be available on the City's website. With the approval of the EDC, Chair Vogel began the review of section IX, Lakeville's Criteria for Prioritizing Action Items. Chair Vogel stated that agreeing to the criteria for prioritization will assist with preventing members from being too subjective, as well as increase the efficiency in prioritizing. Chair Vogel asked EDC members whether they agreed that all strategies should be held to the standard of "all actions must meet the test of public sector responsibility." Comm. Matasosky expressed concern that the public sector test limits the innovation of the EDC. Comm. Matasosky stated that his understanding of the role of the EDC is to make recommendations to the City Council. Thus, it is the City Council's responsibility to ensure that the recommendations meet the public sector standard. Comm. Tushie agreed stating that it would limit the entrepreneurial spirit of the commission. Mr. Erickson stated that this discussion mirrored the Planning Commission's discussion regarding the conflict of interest clause. After a lengthy discussion, the Planning Commission decided that only the City Council and Planning Commission are vested with the responsibility of ensuring public sector accountability. The advisory commissions, such as the EDC, should be able to be innovative without the fear of conflict of interest and determination of public • sector responsibility. Based on this discussion, the EDC unanimously decided to remove the criteria "All actions must meet the test of public sector responsibility." Chair Vogel then asked whether the remaining four criteria were appropriate. It was decided that the first criteria, fit with community values, is accurate. Comm. Tushie recommended, and the EDC agreed, that another component of the second criteria, urgency, would be "immediate necessity to achieve long- range plans." The third criteria was agreed to as written. The EDC agreed that the fourth criteria is important, but that it was the City Council's responsibility to ensure that an action is fiscally responsible, rather than the EDC. Comm. Tushie asked whether all of the criteria carried the same weight. The EDC agreed that although the criteria do not necessarily carry the same weight for all of the strategies, it would be too difficult to prioritize if weights were added as well. Based on the discussion, the criteria were revised to the following: 1. Fit with Community Values -Implements long-term community vision 2. Urgency a. Immediate action to correct problem • b. Take advantage of opportunity Lakeville Economic Development Commission December 14, 1999 Meeting Minutes Page 5 • c. Immediate necessity to achieve long range plans 3. Impact - Potential to make a real "big" difference 4. Fiscally Responsible Before utilizing the criteria to prioritize, Chair Vogel asked whether any of the strategies need to be modified. Mr. Erickson recommended that the strategy Ensure an adequate supply and diversity in housing opportunities be clarified. It was recommended and agreed that the third sentence would be, "through the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, businesses express concern for and residents expressed support for increasing the diversity of housing opportunities." With that modification, the EDC agreed that the strategies were reflective of the critical issues, goals, and mission statement. Chair Vogel stated that the easiest method of prioritization would be to read each strategy and for the EDC to identify which criteria the strategy meets. The following table summarizes the discussion. The total identified in the last column reflects how many criteria a strategy meets. Meeting any component of criteria 2 (meaning a, b, or c) was only counted once in calculating a total. STRATEGIES 1 2a 2b 2c 3 Total Identify Resources to Meet Employers' X X 2 • Recruitment and Retention Needs Develop Strategies to Attract and Retain 2 Employers That Will Utilize the Skills of X X Residents Develop and Monitor Policies That Promote X 1 Quali Growth Enhance and Maintain Communication Efforts X 1 With Stakeholders Implement Strategies to Maintain Quality X 1 Customer Service Ensure an Adequate Supply and Diversity in X X X X X 3 Housin O ortunities Implement Strategies to Ensure Lakeville's 2 Infrastructure is Adequate to Meet Current and X X X Future Business Needs Maintain Long-Term Vitality of the Historic X X X X X 3 Downtown Develop and Maintain Policies and Programs 0 that Improve Lakeville's Capacity for Economic Develo ment Encourage Additional Office Park/Business 2 Campus and Home-Based Business Sector X X Develo ment Develop and Implement a Vision for Lakeville's X X X 3 • Retail and Service Sectors Lakeville Economic Development Commission December 14, 1999 Meeting Minutes Page 6 • Based on the number of criteria each strategy met, the EDC categorized the priorities into high, medium, and low. A high priority was one in which the strategy met all three criteria. A medium priority met two criteria and a low strategy met one or no criteria. The following is a summary of the priorities: High Priority Strategies: • Ensure an Adequate Supply and Diversity in Housing Opportunities. • Maintain Long-Term Vitality of the Historic Downtown. • Develop and Implement a Vision for Lakeville's Retail and Service Sectors. Medium Priority Strategies: • Identify Resources to Meet Employers' Recruitment and Retention Needs. • Develop Strategies to Attract and Retain Employers that will Utilize the Skills of Residents. Implement Strategies to Ensure Lakeville's Infrastructure is Adequate to Meet Current and Future Business Needs. • Encourage Additional Office Park/Business Campus and Home-Based Business Sector Development. Low Priority Strategies: Develop and Monitor Policies that Promote Quality Growth. • Enhance and Maintain Communication Efforts with Stakeholders. • Implement Strategies to Maintain Quality Customer Service. • Develop and Maintain Policies and Programs that Improve Lakeville's Capacity for Economic Development. Mr. Sobota stated that the EDC could make a recommendation to the City Council to approve the 2000 Strategic Plan with the changes suggested. Mr. Sobota asked whether the EDC would like to see the 2000 Work Plan before it is presented to the City Council for approval. The EDC concluded that a review of the Work Plan would be good because there may be low priority actions that will be done sooner because they are easy to complete. The revised 2000 Work Plan will be brought to the EDC in January for their review and approval. 99.16 Motion: Comms. Matasosky/Tushie recommended that the City Council approve the 2000 Strategic Plan as amended. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Consider Recommendation for 2000 Allocation for Community Development Block Grant Funding Mr. Erickson stated that approximately $100,000 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funding will available for Lakeville in the year 2000. The City of Lakeville is required to submit an application to the Dakota County HRA, the CDBG funding administrator, regarding the • anticipated use of the funding. Mr. Erickson stated that the EDC is being Lakeville Economic Development Commission December 14, 1999 Meeting Minutes Page 7 • requested to make a recommendation to the City Council regarding how the funding should be utilized for 2000. Last year, CDBG funds were utilized to prepare the new senior housing site, including acquisition, relocation, and demolition. Mr. Erickson stated that staff is suggesting that the funding could be utilized for affordable housing initiatives, such as is identified in the letter from Mr. Lee Smith of the Dakota County HRA. Another possible use would be for storefront improvements in downtown. Mr. Erickson suggested that the funding could be utilized for pilot projects that would restore buildings to historic standards. One example might be the restoration of the bank building back to its former appearance. Staff is still in the process of verifying with the Dakota County HRA regarding the eligibility of storefront improvements for funding. It may be that the buildings need to be on the historic register in order for projects to be eligible. Comm. Tushie expressed support for funding being utilized for both affordable housing and storefront improvement. However, Comm. Tushie expressed concern that the improvements should be to restore or rehabilitate a building to its historical appearance, rather than to fix problems that should have been completed by the owner. Comm. Brantly agreed stating that the EDC may want to clarify in its recommendation that the funding must be utilized for rehabilitation, restoration, or enhancements consistent with the findings of the design guidelines study. • Mr. Erickson also stated that the City of Lakeville has funding available through the proceeds currently available from the Department of Trade and Economic Development (DYED) revolving loan fund created through the New Morning Windows loan repayments. It was suggested that one option if storefront improvements are not eligible under CDBG guidelines, would be to utilize the New Morning Windows loan repayments. 99.17 MOTION Comms. Pogatchnik/Detjen recommended to the City Council that the available Community Development Block Grant Funds in the year 2000 be prioritized for affordable housing and downtown storefront improvements that meet with approved design guidelines. If one of these projects is not deemed eligible, funding should then be applied in total to the remaining priority. Tushie abstained. Motion carried unanimously. 99.18 MOTION Comms. Detjen/Brantly recommended to the City Council that if storefront improvements are not eligible for funding through the Community Development Black Grant Funding Program, then staff should be directed to investigate the possible use of the proceeds currently available in the • Department of Trade and Economic Development (DYED) Lakeville Economic Development Commission December 14, 1999 Meeting Minutes Page 8 • revolving loan fund created through New Morning Window's loan repayments. Tushie abstained. Mofion carried unanimously. 5. Update on Strategic Work Plan Activities. Minnesota Manufacturers Week Ms. Erpelding stated that on behalf of the EDC, City staff developed a promotional piece for the This Week News-Life & Times, as well as hosted a Minnesota Manufacturers Week neighborhood meeting. The manufacturers' meeting was held on October 27~' in the Ryt-way Training Room. Over 20 representatives from 16 companies attended the meeting and learned more about fiber-optics and resources for labor force recruitment and retention. Ms. Erpelding asked Comms. Matasosky and Schubert for their comments on the meeting. Comm. Matasosky stated that the feedback that he had received from Airlake businesses was positive. It appeared that about half of the participants found the information to be new and beneficial to their company. Comm. Matasosky added that he believed that the fiber-optics section identified more questions than it answered. However, as a result of the presentation, a few companies are pursuing fiber optics. Comm. Schubert agreed stating that she had also received positive feedback regarding the meeting. • Ms. Erpelding stated that she had also heard positive feedback from the presenters, many of whom have had inquiries based on the meeting. Sarah Cartwright of the Community Action Council Early Childhood Services has expressed interest in hosting afollow-up meeting to further discuss child care needs in Airlake. Ms. Erpelding stated that she will be working with Ms. Cartwright to coordinate a meeting sometime in January. South Creek Trouf Stream Ms. Erpelding stated that the subcommittee has met a number of times since the last EDC meeting. Ms. Erpelding requested that Comms. Pogatchnik and Matasosky provide an update to the EDC regarding the activities of the Joint South Creek Subcommittee. Comm. Pogatchnik stated that there continues to be a lot of information to review on this issue. The subcommittee is meeting twice monthly to review the information and involve agency representatives. In order to continue to be proactive, the subcommittee is involving interested agencies, such as the Department of Natural Resources. Comm. Matasosky stated that at the meeting that included agency representatives, the representatives reviewed the proposed outline for the management plan and seemed surprised at the credibility and approach. Comm. • Matasosky expressed frustration at the limited amount of information that is Lakeville Economic Development Commission December 14, 1999 Meeting Minutes Page 9 available and that the subcommittee must develop its own data resources. Comm. Matasosky added that the subcommittee has decided to wait with a public meeting with landowners until the subcommittee is further along in the development of the management plan. The meeting is anticipated to be in March. Ms. Erpelding added that the South Creek Trout Stream subcommittee did recommend to the City Council that Barr Engineering complete a study of South Creek Trout Stream. Ms. Erpelding stated that the proposed study, which is explained in the attachments included in the packet, would be considered by the City Council at the December 20'" meeting. The information from the study would be utilized to identify and evaluate proposed best management practices, as well as provide technical justification for their inclusion in the management plan. Comm. Erickson asked about the location of the trout stream and the watershed. Ms. Erpelding utilized the map of the South Creek watershed and of the trout stream designated area to review with the EDC the locations. Downtown Lakeville Parking Study Ms. Erpelding stated that Barton-Aschman is in the midst of the Downtown Lakeville Parking Study. City staff anticipate a preliminary report from Barton- Aschman in early January and a final report to the City Council in early February. 6. Staff Activities Report • Ms. Erpelding stated that a summary of staff activities was provided in the attached memorandum and asked if any EDC members had any questions. There were no questions. 7. Other Business. No other business was identified. 8. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. R pectively bmitted by: ATTESTED TO: Penny re g, Recordin ecretary .T. Brantly, Secretary •