HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-27-98 • CITY OF LAKEVILLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES January 27, 1998 Members Present: Brandy, Detjen, Emond, Erickson (Alternate), Krejci, Matasosky, Pogatchnik, Tushie and Vogel Members Absent: Miller Staff Present: Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Michael Sobota, Community & Economic Development Director; and Nicole Bennett, Economic Development Coordinator. Also Present: Stephen Nelson and Gary Lussier, Technical Methods, Inc., (TMI); Becky Grogan and George Ferris, Hearth Technologies (Heat-N- Glo); and Todd Seidell, APPRO Development. 1. Call to Order. Chair Vogel called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the • Administration Conference Room at Lakeville City Hall. He stated that due to a time conflict he would need to leave at approximately 6:15 p.m. and would be turning the meeting over to Vice Chair Matasosky at that time. 2. Approval of the November 25, 1997, Meeting Minutes. 98.01 MOTION: Comms. MatasoskyBrantly moved to approve the November 25, 1997, meeting minutes as written. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Review Request for TIF Assistance from Technical Methods, Inc., (TMI) to Construct a New Office/Prototype Design and Development Facility in Fairfield Business Campus. Chair Vogel noted that representatives of TMI were present at the meeting, and he asked Mr. Sobota to provide an overview of the project. Mr. Sobota introduced Mr. Stephen Nelson and Mr. Gary Lussier from Technical Methods, Inc., (TMI}. Mr_ Sobota stated that the company is requesting TIF assistance to construct a 24,000-square-foot office and prototype development facility on a 3.26-acre site in Fairfield Business Campus, north of Itron on Kensington Blvd. Mr. Nelson stated that TMI is a business based on aerospace pattern development and tooling that is very dependent on CAD/CAM (computer-aided design manufacturing). He stated that the business serves customers such as plastic injection molding • companies by creating preliminary designs and prototypes of products for the marketplace. Economic Development Commission January 27, 1998 Meeting Minutes Page 2 • Comm. Matasosky noted that TMI purchased Accord Prototype two and a half years ago, and Accord Prototype has been located in Airlake Industrial Park since 1979. Mr. Sobota stated that staff has reviewed the request for TIF assistance submitted by TMI and found it to be consistent with the city's adopted TIF policies and goals in four areas including: (1) retaining 20 current full-time ,positions provided by TMI plus the creation of at least 30 future high-skill jobs within the next 5 years, (2) a substantial increase in the city's property tax base due to the construction of a new 24,000-square-foot building valued at a proposed $1 million, (3) providing assistance to a rapidly growing business that will allow the company to better serve its customers in a more accessible/visible location, and (4) enhancing Fairfield Business Campus as a viable business district with the addition of TMI's highly skilled workers. Mr. Sobota noted that staff is recommending that the city provide the 3.26-acre site in Fairfield and that TIF funds be used for the potential future extension of Kensington Boulevard to the north, and that the company pay the park dedication fee and storm sewer area charge. He added that TMI is proposing a spring 1998 construction. Comm. Emond inquired if the current Kensington Boulevard is a temporary cul-de-sac and if utilities are accessible to the site. Mr. Sobota responded that the north end of Kensington Boulevard is currently a temporary cul-de-sac, and utilities are in place in Kensington Blvd. He noted that an existing pond located northwest of the proposed • site is designed to provide for all necessary storm water ponding. Comm. Tushie inquired if the proposed facility would include manufacturing that generates any exterior noise considering that the proposed site is adjacent to residential zoning to the northeast. Mr. Erickson noted that New Morning Windows wanted to operate with open doors to cool manufacturing areas in warm weather, and thus needed to comply with MPCA exterior noise requirements. Mr. Sobota asked the representatives from TMI to comment on whether the proposed facility would produce any exterior noise. Mr. Nelson responded that TMI's operation would occur completely within the building. He noted that TMI's process is dependent upon maintaining an ambient climate at approximately 72 degrees with no humidity, thus the proposed facility would be completely air-conditioned and all doors would remain closed with no exterior noise being generated. Comm. Emond inquired as to the zoning of adjacent property to the north of the site. Mr. Sobota stated that property to the northwest of the proposed TMI site is currently zoned B-4 (General Commercial) and property to the northeast is currently zoned R-2 (Single-family Residential). He noted that there is a significant grade change to the north, and a landscape buffer will be required to screen the proposed Hearth Technologies site from aconceptually-approved, single-family residential development to the north, east of Kensington Blvd. Mr. Erickson stated that staff's goal is to • expand the business campus to the north on the west side of Kensington Blvd. due to the rapid development of Fairfield and the market demand for corporate office/light manufacturing facilities. Economic Development Commission January 27, 1998 Meeting Minutes Page 3 • Comm. Tushie inquired if the EDC could make a recommendation in support of the extension of Fairfield Business Campus to the north. Mr. Erickson responded that the EDC may want to consider a separate motion regarding the expansion of Fairfield after reviewing both of the proposed Fairfield projects on the agenda. 98.02 MOTION: Comms. Emond/Tushie moved to recommend to the City Council the approval of the request for TIF assistance from Technical Methods, Inc., (TMl) to construct a new office/prototype design and development facility in Fairfield Business Campus. Motion carried unanimously; Comms. Matasosky, Krejci and Yogel abstained. 4. Review Request for TIF assistance from Hearth Technologies (Heat-N-Glo) to Construct a New Corporate Headquarters/Research and Development Facility in Fairfield Business Campus. Vice Chair Matasosky stated that representatives from Hearth Technologies (Heat-N-Glo) were present and he introduced Ms. Becky Grogan and Mr. George Ferris. Mr. Sobota stated that the Heat-N-Glo Division of Hearth Technologies is currently located in Savage, Minnesota, and has been searching for a new corporate headquarters site. He noted that city staff submitted information on Fairfield Business Campus, and later met with company officials to provide additional information on the 7.432-acre site located at the northeast corner of • Kensington Boulevard and Kenbridge Court currently under consideration. Mr. Sobota stated that the company is proposing a 60,000-70,000 square foot corporate headquarters/research and development facility with future expansion potential up to 120,000 square feet total. Mr. Sobota noted that staff is proposing that the city provide the land to Hearth Technologies for $1.00, cover the cost of the storm sewer area charge using TIF funds due to the large investment of the company estimated at $3.1 million, and provide TIF funds for the future extension of Kensington Boulevard to the north. He added that the company will be responsible for the park dedication fee, and TIF funds will provide $50,000 for additional landscaping on this premier site. He stated that this proposal is being submitted to the EDC for review and recommendation. Comm. Matasosky stated that Burnsville and Lakeville were the final sites considered for the new Heat-N-Glo corporate headquarters, and company employees overwhelmingly voted to come to Lakeville. Mr. Ferris noted that Hearth Technologies is the largest manufacturer of fireplaces in the world, and is the second largest division of HON Industries after office furniture. Ms. Grogan stated that numerous Heat-N-Glo employees live in Lakeville and the surrounding areas, and the company is excited at the prospect of moving to Lakeville. Mr. Seidell, architect for the project, stated that a space analysis has indicated the company will need • approximately 70,000 square feet with future expansion to 120,000 square feet total. Mr. Erickson stated that it has been wonderful to work with Heat-N-Glo company officials such as Dan Shimek, and he would categorize Heat-N-Glo as an exceptional Economic Development Commission January 27, 1998 Meeting Minutes Page 4 • business based on the way the company has handled the entire site selection process working with the cities of Savage, Burnsville and Lakeville. He noted that city staff were able to meet numerous Heat-N-Glo employees when visiting the Savage facility to hand out Lakeville logo pins and welcome announcements to each employee. Comm. Pogatchnik inquired if similar development proposals were provided to the existing companies located in Fairfield Business Campus, and if this proposal was consistent with the other development agreements. Mr. Sobota res onded that this proposal is consistent with the agreements made with New Morning Windows, United Properties and Itron, and Verified Credentials, Inc. He noted that staff applied a calculation based on the proposed value of each building compared to the size of the lot in order to analyze the ratio for each project, and this proposal is consistent with that methodology. Comm. Tushie inquired if Hearth Technologies would own or lease the proposed building. Mr. Ferris responded that Hearth Technologies plans to own the new facility based on his recommendation to corporate officials. Comm. Emond inquired how long the increment can be captured for the TIF district in Fairfield Business Campus. Mr. Sobota replied that the 25-year district will expire in . the year 2013. Mr. Erickson noted that Finance Director Dennis Feller has analyzed the proposed increment based on the existing businesses plus the proposed taxes for Heat-N-Glo and Technical Methods, and he has determined that all financial debt requirements will be met with adequate dollars remaining in the TIF fund to cover the future extension of Kensington Blvd. to the north. Comm. Emond inquired as to how many lots are still available in Fairfield, and if the TIF district and campus could be expanded. Mr. Sobota responded that there are two lots still available: United Properties has an option on the 2.6-acre parcel located immediately north of Itron, and there is a 4.6-acre lot located east of Verified Credentials on the south side of Kenbridge Court. Mr. Erickson stated that the impact of recent legislation on TIF districts is yet unknown due to changes in lowering commercial-industrial property tax classification rates, and the potential shortfall created by the decreased increment generated from existing TIF districts may be significant. Comm. Pogatchnik inquired as to the future use of the school district's parcel located immediately east of Fairfield. Mr. Erickson responded that if the school district developed that parcel and then vacated it into the future, the building could be transformed into a business campus use. He noted that the city would encourage the school district and its architects to develop the school building using an open design with removable partitions to allow future re-use. • Comm. Tushie inquired as to the exterior construction materials for the proposed Hearth Technologies building. Mr. Seidell responded that they are planning to use Economic Development Commission January 27,1998 Meeting Minutes Page 5 . decorative pre-cast curtain wall panels with a significant amount of glass on the south and west sides of the building. Comm. Tushie inquired what kind of pre-cast panels would be used. Mr. Seidell stated that a high quality look such as Wells or Spancrete would be used. Comm. Tushie inquired as to the architectural compatibility of the building with the other facilities located in Fairfield_ Mr. Erickson noted that the proposed plans indicate a large amount of glass along the south and west sides creating an attractive facade to the building visible from Kensington Blvd. Mr. Seidell noted that the glass will wrap around the conference room area located on the south side of the building, and the overall look will be glass with monolithic accents. He then passed around photos of similar projects for the EDC to review. Mr. Erickson noted that the Fairfield Business Campus Property Owners' Association would meet to review the design features of the proposed building for consistency, and that the business owners' association has been proactive yet positive during previous architectural reviews. 98.03 MOTION: Comms. Pogatchnik/Tushie moved to recommend to the City Council the approval of the request for TIF assistance from Hearth Technologies to construct a new corporate headquarters/ research and development facility in Fairfield Business Campus. Motion carried unanimously; Comm. Matasosky abstained. • 5. Review Detailed Summary of Strategic Work Plan Projects, and Prioritize Projects for 1998. Vice Chair Matasosky asked staff to provide an overview of the revised strategic work plan. Mr. Sobota stated that as a result of the EDC's November meeting and City Council budget discussions, staff has prepared a revised schedule of strategic plan projects for 1998 based on the amount of staff time available to complete special projects. Ms. Bennett stated that staff met with Chair Vogel several times since the November meeting to review strategic work plan projects for 1998. She noted that staff conducted an analysis of weekly work tasks and developed estimates of the amount of time available on a weekly basis to complete strategic plan projects in 1998. The estimates indicated that 10-15 hours per week are available. She asked the EDC to review the proposed list of projects ranked from 1-6 with dates of implementation assigned to each project. Comm. Tushie noted that he feels the Landscape Corridor Study should be moved earlier in the schedule rather than waiting until the second half of the year to begin the study. Comm. Brantly stated that specifying the city's entry points and developing design guidelines should be made a higher priority. Comm. Tushie commented that the study should establish design parameters for private development that will be enforceable by the city's zoning ordinance. Mr. Sobota stated that there are two types of guidelines: (1) regulations applicable to land within an overlay district in specific • corridors, and (2) public improvements as part of road construction or other projects. He noted that the first option would require an amendment to the zoning ordinance, but option two would require a significant financial commitment from the city. Comm. Matasosky stated that perhaps the RFP for a consultant to undertake the study needs Economic Development Commission January 27, 1998 Meeting Minutes Page 6 • to be moved up in the schedule to get a better idea of the costs involved to conduct and implement the project. Mr. Erickson noted that a few years ago the City Council considered a proposal to add stricter landscaping guidelines as part of the city's zoning ordinance, and the local business community was overwhelmingly in opposition to the proposal. He stated that when screening requirements were proposed in Airlake Industrial Park, the process was successful because meetings were conducted with Airlake businesses and property owners. He noted that a presentation to the Chamber of Commerce early in the process to provide information regarding the Landscape Corridor Study will be critical to its success. Mr. Erickson also stated that the study should include a financial component to identify how the proposed improvements will be financed and areas where the city will need to serve as a participant to encourage private sector improvements. He noted that cities such as Burnsville have budgeted over $1 million for "imaging" projects to improve corridors and parkways, and the Landscape Corridor Study needs to include financing options for recommended improvements in Lakeville. Comm. Tushie stated that imposing guidelines and improvements in areas that are already developed is problematic, and the key is to complete the study as soon as possible to have guidelines in place for corridors prior to development. He added that . the guidelines can be created such that they don't require businesses to spend additional money, but rather that the landscaping already required by the city is placed in different areas to meet beautification objectives. Comm. Brantly stated that the concept must be promoted to the business community or it will fail, and he noted that the city should be willing to spend some money to enhance the city's major entrances and corridors. Comm. Matasosky noted some concern with delaying the creation of a financial incentives policy to later in the year. He noted that with the degree of development activity it is important that the policy be established. Mr. Erickson stated that with the legislative changes to property tax classifications and tax increment financing, it may be beneficial to delay the financial incentives policy discussions until later in the legislative session. He noted that stall' has received a copy of a preliminary report from the Minnesota House of Representatives Research Department that outlines the potential impacts of the class rate reductions on TIF districts, and staff will provide copies of the report to the EDC. The EDC recommended that staff revise the 1998 schedule of strategic plan projects to include the Landscape Corridor Study ahead of the Financial Incentives Policy, but with an attempt to overlap the activities from these two projects as much as possible • to allow them to be implemented from April through early fall. The EDC also recommended adding details to the Landscape Corridor Study project including a meeting with the Chamber and exploring financing options for the implementation of Economic Development Commission January 27, 1998 Meeting Minutes Page 7 • study guidelines. Staff agreed to bring an amended work plan back to the EDC in February for discussion and approval. 6. Project Activities Update. Vice Chair Matasosky asked Ms. Bennett to update the EDC regarding the Strategic Work Plan and other development projects. Ms. Bennett stated that staff has completed the follow-up phoning for the distribution marketing videos and is planning to work with the new Cable Coordinator to complete the business services and medical/health services videos in order to begin mailing those videos out to prospective businesses. She noted that staff has completed a survey of other communities and economic development agencies regarding financial incentives, and this information will be helpful in developing the financial incentives policy. Ms. Bennett provided a brief update on current development projects including: the Muller Family Theatre grand opening on January 16th, the opening of Lakeville Liquor Store #4 on December 15th, very preliminary sketch plans submitted for a proposed Cub Foods store at C.R. 46 and I-35, and the recent approval of plans for the new Tutor Time Daycare Center to be located at 175th Street and Ipava Avenue. Ms. Bennett stated that staff has met with Dakota County officials and the library architect to discuss preliminary design concepts. She noted that Ken Owen from DHY, Inc., has accepted a position on the Airlake Park News Editorial Board and • staff is looking forward to his input and ideas for the newsletter. Cornm. Brantly inquired how much time staff is devoting to the Airlake Park News, and if it is difficult to generate new ideas for articles to be included in the newsletter. Ms. Bennett stated that she and Public Information Coordinator Lea Guenther work together to develop articles for the newsletter, but that it is becoming increasingly time-consuming to publish the Airlake News on a quarterly basis. EDC members recommended that a readership survey be done to get feedback on publishing the newsletter twice a year rather than quarterly, and to inquire about topics of interest to Airlake businesses that could be covered in future issues. Ms. Bennett noted that the survey could be included in the upcoming winterissue. Ms. Bennett stated that the Downtown Lakeville Business Association (DLBA) held a workshop on January 13th with Chamber members, school district representatives, and property owners from the downtown. She noted that everyone in attendance voiced support for the creation of a Special Improvement District (SID), and the DLBA Intern will continue to meet with property owners to gain support for the district. Ms. Bennett noted that several items were attached to the project activities update including: a copy of the press release for Heat-N-Glo, a memo regarding information from the Minnesota Development Conference, and a letter from David Piggott • thanking the city for its continued support of the Metro East Development Partnership. Economic Development Commission January 27, 1998 Meeting Minutes Page 8 • Comm. Matasosky indicated some concern that Metro East Development Partnership is not providing adequate follow-up regarding business prospects. Ms. Bennett noted that staff has been responding to 2-3 requests for proposal from Metro East each week, but staff has not received follow-up contact from any prospective businesses nor has Metro East staff provided information on where these businesses have chosen to locate. Comm. Emond inquired if the city has received any new businesses as a result of leads from Metro East. Ms. Bennett responded that no Metro East prospects have located in Lakeville to-date. EDC members indicated that the city should be kept informed as to where these prospective businesses decide to locate. 7. Election of 1998 Officers: Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary. Vice Chair Matasosky stated that the EDC needed to nominate and elect officers for 1998 including Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary. 98.04 MOTION: Comms. Emond/Brandy moved to elect the 1997 officers for an additional term in 1998 including Comm. Vogel as Chair, Comm. Matasosky as Vice Chair, and Comm. Krejci as Secretary. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Other Business. Vice Chair Matasosky noted that the general discussion regarding future expansion of Fairfield Business Campus could now be continued as other • business. Comm. Tushie inquired if the TIF district can be expanded to the north as part of a future expansion of Fairfield Business Campus, and he asked that staff research this issue. Comm. Matasosky stated that United Properties is currently marketing the site located north of Itron, and he inquired if the option runs with the tenant or the owner. Comm. Emond noted that an expansion of Fairfield Business Campus should be compatible with adjacent residential land uses to the northeast. Comm. Tushie suggested that if the business campus were extended, business campus uses could be located on the west side of the parkway and multi-family could be located on the east side of the parkway adjacent to existing single-family residential to provide a transitional buffer. 98.05 MOTION: Comms. Tushie/Detjen moved to recommend that staff research opportunities to expand Fairfield Business Campus to the north including the extension of Kensington Boulevard. Motion carried unanimously_ 9. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfu y submitt ATTEST T ~ ~v~ ~ ~ ico E. Bennett, Recording Secretary o n Krejci, Secre ary • cawinword\edc11998mtgs\0127mtglmn012798.doc