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April 28, 1998
Members Present: Brantly, Detjen, Emond, Krejci, Matasosky, Miller, Pogatchnik,
Tushie and Vogel.
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Michael Sobota, Community &
Economic Development Director; and Nicole Bennett, Economic
Development Coordinator.
Also Present: Greg Konat and Judy Tschumper, City of Burnsville; Dick Sherman,
Nancy Smith, Jody Braun, and Roseann Klaphake, Downtown
Lakeville Business Association; Dan Kinsella, Grist Mill Company;
and Tom Smith, President, and Cindy Johnson, Executive Director,
Lakeville Area Chamber of Commerce.
1. Call to Order. Chair Vogel called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. in the
• Administration Conference Room at Lakeville City Hall. Introductions were initiated
among those present.
2. Approval of the February 24, 1998, Meeting Minutes.
98.11 MOTION: Comms. Emond/Miller moved to approve the February 24, 1998,
meeting minutes as written. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Presentation by City Manager Greg Konat and Director of Development/
Redevelopment Judy Tschumper from the City of Burnsville regarding the
"Heart of the City" initiative as background for the Landscape Corridor Study
RFP. Mr. Sobota introduced Greg Konat, City Manager, and Judy Tschumper,
Director of Development/Redevelopment, from the City of Burnsville. Mr. Konat
provided a brief overview of the "Heart of the City" initiative. He noted that the
project began with business owners and residents expressing a need for Burnsville to
identify a downtown or center for community activities. He stated that the project
area includes Burnsville Parkway from I-35 to Parkwood Drive and Nicollet Avenue
from Highway 13 to McAndrews Road, which was originally planned as a downtown
area for Burnsville prior to the commercial development at I-35 and County Road 42.
Mr. Konat explained that the schools and civic facilities located in the project area will
serve as a connecting force along with public transit, pedestrian and bicycle access to
• the area. He noted that the area was also in need of rejuvenation with many
opportunities for redevelopment such as the Diamond Head Mall being purchased by
the school district and converted to a community education campus.
Lakeville Economic Development Commission Apri128, 1998
Meeting Minutes Page 2
• Mr. Konat stated that the Burnsville Parkway streetscape improvements will include
the widening of trails to encourage additional pedestrian and bicycle traffic, extensive
landscaping in the median and along the parkway, ornamental street lights and
seasonal decorations, scored brick pedestrian crossings across street intersections, and
the addition of access roads to slow traffic on the parkway and to provide better
business access. Mr. Konat stated that the city's traditional process for public
improvement projects typically include the City Council making a decision to do the
project, city staff working with consultants to plan and design the project, and
meetings with affected business and property owners to present the final plans.
However, the "Heart of the City" process has involved residents and business owners
in the initial brainstorming and design stages.
Mr. Konat noted that project improvements will cost an estimated $3 million for phase
I with 80% coveted by city TIF funds and 20% being assessed to business and
property owners. He noted that individual visits were made to every affected business
or property owner along the parkway, and they all agreed to the assessment.
Ms. Tschumper noted that direct input from property owners has driven the entire
process including the planning of public improvements in the project area. She
indicated that the process included a 20-member committee with a 4-member
management team of local business representatives coordinating the project details.
She noted that it was a 2-3 year process from start to finish including soliciting public
• input and getting property owners involved. She noted that in addition to the
complete renovation of the Diamond Head Mall by the school district, two new office
buildings have been proposed for the area including asix-story office complex.
Comm. Matasosky inquired how the whole process got going. Ms. Tschumper
responded that after initial letters were sent to property owners requesting their
participation, it took 6 months to organize the committee and get people involved.
From there, city staff began working with BRW Consultants and engineering staff to
incorporate the committee's comments into the planning and design of improvements.
Comm. Tushie inquired if only those businesses along the parkway were assessed.
Ms. Tschumper replied that only the businesses and property owners adjacent to the
parkway were assessed on a per front foot basis. Comm. Matasosky inquired if the
project involved modifying the zoning ordinance or other city standards. Mr. Konat
responded that they are discussing the potential creation of special zoning districts to
encompass the project area including specific landscaping standards.
Mr. Sobota inquired if the city provided funding for the planning, staffing and design
costs. Mr. Konat responded that part of the planning costs were covered by the city's
engineering and planning department budgets and the rest was rolled into the $3
million "Investment for Tomorrow" fund from excess tax increment.
• Comm. Tushie inquired if businesses would be given credits for completing additional
landscaping as part of the project. Ms. Tschumper responded that the businesses
agreed to have all landscaping and other improvements included in one project bid by
Lakeville Economic Development Commission April 28, 1998
Meeting Minutes Page 3
• the city, and additional landscaping added by individual businesses would not receive
any special credit from the city. EDC Members and staffthanked Mr. Konat and Ms.
Tschumper for attending the meeting and providing their insight on the "Heart of the
City" process.
4. Presentation by the Downtown Lakeville Business Association including: An
update regarding a petition for the proposed creation of a Special Service
District along Holyoke Avenue from 202nd Street to 210th Street, request for a
recommendation from the EDC to forward the petition to the City Council for
scheduling a public hearing to establish the proposed Special Service District,
and request for a city matching grant/funding assistance for the DLBA. Mr.
Dick Sherman, Chair of the DLBA, provided a brief overview of the Downtown
Lakeville Business Association's drive for a petition to establish a Special Service
District along Holyoke Avenue from 202nd Street to 210th Street. He noted that the
original district boundaries included property from Airlake Ford along County Road
50 to Ipava Avenue along C.R. 50, however the property owners in the outlying areas
were not in support of the district at this time. He stated that the required property
owner signatures representing 25% of the tax capacity value and land area for the
proposed district had been attained on the petition. He noted that the district would
be funded through an assessment of commercial property owners based on a formula
of 10% of taxes payable with a minimum of $100 and a maximum of $6,000 per
property owner. Mr. Sherman noted that it was discovered within the past week that
• the assessment formula used in the petition may need to be revised to comply with the
state statute, and he asked if Mr. Erickson could elaborate on the issues regarding the
assessment formula.
Mr. Erickson stated that there was some confusion regarding the proposed assessment
formula being based on taxes payable rather than on tax capacity as referenced in the
statute. He noted that he spoke with City Attorney Roger Knutson, and the assessment
formula as stated in the petition is in compliance with the statute. He stated that the
city has the right under the statute to create an enabling ordinance that establishes the
assessment formula. The ordinance can be used to ensure that the DLBA's objectives
are met in terms of creating a board structure to oversee the funds, a detailed project
budget, and a method for disbursing the funds. Mr. Erickson stated that the process
would be similar in nature to the creation of the Lakeville Convention and Visitors
Bureau which required the Chamber to partner with the city for statutory authority to
collect and disburse funds.
Mr. Erickson stated that a lowering of commerciaUindustrial property tax classification
rates from 4.0% to 3.5% by the 1998 legislature created an unanticipated shortfall in
the district budget based on reductions in taxes payable for 1999. He noted that
Finance Director Dennis Feller estimated the impact on 1999 taxes payable as
approximately a 12% reduction. Thus, the process is in tact legally but the district will
• not raise as much funding as originally planned based on the assessment formula of
10% of taxes payable.
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• Ms. Nancy Smith stated that the DLBA would like to move forward as quickly as
possible to maintain the momentum that has been established, and she noted that the
DLBA is requesting that the EDC recommend forwarding the petition to the City
Council for a public hearing on May 18th.
Comm. Emond inquired as to how the district will deal with the unanticipated shortfall
due to the reduction in commerciaUindustrial property tax rates. He asked if they plan
to decrease their budget or increase the assessment. Ms. Smith responded that the
DLBA needs to discuss their options regarding changing the assessment formula to
maintain an adequate budget for district activities.
Mr. Tom Smith, Chamber President, inquired what percentage of downtown property
owners have signed the petition. Mr. Sherman responded that they have more than the
required 25% of the property owners signatures and others have agreed to support the
effort but have not yet signed the petition. Mc Smith noted that it would be better to
have at least 50-75% of downtown property owners' signatures in support of the
proposed district before moving ahead with a public hearing where opposition could
kill the petition.
Comm. Brantly inquired as to any marketing materials being used by the DLBA to
help property owners visualize the benefits of the proposed district, and he inquired as
to what the DLBA feels will be the biggest advantage of the district to downtown
• property owners. Ms. Smith stated that letters were sent out to all affected property
owners and a neighborhood meeting was held to discuss the proposed district with
property owners. She noted that the biggest benefit will be a staff person hired part-
time to organize and spearhead the various DLBA committees to get the work done.
98.12 MOTION: Comms. EmondBrantly moved to forward the petition to the
City Council for scheduling a public hearing to consider
establishing a proposed Special Service District in downtown
Lakeville along Holyoke Avenue from 202nd Street to 210th
Street. Motion carried unanimously.
Ms. Smith inquired if the EDC would also consider recommending to the City Council
that a matching grant be provided to the DLBA to support the proposed district. Mr.
Erickson noted that Council Member Tom Ryan, as liaison to the DLBA, wanted to
discuss various options for assistance to the downtown at the Council work session
scheduled for Apri129th, including support for parking facilities or other
improvements as opposed to "soft costs" such as promotions and special events. He
stated that the EDC may want to table consideration of a matching grant to allow
Council Member Ryan to discuss various funding options with the other City Council
• 98.13 MOTION: Comms. Tushie/Emond moved to table discussion regarding a
matching grant from the city to support the DLBA and proposed
Special Service District. Motion carried unanimously.
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. 5. Review request from Grist Mill Company to submit a loan application to the
Minnesota Investment Fund in support of a potential expansion at its Lakeville
facility. Mr. Sobota stated that Grist Mill Company was recently acquired by
International Home Foods, a national manufacturer, distributor and marketer of food
products. As a result of this acquisition, IHF is considering relocating some of its
production lines to a facility in Pennsylvania or to the Grist Mill plant in Lakeville. He
noted that Grist Mill CFO Dan Kinsella approached the city regarding any financial
assistance available to assist in the relocation of these production lines and the
purchase of equipment for the Lakeville facility. Mr. Sobota stated that city staff
could explore an application to the Minnesota Investment Fund, a state program that
makes grants to cities which, in turn, make loans to businesses for expansion projects
in manufacturing that create newjobs. He noted that this program was used to make a
loan to New Morning Windows. The first $100,000 of each loan is retained by the
city for a future revolving loan fund. Mr. Sobota then introduced Mr. Dan Kinsella,
CFO of Grist Mill Company.
Mr. Kinsella stated that II-IF is a leading foods manufacturer of well-known private
labels including PAM cooking spray, Chef Boyardee pasta, Bumble Bee tuna and other
products. He noted that IHF is considering relocating the production of its
marshmallow crisp rice bars and Campfire marshmallows from Salt Lake City, Utah, to
operations in Pennsylvania, but those product lines would be a perfect fit with Grist
• Mill's Lakeville operations. Thus, he contacted city staff to inquire about financial
assistance programs that could be used to assist with the estimated $6 million in
relocation costs to bring those operations to Minnesota He noted that the project
would bring an estimated 125 jobs to Minnesota and production in excess of $40
Comm. Krejci inquired if Grist Mill had any concerns regarding the availability of labor
to fill positions created from the proposed expansion. Mr. Kinsella indicated that
current labor market conditions are a concern, but Grist Mill feels confident that they
will be able to hire workers for the new positions. Mr. Sobota noted that scoring of
the loan application by the state favors those projects that create a high number of
98.14 MOTION: Comms. Tushie/Pogatchnik moved to recommend that the city
submit an application to the Minnesota Investment Fund on behalf
of Grist Mill Company to support a potential expansion of the
Lakeville facility. Motion carried unanimously.
6. Appoint two members to serve on the joint EDC/EAC South Creek
Subcommittee. Mr. Sobota stated that the EDC is being asked to appoint two
members to a joint EDC/EAC South Creek subcommittee to further review the Draft
• Report of the 1997 Vermillion River and South Creek Tributary Monitoring Program
and to develop recommendations to the City Council regarding the report and its
conclusions. Mr. Sobota stated that the data has been collected, and the subcommittee
would assist staff over the next few months in formulating a position on the technical
Lakeville Economic Development Commission April 28, 1998
Meeting Minutes Page 6
and regulatory aspects of the future management of South Creek Comm. Matasosky
stated that the DNR decision to designate additional trout streams was done without
proper notification to property owners. Comm. Emond noted that the EAC/EDC
South Creek Subcommittee recommendations should be reviewed by the EDC prior to
City Council action.
98.15 MOTION: Comms. Krejci/Detjen moved to appoint Comms. Matasosky and
Pogatchnik to serve on the joint EDC/BAC South Creek
Subcommittee. Motion carried ururnimously.
7. Strategic Rork Plan and Project Activities Update. Chair Vogel stated that he
met with city staff to discuss the strategic work plan activities for May and would like
to suggest that the EDC cancel its regular May meeting in lieu of conducting various
subcommittee meetings to work on the South Creek issue, Landscape Corridor Study
and the Financial Incentives Policy. EDC Members agreed that they would rather
appoint subcommittees to work on these projects than conduct a regular meeting for
May. Comms. Tushie, Brantly, and Miller volunteered to serve on the Landscape
Corridor Study Subcommittee that will be meeting in May. Comms. Matasosky,
Pogatchnik, Krejci, and Emond volunteered to serve on the Financial Incentives Policy
Subcommittee that will begin meeting in early June.
8. Preview the Office Services Marketing Video. EDC Members and city staff
• previewed the third marketing video targeting office service businesses. The video
features interviews with Sandy Winters, First National Bank of Monticello, and Steve
Spang, Verified Credentials, Inc. Mr. Sobota noted that staff will be sending out more
than 350 copies of this video to prospective businesses. EDC Members noted that this
video is the best of the three marketing videos and requested copies for use in
promoting Lakeville to their business and professional contacts.
9. Other Business. It was determined that the May 26th EDC meeting should be canceled
to allow the newly created South Creek, Landscape Corridor Study, and Financial
Incentives Policy Subcommittees to conduct work sessions during the month of May and
early June. The next regular EDC meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, June 23rd at
6:00 p.m.
10. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfixlly submitted: ATTEST TO:
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tcole E. Bennett, Recording Secretary ; 7o~n Krejci, Secre