HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-01-98 ~ • CITY OF LAKEVILLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 1,1998 Members Present: Brantly, Detjen, Emond, Matasosky, Pogatchnik, Tushie, and Vogel. Members Absent: Krejci and Miller. Staff Present: Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Michael Sobota, Community & Economic Development Director; Rita Erpelding, Economic Development Coordinator; and Ron Mullenbach, Planning Assistant. 1. Call to Order. Chair Vogel called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. in the Administration Conference Room at Lakeville City Hall. 2. Approval of the August 18, 1998, Meeting Minutes. 98.25 MOTION: Comms. Pogatchnik/Emond moved to approve the August 18, 1998 meeting minutes, subject to one typographical revision on page 3. Motion carried unanimously. • 3. Introduction of Rita Erpelding. Mr. Sobota stated that the City of Lakeville was proud to introduce its new Economic Development Coordinator, Ms. Rita Erpelding. Ms. Erpelding's hiring was the result of a process which included two advertisements for the position and interview of two very qualified candidates. Ms. Erpelding's resume highlights her many qualifications, education, and experiences. At this point in the meeting, Chair Vogel felt it appropriate for the EDC to quickly be updated on the status of the Strategic Plan for Economic Development. Plan initiatives went on hold while the City filled the Economic Development Coordinator position. Mr. Sobota indicated that a complete status report on the plan would be provided at the January meeting. At that point, a proposed 2-year strategic plan update process would be presented. 4. Strategic Growth Management Task Force Update. Comm. Detjen, who served on the task force with Chair Vogel and Comm. Krejci, stated that the group discussed and ultimately recommended to the City Council reestablishment of the 85' wide lot standard. The environment and land uses, issues that were raised with the first task force in 1992, were reviewed by the 1998 task force. Final recommendations have been drafted by the group's facilitator, Barbara Lukermann, and will be presented to the City Council at their December 7, 1998 meeting. • .r . Lakeville Economic Development Commission December 1,1998 Meeting Minutes Page 2 • Chair Vogel indicated that economic development issues were not major issues with the group, as they had been in 1992. The consensus of task force members was that the EDC's Strategic Plan was a success and the City should "stay the course". Chair Vogel stated that the EDC's challenge is to stay focused and not get complacent. Comm. Pogatchnik stated that he was extremely impressed with the scope and quality of the task force's work considering the short period of time it convened. Mr. Sobota stated that the City would incorporate the task force's recommendations into the comprehensive guide plan update. Recommendations include support for the development of the City's Central Area, which would provide support for the Heritage Commons commercial development. The task force supports the extension of Ipava Avenue parkway in 1999 to support development of the area and provide a needed major north/south connection. Comm. Emond asked whether the Central Area would include apartment development. Mr. Sobota indicated that the Central Area concept identifies higher densities, especially east of Dodd Boulevard. Mr. Erickson indicated that the task force did not want the City to rule out the possibility of senior housing or mid rise development in the Central Area. Comm. Pogatchnik asked if the area was inside the current MUSA. Mr. Sobota indicated that the entire 800+ acre area is inside the MUSA. Overall, the majority of landowners favor development and have been communicating with developers and City Council and staff. • Comm. Pogatchnik asked how the City would finance the cost of extending Ipava Avenue parkway. Mr. Erickson stated that the City Council has discussed financing 50% of the cost, with area-wide assessment financing the remainder. The community-wide need for the Ipava Avenue extension and community-wide benefits may warrant a small increase in taxes. Comm. Tushie asked whether the City would allow for new concepts in subdivision design (i.e. housing styles, boulevard treatments, alleys, porches, setbacks, etc.) Mr. Sobota indicated that the Central Area is recommended to be developed as a planned unit development (PUD). This would allow for more flexible subdivision design. Comm. Tushie cautioned that all developers should be treated equally, so as not to open the door for poor subdivision design. Mr. Erickson indicated that the City had studied the possibility of creating a performance zoning district which would reduce the probability of unequal treatment, but still allow the flexibility afforded by the PUD process. However, the performance zoning standards were found to be difficult to achieve. Maple Grove's Nottingham development is an example of how the PUD process can be used successfully to achieve desired outcomes (i.e. environmental protection, housing diversity, etc.) Comm. Tushie suggested that City staff should contact planners at the City of Minnetonka to discuss a recent creative project. • Lakeville Economic Development Commission December 1,1995 Meeting Minutes Page 3 • 5. Comprehensive Plan Process Update. NIr. Sobota stated that comprehensive planning process is coming to a close after aneighteen-month process, which included twenty-two neighborhood meetings. The attached planning report identifies several issues of interest to the EDC for its review and recommendation to the Planning Commission. a. Airlake Industrial Park -Where possible, the City tried to locate medium and high density residential uses in proximity to Airlake Industrial Park. Mr. Sobota identified several areas both within and outside the current MUSA. EDC members expressed the immediate need for affordable housing to provide employees for Airlake Industrial Park. The 41-acre parcel, east of the Johnson office building, previously proposed for medium density uses is now being recommended for industrial uses. This is based on feedback from Airlake business owners who noted concern over compatibility of residential uses in the industrial park and at the request of the landowner, Airlake Development, Inc. Comm. Tushie stated that affordable apartment development usually requires at least 20 units/acre to be viable. The current zoning ordinance allows a maximum of 16 units(acre. Mr. Erickson indicated that the neighborhood meetings produced a clear message that medium density housing is gaining acceptance in the community, based on the success of several medium density developments. Residents have not shown the same support for high density housing. This support could develop in time as land becomes scarcer, or as citizens recognize its importance to economic development. • Comm. Pogatchnik asked whether the idea of transitional industrial land uses in non-sewered areas is still being considered. Mr. Sobota indicated that the idea has been put on hold based on the 400+ acres of sewered vacant land currently available in the industrial park. There does not appear to be a need for creating non-sewered industrial uses. b. Oi'tice Park Uses - Mr. Sobota stated that the City is proposing to expand business campus uses north along the east side of Interstate 35 and south along County Road 70 based on the success of Fairfield Business Campus. In addition, the draft land use plan identifies several areas along the Interstate 35 corridor that would support less intense office uses, rather than "B-4 zoned" commercial uses. A new zoning district for the office uses is recommended to be developed following adoption of the comprehensive land use plan. The city is required to zone all property in the community consistent with the land use plan following its adoption. Comm. Tushie asked whether tax increment financing (TIF) would be available in every location designated for office park business campus uses. He noted that the success of Fairfield Business Campus can be mainly attributed to the availability of TIF. Mr. Sobota indicated that state law no longer allows the type of TIF district used in Fairfield Business Campus. The financial incentives • Lakeville Economic Development Commission December 1,1998 Meeting Minutes Page 4 • sub-committee of the EDC would need to discuss this issue as part of its work in early 1999. Mr. Mullenbach indicated that not all land uses in the office park/business campus designation would be similar to Fairfield businesses. It would also include office showroom or neighborhood office uses that would be appropriate in areas with poor commercial retail or residential potential and to serve as buffers between residential and commercial uses. c. Airlake Airport -Comm. Pogatchnik asked whether the City is proposing to remove MAC properties from the tax rolls by designating it for public/semi- public uses. Mr. Sobota indicated that the property along 219'h Street was removed from the tax rolls when it was purchased by MAC for runway clearance purposes. 98.26 MOTION: Comms. Tushie/Matasosky moved to recommend to the Planning Commission that the Comprehensive Plan Update be recommended for approval, subject to the addition of higher density residential land uses in the MUSA near Airlake Industrial Park to provide short-term support and employment base for Airlake Industrial Park. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Downtown Redevelopment. Mr. Sobota explained that the Lakeville City Council • adopted a resolution authorizing the reallocation of $30,000 Community Development Block Grant funding from the Septic System Improvement Program to a Downtown Lakeville Housing Study and Parking Project. In addition, $102,000 of expected 1999 CDBG funding is recommended to support downtown redevelopment projects. Mr. Erickson stated that the City is studying the possibility of turning the All Saints Church downtown campus into a community arts/cultural center. As a demonstration of this need, two productions will be held in Spring, 1999 to determine support for such a use in the community. The rectory is being considered for use by the Lakeville Historical Society and the convent for a housing project. The current Parochial School is being considered as a possible location for community education programs by Independent School District 194. Mr. Erickson added that $3 million of proceeds from the Southfork TIF district is available for redevelopment projects involving housing and limited retail uses. The intention is to create a unique character for the downtown. Comm. Tushie asked who would own the arts(cultural center facility. Mr. Erickson stated that the City would purchase the site. By owning the entire site, a downtown redevelopment project could be completed in its entirety, rather than in a piecemeal fashion. 98.27 MOTION: Comms. Tushie/Emond moved to recommend to the City Council that the FY 1999 CDBG funds be used for downtown • redevelopment projects. Motion carried unanimously. Lakeville Economic Development Commission December 1,1998 Meeting Minutes Page 5 • 7. Joint EDC/EAC South Creek Subcommittee Update Regarding the Status of the Trout Stream Study. Comm. Matasosky reported that the subcommittee met seven times throughout the year and concluded its work on November 90'. The subcommittee has come to agreement that South Creek needs to be protected and managed and that Airlake Industrial Park is a major asset to the community that needs to be preserved and expanded. The subcommittee also recognized that these goals are not inconsistent and that the city can adopt policies and programs that can maximize the benefit of both goals. The EDC discussed a recent newspaper article which reported on the cleaning of a channel by the Street Department. The project was necessary to stop flooding and resolve problems with individual septic systems in the area. The City crews also removed old tires and other materials that should not have been in the channel. In response to the article, a resident affected by flooding of the channel recently contacted the Life & Times in support of the City. The EDC reviewed a suggested process for moving the project ahead including holding meetings with Airlake landowners and forwarding recommendations for City Council approval. Mr. Erickson indicated that it may be helpful to send the draft statements to the DNR Commissioner at this time to inform him of the subcommittee's work. Comm. Matasosky recommended that a letter be sent by the Mayor to give support to the work of the South Creek subcommittee. • EDC members agreed that emphasis should be on cooperation rather than confrontation. Direct discussions should be encouraged between decision-makers and the City. The impervious surface coverage issue is important to the success of the Airlake Industrial Park. 98.28 MOTION: Comms. Matasosky/Pogatchnik moved to recommend that the Mayor write the DNR Commissioner providing information on the work of the Joint EDC/EAC Subcommittee and recent correspondence from the DNR. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Other Business. Mr. Sobota distributed a handout from the Twin Cities Business Monthly. 9. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Respectively submitted: ATTESTED TO: Rita Erpelding, Recording Secretary ob Vo ~ "Chair •