HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-25-97 A' • CITY OF LAKEVILLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES February 25, 1997 Members Present: Brandy, Detjen, Emond, Krejci, Matasosky, Pogatchnik, Tushie and Vogel Members Absent: None Also Present: Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Michael Sobota, Director of Community & Economic Development; Nicole Bennett, Economic Development Specialist. 1. Call to Order. Chair Vogel called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. in the Administration Conference Room at City Hall. • 2. Approval of the February 4, 1997 Meeting Minutes. MOTION 97.05: Comms. Pogatchnik/Tushie moved to approve the February 4, 1997 meeting minutes as written. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Discussion of the South Creek Trout Stream Issue. Mr. Erickson stated that several staff members met with Nels Nelson, Barr Engineering, on Monday, February 24, 1997, to discuss options regarding the designated trout streams within the South Creek drainage district. Staff concluded that various scenarios or options are available including: a meeting with the Commissioner of the DNR regarding the designation of portions of South Creek and its tributaries as trout streams; and/or a collaborative effort with the City of Farmington to conduct a study of the area collecting data on water temperature, presence of macroinvertebrates as a food source for trout, and other fish habitat. Mr. Erickson noted that the City of Farmington is facing similar issues with its industrial pazk which is located within the designated trout stream area. He added that the City of Farmington's support and funding assistance would be valuable in developing a position on the trout stream designation, recognizing that it impacts both communities. He noted that further analysis would aid the DNR and the cities in determining if appropriate conditions exist to support the designation upstream of Rambling River Park in Fazmington. • Comm. Matasosky stated that he felt additional study and analysis is needed and that it would be very appropriate to involve the City of Farmington. Mr. Erickson noted that • Economic Development Commission February 25, 1996 Meeting Minutes Page 2 • the technology to conduct the analysis is affordable and Barr Engineering is prepared to do the study upon City Council authorization. Comm. Brantly, who was not in attendance at the Joint EDCBAC Meeting, inquired if the DNR has the authority to regulate existing and future development in Airlake Industrial Park as a result of the designation. Mr. Sobota noted that the DNR does not have direct land use controls, but does have authority over the 300 foot Shoreland Overlay District and the granting of permits for stormwater outlets below the ordinary high water level. Comm. Tushie stated that additional data and analysis will be helpful as previous DNR research states that the conditions may exist to support trout. Mr. Erickson noted that staff is recommending support of a study to collect additional data. Comm. Matasosky noted that Barr Engineering will provide credible data for future decision-making. Mr. Erickson stated that Keith Nelson, City Engineer, has provided the City of Fazmington with a copy of the South Creek Trout Stream Issues Report from Barr Engineering. He noted that staff would be willing to contact the City of Farmington after the EDC/EAC make their recommendations. Chair Vogel stated that he would like for one to two other EDC members to join him in meeting with the EAC and others to discuss the trout stream issue. Comm. Matasosky stated that he would be willing to participate in future meetings on the issue. Chair Vogel • noted that he felt a resolution should be drafted to authorize the study by Barr Engineering. MOTION 97.06: Comets. Emond/Tushie moved to recommend that the City Council authorize Barr Engineering to conduct the aforementioned study. Motion cazried unanimously. Mr. Erickson noted that there aze two important dates to keep in mind regarding the study: (1) the Comprehensive Plan Update is required to be completed by the end of 1998, and (2) the Vermillion River Watershed Management Organization (WMO) is scheduled to complete its plan by the year 2000. The study process needs to be completed in advance of these deadlines to address issues relating to the designation prior to implementation of these plans. 4. Review Format of the Draft 1997-1998 Workplan and Project Status Matrix. Chair Vogel stated that he had worked with staff in developing a process for the creation of a detailed workplan to implement the Strategic Plan for Economic Development. He noted that the next item on the agenda would be to work through the process for the first action in the plan to try out the format. Ms. Bennett stated that the draft workplan was proposed using the projects prioritized during the October strategic planning session. She noted that the Project Status Matrix was simplified for ease of tracking the progress of each project in the workplan over time. The • consensus was that the format for the workplan and project status were acceptable. Economic Development Commission February 25, 1996 Meeting Minutes Page 3 • 5. Begin Working Through the Strategy Worksheet for Action 2-1 ("Town Square"). Chair Vogel requested that staff provide a brief update of the "Town Square" project prior to the EDC engaging in the development of workplan projects. Mr. Sobota stated that city staff is in frequent contact with developer Kraus-Anderson and networking with prospective grocery anchors. He noted that staff views "Town Square" as a top priority at this time per direction from the EDC. Chair Vogel noted that Ms. Bennett had prepared a list of the issues regarding "Town Square" that were previously identified in the October planning session. Ms. Bennett reviewed the issues, and discussion ensued regarding additional issues to be added to the list. The list of issues concerning "Town Square" was then grouped into three broad categories including: timing and process issues, marketing and communications issues, and infrastructure and amenities issues. Chair Vogel asked EDC Members to break into three groups and develop a list of all possible tasks to address the identified issues for "Town Square" per the Strategy Worksheet in the packet. The groups then reconvened and provided three lists of possible tasks which were condensed and prioritized by the entire group. The work tasks include the following: Timin rocess: Market Study of the Area. • List of Council Actions Required/Coordinate with developers Drive commerciaUretailnses from the market study. Marketing/Communications: Discuss with property owners their wishes/desires for the area. Identify all developers out there that maybe interested. Infrastructure/Amenities: Define/identify/design the infrastmcture and amenities. Identify funding alternatives prior to building infrastructure/amenities. Build infrastructure/amenities following design guidelines. Staff stated that these tasks would be organized into the draft workplan with targeted dates of completion added for EDC review by the March 25th meeting. 6. Set up a meeting schedule for completion of the Strategy Worksheets for Actions 1-1 through 3-1. Chair Vogel stated that this process is somewhat time-consuming and it may be best to completely develop the workplan tasks for "Town Squae" before moving ahead with the development of tasks for the other five actions. 7. Project Activities Update. Chair Vogel inquired if there were any actions required of the EDC as part of the project activities update. Mr. Sobota stated that there is no • formal action necessary, but he wanted to inform the EDC of a recent fire at Strout Plastics in Airlake Industrial Park. He noted the quick response time of city staff the Economic Development Commission February 25, 1996 Meeting Minutes Page 4 • morning of the fire and the efforts of Comm. Matasosky in helping to secure a structural engineer the same day to examine the facility for safety. Cotnm. Matasosky noted that Strout is using warehouse space in Bloomington temporarily, and company officials are discussing rebuilding in Lakeville or possibly relocating to South Dakota. Mr. Sobota noted that staff will follow-up with Strout to discuss reconstruction options. 8. Otber Business. Comm. Brantly inquired as to how the customer service training seminar went. Comm. Pogatchnik responded that he felt the seminar was an excellent experience for city staff as well as the business representatives in attendance. Mr. Sobota noted that it was a great opportunity to bring staff from different departments together. Ms. Bennett noted that there were over 140 in attendance, and feedback from staff and business representatives has been extremely positive. 9. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfu y ubtnitted: ATTEST TO: • Nicole .Bennett, Recording Secretary oan Krejci, Secr tary c:\winword\edc11997mtgs\0325mtg1mn022597. doc