HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-23-96 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
JANUARY 23, 1996
The meeting was called to order at 6:06 P.M. in the Administration Conference Room at City
Roll call of members was taken. Present: Brandy, Detjen, Emond, Erickson, Krejci, Matasosky,
Pogatchnik, Vogel. Absent: Tushie.
Also present: Ron Langness, Springsted, Inc.; Walt Hartman, MEDN, Inc.; Robert Erickson,
City Administrator; Michael Sobota, Director of Community & Economic Development; Dennis
Feller, Director of Finance; Carol Hymel, Economic Development Speciahst; Joni Hubred,
Lakeville Life and Times Newspaper.
The Commission directed staff to make the following changes to the December 12, 1495 meeting
minutes: Add Vogel as being present and correct spelling of Krejci on signature page.
96.01 Motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Pogatchnik to approve the minutes of the
December 12, 1995 meeting with amendments. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes:
Election of Officers
Discussion by the Commission on election of oflicers took place. Members indicated they would
like to keep the present olTicers in-place for 1996, since it was the 2nd year of implementing the
EDC Strategic Work Plan.
96.02 Motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Pogatchnik to elect Bob Brandy as Chair,
Jerry Erickson as Vice-Chair and Joan Krejci as Secretary. Roll call was taken on the motion.
Ayes: Unanimous.
Presentation of Financial Incentive Pro¢rams for Development Proiects
Sobota introduced Dennis Feller, Director of Finance for the City of Lakeville, and Walt Hartman,
MEDN, Inc., City fiscal consultant. Feller introduced Ron Langness, Springsted, Inc., financial
consultants to the City for the past 32 years. City Administrator Erickson added that Springsted
is also the fiscal consultant for the Cities of Farmington and Burnsville.
Langness began the presentation with an overview of the following items:
Summary of Tax Levies, Payment Provisions and Minnesota Real Property Valuation
• Certificate as to Taxes and Taxable Property in City of Lakeville
Tax Capacity and Calculating the Tax Capacity Rate
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Fiscal Disparities
Impact on Tax Increment Districts
Hartman continued the presentation with a discussion on the following:
Taz Increment
Tax Increment Financing Legislation in Minnesota
Concepts and Mechanics of TIF
Review of Tax Increment Project Areas and TIF Districts in Lakeville
Following Hartman's presentation, Langness discussed Tax Increment Financing (TIF) in
neighboring cities. Lakeville is perceived by neighboring communities as being very aggressive in
attracting businesses to the community. TIF is a major incentive program in Minnesota, especially
through the pay-as you-go method. Langness stated that Lakeville is very prudent in its
implementation of TIF. City Administrator Erickson added that the City uses the pay-as-you-go
method under current law. Langness recommended to the EDC that improving the time frame for
the development process would be one way that Lakeville could differentiate itself from other
cities. He noted that Lakeville's current development process time frame is good (45 to 60 days.)
Matasosky asked if a formula exists to estimate return on investment to the City on development
projects involving TIF. Feller explained that the tax increment financing plan contains a cost
analysis by taxing jurisdiction and a "but for" test. Matasosky asked if TIF was a viable tool and
under what circumstances does the City promote T1F. Sobota added that before TIF is
considered, the financial health of the business is evaluated. Brandy stated that the City was
correct in scrutinizing financial information on businesses using the cost/benefit approach. City
Administrator Erickson recommended that at the next scheduled EDC meeting, the Commission
review the City's current TIF policy and criteria of implementation.
Resort on ISD 194 Studv Committee on Secondarv School Facilities
Sobota gave an overview of the presentation by the ISD 194 Task Force at a recent City Council
worksession. He reviewed future projects, including sites for a third junior high and the need for
second senior high school. Brandy and Tushie represented the EDC at the worksession. Brandy
commented that the noticeable free flow of information between the School District and City was
appreciated. At the worksession, Tushie suggested the proper placement and future use of
secondary education facilities. He subsequently suggested that the School Board consider
locating the 2nd high school across from the existing Senior High on Dodd Blvd. City
Administrator Erickson added that ISD 194 is allowing the City to be proactive in siting fixture
school facilities. Meetings are planned to discuss future educational facility needs.
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Discussion by the Commission on the impact of school bond/levy referendums on business took
place. City Administrator Erickson added that excess levy referendums do not impact businesses
in the same manner as bond referendums. Detjen stated that the process of taxation in the state
was another way of moving money around and that all taxpayers pay in the end.
Other Business
City Administrator Erickson shared with the Commission the 1996 Minnesota Real Estate Journal
Survey of private developers that ranks Lakeville as the number one City in Dakota County in
encouraging development. Within the metro area, Lakeville ranks 4th, up from 5th place in 1995,
in encouraging development.
Project Activities Undate
Sobota updated the Commission on several prospects for Fairfield Business Campus. Other
project activities reviewed included the recent Downtown Business Association/Chamber of
Commerce luncheon where a presentation by downtown consultant, Bert Stitt, was given. J.
Erickson stated that the luncheon was well attended and the presentation by the consultant
informative. J. Erickson suggested that the Downtown Business Association and Chamber of
Commerce look at other consultants before moving ahead with the project.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 P.M.
Respectfully submitted:
Carol Hymel, ecording Secretary
an Krejci, Secre ary