HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-27-96 City of Lakeville ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES February 27, 1996 The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. in the Administration Conference Room at City Hall. Roll call of members was taken. Present: Brandy, Detjen, Emond, Erickson, Krejci, Matasosky, Pogatchnik, Vogel, Tushie. Absent: None. Also present: Robert Erickson, City Administrator, Michael Sobota, Community and Economic Development Director. 96.03 Motion was made by Emond and seconded by Erickson to approve the minutes of the January 23, 1996 meeting. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. PROJECT ACTIVITIES UPDATE • Sobota reported that the Anheuser-Busch distribution facility process was proceeding. Sites in Fridley and Shakopee were also being considered. At this point, the owner of the building is not known. Sobota also mentioned that a meeting with Itron for their regional headquarters in Fairfield Business Campus would take place in the next ten days. A proposal was made to locate Itron on a 7.6-acre site. EDC members complimented staff on the process utilized for the screening ordinance changes in Airlake Industrial Park. The companies in Airlake have received the information and requirements. Sobota indicated that staff is following up with individual meetings with each company needing to add screening and that the process is moving ahead smoothly. STRATEGIC WORK PLAN UPDATE Sobota reviewed the work plan progress report. He noted that Action Plan A, Key Program F, was to select a marketing consultant to evaluate the survey results of the community survey. This evaluation had been done internally and staff is recommending that the budgeted funds be allocated to implement the Town Square Project involving azchitectural design elements. Sobota also reviewed updates on all team activities including: 1) the Marketing Plan; 2) Warehouse Interim Use District; 3) the feedback survey of businesses after the development • process; 4) incentive and financial assistance programs; 5) commercial and industrial land inventory; and 6) Capital Improvements Plan reviews. . Economic Development Commission Meeting Februazy 27, 1996 Page 2 • Sobota noted that in discussions with Bob Vogel, it would be appropriate for the EDC to review our Strategic Work Plan assumptions again in August or September of 1996 in prepazation for the 1997 budget yeaz. 96.04 Motion was made by Pogatchnik and seconded by Tushie to recommend that the City Council reprogram the funds for the Town Square design review process. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. TAX INCREMENT POLICY DISCUSSION EDC members discussed the presentations at the previous EDC meeting regazding tax increment policies and procedures. Staff presented two alternatives for updating the City's Tax Increment Policy. Alternative No. 1 consisted of fine-tuning the existing policies for consistency with current state law. Alternative No. 2 consisted of more substantial revisions of the policies. EDC members agreed that fine-tuning the policies would be appropriate, but further recommended that the policy reflect on specific goals or objectives that the City would like to achieve with tax • increment. Sobota agreed that staff would provide a re-draft for future discussions. Chair Brandy initiated discussion regarding the Town Square area and determining possible unique selling propositions in order to mazket the azea. Chair Brandy requested that staff set up a meeting with the EDC marketing team. ENTREPRENEUR FACILITATION PROJECT Ernesto Sinoli and Scott Beckman, Dakota County Economic Development Partnership, presented information to the EDC about the Enterprise Facilitation Project. Beckman noted that McKnight Foundation will be making a decision in eazly March regarding grant funds for the program. Sirolli described the facilitation program in detail noting that over 200 communities worldwide have begun programs like this, including Lincoln County Minnesota, communities in South Dakota, and Australia. Sirolli noted that home-based businesses and middle management squeezed out of companies by layoffs would be excellent tazget groups in Lakeville for the Enterprise Facilitation Program. He noted that Hastings had a local group established to seek funding. The proposed cost for a Lakeville demonstration project would be approximately $25,000 per year for two years, plus McKnight Grant funds. After the two years, the costs would increase to $50,000 per year. EDC members discussed the project and the Strategic Work Plan. The EDC was concerned about losing focus of the Strategic Plan if the Facilitation Project was initiated. Brandy asked if funding was available form the Strategic Work Plan budget to assist the Facilitation Project. Sobota indicated he would review the budget, but did not expect adequate funds for the Facilitation Program. The Commission also discussed other approaches such as 1 ~ Economic Development Commission Meeting February 27, 1996 Page 3 • using an intern (not recommended), 1/2 time person (not recommended), or fund raising for the funding. Concern was also raised that the program should be county-wide. Commission members thought the project was a great idea, but that the timing may not be right for Lakeville to be a sponsor of a local program. Members encouraged the Partnership to contact other foundations and funding sources for acounty-wide project. Chairman Brantly thanked Mr. 5irolli, Mr. Beckman, and Ms. Johnson for attending. Respectfully submitted: Michael Sobota, Recording Secretary J s -l Kreta