HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-12-95 • CITY OF LAKEVILLE
DECEMBER 12, 1995
The meeting was called to order at 6:08 P.M. in the Administration Conference Room at City
Roll call of members was taken. Present: Brandy, Detjen, Erickson, Krejci, Matasosky,
Pogatchnik, Tushie, Vogel. Absent: Emond.
Also present: Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Michael Sobota, Director of Community &
Economic Development; Carol Hymel, Economic Development Specialist.
95.14 Motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Pogatchnik, to approve the minutes of the October
24, 1995 meeting. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Project Activities Update.
Hymel updated the Commission on project activities. R. Erickson updated the commission
regarding the on-going siting process for the proposed airport in Dakota County. The
commission discussed existing rail service and possible light rail corridors, along with the impact
• of the proposed airport.
Sobota reviewed the upcoming presentation of the draft marketing plan to the Lakeville Chamber
of Commerce. He reviewed the handouts that will be available and discussed the new project
tracking report that will provide up-to-date information on commercial, industrial and institutional
projects as they progress through the development process.
Stratesic Work Plan.
Sobota provided the Commission with a summary of the quarterly update of actions. He noted
that copies of the quarterly update will be available at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon. The
Commission also discussed the proposed Town Square project. R. Erickson stated that a
developer is planning to develop 100 units of medium density housing as part of the project and
added that a Dakota County Community Library is scheduled to be built on the site next to City
Hall, beginning in 1998. The group also discussed the proposed bridges that would serve as an
attraction and create a marketing theme.
Brandy stressed that a common architectural theme should be determined before any development
takes place on the Town Squaze location. He encouraged deEning the layout for small retail and
entertainment businesses before any development takes place. Sobota concurred and stated that
once an infrastructure plan was in-place, decisions on major tenants, architectural controls and
layout details would follow in a timely manner.
DECEMBER 12, 1995
Sobota continued to review the Strategic Work Plan update. Matasosky asked if the work plan
included an action plan identifying financial incentives to be offered by the City to businesses. He
stated that it is important to have an understanding on what types of incentives will or will not be
considered for businesses. Sobota replied that as part of the 1996 Strategic Work Plan, a future
workshop was planned with the City's financial consultants to discuss available incentives and
determination of how the City can be more aggressive in offering incentives to businesses. R.
Erickson suggested that the Commission have the City's fiscal consultant, Springsted, Inc.,
provide the Commission with background information regarding financial incentives at the
January 1996 meeting. Springsted, Inc., would present the Commission with information on how
tax increment financing works in surrounding communities, long term implications, changes in
legislation and penalties, along with suggesting what Lakeville could do to become more
competitive. Staff was directed to arrange a presentation by Springsted, Inc., at the next EDC
The Commission discussed the possible business re-use of school buildings currently being located
and built by the Lakeville school district. R. Erickson stated the City Council will be receiving a
presentation from Lakeville school district officials in January regarding the Secondary Schools
• Task Force report. The Commission was interested in hearing the presentation and suggested that
other commissions may be also interested in attending. Tushie stated that the forum would
provide an opportunity for dialogue regarding school sizes, locations and future re-use of school
95.15 Motion by Tushie, seconded by Detjen, to recommend to the City Council to include other
advisory committees and commissions in the meeting. Roll call was taken. Ayes: Unanimous.
Sobota spoke about the low/moderate income housing and livable communities act. At a recent
meeting between the City and Dakota County HRA, potential sites for tow and moderate income
housing development were identified. Tushie commented that he believes an opportunity exists
for senior subsidized housing to be included in the proposed Town Square project. He stated that
by placing senior housing in a 25-year housing development TIF district, proceeds would be
available to provide a subsidy for senior housing. It was recommended to staff to have
Springsted, Inc., incorporate into its presentation the ways in which financial incentives (i.e., TIF)
could assist development of subsidized senior housing.
At this time, J. Erickson suggested that the Commission consider adding to the Strategic Work
Plan an action plan regarding medical service delivery in Lakeville. He stated that the South
Suburban Medical Center in Farmington was being adversely affected by large medical care
providers. He added that attracting to the community a medical clinic and staff affiliated with
South Suburban was essential to maintaining current medical services.
DECEMBER 12, 1995
Vogel suggested that the Strategic Work Plan should be reviewed by the EDC, including possible
additions/changes. A full status report on the plan would be helpful. Vogel and Sobota will
structure a status update for the Commission at a future meeting.
Strategic Work Plan Budget.
Sobota notified the Commission that the City Council had included the funding for the second
year of the Strategic Work Plan in the 1996 Budget.
Community Marketing Plan Undate.
The Commission reviewed the unique selling propositions (USP) for the four target markets
identified in the draft marketing plan. Minor changes were made and consensus by the
Commission was that the USP were very close to being final.
Amendment to Ordinance No. 167 Concerning Outdoor Storage or Parking of Land or Sea
Containers and Semi-Tractor Trailers.
• Sobota gave an overview of the process leading up to the proposed ordinance amendment. The
EDC reviewed a proposed ordinance earlier in 1995. Matasosky stated that he felt the latest
revision of the ordinance amendment works well. He inquired about the part of the ordinance
regarding screening along collector and arterial roadways in Airlake Industrial Park. Sobota
explained the goal was to have some greenery along the major roadways. The changes proposed
requirements for screening/landscaping ofsemi-tractor trailers visible from the major roadways;
however, the standards for tree sizes were a relaxation of the current ordinance. He added that
the ordinance amendment allows a business located along a collector or arterial roadway three
years to install screening. It was noted that Chamber of Commerce members had expressed
interest in partnering with the City fora "Plant the Park" event. It would include inviting local
suppliers to provide greenery to businesses in the park for planting.
Brantly stated that the greening of the industrial park corridors could be a part of the Strategic
Work Plan's goal of landscaping major transportation comdors in commercial zones. C.R. 70
and Cedar Avenue are considered major comdors and intersect within the park. Sobota agreed
that the proposed ordinance amendment was moving toward the goal of landscaping major
roadways in the community. The timing of the landscape corridor plan and the proposed
ordinance amendment allowing businesses located along major roadways three years to screen
could coincide.
Discussion by the Commission took place that included suggestions for advising the businesses
about the ordinance amendment. Krejci suggested that offering businesses a plan and resource for
landscaping would go a long way toward softening the impact of the ordinance.
DECEMBER 12, 1995
95.16 Motion by Detjen to recommend to the City Council acceptance of the proposed ordinance
amendment No. 167, regarding outdoor storage and parking of land or sea containers and semi-
tractor trailers in I-1, I-2 and CBD-I zoning districts. Seconded by Pogatchnik. Roll call was
taken. Ayes: Unanimous.
Other Business
Brantly requested that the Lakeville City logo be reviewed to reflect a sharper image. R. Erickson
indicated that he would bring this request to the City Council for its consideration.
R. Erickson provided the corrunission with an update regarding the downtown project slated for
1996. He indicated that every effort is being made to keep the Pan-O-Prog activities, including
the parade, in the downtown area.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted:
Carol Hymel, ecording Secretary
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