HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-11-93 • CITY OF LAKEVTT.i.R
MAY 11, 1993
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Tushie at 7:00 P.M. in
Conference Room A at City Hall.
Roll call of members was taken. Present: Tushie, Detjen, Emond, Brantly,
Matasosky, Erickson, Vogel, Krejci. Absent: Hanlon.
Others present: Michael Sobota, Director of Community & Economic
Development; Carol Graff, Economic Development Specialist.
Chairperson Tushie presented a letter of resignation, dated May 11, 1993,
tendered by Dan Hanlon. The resignation was effective on May 11. Mr.
Hanlon has recently moved out of Lakeville and no longer works within the
city limits. Letter of resignation is attached.
43.11 Motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Matasosky to approve the
minutes of the March 23, 1993 EDC meeting.
• Motion passed unanimously.
Presentation and Discussion Regarding Proposed Modification No. 4 to the
Southfork TIF Plan and Relating to Winsor Plaza and Meadows North.
Sobota provided current and historical information regarding the Meadows
North TIF District. Development of this site has been difficult because of
multiple owners and the cost of relocation. The Modification No. 4 Plan will
provide funding to allow the City to put the site to good use. Plans include
relocating existing tenants and to clean-up the site (about 2 acres). Currently
the site is zoned R-b and which will be rezoned to R-2. The City is donating
the land to the School District who will build a elementary school to open in
Fall 1944. Additional recreational fields are planned for the site to handle
the increased community demand. The School District will give the City
additional right-a-way for C.R. 64 for future widening and turn lane
Next, Sobota presented the Winsor Plaza Project, located in Downtown
Lakeville. The project would consist of acquisition and demolition of two
rental units and one owner occupied unit. Purchase of the parking lot owned
by the VFW would be included in the project area and could be included in
• the Winsor Expansion Project. This project is desirable to increase housing
for low to moderate income senior citizens and is a continuation of the
• existing senior housing already in place adjacent to the site. Staff requested
that the EDC members recommend to the Ciry Council approval of
Modification No. 4 TIF Plan.
Chairperson Tushie stated that the original use of tax increment financing for
the R-6 Meadows North Development was for residential growth/medium
density and not for public use, i.e., public schools. He went on to state that
the proposed use as a public school does not pay property taxes.
Other members voiced concerns that the use of TIF funds to build a public
school on the site may set a precedent. Sobota stated that the TIF funds were
being used for acquisition of the Testa Property and relocation of residents
which was an eligible TIF cost and originally planned with the Meadows
North Development. The members all agreed that they were not against
building another elementary school on this site, but the method being used to
assist this project could not be supported. A joint venture between the City
and the School District was favorable, but the use of tax increment funds for
the project was not a use that would promote business development.
Brantly asked that the City Council be made aware of the EDC's comments
regazding the proposed use of TIF funds relating to the school site.
• Discussion next focused on the Winsor Plaza Project. Sobota reviewed the
proposed concept plans. All EDC members felt that the Winsor Expansion
was very appropriate.
There was unanimous agreement that the Modification Plan No. 4 for the
Winsor Project was needed for the City and should be implemented. EDC
members agreed they were reluctant to make a formal recommendation
regarding the Modification Plan No. 4 pertaining to the Meadows North
Project, because they felt that it may set a precedent for future projects and
that more information was needed to determine how the TIF funds were
being applied.
Project Activities
Staff stated that recently they have been talking with a company located in St.
Paul who are seriously looking to relocate their plant in the metro east region.
Staff updated the EDC on the TACO BELL project and the Ryt-Way
expansion in Airlake. Staff updated members on the strong interest by a
family-style restaurant chain who aze seeking a viable site in Lakeville.
Three sites are currently under consideration.
• Other Business.
Sobota requested input regarding the future development of several gateways
into Lakeville. Discussion presented the following ideas: building a water
fountain with landscaping; erecting monument signage or a clock tower;
development of park-like landscaping with trees. A theme of continuity
should present itself when a final decision is made.
On another topic, Vogel suggested that the City retain on a contingency basis
a semi-retired or retired businessman from the community who has knowledge
of real estate, development, and business. This position could act as a liaison
between the City and businesses interested in moving to the community. This
individual would provide marketing information and act in the best interest
of both the business and the City. Members agreed that it would be helpful
to have someone who was not a public employee to deal with businesses.
Respectfully submitted:
• Cazol Graff, Records Secretary
' Chairper
_ May 11, 1993
I5091Cc11cr Lakc Road
• Ilurnsvillc, MN 55337
Mr. Gary'1'ushic, Cttairrnart
l.nkeville Economic: Development Commission
City of Lakeville
2(119,5 Holyoke Avenue
Lakcvitl0. MN SSU44
llcar Mr, Chair,
As i disc:ussad with yon today, I reluctantly would like to offer my resignation w the Lakeville ECnnpmiC
Dcvclopmcnt Commission effec[ive tafay. Phis is a very difficult decision for me, however in the long run I
bclicvc it is bC9l for U1C Cily and the commission.
At the point in time in which I was fortunate enough LO be appointed by the City Council to the Commission,l was
both a msidcnl and a business owner within Ute city of Lakeville. Approximately two years ago 1 moved the
bUSlnC.SS to Bloomington, and recently sold the business. Upon consummation of the business sale, t built a
nsidcncc in Burnsville, and now I neither reside or work within the city limits. Since moving tc Lakeville during
1985, it was a very difficult decision for me Itt move le Burnsville, however Lakeville is gmwing so fast I have
already bt;en replaced by a new resident many limes over. I have found it is more difficult to be art aware eiUzcit of a
community when 1 am not intimately involved with it on a daily basis, and I truly bclicvc the city wouhl be• bust
served by tt new commission member Utat would either reside in, or, worF: in, the city.
Thank you very much for having me as a commission member, and I continue to remain impressed with the quality
oC gmwW and individuals that the city is so fortunate to have.
Rcspcctf~ ni
Daniel 1.. Hanlon
H 953.6333
W 432-2242
c;c; Mr. Duane Zaun, Mayor
A4r. Bnh );ricksun, City Manager
Mr. Mike Sntx~ta, EDC: Manage