HomeMy WebLinkAboutitem 04 Strategic Plan Memo.10.26.21City of Lakeville
Community & Economic Development
To: Economic Development Commission
Justin Miller, City Administrator
From: David L Olson, Community & Economic Development Director
Copy: Kati Bachmayer, Economic Development Coordinator
Date: October 26, 2021
Subject: Continued Discussion of 2020-2023 Strategic Plan for Economic Development
The City Council, Economic Development Commission (EDC) and Planning Commission held a
Joint Work Session on September 27th to review the Strategic Priorities of the 2020-2023
Strategic Plan for Economic Development. A copy of the minutes of that Joint Work Session is
Facilitator Craig Rapp led the discussion to review of the current 2020-2023 Strategic Plan and
how it relates to the Envision Lakeville document that was last updated 2018. The majority of the
discussion during the Joint Work Session involved multi-family housing development proposed
in commercial areas of the City.
The conclusions agreed to at the end of the Joint Work Session were as follows:
1) The EDC will take this feedback and revisit the 2020-2023 Strategic Plan for Economic
2) The City Council, Economic Development Commission and Planning Commission
will engage in increased exchange of ideas and/or feedback to promote understanding
related to decision-making;
3) Pro-active work will be done by staff to help the groups understand the existing
conditions/constraints and how they align with our community’s future goals.
Action Requested: Provide additional input based on these conclusions’ issues related to the
Strategic Plan for Economic Development.
September 27, 2021
1. Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
Members present: Mayor Anderson, Council Members Hellier, Bermel, Lee, and Volk
Members absent: None.
Staff present: Justin Miller, City Administrator; Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator;
Dave Olson, Community & Economic Development Director; Kati Bachmayer, Economic
Development Coordinator; Jerilyn Erickson, Finance Director; Daryl Morey, Planning Director;
Julie Werner, Assistant Finance Director
EDC members present: Bob Gillen, Don Seiler, Jack Matasosky, Jessica Christiansen, Jim
Emond, Lowell Collman
Planning Commission members present: Patty Zuzek, Jeff Witte, Christine Zimmer, Karl
Drotning, Jason Swenson, Pat Kaluza
2. Strategic Plan for Economic Development Discussion (Submitted by Kati Bachmayer)
Community & Economic Development Director David Olson explained the purpose of the
Strategic Plan for Economic Development Discussion. The City Council, Economic Development
Commission (EDC) and Planning Commission were brought together to review the 2020-2023
Strategic Plan for Economic Development, which was adopted in March 2020 weeks before the
COVID-19 pandemic. Given the significant impact of the pandemic on Lakeville businesses and
the local economy, it was determined that the City should revisit the 2020-2023 Strategic Plan to
ensure that it accurately reflected the City's goals in a post -pandemic economic environment.
Craig Rapp with Rapp Consulting Group was introduced to facilitate the discussion. Mr. Rapp
reviewed the Envision Lakeville Community Values (Diversified Economic Development, Design
That Connects the Community and A Home for All Ages and Stages of Life) and the Envision
Lakeville Strategic Priorities (Increase Economic Sustainability and Development a Community
of Choice) that were most pertinent to the evening's conversation. Horizon issues and key
takeaways from the Envision Lakeville discussion were reviewed and then a brief overview by
City staff of the current Strategic Plan priorities and economic development activity that occurred
in the City in 2020 and so far in 2021 was presented. The four strategic priorities in the 2020-2023
Strategic Plan for Economic Development are Business Retention, Expansion and Diversification;
Maximize and Market Our Competitive Edge; Housing to Support Our Economic Goals; and
City Council Work Session Minutes, September 27, 2021 Page 2
Workforce Availability and Utilization. The bulk of the discussion revolved around multi -family
housing and its availability to support workforce needs. Attendees also reflected on their roles as
deciders" or "advisors" and where/how those roles align. Mr. Rapp concluded the meeting
stating that 1) the Economic Development Commission will take this feedback and revisit the
2020-2023 Strategic Plan for Economic Development, 2) the groups (City Council, Economic
Development Commission and Planning Commission) will engage in increased exchange of ideas
and/or feedback to promote understanding related to decision-making and 3) pro -active work
will be done by staff to help the groups understand the existing conditions/constraints and how
they align with our community's future goals.
Regular Work Session meeting agenda begins at 6.26 p.m.
3. Moment of Silence and Flag Pledge
4. Citizen Comments
5. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Update
Ms. Erickson provided an update on the Enterprise Resource Planning System following approval
by the Council in May 2021 to hire Berry Dunn McNeil & Parker, LLC (BerryDunn) to perform a
Needs Assessment of the City's current software system and business procedures. As part of the
process, department staff were asked to participate in a Needs Assessment web survey focused on
identifying, defining, evaluating, and planning for replacement strategies and alternatives related
to the current ERP, Utility Billing, and Community Development systems." The results of that
Needs Assessment were compiled into a 62 -page report; included in the Council's packet was an
executive summary/ overview of those findings.
Following the Needs Assessment, BerryDunn issued an RFI to solicit information from sixty-six
vendors that included the project background, scope of work, completion timelines, and costs.
Not all companies were software vendors - some were implementation specialists while others
only provided a portion of the software functionality needed; however, the RFI was intended for
planning and budgeting purposes to determine what is available in the market and to obtain
estimated costs. There were some vendors who did not submit information because it was not a
full RFP. Staff also included background on how much the City currently pays for these services
with LOGIS and is seeking Council feedback on whether to implement a new ERP system using a
consultant, or to continue working within the LOGIS consortium. Matt Tremblay, with
BerryDunn, was online to answer Council questions.
City of Lakeville EDC
Lakeville Economic Development Commission
Strategic Plan Summary 2020-2023
Business Retention,
Expansion and
Limit loss of existing
-Lakeville business
- Building permits
No net loss in businesses
January 2020-December
a) Create business retention
program w/ Chamber/CVB
b) Establish a Lakeville
business expansion program
c) Develop a business cluster
strategy & market node
Lakeville is the first
choice for expansion
- Expansion and
relocation lists
90% of current businesses
expand in Lakeville rather
than relocate 2020-2023
Diverse industry base - Expansion and
relocation reports by
industry cluster
Increase of at least one
business in each industry
cluster annually
Maximize and
Market Our
Competitive Edge
Be the community of
- Competitive data
on development
decisions (win %)
=/> ___ % wins each year of
qualified leads on 3 high
priority nodes/clusters
a) Develop & enhance data
analytics capacity and
b) Refresh business
marketing & branding
c) Establish a benchmark
comparison system
Enhanced recognition
of brand
- Contacts/ inquiries
that result in action
-Click /conversion
=/>__% can articulate brand
Infrastructure that
leverages economic
- Infrastructure
programmed in CIP
EDC pr iority infrastructure
projects are programmed
in 2020-23
Housing to Support
Economic Goals
Adequate housing to
support job base
-__% jobs/resident
- workforce housing
Reduce workforce housing
gap identified in Dakota
County CDA Housing Needs
Assessment by _% by 2023
a) Coordinate economic
development efforts related
to CMU process
b) Articulate objectives for
workforce housing
c) Facilitate housing barrier
Housing that
stimulates commercial
-Housing units in
target areas
-Commercial district
_#_ units developed in
targeted commercial areas
by 2023
Policy guidance in
place to achieve
housing goals
Corridor Mixed Use (CMU)
designation adopted by
fall 2020
Availability and
Existing jobs match
skills available
__% of jobs performed by
Lakeville residents by ___
a) Collaborate with Lakeville
Works initiatives
b) Review City programs and
policies for consistency with
workforce housing
c) Align efforts with higher
education providers
Job availability
matches demand
-Job openings
-Time to fill
=/< ___% job vacancy rate in
city, reported annually
Expansion and
Maximize and
Market Our
to Support
Economic Goals
and Utilization
Strategic Priority Desired Outcome Key OutcomeIndicator Target StrategicInitiatives