HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-16-93 / . • -CITY OF LAKEVILLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 16, 1993 The meeting was called to order by Chair Tushie at 7:00 p.m. in the North Meeting Room at City Hall. Roll call of members was taken. Present: Tushie, Brantly, Pogatchnik, Vogel, Matasosky, Detjen, Erickson, Emond, Krejci. Others present: Michael Sobota, Community and Economic Development Director; Barry Warner, Barton Aschman Associates. 93.16 Motion was made by Matasosky, seconded by Erickson to approve the minutes of the October 26, 1993 EDC meeting. Strategic Planning Process Bob Vogel highlighted the issues and statements identified at the last meeting including the review of Lakeville's development resources and constraints. Mr. Vogel then led a discussion regarding strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats from the prospective of a business owner. Mr. Vogel indicated that strengths and weaknesses are internal, • i.e. they are under the control of the EDC/community. Opportunities and threats are external, i.e. not directly controlled by the EDC or the community. STRENGTH WEAKNESS Transportation South of river Water service Land availability Property tax -schools Location availability Identity Population growth Perception Setting -Environment Lack of senior corp executives Existing comm-ind base Use of TIF Tax rates -property (City-Co.) Perception of lack of streamlining Infrastructure RTC could hang up process Good work force -work ethic • Fiscal Soundness of City Pro-business recipients • ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 16,1993 Page 2 OPPORTUNITY THREATS Work comp reform Reduce TIF availability Sales tax on equipment credits Economic Downturn Improve image "south of the river" Empire treatment expansion Possible new incentives Further wetland actions Tourism increasing Mr. Vogel led a discussion on the mission/purpose of the EDC. He presented the current purpose statements of the Commission, identified in the resolution creating the EDC by the City Council and also the mission statement of the Eagan Economic Development Commission recently published. After discussion, the following mission statement was roughed out with the understanding that it should be refined. . The mission of the Lakeville Economic Development Commission is to: Advise the City Council to act on policies to secure and maintain a desirable business climate. We will accomplish this by: - Superior communications between government and business - streamlining) roactive policy recommendations - Providing current and complete data -our competitive advantage - Enhance our image identity - Marketing business opportunities - Retain and enhance existing businesses - Exploring new types of business opportunities Mr. Vogel next led a discussion on strategies. It was agreed the strategies should be for a three year window. STRATEGIES (Not in priority order) Streamlining development process - (Identify and remove obstacles to ease process) CommerciaUindustrialrnarketing • Business retention of existing business • ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 16, 1993 Page 3 Retail development/downtown Commercial/industrial incentives - TIF, etc. Infrastructure and transportation improvements Image and identity improvement It was agreed that Mr. Vogel would meet with staff to refine the strategies in preparation for the joint meeting with the Chamber Board. CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT The EDC next heard a presentation from Barry Warner, Barton Aschman Associates regarding a corridor improvement program. Mr. Warner presented information on the techniques and possibilities for providing high impact improvements in specific corridors and high traffic areas within the community. He indicated that many wmmunities programmed improvements including Fridley (intersection improvements) Chanhassen (corridor • improvements) and other commumt~es with gateway signs. He reviewed with the EDC criteria to use in selecting corridors and locations as well as different methods of involving the community. He identified on a map specific locations where treatments could be designed as a part of future development or redevelopment. Mr. Warner encouraged the EDC to establish a defensible plan for decision makers. The plan should be integrated into community planning, i.e. the transportation plan or other City plans. The project should have a theme in mind to tie the Community together and develop projects during construction activity. He indicated the program should be apublic/private partnership with many different sources of funding available for the improvements. In discussion, the EDC members felt this should be a high priority project. Mr. Tushie stated these are critical projects in the design stage now that should receive consideration for visual appearance including the I-35/C~. Rd. 46 bridge and corridor as well as other corridors where improvements are planned. Areas would include the T.H. 50 corridor and major improvements downtown on Hwy. 50. A discussion was held. 93.17 Motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Pogatchnik that the EDC support this corridor improvement project as a high priority and direct staff to develop a work plan for the project. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. • Chair Tushie thanked Mr. Warner for his presentation. Park and Trail Bond Discussion was held regarding an EDC representative for the newly created Park and Trail Bond Referendum Task Force. After discussion, Barry • ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 16, 1993 Page 4 Pogatchnik was appointed to be the EDC representative with Bob Brantly as an alternate. NEW BUSINESS Under new business, Chair Tushie noted that it is his opinion that the tree preservation ordinances of the City were not user friendly. He suggested that staff review the ordinances from the perspective of a commerciaUindustrial developer. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Respectively submitted: nw~ Mic ael obota, ecor ng Secretary . ATTEST: Gary Tushie, Chair •