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OCTOBER 22, 1991
Members present were Matasosky, Brantly, Erickson, Emond, Tushie, Hanlon.
Members absent: Berg, Detjen, Meledandri.
Others present: Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Michael Sobota,
Community and Economic Development Director.
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Vice Chairman Emond.
91.22 Motion was made by Matasosky, seconded by Erickson to approve the minutes
of the September 24, 1991 meeting.
Motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Emond called on Mr, Sobota to present updated information on the tax
forfeit building in Airlake Industrial Park. Mr. Sobota outlined the
information about Lot 3, Block 4, Airlake Addition. He indicated the
County Attorney had reviewed the procedures followed by the Dakota County
Auditor in the cancelling of the purchase agreement and rt was the opinion
of the County Attorney that "all of Mr. Thorson's interest in Lot 3, Block
4, Airlake Addition have been terminated". Mr. Sobota indicated that the
City HRA could file an application with the county to acgwire the building,
• pay off the back taxes and subsequently sell the building for a
redevelopment purpose. Mr. Sobota indicated that two different businesses
had expressed an interest in the property. There was discussion regardingg:
1) the value of the property (probably in the neighborhood of $250,000), 2)
precedence for the HRA in a tax forfeit situation, and 3) whether or not
the former owner would be in agreement with the City obtaining the property
and discussion regarding former mortgages and any interest that any lending
institutions may have in the property. Additional discussion was held.
91.23 Motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Brantly, to direct staff to meet
the former owner to inform him of the City's interests and to have another
meeting with the Economic Development Commission prior to additional
Motion passed unanimously.
Chairman Emond then called on Mr. Sobota to resent the project and program
report. Mr. Sobota highlighted a number of protects including a potential
interest in a new downtown business. Mr. Sobota stated that the developer
was to conduct a parking survey. Once a parking survey had been received
from the developer, alternatives would be reviewed. City Administrator,
Robert Erickson discussed with the Commission, the appointment of a
representative from the Economic Development Commtssion to the strategic
growth task force. He discussed the intent of the task force and
membership. He asked those interested to contact himself or Randy Berg,
• Chair of the task force within the next week.
OCTOBER 22, 1991
Meeting adjourned 8:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
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Mi ael obota, R cording Secretary
Gary Tushie, Secretary