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MARCH 27, 1990
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Berg at 7:00
p.m. in the City Hall conference room.
Roll call of members was taken. Present: Berg, Brantly,
Detjen, Emond, Erickson, Leslie, Matasosky, Tushie and
Also present was Bob Erickson, City Administrator; Jim
Robinette, Community Development Director; Roger Knutson,
City Attorney.
90.07 Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Matasosky to approve
the minutes of the January 30, 1990 Economic Development
Commission meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Roger Knutson, City Attorney, presented a comparison of the
power of an Economic Development Authority and a Housing and
Redevelopment Authority. The difference in the powers are
not dramatic and some are trivial. An example of when an
economic development authority can be advantageous is that
they can borrow in advance of a bond sale. They can build
and operate parking lots and install special street lighting
Mr. Knutson discussed the tax increment law and the outlook
is that the legislature will be tightening it up. City
Administrator, Bob Erickson, remarked that for five (5)
weeks, Messages will be explaining tax increment
procedures. Mr. Knutson, at the conclusion of his comments,
indicated that during all of his years in Lakeville, he knew
of no project that an Economic Development Authority could
have done that the HRA could not have done.
The Commission held a discussion concerning the proposed
ordinance regarding financial responsibility for developers.
Mr. Berg asked why 25 percent was picked as a percentage of
ownership. It was indicated that percentage of ownership
was recommended because someone who has 25 percent ownership
MARCH 27, 1990
would have some say in the business. Mr. Berg indicated
that he personally believed any ownership less than 25
percent would be appropriate. Mr. Tushie indicated that he
felt that the ordinance was too restrictive and would
discourage development. He indicated that he would have
trouble defining "delinquent" in outlining how the
developers were to be handled. Mr. Meledandri indicated
that he felt the time length should be well defined before
anyone was reinstated in good standing. The Commission felt
the staff should conduct a survey on how at least ten
different cities deal with the problem of developers paying
their bills and bring it back to the next meeting.
90.08 Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Brantly to table
discussion of the proposed ordinance regarding financial
responsibility for developers until the next meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
• A discussion was held concerning the Metro East membership.
A review of memorandums was presented by staff.
90.09 Motion was made by Leslie, seconded by Matasosky to
recommend that the City join the Metro East Coalition for
Economic Development and pay annual dues in the amount of
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
A discussion was held concerning the expenses of the 1989
Commerce and Industry Day and program changes. The City had
a direct outlay of $658.91 and the Chamber of Commerce had
an outlay of $1,434.45. Mr. Erickson and Mr. Robinette both
commented that they felt Commerce and Industry Days should
be considered only for every other year instead of an every
year event. Mr. Robinette stated that he felt the City
should try and do a better job in the future of targeting
the invitations to people more directly involved with
development or with clients in the development business such
as venture capital firms, accountants and attorneys who are
active in the development business. The staff felt the City
should not have Commerce and Industry Day this year, rather,
the focus be on business retention. It was felt there
should be a review of the program at the end of the year.
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MARCH 27, 1990
90.10 Motion was made by Matasosky, seconded by Meledandri that
the City not hold a Commerce and Industry Day in 1990 and
that it be revamped into a new form for 1991 to improve
performance and costs.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
A discussion of the Economic Development Commission Work
Plan was held. The work plan is a formal part of the Star
City report and recertification that the City recently went
through. The Commission felt it was a good plan and had no
additions. A discussion was held concerning Airlake
Industrial Park and the associated problems.
90.11 Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Meledandri for the
Commission to review options in marketing property in
Airlake Industrial Park and also review the possible
purchase or ways to acquire Airlake Industrial Park.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
A review of the Business Retention Survey results was held.
The results were a part of the Star City Report and were
reviewed by the Commission. The Commission indicated that
they hoped a more thorough job could be done this year when
emphasis is placed on business retention during the summer
months, Mr. Robinette indicated that money had been
provided in the approved 1990 budget for an intern to work
in the area of business retention.
There was no other business.
90.12 Motion was made by Meledandri, seconded by Leslie to adjourn
the meeting.
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Time: 10:15 p.m.
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MARCH 27, 1990
Respectfully submitted:
James A. Robinette
Community Development Director
Randy r hairma
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