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■ TECH' ��h�-c T _��'7.�'`Z.�`� _ _ � i I � Installer's Name: Noah and Luke Installatlon CheCklist Franchisee Location: Minnesota Installation Equipment: GoliathTech Calibrated Hydraulic Drill with PSI Gauee Torque Indicator —�--�—� Instaltation Date: 0114/11/21 Name of Customer or Contrador. Tuma Outdoor Description of customer project: Deck Porch Project Address: 6905 175th St W Farmin tor Required Indination of Pile Achieved Achieved Compression Required Total Pile Length (if Cut-off Elevation (if not 90 Degrees Compression Tension Pile Number Capacity Torque Pile Used Helix Used not 7') (if not 8"+-Z) +-Z� Torque Achieved Capacity Capacity Pile 1: 2000 500 2 3/8" 9" 610 3050 1525 Pile 2: 4000 800 2 3/8" 9" g�p 4050 2025 Pile 3: 2000 500 2 3/8" 9" 600 3000 1500 Pile 4: Pile 5: Pile 6: Pile 7: Pile 8: Pile 9: Pile 10: Pile 11: Pile 12: Pile 13: Pile 14: Draw your project here: � � � rr,. .,.nu�i„�,,, cr,,,. ,..,ur,.. .,i,,.„ �,.i,-�.,,. �.�,.n.. itw�ll _n"n� i. ,i �.� ..�nw,w DateModified:Octobcr2o�h2o16 Document Name:Inatallalion Checkli.t US e�r.,,��i r�,.�„���m-tiw m,�a��v��d w.,mmu;,,n.c�m*;sn�o•ni r c�r,.,�xr��b in�.,r�,��u�d eu e;Anr,x�s.,,�.✓ Page 1 of 2 Pile 15: Pile 16: Pile 17: � Pile 18: Pile 19: Pile 20: Pile 21: Pile 22: Pile 23: Pile 24: Pile 25: Pile 26: Pile 27: � �pplied iorque 5u�ested R'sll iube G1B�SE Ki Facror Pile Gpacities in 5oi1(5F=�j SL5 Pile Capaoiti�s iu Soil(SF=^.)LZ5 Pile Baaed ihicl:ness C:onnection 5af� oc Tuba's Failurn Tarque for Compreasion Tensiou(a14' Ycnaion(>14' Compreasion '[ension (�14' Tension(>14'd�ptli) Couasction Point turniae depthy dept6) d�pth) Ibf-ft \m Failure (5F=Z) Ib k\ 16 k.1 16 lc� lb Ic1 lb 3c\ 16 1;.� 250 339 1718 0.154 1335 966 10 1250 6 625 3 875 i 1750 8 S75 4 IY26 5 500 678 17f8 0.15+ 1338 95fi 10 2600 11 1250 6 1750 8 3540 16 1750 8 2450 it 750 1077 1718 0.15i 7338 956 f0 3750 17 1875 8 2625 12 5250 23 2625 12 3678 i6 1000 1356 7 7f8 0.75i 1338 956 10 5000 22 2500 17 3500 16 7D00 31 3800 16 4900 22 1250 1695 1718 0.15� 7336 956 10 B250 28 3725 14 4375 79 8750 39 4375 19 6125 2T 1500 2034 2 3f8 0.154 2263 1617 10 7500 33 3750 77 5250 23 10500 47 5250 23 7350 33 1750 2373 2 318 0.154 2263 1617 10 9750 39 4375 19 6725 27 1225D 5i 6125 27 8575 38 2000 2712 2 318 0.154 2263 16f7 10 10060 44 5004 22 7000 31 14040 62 7000 31 9800 4i 2250 3051 2 318 4.154 2263 1617 10 11250 50 5625 26 i875 35 15760 70 7875 36 11025 49 2500 3390 2715 0250 5032 3594 9 11250 50 5625 25 7875 35 15750 70 7$75 35 11025 49 2750 3729 2 718 0.250 5032 3594 9 12375 55 6188 28 8663 39 17325 77 8663 39 12128 54 3000 4068 2 718 0.250 5032 3594 9 13500 60 6750 30 9450 42 18900 8+ 9450 42 13230 59 3280 4407 2716 0.250 5032 3594 9 14625 65 7313 33 10236 46 20475 51 10238 46 14333 64 3500 4746 2 718 0250 5032 3594 9 15750 70 7875 35 11025 49 22050 98 11025 49 15435 69 3750 5065 2 716 0250 5032 359+t 9 16875 75 8438 38 178t3 53 23625 105 71813 53 16538 74 4000 5424 2718 0250 5032 3554 9 1804D 80 9040 44 12600 56 25200 112 12640 56 17640 7S 4254 6763 2 7�8 6250 5032 3694 9 19125 86 8563 43 13�88 60 26775 119 13388 60 18743 83 4600 6702 2 718 0250 5032 3594 8 20250 90 10125 45 14175 63 28350 12fi 14175 63 19845 88 4750 6441 2778 0250 5032 3594 9 21375 96 1�88 48 14963 67 29925 133 14963 67 20948 93 5000 6780 2718 0250 5032 3594 9 22500 700 11250 50 15750 70 3150D 140 15750 70 22050 98 5250 71� 31f2 0.250 7820 5586 7 18375 82 9188 41 12863 67 25725 114 12863 57 18008 BO 5500 7457 31f2 0250 7820 5586 7 19250 86 9625 43 13475 60 26950 120 13475 60 78865 84 5750 7i96 3 V2 0250 7820 5586 7 20125 90 70063 45 14088 63 28175 125 14p88 63 79723 88 6000 8136 3172 0.250 7820 6886 7 21000 93 16500 47 14700 65 29400 131 14700 65 20580 92 6260 5474 3112 0250 7820 Sb86 7 21875 97 10938 48 15313 68 30625 136 74313 6S 21438 85 6540 8813 3112 0250 7820 6586 7 22750 141 11375 51 15825 71 31850 142 15825 71 22295 99 6750 9152 3 712 D.250 7820 5586 7 23625 105 11813 53 16536 74 3;t075 747 76538 74 23153 103 7000 9491 3112 0250 7820 5586 7 2i5D0 109 1225D 54 17150 76 3i300 153 17150 76 24070 107 7250 9830 3 tt2 0250 7820 5586 7 25375 773 12688 56 17763 79 35525 158 17763 79 24868 111 7500 10169 3112 025D 7820 5586 7 26250 117 13125 58 18375 82 36750 163 18375 82 25725 11i 7750 1�06 3112 0250 7820 5586 � 7 27125 721 13563 60 16986 88 37975 169 78985 84 26563 fl8 ,_ . .__.__._._ ' -.._. ._...___�._._..___... � , ._—r--•------ : , ra_r_...,. y . �_�,.,, . q .. . . �,�� vw� i v �w . ' .. ��- � � � Un�eMoJitieiLCX���r'IMh:Illn � thxumcm Namc:Ins�allatlon Ch.xklis�US �� ; y— — '_ ._..__ — .. .. � l.�rinal/Li: .:ni-V�u Ir Gran.�l/�4nnM�r.C.�n riphr�:'�il.i 4ulw+hi.<h l�rn.�wvurrJ AI/Rigk��Rnvnr�l P8 �Of Z � M � n