HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-28-87 CITY OF LAKEVILLE • ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSTON MINUTES OCTOBER 28, 1987 The meeting was called to order by Baldev S. Josan, Assistant Community Development Director at 7:00 PM in the Airlake Council Chambers. Roll call of members was taken: Present: Erickson, Macklin, Emond, Johnson, Zaun, and Halbach. Absent: Leslie, Sladek Others present: Jim Robinette, Community Development Director; Baldev Josan, Assistant Community Development Director; and Bruce Robertson, Administrative Assistant. 87.01.. Motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Zaun to nominate Maynard Johnson as Chairman of the EDC until the end of the year. Voice vote was taken: Ayes: Unanimous 87.02 Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Halbach to nominate Bill Macklin as Vice Chairman of the EDC until the end of the year. Voice vote was taken: Ayes: Unanimous 87.03 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Macklin to nominate Jerry Erickson as Secretary of the EDC until the end of the year. • Voice vote was taken: Ayes: Unanimous Members discussed the best time for future meetings. Because of church and family obligations on Wednesdays the Commission decided the next meeting will be held in the City Hall Conference Room on Tuesday, November 24th at 7:30 PM. At that meeting future meeting dates would be determined. Baldev Josan led a discussion on the potential role of the EDC in the coming year. Points of discussion included: Commission members will need guidelines from City Staff on the best selling points of the City to developers and new and expanded businesses. The Commission should determine what types of development is best suited for the city. A budget of around $18,000 is available to the Commission in the coming year for use in attending conferences, seminars, speakers and production of brochures. • ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMTSSION MINUTES • OCTOBER 28, 1987 The commission members could educate Lakeville residents and businesses on such Economic Development issues as tax increment financing and Industrial Revenue Bonds. Subcommittes of the commission should be developed in future meetings. The commission would assist City Staff in maintaining Lakeville's Star City status. Baldev Josan distributed a letter from Larry Carlberg who is a small business owner in the Airlake Industrial Park. This letter described the poor business climate in Minnesota and all the in- centives the State of South Dakota present to businesses to locate within their state. Members, after some discussion, decided to invite Mr. Carlberg to speak in front of the commission for their November 24th meeting. Elizabeth Halbach discussed the increasing role both the Metro- politan Council and the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce in promoting Economic Development. She stated that the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce will be putting out a book on Minnesota Businesses which will be sent to its members next spring. An article and adver- • tisements on the City of Lakeville may be included in this book. 8704 A motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Erickson to adjourn the meeting. Voice vote was taken; ayes: Unanimous Time 8:35 Respectfully submitted, `~LCG-lam' `1:~'(/`eu'~Cm Bruce Robertson, Administrative Assistant •