HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-15-87 • CITY OF LAKEVILLE
DECEMBER 15, 1987
The meeting was called to order at 4:20 p.m. by Bill Macklin, Vice
Chairman of the Economic Development Commission, in the City Hall
conference room.
Roll call of members was taken. Present: Erickson, Zaun, Leslie,
Halbach, Emond and Macklin. Absent: Sladek and Johnson.
Others present: Jim Robinette, Community Development llirector; Sruce
Robertson, Administrative Assistant; and Alan Brixius, Consultant
Planner with Northwest Associated Consultants.
87.06 Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Zaun to approve the minutes of
the November 24th meeting of the Economic llevelopment Commission.
Voice vote was taken. Ayes, Unanimous.
87.07 Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Erickson to approve the minutes
of the October 28th meeting of the Economic Development Commission.
Voice vote was taken. Ayes, Unanimous.
• The meeting was then turned over to Alan Brixius from Northwest
Associated Consultants. Mr. Brixius made a lengthy presentation on
the draft revised comprehensive plan. The main points of his presen-
tation involved the following areas:
* The comprehensive plan was defined as a guideline and framework to
plan future community development. The document itself is broken down
to include sections on Natural Resources, Transportation, Public fa-
cilities, Economic Development and Land Use. The rest of his presen-
tation involved a discussion of each of these areas in relation to
Lakeville and its comprehensive plan.
* The area of natural environment/resources of the community was
discussed. This included in part the specific issues of Lakeville's
Lake Area Development and gravel pit reclamation.
* The City's transportation planning concerns include local collector
and arterial streets, Airlake Airport expansion, railroad track
location and pedestrian and recreational trail needs.
* tie stated that planning for public facilities involves determining
the City's future needs for schools, utilities, fire and police
protection, parks, trails and City facilities. Both the Metropolitan
Council and City staff have made projections on population growth to
help plan for these facilities. By the year 2000, Lakeville may have
. 27,000 to 30,000 residents.
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* Lakeville's use of a "Land Bank System" was discussed at length. Mr.
• Brixius stated that a land bank system is unique to Lakeville. It
involves coordination with the Metropolitan Council in planning for
future growth by estimating the amount of land that will be used by
future development in relation to the Year 2000 Urban Service Area
boundaries as determined by the Metropolitan Council.
* The last major area discussed involved the land use and Economic
Development components of the comprehensive plan. This included the
issues of housing diversity, appropriate commercial and industrial de-
velopment and economic development issues such as balanced land use,
redevelopment and tax increment financing.
Mr. Brixius closed his presentation by stating that the Comprehensive
Plan is very important to Economic Development and should be reviewed
by Commission members. He would be available at any time to answer
questions on the comprehensive plan if an E.D.C. member so wishes.
In other business, Commission members discussed finding a new member
to replace Dan Sladek, who will not be able to act as a member of the
commission because of other commitments. Staff was directed to
contact an individual suggested by Jerry Erickson to determine that
individual's interest in serving on the commission.
Jim Robinette stated that he would like to talk to a number of
Commission members individually to discuss a work program for the
E.D.C. in 1988. He also stated that members should review the draft
• comprehensive plan and contact staff regarding their ideas on changes
to the document.
The next meeting of the Economic Development Commission will be held
at 7:00 p.m. on January 26, 1988, in the Ci[y Hall conference room.
87.08 Motion was made by Leslie, seconded by Zaun to adjourn the meeting.
Voice vote was taken. Ayes, Unanimous.
Time: 5:42 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce D. Robertson
Administrative Assistant