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LA197895 Approved Solar Plans
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ͿSUITE 115 ALBANY Ϳ NEW YORK Ϳ 12203 :HVW6KRUH'HVLJQ(QJLQHHUVۅ*UHDW2DNV%OYGۅ6XLWHۅ$OEDQ\1<ۅ 6XEMHFW +DOODO5HVLGHQFH +LGHDZD\7UDLO /DNHYLOOH01 7R:KRP,W0D\&RQFHUQ 7KHIROORZLQJUHIHUHQFHVWKH+DOODO5HVLGHQFHLQ/DNHYLOOH01 ([LVWLQJURRIIUDPLQJ 5RRIV 3UHIDEULFDWHGHQJLQHHUHGZRRGWUXVVLV[DW´RF7KLVH[LVWLQJVWUXFWXUHLV FDSDEOHWRVXSSRUWDOOWKHORDGVLQGLFDWHGEHORZIRUWKLVSKRWRYROWDLFSURMHFW 5RRI/RDGLQJ SVIGHDGORDGPRGXOHVSOXVPRXQWLQJKDUGZDUH SVIJURXQGVQRZORDG SVIURRIPDWHULDOVSVI[SVIVKHDWKLQJSVIDVSKDOWVKLQJOHV ([SRVXUH&DWHJRU\%PSKZLQGVHF 7KLVLQVWDOODWLRQGHVLJQZLOOEHLQJHQHUDOFRQIRUPDQFHWRWKHPDQXIDFWXUHU¶VVSHFLILFDWLRQVDQGFRPSOLHV ZLWKDOODSSOLFDEOHODZVFRGHVDQGRUGLQDQFHVVSHFLILFDOO\WKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO%XLOGLQJ&RGH,%& DQG,QWHUQDWLRQDO5HVLGHQWLDO&RGH,5&LQFOXGLQJDOO01UHJXODWLRQVDQGDPHQGPHQWV7KHVSDFLQJ DQGIDVWHQLQJRIWKHPRXQWLQJEUDFNHWVLVWRKDYHDPD[LPXPRI´RFVSDQEHWZHHQPRXQWLQJEUDFNHWV VWDJJHUHGDQGVHFXUHGXVLQJ´GLDPHWHUFRUURVLYHUHVLVWDQWVWHHOODJEROWVDQGD´HPEHG 7KDQN\RX :HVWVKRUH'HVLJQ(QJLQHHUV -RKQ(LEHUW1LFRODV1LWWL3( 3URMHFW&RRUGLQDWRU3UHVLGHQW 7R $OO(QHUJ\6RODU )URQW6W &KLFRSHH0$ 'DWH1RYHPEHU 5HI LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERNICOLAS A . NI TTISTATE OF M I N NE SO TA54597 EXP. 6/30/2022 COMPANY INFORMATION CLIENT INFORMATION SYSTEM DETAILS PROJECT-PAGE TITLE ALL ENERGY SOLAR, INC 1264 ENERGY LANE ST PAUL, MN 55108 (800) 620-3370 INFO@ALLENERGYSOLAR.COM PAGE NUMBER A0 REVISIONS LAST: 11/15/21 MG AZIMUTH NOTES: 1. (27) ENPHASE IQ7+ INVERTER(S) 2. ARRAY 1: 26° TILT, 220° AZIMUTH 3. ARRAY 2: 26° TILT, 220° AZIMUTH 4. ARRAY 3: (Array 3 Tilt)° TILT, (Array 3 Azimuth)° AZIMUTH 5. ARRAY 4: (Array 4 Tilt)° TILT, (Array 4 Azimuth)° AZIMUTH COVER PAGE DANA HALLAL 18226 HIDEAWAY TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 PO 49491 N HIDEAWAY TRAIL ARRAY 1 ARRAY 2 LG 370 27 FLUSH ROOF MOUNT 9.99 Panel Type # of Panels System Size (kW)3' ACCESS PATHWAY 18" RIDGELINE SETBACK 18" RIDGELINE SETBACK 3' ACCESS PATHWAY COMPANY INFORMATION CLIENT INFORMATION SYSTEM DETAILS PROJECT-PAGE TITLE ALL ENERGY SOLAR, INC 1264 ENERGY LANE ST PAUL, MN 55108 (800) 620-3370 INFO@ALLENERGYSOLAR.COM PAGE NUMBER A1 REVISIONS LAST: 11/15/21 MG AZIMUTH ACCOUNT: 200010052510 PREMISE: METER: 1ND89995601 SITE MAP N DANA HALLAL & MELANIE HALLAL 18226 HIDEAWAY TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 PO 49491 NOTES: 1. (27) ENPHASE IQ7+ INVERTER(S) = 7.83kW AC 2. ARRAY 1: 220° AZIMUTH, 26° TILT (19) LG 370W = 7.03kW 3. ARRAY 2: 220° AZIMUTH, 26° TILT (8) LG 370W = 2.96kW 4. ARRAY 3: (Array 3 Azimuth)° AZIMUTH, (Array 3 Tilt)° TILT ((Array 3 Panel Qty)) LG 370W = (Array 3 kW)kW 5. ARRAY 4: (Array 4 Azimuth)° AZIMUTH, (Array 4 Tilt)° TILT ((Array 4 Panel Qty)) LG 370W = (Array 4 kW)kW NOTES: 1. LOCATION OF SERVICE PANEL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ARE SHOWN. FINAL LOCATION MAY CHANGE 2. LOCATION OF SERVICE PANEL AND ADDITIONAL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT NOT DRAWN TO SCALE 3. PV INTERCONNECTION IS A SECONDARY INTERCONNECTION 4. AC DISCONNECT AND PRODUCTION METER IN READILY ACCESSIBLE LOCATION WITHIN 10' OF MAIN SERVICE METER/BI-DIRECTIONAL METER. 24/7 UNESCORTED KEYLESS ACCESS TO BE PROVIDED FOR UTILITY AC DISCONNECT, PV PRODUCTION METER, & BI-DIRECTIONAL METER. 5. PV EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 690 AND POSTED WITH APPLICABLE WARNINGS, SIGNAGE, AND PLAQUES PER NEC 705-10, 690-17, & 690-64 (b)(5). 6. CIRCUITS: (1) CIRCUIT(S) OF 10 (20AMPS EACH) (1) CIRCUIT(S) OF 9 (15AMPS EACH) (1) CIRCUIT(S) OF 8 (15AMPS EACH) ((Qty of circuits with the number of inverters optimizers above)) CIRCUIT(S) OF (Qty of inverters/optimizers in a circuit/string) ([Amps] (If Enphase. Based on 15 or 20A breakers)AMPS EACH) ((Qty of circuits with the number of inverters optimizers above)) CIRCUIT(S) OF (Qty of inverters/optimizers in a circuit/string) ([Amps] (If Enphase. Based on 15 or 20A breakers)AMPS EACH) 12 LABELS LOCATED ON PV PRODUCTION METER, BI- DIRECTIONAL METER, AC DISCONNECT(S), INVERTER(S), AND APPROPRIATE LABELS ON MAIN ELECTRIC SERVICE. ALL LABELS ARE PERMANENT, WEATHERPROOF, AND DURABLE THERE ARE NO CLEARANCE ISSUES DUE TO OVERHEAD POWERLINES. CALL-OUTS: 1: SOLAR PANELS 2: INVERTERS 3: ENPHASE IQ COMBINER PANEL 4: UTILITY AC DISCONNECT 5: PV PRODUCTION METER 6: MAIN ELECTRIC SERVICE 7: BI-DIRECTIONAL METER DISTANCESSOLAR PANELS - INVERTERS: 5' MAX INVERTERS - IQ COMBINER PANEL: 75' MAX IQ COMBINER PANEL - UTILITY AC DISCONNECT: 2' UTILITY AC DISCONNECT - PV PRODUCTION METER: 2' PV PRODUCTION METER - MAIN ELECTRIC SERVICE: 2' MAIN ELECTRIC SERVICE - BI-DIRECTIONAL METER: 2' HIDEAWAY TRAIL ARRAY 1 ARRAY 212 34576<10' 3' ACCESS PATHWAY 18" RIDGELINE SETBACK 18" RIDGELINE SETBACK 3' ACCESS PATHWAY COMPANY INFORMATION CLIENT INFORMATION SYSTEM DETAILS PROJECT-PAGE TITLE ALL ENERGY SOLAR, INC 1264 ENERGY LANE ST PAUL, MN 55108 (800) 620-3370 INFO@ALLENERGYSOLAR.COM PAGE NUMBER A2 REVISIONS LAST: 11/15/21 MG NOTES: 1. ELEVATIONS MAY VARY DEPENDING ON GROUND ELEVATION BUT ARE DRAWN TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITY 2. 2X4 TRUSS @ 24" OC 240"348"352"393" 333"36"231" 166"140"240"318"321"348"352"185"137" 255" ELEVATION DRAWINGS DANA HALLAL 18226 HIDEAWAY TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 PO 49491 SOUTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION COMPANY INFORMATION CLIENT INFORMATION SYSTEM DETAILS PROJECT-PAGE TITLE ALL ENERGY SOLAR, INC 1264 ENERGY LANE ST PAUL, MN 55108 (800) 620-3370 INFO@ALLENERGYSOLAR.COM PAGE NUMBER A3 REVISIONS LAST: 11/15/21 MG NOTES: 1. ELEVATIONS MAY VARY DEPENDING ON GROUND ELEVATION BUT ARE DRAWN TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITY 2. 2X4 TRUSS @ 24" OC 140"240"348"352"255" 206" ELEVATION DRAWINGS DANA HALLAL 18226 HIDEAWAY TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 PO 49491 EAST ELEVATION COMPANY INFORMATION CLIENT INFORMATION SYSTEM DETAILS PROJECT-PAGE TITLE ALL ENERGY SOLAR, INC 1264 ENERGY LANE ST PAUL, MN 55108 (800) 620-3370 INFO@ALLENERGYSOLAR.COM PAGE NUMBER A4 REVISIONS LAST: 11/15/21 MG *STRINGING TO BE DETERMINED ON SITE 2X4 TRUSS @ 24" OC RAIL AND STRINGING DIAGRAM AZIMUTH <aCustName(s)> <aCustAddress1> <aCustAddress2> <aCustAddress3> PO <aCustPONumber> N DANA HALLAL 18226 HIDEAWAY TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 PO 49491 SNAP-N-RACK SNR FLASHING MODULE 2X4 TRUSS @ 24" OC (27) LG LG370N1K-A6 MODULES (27) ENPHASE IQ7+ INVERTER(S) CIRCUITS: (1) CIRCUIT(S) OF 10 MICROS (1) CIRCUIT(S) OF 9 MICROS (1) CIRCUIT(S) OF 8 MICROS ((Qty of circuits with the number of inverters optimizers above)) CIRCUIT(S) OF (Qty of inverters/optimizers in a circuit/string) MICROS ((Qty of circuits with the number of inverters optimizers above)) CIRCUIT(S) OF (Qty of inverters/optimizers in a circuit/string) MICROS SNAP-N-RACK MOUNTING HARDWARE: 1. (58) L-FEET 2. (6) RAIL SPLICES 3. CLAMPS (44) MIDCLAMPS (20) ENDCLAMPS 4. RAIL LENGTHS: (14) 172" RAILS ARRAY 1 ARRAY 2 MAX CIRCUIT LENGTH (120/240V) 15A BREAKER 20A BREAKER ENPHASE IQ7 12 16 ENPHASE IQ7+9 13 ENPHASE IQ7X 9 12 ENPHASE IQ7A 8 11 3' ACCESS PATHWAY 18" RIDGELINE SETBACK 18" RIDGELINE SETBACK 3' ACCESS PATHWAY LG370N1K-A6 About LG Electronics USA, Inc. LG Electronics is a global leader in electronic products in the clean energy markets by offering solar PV panels and energy storage systems. The company first embarked on a solar energy source research program in 1985, supported by LG Group’s vast experience in the semi-conductor, LCD, chemistry and materials industries. In 2010, LG Solar successfully released its first MonoX® series to the market, which is now available in 32 countries. The NeON® (previous MonoX® NeON), NeON®2, NeON®2 BiFacial won the “Intersolar AWARD” in 2013, 2015 and 2016, which demonstrates LG’s leadership and innovation in the solar industry. 60 When you go solar, ask for the brand you can trust: LG Solar 370W Features Enhanced Performance Warranty LG NeON® 2 Black has an enhanced performance warranty. After 25 years, LG NeON® 2 Black is guaranteed at least 90.6% of initial performance. Roof Aesthetics LG NeON® 2 Black has been designed with aesthetics in mind using thinner wires that appear all black at a distance. Solid Performance on Hot Days LG NeON® 2 Black performs well on hot days due to its low temperature coefficient. 25-Year Limited Product Warranty The NeON® 2 Black is covered by a 25-year limited product warranty. In addition, up to $450 of labor costs will be covered in the rare case that a module needs to be repaired or replaced. yrs25 Warranty The LG NeON® 2 is LG’s best selling solar module and one of the most powerful and versatile modules on the market today. The cells are designed to appear all-black at a distance, and the performance warranty guarantees 90.6% of labeled power output at 25 years. I-V Curves General Data Cell Properties (Material/Type)Monocrystalline/N-type Cell Maker LG Cell Configuration 60 Cells (6 x 10) Number of Busbars 12EA Module Dimensions (L x W x H)1,740mm x 1,042mm x 40 mm Weight 18.6 kg Glass (Material)Tempered Glass with AR coating Backsheet (Color)Black Frame (Material)Anodized Aluminium Junction Box (Protection Degree)IP 68 with 3 Bypass Diodes Cables (Length)1,100mm x 2EA Connector (Type/Maker)MC 4/MC Electrical Properties (NMOT) Model LG370N1K-A6 Maximum Power (Pmax)[W]277 MPP Voltage (Vmpp)[V]33.3 MPP Current (Impp)[A]8.32 Open Circuit Voltage (Voc)[V]39.4 Short Circuit Current (Isc)[A]8.81 Temperature Characteristics NMOT*[°C] 42 ± 3 Pmax [%/°C]-0.35 Voc [%/°C]-0.26 Isc [%/°C] 0.03 *NMOT (Nominal Module Operating Temperature): Irradiance 800 W/m2, Ambient temperature 20°C, Wind speed 1 m/s, Spectrum AM 1.5 LG370N1K-A6 LG Electronics USA, Inc.Solar Business Division2000 Millbrook DriveLincolnshire, IL 60069 www.lg-solar.com Product specifications are subject to change without notice. LG370N1K-A6_AUS.pdf 020221 © 2021 LG Electronics USA, Inc. All rights reserved. 1042.0 / 41.0 (Size of Short Side)320.0 / 12.61002.0 / 39.4 (Distance between Grounding & Mounting Holes) 175.0 / 6.9 1100 / 43.3 Cable Length 40.0 / 1.57 105.0 / 4.1220.0 / 8.616 - 8.0 x 3.0 / 0.3 x 0.1 Drain Holes 8 - Ø4.3 / 0.2 Grounding Holes 8 - 8.5 x 12.0 / 0.3 x 0.5 Mounting Holes Junction Box 1100.0 / 43.3 (Distance between Mounting Holes)1300.0 / 51.2 (Distance between Mounting Holes)1740.0 / 68.5 (Size of Long Side)200W 400W 600W 800W 1000W Voltage [V]Current [A]12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 10.05.0 20.015.0 30.025.0 Operating Conditions Operating Temperature [°C] -40 ~+85 Maximum System Voltage [V]1,000 (UL/IEC) Maximum Series Fuse Rating [A]20 Mechanical Test Load* (Front)[Pa/psf]5,400 Mechanical Test Load* (Rear)[Pa/psf]4,000 Mechanical Test Loads 6,000Pa/5,400Pa based on IEC 61215:2005 *Based on IEC 61215-2 : 2016 (Test Load = Design Load x Safety Factor (1.5)) Packaging Configuration Number of Modules per Pallet [EA]25 Number of Modules per 40' Container [EA]650 Number of Modules per 53’ Container [EA]850 Packaging Box Dimensions (L x W x H)[mm]1,790 x 1,120 x 1,213 Packaging Box Dimensions (L x W x H)[in]70.5 x 44.1 x 47.8 Packaging Box Gross Weight [kg]500 Packaging Box Gross Weight [lb]1,102 Dimensions (mm/inch) Certifications and Warranty Certifications* IEC 61215-1/-1-1/2 : 2016, IEC 61730-1/2 : 2016, UL 61730-1 : 2017, UL 61730-2 : 2017 ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001 OHSAS 18001 Salt Mist Corrosion Test IEC 61701:2012 Severity 6 Ammonia Corrosion Test IEC 62716:2013 Module Fire Performance Type 2 (UL 61730) Fire Rating Class C (UL 790, ULC/ORD C 1703) Solar Module Product Warranty 25 Year Limited Solar Module Output Warranty Linear Warranty* *Improved: 1st year 98.5%, from 2-24th year: -0.33%/year down, 90.6% at year 25 *STC (Standard Test Condition): Irradiance 1000 W/m2, cell temperature 25°C, AM 1.5 Measurement Tolerence of Pmax: 3%+- Electrical Properties (STC*) Model LG370N1K-A6 Maximum Power (Pmax)[W]370 MPP Voltage (Vmpp)[V]35.5 MPP Current (Impp)[A]10.43 Open Circuit Voltage (Voc 5%)[V]41.9 Short Circuit Current (Isc 5%)[A]10.96 Module Efficiency [%]20.4 Power Tolerance [%]0 ~ +3 +- +- snapnrack.com Ultra Rail Industry leading Wire Management Solutions Single Tool Installation Mounts available for all roof types All SnapNrack Module Clamps & Accessories are compatible with both raiil profi les Start Installing Ultra Rail Today UR-40 UR-60 The Ultimate Value in Rooftop Solar Solar Mounting Solutions © 2016 by SnapNrack Solar Mounting Solutions. All rights reserved 877-732-2860 www.snapnrack.com contact@snapnrack.com SnapNrack_Ultra Rail Sales Brochure_v.1.4 SnapNrack Solar Mounting Solutions are engineered to optimize material use and labor resources and improve overall installation quality and safety. Quality. Innovative. Superior. Unparalleled Wire Management • Open rail channel provides room for running wires resulting in a long-lasting quality install • Industry best wire management o ering includes Junction Boxes, Universal Wire Clamps, MLPE Attachment Kits, and Conduit Clamps • System is fully bonded and listed to UL 2703 Standard © 2019 by SnapNrack Solar Mounting Solutions. All rights reserved 877-732-2860 www.snapnrack.com contact@snapnrack.com SnapNrack Ultra Rail System A sleek, straightforward rail solution for mounting solar modules on all roof types. Ultra Rail features two rail profi les; UR-40 is a lightweight rail profi le that is suitable for most geographic regions and maintains all the great features of SnapNrack rail, while UR-60 is a heavier duty rail profi le that provides a larger rail channel and increased span capabilities. Both are compatible with all existing mounts, module clamps, and accessories for ease of install. The Entire System is a Snap to Install • New Ultra Rail Mounts include snap-in brackets for attaching rail • Compatible with all the SnapNrack Mid Clamps and End Clamps customers love • Universal End Clamps and snap-in End Caps provide a clean look to the array edge Heavy Duty UR-60 Rail • UR-60 rail profi le provides increased span capabilities for high wind speeds and snow loads • Taller, stronger rail profi le includes profi le- specifi c rail splice and end cap • All existing mounts, module clamps, and accessories are retained for the same great install experience SnapNrack Umbrella Sealing Technology • Innovative Flashing Elevates Protection. New fl ashing uses a fully formed raised cone to prevent any potential water from getting into penetration. Feel secure as the fl ashing is one piece and doesn’t rely on multiple parts sealing together. • Mechanical Design Creates a Lifelong Seal. Patented Umbrella technology utilizes unique Umbrella Washer to seal lag bolt, L Foot, and fl ashing and prevent any potential roof leaks. Technology passes UL 2582 Wind Driven Rain Test without a rubber seal, however rubber gasket is included for extra peace of mind. • Single Fastener Eliminates Extra Steps. Utilize one lag bolt with Umbrella Washer to secure the entire mount assembly and fl ashing. No longer necessary to attach a base, then a fl ashing, then a mount as all are secured in one step. • Single Tool Installation. SnapNrack was the fi rst in the industry to develop a complete system that only requires a single tool. That tradition is continued as a ½” socket is still the only tool necessary to secure the mount as well as all other parts of the system. snapnrack.com Featuring New Innovative Flashing Smaller 9”x12” size allows for easier insertion under shingles Alignment markers make it easy to locate pilot holes Rounded corners make for easier insertion & eliminate corner points from folding up Note: Flashing shown in yellow for illustration purposes only. © 2018 by SnapNrack Solar Mounting Solutions. All rights reserved 877-732-2860 www.snapnrack.com contact@snapnrack.com snapnrack.com Ultra Rail, UR-40 Rail System Spans Wind (mph) 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 190 Snow (psf)0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 System Span Key 6 ft Spans 4 ft Spans 2 ft Spans This table was prepared in compliance with applicable engineering codes and standards. Values are based on the following: • ASCE 7-10 • Chapter 30 Wind Loads & Chapter 7 Snow Loads • Roof Slope: 7 - 27 deg • Roof Height: 0 - 30 ft • Exposure: B • Roof Zone: 1 • Module Orientation: Portrait • Module Type: 60 Cell Modules • Roof Type: Comp Industry Leading Spans for a Light Rail Solution Visit SnapNrack.com for detailed span tables and certifi cations. Certifi cations SnapNrack Ultra Rail system has been evaluated by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and Listed to UL/ANSI Standard 2703 for Mechanical Loading and Fire. Additionally it is listed to UL 2582 for wind-driven rain. Raised Cone Flashing Single Lag Secures Mount to Roof Pre-assembled Ultra Rail L Foot & Clamp Pre-assembled Ultra Rail