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HomeMy WebLinkAbout17902 - 17912 GIants Way SurveyS63°18'39"E 151.67N26°41'21"E 76.50 S26 ° 4 1 ' 2 1 " W 7 6 . 5 0N63°18'39"W 151.675150535249481LEGEND:1. SURVEY PREPARED FROM ALLIANTENGINEERING, INC. GRADING PLAN DATED6/10/21.2. BEARINGS ARE ASSUMED PER PLAT3.BUILDING DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TOOUTSIDE FRAMING OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN.ALL DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS ARE TOBE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD WITH THEARCHITECTURAL PLANS.4.SITE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION ANDBUILDING IS NOT STAKED IN THE FILED ATTHIS TIME. THIS CERTIFICATE IS FORREVIEW AND NOT TO BE USED FORCONSTRUCTION. CERTIFICATE TO BEUPDATED AFTER FIELD STAKING ANDRE-ISSUED.Checked By:Field Crew:Date Staked:Drawn By:Alliant Job #Pulte Job #:TLBuilding 14220-112-Building 14733 Marquette Ave, Ste 700Minneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080 612.758.3099www.alliant-inc.comMAINAlliant Engineering, Inc.FAX--OCTOBER , 2021LANDSCAPE LEGEND:PETER GOERS44110PGI hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me orunder my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LandSurveyor under the laws of the state of Minnesota.____________________________________________________________Print Name____________________________________________________________Signature____________________________________________________________Date License NumberNOTES:The curb box, drain tile cleanout, and catchbasin(if applicable) must be inspected andaccepted before As-Built escrow monies willbe released. All structures must be flushwith the sod. This will be scheduled with thelandscape inspection.ENGINEERING REVIEWEDDate:__________________10/22/2021corlowskyEROSION CONTROLMUST BE INSTALLEDBEFORE EXCAVATION*Maintain 6" between bottom of siding and sod.*No structures in easements.Planning DepartmentApprovedDate:__________________12/08/2021kjenson